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COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, istoric si lista membrilor (A-D)

Posted in Uncategorized by saccsiv on iulie 31, 2009

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COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, lista membrilor (L-Q)   


   COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS a fost creat in 1921, primul ei director fiind Paul Warburg (membru al celebrei familii de bancheri evrei, unul din fondatorii Federal Reserve). Cei care au stapanit consiliul inca de la inceput sunt Rockefeller family, la infiintarea lui prin John D. Rockefeller, Jr. care l-a si finantat enorm. Finantarile au continuat prin Rockefeller Brothers Fund. In 1949 David Rockefeller devine cel mai tanar director al Council on Foreign Relations, pe care de atunci il stapaneste. A initiat si pregatit figuri importante ale politicii internationale americane, TOTI obligatoriu membri ai consiliului. Printre ultimii: Condoleezza Rice si vice presidintele Dick Cheney. In crearea sa au avut interes si cei de la Morgan.

Consiliul publica bilunarul Foreign Affairs . Evreul Elihu Root, cel ce fusese primul presedinte al Council on Foreign Relations spunea despre publicatie ca este un ghid pentru opinia publica.

Consiliul este strans legat de David Rockefeller Studies Program.

Joseph Kraft fost membru CFR si Trilateral Commission spune despre consiliu ca este Power Elite, condus de oameni cu interese si viziuni similare ce creaza evenimente de pe pozitii invulnerabile aflate in spatele “scenei”.

   Chester Ward, Amiral si fost judecator în Marina Militara SUA, membru în CFR timp de 15 ani spunea:

Scopul principal al CFR este slabirea suveranitatii SUA si a independentei nationale si supunerea ei unui guvern unic mondial.“

Pentru o mai buna intelegere a celor de mai sus, cititi va rog si articolele:

NOUA ORDINE MONDIALA – rezumatul blogului (partea 1)

NOUA ORDINE MONDIALA – rezumatul blogului (partea 2)

Iata lista membrilor din trecut si prezent (A-D):

