SACCSIV – blog ortodox

MAREA BRITANIE: Scolile religioase anti homosexualitate vor fi inchise …

Posted in Uncategorized by saccsiv on noiembrie 7, 2014

NOUA ORDINE MONDIALA se edifica sub ochii nostrii intr-un ritm din ce in ce mai alert, tot soiul de legi implementandu-se in acest sens pe tot Pamanul, unele state chiar exceland pe experimentarea pana dincolo de limitele suportabilitatii a unora dintre puntele esentiale din agenda de lucru a illuminatilor.

Putine state sunt insa precum Marea Britanie, ce pare a dori cu orice pret sa fie varf de lance pe intreg spectrul.

   Iata ce putem citi la Faith schools which ‘indoctrinate’ children against homosexuality face being closed down under new Government rules:
Scolile religioase care “indoctrineaza” copiii impotriva homosexualitatii risca sa fie inchise, in conformitate cu noile norme emise de Guvern

Scolile care “indoctrineaza elevii impotriva persoanelor gay” se vor confrunta cu desfiintarea, conform noilor norme menite sa promoveze “valorile britanice”, a declarat astăzi guvernul.

Departamentul de Educație a insistat asupra faptului ca sugestia conform careia cadrele didactice ar trebui sa tina lectii cu privire la drepturile homosexualilor este “aberanta”.
Un purtator de cuvant al Educatiei sustine ca Inspectoratul Ofsted (The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills) a introdus noile norme pentru a genera intriga islamistilor radicali impotriva elevilor din Birmingham, aceasta decizie fiind justificata de necesitatea ca scolile britanice sa nu devina un mediu propice de dezvoltare a homofobiei.
De asemenea, Inspectoratul este indreptatit sa inlature fenomenul de indoctrinare in scoli, unde elevii ar putea fi invatati ca persoanele gay sunt inferioare. “Același lucru este valabil pentru scolile in care fetele stau separat in partea din spate a clasei. Ambele sunt practici aflate in contradictie cu valorile britanice fundamentale de toleranta si respect. Noi credem ca scolile ar trebui sa isi pregăteasca elevii pentru viata intr-o Britanie moderna. Un curriculum larg si echilibrat este imperios necesar pentru atingerea acestui obiectiv”.
Cu toate acestea, purtatorul de cuvant al secretarului Educatiei declara ca ar fi absurd sa ne gandim ca elevilor le vor fi predate drepturile gay-lor.

Secretarul laburist al Educatiei, Tristram Hunt, afirma ca doamna Morgan (secretarul Educatiei) “în mod evident nu considera ca drepturile LGBT sunt valori britanice”. El a declarat ca” sexul obligatoriu si educatia despre relatii, inclusiv despre drepturile LGBT, este un lucru de bun simt care ar trebui sa se produca in toate scolile, nicidecum o aberatie. Nicky Morgan ar trebui sa-mi cer scuze pentru jignirea pe care mi-a produs-o cu afirmatia ca obligativitatea ca toate scolile sa predea drepturile homosexualilor este o prostie”.
Declaratia a venit după ce secretarul Educatiei -Nicky Morgan- care saptamana trecuta a declarat ca ulterior s-a razgandit in privinta casatoriilor gay, in prezent fiind de acord cu acestea – a avertizat scolile sa fie open-minded.
Ea a declarat pentru Sunday Times ca scolile trebuie sa invete elevii sa respecte celelalte persoane, chiar daca nu se pot pune de acord cu acestea.
Inspectorul Sef Sir Michael Willshaw va marca spre inchidere toate scolile care nu “promoveaza activ” valorile britanice.
Doamna Morgan a spus: “Eu as fi crezut ca acest lucru este un principiu cu care marea majoritate a oamenilor va fi de acord. Toate scolile, indiferent de profil, au datoria de a proteja tinerii si de a se asigura ca acestia vor parasi scoala pe deplin pregatiti pentru viata in Marea Britanie modernă. Aceste valori – democratia, statul de drept, libertatea individuala, precum si respectul reciproc si toleranta pentru cei cu credinte si convingeri diferite – nu sunt noi. Cerinta de a le “promova in mod activ” este menita sa consolideze importanta pe care guvernul o acorda acestor valori.” Scolile au fost avertizate ca daca nu reusesc sa urmeze noile norme privind valorile britanice vor fi judecate si se pot confrunta cu desfiintarea de catre inspectorii Ofsted.
Masura cere inspectii Ofsted sponane la 40 de școli, inclusiv cele crestine si evreiesti. Acestea au fost propuse spre schimbare, ca parte a eforturilor guvernului de combatere a extremismului.
Doamna Morgan se bucura de sprijinul Inspectorului sef Sir Michael Wilshaw care spune ca orice scoala suspectata de a nu preda un curriculum larg si echilibrat, de neindeplinirea standardelor sau ca nu pregateste copiii pentru viata in Marea Britanie moderna se va confrunta cu inspectii neanuntate.
Pentru prima data, aceste reguli acorda inspectorilor puterea de a retrage autorizatia scolilor ai caror profesori incalca Legea privind egalitatea de sanse, sau nu incurajeaza respectul pentru lesbiene, homosexuali si transsexuali, precum si cel pentru alte religii si rase.

