SACCSIV – blog ortodox

DINTR-ALE LICURICIULUI: Comparatie Ucraina – Serbia, Libia, Siria …

Posted in DINU GIURESCU, KOSOVO, LIBIA, RADU TUDOR, SERBIA, Siria, SUA, Ucraina, UE, UNIUNEA EUROPEANA by saccsiv on iunie 5, 2014



Pentru cei mai noi pe blog, iata cam ce inseamna rebeli in Siria:

SIRIA – VIDEO (extrem de dur): DECAPITAREA PREOTULUI CATOLIC FRANCOIS MURAD, de catre rebelii sirieni. Rapirea unui mitropolit ortodox. Crestini ucisi in masa. ASTA PRIGOANA, FRATILOR! Si noua ne e rusine de cei din jur, sa facem semnul crucii cand trecem pe langa o biserica …

FOTO (extrem de dur): MUCENICI in SIRIA. Sa ne uitam bine si sa ne intrebam: SUNTEM PREGATITI? Sa ne rugam bunului Dumnezeu sa fim!

Video: Rebel sirian mancand inima unui soldat. PE CINE INARMEAZA „STATELE DEMOCRATE”?

Video – Siria: Un CRESTIN S-A LEPADAT dupa care … L-AU DECAPITAT

Articolul zilei (28.08.2013): Scrisoarea unei femei din Siria pentru Antena 3. „Ce o sa se aleaga de noi?”. Drama inca unui popor ce va fi „ajutat” de statele democrate …

Si mai putem face o comparatie: UCRAINA – LIBIA.

Cat de „rau” o duceau libienii?

Si chiar una KOSOVO – CRIMEEA.

Kosovo – pamant sarbesc smuls salbatic prin bombardarea Belgadului cu proiectile pe care scria “Paste fericit”:

VIDEO: Sa nu uitam de BOMBARDAREA SERBIEI de catre NATO in 1999 …

Crimeea – pamant rusesc. Sau daca sapam mai adanc in istorie pana in evul mediu, eventual “grecesc”. Sau daca ne ducem pana in antichitate, pamant al imperiului roman. Orice, dar nu ucrainean.

Imi amintesc ca la o emisiune cu Radu Tudor, cel ce joaca rolul nationalistului la Antena 3, dar care mai are putin si ia pozitie de drepti cand vorbeste despre licurici, emisiune in care aproape toti urlau in cor despre cat de ticaloasa e Rusia ce a acceptat dorinta populatiei peninsulei, a fost bagat in seama si istoricul Dinu C. Giurescu. Nu stiu ce sperau ei cand l-au intrebat despre Crimeea, dar pe batran l-a cam durut in glezna de noile directive “istorice” si geo politico economice, raspunzand: “Ne place sau nu ne place, Crimeea e a rusilor”. S-a asternut linistea in platou, ceilalti inghitit-o probabil cu regret ca n-au avut de lucru invitandu-l la o emisiunea pe tema “sa scuipam pe poporul rus”.

Si iar imi amintesc de un moment, de asta data cu totul gretos, oferit de acelasi Radu Tudor, cand intr-o emisiune despre niste elevi olimpici romani veniti cu premii de la Moscova, nu rateaza momentul pentru a-si dovedi inca o data slugarnicia fata de licurici, debitand ceva de genul: “Vladimir Putin turbeaza ca romanii au luat premii la rusi acasa” …

Iata si ceva despre lucurici si ai lui:

VIDEO: Statele Unite, Marea Britanie si Israelul au folosit arme chimice in ultimii 10 ani dar condamna Siria si vor invazie. Oare Siria chiar e vinovata sau se aplica schema cu rachetele lui Sadam Hussein ce n-au fost de fapt vreodata gasite?


42 răspunsuri

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  1. […] Imi amintesc ca la o emisiune cu Radu Tudor, cel ce joaca rolul nationalistului la Antena 3, dar care mai are putin si ia pozitie de drepti cand vorbeste despre licurici, emisiune in care aproape toti urlau in cor despre cat de ticaloasa e Rusia ce a acceptat dorinta populatiei peninsulei, a fost bagat in seama si istoricul Dinu C. Giurescu. Nu stiu ce sperau ei cand l-au intrebat despre Crimeea, dar pe batran l-a cam durut in glezna de noile directive Citeste mai departe […]


  2. Valentin Dorneanu said, on iunie 5, 2014 at 3:46 pm

    lumina de la licurici pentru cine slujeste licuricilor.
    monahul teodot

    arata de ce e jihadul asa rau – ca ei credeau ca mahomed a fost inspirat de arhanghelul gavriil, asa zis arhanghel, dar in realitate era inselat de dracul sa spuna ca nu e bun nici crestinismul nici islamul. deci islamul e o religie direct dintr-o inselaciune de la un diavol.