David L. Aaron                           CFR 1996

Charles Spencer. Abbot                   CFR 1996

Wilder K. Abbott                         CFR

A. Robert Abboud                         CFR 1996

Labeeb M. Abboud                         CFR 1996

James C. Abegglen                        CFR 1996

Rawi Abdelal                             CFR

Elie Abel                                CFR 1996

Keith W. Abell                           CFR

Philip Hauge Abelson                     CFR

Cara L. Abercrombie                      CFR

Gina Kay Abercrombie-Winstanley          CFR

Robert John Abernethy                    CFR 1996

John P. Abizaid                          CFR

Mona Aboelnaga                           CFR

Morris Berthod Abram                     CFR/RS

John P. Abizaid                          CFR

Michael J. Abramowitz                    CFR

Morton Isaac Abramowitz                  CFR

Elliott Abrams                           CFR 1996

Stacey Y. Abrams                         CFR

David M. Abshire                         AC/CFR/TC 1996

Odeh Felix Aburdene                      CFR 1996

Dean Gooderham Acheson                   BB/CFR

Theodore C. Achilles                     AC/BB/CFR

Peter Ackerman                           CFR 1996

John F. Ackers                           CFR

Ray Adam                                 CFR

Gordon M. Adams                          CFR 1996

Michael F. Adams                         CFR

Robert McCormick Adams                   CFR 1996

Ruth Salzman Adams                       CFR

Timothy Dees Adams                       CFR

Carol C. Adelman                         AC/CFR 1996

Kenneth L. Adelman                       CFR 1996

Allen R. Adler                           CFR

Herbert Agar                             AC/CFR

William Agee                             CFR

Vinod K. Aggarwal                        CFR

Harold M. Agnew                          CFR 1996

Robert F. Agostinelli                    CFR 1996

Martin Agronsky                          CFR 1996

William Edward Ahearn                    CFR

Stephanie R. Ahern                       CFR

Kamal Ahmad                              CFR

Laura Ahn                                CFR

Woodrow Ahn                              CFR

C. Michael Aho                           CFR

Alfred L. Aiken                          CFR21

Bernard M Aidinoff                       CFR

Nurith Aizenman                          CFR

Fouad Ajami                              CFR

Anthony B. Akers                         CFR

John F. Akers                            CFR

James Elmer Akins                        CFR

Alexis K. Albion                         CFR

Alice Patterson Albright                 CFR

Rene Albrecht-Carrie                     CFR

Madeleine Korbel Albright                CFR/J

Michael H. Alderman                      CFR

Peter Belmont Alderman                   CFR

George H. Aldrich                        CFR

Winthrop Williams Aldrich                CFR

Archibald S. Alexander                   CFR

Henry C. Alexander                       CFR

James Strange Alexander                  CFR21/S&B 1882

Margo N. Alexander                       CFR

Robert J. Alexander                      CFR

Sarah Elizabeth Alexander                CFR

Roger P. Alford                          CFR

William P Alford                         CFR

Mustafa Javed Ali                        CFR

Paul Arthur Allaire                      BB/CFR/TC

F. Aley Allan                            CFR

Scott Hazzard Allan, Jr.                 CFR

Joe L. Allbritton                        CFR

Charles E. Allen                         CFR

Charles Edward Allen II                  CFR/S&B 1958

F. Aley Allen                            CFR

Frederick Hobbes Allen                   CFR21

J. Michael Allen III                     CFR

Jodi T. Allen                            CFR

Lew Allen Jr (Gen.)                      CFR

Philip E. Allen                          CFR

Raymond B. Allen                         CFR

Richard V. Allen                         CFR

Robert E. Allen                          CFR/TC

William L. Allen                         CFR

James B. Alley                           CFR

Graham Tillety Allison, Jr.              BB/CFR/TC

Richard C. Allison                       CFR

Alexander W. Allport                     CFR

S. C. Allyn                              CFR

Michael Almond                           CFR

Anne L. Alonzo                           CFR

Alan N. Alpern                           CFR

Jonathan Alter                           CFR

Karen J. Alter                           CFR

Jon B. Alterman                          CFR

Roger Altman                             CFR

William C. Altman                        CFR

Arthur Goodhart Altschul                 CFR

Frank Altschul                           CFR21 1984-

David Altshuler                          CFR

Donna Maria Alvarado                     CFR

Jose E. Alvarez                          CFR

Kira M. Alvarez                          CFR

Amy E. Alving                            CFR

Angelo I. Amador                         CFR

Omar S. Amanat                           CFR

Jason L. Amerine                         CFR

Amyas Ames                               CFR

Oakes Ames                               CFR

Hoyt Ammidon                             CFR

Ajay K. Amlani                           CFR

Robert Amory, Jr.                        CFR

Deborah Susan Amos                       CFR

Hady A. Amr                              CFR

David A. Andelman                        CFR

Arthur M. Anderson                       CFR

Barbara Ann Anderson                     CFR

Craig B. Anderson                        CFR

Desaix Anderson                          CFR

Dillon Anderson                          CFR

Edward G. Anderson, III                  CFR

George W. Anderson, Jr.                  CFR

Gloria B. Anderson                       CFR

Harold F. Anderson                       CFR

Harold W. Anderson                       CFR

John Bayard Anderson                     CFR/TC

Joseph A. Anderson                       CFR

Lisa Anderson                            CFR

Marcus A. Anderson (Gen.)                CFR

Paul F. Anderson                         CFR

Robert Bruce Anderson                    CFR

Robert Orville Anderson                  BB/CFR

Roger E. Anderson                        CFR

Wendy R. Anderson                        CFR

Dwayne Orville Andreas                   AC/BB/CFR/TC

Terry Andreas                            CFR

David R. Andrews                         CFR

Michael A. Andrews                       CFR

John S. Andrews                          CFR

James Waterhouse Angell                  CFR

Mark A. Angelson                         CFR

Manual R. Angulo                         CFR

Manuel R. Angulo                         CFR

Norbert L. Anschuetz                     CFR

M Michael Ansour                         CFR

Robert Anthoine                          CFR

John Duke Anthony                        CFR

Nancy A. Aossey                          CFR

David Pushel Apgar                       CFR

Jerry Apodaca                            CFR

Mari Carmen Aponte                       CFR

Kwame Anthony Appiah                     CFR

Anne E. Applebaum                        CFR

David Ernest Apter                       CFR

Rand Vincent Araskog                     CFR/TC

Shellye L. Archambeau                    CFR

Tomas A. Arciniega                       CFR

Cresencio S. Arcos                       CFR

Athony Clark Arend                       CFR

Stanley S. Arkin                         CFR

Roone Arledge                            CFR

Michael Hayden Armacost                  BB/CFR/TC

Norman Armour                            CFR

Anne Legendre Armstrong                  AC/CFR

C. Michael Armstrong                     CFR

DeWitt C. Armstrong III                  CFR

Hamilton Fish Armstrong                  CFR21 1928-

John A. Armstrong                        CFR

Lloyd Armstrong, Jr.                     CFR

Henry H. Armstrong                       CFR

Willis C. Armstrong                      CFR

Gustavo Arnavat                          CFR

Henry H. Arnhold                         CFR

Millard W. Arnold                        CFR

Adam M. Aron                             CFR

Bernard W. Aronson                       CFR

Jonathan David Aronson                   CFR

Michael Aronson                          CFR

Fabiola R. Arredondo                     CFR

Deana Arsenia                            CFR

Adrienne Arsht                           CFR

Robert J. Art                            CFR

Alberta Arthurs                          CFR

Carole Artigiani                         CFR

Edwin Lewis Artzt                        CFR

Max Ascoli                               CFR

Diego C. Asencio                         CFR

Robert E. Asher                          CFR

Sarah Scott Ashton                       CFR

Reza Aslan                               CFR

Ronald D. Asmus                          CFR

Les Aspin                                CFR

Vicki-Ann E. Assevero                    CFR

Harold Pratt Associates                  CFR

George E. Assousa                        CFR

Alfred Leroy Atherton Jr.                CFR

Bama Athreya                             CFR

Benjamin A. Atkins                       CFR

Betsy S. Atkins                          CFR

Caroline Atkinson                        CFR

Sidney Atman                             CFR

William Wallace Atterbury                CFR21

William Attwood                          CFR

J. Brian Atwood                          CFR

M. Genevieve Atwood                      CFR

Henry G. Aubrey                          CFR

James E. Auer                            CFR

Stuart C. Auerbach                       CFR

David D. Aufhauser                       CFR

Norman R. Augustine                      CFR

Bromwell Ault                            CFR

Michael R. Auslin                        CFR

Josiah Lee Auspitz                       CFR

B. L. Austin                             CFR

Paul Austin                              CFR

Jesse H. Ausubel                         CFR

John F. Avedon                           CFR

John E. Avery                            CFR

Patrick G. Awuah, Jr.                    CFR

Robert M. Axelrod                        CFR

H. Brandt Ayers                          CFR

Alyssa C. Ayres                          CFR

Khalid Azim                              CFR

Bruce E. Babbitt                         CFR/TC

Eileen F. Babbitt                        CFR

Harriet C. Babbitt                       CFR

C. Stanton Babcock                       CFR

James L. Bacchus                         CFR

Andrew J. Bacevich                       CFR

Jules S. Bache                           CFR21

George Backer                            CFR

Robert Low Bacon                         CFR21

Kenneth H. Bacon                         CFR

John Carter Bacot                        CFR

John S. Badeau                           CFR

William B. Bader                         CFR

Donald A. Baer                           CFR

M. Delal Baer                            CFR

Mario L. Baeza                           CFR

Elizabeth Frawley Bagley                 CFR

Charles Waldo Bailey                     CFR

Ronald Lewis Bailey                      CFR

Leslie Elizabeth Bains                   CFR

Charles F. Baird                         CFR

Peter W. Baird                           CFR

Zoe Baird                                CFR

Edgar R. Baker                           CFR

George Barr Baker                        CFR21

George P. Baker                          CFR

Howard H. Baker, Jr.                     CFR

James Edgar Baker                        CFR

James Addison Baker III                  AC/CFR

John R. Baker                            CFR

Nancy Kassebaum Baker                    CFR

Pauline H. Baker                         CFR

Ray Stannard Baker                       CFR21

Stewart A. Baker (NSA General Counsel)   CFR

Thurbert E. Baker                        CFR

Shaul Bakhash                            CFR

Peter Bakstansky                         CFR

Paul Balaran                             CFR

Malcolm Baldridge                        CFR

Carol Baldwin Moody                      CFR

David A. Baldwin                         CFR

Hanson W. Baldwin                        CFR

Henry Furlong Baldwin                    CFR

Robert Edwear Baldwin                    CFR

Robert H. B. Baldwin                     CFR

Sherman Baldwin                          CFR

Carter F. Bales                          CFR

Kenneth D. Balick                        CFR

Gerald L. Baliles                        AC/CFR

David George Ball                        CFR/S&B 1960

George Wildman Ball                      BB/CFR

George T. Ballou                         CFR

Roberta Balstad                          CFR

David Baltimore                          CFR

Harding F. Bancroft                      CFR

Laurence Merrill Band                    CFR

Donald K. Bandler                        CFR

Louis L. Banks                           CFR

Mira Radielovic                          CFR

Benjamin R. Barber                       CFR

Charles F. Barber                        CFR

James Alden Barber, Jr.                  CFR

Joseph Barber                            CFR

Perry O. Barber, Jr.                     CFR

James W. Barco                           CFR

William G. Bardel                        CFR

Teresa C. Barger                         CFR

Thomas C. Barger                         CFR

Frederick C. Barghoorn                   CFR

Joel D. Barkan                           CFR

James M. Barker                          CFR

John P Barker                            CFR

Robert R. Barker                         CFR

Henri J. Barkey                          CFR

Solomon Barkin                           CFR

Erica Jean Barks-Ruggles                 CFR

William E. Barlow                        CFR

William J. Barnds                        CFR

Joseph Fels Barnes                       CFR

Harry G. Barnes Jr.                      CFR

Julius H. Barnes                         CFR21

Michael D. Barnes (D-Md)                 CFR

Richard J. Barnet                        CFR

A. Doak Barnett                          CFR

Edward W. Barnett                        CFR

F.William Barnett                        CFR

Frank R. Barnett                         CFR

Robert W. Barnett                        CFR

Vicent M. Barnett, Jr.                   CFR

F. William Barnett                       CFR

Raenu Barod                              CFR

Michael S. Barr                          CFR

Robert I. Barr                           CFR21

Thomas D. Barr                           CFR

Harry P. Barrand, Jr.                    CFR

Barbara McConnell Barrett                CFR

Edward W. Barrett                        AC/CFR

John Adams Barrett                       CFR

Nancy Smith Barrett                      CFR

Leland Barrows                           CFR

Grace Barry                              CFR

John L. Barry                            CFR

Lisa B. Barry                            CFR

Nancy M Barry                            CFR

Thomas Corcoran Barry                    CFR

Jill Barshay                             CFR

Charlene Barshefsky                      CFR

Reginald Bartholomew                     AC/CFR

Joseph W. Bartlett                       CFR

Thomas A. Bartlett                       CFR

Timothy J. Bartlett                      CFR

Kristen Leigh Bartok                     CFR

Robert Leroy Bartley                     BB/CFR/TC

David A. Bartsch                         CFR

Jacques Barzun                           CFR

Albert C. Bashawaty                      CFR

John T. Basek                            CFR

Jeremy B. Bash                           CFR

Adrian Anthony Basora                    CFR

Gary J. Bass                             CFR

James Edward Bass                        S&B 1982/CFR

Peter E. Bass                            CFR

Robert P. Bass, Jr.                      CFR

Warren Bass                              CFR

Francis Keith Bassolino                  CFR

Whitman Bassow                           CFR

Philip Bastedo                           CFR

William H. Bateman                       CFR

Marston Bates                            CFR

Pamela M. Bates                          CFR

Dana T. Batholomew                       CFR

Allan R. Batkin                          CFR

Francis M. Bator                         CFR

Peter A. Bator                           CFR

Charles Battaglia                        CFR

Lucius D. Battle                         CFR

Joanne R. Bauer                          CFR

Carol Edler Baumann                      CFR

Roger R. Bauman                          CFR

William H. Baumer                        CFR

James P. Baxter III                      CFR

Randolph. Baxter                         CFR

Richard R. Baxter                        CFR

Birch E. Bayh, Jr.                       CFR

Edward Ashley Bayne                      CFR

Gerald F. Beal                           CFR

Jacob D. Beam                            CFR

Atherton Bean                            CFR

Frank D. Bean                            CFR

Ronald S. Beard                          CFR

Nancy Bearg-Dyke                         CFR

Richard I. Beattie                       CFR

Warren Beatty                            CFR

Amos L. Beaty                            CFR21

Hans W. Becherer                         CFR

Perry S. Bechky                          CFR

Stephen Davison Bechtel, Jr.             CFR

Steven Davison Bechtel                   CFR

Elizabeth H. Becker                      CFR

Loftus E. Becker                         CFR

Benjamin H. Beckhart                     CFR

David Z. Beckler                         CFR

Pierre Bedard                            CFR

Gregory R. Bedrosian                     CFR

Frederick Sessions Beebe                 BB/CFR

Richard E. Beeman                        CFR

Samuel H. Beer                           CFR

Andrea D. Begel                          CFR

Louis Begley                             CFR

Michael P.Behringer                      CFR

Jack N. Behrman                          CFR

Thomas C. Beierle                        CFR

David O. Beim                            CFR

Nicholas F. Beim                         CFR

William S. Beinecke                      CFR

Ruth Margolies Beitler                   CFR

Nancy Yavor Bekavac                      CFR

Robert A. Belfer                         CFR

Peter I. Belk                            CFR

Burwell B. Bell                          CFR

Daniel W. Bell                           CFR

David Elliot Bell                        BB/CFR

Elliott Vance Bell                       BB/CFR 1953-

Gordon P. Bell                           CFR

Holley Mack Bell                         CFR

J. Bowyer Bell                           CFR

Jonathan N. Bell                         CFR

Joseph C. Bell                           CFR

Mack Bell                                CFR

Peter Dexter Bell                        CFR

Robert G. Bell                           CFR

Ruth Greenspan Bell                      CFR

Stephen E. Bell                          CFR

Thomas D. Bell                           CFR

Carol Bellamy                            CFR

John B. Bellinger III                    CFR

Judith Hippler Bello                     CFR

Stephanie K. Bell-Rose                   CFR

Terence H. Benbow                        CFR

Matthew J .V. Bencke                     CFR

Harry J. Benda                           CFR

Gerald J. Bender                         CFR

Bertha Benedict                          CFR

Harry E. Benedict                        AC/CFR

Kennette M. Benedict                     CFR

Marc R.Benioff                           CFR

Esther T. Benjamin                       CFR

Robert S. Benjamin                       CFR

Robert H. Benmosche                      CFR

Douglas J. Bennet Jr.                    CFR

Andrew Bennett                           CFR

Christina Anne Bennett                   CFR

Donald V. Bennett                        CFR

Jack F. Bennett                          CFR

John C. Bennett                          CFR

Martin Toscan Bennett                    CFR

Susan J. Bennett                         CFR

William B. Bennett                       CFR

Nora J. Bensahel                         CFR

Janet Benshoof                           CFR

Lucy Peters Wilson Benson                AC/CFR/TL

William B. Benton                        CFR

Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr.                    BB/CFR