   Comentariu saccsiv:

Drepturi? Doar pentru homosexuali sau pentru orice e de natura sa strice omul:

In noile pasapoarte din Anglia nu mai exista denumirea de mama si tata, ci de „Parinte 1” si „Parinte 2” …

MAREA BRITANIE: copiii vor învata de la patru ani despre homosexualitate, la orele de matematica, geografie, stiinte sau engleza …

MAREA BRITANIE: Manuale, planse, filme si carti cu CONTINUT SEXUAL explicit pentru COPII DE CINCI ANI …

Marea Britanie: COPII DE 9 ANI pot primi un medicament ce-i pregateste pentru operatia de SCHIMBARE A SEXULUI

In rest, edificarea unui sistem draconic de natura a depasi in curand orice ati citit despre bolsevism:


Vigilenta: BEZNA ANGLIEI nu trebuie deranjata de LUMINA. Iata ce nu trebuie sa faca ortodocsii din Londra de Slujba Invierii …

SISTEM SATANIC – primul pas: Crestinilor li se interzice sa ia copii in plasament, deoarece considera ca homosexualitatea este un pacat … Al doilea pas: CRESTINILOR LI SE VOR LUA COPII, din acelasi motiv?

In Marea Britanie se poate interzice folosirea in public a crucilor crestine. Biserica Ortodoxa Rusa acuza Marea Britanie de CRESTINOFOBIE

MAREA BRITANIE, din ce in ce mai tacanita: Colindele de Craciun vor fi „interzise” din cauza pericolelor reprezentate de straini …

MAREA BRITANIE SATANICA: Un medic ar putea ramane fara dreptul de practica, dupa ce a fost acuzat de un pacient ca a incercat sa-l converteasca la crestinism

O asistenta britanica risca sa fie CONCEDIATA din cauza unei „PERICULOASE” CRUCIULITE de la gat …



Moartea familiei traditionale


Un judecator obliga o adolescenta de 13 ani sa avorteze, impotriva dorintei ei

Parintii britanici au mai pierdut un drept: elevii vor participa la CURSURI OBLIGATORII de promovare a contraceptiei, avortului si homosexualitatii

Articolul zilei (08.06.2009): ANGLIA SCRANTITA – Unei mame i se refuza dreptul de a fi mama pe motiv ca este prea proasta

SISTEM TICALOSIT: La doua politiste prietene li s-a interzis sa mai aiba grija una de copilul celeilalte

Unei familii i s-au luat copii deoarece erau prea grasi

VIDEO – MAREA BRITANIE: Li s-a luat copilul pentru că refuzau să îi dea ciocolată!


Ce drepturi mai are cetateanul britanic in casa sa?

“If you suspect it, report it”, campania anti-terorista paranoica si orwelliana a politiei londoneze

Hotii de ADN-uri: politia aresteaza nevinovati doar pentru a smulge detalii genetice pentru baza de date Big Brother. In Marea Britanie, desigur …


FOTO: POLITIA londoneza a pus AFISE pe vitrinele spatiilor internet café, care avertizeaza SA NU CARE CUMVA SA INTRATI PE SITE-URI EXTREMISTE

   Cititi va rog si:

Marea Britanie, exemplu sinistru a ceea ce va fi societatea planetara de maine

Marea Britanie, exemplu sinistru a ceea ce va fi societatea planetara de maine (partea 2)

   Cum de e Marea Britanie number 1 in edificarea NOII ORDINI MONDIALE?