  3. Alin said, on iunie 5, 2014 at 3:59 pm

    Dovada inchiderii cercului complet al rusinii pentru FEMEIE pe pamant:

    ” – Cum trebuie să fie o femeie serioasă?
    – Femeia serioasă trebuie să aibă soţ şi amant.
    – Credeam că aia e o femeie adulteră….
    – Femeia adulteră are soţ şi mai mulţi amanţi.
    – Credeam că aia e o femeie uşoară…
    – Femeia uşoară are doar amanţi.
    – Credeam că aia e o femeie pierdută…
    – Femeia pierdută n-are nici soţ, nici amant.
    – Credeam că aia e o femeie singură…
    – Femeia singură e aia care are numai soţ. ”

    Vremurile sunt acum pe dos. Totul e rasturnat.


  4. geo said, on iunie 5, 2014 at 4:23 pm

    Din ispravile armatei ucrainene: – la poza asta nu pot sa scriu nimic…am mai vazut una tot asa de tulburatoare cu un copil dormind intre mormintele parintilor – in siria…

    In zilele astea acolo parca e iadul…


  5. Alin said, on iunie 5, 2014 at 4:26 pm

    Romania digitala – sa dai cu subsemnatul la WiFi free si cartele pre-pay !?!

    O propunere de lege de 5 articole adoptata de Guvernul Romaniei in 30 Aprilie 2014 care cere inregistrarea obligatorie a utilizatorilor de free WiFi si a cartelelor pre-pay a trecut in viteza super-sonica prin Senat, iar in Camera Deputatilor are termene de 2 zile pentru depunere amendamente si raport – ne arata adevarata fata a Romaniei digitale dorita de guvernantii nostri – un spatiu virtual in care sa dai cu subsemnatul pentru orice utilizare a tehnicilor de comuncatie si in care (prin noul proiect de lege privind securitatea cibernetica) datele sa fie accesibile direct si fara mandat de toate serviciile secrete si nesecrete, scrie Bogdan Manolea, pe blogul lui, Drept & Internet – noutati si opinii.


  6. Valentin Dorneanu said, on iunie 5, 2014 at 4:38 pm

    foarte frumos povesteste pustnicul


  7. Radu Humor said, on iunie 5, 2014 at 4:56 pm

    Văd că americanii consideră că alegerile din Siria sunt trucate !
    Bine că ce s-a întâmplat în Ucraina este ceva koucher 😆
    Se compromit din ce în ce mai mult, cu aerul că i-ar mai crede cineva !
    Ultima “binefacere” americană de care beneficiază România :
    creşterea bugetului de înarmare !
    Că altfel cum să-şi vândă escrocii ăia tehnica milittară aflată pe stoc ?
    Dar mai ales cum să mai îndrăznească să fabrice altele ?!
    Până la urmă nu mă aştept ca românii să iasă în stradă pentru a protesta că li se mai ia ceva de la gura copiilor şi se duce la gura armelor de foc, pentru a îngroşa conturile unor bestii (era să zic, cu chip uman, dar aş fi greşit amarnic 😉 ), dar cu siguranţă americanii, până la urmă cei mai păgubiţi ( atâta doar că la ei încă nu se observă atât de drastic), din această cursă nebunească de cucerire a noi pieţe de desfacere pentru satisfacerea acestor monştri satanici, vor reuşi să-i pună la punct . De data asta final !


  8. Radu said, on iunie 5, 2014 at 5:49 pm

    Reblogged this on radupopescublog.


  9. nikodim said, on iunie 5, 2014 at 7:42 pm

    Porosenko ( alias Waltzmann-ucrainian get-beget!), alesul licurici al licuricilor din Ucraina, isi serbeaza sambata cu mare fast „scaunul de domnie” in care a fost impus si ales la indicatii exprese si foarte „democratice”. Sambata este stiut de catre tot crestinul ortodox ce zi este si ce Sarbatoare precede si deci etalarea fastului lumesc, mai ales al celui bazat pe suferinte, ura si sange, nu este oportuna. Ucraina este in majoritate covarsitoare ortodoxa, dar ca si la noi unde de Sarbatoarea Nasterii Domnului acum 25 de ani a fost ucis conducatorul Tarii, asa si la ei licuricii isi fac de cap si batjocoresc Credinta si fiinta celor pe care ii conduc, sau mai bine zis, pe care ii exploateaza demonocratic.

    Apreciat de 1 persoană

  10. Romanul said, on iunie 5, 2014 at 11:29 pm

    Am inteles ca mor cainii de drum lung, dar cum ramane cu masacrul de la Fantana Alba?
    Cum ramane cu elitele romanesti masacrate de comunistii veniti pe tancurile sovietice?
    Astia ne-au nenorocit si noi nu mai putem de grija rusilor… bravos natiune.


    • saccsiv said, on iunie 5, 2014 at 11:36 pm


      Si elitele rusesti au fost macelarite de aceiasi.


      • Romanul said, on iunie 5, 2014 at 11:41 pm

        Nu inteleg ce vrei sa spui cu „aceiasi”?
        Da mai multe detalii pentru ca nu cunosc despre ce vorbesti.