Tristan E. Beplat                        CFR

Bernard R. Berelson                      CFR

Douglas K. Bereuter                      CFR

Margaret Bergen                          CFR

Peter Bergen                             CFR

Joshua A. Berger                         CFR

Marilyn Berger                           CFR

Morroe Berger                            CFR

Peter Lampert Berger                     CFR

Samuel Richard („Sandy”) Berger          BB/CFR/J

Suzanne Berger                           CFR

Lowell A. Bergman                        CFR

Abram Bergson                            CFR

C. Fred Bergsten                         BB/CFR/TC

Helle Bering                             CFR

Seth F. Berkley                          CFR

L. V. Berkner                            CFR

Bruce D. Berkowitz                       CFR

Pamela B. Berkowsky                      CFR

Adolf A. Berle, Jr.                      CFR

Adolf Augustus Berle                     CFR

Howard L. Berman (D-Ca)                  CFR

John S. Berman                           CFR

Jonathan Berman                          CFR

Kenneth W. Bernard                       CFR

John E. Berndt                           CFR

David S. Bernstein                       CFR

Edward M. Bernstein                      CFR

Peter W. Bernstein                       CFR

Robert L. Bernstein                      CFR

Tom A. Bernstein                         CFR

John G. Berquist                         CFR21

Susan Vail Berresford                    CFR/TC

Scott D. Berrie                          CFR

Jan Carol Berris                         CFR

Elizabeth Clay Berry                     CFR

Sidney B. Berry                          CFR

Alan D. Bersin                           CFR

Edward M. Berstein                       CFR

Robert L. Berstein                       CFR

Catherine Ann Bertini                    CFR

Samuel Reading Bertron                   CFR21/S&B 1885

Gary K. Bertsch                          CFR

Peter Justus Beshar                      CFR

Simon Michael Bessie                     CFR

William A. Best III                      CFR

Robert M. Bestani                        CFR

Theodore C. Bestor                       CFR

Robert M. Bestani                        CFR

Richard K. Betts                         CFR

Thomas J. Betts                          CFR

Austin M. Beutner                        CFR

Herman W. Bevis                          CFR

Jeffrey Bewkes                           CFR

John C. Beyer                            CFR

Kian Beyzavi                             CFR

Raj Bhala                                CFR

Karan K. Bhatia                          CFR

Seweryn Bialer                           CFR

Kenneth J. Bialkin                       CFR

Jeffrey P. Bialos                        CFR

Nicole M. Bibbins                        CFR

Jewelle Bickford                         CFR

Barbara Bicksler                         CFR

George C. Biddle                         CFR

Percy W. Bidwell                         CFR

Stephen E. Biegun                        CFR

Eric R. Biel                             CFR

Betsy Biemann                            CFR

Henry S. Bienen                          CFR

Abraham L. Bienstock                     CFR

John C. Bierley                          CFR

Biersteker                               CFR

David J. Biggs                           CFR

John H. Biggs                            CFR

Peter I. Bijur                           CFR

Richard B. Bilder                        CFR

Michelle Billig                          CFR

Lucy C. Billingsley                      CFR

James H. Billington                      CFR

James D. Bindenagel                      CFR

James Henry Binger                       CFR

Jonathan Brewster Bingham                CFR/S&B 1936

Nicholas Burns Binkley                   CFR

Hans Binnendijk                          CFR

Nancy Birdsall                           CFR

Roger E. Birk                            CFR

John P. Birkelund                        CFR

David E. Birenbaum                       CFR

Eugene A. Birnbaum                       CFR

Sanford D. Bishop, Jr.                   CFR

William B. Bishop                        CFR

Richard M. Bissell, Jr.                  CFR

Eric C. Bjornlund                        CFR

Cathleen P. Black                        CFR

Cyril E. Black                           CFR

Edwin F. Black                           CFR

Eugene Robert Black                      BB/CFR

Joseph E. Black                          CFR

Leon D. Black                            CFR

Peter Black                              CFR

Shirley Temple Black                     CFR

Stanley Warren Black                     CFR

Leigh J. Blackburn                       CFR

Coit Dennis Blacker                      CFR

William Blackie                          CFR

Donald L. M. Blackmer                    CFR

J. Kenneth Blackwell                     CFR

James A Blackwell Jr.                    CFR

Robert D. Blackwill                      CFR

Norman P. Blake                          CFR

Robert O. Blake                          CFR

Charles P. Blahous III                   CFR

Floyd G. Blair                           CFR

Robert Orris Blake                       CFR

Jonah Blank                              CFR

Stephen Blank                            CFR

Andrew Blauvelt                          CFR

Barry M. Blechman                        CFR

Jeffrey L. Bleich                        CFR

Edward Bleier                            CFR

Robert Jay Blendon                       CFR

Alan Stuart Blinder                      CFR

Alan John Blinken                        CFR

Antony J. Blinken                        CFR

Donald M. Blinken                        CFR

C. I. Bliss                              CFR

Katherine E. Bliss                       AC/CFR

Bruce Bliven                             CFR21

Julia Chang Bloch                        CFR

Alyse Nelson Bloom                       CFR

David A. Bloom                           CFR

Evan Todd Bloom                          CFR

Mia M. Bloom                             CFR

Michael R. Bloomberg                     CFR

Lincoln P. Bloomfield                    CFR

Richard Joseph Bloomfield                CFR

Kathy Finn Bloomgarden                   CFR

Roger M. Blough                          CFR

Roy Blough                               CFR

John A. Blum                             CFR

Richard C. Blum                          CFR

George Blumenthal                        CFR21

Richard Blumenthal                       CFR

Sidney S. Blumenthal                     CFR

Werner Michael Blumenthal                CFR/TC J

Alexander Bernet Blumrosen               CFR

Arthur G. Boardman, Jr.                  CFR

Harry Boardman                           CFR

Daniel E. Bob                            CFR

Philip Chase Bobbitt                     CFR

Louis Boccardi                           CFR

Daniel M. Bodansky                       CFR

Ken A. Bode                              CFR

Andy Sorin Bodea                         CFR

William C. Bodie                         CFR

Nancy Bodurtha                           CFR

Paul H. Boeker                           CFR

Pieter James Alexander Boelhouwer        CFR

Harold Boeschenstein                     CFR

William W. Boeschenstein                 CFR

Carroll R. Bogert                        CFR

Norbert A. Bogdan                        CFR

Michael D. Boggs                         CFR

Frederick M. Bohen                       CFR

Avis T. Bohlen                           CFR

Charles E. Bohlen                        CFR

Mrs. Avis T. Bohlen                      CFR

John Augustus Bohn                       CFR

Landrum R. Bolling                       CFR

Lee C. Bollinger                         CFR

Martin J. Bollinger                      CFR

Charles G. Bolte                         CFR

Joshua B. Bolten                         CFR

John R. Bolton                           CFR

William P. Bonbright                     CFR21

George Clement Bond                      CFR

Jean Carey Bond                          CFR

Robert D. Bond                           CFR

Amy L. Bondurant                         CFR

C. H. Bonesteel III                      CFR

Andrea Bonime-Blanc                      CFR

Rober C. Bonner                          CFR

Dennis J. Bonney                         CFR

Dudley B. Bonsal                         CFR

Philip W. Bonsal                         CFR

Cory A. Booker                           CFR

Salih Booker                             CFR

John F. Bookout                          CFR

Howard L. Boorman                        CFR

Max Boot                                 CFR

Carter Booth                             CFR

Albert C. Boothby                        CFR

Arnaud De Borchgrave                     CFR

David Lyle Boren (D-Ok)                  CFR/S&B

Christopher J. Borgen                    CFR

Luciana L. Borio                         CFR

Ellen Bork                               CFR

Hugh Borton                              CFR

Rudy Boschwitz (R-Mn)                    CFR

David Lyndon Bosco                       CFR

Meena Bose                               CFR

Philip A. Bossert Jr.                    CFR

Alfred C. Bossom                         CFR21

Stephen W. Bosworth                      CFR

John C. Botts                            CFR

Peter N. Bouckaert                       CFR

Jo Ivey Boufford                         CFR

Antonina W. Bouis                        CFR

Kay Boulware-Miller                      CFR

Marshall M. Bouton                       CFR

Denis A. Bovin                           CFR

Vincent E. Bowen III                     CFR

William Gordon Bowen                     CFR

Joseph Lyon Bower                        CFR

Whitney A. Bower                         CFR

John C. Bowers                           CFR

John Z. Bowers                           CFR

Robert Richardson Bowie                  BB/CFR/TC

David William Bowker                     CFR

Chester („Chet”) Bliss Bowles            AC/CFR

Erskine B. Bowles                        CFR

Frank Bowles                             CFR

Frank Lee Bowman                         CFR

Isaiah Bowman                            CFR21 1921-1950

Bradley L. Bowman                        CFR

Richard C. Bowman                        CFR

Charles G. Boyd                          CFR

Hugh N. Boyd                             CFR

William M. Boyd II                       CFR

Spencer Phipps Boyer                     CFR

Delia M. Boylan                          CFR

Paul Bracken                             CFR

Richard S. Braddock                      CFR

John Brademas                            BB/CFR/RS/TC

Spruille Braden                          CFR

Thomas W. Braden                         CFR

Richard Bradfield                        CFR

Amory Howe Bradford                      CFR/S&B 1934

Zeb B. Bradford                          CFR

David G. Bradley                         CFR

Edward R. Bradley                        CFR

Tom Bradley                              CFR/TC

William („Bill”) Bradley                 CFR/RS

William L. Bradley                       CFR

Sonnefeldt Bradshaw                      CFR

Thorton F. Bradshaw                      CFR/CR

Jacqueline V. Brady                      CFR

Linda Parrish Brady                      CFR

Nicholas Frederick Brady                 BB/CFR

William Gage Brady, Jr.                  CFR

Rose Brady                               CFR

Lawrence J. Brainard                     CFR

S. Lael Brainard                         CFR

Paul J. Braisted                         CFR

David A. Bramlett                        CFR

Jeff G. Bramlett                         CFR

W. F. Bramstedt                          CFR

Elizabeth R. Bramwell                    CFR

Daniel H. Branch                         CFR

Lewis M. Branscomb                       CFR

Louise Branson                           CFR

William H. Branson                       CFR

Marcus W. Brauchli                       CFR

David Braunschvig                        CFR

Kimberly G. Braswell                     CFR