Regalitatea Britanica Moderna: eugenisti, nazisti si neo-feudali


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18 răspunsuri

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  1. anonim said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 12:07 pm

    SLAVA DOMNULUI ca traim aceste vremuri .ocazie mare de mucenicie

    crestini nu fiti rog ajutati-ma cu sabia cuvantului ..marturisiti si voi adevarul aici>


  2. anonim said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 12:08 pm

    si la noi pe buletin nu mai ai mama si tata sa nu deranjeze sodomitiii din ue si din ro!!!


  3. geo said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 1:23 pm

    More documents have been uncovered (via FOI requests) that show local law enforcement agencies in California have been operating cell phone tower spoofers (stingray devices) in complete secrecy and wholly unregulated.

    Sacramento News10 has obtained documents from agencies in San Jose, Oakland, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento and Alameda County — all of which point to stingray deployment. As has been the case in the past, the devices are acquired with DHS grants and put into use without oversight or guidelines to ensure privacy protections. The stingrays in use are mainly limited to collecting data, but as the ACLU points out, many manufacturers offer devices that also capture content.

    When Government Spreads Disease: The 1906 Meat Inspection Act

    ‘Perfectly healthy’ Florida girl, 10, is paralyzed with rare brain infection and can no longer speak – four days after receiving flu shot

    If You Vote — or Don’t Vote — Complain

    The idea that the United States through the events of the Ukrainian Maidan planned to gain control over the Crimea and to remove therefrom Russian Black Sea Fleet, expressed the Italian journalist Maurizio Blondet.

    “The coup d’etat perpetrated in Kiev in February this year had a specific goal: to neutralize the Russian Black Sea Fleet based in Sevastopol, and replace it with the United States Navy,” – writes Maurizio Blondet (Maurizio Blondet) in his article, which was published on the website www.

    Shocking Big Pharma SECRETS Reveal Cancer Cover-Up and Drug Deaths!

    The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is just “another attempt” by the US to create regional economic cooperation that mainly Washington would benefit from, Russian President told Chinese media ahead of his visit to the Nov. 10-11 APEC summit in Beijing.

    A brief history of the TTIP: Stop this corporate plunder

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Tuesday called a local election in eastern regions to be held “under Ukrainian law”.

    “We are ready to clearly define the area where these elections will be held in accordance with the Ukrainian legislation,” Poroshenko said during an emergency meeting of the country’s National Security and Defense Council to discuss the recent vote organized by independence-seeking insurgents which was rejected by Kiev.

    Mayor, Jack Seiller, Defends Law Criminalizing The Feeding Of Homeless People In Public

    Seminars on anal sex now offered at Harvard University

    The student run workshop called ‘What What in the Butt: Anal Sex 101’ is a part of Harvard’s fourth annual student run Sex Week
    One student at Harvard named Molly Wharton told The College Fix she feels as though the classes during Sex Week are ‘downright vulgar’
    ‘Saying we don’t need [the workshop] is like saying we don’t need sex education,’ said the president of Sexual Health Education & Advocacy
    ‘The conservative backlash speaks to the latent homophobia that society thinks so often it has gotten over, and has not,’ he added

    Navy Seal Rob O’Neill claims that he killed CIA asset Osama bin Laden, in 2011.

    The real Bin Laden died in November 2001.

    This ‘fake’ Rob O’Neill story has presumably been written by the CIA.

    And to make the story sound authentic:

    (1) the Pentagon and the Navy Seal Headquarters are pretending to be furious at the naming of Rob O’Neill.

    (2) Rob O’Neill is saying that he is speaking out because he is “losing some of his military benefits by quitting the SEALs after 16 years rather than staying for a full 20 years of service.”

    The real Osama Bin Laden …

    … died of natural causes in December 2001.

    News of Bin Laden’s Death and Funeral 10 days ago

    Islamabad – A prominent official in the Afghan Taliban movement announced yesterday the death of Osama bin Laden, the chief of Al-Qaeda organization, stating that bin Laden suffered serious complications in the lungs and died a natural and quiet death. The official, who asked to remain anonymous, stated to The Observer of Pakistan that he had himself attended the funeral of bin Laden and saw his face prior to burial in Tora Bora 10 days ago. He mentioned that 30 of Al-Qaeda fighters attended the burial as well as members of his family and some friends from the Taleban. In the farewell ceremony to his final rest guns were fired in the air. The official stated that it is difficult to pinpoint the burial location of bin Laden because according to the Wahhabi tradition no mark is left by the grave. He stressed that it is unlikely that the American forces would ever uncover any traces of bin Laden.