        Pe de alta parte, legat de Fantana Alba, supravietuitorii romani au spus ca au tras soldatii rusi.
        Exista si filmari pe net!!


      • saccsiv said, on iunie 6, 2014 at 12:52 am


        Ai vorbit de elitele romanesti masacrate de bolsevici. Ti-am raspuns ca aceiasi au masacrat si elitele ruse.

        Tu faci o diversiune si zici ca uneltele ce au ucis la Fantana Alba vorbeau ruseste.

        Prietene, daca doresti un astfel de „dialog”, du-te pe site-urile mass-media.

        Aceiasi sunt cei ce au creat comunismul si l-au implementat in Rusia. Aceiasi sunt cei ce l-au implementat si in Bavaria si in Polonia si in Romania, etc.

        Ca mai apoi s-au gasit unelte care sa vorbeasca ruseste sau romaneste este alta poveste.


  11. Raul Basarabeanu said, on iunie 6, 2014 at 1:09 am

    Saccsiv, ca-ti place sau nu rusii sunt in momentul de fata falsi ortodocsi. Multa ipocrizie, chiar si in Romania. Uita-te cate avorturi sunt, a postat cineva lista.


    • saccsiv said, on iunie 6, 2014 at 1:18 am

      Raul Basarabeanu

      Rusii sunt in momentul de fata falsi ortodocsi in aceeasi masura in care si romanii sunt in momentul de fata falsi ortodocsi. Au lucrat uneltele diavolului din plin si la ei si la noi.

      Dar ce inseamna un neam? Majoritatea celor ce s-au stricat?

      Cand masuram, cum masuram? Cu o masura romanul si cu alta rusul? Cand zicem roman, ne place sa zicem Stefan cel Mare, Mihai Viteazul, Sfintii Inchisorilor, eventual chiar Simona Halep. Cand zicem rus, de ce zicem: betivul, incultul, salbaticul?


      • Romanul said, on iunie 6, 2014 at 2:28 am

        Ca nu va fi la fel judecat imparatul ca robul. Unul a avut mare responsabilitate, iar altul mica.

        Ca toate popoarele pe care le-au nenorocit rusii au suferit enorm. Si nu cred in ruptul capului ca erau asa o mana de oameni, „aceiasi”, care se ocupau de granitele pe 2 continente.
        Vrajeala cu evreii nu tine cand ne uitam la miile de kilometri de granita.

        Hai sa ne uitam un pic in sus, la Finlanda.
        La noi ca evreii, la polonezi ca evreii, dar la finlandezi cum fusa?
        Ca s-au dus rusii peste ei de i-au omorat in razboiul ala de iarna si chiar la ora actuala, al doilea oras finlandez ca marime dupa Helsinki, e inca la rusi. Pentru cine nu stie, va zic acum, le-au luat rusii al doilea oras ca marime si un teritoriu cat aproape jumatate din Romania actuala. Si ce le-au facut alora acolo dupa ce i-au luat… aoleuuuu



      • saccsiv said, on iunie 6, 2014 at 8:48 am


        „Vrajeala cu evreii” …


      • Raul Basarabeanu said, on iunie 6, 2014 at 1:55 pm

        Saccsiv, ce vreau sa spun. Romania s-o fi aliniat la imoralitatile Vestului dar si in Rusia e acelasi lucru. Ii vezi pe rusi promovand in societate moralitatea? Si acolo exista internet, in Rusia sunt si foarte multe femei usoare (poate si din cauza banilor) si alcoolism peste ce e la noi. Momentan nu vad de ce ar trebui sa fim la mana oligarhilor rusi! Chiar nu vezi ca omenirea se spala in acelasi vas? Iar Romanul are dreptate, om fi noi inca cei mai putin patati de sange dar participam la degradarea imorala iar statistic vorbind lucrurile „evolueaza” spre rau.


      • Raul Basarabeanu said, on iunie 6, 2014 at 1:59 pm

        Omul s-a nascut liber dar nu e normal sa nu promovezi valori in societate. Iar acum in media apar transexuali si alte creaturi. Ne indreptam cu pasi mai repezi spre Sfarsitul Lumii.


  12. kosk said, on iunie 6, 2014 at 5:01 am

    trei sferturi din Politburo interbelic erau evrei bolsevizati, insusi Stalin fiind ETNIC GEORGIAN, cat despre Basarabia si masacre ia citeste tu ‘Saptamana Rosie’ de Paul Goma, poate iti vine porumbelu la cap. sau poate nu si atunci suferi de ceva incurabil ce se numeste ignoranta si rea-vointa ..
    ps. Goma a retractat o parte din cele spuse in carte la presiunile urmasilor evreilor bolsevici…


  13. geo said, on iunie 6, 2014 at 8:38 am

    Very interesting admission by a senior US diplomat: Russia „betrayed” the NWO

    I was just watching Alain Soral’s latest video when I heard him offer a very interesting explanation for why the AngloZionist Empire hates Putin so much. The article Soral quotes is entitled „The End of the New World Order” and it has been written by Christopher R. Hill, „former US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia, was US Ambassador to Iraq, South Korea, Macedonia, and Poland, a US special envoy for Kosovo, a negotiator of the Dayton Peace Accords, and the chief US negotiator with North Korea from 2005-2009”, i.e. a big shot in the US imperial nomenklatura. Here is what Hill writes:

