SACCSIV – blog ortodox


Posted in EVREI, Romania, UNGARIA by saccsiv on august 6, 2014

   Winston Churchill, Illustrated Sunday Herald, 8 februarie 1920:

   “Din zilele lui Weishaupt, Karl Marx, Trotki, Bela Kuhn, Rosa Luxemburg si Ema Goldman, conspiratia acestei lumi a luat amploare. Aceasta conspiratie a jucat un rol recunoscut în Revolutia Franceza. A fost izvorul fiecarei miscari subversive în secolul 19. Si acum, în sfârsit, aceasta banda de personalitati extraordinare din lumea interlopa a marilor orase din Europa si America i-a tras de par pe rusi si au devenit conducatorii acelui enorm imperiu.“
Toti astia fiind evrei, ca si cei cu banii:

„The Money Masters” – un excelent documentar despre modul in care ROTHSCHILD si locotenentii lor stapanesc sistemul financiar-bancar mondial

Cei cu banii finantand revolutia bolsevica din Rusia:

Louis Thomas McFadden a platit cu viata pentru lupta sa impotriva FEDERAL RESERVE

Din nefericire insa la acea vreme ciuma revolutiei bolsevice n-a cuprins doar Rusia, ci si multe din tarile europene, precum:

Stiati ca a existat REPUBLICA SOVIETICA BAVARIA (Munchen)? A FOST CONDUSA DE EVREI. Ca si REVOLUTIA GERMANA … Ce rol a jucat Adolf Hitler?

Iata ce putem citi la

La 21 martie 1919, puterea în Ungaria a fost preluată de comuniștii conduși de Béla Kun. Forțele comuniste maghiare au atacat atât noul statCehoslovacia, cât și trupele române din Transilvania, în speranța de a ocupa Transilvania. La 11 decembrie 1918 s-a creat Comandamentul trupelor din Transilvania, comandant de corp fiind numit generalul Traian Moșoiu, iar ulterior generalul Gheorghe Mărdărescu.

La 4 august 1919 armata română a intrat în Budapesta sub comanda generalului Gheorghe Mărdărescu, alți generali ai armatei fiind Demetrescu, Holban, Traian Moșoiu și locotenent-colonelul Ion Antonescu. A fost cucerită capitala, BudapestaBéla Kun a demisionat și regimul comunist a fost înlăturat. La 14 noiembrie 1919, armata română a părăsit Budapesta, care a rămas sub conducerea armatei naționale ungare. La 16 noiembrie 1919Horthy a intrat în Budapesta și și-a stabilit centrul comandamentului la hotelul Gellért.

La 25 februarie 1920, armata română a părăsit teritoriul Ungariei la cererea Antantei.

Cititi va rog si:

Pe 4 august s-au împlinit 95 de ani de la eliberarea Budapestei de către Armata Română 

   Asadar Bela Kun a fost evreu:

   Cititi va rog si:

Sfantul Nicolae al II-lea Romanov, ultimul tar al Rusiei, ucis de un pluton de executie condus emblematic de catre evreul Iacov Iurovski


38 răspunsuri

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  1. […] via REVOLUTIA BOLSEVICA DIN UNGARIA condusa de EVREUL BELA KUN a fost zdrobita de ARMATA ROMANA | Saccsi…. […]


    • Radu Iacoboaie said, on august 6, 2014 at 1:51 pm

      Blogul meu ACTUALIZAT LA ZI se poate găsi accesând pe Google fișierul: Radu Iacoboaie – sau adresa blogului:

      Doamne ajută!


  2. geo said, on august 6, 2014 at 12:56 pm

    Sa nu uitam ca astazi este 6 august data in care acum 69 de ani americanii au experimentat bomba atomica pe japonezi…absolut fara nici o justificare militara…

    At least 2,000 American citizens died at Hiroshima, most of whom were not prisoners of war, but rather Japanese-Americans who were kept as free-roaming political prisoners, prohibited from returning to the US for fear (by both sides) of espionage. Only 11 American POWs have been positively identified at Hiroshima, but there were hundreds more unidentified POWs, some of which were American. An unspecified number of British, Australian, and Dutch POWs were also killed in the explosion.


    • Bau Bau said, on august 6, 2014 at 1:34 pm

      poate la 70 de ani dispare agresorul insusi …..


      • geo said, on august 6, 2014 at 3:36 pm

        nu prea cred…din cauza deficitului extraodrinar – peste 70 de mii de miliarde dolari!!! – singura cale de salvare este razboiul…din pacate pentru noi…


    • cristi o. said, on august 6, 2014 at 8:36 pm

      Iudeo-masoneria a experimentat „schimbarea la fata” a omenirii – o schita de distrugere in masa, mai tarziu, a cateva miliarde de insi. Insi care zadarnicesc planul lor diabolic de instaurare a guvernarii lui antihrist, marele „arhitect” al distrugerii capodoperei divine – omul. Alegerea datei si simbolistica nu lasa loc de echivoc in ceea ce priveste acest atac nuclear, total nejustificat in plan strategic, militar si financiar. Statele Unite au fost si sunt doar o unealta fara personalitate, un bou care trage la jug in directia dorita de stapanul sionist…


  3. Maria said, on august 6, 2014 at 2:45 pm

    Buna ziua,
    Cine are pe acasa fire textile( ghem, bobina, scul, etc) ce pot fi folosite la tricotat-crosetat, daca nu le mai folositi va rog sa mi le dati mie. Incerc sa ma descurs si eu cum pot sa imi cresc copilasul deoarece nu am serviciu. Daca este cineva care ma poate ajutat cu asa ceva va rog spuneti-mi.


    • cca70 said, on august 6, 2014 at 8:42 pm

      buna ziua

      va rog sa ii cereti lui saccsiv adresa mea de mail ca sa putem discuta cazul dvs mai in detaliu


      • Maria said, on august 7, 2014 at 8:20 am

        Buna dimineata, Va multumesc pentru raspuns. Stiu ca fratele de la saccsiv este destul de ocupat si este normal sa raspunda greu. Daca doriti putem discuta: emnscu este adresa mea pe yahoo. Voi cere si adresa dvs. O zi buna.


  4. geo said, on august 6, 2014 at 3:36 pm

    Sfântul Ioan Iacob, Românul Hozevit

    “De aş avea lacrămi de sânge, cu ele aş scrie rândurile acestea, ca să fie mai bine pricepută durerea pe care o am pentru urgisirea neamului nostru de astăzi şi pentru urâciunea şi turburarea care domneşte între noi!”
    fragment din scrisoarea catre surorile românce de la Eleon

    Popor martir
    poezie scrisa de Sf. Ioan Iacob (+5 aug.)

    Din viaţa ta – cum văd – înseamnă
    Poporule mult zbuciumat
    Că eşti ca grâul cel de toamnă:
    În ploi şi vânturi semănat.Tu eşti odrasla cea mezină
    A trunchiului daco-roman,
    Născut cu sabia în mână
    Aici, în câmpul dunărean.Ca leagăn scump tu ai doar munţii
    Şi scăldătoare Dunărea,
    Pădurile cununa frunţii,
    Iar holdele sunt haina ta.În sângele muceniciei
    Ai fost prin veacuri botezat
    Şi-n vârsta crudă a prunciei
    N-ai fost ca alţii alintat.
    Căci tu fiind abia în faşă
    Părinţii te-au lăsat orfan
    Şi spre fiinţa ta gingaşă
    S-aruncă barbarul tiran.

    Luându-ţi drumul pribegiei
    Trăieşti prin munţi şi prin păduri
    Şi “veacuri de mucenicie”
    De la sălbatici tu înduri.

    Când negura păgânătăţii
    Se năpustea către Apus
    Ai fost atunci Creştinătăţii
    Ca scut de pază nerăpus.

    Când naţiile apusene
    Urzesc “progresul” ţării lor
    În şesurile dunărene
    Tu rabzi potop cotropitor.

    La “cuibul” proaspăt din câmpie
    Abia atunci înfiripat
    S-aruncă valuri din pustie
    De goţi şi huni neîncetat.

    Tu stând cu ghioaga nestrujită
    La trecătoare între munţi,
    Ca santinelă neclintită
    A lor năvală o înfrunţi.

    Deci tu de mic, o, mucenice,
    Ai fost zăgazul nemişcat
    A valurilor inamice
    Şi tu pe toţi i-ai apărat.În vremea cea de suferinţă
    Biserica te-a îndulcit
    Cu laptele bunei credinţe
    Şi paşii ţi-a călăuzit.Din gura ei înveţi tu graiul
    Frumos ca imnul îngeresc
    Şi ea îţi pregăteşte Raiul
    În slava Tatălui Ceresc.
    Cuvântul ei ţi-a dat tărie
    Când sufletul era mâhnit
    Şi-având nădejdea-n veşnicie
    Necazul nu te-a biruit.

    De câte ori te-ngenunchează
    Vrăjmaşii cei cotropitori,
    “Bătrâna” te îmbărbătează
    Şi nu te lasă ca să mori.

    Deci nu slăbi şi crede numa
    Că “Maica” nu te-a părăsit,
    Ci darul ei, întâi şi-acuma,
    Te sprijină necontenit.

    De vei păzi, “credinţa tare”
    Precum din veac s-a moştenit
    Vei fi slăvit din nou sub soare
    Mai mult de cum ai fost slăvit.