    Even Fox News reported Bin Laden was dead in 2001 … until it was decided that a live Bin Laden was more useful to the war hawks than a dead one!

    In 2007, shortly before her own assassination, Benazir Bhutton confirmed that Osama Bin Laden was dead.

    Every Bin Laden shown on TV since then has been a phony to justify wars, TSA, and the loss of your civil protections.

    In one notorious case, the FBI simply took the face from a Spanish politician, photoshopped it, and claimed it was Bin Laden.

    In another case, the CIA openly admitted making fake Bin Laden videos.

    Finally, a photo used to support the claim that a 24 (or 29; the story kept changing) year old woman was Bin Laden’s wife, the Daily Mail published the following photo.

    The European Union is ready give Ukraine lots of money to help pay its multibillion dollar gas debt to Russia, according to the head of the EU office in Russia Vygaudas Usackas.

    “The European Union is allocating up to an unprecedented €11 billion in financial aid to Ukraine,” Vygaudas Usackas said in an interview with the Echo Moscow radio station on Wednesday.

    “We helped to reach agreements between Russia and Ukraine over a wide range of complex gas issues, and both the EU and IMF will continue to allocate sums needed for paying off the Ukrainian gas debt,” he added.

    The EU representative also said that a sovereign and economically independent Ukraine is in the interests of everyone.

    “The Norwegian people have very little experience dealing with minorities… So we have a BIG “job to do” in bringing minorities to them, according to Ervin Kohn.

    Kohn is the President of The Jewish Community in Oslo and the Deputy Director at the Norwegian Center Against Racism.

    The question is, since when did Norwegians decide they needed an organization to solve the “problem” of racism in their country? After all, isn’t Norway a homogenous country?

    Not for long, if Kohn has his way…

    Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: American Politicians Are A Greater Threat to Democracy Than ISIS

    The waters of the Pacific Ocean have been so unusually warm this year that fishermen and researchers from Alaska to California have spied a host of bizarre visitors, from thresher sharks that rarely make it north of Vancouver, B.C., to the northernmost recorded sighting of a skipjack tuna.

    Oceanographers and atmospheric scientists are quick to say the warming waters are not linked to human-caused climate change, but also say what they’ve seen doesn’t match other recognized patterns in ocean conditions.

    They believe the severe warming is due to „natural variability” which is poorly understood – in this case a ridge of high pressure that kept the normally stormy Pacific unusually calm through two winters. That helped prevent cold water at depth from churning up and cooling the ocean surface.

    Did you see this yesterday, by any chance?

    Yeah, me too. Every time I needed to communicate with someone. Facebook cared a great deal whether we voted yesterday. So did Google. Both companies put lots of resources into Election Day. Did you stop to think about why? Or did you just check right in to your local polling place and immediately broadcast your voter-ness, or even your specific votes?

    If I sound cynical and dire, it’s because I am. Sharing my taste in movies with the Grid is one thing, but letting Facebook surveil my political activities is a bridge too far for me. How do you think the company that brought you mass-scale covert relationship manipulation is going to treat precise data about your political leanings?

    At least they didn’t A/B test manipulating voter turnout this time.

    Feds Retaliate against the Bundy Ranch and the Southern Nevada People On Friday October 10th, 2014 a Notice from the federal registry reveals that the federal government is mounting retaliations against the Bundy family and the Southern Nevada people.

    Federal Register / Vol. 79, No.197 Notice, outlines plans to make the Bundy ranch and most of the rest of Southern Nevada, Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs). 90 days from October 10th, 2014 these proposals will become federal law without consent from the Nevada State legislatures or the people of Southern Nevada.

    Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs) are human restricted management areas. ACECs have been a tool used by the federal government to gain further control of large masses of western lands and the resources.

    As proposed, nearly 3 million acres in Southern Nevada will be locked away from the people. This includes most uses on the land (recreational, agricultural or otherwise).

    Is Meat Unhealthy?


    At Dr. McDougall’s Advanced Study Weekend, I had the opportunity to hear a number of researchers and advocates make the case for a „plant-based diet”, which is a diet containing little or no animal foods. Many of them voiced the opinion that animal foods contribute substantially to the primary killers in the US, such as heart disease and cancer. Some of the evidence they presented was provocative and compelling, so it stimulated me to take a deeper look and come to my own conclusions.