Carter M. Braxton                        CFR

Aurelia E. Brazeal                       CFR

Henry C. Breck                           CFR

Henry Reynolds Breck                     CFR

Henry Eltinge Breed                      CFR

Eric M. Breindel                         CFR

L. Paul Bremer III                       CFR

Ian A. Bremmer                           CFR

Donald G. Brennan                        CFR

Charles H. Brent                         CFR21

George W. Breslauer                      CFR

John J. Bresnan                          CFR

Albert Breton                            CFR21

Gretchen Wilson Brevnov                  CFR

John D. Brewer                           CFR

Kingman Brewster, Jr.                    BB/CFR

Chloe A. Breyer                          CFR

Steve G. Breyer                          CFR

Norman Bridge                            CFR21

Sudaa Ayo Bridgett                       CFR

Peter L. Briger, Jr.                     CFR

Reuben E. Brigety II                     CFR

Everett Ellis Briggs                     CFR

Andrew Felton Brimmer                    CFR

Esther Diane Brimmer                     CFR

Charles M. Brinckerhoff                  CFR

David Brinkley                           CFR

Douglas G. Brinkley                      CFR

George A. Brinkley                       CFR

Crane Brinton                            CFR

William M. Bristol                       CFR

David V.B. Britt                         CFR

Glenn A. Gritt                           CFR

Alfred Brittain III                      CFR

Raymond L. Brittenham                    CFR

Dennis a. Britton                        CFR

Robin Broad                              CFR

Harry G. Broadman                        CFR

Mitchell Brock                           CFR

Steven V. Brock                          CFR

William E. Brock III                     CFR/TC

Laura M. Brod                            CFR

Frederick C. Broda                       CFR

William J. Brodsky                       CFR

Christopher W. Brody                     CFR

Kenneth D. Brody                         CFR

Elana Broitman                           CFR

Thomas John („Tom”) Brokaw               CFR

Randolph W. Bromery                      CFR

D. Allen Bromley                         CFR

Edgar Miles Bronfman                     CFR

Detlev Wulf Bronk                        AC/CFR

Ethan S. Bronner                         CFR

Rachel Bronson                           CFR

Arthur Bronwell                          CFR

Edward W. Brooke                         BB/CFR

Richard Brookhiser                       CFR

Carol L. Brookins                        AC/CFR

Harvey Brooks                            CFR

John W. Brooks                           CFR

Karen B. Brooks                          CFR

Risa A. Brooks                           CFR

Stephen G. Brooks                        CFR

Melvin Brorby                            CFR

John A. Bross                            CFR

Charles N. Brower                        CFR

Alice L. Brown                           CFR

Bartram S. Brown                         CFR

Brian A. Brown                           CFR

Carroll Michael Brown                    CFR

Courtney C. Brown                        CFR

Cynthia Brown                            CFR

Elmer E. Brown                           CFR21

Francis Brown                            CFR

Frederic J. Brown                        CFR

Gwendolyn A. Brown                       CFR

Harold Brown                             AC/CFR/TC/J

Harrison Scott Brown                     CFR

Irving Brown                             BB/CFR

John Mason Brown                         CFR

Katherine A. Brown                       CFR

Kathleen Brown                           CFR

L. Carl Brown                            CFR

Lester R. Brown                          CFR

Michael Arrington Brown                  CFR

Michael E. Brown                         CFR

Philip Marshall Brown                    CFR21

Phoebe W. Brown                          CFR

Richard P. Brown Jr.                     CFR

Sevellon Brown                           CFR

Seyom Brown                              CFR

Tobias Josef Brown                       CFR

Walter Lyman Brown                       CFR

William O. Brown                         CFR

Robert S. Browne                         CFR

George A. Brownell                       CFR

Lincoln C. Brownell                      CFR

David S. Browning                        CFR

David K. E. Bruce                        BB/CFR

James Bruce                              CFR

Judith Bruce                             CFR

Melissa L. S. Bruemmer                   CFR

Russell J. Bruemmer                      CFR

Leslie A. Brun                           CFR

Percival F. Brundage                     AC/CFR

Gro Harlem Bruntland                     CFR

Henry J. Bruton                          CFR

Greyson L. Bryan                         CFR

Michael E. Bryant                        CFR

Ralph C. Bryant                          CFR

John E. Bryson                           CFR

Lyman Bryson                             AC/CFR

Ian J. Brzezinski                        CFR

Mark F. Brzezinski                       CFR

Zbigniew Brzezinski                      BB/CFR/TC

Roberto Buaron                           CFR

Paul W. Bucha                            CFR

Mark E. Buchman                          CFR

Elaine Buckberg                          CFR

William Frank Buckley, Jr.               BB/S&B 1950/CFR

J. Fred Bucy                             CFR

Bruce Bueno de Mesquita                  CFR

Thomas Buergenthal                       CFR

William B. Buffum                        CFR

Arthur Bullard                           CFR21

George Bugliarello                       CFR

Harry A. Bullis                          CFR

John C. Bullitt                          CFR

Hugh Bullock                             CFR

Mary Brown Bullock                       CFR

Stuart Maryman Bumpas                    CFR

Ralph Johnson Bunche                     CFR

McGeorge Bundy                           BB/CFR/S&B 1940

William Putman Bundy                     S&B 1939/CFR/B

Arthur H. Bunker                         AC/CFR

Ellsworth Bunker                         AC/CFR

C. Sterling Bunnell                      CFR

John R. Bunting, Jr.                     CFR

Josiah Bunting                           CFR

Jeffrey H. Bunzel                        CFR

Deborah K. Burand                        CFR

David A. Burchinal                       CFR

William A. Burck                         CFR

William Burden                           CFR

William Armestead Moale Burden           AC/CFR 1945

Carter L. Burgess                        CFR

Geoffrey P. Burgess                      CFR

John A. Burgess                          CFR

W. Randolph Burgess                      AC/BB/CFR/CPD

James Eugene Burke III                   CFR/S&B 1975/TC

Holly J. Burkhalter                      CFR

Frederick Burkhardt                      CFR

Edward L. Burlingame                     CFR

Christopher J. Burn                      CFR

John G. Burnett                          CFR

Christopher Burnham                      CFR

James H. Burnley IV                      CFR

Arthur F. Burns                          AC/CFR/J

James MacGregor Burns                    CFR

Patrick Owen Burns                       CFR

R. Nicholas Burns                        CFR

William F. Burns (Gen.)                  CFR

William J. Burns (State Dept.)           CFR

Mathew Burrows                           CFR

Richard Burt                             CFR

Daniel Farrell Burton Jr.                CFR

Rodgers Christopher Busbee               CFR

Joshua W. Busby                          CFR

Donald F. Bush                           CFR

George Herbert Walker Bush               AC/CFR/S&B 1948/TC

Jonathan S. Bush                         CFR

Mary K. Bush                             CFR

Richard C. Bush III                      CFR

Rolland H. Bushner                       CFR

Donald S. Bussey                         CFR

John Bussey                              CFR

George L. Bustin                         CFR

James Busuttil                           CFR

Willard C. Butcher                       CFR

George Lee Butler (Gen.)                 CFR

Paul W. Butler                           CFR

Samuel C. Butler                         CFR

William Joseph Butler                    CFR

William F. Butler                        CFR

Benjamin J. Buttenwieser                 CFR/J

W. Walton Butterworth                    CFR

William Butterworth                      CFR21

Ralph Buultjens                          CFR

Richard M. Buxbaum                       CFR

Gail Buyske                              CFR

Kahlil J. Byrd                           CFR

James MacGregor Byrne                    CFR21

Patrick M. Byrne                         CFR

Robert F. Byrnes                         CFR

Henry A. Byroade                         CFR

Fletcher L. Byrom                        CFR/CR

Richard A. Cabell                        CFR

Elizabeth Cabot                          CFR

Henry B. Cabot                           AC/CFR

John M. Cabot                            CFR

Louis Wellington Cabot                   BB/CFR

Thomas Dudley Cabot                      CFR

Jose A. Cabranes                         CFR

Diane Alleva Caceres                     CFR

Camille M. Caesar                        CFR

Jane Cahill                              CFR

Kevin M. Cahill                          CFR

Anne Hessing Cahn                        CFR

Frank V. Cahouet                         CFR

Charles Cain, Jr.                        CFR

Kenneth L. Cain                          CFR

Dawn T. Calabia                          CFR

F. Christopher Calabia                   CFR

Massimo Calabresi                        CFR

Alexander Calder,Jr.                     CFR

Kent Eyring Calder                       CFR

Louis E. Caldera                         CFR

Dan Caldwell                             CFR

Philip Caldwell                          CFR

Robert G. Caldwell                       CFR

Robert J. Caldwell                       CFR21

Alexander D. Calhoun                     CFR

Craig J. Calhoun                         CFR

Michael J. Calhoun                       CFR

Joseph A. Califano Jr.                   CFR

Daniel Calingaert                        CFR

Hugh Calkins                             CFR

Samuel L. Calkins                        CFR

Thomas M. Callaghy                       CFR

David L. Callahan                        CFR

Robert J. Callander                      CFR

Michael A. Callen                        CFR

David Patrick Calleo                     CFR

D. Wayne Calloway                        CFR

Kevin Callwood                           CFR

Salvatore F. Cambria                     CFR

Damielle D. Camner                       CFR

Hugh D. Camp                             CFR

Roderic Ai Camp                          CFR

Carolyn Margaret Campbell                CFR

Colin Goetze Campbell                    CFR

David Authur Campbell                    CFR

F. Gregory Campbell                      CFR

H. Donald Campbell                       CFR

John C. Campbell                         CFR

Kurt M. Campbell                         CFR

Thomas J. Campbell                       CFR

W. Glenn Campbell                        CFR

William Campbell                         CFR

Christopher Canavan                      CFR

Cass Canfield                            AC/CFR

Franklin O. Canfield                     CFR

Margaret Cannella                        CFR

James M. Cannon                          CFR

Jonathan Capehart                        CFR

William Gaston Caperton III              CFR

Juan C. Cappello                         CFR

David A. Caputo                          CFR

Lisa M. Caputo                           CFR

Paul W. Caraway                          CFR

Nestor T. Carbonell                      CFR

Andrew G. Carey                          CFR

Hugh L. Carey                            CFR

John L. Carey                            CFR

Sarah C. Carey                           AC/CFR