    Iar dacă tu dispreţui-vei
    Predaniile părinteşti,
    Atuncia grâu vei fi colivei
    Şi veşnic nu mai odrăsleşti.

    Vei fi ca pleava cea uşoară
    Purtată pururea de vânt
    Pierindu-ţi urmele din ţară
    Şi numele de pe pământ!

    Atunci vei moşteni blestemul
    Ca fiul rău de la părinţi
    Pierzând ogorul – ca Edenul –
    Răscumpărat de-atâţia Sfinţi!


  5. geo said, on august 6, 2014 at 3:42 pm

    Dreptul de a ne cinsti morţiI
    1944 – Masacrul de la Bălţi
    – Analogii interogative –

    Un document cutremurător, o succintă relatare a masacrului comis de către militarii N.K.V.D. în anul 1944, la marginea oraşului Bălţi din Basarabia. Textul scris în anul 1994 este la fel de actual şi astăzi. Călugării români de la Sf. Munte Athos au primit, prin căi ocolite, o scrisoare zguduitoare din partea Ierodiaconului Ieronim Şchiopu de la Bălţi, Basarabia, care relata masacrul comis, acel îngrozitor masacru despre care s-a scris prea puţin şi prea târziu. Putem lua exemplu de la evrei, trebuie să-l facem cunoscut întregii planete. Victimele de la Bălţi sunt morţii noştri, sunt cei ce au apărat Ţara şi Neamul. Prizonieri fiind, au fost ucişi mişeleşte pentru singura vină de a fi fost militari români care şi-au făcut datoria. La fel şi prizonierii militari germani, unguri, polonezi, cehi… După cum se poate constata, nici Rusia, nici Occidentul nu ne recunosc dreptul de a ne cinsti morţii! Încă o dată istoria o scriu cei puternici – „învingătorii”.

    În jurul Regelui Mihai se vântura o faună pertriţă, o şleahtă de oportunişti care şi-au adus contribuţia funestă la marea trădare naţională de la 23 august 1944. „La începutul lunii iulie 1944, o vizită discretă la Iaşi a generalului Aurel Aldea, trimis de rege pentru a se întâlni cu generalul Racoviţă, a prilejuit întocmirea unui plan strategic, în sensul preconizat de Bodnaraş-Dămăceanu pentru deschiderea frontului în «Poarta Iaşiului», iar la sfârşitul lunii iulie 1944, Bodnaraş i-a comunicat lui Stalin toate detaliile necesare: deschiderea programată a frontului; zona deschiderii; data prevăzută – 20 august. Pentru materializarea planului, Stalin a ordonat încetinirea ritmului ofensivei sovietice pe frontul din Polonia şi transferarea de trupe pe frontul din Moldova, în sectorul stabilit.”[1]

    Arestarea Mareşalului Ion Antonescu de către Regele Mihai, cu sprijinul nemijlocit al camarilei sale, apoi difuzarea prin postul de radio, în seara nefastei zile a Neamului Românesc – 23 august 1944 – a „Proclamaţiei către ţară”[2], a însemnat, în fapt, o capitulare necondiţionată. Militarilor români li s-a ordonat să nu riposteze inamicului, iar acesta, avertizat din timp prin Bodnăraş, a dat prilejul nesperat Armatei Roşii să înceapă distrugerea Armatei Române şi ocuparea întregului teritoriu al ţării. În intervalul 23 august-12 septembrie 1944 (perioadă în care România s-a găsit în situaţia de a avea inamici atât pe fostul aliat, Germania, cât şi pe inamicul de până atunci, Uniunea Sovietică), în jur de 170.000 de militari români, lipsiţi prin ordin regal de dreptul de a se apăra, au fost luaţi prizonieri de către sovietici. Au urmat deportările, masacrele, crimele abominabile ale asasinilor N.K.V.D., ascunse timp de decenii şi, regretabil, ascunse şi astăzi.

    „În anul 1944, la năvala hoardelor ruseşti care au invadat Basarabia, Armata Roşie a făcut zeci de mii de prizonieri militari. În oraşul Bălţi au fost concentraţi cca. 50.000 de militari români, care ţinuseră piept hoardelor dezlănţuite. Dintre cei 50.000 de militari, 80% erau români, iar ceilalţi erau aproximativ: 5.000 germani, 2.000 unguri, iar restul cehi şi polonezi. În nord-estul oraşului, unde curge râul Răut şi se formează mlaştini, KGB a găsit locul cel mai nimerit să amplaseze lagărul îngonjurat cu garduri înalte de sârmă ghimpată. Chinurile acelor prizonieri erau de neînchipuit: foamea era flagelul numărul unu, însoţit de lipsa de higienă; bolile, frigul şi umezeala produceau decese fără număr. Din acel lagăr unii mai curajoşi au evadat, dar au fost mitraliaţi. Totuşi, au mai fost şi fugari scăpaţi, pe care nu i-a găsit nimeni, decât că s-au făcut singuri cunoscuţi, după destrămarea Uniunii Sovietice. Informaţii despre crimele petrecute în acest lagăr s-au publicat în „Curierul de Nord” din oraşul Bălţi, săptămânal al Basarabiei de Nord. Ziarul mai apare şi acum, dar ştrangulat şi ameninţat de către cei care urăsc tot ce este românesc. Din declaraţiile celor evadaţi s-au stabilit crimele KGB săvârşite la Bălţi.

    Toţi cei 50.000 de prizonieri au fost împuşcaţi în ceafă de militarii KGB-ului (corect N.K.V.D.-ului – n.r.) şi aruncaţi în şanţurile mocirloase pe care tot ei le-au săpat la ordin (exemplu tipic al asasinilor KGB-işti (corect N.K.V.D.-işti – n.r.), întocmai ca în cazul Katynului, unde diferă numai numărul celor asasinaţi). Îndată ce au fost date în vileag cele întâmplate, s-au făcut sondaje în mlaştini, în anii 1991-1992, iar rezultatele au fost cutremurătoare: nici hârleţele, nici lopeţile nu au mai putut fi utilizate din cauza mulţimii scheletelor şi osemintelor răspândite în acele mocirle. Inimile îndurerate ale evlavioşilor creştini şi ale celor da la săptămânalul „Curierul de Nord”, i-au împins să facă o piramidă de oase şi cranii, care au fost strânse pe un loc mai uscat, peste care s-a aşternut o mare cantitate de pământ bătătorit şi s-a ridicat în felul acesta un deluşor mai înalt, o moviliţă în trepte, tot din ţărână, iar pe partea ei de sus s-a aşezat o troiţă. Troiţa de lemn sculptat a fost darul credincioşilor din raionul Răşcani, din apropierea Bălţilor. Pe data de 7 mai 1992, s-a sfinţit această troiţă de către Preasfinţitul Petre de Bălţi, cu sobor de preoţi şi monahi, la care sfinţire au participat mii de credincioşi români şi autorităţi orăşeneşti. Atunci, cu ocazia cuvântului solemn, întocmit de Ierodiaconul Nicodim Şchiopu, s-a lansat chemarea ca pe acel loc să se construiască o „Biserică sau Mănăstirea oaselor”, pentru ca zi şi noapte, prea cuvioşii monahi şi prea cucernicii preoţi să pomenească sufletele celor 50.000 de martiri nevinovaţi, ucişi mişeleşte cu gloanţe trase în ceafă, de către militarii sovietici.

    Preasfinţitul Petru de Bălţi a investit ca paroh al viitorei „Biserici a oaselor” pe tânărul preot Valeriu Cernei, fost cancelar al Eparhiei Bălţi. După aceea, lucrurile au luat o întorsătură tragică: Presfinţitul Petru a fost atacat cu arme şi bâte chiar la sediul Palatului Episcopal, de un grup de călugări şi preoţi, adepţi ai Arhiepiscopului Vladimir Cântăreanu, care ţine de Patriarhia de Moscova. Atacurile au fost extinse şi la cele două mânăstiri din Eparhia de Bălţi şi mai continuă şi astăzi, după doi ani, împotriva a tot ce este românesc. În scaunul episcopal s-a aşezat şeful agresorilor moscoviţi, arhimandritul trădător Marcel Mihăescu. Biserica a rămas numai în proiect, un plan făcut de arhitecţi inimoşi, din cauza lipsei de fonduri, din cauza sărăciei în care se zbate Biserica Românească din Basarabia, sub persecuţia moscovită.