    No matter what the health implications of meat eating turn out to be, I respect vegetarians and vegans. Most of them are conscientious, responsible people who make daily personal sacrifices to try to make the world a better place for all of us.


  4. geo said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 1:37 pm

    Halloween horror: Son ‘beheads mum and kicks head across street before jumping in front of train’

    WARNING – GRAPHIC CONTENT: Witnesses were left horrified with some claiming they would need therapy to her over the ‘disgusting’ and ‘gruesome’ sight

    The mystical black-eyed young ones of mythical lore are back in the news headlines again as shared when you look at the video clips below. That are these kids very often show up on people doorstep suddenly? Often called demons as well as the children of Satan, sites such as for instance Snopes have experimented with debunk their presence, and then understand legend keep coming back stronger than ever as each new ‘black-eyed kid sighting’ increases the tale. Known as the essential terrifying animals of 2013, ‘black-eyed kids’ went viral across The united states.

    It’s a fairly great wager that no creature terrified folks more in 2013 than the Black Eyed Kids, along with justification. Encounters using the spooky kiddies have cultivated from a creepy story whispered about on net community forums to major plot points in Hollywood movies, begging issue – will be the BEK’s the brand new Bigfoot? While that remains to be seen, the tales of personal run-ins aided by the black-eyed teenagers keep accumulating within our inbox.. and our nightmares.

    Unfortunately, Your Childhood Cartoons Weren’t As Innocent As You Thought

    Disney is seen around the world as a source of wholesome entertainment for children, but is there a darker side to its productions hidden in plain sight? This article investigates occult references in Disney productions, how society’s values and perception of good and evil are under threat, and the effect this could have on the future of spirituality.

    Question for you: What has black wings, black horns and is associated with darkness? If the first thing that comes to mind is a demon you’re not alone – they’ve been represented like that for centuries. But if you are one of the 35 million or so people who have recently seen Disney’s latest movie Maleficent, you might be feeling a bit confused, or your answer might even be quite different.
    Maleficent’s Disney Origins

    In the credits of Maleficent is the following text:

    “Maleficent” is inspired by the original Disney Sleeping Beauty character

    To make sense of the film then let’s take a quick look at the origins of Disney’s most infamous villain in the 1959 animated movie Sleeping Beauty.

    The following information comes exclusively from my confidential sources as well as European news agencies. Do not expect to be informed, in detail, by the American media, about the unfolding crisis taking place in Europe. The American media is intent on promoting the Ebola hype as a prelude to installing complete medical martial law. Nothing can be allowed to break the concentration of news reports designed to promote an obsessional fear regarding the spread of Ebola with the goal of placing the U.S. under medical martial law. Martial law, in the U.S., is a prerequisite condition in order to force America to accept the coming world war. Therefore, the preconditions which will plunge the nations of the planet into World War III will go largely under-reported in the United States until the last moment.
    Putin’s Plan B

    Yesterday, I reported that Putin has been aligning his new military allies in India, Brazil, Bolivia, El Salvador, Cuba, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, China, and even in South Africa in attempt to force the U.S. to prepare for a Red Dawn scenario here at home in the event that hostilities break out. This was Putin’s version of “Plan B” as he obviously was anticipating the loss of control over Ukraine.

    After the pro-Western forces prevailed in Ukraine’s recent election, Putin wasted no time in putting an approximate 60% embargo of Russian oil and gas shipments into Europe, via Ukraine. An embargo, much like a blockade is an act of war. And war is largely where this present situation is headed.
    The Big Chill

    Gas prices are quickly rising in London. Britain’s energy prices have already soared 18% as of this morning with the announcement that Putin is placing an embargo of energy Russian energy shipments into Europe. It is estimated that Europe gets anywhere from 25% to 33% of its energy needs from Russian sources, much of it via Ukraine.

    With the onset of cold weather, Bulgaria has already reached a ‘crisis’ point with regard to supplying energy to its people. Many nations in Europe are now in crisis mode. b

    It is safe to say that Putin’s response to the Ukraine elections, which favored pro-Western interests, has succeeded in plunging the continent into an energy crisis. This morning, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey and Croatia are reporting the enactment of desperate energy saving measures due to the devastating embargo of Russian gas shipped via Ukraine today. These nations have almost no energy reserves.