William Daniel Carey                     CFR

William F. Carey                         CFR21

Joseph A. Cari, Jr.                      CFR

Maria L. Carl                            CFR

Manuel Luis Carlos                       CFR

Scott Alexander Carlson                  CFR

Steven E. Carlson                        CFR

Frank Charles Carlucci III               AC/CFR/TC

David A. Carmel                          CFR

William D. Carmichael                    CFR

Albert Carnesale                         CFR

Christa B. Carone                        CFR

Thomas Carothers                         CFR

Paolo G. Carozza                         CFR

W. Samuel Carpenter III                  CFR

Ted Galen Carpenter                      CFR

John W. Carr                             CFR

Marion M. Dawson Carr                    CFR

Walter C. Carrington                     CFR

Richard L. Carrion-Rexach                CFR

J. Speed Carroll                         CFR

Katherine Mooney Carroll                 CFR

Mitchell B. Carroll                      CFR

Reba Anne Carruth                        CFR

Charles William Carson, Jr.              CFR

Johnnie Carson                           CFR

Ralph M. Carson                          CFR

Robert Carswell                          CFR

Ashton B. Carter                         CFR

Barry Edward Carter                      CFR

George E. Carter                         CFR

Hodding Carter III                       CFR

James Earl Carter, Jr. (Pres.)           CFR/TC

James H. Carter                          CFR

Mark Andrew Carter                       CFR

Marshall Nichols Carter                  CFR

Theodore N. Carter                       CFR

William D. Carter                        CFR

John B. Cary                             CFR

William L. Cary                          CFR

Clifford Philip Case                     BB/CFR

Everett N. Case                          CFR

James H. Case,Jr.                        CFR

John C. Case                             CFR

William David Casebeer                   CFR

Gerhard Casper                           CFR

Douglass W. Cassel, Jr.                  CFR

Eileen E. Cassidy                        CFR

David Castelblanco                       CFR

Walter S. Catlow                         CFR

Douglass Cater                           CFR

John M. Cates, Jr.                       CFR

Elliot R. Cattarulla                     CFR

Jean Cattier                             CFR

Henry E. Catto Jr.                       AC/CFR

Frank J. Caufield                        CFR

Matthew P. Caulfield                     CFR

Richard Edward Cavanagh                  CFR

Carey Cavanaugh                          CFR

Ray Charles Cave                         CFR

Arthur Karl Cebrowski                    CFR

Gina Celcis-Concepcion                   CFR

Richard („Dick”) F. Celeste              CFR/RS

Paul G. Cerjan                           CFR

Victor D. Cha                            CFR

James C. Chace                           BB/CFR

Tania Marie Chacho                       CFR

Thomas L. Chadbourne                     CFR21

William M. Chadbourne                    CFR21

Maya Chadda                              CFR

John H. Chafee (R-Ri)                    CFR/TC

Maya Chadda                              CFR

John T. Chain, Jr.                       CFR

Herschelle S. Challenor                  CFR

Joseph P. Chamberlain                    CFR21

Anne Cox Chambers                        CFR

Liza B. Chambers                         CFR

Joseph Chamie                            CFR

Walid Georges Chamoun                    CFR

George Champion                          CFR

Gerald L. Chan                           CFR

Ronnie C. Chan                           CFR

Tung Chan                                CFR

John Chancellor                          CFR

Rajiv A. Chandrasekaran                  CFR

David C. Chang                           CFR

Gareth C. C. Chang                       AC/CFR

Joyce Chang-Robbins                      CFR

Juju Chang                               CFR

Clifford Chanin                          CFR

Jonathan A. Chanis                       CFR

Amy L. Chao                              CFR

Angela A. Chao                           CFR

Elaine L. Chao                           CFR

Victor Tzu-Ping Chao                     CFR

John F. Chapman                          CFR

Margaret Holt Chapman                    CFR

Cory Charles                             CFR

Robert Bruce Charles                     CFR

Jonathan Isa Charney                     CFR

Steve Charnovitz                         CFR

Robert Alan Charpie                      CFR

Robert Chartener                         CFR

Anthony R. Chase                         CFR

W. Howard Chase                          CFR

Purnendu Chatterjee                      CFR

Robert J. Chaves                         CFR

Linda Chavez (Reagan Aide)               CFR

Ricardo Chavira                          CFR

Abram J. Chayes                          CFR

Antonia Handler Chayes                   CFR

Terrence J. Checki                       CFR

Daniel S. Cheever                        CFR

John S. Chen                             CFR

Kimball C. Chen                          CFR

Philip D. Chen                           CFR

Kenneth I. Chenault                      CFR

Elizabeth L. Cheney                      CFR

Richard B. Cheney                        CFR

Stephen A. Cheney                        CFR

Ward Cheney                              CFR

Leo Cherne                               CFR

Purnendu Chatterjee                      CFR

Terence J. Checki                        CFR

Daniel S. Cheever                        CFR

Richard B. Cheney                        CFR/TC

Stephen A. Cheney                        CFR

Kyra Cheremeteff                         CFR

Saj Cherian                              CFR

Ben M. Cherrington                       CFR

Pedro P. Cherry                          CFR

Ellen Chesler                            CFR

Sheila C. Cheston                        CFR

A. Lawrence Chickering                   CFR

Richard T. Childress                     CFR

Marquis Childs                           CFR

Thomas W. Childs                         CFR

George Hastings Chittenden               CFR/S&B 1939

Audrey Choi                              CFR

Stephen J. Choi                          CFR

Peter Charles Choharis                   CFR

Derek H. Chollet                         CFR

Paula H. J. Cholmondeley                 CFR

Theodora Bohachevsky Chomiak             CFR

Marjorie Ann Chorlins                    CFR

Nazli Choucri                            CFR

Jack C. Chow                             CFR

Aime R. Christensen                      CFR

Guillermo Santiago Christensen           CFR

John F. Christiansen                     CFR

Patricia Hewitt Christensen              CFR

Thomas J. Christensen                    CFR

Michael J. Christenson                   CFR

Geryld Bradley Christianson              CFR

Lansdell K. Christie                     CFR

Ronald Irvin Christie                    CFR

Daniel William Christman                 CFR

Walter L. Christman                      CFR

Robert Christopher                       CFR

Warren Christopher                       AC/CFR

Hendon Chubb II                          CFR

Percy Chubb II                           CFR

Christine K. Chung                       CFR

Edgar M. Church                          CFR

Frank Church                             CFR

Buntzie Ellis Churchill                  CFR

Frank Cilluffo                           CFR

Jeffrey L. Cimbalo                       CFR

Joseph Cirincione                        CFR

Walker L. Cisler                         AC/CFR

Henry G. Cisneros                        CFR/TC

Marc A. Cisneros                         CFR

Gordon R. Clapp                          CFR

Priscilla A. Clapp                       CFR

Richard H. Clarida                       CFR

Dick Clark (D-Ia)                        CFR

Donald C. Clarke                         CFR

Edwin N. Clark                           CFR

Howard Longstreth Clark                  CFR

James F. Clark                           CFR

J. H. Cullum Clark                       CFR

Mark Edmond Clark                        CFR

Noreen M. Clark                          CFR

Ralph L. Clark                           CFR

Susan Lesley Clark                       CFR

Wesley Kanne Clark                       CFR

William Clark, Jr.                       CFR

Donald C. Clarke                         CFR

Jack G. Clarke, Sr.                      CFR

Lewis L. Clarke                          CFR21

Teresa Hillary Clarke                    CFR

Susan J. Clark-Johnson                   CFR

Lawrence William Clarkson                CFR

Lucius D. Clay                           CFR

William L. Clayton                       AC/CFR

Steven C. Clemons                        CFR

Peter A. Clement                         CFR

Lynette Clemetson                        CFR

John L. Clendenin                        CFR

Harlan B. Cleveland                      AC/BB/CFR/RS

Harold Van B. Cleveland                  BB/CFR

Peter Matthews Cleveland                 CFR

Donald K. Clifford Jr.                   CFR

Mark Lambert Clifford                    CFR

Everett R. Clinchy                       CFR

William R. Cline                         CFR

William F. Clinger Jr. (R-Pa)            CFR

William Jefferson Clinton (Pres.)        BB/CFR/RS/TC

Patricia M. Cloherty                     CFR

Edward T. Cloonan                        CFR

Stanley Wills Cloud                      CFR

Ernest T. Clough                         CFR

Michael Clough                           CFR

John H. Coatsworth                       CFR

Charles E. Cobb Jr.                      CFR

Paul Whit Cobb Jr.                       CFR

Sue McCourt Cobb                         CFR

Tyrus W. Cobb                            CFR

Barbara S. Cochran                       CFR

Molly M. Cochran                         CFR

C. Shelby Coffey                         CFR

Joseph Irving Coffey                     CFR

Charles Albert Coffin                    CFR21

Edmund Coffin                            CFR

Vance Coffman                            CFR

Charles G. Cogan                         CFR

Jacob Katz Cogan                         CFR

John P. Cogbill                          CFR

Abby Joseph Cohen                        CFR

Ariel Cohen                              CFR

Benjamin J. Cohen                        CFR

Benjamin V. Cohen                        CFR

Betsy H. Cohen                           CFR

Eliot A. Cohen                           CFR

Herman Jay Cohen                         CFR

Jerome Alan Cohen                        CFR

Joel E. Cohen                            CFR

Jerome B. Cohen                          CFR

Patricia Cohen                           CFR

Paul H. Cohen                            CFR

Richard M. Cohen                         CFR

Roberta Jane Cohen                       CFR

Stephen Bruce Cohen                      CFR

Stephen Frand Cohen                      CFR

Stephen S. Cohen                         CFR

Warren I. Cohen                          CFR

William S. „Bill” Cohen                  CFR/TC

Evelyn Speyer Colbert                    CFR

Elizabeth L. Colagiuri                   CFR

Jonathan E. Colby                        CFR

Charles W. Cole                          CFR

Johnnetta B. Cole                        CFR

Jonathan E. Colby                        CFR

Samuel A. Cole                           CFR

Thomas Winston Jr. Cole                  CFR

Isobel Coleman                           CFR

Lewis W. Coleman                         CFR

William T. Coleman Jr.                   CFR

William Thaddeus Coleman, Jr.            CFR/TC

Isobel Coles                             CFR

James S. Coles                           CFR

Julius E. Coles                          CFR

Alberto R. Coll                          CFR

Emilio G. Collado                        AC/BB/CFR

F. R. Collbohm                           CFR

David E. Collier                         CFR

L. V. Collings                           CFR