    Oare de ce nu se vorbeşte nimic despre acest genocid împotriva poporului român? De ce nu se stabileşte adevărul în privinţa masacrelor făcute împotriva neamului nostru? Aceste crime monstruoase trecut însă sub tăcere, nu sunt oare tot un Holocaust? Aici se încheie cutremurătoarea scrisoare a cucerniciei sale, Ierodiaconul Nicodim Şchiopu. (Nicolae D. Rusu)

    Există unele analogii ale evenimentelor şi, în mod firesc, apar întrebări. După Al Doilea Război Mondial, evreii au intreprins o campanie îndreptăţită, dar foarte agresivă pentru mondializarea, sacralizarea şi „valorificarea” holocaustului, ceea ce l-a determinat pe Norman Finkelstein să declare: „Campania care se desfăşoară sub ochii noştri, având ca scop extorcarea de bani a statelor pentru „victime” ale holocaustului lipsite de posibilităţi”, instrumentată de industria holocaustului, a adus statura morală a martiriului lor la nivelul unui cazinou din Monte Carlo”.[3] Scriitorul israelian Boas Evron susţine: „Conştiinta Holocaustulu este în realitate o îndoctrinare propagandistică oficială, o maşinărie agitatorică producătoare de lozinci şi o viziune falsă asupra lumii, al cărui ţel nu e nicidecum înţelegerea trecutului, ci manipularea prezentului”.[4]

    Supremul furnizor al mistificării cunoscute sub numele „sacralizarea holocaustului”, este Elie Wiesel – împostor dovedit. Pentru Wiesel, susţine istoricul american Peter Novick, „Holocaustul este efectiv o «religie a misterului»: duce în întuneric, neagă toate răspunsurile, se situează în afară, dacă nu dincolo de istorie, sfidează atât cunoaşterea cât şi descrierea, nu poate fi explicat, nici vizualizat, nu poate fi înţeles sau transmis în veci, marchează o destrucţie a istoriei şi o mutaţie la scara cosmică.”…
    „Numai preotul-supravieţuitor e calificat să-i oficieze misterul. Orice supravietuitor are mai mult de spus decât toţi istoricii la un loc despre ce s-a întâmplat. Şi totuşi, misterul Holocaustului este noncomunicabil. Nici măcar nu putem discuta despre el. […] A existat un singur Holocaust. A compara Holocaustul cu suferinţele altor popoare constituie «o trădare totală a istoriei evreieşti». A desacraliza sau a demistifica Holocaustul este o formă subtilă de antisemitism.”[5]

    Trăim într-o epocă în care credinţa în Dumnezeu este ridiculizată de mulţi pentru că „nu poate fi explicată raţional”, dar după concepţia unora asemenea lui Wiesel, holocaustul este superior credinţei în Dumnezeu, în acest caz „misterul” fiind permis. Clamarea unicităţii holocaustului este ruptă de pretenţia că, holocaustul nu poate fi înţeles raţional. Dacă holocaustul nu are precedent în istorie, ar trebui – după unele afirmaţii – să stea deasupra acesteia. În concluzie, conform aceloraşi principii absurde, nu poate fi înţeles prin intermediul istoriei: „este unic pentru ca e inexplicabil şi este inexplicabil pentru ca e unic”.

    „Pentru unii mumă, pentru alţii, ciumă”?

    Contrar spuselor nestimatului neprieten al românilor, Elie Wiesel, propaganda exacerbată care nu permite compararea suferinţele evreilor cu suferinţele altor popoare poate fi numită terorism intelectual. Spre diferenţă de cei ca Elie Wiesel, care urăsc oricare altă naţie decât a lor, îmi respect şi iubesc poporul din care fac parte, dar nimic nu mă împiedică să le respect pe toate celelalte, deopotrivă. Din punct de vedere existenţial toţi suntem egali în faţa Creatorului Suprem şi povestea cu „poporul ales” n-are decât să o creadă cine vrea. Eu, unul, nu ştiu cine l-a „ales”, când şi pentru ce. Cu ce sunt mai buni sau mai răi evreii ucişi decât românii lipsiţi de apărare, decât nemţii, ruşii, polonezii sau alte naţii? Cu ce sunt mai presus morţii evrei decât polonezii asasinaţi la Katyn sau decât prizonierii români, nemţi şi unguri masacraţi la Bălţi? „Pentru unii mumă, pentru alţii, ciumă”?

    Astăzi, după 68 de ani de la comitere, privit din alt unghi, cazul masacrului de la Bălţi poate fi analizat şi altfel. În România, instituţia Bisericii este respectată şi de stat şi de popor, chiar dacă printre înalţii demnitari ai Parlamentului European se află persoane care nu o agreează, precum însuşi Preşedintele acestei instituţii, care i-a numit pe slujitorii bisericii noastre „corbi negri”. În România ultimilor douăzeci de ani au fost înălţate sute de lăcaşuri monahale sau bisericeşti. Oare Înalţii prelaţi ai Bisericii Ortodoxe Române (B.O.R.) nu pot sau nu vor să-i susţină pe fraţii lor din România de pe malul stâng al Prutului? Dacă greşesc, rog să fiu corectat, dar nu am auzit de vreun protest al B.O.R. în legătură cu batjocorirea Episcopului de Bălţi, aflat în subordinea B.O.R.. Cum ajută BOR credincioşii români de pe Valea Timocului, din nordul Bucovinei (Ucraina) sau Herţa, din Bulgaria sau Ungaria?–din-balti-281279āni-de-la-Balti


    • geo said, on august 6, 2014 at 4:24 pm

      astia au o boala a spinzuratului…cind dementul ala de barna l-a spinzurat pe Avram Iancu nu s-a scndalizat nimeni…in schimb pentru astilalti toata europa sare in sus…


  6. geo said, on august 6, 2014 at 4:28 pm

    Sa nu uitam ca nenorocitul de bele kuhn a infiintat batalioanele secuiesti de care se arata a fi atit de mindru alt nemernic urmas demn al acestui criminal: lazlo tokes cerea reinfiintarea lor…

    Despre grozaviile acestor bravi razboinici impotriva civilor romani scrie si Cristian Negrea in articolele de mai sus


  7. safimvigilenti said, on august 6, 2014 at 7:27 pm

    citind toate acestea, 2 greseli imi pare ca a facut armata noastra: prima, ca i-a eliberat pe unguri de bela kun, trebuia sa ii lase in mizeria lor ; a doua greseala e ca a parasit budapesta…asta trebuia sa se faca dupa negocieri dure cu antanta si ungurii, ca si asa am pierdut atatea….am fost prost de buni


  8. acelas said, on august 7, 2014 at 1:15 am

    tot cu „7” ?



    • geo said, on august 7, 2014 at 8:33 am


      Why Aren’t ISIS and Al-Qaeda Attacking Israel?

      With the recent slaughter of Palestinians taking place on television screens across the world, only the grossly misinformed would believe that Israel’s Palestinian extermination program is actually “self-defense.”

      Yet for all of Israel’s whining about how it is being targeted by “Islamic extremists” and “terrorists,”(which should be translated to mean Palestinians, Iran, or any other secular or nationalist Arab government in the region) there is a curious and deafening silence when it is confronted with actual terrorists and Muslim fanatics such as ISIS, al-Nusra, and the myriad of other fundamentalist groups waging jihad in Syria and Iraq.

      This bizarre silence has yet to raise the eyebrows of the somnambulant general public.

      Of course, Israel’s lack of concern regarding legitimate terrorist groups is not bizarre at all when one understands the perspective and goals held by the settler state toward its neighbors in the region or its connections to the very groups who espouse Israel as their number one enemy.

      But while Israel does not respond with its usual apoplectic frothing of victimhood and danger regarding these terrorist groups that have now so infested the Middle East as to make the entire region a general war zone, it is important to point out that these same terrorist groups do not launch coordinated military attacks in Tel Aviv, they launch them in Damascus and Mosul – cities belonging to secular nations seen by Israel as the enemy.

      The question then is “Why?” Why does Israel not share the concern it has over Palestinians, Iranians, Syrians, and Lebanese with al-Nusra, ISIS, and al-Qaeda? Why do these groups wage jihad against Israel’s enemies but not against Israel itself?

      Indeed, this curious fact was also raised by Nabil Na’eem, the former al-Qaeda commander who recently gave an interview to Al-Maydeen where he stated that these organizations of Islamic terror were in fact controlled by the CIA. Na’eem stated in regards to Issam Hattito,
      For instance, Issam Hattito, head of Muslim Brotherhood responsible for leading the battles against Bashar Assad, where does he reside? Is he in Beirut? Riyadh or Cairo? He’s residing in Tel Aviv.
      Ahmad Jarba, does he stay in Riyadh, Cairo or Tehran? He’s moving between New York, Paris and London, his employers, who pay his expenses . . .
      Na’eem is right to point out these odd bedfellows because it provides one small piece of a larger puzzle – that Israel, along with its cohorts in the West (the United States and Europe) are not victims of Islamic terror, they are sponsors of it.

      From providing medical aid, military training, and outright military assistance, the so-called state of Israel has been a much better friend to Muslim terrorists than any of the regimes it claims as its enemy.

      For instance, it has been well-known for quite some time that Israel has been providing wounded Syrian rebels with medical treatment inside Israel so that they can continue the Jihad against the secular government of Bashar al-Assad. According to Colum Lynch of The Cable (the news wing of the Council on Foreign Relations Foreign Policy),
      In the past three months, battle-hardened Syrian rebels have transported scores of wounded Syrians across a cease-fire line that has separated Israel from Syria since 1974, according to a 15-page report by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the work of the U.N. Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF). Once in Israel, they receive medical treatment in a field clinic before being sent back to Syria, where, presumably, some will return to carry on the fight.

      U.N. blue helmets responsible for monitoring the decades-old cease-fire report observing armed opposition groups „transferring 89 wounded persons” from Syrian territory into Israel, where they were received by members of the Israel Defense Forces, according to the report. The IDF returned 21 Syrians to armed opposition members back in Syria, including the bodies of two who died.
      Later in the article, the writer mentions the fact that Israel has provided such medical assistance to Syrian rebels since at least as far back as February. Realistically, however, such assistance was being provided even further back. Lynch writes that Israel provided the medical treatment for at least a year.