    Major shifts in policy are being witnessed within a mere 24 hours of the enactment of the embargo. Croatia said it was temporarily reducing supplies to industrial customers while Bulgaria said it had enough gas for only ‘for a few days’.

    Ebola in Bible Code Predicts…! Plus Doctor Blows Ebola’s Cover and You Won’t Believe His Three Bombshells!

    For More Information See:

    Code For Ebola:

    More on Bible Code For Ebola:


  5. vulturullegionar said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 2:27 pm

    Mai dar saracii astia chiar o iau razna urmand tatalui lor mincinos.
    Doamne pazestene!


  6. Iani said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 3:18 pm

    Este inspaimantator….


  7. mihai444 said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 9:04 pm

    asta seara au anuntat la jurnalul tvr ca vor sa introduca educatia sexuala ca materie obligatorie in scolile din Romania.purtatorii de sortulet se misca din ce in ce mai repede si in Romania.vor sa-i ajunga din urma pe fratii lor din vest.zic asta pt. ca avem stirea cu noul sediu al masoneriei din bulevardul Expozitie,cu siglele pe fata,la vedere.educatia sexuala in scoli e o masura care nu putea sa nu o implementeze si in Romania.face parte din plan.


  8. mihai444 said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 9:04 pm


  9. mihai444 said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 9:05 pm

    clipul de mai sus merita o postare speciala, Vasile 🙂


  10. Ionut said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 11:33 pm

    Romanul are un antidot eficace impotriva demoralizarii pe care i-o provoaca raul generalizat din jurul sau: hazul de necaz.
    Fapt pentru care m-am hotarat sa-mi fac „autodemascarea”: sunt omosexual. Dar, atentie, strict etimologic. Tot asa cum au intelesul cuvintele „omogen” sau „homeostazie”.
    Unele cuvinte, precum „homosexual”, „pedofil”, „zoofil”, au un inteles ce difera de sensul strict etimologic. Alte cuvinte, dimpotriva. De exemplu, „columbofil” nu are nimic comun cu „zoofil”, iar „pedofil” nu are nimic comun cu, de exemplu, „rusofil”.

    Lasand gluma la o parte, situatia din Occident imi aminteste de un banc care tinde sa devina realitate
    Doi homo se intalnesc pe strada. Zice unul:
    – Ai auzit? S-a abrogat legea care ne pedepsea…
    – Si ce daca? Eu lupt in continuare.
    – De ce? Pana cand ai de gand sa mai lupti?
    – Pana cand devine obligatoriu!

    Nu trebuie sa ne miram de ceea ce se intampla in Marea Britanie. Numerosi parlamentari, de „dreapta” sau „stanga”, sunt pervertiti pana in maduva oaselor. Cred ca ar fi bine ca Marea Britanie sa paraseasca UE, avand in vedere cat de „progresisti” sunt in materie de credinta si de morala.


  11. lastunnegru said, on noiembrie 8, 2014 at 10:03 pm

    Șase judecători obligați să oficieze “căsătorii” homosexuale au demisionat


  12. lastunnegru said, on noiembrie 8, 2014 at 10:04 pm

    Un ministru din estul Europei este “mandru” ca este homosexual


  13. lastunnegru said, on noiembrie 8, 2014 at 10:58 pm

    off topic

    NFL ii interzice jucatorului de fotbal american Robert Griffin III sa poarte un tricou cu indemnul ” Known Jesus Known Peace ” – ” Cunoastel pe Iisus Cunoaste pacea ” in timpul unei conferinte de presa. Jucatorul pentru a evita o amanda mare poarta tricoul pe dos.


  14. lastunnegru said, on noiembrie 8, 2014 at 11:13 pm

    Care a fost păcatul sodomiților?


  15. Iani said, on noiembrie 8, 2014 at 11:57 pm

    Ati vazut cum se dau de ceasul mortii ca nu pot vota ? Unii cu Ponta, altii cu Johannis……… Dintre astia doi, nici unul nu a pus problema homosexualizarii, a pervertirii, si nici alte probleme grave care afecteaza tara de 25 de ani, amandoi au aceeasi agenda, este o lupta intre doua tabere dar cu permisiunea stapanilor cu sortulete. Atata timp cat raman slugi plecate, cat isi distruig si tradeaza tara, cat sunt marionete perfecte, li se permite sa se lupte intre ei pentru ciolan, sa se bage reciproc in puscarie, sa isi trimita aplaudacii in strada sa manifesteze pentruy dreptul democratic de a vota…. Si tot asa,….. Mi-e cam sila de toate astea. Nu cred ca mai avem ce spera la nivel national. Poporul roman nu a inteles ce se intampla cu el, e anestziat si indobitocit si degeaba ne agitam cativa.