Jay Collins                              CFR

Joseph J. Collins                        CFR

Mark M. Collins, Jr.                     CFR

Timothy C. Collins                       CFR

Wayne Dale Collins                       CFR

Charles C. Collingwood                   CFR/RS

Charles P. Collingwood                   CFR

Manetta Tree Collingwood                 CFR

Mark M. Collins Jr.                      CFR

Kent G. Colwell                          CFR

Richard E. Combs Jr.                     CFR

Philip E. Comstock Jr.                   CFR

James B. Conant                          CFR

Melvin Conant                            CFR

Erin C. Conaton                          CFR

Philip M. Condit                         CFR

Sydney M. Cone III                       CFR

Dalton Conley                            CFR

Richard P. Conlon                        CFR

James L. Connaughton                     CFR

Matthew James Connelly                   CFR

Leila Anne Conners Petersen              CFR

Gerald E. Connolly                       CFR

John T. Connor                           CFR

Bryan Conrad                             CFR

Jill M. Considine                        CFR

John J. Considine                        CFR

Pamela Constable                         CFR

Jill Conway                              CFR

Donald C. Cook                           BB/CFR

Frances D. Cook                          CFR

Gary M. Cook                             CFR

Gretchen R. Cook                         CFR

Gretchen Rachelle Cook-Anderson          CFR

Goodwin Cooke                            CFR

Howard A. Cook                           CFR

John F. Cooke                            CFR

Frank Coolbaugh                          CFR

Alexander Anthony Cooley                 CFR

Archibald Cary Coolidge                  CFR21-1928

Nicholas J. Coolidge                     CFR

George William Coombe Jr.                CFR

Charles A. Coombs                        CFR

Philip H. Coombs                         CFR

Jane Abell Coon                          CFR

Kiersten Todt Coon                       CFR

Joan Ganz Cooney                         CFR

Arthur Gardiner Coons                    AC/CFR

Charles A. Cooper                        CFR

Chester L. Cooper                        CFR

Franklin S. Cooper                       CFR

James H. S. Cooper                       CFR

John Milton Cooper                       CFR

John Sherman Cooper                      S&B 1923/CFR

Kathleen B. Cooper                       CFR

Kerry Cooper                             CFR

Laura K. Cooper                          CFR

Rebecca J. Cooper                        CFR

Richard Newell Cooper                    BB/CFR/TC

Scott A. Cooper                          CFR

Lammont du Pont Copeland                 BB/CFR

Kathleen A. Corbet                       CFR

Carole A. Corcoran                       CFR

Anthony H. Cordesman                     CFR

Andrew Wellington Cordier                BB/CFR

Wayne A. Cornelius Jr.                   CFR

Henry Cornell                            CFR

E. Gerald Corrigan                       BB/CFR/TC

Dale R. Corson                           CFR

G. A. Costanzo                           AC/CFR

William A. Costello                      CFR

Christopher Cortez                       CFR

Suzanne Cott                             CFR

William R. Cotter                        CFR

Charles E. Cotting                       CFR

Joseph P. Cotton                         CFR21

Frederic R. Coudert                      CFR21

Tom B. Coughran                          CFR

Katherine A. „Katie” Couric              CFR

William H. Courtney                      CFR

Elizabeth M. Cousens                     CFR

Norman Cousins                           CFR/WF

Jock Covey                               CFR

Sally Grooms Cowal                       CFR

Geoffrey Cowan                           CFR

L. Gray Cowan                            CFR

Louis Gray Cowan                         CFR

Peter F. Cowhey                          CFR

Gardner Cowles                           AC/BB/CFR

John Cowles                              CFR

John Cowles, Jr.                         CFR

Charles R. Cox                           AC/CFR

Edward Finch Cox                         CFR

Howard E. Cox Jr.                        CFR

Robert G. Cox                            CFR

Robert W. Cox                            CFR

Craig P. Coy                             CFR

Margaret E. Crahan                       CFR

Russell C. Crandall                      CFR

Winthrop Murray Crane III                CFR

Lorne W. Craner                          CFR

Paul D. Cravath                          CFR21-1940

John F. Crawford                         CFR

Timothy W. Crawford                      CFR

Heidi E. Crebo-Rediker                   CFR

Marion V. Creekmore Jr.                  CFR

Dana S. Creel                            CFR

Roger W. Cressey Jr.                     CFR

Kyle Crichton                            CFR

George Crile III                         CFR

Dan L. Crippen                           CFR

Ann Crittenden                           CFR

Bathsheba N. Crocker                     CFR

Chester A. Crocker                       CFR

Helima L. Croft                          CFR

Adelaide McGuinn Cromwell                CFR

Devon G. Cross                           BB/CFR

James E. Cross                           CFR

June V. Cross                            CFR

Mary S. Cross                            CFR

Sam Y. Cross                             CFR

Theodore Cross                           CFR

Barbara Crossette                        CFR

Homer D. Crotty                          CFR

Michael M. Crow                          CFR

Trammell Crow                            CFR

Philip K. Crowe                          CFR

William J. Crowe, Jr.                    CFR/TC

Monica Elizabeth                         CFR

Lester Crown                             CFR

Daniel Lester Cruise                     CFR

Heidi S. Cruz                            CFR

Lester M. Crystal                        CFR/TC

Kenneth Neil Cukier                      CFR

Lee Cullum                               CFR

John C. Culver (D-Ia)                    CFR

Alfred Cumming                           CFR

Christine M. Cumming                     CFR

Alexander B. Cummings, Jr.               CFR

Craig P. Cummings                        CFR

Robert L. Cummings                       CFR

Robert L. Cummings, Jr.                  CFR

Donald Cuneo                             CFR

James B. Cunningham                      CFR

Nelson W. Cunningham                     CFR

Walter J. P. Curley Jr.                  CFR

Kerry Kennedy Cuomo                      CFR

Mario M. Cuomo                           CFR

Flavio Curnpiano                         CFR

Jean A. Curran, Jr.                      CFR

Robert Theodore Curran                   CFR

Kelley E. Currie                         CFR

Charles B. Curtis                        CFR

Edward P. Curtis                         CFR

Gerald L. Curtis                         CFR

F. Kingsbury Curtis                      CFR21

Gerald L. Curtis                         CFR/TC

Peter Cusick                             CFR

Maryann K. Cusimano-Love                 CFR

Lloyd N. Cutler                          CFR

Walter L. Cutler                         CFR

Kenneth A. Cutshaw                       CFR

Ana Grier Cutter                         CFR

W. Bowman Cutter                         CFR

Fulton Cutting                           AC/CFR

Arthur I. Cyr                            CFR

Ivo H. Daalder                           CFR

Geoffrey D. Dabelko                      CFR

Alfonse M. D’ Amato                      CFR

Teresa Gail Dady                         CFR

Michael K. Dahlman                       CFR

Evelyn Pignatari Dahm                    CFR

Rene d’Harnoncourt                       CFR

Brian D. Dailey                          CFR

William B. Dale                          CFR

Brian D. Dailey                          CFR

Omar M. Dajani                           CFR

Michael A. Dal Bello                     CFR

Helle Dale                               CFR

William B. Dale                          CFR

William M. Daley                         CFR

Charles H. Dallara                       BB/CFR

George Albert Dalley                     CFR

Alexander Dallin                         CFR

Dorinda G. Dallmeyer                     CFR

Gregory Dalton                           CFR

James E. Dalton                          CFR

Kenneth W. Dam                           BB/CFR

Marcia Wachs Dam                         CFR

Lori Fisler Damrosch                     CFR

John A. G. Dancy                         CFR

William H. Danforth                      CFR

Royden Dangerfield                       CFR

Ana R. Daniel                            CFR

Donald C. F. Daniel                      CFR

D. Ronald Daniel                         CFR

Nomsa Daniels                            CFR

John J. Danilovich                       CFR

Robert M. Danin                          CFR

Arthur V. Danner                         CFR

Mark D. Danner                           CFR

Charles F. Darlington                    CFR

Richard Gordon Darman                    CFR/TC

Norris Darrell                           CFR

Michele Samantha Dash                    CFR

Russell J. Da Silva                      CFR

Earl C. Daum                             CFR

John A. Davenport                        CFR/S&B 1926

Donald K. David                          CFR

Jack David                               CFR

Alfred E. Davidson                       CFR

Daniel I. Davidson                       CFR

Ralph K. Davidson                        CFR

Ralph Parsons Davidson                   CFR

Fred A. Davies                           CFR

Rodger P. Davies                         CFR

Allison S. Davis                         CFR

Christina L. Davis                       CFR

Evan A. Davis                            CFR

Florence A. Davis                        CFR

Geoffrey Clark Davis                     CFR

Jacquelyn K. Davis                       CFR

Jerome Davis                             CFR

John A. Davis                            CFR

John William Davis                       CFR21-1955

Kathryn W. Davis                         CFR

Kim Gordon Davis                         CFR

Lynn E. Davis                            BB/CFR/TC

Maceo N. Davis                           CFR

Malcolm W. Davis                         CFR21

Marion Thomas Davis                      CFR

Marvin H. Davis                          CFR

Nathanael V. Davis                       CFR

Norman Hezekiah Davis                    CFR21-1944

Stephen B. Davis                         CFR

Vincent Davis                            CFR

William H. Davis                         AC/CFR

Daniel P. Davison                        CFR

Frederick Trubee Davison                 CFR21/S&B 1918

Kristina Perkin Davison                  CFR

W. Phillips Davison                      CFR

Karen Lea Dawisha                        CFR

Peter M. Dawkins                         CFR

Christine L. Dawson                      CFR

Horace G. Dawson III                     CFR

Horace G. Dawson Jr.                     CFR

Marion M. Dawson Carr                    CFR

Anthony Day                              CFR

Arthur Raymond Day                       CFR

Clive Day                                CFR21/S&B 1892

Robert Addison Day Jr.                   CFR

Drew Saunders Days III                   CFR

Arnaud De Borchgrave                     CFR

Rajesh De                                CFR

Edwin A. Deagle, Jr.                     CFR

Arthur Hobson Dean                       BB/CFR21-1955

Edgar P. Dean                            CFR

Jonathan Dean                            CFR

Robert William Dean                      CFR

Alice M. Dear                            CFR

Eli Whitney Debevoise                    CFR

F. Amanda De Busk                        CFR

Barbara Knowles Debs                     CFR

Alfred C. De Crane Jr.                   CFR

Roxanne J. Decyk                         CFR