      Indeed, in February, 2014, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu actually visited one of the medical facilities in which the Syrian rebels were being treated and even posed for a photo op shaking hands with a death squad fighter.

      More notable than even the medical services, is the fact that Israel has provided military support to the terrorist death squads in the form of artillery and air force bombing campaigns. These attacks have generally come after the Assad government seems to be making considerable gains on the ground against the Western-backed fighters.

      For instance, on October 30, 2013, Israel attacked and completely destroyed a Syrian air defense base in Snobar Jableh, Syria which is located near Latakia, a port city on the coast of the Mediterranean. The base was alleged to have housed a surface to air missile battery.

      Of course, this was not the only time where Israel inflicted an injury against the enemies of Islamic extremists during the course of the Syrian conflict. It is known that Israel launched attacks against Syrian forces and military convoys at least four times prior to the October 30 attack.

      As recently as June, 2014, Israel launched a series of airstrikes against Syrian military positions under the pretext of retaliation for a cross-border attack which was almost certainly initiated by death squad fighters whose logistical inadequacy spilled over into Israeli occupied territory in the Golan Heights. Given the questionable circumstances surrounding the justifying incident – the killing of yet another Israeli teenager by an alleged anti-tank missile – one would be justified in questioning the Israeli story.

      While the occasional attack on Syrian territory is bad enough, the fact is that Israel has apparently coordinated these attacks with the death squad directors on the ground so as to provide cover fire and diversions for death squad “swarming” and jihadist invasions.

      For instance, in May 2013, WABC host and best-selling author Aaron Klein stated that an Israeli airstrike in Syria was closely coordinated with Turkey which, in turn, helped coordinate the death squad attacks to occur at the exact same time as the Israeli airstrikes. The sources speaking to Klein came from Jordanian and Egyptian intelligence agencies.

      Klein wrote,
      Israel’s air strike in Syria today was coordinated with Turkey, which in turn coordinated rebel attacks throughout Syria timed to coincide with the Israeli strike, according to Egyptian and Jordanian intelligence sources speaking to KleinOnline. The sources said the rebels did not know about the Israeli strike in advance but instead were given specific instructions for when to begin today’s major assaults against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. “Almost the moment the Israel Air Force departed was the moment the rebel advance began,” added the Egyptian intelligence source. Multiple reports have noted how the Syrian rebels consist in large part of al-Qaida-linked jihad groups. The Egyptian and Jordanian sources described how immediately after today’s Israeli air strike the jihadist rebels used access roads to advance toward Damascus and began heavy clashes with Syrian military forces throughout the country.
      Israel was even documented in 2011 as hosting and directing a terrorist mercenary training camp inside the country in order to produce mercenaries tailor-made to be used in the Arab world.

      What’s more, the Israeli establishment does not seem to feel the need to hide its support for terrorism which, in this specific instance, tends to take the form of mercenaries. Indeed, the Israeli terrorist trainers actually appear to be quite open about their efforts.

      In a 2011 report conducted by The Media Line,[1] an international news organization which focuses on the Middle East, Arieh O’Sullivan was able to film an Israeli-run terrorist mercenary training camp, complete with interviews, on-scene narration, and ample video footage of actual training taking place.

      As the report begins, one can see a multicultural group of men –Arabs, Africans, Europeans, etc. – dressed in typical Arab clothing, riding camels, and taking part in tactical training.

      “The men on these camels have been training for the past week to operate in the Arab world,” O’Sullivan says. “They dress as Arabs, even take a ride on a desert Ferrari [camel] and learn rudimentary phrases that will allow them to do their job. They have come to Israel to learn from former members of the country’s secret services.”

      The report continues by saying,
      On this training base, run by the International Security Academy Israel, they are tapping into Israel’s unique experience in dealing with these threats and learning counterterrorism techniques in convoy and [VIP? ] protection. The changes in the Middle East may be dubbed the Arab Spring but, to continue with another metaphor, it’s about to get hot.
      Out here far away from prying eyes, a group of personal protection specialists have come to Israel to learn about the Israeli tactics. Their background is diverse – from police to military officers – even a former French Legionnaire. They will go on to work for governments and private security contractors.
      In an interview with one of the “students,” the future mercenary stated, “Only the best can train here with the best. I have this feeling that I was . . . something like was bringing me here . . . something was like ‘Go. Go and do it now.’”

      Another mercenary who was interviewed, stated, “Well, I learn a lot because Israel have bring up a standard of training that everyone in the world will have to emulate from them. And, with this, as I’m going back, I think I will take what I have learned in Israel, to impart on my fellow colleagues.”

      The narrator then adds, “But it’s an expensive program, costing upwards of $2,000 Euros a week. But this can be a lucrative profession, earning thousands of Euros a day. Just don’t call them mercenaries.” Still, O’Sullivan ends by saying, “This line of work is one of the oldest in the world. Still, it seems like it is always in demand.”

      A mercenary who appeared to be from Singapore, named Venky Raman, also chimed in. “Some of those dictatorships governments have fallen basically. And that’s going to create new chaos and confusion in the market. And that’s also going to create some instability in the market. So that’s why I think we’re getting more of these incidents and terrorist attacks and such going to happen.”

      While the individuals seen in the clip mentioned above are largely mercenaries who train the dupes and deviants who take on the role as cannon fodder for Jihad, only engaging in limited combat operations themselves, it is clear the only allegiance they have is to the almighty dollar.

      Ironically, however, the individuals who make up the bulk of death squad invasions across the Arab world – religious fanatics, savages, and the criminally insane – maintain an open hatred for Israel. That is, those death squad members at the bottom who are either ignorant of the fact that Israel itself is a major backer of their own movement or those wholly incapable of understanding anything other than what their faction leader has told them are caught somewhere between tragedy and farce.

      Yet Israel is not only involved in directed and implementing Islamic terrorism in other countries. On its own soil, Israel has been documented as creating “fake” al-Qaeda groups to justify its treatment of the Palestinian people.

      Israel’s arch nemesis, Hamas, was created by Israel itself for the purpose of splitting the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) and Fatah, the leading outfit for the Palestinian freedom and resistance movement.

      Robert Dreyfuss, a veteran journalist for The Nation, even wrote that,
      In the decades before 9/11, hard-core activists and organizations among Muslim fundamentalists on the far right were often viewed as allies for two reasons, because they were seen a fierce anti-communists and because the opposed secular nationalists such as Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser, Iran’s Mohammed Mossadegh.
      In Syria, the United States, Israel, and Jordan supported the Muslim Brotherhood in a civil war against Syria. And … Israel quietly backed Ahmed Yassin and the Muslim Brotherhood in the West Bank and Gaza, leading to the establishment of Hamas.
      As Justin Raimondo of wrote in his 2006 article “Hamas, Son of Israel,”
      Amid all the howls of pain and gnashing of teeth over the triumph of Hamas in the Palestinian elections, one fact remains relatively obscure, albeit highly relevant: Israel did much to launch Hamas as an effective force in the occupied territories. If ever there was a clear case of “blowback,” then this is it. As Richard Sale pointed out in a piece for UPI:
      Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years. Israel ‘aided Hamas directly – the Israelis wanted to use it as a counterbalance to the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization),’ said Tony Cordesman, Middle East analyst for the Center for Strategic [and International] Studies.Israel’s support for Hamas ‘was a direct attempt to divide and dilute support for a strong, secular PLO by using a competing religious alternative,’ said a former senior CIA official.
      Middle East analyst Ray Hanania concurs:
      In addition to hoping to turn the Palestinian masses away from Arafat and the PLO, the Likud leadership believed they could achieve a workable alliance with Islamic, anti-Arafat forces that would also extend Israel’s control over the occupied territories.
      In a conscious effort to undermine the Palestine Liberation Organization and the leadership of Yasser Arafat, in 1978 the government of then-Prime Minister Menachem Begin approved the application of Sheik Ahmad Yassin to start a “humanitarian” organization known as the Islamic Association, or Mujama. The roots of this Islamist group were in the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood, and this was the seed that eventually grew into Hamas – but not before it was amply fertilized and nurtured with Israeli funding and political support.
      It is important to note here that the Muslim Brotherhood, in addition to this close connection to the predecessor of Hamas and thus Mossad and other forms of Israeli intelligence, also contains close and historical ties to Western intelligence, most notably the British and the American versions.

