SACCSIV – blog ortodox

VIDEO: Teribila furtuna in timpul unui concert rock la Helsinki

Posted in FURTUNA by saccsiv on august 12, 2010

   Iata si ce scrie cel ce a postat filmul pe youtube:

Helsingin Myrsky, Alpillanpuisto Festivaali..08.08.2010.
A massive thunder and lightening storm suddenly hits Helsinki at 21.00hrs during the Alpilla Music Festival, just as Nieminen and Litmanen hit the stage. The storm shut the concert down, and thousands of frightened Finns ran for their lives as the winds blew a massive Force 8 gale and the rain fell in sheets. Just minutes before the storm, everybody was complaining of the heat. The thirty degree temperatures, coupled with the smog and dust of the fires blowing in from nearby Russia, made breathing difficult throughout the day. But within a few moments all were drenched to the skin and shivering in the sudden heavy rains and the temperature drop. A truly spectacular natural event to witness. More photos available in the Finnish press.
Iata si ce putem citi in articolul O furtună apocaliptică a scufundat în întuneric oraşul Helsinki:  

   40 de oameni au fost raniti din cauza vantului foarte puternic, fulgerelor si a ploii torentiale. Imaginile sunt de-a dreptul infricosatoare. Uriasul nor al furtunii este infatisat cu cateva momente inainte de izbucnirea urgiei in Helsinki. Orasul se scufunda in intuneric in cateva minute, pe masura ce norii se napustesc violent

2 răspunsuri

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  1. saccsiv said, on august 12, 2010 at 5:45 pm

    Pentru o mai facila parcurgere a acestui blog, cititi va rog si “CUPRINS”:


  2. […] Continue reading here: VIDEO: Teribila furtuna in timpul unui concert rock la Helsinki […]


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