Fred T. Dedrick                          CFR

Ashley S. Deeks                          CFR

Ralston H. Deffenbaugh, Jr.              CFR

Henry Wheeler De Forest                  CFR21

Christian de Guigne III                  CFR

Inmaculada de Habsburgo                  CFR

Alex O. Dehgan                           CFR

Terry L. Deibel                          CFR

Peter E. De Janosi                       CFR

Rodolfo O. De La Garza                   CFR

C.W. de Kiewiet                          AC/CFR

Jose M. de Lasa                          CFR

Oscar A. de Lima                         CFR

Stephen J. Del Rosso                     CFR

George De Menil                          CFR

Joy A. de Menil                          CFR

Lois Pattison de Menil                   CFR

Rust Macpherson Deming                   CFR

Jason K. Dempsey                         CFR

Francis M. Deng                          CFR

Robert E. Denham                         CFR

Robert J. Denison                        CFR

Everette E. Dennis                       CFR

Brewster C. Denny                        CFR

David B. H. Denoon                       CFR

Hazel Denton                             CFR

Susan Dentzer                            CFR

Samuel De Palma                          CFR

Phil E. DePoy                            CFR

Raghida Dergham                          CFR

Christopher Alan Deri                    CFR

Patricia Murphy Derian                   CFR

Kenneth T. Derr                          CFR

James V. Derrick, Jr.                    CFR

Vivian Lowery Derryck                    CFR

Alphonse De Rosso                        CFR

Lynn Forester de Rothschild              CFR

Jean-Christophe de Swaan                 CFR

Robert P. De Vecchi                      CFR

Imrie De Vegh                            CFR

Henry P. de Vries                        CFR

Rimmer De Vries                          CFR

Karen De Young                           CFR

Edwin A. Deagle Jr.                      CFR

John V. Deaver                           CFR

Eli Whitney Debevoise II                 CFR

Barbara Knowles Debs                     CFR

Richard A. Debs                          CFR

F. Amanda DeBusk                         CFR

William C. Decker                        CFR

Alfred C. DeCrane                        CFR

Midge Decter                             CFR

Roxanne J. Decyk                         CFR

Fred T. Dedrick                          CFR

Ralston H. Deffenbaugh Jr.               CFR

Terry L. Deibel                          CFR

Frank Del Olmo                           CFR

Andrew John Delaney                      CFR

Stephen J. Del Rosso                     CFR

Carlos Deltoro                           CFR

Marisa J. Demeo                          CFR

Frederick Lewis Deming                   BB/CFR

Rust MacPherson Deming                   CFR

Robert E. Denham                         CFR

Robert J. Denison                        CFR

Alfred L. P. Dennis                      CFR21

Everette E. Dennis                       CFR

Brewster C. Denny                        CFR

David B. H. Denoon                       CFR

E. Hazel Denton                          CFR

James S. Denton                          CFR

Phil E. DePoy                            CFR

Raghida Dergham                          CFR

Patricia Murphy Derian                   CFR

Kenneth Tindall Derr                     CFR

James V. Derrick Jr.                     CFR

Vivian Lowery Derryck                    CFR

Michael L. Dertouzos                     CFR

Padma Desai                              CFR

Rohit M. Desai                           CFR

Vishakha n. Desai                        CFR

MacArthur DeShazer                       CFR

Patrick J. DeSouza                       CFR

Emile Despres                            CFR

Gina H. Despres                          CFR

I.M. Destler                             CFR

Wallace R. Deuel                         CFR

John Mark Deutch                         CFR

Michael J. Deutch                        CFR

Phillip J. Deutch                        CFR

Shelley Deutch                           CFR

Robert P. DeVecchi                       CFR

Caroline Maury Devine                    CFR

John J. Devine                           CFR

M. Colette Devine                        CFR

Thomas J. Devine                         CFR

Rimmer DeVries                           CFR

Thomas Edmund Dewey                      BB/CFR

J. Frederic Dewhurst                     AC/CFR

Byron Dexter                             CFR

Karen J. DeYoung                         CFR

Rene D’Hamoncourt                        CFR

Michael W. Diamond                       CFR

Charley L. Diaz                          CFR

Rita L. DiCasagrande                     CFR

Christopher S. Dickey                    CFR

John Sloan Dickey                        CFR

Laura A. Dickinson                       CFR

Norman D. Dicks (D-Wa)                   CFR

R. Russell Dickson, Jr.                  CFR

Valerie L. Dickson-Horton                CFR

Joan Didion                              CFR

John Diebold                             BB/CFR

William Diebold, Jr.                     CFR

Jackson K. Diehl (Washington Post)       CFR

Robert L. Dilenschneider                 CFR

C. Douglas Dillon                        AC/BB/CFR/CPD

Clarence Dillon                          CFR21

Douglas Dillon                           CFR

J. Richardson Dilworth                   CFR

Joseph (Dick) Richardson Dilworth        S&B 1938/CFR

Rita Di Martino                          CFR

James Dimon                              CFR

Thomas Alan Dine                         CFR

Robert C. Dinerstein                     CFR

Viet D. Dinh                             CFR

David Norman Dinkins                     CFR

Paula DiPerna                            CFR

Nicholas Bernard Dirks                   CFR

Linda M. Distlerath                      CFR

Nadia Diuk                               CFR

Edward P. Djerejian                      CFR

Gregory Djerejian                        CFR

Joseph Di Paola Jr.                      CFR

James F. Dobbins                         CFR

Paula J. Dobriansky                      CFR

Daniel L. Doctoroff                      CFR

Christopher J. Dodd (D-Ct)               CFR

Thomas J. Dodd                           CFR

Harold Willis Dodds                      CFR1935-1943

Cleveland E. Dodge                       AC/CFR

William S Dodge                          CFR

Justin W. Doebele                        CFR

David J. Doerge                          CFR

William C. Doherty, Jr.                  CFR

Ayako Doi                                CFR

Harold E. Jr. Doley                      CFR

Charles Dollard                          CFR

Jorge I. Dominguez                       CFR

Thomas R. Donahue                        CFR

Robert H. Donaldson                      CFR

William Henry Donaldson                  CFR/S&B 1953

John E. Donatich                         CFR

Stephen C. Donehoo                       CFR

Karen Erika Donfried                     CFR

Thomas E. Donilon                        BB/CFR

McKay Donkin                             CFR

Edward S. Donnell                        CFR

Ellsworth Donnell                        CFR

James C. Donnell II                      CFR

April Kanne Donnellan                    CFR

Harold C. Donnelly                       CFR

Frederic G. Donner                       CFR

Douglas S. Donohue                       CFR

Laura K. Donohue                         CFR

Thomas J. Donohue, Sr.                   CFR

Hedley Williams Donovan                  BB/CFR/RS/TC

Charles F.Doran                          CFR

Xenia B. M. Dormandy                     CFR

Rudiger Dornbusch                        CFR

Goldthwaite H. Dorr                      CFR

Russell H. Dorr                          CFR

Norman Dorsen                            CFR

Oscar John Dorwin                        CFR

Amanda Jean Dory                         CFR

Grant R. Doty                            CFR

Paul M. Doty, Jr.                        CFR

Frank N. Doubleday                       CFR21

Russell Doubleday                        CFR21

Diana Lady Dougan                        CFR

James P. Dougherty                       CFR

Donald W. Douglas, Jr.                   CFR

Lewis W. Douglas                         CFR 1940-

Michael Douglas                          CFR

Paul W. Douglas                          CFR

Percy L. Douglas                         CFR

Loren Douglass                           CFR

Robert R. Douglass                       CFR

John Nicholas Dowling                    CFR

Walter Dowling                           CFR

James S. Doyle                           CFR

Michael William Doyle                    CFR

Noreen Doyle                             CFR

William H. Draper, Jr.                   CFR

William Drayton, Jr.                     CFR

William Drayton                          CFR

David T. Dreier                          CFR

John C. Dreier                           CFR

Sidney David Drell                       CFR

William M. Drennan, Jr. (Col.)           CFR

Elizabeth Drew                           CFR

Joel Dreyfuss                            CFR

Richard S. Dreyfuss                      CFR

Daniel W. Drezner                        CFR

Jonathan Drimmer                         CFR

Richard Lee Drobnick                     CFR

William M. Drozdiak                      CFR

Joy E. Drucker                           CFR

Richard A. Drucker                       CFR

Pamela Druckerman                        CFR

Roscoe Drummond                          CFR

J.R. Drumwright                          CFR

Ann Druyan                               CFR

Ray N. Dryden, Jr.                       CFR

Orvil E. Dryfoos                         CFR

Kenneth M. Duberstein                    CFR

Seth H. Dubin                            CFR

David Dubinsky                           CFR

J. Delafield DuBois                      CFR

Stephen M. DuBrul, Jr.                   CFR

Robert Ducas                             CFR

David Adams Duckenfield                  CFR

Johnita P. Due                           CFR

Charles A. Duelfer                       CFR

Althea L. Duersten                       CFR

Joseph Daniel Duffey                     CFR

David A. Duffie                          CFR

Gloria Charmian Duffy                    CFR

James H. Duffy                           CFR

Gordon F. DuGan                          CFR

Michael J. Dugan (Gen.)                  CFR

Stephen P. Duggan                        CFR21-1950

Timothy E. Duggan                        CFR

Michael S. Dukakis                       CFR

Angier Biddle Duke                       CFR

Robin Chandler Duke                      CFR

Peggy Dulany                             CFR

Allen Welsh Dulles                       BB/CFR 1927-

John Foster Dulles                       CFR21

Charles F. Dunbar                        CFR

Charles William Duncan, Jr.              CFR

Graham A. Duncan                         CFR

John C. Duncan                           CFR

Andrew Dunigan                           CFR

Patrick Andrew Dunigan                   CFR

Craig G. Dunkerley                       CFR

Joan Banks Dunlop                        CFR

Kempton Dunn                             CFR

Lewis A. Dunn                            CFR

Michael M. Dunn                          CFR

Philip A. Dur                            CFR

F. Tillman Durdin                        CFR

G. Robert Durham                         CFR

Patrick J. Durkin                        CFR

Frederick Gary Dutton                    CFR

Michael Raoul Duval                      CFR

Douglas A. Dworkin                       CFR

James W. Dyer                            CFR

Nancy Bearg Dyke                         CFR

Ester Dyson                              CFR

141 răspunsuri

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  1. […] ne amintim ca personajul recunostea pe 15 iulie 2009 ca este fericita ca Council on Foreign Relations a creat un avanpost in Washington DC, deoarece aceasta inseamna ca nu mai trebuie sa calatoreasca […]