      With that in mind, Raimondo’s article continues by stating that,
      Begin and his successor, Yitzhak Shamir, launched an effort to undercut the PLO, creating the so-called Village Leagues, composed of local councils of handpicked Palestinians who were willing to collaborate with Israel – and, in return, were put on the Israeli payroll. Sheik Yassin and his followers soon became a force within the Village Leagues. This tactical alliance between Yassin and the Israelis was based on a shared antipathy to the militantly secular and leftist PLO: the Israelis allowed Yassin’s group to publish a newspaper and set up an extensive network of charitable organizations, which collected funds not only from the Israelis but also from Arab states opposed to Arafat.
      Ami Isseroff, writing on MideastWeb, shows how the Israelis deliberately promoted the Islamists of the future Hamas by helping them turn the Islamic University of Gaza into a base from which the group recruited activists – and the suicide bombers of tomorrow. As the only higher-education facility in the Gaza strip, and the only such institution open to Palestinians since Anwar Sadat closed Egyptian colleges to them, IUG contained within its grounds the seeds of the future Palestinian state. When a conflict arose over religious issues, however, the Israeli authorities sided with the Islamists against the secularists of the Fatah-PLO mainstream. As Isseroff relates, the Islamists
      Encouraged Israeli authorities to dismiss their opponents in the committee in February of 1981, resulting in subsequent Islamisation of IUG policy and staff (including the obligation on women to wear the hijab and thobe and separate entrances for men and women), and enforced by violence and ostracization of dissenters. Tacit complicity from both university and Israeli authorities allowed Mujama to keep a weapons cache to use against secularists. By the mid 1980s, it was the largest university in occupied territories with 4,500 students, and student elections were won handily by Mujama.
      Again, the motive was to offset Arafat’s influence and divide the Palestinians. In the short term, this may have worked to some extent; in the longer term, however, it backfired badly – as demonstrated by the results of the recent Palestinian election.
      Israel’s relentless offensive against its perceived enemies – first Fatah, now Hamas and Islamic Jihad – has created a backlash and solidified support for fundamentalist extremist factions in the Palestinian community.
      What Raimondo refers to as “backlash”, however, has revealed itself to be more of a cleverly written script designed to play out years later.

      Still, The Wall Street Journal concurred with Raimondo’s analysis in an article published in 2009. In this article, entitled “How Israel Helped To Spawn Hamas,” Andrew Higgins wrote (my emphasis added),
      „Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation,” says Mr. Cohen, a Tunisian-born Jew who worked in Gaza for more than two decades. Responsible for religious affairs in the region until 1994, Mr. Cohen watched the Islamist movement take shape, muscle aside secular Palestinian rivals and then morph into what is today Hamas, a militant group that is sworn to Israel’s destruction.
      Instead of trying to curb Gaza’s Islamists from the outset, says Mr. Cohen, Israel for years tolerated and, in some cases, encouraged them as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and its dominant faction, Yasser Arafat’s Fatah. Israel cooperated with a crippled, half-blind cleric named Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, even as he was laying the foundations for what would become Hamas. Sheikh Yassin continues to inspire militants today; during the recent war in Gaza, Hamas fighters confronted Israeli troops with „Yassins,” primitive rocket-propelled grenades named in honor of the cleric.
      When Israel first encountered Islamists in Gaza in the 1970s and ’80s, they seemed focused on studying the Quran, not on confrontation with Israel. The Israeli government officially recognized a precursor to Hamas called Mujama Al-Islamiya, registering the group as a charity. It allowed Mujama members to set up an Islamic university and build mosques, clubs and schools. Crucially, Israel often stood aside when the Islamists and their secular left-wing Palestinian rivals battled, sometimes violently, for influence in both Gaza and the West Bank.
      When it became clear in the early 1990s that Gaza’s Islamists had mutated from a religious group into a fighting force aimed at Israel — particularly after they turned to suicide bombings in 1994 — Israel cracked down with ferocious force. But each military assault only increased Hamas’s appeal to ordinary Palestinians. The group ultimately trounced secular rivals, notably Fatah, in a 2006 election supported by Israel’s main ally, the U.S.
      In Gaza, Israel hunted down members of Fatah and other secular PLO factions, but it dropped harsh restrictions imposed on Islamic activists by the territory’s previous Egyptian rulers.
      The Muslim Brotherhood, led in Gaza by Sheikh Yassin, was free to spread its message openly. In addition to launching various charity projects, Sheikh Yassin collected money to reprint the writings of Sayyid Qutb, an Egyptian member of the Brotherhood who, before his execution by President Nasser, advocated global jihad. He is now seen as one of the founding ideologues of militant political Islam.
      Mr. Cohen, who worked at the time for the Israeli government’s religious affairs department in Gaza, says he began to hear disturbing reports in the mid-1970s about Sheikh Yassin from traditional Islamic clerics. He says they warned that the sheikh had no formal Islamic training and was ultimately more interested in politics than faith. “They said, ‘Keep away from Yassin. He is a big danger,’” recalls Mr. Cohen.
      Instead, Israel’s military-led administration in Gaza looked favorably on the paraplegic cleric, who set up a wide network of schools, clinics, a library and kindergartens. Sheikh Yassin formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya, which was officially recognized by Israel as a charity and then, in 1979, as an association. Israel also endorsed the establishment of the Islamic University of Gaza, which it now regards as a hotbed of militancy.
      Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who took over as governor in Gaza in late 1979, says he had no illusions about Sheikh Yassin’s long-term intentions or the perils of political Islam. As Israel’s former military attache in Iran, he’d watched Islamic fervor topple the Shah. However, in Gaza, says Mr. Segev, “our main enemy was Fatah,” and the cleric “was still 100% peaceful” towards Israel. Former officials say Israel was also at the time wary of being viewed as an enemy of Islam.
      Mr. Segev says he had regular contact with Sheikh Yassin, in part to keep an eye on him. He visited his mosque and met the cleric around a dozen times. It was illegal at the time for Israelis to meet anyone from the PLO. Mr. Segev later arranged for the cleric to be taken to Israel for hospital treatment. “We had no problems with him,” he says.
      In fact, the cleric and Israel had a shared enemy: secular Palestinian activists. After a failed attempt in Gaza to oust secularists from leadership of the Palestinian Red Crescent, the Muslim version of the Red Cross, Mujama staged a violent demonstration, storming the Red Crescent building. Islamists also attacked shops selling liquor and cinemas. The Israeli military mostly stood on the sidelines. [emphasis added]
      A leader of Birzeit’s Islamist faction at the time was Mahmoud Musleh, now a pro-Hamas member of a Palestinian legislature elected in 2006. He recalls how usually aggressive Israeli security forces stood back and let conflagration develop. He denies any collusion between his own camp and the Israelis, but says “they hoped we would become an alternative to the PLO.”
      A year later, in 1984, the Israeli military received a tip-off from Fatah supporters that Sheikh Yassin’s Gaza Islamists were collecting arms, according to Israeli officials in Gaza at the time. Israeli troops raided a mosque and found a cache of weapons. Sheikh Yassin was jailed. He told Israeli interrogators the weapons were for use against rival Palestinians, not Israel, according to Mr. Hacham, the military affairs expert who says he spoke frequently with jailed Islamists. The cleric was released after a year and continued to expand Mujama’s reach across Gaza.
      Taking into consideration the fact that Israel has provided military and medical support to the most bloodthirsty and brutal Islamic extremist terrorists in the world and the fact that it has created Hamas from the very beginning, the answer to the question of “Why aren’t organizations like Nusra, al-Qaeda, and ISIS attacking Israel?” is quite simple – because Israel is partly responsible for funding and directing them.

      With all of this in mind, any claims of victimhood by Israel should immediately be discarded. Indeed, this portrayal of self-defense and endangerment should especially be discarded when one considers the history of the state itself.

      Israel has made its own enemies by virtue of its colonial nature, its foreign and domestic policy, and even by direct organization and funding. It is thus wholly accurate to say that Israel’s enemies are literally those of its own making.

      In the end, the information presented in this article is simply one more window into the realm of the Anglo-European-American-Israeli intelligence apparatus and the depths to which the rabbit hole goes in terms of international terrorism. The script which is being acted out across the Middle East and the rest of the world is clearly being directed by a force unseen by the vast majority of the world’s population.

      Still, the players act out their roles according to the predetermined narrative provided to them, despite the fact that they have no idea they are actually acting out the will of a shadowy “other” who does not have their best interests at heart.

      In this game, virtually all of those acting out their parts on the ground are merely players unaware of their roles.

      Former Al-Qaeda Operative Claims Qaeda/ISIS Run By The CIA

      More evidence has been entered into the files of public record that terrorist organizations such as al-Qaeda, ISIS, and the al-Nusra Front are completely controlled by the CIA and other Western intelligence agencies.

      In fact, according to Nabil Na’eem, founding member of the Islamic Democratic Jihad Party and a former commander of al-Qaeda, all current al-Qaeda affiliates are nothing more than offshoots of an overarching CIA terror operation. He also claimed that these groups will eventually be turned against Saudi Arabia, despite the fact that Saudi Arabia has acted as a bankroller and facilitator for them for years on end.

      Na’eem made his statements during the course of an interview with al-Maydeen , a Beirut-based news agency that serves a number of countries in the Middle East. The interview was translated by Arabi Souri of Syria News.

      Na’eem first referenced the Project For A New American Century and the Bernard Lewis plan to break up the Middle East, re-establish national boundaries, and create a region made up of petty squabbling and weak “micro-states and mini-states” when he stated the following:
      Na’eem: Bernard Lewis founder of Fourth-Generation Warfare said so, he said: we do not need trans-continent armies that would awake nationalism and they return to us as bodies like what happened in Afghanistan & Vietnam, but we should find agents inside the (targeted) country who will carry out the task of the soldiers, and we need a media tool to falsify truths for the people, and money to spend on them.

      This is the Fourth-Generation Warfare, agents instead of soldiers.

      Interviewer: This is an alternative army, a war by proxy?