  16. anonim said, on noiembrie 9, 2014 at 1:21 am

    În paşaportul biometric emis acum la Bucureşti există codul de bare. Fără de el, calculatoarele cititoare nu l-ar recunoaşte. Deci 666 e acolo. Bine înfipt. Iar în simbolul acesta este pitit diavolul. „Hă, hă, hă, rând diverşi întunecaţi la minte, pe ecranele televizoarelor comerciale. Cică stă diavolul în paşapoartele biometrice”. Uite că stă! Duhul rău intră în orice, în afară de potirul în care se află Sfânta Împărtăşanie, că acolo e Hristos şi îl arde cumplit. Încolo, poate intra în orice lucru, inclusiv în orice fiinţă terestră, dacă are îngăduinţă să o facă. Cu atât mai mult, în pecetea lui. Nu poate spune nimeni, nici un ierarh ortodox, teolog, politician, papa, oricine indiferent de rang, că 666 nu e numărul fiarei, pentru că aşa scrie în Sfânta Scriptură. E adevăr revelat. Iar numărul fiarei a fost introdus în paşaportul românului ortodox şi în permisul auto. Urmează încorporarea lui în buletinul electronic până la sfârşitul anului 2011, pentru a ne putea integra în spaţiul Schengen. Un spaţiu concentraţionar, un lagăr electronic sinistru, el însuşi un sistem pecetluit cu 666, ca imperiu desăvârşit al păcatului. Mulţi se bucură de o aşa binefacere: pot circula fără vize, liberi în toată puşcăria, ba chiar şi în America. Pot vinde, pot cumpăra, pot sluji, pot călători după voie. Adică – legaţi cu lanţurile mamonei. Lipsiţi de intimitate în orice secundă a vieţii lor. Dacă ar fi să se aşeze în genunchi, să adreseze o rugăciune de taină Maicii Domnului sau lui Hristos, dintr-o dată şi-ar aminti că momentul se transmite live. Dar nu vor mai putea să facă nici rugăciunea, pentru că sunt lipsiţi şi de Hristos. Cum aşa, doar paşaportul biometric sau buletinul, probabil tot biometric, nu constituie lepădarea prin pecetluire pe mână sau pe frunte? Adevărat! Dar ce, o eviţi pe aceea, primindu-le pe acestea? Te faci frate cu mamona, ca să treci puntea spre rai? Mare eroare. Puntea asta e în altă direcţie. Părintele Paisie Aghioritul ne spune cu durere: „Să înţeleagă că de vor lua buletinul de identitate (n. n., electronic, se înţelege), asta va constitui o cădere” (op. cit., p. 182). Şi bătrânul părinte Adam a suferit o cădere şi nu s-a mai putut des-frăţi de diavol vreo 5541 de ani, până când a coborât Mântuitorul la iad şi l-a scos de acolo. Noi avem toţi căderea lui Adam în sânge. Acum, semnând să ne punem numele în codul de bare, adică ne îngrădim identitatea cu 666, practic nu vom mai avea nume, ci vom fi un număr prins în pecetea fiarei, adăugăm o cădere personală pe lângă desagii de păcate, un acont plătit anticipat lepădării. Acelaşi duhovnic athonit, Părintele Paisie, lămureşte neînţelegerea: „Aici însă e vorba de identitatea mea, este ceva personal; nu mai este ban. Identitatea înseamnă ceea ce înseamnă şi cuvântul; adică cineva se identifică cu cele pe care le declară. Ei pun pe diavolul şi să semnez că îl primesc? […] Buletinul de identitate nu este pecetea; este introducerea pecetluirii” (op. cit. p. 181). Este începutul părţii de mijloc a armei Satanei. Altfel spus, actele electronice, biometrice, amprentările sunt cătuşe preliminare, după care, vrând-nevrând, urmează încătuşarea definitivă. Da, e pe veci! Paşaport către iad!


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