  2. Nuclear War in 2011 said, on mai 6, 2011 at 3:16 am

    […] Also you can take a look at this related read: Anyone can also check out this related post: […]


  3. […] COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, istoric si lista membrilor (A-D) […]


  4. […] 1949 devine cel mai tanar director al Council on Foreign Relations, pe care de atunci il stapaneste. A initiat Marshall […]


  5. […] In 1980 a cerut Congresului o investigatie completa a activitatii Comisiei Trilaterale si Council on Foreign Relations. […]


  6. […]    News Corporation, cel mai mare conglomerat media mondial, corporatie membra Council on Foreign Relations […]


  7. […] In 1926 are loc primul congres cu finantarea evreilor Louis Rothschild si Max Warburg. Rothschild nu cred ca mai are nevoie de prezentare. Fratii puternicei familii Warburg au fost implicati si in crearea Federal Reserve si Council on Foreign Relations: […]


  8. […] In 1926 are loc primul congres cu finantarea evreilor Louis Rothschild si Max Warburg. Rothschild nu cred ca mai are nevoie de prezentare. Fratii puternicei familii Warburg au fost implicati si in crearea Federal Reserve si Council on Foreign Relations: […]


  9. LISTA MASONI celebri | said, on decembrie 27, 2013 at 1:44 pm

    […] Bilderberg Group, fost United States Secretary of the Treasury, adept al avortului, membru Council on Foreign Relations, membru Trilateral […]


  10. […]    Membru Council on Foreign Relations […]


  11. […] In 1926 are loc primul congres cu finantarea evreilor Louis Rothschild si Max Warburg. Rothschild nu cred ca mai are nevoie de prezentare. Fratii puternicei familii Warburg au fost implicati si in crearea Federal Reserve si Council on Foreign Relations: […]


  12. […]    Membru societarea secreta Sigma Nu, membru Council on Foreign Relations […]


  13. Planeta atacata de bancheri | said, on martie 1, 2014 at 7:56 pm

    […] de prezentare. Fratii puternicei familii Warburg au fost implicati si in crearea Federal Reserve si Council on Foreign Relations: Albert Einstein, cel ce intr-o scrisoare deschisa catre Adunarea Generala a ONU, din 1947, […]


  14. […]    News Corporation, cel mai mare conglomerat media mondial, corporatie membra Council on Foreign Relations […]


  15. […] model. A continuat activitatea aceluia de reorganizare a armatei, Elihu Root fiind membru fondator Council on Foreign Relations si primul ei […]


  16. […] cel mai mare conglomerat media mondial, corporatie membra a Consiliului Relatiilor Externe (Council on Foreign Relations) […]


  17. […] Standard Oil of New Jersey (SONJ), redenumita Exxon acum parte a ExxonMobil, corporatie membra Council on Foreign Relations. […]


  18. […] membra Council on Foreign Relations, Google a fost fondata de evreii Sergey Mikhailovich Brin (1973 -) si Lawrence Edward […]


  19. […] for International Peace, Trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation 1935 – 1952, membru fondator Council on Foreign Relations. Prieten apropiat al […]


  20. […] for International Peace, Trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation 1935 – 1952, membru fondator Council on Foreign Relations. Prieten apropiat al […]


  21. […] membra Council on Foreign Relations, Google a fost fondata de evreii Sergey Mikhailovich Brin (1973 -) si Lawrence Edward […]


  22. […] membra Council on Foreign Relations, Google a fost fondata de evreii Sergey Mikhailovich Brin (1973 -) si Lawrence Edward […]


  23. […] COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, istoric si lista membrilor (A-D) […]


  24. […] Cititi va rog si ce spune despre Marele Sinod intr-o conferinta Council on Foreign Relations: […]


  25. […] In 1980 a cerut Congresului o investigatie completa a activitatii Comisiei Trilaterale si Council on Foreign Relations. […]


  26. […] Kagan este de asemenea senior fellow la Brookings Institution (finantare Rockefeller) si membru Council on Foreign Relations (creat in 1921 de unul dintre fondatorii Federal Reserve, evreul Paul Warburg si finantat tot de […]


  27. […] 1949 devine cel mai tanar director al Council on Foreign Relations, pe care de atunci il stapaneste. A initiat Marshall […]


  28. […] Este cotata a sasea companie pe plan mondial si s-a format in 1892 prin unirea Edison General Electric Company si Thomson-Houston Electric Company printr-un aranjament al gigantului J. P. Morgan. Companie membra a Council on Foreign Relations […]


  29. […] Primul presedinte al NCC (1960-63) a fost Joseph Irwin Miller (1909-2004), industrias, lider in miscarea ecumenista si a drepturilor civile, membru Phi Beta Kappa. L-a ajutat pe Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller in campania prezidentiala (pe care n-a mai apucat s-o castige, murind de atac de cord). A fost de asemenea trustee of the Ford Foundation si membru Council on Foreign Relations. […]


  30. […] Primul presedinte al NCC (1960-63) a fost Joseph Irwin Miller (1909-2004), industrias, lider in miscarea ecumenista si a drepturilor civile, membru Phi Beta Kappa. L-a ajutat pe Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller in campania prezidentiala (pe care n-a mai apucat s-o castige, murind de atac de cord). A fost de asemenea trustee of the Ford Foundation si membru Council on Foreign Relations. […]


  31. […] Primul presedinte al NCC (1960-63) a fost Joseph Irwin Miller (1909-2004), industrias, lider in miscarea ecumenista si a drepturilor civile, membru Phi Beta Kappa. L-a ajutat pe Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller in campania prezidentiala (pe care n-a mai apucat s-o castige, murind de atac de cord). A fost de asemenea trustee of the Ford Foundation si membru Council on Foreign Relations. […]


  32. […] In 1926 are loc primul congres cu finantarea evreilor Louis Rothschild si Max Warburg. Rothschild nu cred ca mai are nevoie de prezentare. Fratii puternicei familii Warburg au fost implicati si in crearea Federal Reserve si Council on Foreign Relations: […]


  33. […] Kermit „Kim” Roosevelt, Jr. (1916–2000), apropiat apropiat al familiei Rockefeller, nepotul presedintelui SUA Theodore Roosevelt. A coordonat actiunile CIA din cadrul Operation Ajax. Membru Council on Foreign Relations. […]


  34. […] Marcus Goldman (1821– 1904), evreu, nascut in Germania, afacerist si antrepenor. A emigrat in SUA in 1848. Unul din fondatorii Goldman Sachs, una din cele mai mari banci de investitii pe plan mondial si companie membra a Council on Foreign Relations […]


  35. […] A continuat activitatea aceluia de reorganizare a armatei, Elihu Root fiind membru fondator Council on Foreign Relations si primul ei […]


  36. […] Paul Warburg a fost si presedinte al Bank of Manhattan. De asemenea primul director Council on Foreign Relations […]


  37. […] Paul Warburg a fost si presedinte al Bank of Manhattan. De asemenea primul director Council on Foreign Relations […]


  38. […] Comisia Trilaterala, Council on Foreign Relations, George Soros, etc. Am dat doar cateva exemple din miile de articole ce le-am scris in peste 10 […]


  39. […] Comisia Trilaterala, Council on Foreign Relations, George Soros, etc. Am dat doar cateva exemple din miile de articole ce le-am scris in peste 10 […]


  40. […] Comisia Trilaterala, Council on Foreign Relations, George Soros, etc. Am dat doar cateva exemple din miile de articole ce le-am scris in peste 10 […]


  41. […] Demian Manshel (1924–1990) a fost bancher, membru Council on Foreign Relations, a fondat de asemenea The Public Interest impreuna cu evreul Irving Kristol. Cititi va rog […]


  42. […] intalniri este declaratia de la 5 iunie 1991, a fondatorului David Rockefeller (din partea Council on Foreign Relations), cu privire la prestatia presei fata de deciziile […]


  43. […] intalniri este declaratia de la 5 iunie 1991, a fondatorului David Rockefeller (din partea Council on Foreign Relations), cu privire la prestatia presei fata de deciziile […]


  44. […] J. Carroll, Jr. a fost si director Shell Oil (corporatie membra Council on Foreign Relations) si director la American Express (si ea corporatie membra The Council on Foreign Relations). Iar […]


  45. […] D. Bechtel, Jr. (1925 – ), tatal lui Riley P. Bechtel. Membru Council on Foreign Relations si Bohemian […]


  46. […] extrem de puternice, si sunt reprezentate in cele mai multe organizatii de elita, cum ar fi Council on Foreign Relations. Acest lucru nu numai ca le permite sa propuna politicile lor preferate pe probleme de nutritie si […]


  47. […] In 1915 a fondat The New Republic (TNR), un magazin american de politica si arta.Membru Council on Foreign Relations. […]


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