      Nabeel Naiem: Yes of course.

      Interviewer: Between who (this war)? We are talking about armies on the ground, Al Qaeda and all what branches out of it, these armies work for the account of which battle and between who?

      Nabeel Naiem: It works for the US Intelligence (CIA).

      Interviewer: Who it fights?

      Nabeel Naiem: The regimes, they put a plan in 1998 called Clean Break (PNAC)…
      The interviewer questioned Na’eem further by asking whom groups like ISIS are actually fighting, referring to targets like Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Na’eem responded by stating, “It fights both Sunnah and Shiites, when they entered Sammerra, Sheikh Ali Hatimi, head of Anbar Tribes said: ISIS entered Sammerra and killed a thousand Sunni in cold blood … and it kills Shiites and kills Christians and kills whoever it faces, ISIS considers all people infidels and their bloods are free.”

      Although Na’eem spent a significant amount of time attempting to explain the absurd logic of death squads fighters and members of jihadist organizations like ISIS, Nusra, and the like, the most powerful information is revealed when he turned to the nature of the controlling structure and directorship of these groups.

      Na’eem stated,
      For instance, Issam Hattito, head of Muslim Brotherhood responsible for leading the battles against Bashar Assad, where does he reside? Is he in Beirut? Riyadh or Cairo? He’s residing in Tel Aviv.

      Ahmad Jarba, does he stay in Riyadh, Cairo or Tehran? He’s moving between New York, Paris and London, his employers, who pay his expenses..

      When Obama was exposed and it was learned that he’s arming ISIS and Nusra Front with American and Turkish weapons said: ‘We will stop the arming because the American weapons were leaked to Nusra..’ Didn’t Obama say that?

      Leaked?! You discovered it was leaked after 2 years war?!

      Nusra Front fighters are 10,000 and ISIS fighters are another 10,000, all 20,000 fighters using American weapons, and Obama claims after 2 years he discovers his (American) weapons are leaked to them?! Are you thinking we are fools?

      This is a conspiracy against the region, and I told you Netenyahu & Dick Chenney put the Clean Break plan in the year 1998, and it’s destroying 4 countries, they start with Iraq, then Syria then Egypt then Saudi Arabia. It’s called Clean Break plan (PNAC), well known.. Using radical groups in the region.

      The legal case (former Egyptian president) Mohammad Morsi is being tried for, the case of communicating (with the enemy) and contacting Ayman Zawahri was an assignment of Issam Haddad by Obama in person on 28 December 2012, he was at the White House in a meeting with the CIA, he says in his confessions when interrogated by the public prosecution in the case..

      Interviewer: How did you get it?

      Nabeel Naiem: These public prosecution confessions are published and are available.. Obama entered (the meeting room) and gave the CIA team a paper and left, they read it and told him: it’s required by the Muslim Brotherhood to contain the radical groups in the region starting with Hamas & Al-Qaeda, so he called Ayman Zawahri through Rifa’a Tahtawi, head of presidential court, who happens to be Ayman’s cousin from Rifa’a Tahtawi’s phone.

      Ayman (Zawahri) talking to Mohammad Morsi and Morsi says to him: Peace be Upon You Emir (Prince) of Believers, we need your people here in Sinai, and I will provide them with expenses, food and water and prevent security from pursuing them..

      This was recorded and sent to the public prosecutor and this is what Mohammad Morsi is being tried for.

      If you ask how I got to know this? I was in Channel 2 of Egyptian TV, and with me was General Gamal, 1st secretary of Egyptian Intelligence, who recorded the call and written it down and based on it the memo was written and handed to the Public Prosecutor.

      The TV presenter asked him: Is it allowed for the Intelligence Services to tap the telephone of the president of the republic?

      He replied: I’m not tapping the president’s phone, I was tapping Ayman’s (Zawahri) phone and found the president talking to him, telling him Peace be Upon You Emir of Believers, so I wrote down the tape, wrote a report and submitted to the head of intelligence..

      She asked him: Did you inform the president? He replied: It’s not my job, I do not deal with the president (directly), I deal with the head of intelligence and that’s my limits.

      She asked him: What did you write in your investigations and your own report, what did you write after you wrote down the tape (contents)?

      I swear to God he told her, & I was in the same studio,: I wrote that Mr. Mohammad Morsi Ayyat president of the republic is a danger for Egypt’s National Security.

      So the ignorant should know why the army stood by the side of the people on 30 June, because the president is dealing with Al-Qaeda organization, and it’s recorded, and he’s being on trial for it now, and head of intelligence wrote that the president of the republic is a danger on Egypt’s National Security.

      This is the task of these groups in the region. When Obama said he supported Morsi’s campaign with 50 million (Dollars), and when (Yousuf) Qaradawi said: Obama sent us 60 million Dollars for the Syrian ‘Resistance’, God bless you Obama, and we need more..

      Did Obama convert to Islam or America became a Hijabi (wore a burqa, veil)?

      I ask Qaradawi: When Obama supports the Syrian opposition, is it to establish the Caliphate? And return the days of the Rashideen Caliphates? Or Obama converted to Islam or America became a Hijabi to support the Syrian opposition?

      This is the work of agents (spies), exposed and debunked, and we don’t want to fool ourselves and hide our heads in the sand, the region is under a conspiracy and it’s to drag Iran to a war of attrition..

      The first statement ISIS announced after the fight with Maliki it said: ‘We will head to Najaf & Karballa and destroy the sacred shrines’, they dragged the legs of Iran (into Iraq).

      Iran said they’ll defend the sacred shrines, it has to, it cannot (not defend them), this is what’s required,

      It’s required to clash Saudi and Iran in the 100 years war, an endless war, it exhausts Saudi resources and its monies, and it exhausts Iran resources and its monies, like what they did during the days of Saddam in Iraq (with Iran). This is what we should understand, fight and stand against..
      In this lengthy statement, Na’eem drew attention to a number of serious issues. First, he revealed that a number of leaders and commanders of death squads and jihadist organizations fighting against secular governments in the Middle East are actually issuing orders and residing in places like Tel Aviv, New York, Paris, and London. Indeed, Na’eem points out that these leaders are comfortably residing in the countries that they have sworn to fight as enemies. These commanders give orders for attacks, war operations, and murders all while the intelligence agencies of respective nations sit idly by and lift not a finger to stop them.

      Second, Na’eem highlighted the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood is yet one more Western-controlled group with deep connections to other terrorist organizations operating across the region. In fact, as Na’eem pointed out, the Muslim Brotherhood not only works closely with death squad and terrorist organizations across the world, it acts as a guiding and controlling entity which takes its own orders directly from Western intelligence agencies.

      Third, Na’eem pointed out that, not only has the plan of balkanization of the Middle East been in existence since at least as far back as 1998, but it also involves the ultimate destruction of Saudi Arabia, one of the most active participants in the funding and training of death squad fighters in the entire region and, indeed, the world.

      In this regard, Na’eem was pressed further on the future of Saudi Arabia to which he replied by stating,
      It was meant when Muslim Brotherhood lay their ground in ruling Egypt, problems would start in Saudi in 2016 and in the whole Gulf (GCC), this is not my words, this what the head of national security in United Arab Emirates Dhahi Khalfan said, he arrested those who confessed.

      From where did Dhahi Khalfan get this? They arrested cells which confessed in details: If Muslim Brotherhood settles in Egypt, they’ll start exporting problems to the Gulf (GCC) through their existing cells, and destabilize the security of the Gulf, and this is what Dhahi Khalfan, head of national security in UAE said, not what I say.

      Look, they have a book being circulated in London titled The Rule of Al Saud, in this book they called the Saudi family as Kuffar (infidels), and that it is unjust, and it steals the monies of the Saudis, and it’s an infidel doesn’t rule by God’s commands, and only applies Sharia law on the weak while the strong and the princess no law being applied on them, a book to educate the Saudi youths abroad to fight a war against the Saudi government, they also say: we call on the kingdom to become a constitutional monarchy, ie. the king doesn’t rule, like the British queen, and this trend is being supported by America and Britain and the people working on this are residing in London, the nest of spies, all the spies of the world reside in London..

      Their goal is to divide the region in order to achieve Israel’s security.

      Israel is a weak and despicable state, by the way, geopolitical, Israel is not a state, like Qatar, is Qatar a state? Qatar is only a tent and a man sitting it with his money and that’s it..

      There are countries like Iran, Saudi and Egypt, in geography it exists until the end of times, and there are countries called the Satanic Shrubs, it’s just found you don’t know how, like Israel and Qatar, it can vanish in one day and you won’t find it..

      So for Israel to guarantee its existence, all the surrounding entities around it should be shredded.. Kurds to take one piece, Sunnah take one piece, Maliki takes one piece.. each sect has their own piece just like Lebanon they keep fighting between each other, once they finish beating each other they drink tea then go for a second round beating each other..

      Interviewer: I want to get back to the factors in regards with the Saudi Kingdom, you mentioned what is planned for based on this ideology, and you know better, you have experience and you talk about examples and evidences, but how they will enter?

      True there was a statement by the Saudi ministry of interior in last May claiming they dismantled a cell that follows ISIS of 62 members, as they stated, but how they’ll enter (Saudi), what are the factors they’ll be depending on to enter?