    Russia’s annexation of Crimea and ongoing intimidation of Ukraine appears to mean the end of a 25-year period whose hallmark was an effort to bring Russia into greater alignment with Euro-Atlantic goals and traditions. Now the question is: What comes next? (…) [the] new world order held for almost 25 years. Except for Russia’s brief war with Georgia in August 2008 (a conflict generally seen as instigated by reckless Georgian leadership), Russia’s acquiescence and commitment to the “new world order,” however problematic, was one of the great accomplishments of the post-Cold War era. Even Russia’s reluctance to support concerted Western action, such as in Bosnia and Kosovo in the 1990’s, was based on arguments that could be heard in other European countries. Russian democracy certainly had its share of flaws, but that hardly made it unique among post-communist countries. (…) Americans do need to understand the challenge they are facing from a Russia that no longer seems interested in what the West has been offering for the last 25 years: special status with NATO, a privileged relationship with the European Union, and partnership in international diplomatic endeavor.

    Bingo! For all the wrong reasons (the usual crap about a resurgent and revanchist Russian Empire), Hill is absolutely right: Russia has absolutely zero interest in the „Western project”. Yup! From 1991 (and really even before that) to 1999 Russia was an imperial colony run by a collection of mostly Jewish oligarchs who hated Russia and who literally stole everything they could. From 1999 to 2012 Putin and his „Eurasian Sovereignists” had to share power with Medvedev’s „Atlantic Integrationists” (for the meaning of these terms see here and here) but since 2012 the former have pretty much seized full control of the Russian state. Hence the apparent change in course since 2012 and the West’s hysterical reaction of outrage, impotent furstration and barely contained hatred for the men whom they see as the number one enemy of the NWO on the planet and in that assessment they are actually absolutely correct, if late.

    Yes, today Russia has fundamentally turned away from the NWO and purged most, if not all, of the pro-NWO elite in Moscow. The future of Russia is in Asia and in the great Russian North and there is nothing the AngloZionist Empire can do about that.–hill-calls-on-the-west-to-prepare-for-a-long-struggle-with-a-revanchist-russia

    Si fiindca sint „falsi ortodocsi” trebuie eliminati!

    Russians are sub-humans in the eyes of the West

    Untermenschen. That is what we are in the eyes of The West. Untermenschen. Subhumans.

    I have watched the unfolding coup d’etat in Ukraine from it’s very beginning in late November 2013 in Kiev. I have watched a steady stream of western dignitaries and politicians parade through Maidan Square in Kiev, each and every one of them publicly and vocally expressing their open support of the coup d’etat. I find it appalling that the sitting ambassador of the United States of America to the Sovereign Country of Ukraine, Geoffrey R. Pyatt, actively and publicly supported a violent coup d’etat against the sitting and legally elected government of Ukraine and to this day actively and publicly expresses open support for the illegal coup d’etat installed government in Kiev.

    On 01 December 2013 my wife and I watched the Right Sector and Svoboda Party operatives attempt to take the Presidential Administration Building on Bankhova Street in Kiev under the active and visible command of Vitaly Klitchko and Petro Poroshenko, two sitting deputats of the Ukraine Rada (parliament). After that 3 hour riot ended with Bankhova Street being finally cleared by Berkut riot police who were under orders to not go beyond the end of Bankhova Street, I told my wife President Yanukovich would lose against the coup d’etat. She told me I was crazy. 2 1/2 months later we were shoveling sand in to bags in the middle of the night at the new block post just above Belbek Aerodrome as our Self Defense Forces in Sevastopol and Krimea built and manned block posts at the Krim/Ukraine border and the 5 roads in to Sevastopol. The victors of the Maidan coup d’etat, Oleg Tyagnibok (a sitting deputat of Ukraine Rada) and Dmitro Yarush, leaders of Svoboda Party and Right Sector Party respectively, had stated, during a live interview on Channel 5 TV in Kiev on 27 February 2014, that they were going to lead their combined 5500 fighters from Miadan down to Krim and Sevastopol and ‘kill every Russian there’ combined with ‘we will put every Russian in Krim to the knife’. We took them seriously and we knew they were heavily armed with AK 47’s and RPGs, clearly seen in videos of the end and aftermath of the coup in Maidan. Those first two days and nights on the barricades we had only clubs for most of us.

    Long story short, we seized our two governments from the Kiev appointed administrators, formed new governments for Sevastopol and the Autonomous Republic of Krimea and shortly thereafter activated a treaty signed with Russia in 1993 wherein Russia guaranteed the safety of the Autonomous Republic of Krimea and the City of Sevastopol. Russia honored that treaty and 3 days later the Russian Army arrived to protect us from the coup government in Kiev. The screams from The West were heard all the way to Mars. The screams were heard in the Andromeda Galaxy when we voted to join the Russian Federation and were excepted in to the RF.

    Shortly after the coup d’etat in Kiev several eastern and southern oblasti (districts) in Ukraine expressed dissatisfaction with the ‘new’ illegal government installed in Kiev. Right Sector operatives immediately began to infiltrate in to those oblasti. Demonstrations turned sometimes violent and people died.

    On 02 May there was a football match in Odessa on the south coast of Ukraine. We all know what happened in Odessa with the massacre of the anti Kiev demonstrators, unarmed demonstrators, in and around the Labor Union Building in Odessa as they were beaten, shot and burned to death. What you don’t know is the true number of dead that day and evening. 297 anti Kiev demonstrators AND innocents died that day. Over 50 were in hospital. Some of those who jumped from the entrance hall stairway at the fourth and fifth floor levels were beaten to death as they lay on the ground. Others were made to crawl away, severely injured, and were kicked and beaten as they crawled to the pile of wounded.

    To this day not a single western government that I am aware of has expressed the slightest sympathy or condolences for any of the wounded or dead in Odessa. The overriding comments from what little was said about Odessa in The West was the fact that the ‘anti kiev activists and agents’ accidently set the building on fire as they were throwing molotov cocktails at the football fans around the building. Why should they care? After all, the men, women, and yes, two children, who died in the massacre are Untermenschen. WE are Untermenschen.

    In the weeks before and after the massacre in Odessa the situation came to a head in Donetsk Oblast and Lugansk Oblast. Both declared their indendence from Ukraine and set up their own governments. The West screamed bloody murder as they are wont to do with their double standard and blamed everything on Russia and Mr. Putin including the drought in Mexico and the outbreak of teenaged acne in Australia.

    The two oblasti set up self defense units as Kiev mobilized their army and formed a large ‘national guard’ unit from Right Sector fighters from Maidan and western and central Ukraine. On 9 May there was a massacre in the city of Mariupol in Donetsk Oblast, now the Donbas Peoples Republic. Over 100 unarmed citizens and Militsiya (police) were shot down, often right on live camera. Yes, many of the citizens were screaming great obscenities at the Right Sector unit that entered the city. The police where slaughtered in their headquarters for being ‘disloyal’ to Kiev Government. Some were burned alive, handcuffed, in the police headquarters as it was burned by the Right Sector unit.

    To this day not a single western government that I am aware of has expressed the slightest sympathy or expressed condolences for the murdered men and women in Mariupol. After all, the dead citizens are Untermenschen. WE are Untermenschen.

    In the following days and weeks the Ukraine Army began to bombard villages, towns and cities starting with Slavyansk in Donbas. The first ‘bombardment’ was one single 82mm mortar round. With no reaction from either The West or Russia, the next day a heavy bombardment ocurred. In the days after the first heavy bombardments the toll of wounded, dead, maimed civilians mounted as the artillery was fired at patently civilian areas, we call them ‘living areas’. Over 100 civilians have died in the last two weeks. A like number were wounded.

    To this day not a single western government that I am aware of has expressed the slightest sympathy or expressed condolences for the murdered men and women and children in Donbas nor has a single western government asked Kiev to cease the bombardments. After all, the dead citizens are Untermenschen. WE are Untermenschen.

    Yesterday, 03 June 2014, shortly after noon local time there was an attack on the Lugansk City Administration Building in the center of Lugansk by a single Ukrainian Air Force Sukhoi 25 ground attack airplane. He fired a single volley of missiles at the front of the building. Yes, the building is the titular headquarters of Donbas Republic but 95% of the offices and workers in that building are city administration workers, civilians doing their work for the citizens of Lugansk and most of whom have worked there for years. Ukraine well knew that fact and attacked. The impact of the rockets are well documented in many videos extant on the internet as is the aftermath as the area is being policed up and the fire in the one burning office on the fourth floor is extinguished.

    The first two attached videos are of the area immediately after the attack. They are graphic to an extreme and are not for those with a weak stomach. The woman in the red blouse with her dying breaths asks „Excuse me please, give me a telephone.” Those words are an exact translation, she did say ‘Excuse me please’ before she requested the phone. The young man in the park whom they start CPR on died. The old man lying face down in the street is dead. The man face up with his head on a tyre died. The four women at the base of the entrance steps, three died instantly and the fourth, the lady with the red blouse, died in moments after her request. The man screaming as he takes the video of the carnage is screaming ‘sookhie’. ‘Sookha’, singular, and ‘sookhie’, plural, is the Russian word for a female dog. Like in English, in Russian it also has the second meaning, as in bitch. Here it’s fighting words.

    The west media did mention this senseless slaughter after a fashion. They said in their very few ‘articles’ yesterday refering to this slaughter that the ‘terrorists and rebels of the Donbas Army fired a Manpad that accidently hit the building’. This in spite of dozens of videos showing the missiles impacting in the park in front of the building and walking right up to the base and front facade of the building and the death and destruction in the park and in front of the building. Even the much vaunted BBC told the Manpad story.