      Nabeel Naiem: I’m telling you they are preparing for the revolution against the ruling family, that it’s a corrupt family, this family steals the money of the Saudis, talks about the roots of the family..

      Interviewer: From inside the kingdom?

      Nabeel Naiem: From inside the kingdom, and there are strong Takfiri members inside the kingdom, because as you know the difference between Wahhabi and Takfiri ideologies is as thin as a single hair, thus there are a lot of youths who follow this (Takfiri) ideology, add to it the feeding against the kingdom and its government and against the ruling family, it’s very easy for him to blow himself up with anything..

      Interviewer: So it will be only based on these factors, we don’t want to disregard an important point that groups of the ISIS are from the Gulf countries, and there are reports that the (governments of GCC) are turning a blind eye away from recruiting a number of them and sending them to fight in Syria and in a number of other countries including Iraq, as per these reports, could there be recruiting to use inside the kingdom? To move inside the kingdom?

      Nabeel Naiem: Yes, yes, most are Saudis & the move will be like that but they were hoping for the Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt to settle in power, that’s why when (Saudi) king Abdallah supported the 30 June revolution (in Egypt), he did so based on the information he has of what will happen in the region

      Why did he stand against the Muslim Brotherhood? Saudi was always containing the MBs, and if the MBs (Muslim Brotherhood) ever made money, it was from Saudi, and Mohammad Qotb, the father of all Takfir in the world, spent 40 years of his life in Saudi, he wrote a book called The Ignorance in the Twentieth Century, and he claims we’re living in an ignorance more than the one in the days of the prophet PBuH, and Saudi hosted him and he was teaching in the university.. What made them go against them (MBs)?

      Because the Muslim Brotherhood have no religion, no nation, not safe to be with them, they’ll betray anyone.
      Apparently now convinced that not only is the existence of the nation state threatened at a base level in the Middle East by the deployment of such groups as ISIS, al-Qaeda, and its affiliates, Na’eem himself even suggests that the immediate goal should be to rescue the state itself from the hands of the Western-backed groups like those mentioned above. In conclusion, Na’eem stated:
      What I want to tell you, the efforts of all Islamic countries, Sunnah and Shiites, must combine, to eradicate these groups, because these groups are the claws of colonialism in the region, it’s not on religious bases, there are members of ISIS who do not pray, so in Al-Qaeda, there are members who didn’t pray a single kneeling, there must be a combination of the countries efforts to organically eliminate these groups by security and by intellect, disprove their ideology..
      While it is unclear just how much identification Na’eem holds with at least the stated goals of al-Qaeda and its affiliates, it is clear that he was able to operate within the networks of the organization for some time before realizing that it was merely a proxy army of the CIA and other Western intelligence agencies. It is now imperative that the Western public begin to examine the same evidence and come to the only logical conclusion that can be drawn from it – that Al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, ISIS, and all terror organizations like them are nothing more than the CIA’s Arab legion.!bwvBwS


  9. geo said, on august 7, 2014 at 8:22 am

    Prtimita pe e-mail:

    subject: Astrologul rus Pavel Globa : In 2014 va incepe al treilea razboi mondial cu alta palarie ( articol preluat).