    The third video is of the artillery bombardment of Slavyansk at dawn and shortly after today, 03 June 2014. I do not know of the extent of the civilian casualties this morning in Slavyansk but I do know one 9 story flats building was hit square on the roof and was burning as of 06:00 local time as are other structures in Slavyansk. slaughter in Lugansk admin bldg. 02 June death in the park in front of admin bldg. 02 June Bombard Slavyansk 03 June

    To this moment not a single western government or government official that I know of has expressed either sympathy or condolences for these dead civilians nor have any of them asked Kiev to cease these terror attacks. After all, the dead citizens are Untermenschen. WE are Untermenschen.

    I urge you all, each and every one of you, to flood your embassies, your ambassadors, your politicians, your presidents, your prime ministers, every government functionary you can find, with these videos. Perhaps their army of minions will not be able to stop all from getting through to them. Use email, use facebook, use twitter, use whatever you can. Show them WHAT THEY DID. Not that they will care. After all, we are Untermenschen.

    But one thing they should understand. We, the Untermenschen, will fight them. Ukraine died in Odessa on 02 May 2014. Any chance of negotiations about Donbas died on 09 May 2014 in Mariupol. After Lugansk yesterday it will be a fight to the death. We will win. We Untermenschen will defeat you. We have no choice. We will fight you to our last breath and die fighting before we kneel in subservience to a single one of you.

    For you politicians behind the coup d’etat in Kiev and the war against the citizens of Ukraine, you disgust me. I have only this to say to Merkel, Torchinov, Poroshenko, Holland, Cameron. Swift Boat John, Nuland and Obama, whoever the ‘president’ of poland is, each and every one of you, your minions and hangers on, the west politicians, ALL of you.

    Damn your eyes, damn your souls, damn you to Hell, back to where you came from. You are beneath contempt.


  14. kosk said, on iunie 6, 2014 at 10:23 am

    bre @Romanul daca tot o arzi scula pe bascula la capitolul istorie hai sa ne uitam putin la ‘Ukraina’ .Kievul (primul oras rus) e in ‘Ukraina’ iar Cernautiul (al doilea oras Romanesc ca importanta dupa Chisinau) din afara granitelor naturale ale Romaniei tot in ‘Ukraina’ este, ce zici? sa intram cu tancurile in ‘Ukraina’, in Cernauti si Balta Alba? eo prefer varianta asta…dar ne lipsesc tancurile (avem 50 ‘modernizate’) aviatia e pe butuci (12 mig-uri 21 lancer, paradite, cu resursa terminata) armata debusolata..


  15. Viorel P said, on iunie 6, 2014 at 11:46 am

    Dragii mei, @Romanul…ori e prost de bubuie, pentru ca a nu sti, a nu te informa in ziua de azi, cu biblioteca la distanta de o tasta, e imposibil de crezut. Deci prost nu cred ca e, mai ramane doar ca e cu „treaba” pe aici. Deci merita un dulce ignore, parerea mea.


  16. nikodim said, on iunie 6, 2014 at 3:59 pm

    Esti ortodox? Adica reformulez: Esti crestin ortodox?


  17. nikodim said, on iunie 6, 2014 at 4:22 pm

    Nu ca as fi eu in masura sa analizez situatia obiectiv, dar facand o comparatie intre Statele Unite ale Americii si Rusia, daca ma uit pe harta Rusiei, vad o multime de entitati teritoriale, de la republici la tot felul de regiuni autonome arondate popoarelor etnice altele decat rusii, chiar si celor foarte putin numeroase, care formeaza populatia Rusiei si daca mai caut si informatii despre popoarele respective vad ca ele exista si coexista acolo cu limba si cultura lor. In U.S.A. nu prea vad pe nicio harta vreo entitate teritoriala pentru etnicii amerindieni, proprietarii de drept ai pamanturilor americane, decimati intr-unul din cele mai mari holocausturi „democratice si politic corecte” din lumea moderna. E doar o comparatie a realitatilor din cele doua lumi, care in ciuda propagandei, poate da de gandit… cui vrea sa gandeasca.
    Asa cum Romanul are frustrari legate de Securitate, in care actionau totusi conationalii nostri, cred ca si in „lumea libera” sunt multimi de oameni care au aceleasi fel de probleme vizavi de sistemul „democratic”. A imparti lumea in buni si rai in felul Romanului inseamna o mare greseala dupa parerea mea…si daca acest lucru este facut intetionat si sustinut in mod constient, indemnand si pe altii sa creada la fel, atunci este un mare pacat.


    • geo said, on iunie 6, 2014 at 5:27 pm

      America, minus the mask: First and foremost, a nation of killers

      America is a nation of killers. It always has been, from the first Pilgrims who set foot in Massachusetts and later murdered the very people who had saved them from starvation.

      The entire American population is trapped in a self-delusion that they are heroes, fighting an endless string of evil enemies. But in fact their targeted enemies have always been innocent people, usually minding their own business, put in harm’s way by their own valuable possessions, which Americans inevitably covet, and will kill anyone to get.

      You could say this sly, self-justifying homicidal behavior is really a human problem, endemic to every nation or ethnic group. More fashionable lately is to blame it all on the clever Jews, who have controlled America and most other countries in a surreptitious way for a very long time. But lately, at least for most of the last century, when the blood of innocents is seeping into ravaged landscapes charred by bombs, it has always been Americans doing the bulk of the killing. This is something – from Sand Creek to Dresden to My Lai to Fallujah – that makes them very proud.

      You could say that they learned it all from the British, who learned it all from the Romans, but you’d be wrong. All the great empires of history were the greatest killers, and to think otherwise is to be naive. The most prosperous and forward looking countries have always been the best killers, and America, whose budget for wars and weapons exceeds the combined total of all the other countries of the world, is the most prodigious killer country of all time.

      Something to be proud of, isn’t it? What is worth examining, however, is the false rhetoric justifying these murderous actions that is always couched in terms of the heroic protection of peace. Like the famous Vietnam maxim: we had to destroy the village in order to save it.

      Like some parasitic termite inexorably chomping on the beams of an elegant mansion, this philosophy is turning the world into a giant heap of irreparable rubble, which is exactly what Halliburton and all the other vampire corporations want – destroying the treasures of the past so knock-off substandard replacement structures can be built everywhere the U.S. government decides to destroy.

      A simple analysis of the news bites of the day will show that the terror card is a false canard. The FBI fabricates all these crimes to show everyone there is a terrorist around every corner, but there aren’t any – there are only undereducated patsies induced to shoot their mouths off about misinformation they have misinterpreted and get themselves arrested for plots that never could have actually happened. Think Shoe Bomber, or Crotch Bomber, and millions in profits for Michael Chertoff and his airport cancer machines that catch no criminals, only cause disease.

      In the glib propaganda of the present day, most of us forget that this is the self-serving lingo the conquerors. In World War I the targeted Germans became Huns eating babies in order to motivate American hayseeds to kill them. More recently, the U.S. president insisted that the Libyan dictator was killing his own people. So he then invaded that country and killed that leader. But then when the original lie is revealed that the Libyan dictator was actually treating his own people very generously, it was too late to reverse the American atrocity that had been committed. The so-called dictator has been raped and murdered in the streets of his own country, and 40,000 of his loyal countrymen have died along with him, all because of the American lie that was told so Israel’s gang of neocon thieves could steal both his oil and his water, not to mention his gold. Though the lie is revealed, the outcome may not be changed. This is a portrait of American justice around the world, the legacy that this obnoxious nation of killers continues to unleash upon the world.

      Very few people are willing to admit that this has been the ethos upon which American prosperity was based.

      Of course, it’s not really American justice. Those who have acquired any acumen whatsoever during the course of their lives about world politics knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is only one force in the whole world that determines everything, and that of course is money, and that all the money in the world has been controlled by Jewish billionaires ever since the time of Rothschild when Nathan Rothschild essentially stole the entire British treasury in 1815 when Wellington finally defeated Napoleon. Ever since that time, world politics has been dominated by very rich Jews controlling both your nation and your mind, but they’ve been so clever about it, the vast majority of the world’s population has had no clue that this has even occurred.

      Things we dare not tell our children

      American history as well as British history are very much Jewish history, a history written in blood and funded by drugs, sex and blackmail. American history and British history, very much inseparable, are not about the Magna Carta and the Declaration of Independence; they are much more about the genocide of native peoples all over the world, and their enslavement – the whole world has been enslaved by the Western business model. Who can say whether the Jews actually invented it in their takeover of all the countries of the world, or whether they just expropriated the model crafted by the Romans and fine-tuned by the Venetians?

      All we know now is that American history and British history are cover stories for the Jewish takeover of reality that have resulted in this prison mentality that the very rich have the means and methods to tell everyone else what to do, and that message is to rape and plunder your way to the top, and pay no mind to the millions of people you have to crush into the mud of time to get the job done. All the fine words of theologians and philosophers are only meant to cover up the unspeakable realities of Hiroshima and Fukushima that aim to pare down the population to a manageable level on a plantation run by fellows with whips in their hands.

      Deceived by their own reality and endlessly distracted by their own obligations, when parents send their children to schools, they have suppressed the knowledge that they are really sending their kids off to learn to be obedient killers.

      With all the intelligent people IN the world observing all the tragic events and calculated frauds OF the world, I remain mystified why more people haven’t figured out that Jews are responsible for all the horrible things that make our lives so tenuous and dangerous every single day.

      The most horrible thing of all is that maybe we all wanted to this to happen, to have a ruthless leader tell us what to do so we wouldn’t have to think for ourselves that one day we are all going to die, and everything we build will mean nothing to us when we’re gone. Very likely this is the real reason for all the pointless killing for all the temporal profits and meaningless prizes.

      How stupid are the American people not to notice that their so-called government is doing the same thing in Ukraine that it is doing in Syria and has done in dozens of countries, from Serbia to Yemen to Pakistan to Iraq. Every bit of it is couched in terms that allege America is promoting peace while conducting war.

      Jewish-controlled America pays desperate mercenary criminals from around the world to destabilize independent governments. In Ukraine, Victoria Nuland, chief neocon agent for destabilization, had admitted the U.S. has spent $5 billion to generate regime change in Kiev. An Egyptian writer, Ashraf Ezzat, has pointed out that the same flyers used in Cairo to enrage the participants in that revolution was used in Kiev to enflame the paid revolutionaries in Ukraine.

      They don’t even keep their treason a secret anymore. For more than two decades now, the U.S. has fomented chaos in Iraq by sending in billions of dollars on pallets to be paid to everyone who wants to keep fighting (which is virtually the entire population of the Third World), and especially to the American mercenaries for that company that keeps changing its name but once was called Blackwater, now showing up as the private armies of Ukrainian neocon oligarchs.

      How proud must Americans be that the U.S. continues to be the war making giant of the whole world, expropriating the position that we insisted was occupied by Russia when it was the USSR. Russia was never this blatant or this aggressive in infiltrating and bribing the citizens of multiple nations into betraying their own countries. All it takes nowadays is a fistful of practically worthless dollars, and the U.S. sucks another prostituted nation into the corrupt orbit of the Jewish New World Order.

      However, in today’s herniated reality, American pride soon gives way to pain when the soldiers doing the Jews’ business around the world come and find there are no jobs except prison guards available to them, and that both their rights and their guns have been taken away from them. When they see that, and realize that the people they killed were really just like them, suicide doesn’t seem like such a bad option.

      No profit in peace

      We all need to protect ourselves from the police. They are the criminals. They don’t protect people. They only protect bankers. Nowadays, they are best known as killing people for fun, and shooting the pets of innocent people.

      The lawyers will not defend you and the judges will not listen to your pleas about honesty, morality or justice. The justice system has become just another cash cow, allowing people on the inside to get rich off the luckless patsies on the outside. What they said would happen is now true – the world has been divided into a society of prisoners and guards, and God help you if you can’t a job as a guard.

      Does anybody out there still believe that Afghanistan was a worthwhile project? Worth six thousand American lives, not to mention hundreds of thousand natives? All to protect the poppy crop? How much do you really know? How much do you want to know? Do you want to know how to keep yourself alive?

      Do you understand the need to overthrow this government? Do you realize there is no one in the federal government who cares about your continuing existence?

      When nations advocate torture

      As America’s infrastructure continues to crumble, successive corrupt U.S administrations have squandered billions to foment revolutions and spread the tyranny of the World Bank around the world.

      The high minded rhetoric of JFK in the 1960s which encouraged public service as a way to make the world a better place has given way to the obscene trivialities of George W. Bush calling the Constitution „just a piece of paper” and Barack Obama removing the Constitutional protections of habeas corpus and trial by jury, totalitarian moves that have been applauded by a media controlled and drug addled populace no longer able to distinguish spin from logic and nobility from perversion.

      I don’t remember exactly when it became publicly acceptable to torture political prisoners and send them to foreign jails to be mutilated, but it was well after we knew that the so-called wars from which these prisoners were snatched were phony deals from the beginning, long after Zbigniew Brzezinski had created al-Qaeda as a means of forcing the Russians out of Afghanistan.

      Bad at math, the American people could not put 2 plus 2 together and realize that every single hapless person ever imprisoned at Guantanamo was absolutely innocent because the United States had created the enemy it was pretending to fight.

      No, the American people have feigned ignorance but actually approved all these crimes against hapless countries with no air forces and innocent people who have committed no crimes, only gotten in the way of New World Order drug smuggling and parking their camels in the way of oil and gas pipelines.

      A few of us try to stand up and point out that this is all wrong, but our voices are lost in a tidal wave of irrelevant trivia that is more important to most people than their own lives, than their own well being. And as new planes are launched and new bombs dropped, our voices are drowned out by the ugly sounds of people gasping for breath and dying, because of our refusal to acknowledge that we ourselves have failed to protest the lies that are killing them.

      Because of our profound ignorance, our families will soon suffer the same fate of those innocent people who have died because we did not have the courage to confront the lies we were told, and are still being told.

      A nation of killers living on lies is what America has turned out to be. If you call yourself an American, you must accept that as the truth, and act accordingly in some way to try to redeem yourself from the thoughtless scumbag that history will judge you as having been. Or at least you will have to do that if you care about anything at all.


      • valentin said, on iunie 9, 2014 at 10:52 pm

        au omorât toți indienii americani. Dumnezeu să-i odihnească în pace.
        Dar cei din grupurile care au făcut acele crime, când văd acum un indian american sunt mult mai chinuiți de imaginea chipului lui și suferă mai mult decât toți indienii americani omorâți la comandă.


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