    Criza economică, care va dura pînă în 2020, în cele din urmă va remodela harta politică a lumii și va schimba radical echilibrul geopolitic. SUA se vor confrunta cu vremuri grele, iar UE și Ucraina vor înceta să mai existe. O astfel de previziune a făcut celebrul astrolog rus Pavel Globa.
    El a menționat că președintele SUA va avea o soartă de neinvidiat, prezisă încă de un astrolog medieval rus. „Încă din 1999 am spus că lumea se va confrunta cu o criză fără precedent, care va începe după venirea celui de-al 44-lea președinte al Statelor Unite”, – a spus Globa.
    Potrivit acestuia, indicații asupra acestui fapt sînt încă în lucrările din secolul al XVI-lea ale astrologului rus Vasilii Nemcin, care vorbea despre șocurile care vor veni de dincolo de ocean, cînd în țara de peste mări va fi la putere al 44-lea conducător. Nemcin îl numește „omul negru”.
    „În 1999 eu credeam că „omul negru” este menționat într-un sens alegoric, dar s-a dovedit că „negru” a fost folosit în sens literal. Ca rezultat, am greșit cu cîteva luni, căci criza s-a început cu puțin timp înainte de venirea lui Obama, dar este o eroare permisă”, – a spus astrologul.
    După cum a menționat astrologul, la general vorbind, ” Statele Unite ca principala putere a lumii nu au un mare viitor”.
    Potrivit lui, un viitor și mai trist așteaptă Uniunea Europeană.
    „În locul unei Europe unice vor apărea mai multe asociații. Scandinavia și țările baltice vor forma Uniunea de Nord, care va fi succesoarea Ligii Hanseatice. Franța, Italia și Spania se vor uni în Uniunea Sud-Europeană etc. UE ar putea să rămînă ca formațiune, însă doar pe hîrtie”, – a spus Pavel Globa.
    În conformitate cu prognoza astrologului, se vor dezintegra și alte alianțe militare și politice. „Blocul NATO nu va ajunge pîna la finalul crizei, inițial consolidîndu-se, dar apoi va înceta să mai existe”, – a spus Globa.
    Pavel Globa a prezis scindarea Ucrainei în trei părți, spunînd că două dintre ele vor intra în noul Imperiu Rus. „Nu va supraviețui crizei nici Ucraina, care se va dezintegra în trei părți – a spus Globa. – În anul 2014 în Ucraina vor exista două administrații reciproc independente, menținînd în același timp integritatea formală a teritoriului, aproximativ în același format ca și în Republica Moldova. Federația est-ucraineană nu va asculta de Kiev și de facto va deveni parte din Imperiul Rus, iar Crimeea va fi un fel de Cecenia ucraineană”.
    În conformitate cu prognoza astrologului, 2014 va fi anul în care umanitatea se va apropia de al Treilea război mondial.
    „Anul 2014 este periculos, deoarece Uranus este în Berbec, iar această combinație este foarte războinică, – a explicat Pavel Globa. – Mă tem de un război permanent în Orient. Doamne ferește, dacă acest lucru va fi legat cu Iranul, atunci în orice caz, vom obține o adevărată explozie a unui terorism total necontrolat”.
    Al treilea razboi mondial – cu alta palarie:
    Lumea de azi nu reprezinta altceva decat campul de lupta al celui de-al treilea razboi mondial.
    Da, oameni buni, traim in mijlocul celui de-al treilea razboi mondial fara sa o stim !
    Germania si China au inteles primele ca razboaiele moderne sunt razboaie economice, ca tarile nu pot fi supuse prin violenta, dar pot fi cucerite economic. SUA n-ar fi putut ingenunchea niciodata Vietnamul, n-ar fi putut subjuga niciodata poporul vietnamez, n-ar fi putut niciodata sa-i impuna prin violenta un regim politic. Acest lucru este insa posibil azi, dar nu prin violenta – astazi tarile sint cucerite, popoarele sint subjugate, asuprite la fel ca in Evul Mediu, dar prin mijloace pasnice.
    La ora actuala in lume se disting doua mari strategii, doua linii de abordare a viitorului:
    q metoda americana care pastreaza linia ideologica clasica, aceea a controlului si dominatiei armate si noua linie,
    q metoda chinezo-germana care merge pe o cale nonviolenta, pe o cale pasnica, dar promitatoare de succes.
    America plateste un greu tribut lipsei de istorie, de cultura, de civilizatie, de intelepciune – America nu a reusit sa invete de la istorie ca popoarele nu pot fi cucerite prin forta, ca nicio cucerire prin forta nu rezista timpului.
    Chinezii si germanii au invatat insa acest lucru de la istorie… ei stiu astazi ca e mult mai ieftin si mai trainic sa cumperi o tara decit sa o bombardezi si sa o distrugi. E ca si cu o femeie… prin forta ai putea sa o posezi, dar nu va fi niciodata a ta… cu o floare, cu un inel, cu un sirag de sticla colorata o poti avea pe tava fizic, sufleteste, dar mai mult, o poti pune sa munceasca pentru tine, sa-ti gateasca, sa spele, sa te maseze si sa-ti creasca copiii de buna voie, cu zambetul pe buze.
    Sistemul barbar de dominatie a lumii practicat de americani a dat gres.
    America a pierdut deja rolul de conducator al lumii…
    Cum sa mai poti conduce lumea, cum sa-ti impui deciziile in fata Chinei cand guvernul tau datoreaza peste 1.000 miliarde de dolari Chinei ?
    Cum sa mai poata manipula SUA voturile in ONU si Consiliul de Securitate cand toti votantii datoreaza bani Chinei ?
    Cum sa refuzi China cand esti pasuit la plata datoriei ?
    Cum sa refuzi China cand China este cel mai important cotizant la FMI si toata planeta este datoare vanduta la FMI ?
    Cum s-a ajuns aici ?
    Prin multa intelepciune si strategia luminata a conducatorilor chinezi de la Deng Xiao Ping incoace.
    In urma cu 20 ani, China a ales drumul muncii si al sacrificiilor.
    China a acumulat putere pe spatele chinezului de rand care a muncit pana la epuizare pentru o farfurie de orez, sacrificand astfel bunastarea poporului in favoarea cresterii puterii statului chinez.
    China produce de 20 ani ieftin.
    Daca e ieftin, se exporta de 20 ani intr-un ritm indracit catre societatea de consum occidentala…
    Statul chinez beneficiaza de sume uriase provenite din exporturi, in timp ce importurile sint mult mai mici.
    De 20 ani China are an de an excedente uriase ale balantei comerciale – exporta mult mai mult decit importa.
    De 20 ani China strange, acumuleaza bogatiile lumii.
    Ce inseamna excedentul balantei comerciale ? Inseamna nimic altceva decat ca bogatia intra in tara ca un fluviu urias de comori.
    Ce inseamna deficitul balantei comerciale ? Inseamna ca o tara importa mai mult decat exporta, inseamna ca fluvii de bani se scurg din tara cum ti se scurge apa printre degete, inseamna ca – cel putin teoretic – in anul respectiv sunt mai putini bani, mai putina valoare in tara respectiva. Daca acest deficit nu este datorat investitiilor in tehnologie care sa asigure pe termen scurt inversarea balantei comerciale, tara respectiva pierde bogatie, pierde avutie nationala, pierde in termeni reali nivel de trai.
    Acest lucru nu este palpabil, nu se vede, nu se simte concret… cel putin nu imediat, dar daca dintr-o tara ies an de an bani… cu timpul, cel putin in termeni teoretici, raman tot mai putini bani.
    Sigur ca acest lucru poate fi compensat prin intrari de bani provenite din investitii straine sau repatrieri de numerar de la cei ce muncesc in strainatate, sau credite internationale, dar sa nu ne furam caciula singuri… investitiile straine, aportul de capital strain e de fapt un rau mai mare decat deficitul balantei comerciale.
    Aceste investitii straine inseamna cumparari de terenuri, de exemplu si atunci ai mai pierdut o bucatica de tara… cumparari de resurse si zacaminte minerale si ai mai pierdut o bucatica de tara… fara tancuri si fara bombardamente.
    Investitiile straine inseamna fabrici care creeaza profituri, bani care PLEACA DIN TARA LA SFARSITUL FIECARUI AN.
    Investitiile straine sint cel mai mare rau al unei tari – pe moment sint un factor pozitiv: intrari de capital, locuri de munca, etc, dar pe termen mediu si lung inseamna robinete cu debite uriase prin care se scurge avutie, nivel de trai al poporului acelei tari.
    Acest lucru se intampla datorita profitului repatriat, de cele mai multe ori nici macar impozitat.
    China si Germania au inteles aceste lucruri de mult… China si Germania au facut o prioritate nationala din politica de excedent al balantei comerciale si investitiile in tari straine. Astfel, in aceste tari s-au acumulat de la an la an tot mai multe valori din tarile limitrofe la inceput – si pe masura globalizarii, astazi aceste tari sug bogatia intregii planete.
    Nu o spun ca pe ceva rau – sunt doar constatari…
    Un alt factor important al razboiului economic este DEFICITUL BUGETAR.
    La acest capitol China este din nou campioana mondiala.
    Daca o tara are deficit bugetar inseamna ca practic cheltuieste mai mult decat cistiga. Asta ce inseamna ? Ca acel popor traieste mai bine decat ar merita conform muncii lui, dar o face pe baza imprumuturilor.
    Nu pacaleste pe nimeni – isi fura singur caciula !
    Exista astazi tari in care tot poporul ar trebui sa munceasca un an sau mai mult de un an fara sa primeasca nicio retributie ca sa-si poata plati datoria !!! Cum e posibil asta ? Au luat credite si au trait mai bine decat li se cuvenea, dar datoria a ramas, trebuie platita.
    Cum o sa o plateasca ? De vazut… Pana una alta sunt pasuiti.
    Cine-i pasuieste ? Cel ce i-a imprumutat. Cine i-a imprumutat ? FMI, Banca Mondiala, China, Germania…
    Vor sari unii destepti sa spuna ca si SUA. FALS !!!
    Cind tu ma creditezi pe mine cu 10 euro, dar datorezi Chinei 100 de euro, se cheama ca in realitate China m-a creditat !
    De unde au FMI, Banca Mondiala, bani ? De la tarile care au mai mult decat le trebuie… in mod direct sau indirect, tot de la China si Germania !
    In aceste conditii, cine e in spatele acestor institutii de credit, cine detine controlul, puterea ? China si Germania, normal !
    Cui da China si Germania credite, pe cine pasuieste la plata datoriilor restante ?
    Pe cei cuminti si ascultatori. Adica pe cei ce voteaza asa cum li se cere la ONU, la Consiliul de Securitate si in alte institutii care conduc lumea la ora actuala.
    Cui mai dau China si Germania (in mod direct sau indirect) credite si pe cine mai pasuiesc ele ?
    Pai, tarile democrate, cooperante, coruptibile, care nu se opun intrarii de capital strain, investitiilor, care nu se opun importurilor de textile si jucarii chinezesti, de autoturisme germane, care nu impoziteaza profitul repatriat al fabricilor germane, etc.
    Acestor tari cuminti care au inteles ca e normal ca firmele chineze si germane sa aiba dreptul de a cumpara fabrici si terenuri, de a face afaceri, de a face profit si mai ales de a putea trimite acest profit, cat mai putin impozitat, inapoi in tarile de origine ale investitorilor care din intamplare sunt chiar China si Germania.
    Si atunci se creeaza un cerc vicios: tarile slabe au tot mai mare nevoie de ajutor financiar si pe masura ce primesc acest ajutor se afunda tot mai tare si mai tare in mlastina subjugarii.
    Alte tari care fac excedente comerciale imense, tari care storc bogatiile planetei indreptand fluviul de valori spre ele, sunt tarile mari exportatoare de petrol.
    Aceste tari absorb sume imense de bani din toata lumea – ar fi avut conditii exceptionale de a deveni viitorii stapani ai lumii, dar strategia lor de dezvoltare a fost de cele mai multe ori gresita. Arabii au folosit sumele imense de bani provenite din exportul de hidrocarburi de cele mai multe ori nechibzuit si negandit.
    Au investit in echipe de fotbal, autoturisme de lux, in partii de ski in desert, palate, zgarie nori, insule artificiale si alte extravagante lipsite de sens si eficienta.
    Daca arabii foloseau banii proveniti din exportul de petrol in scopul dezvoltarii resurselor energetice ale viitorului, astfel incit chiar si atunci cand petrolul se va termina, ei sa ramina regii energiei mondiale (o noua generatie de energie), azi ei ar fi fost stapanii lumii.
    Daca in loc sa faca insule artificiale cumparau mine de fier, uraniu, bauxita si cupru in Australia, America de Sud si in Africa, azi ei ar fi fost stapanii lumii. Dar ei au cheltuit avutiile imense ca o femeie cocheta care cheltuieste pe lux si desantare tot ce-i cade in mana.
    Tot acest fluviu de bani (valori) ce se scurge de zeci de ani dinspre occident spre orient pentru petrol, minereuri si chinezarii, au dus la actuala criza economica.
    Sa ne imaginam ca in occident exista acum 20 ani o suma de bani, sa zicem 100.000 miliarde $, bani ce aveau acoperire in marfuri si valori.
    In ultimii 20 ani, din cauza deficitului balantei comerciale dintre occident si orient, o mare parte din acesti bani, daca nu chiar toti, au luat drumul orientului.
    Veti spune, bine, dar cum asa, ca noi vedem ca mai sunt bani pe piata ?
    Da, mai sunt, dar tot mai putini si cei care sunt, sunt pentru ca marele popor chinez, (dupa ce ne-a luat bani si ne-a dat in schimb tricouri si jucarii care in 1-2 ani au ajuns la groapa de gunoi) ne-a dat o parte din bani inapoi, dar sub forma de imprumut cu care sa acoperim gaurile deficitului balantei comerciale si ale deficitului bugetar. Asa ca banii care sunt azi pe piata sunt mai putini (de aceea este criza) si nici nu mai sunt ai nostri, ci sunt bani luati cu imprumut, mai direct sau mai putin direct, tot de la marele popor chinez.
    Si totusi, azi mai avem un semn de intrebare: in lumea noastra nu incap doua sabii intr-o teaca… mai devreme sau mai tirziu, China va ramine singurul stapan.
    De ce?
    Sa vedem care sint atuurile si punctele slabe ale celor doua tari (adica analiza SWOT):
    Atuurile Germaniei:- Mentalitatea, disciplina, ordinea, seriozitatea, organizarea
    Atuurile Chinei:- Populatia… un sfert din populatia planetei- Accesul la resurse- Un teritoriu imens- Pozitionarea strategica- Ambitia unui popor ce are in spate un trecut glorios, o istorie si o civilizatie de 5000 de ani- Spiritul de sacrificiu
    – Conducerea autoritara si concentrarea puterii in mainile unui grup restrains Legi draconice care pastreaza ordinea si disciplina Cea mai evoluata tara in domeniul resurselor energetice alternative; Un sistem politic mai bine adaptat acestor „vremuri de razboi”

    Punctele slabe ale Germaniei:- Un popor relativ mic… mult mai mic decit cel chinez Restrangerea „spatiului vital” Sistem politic corupt, perimat, inflexibil, birocratic Pierderea autoritatii legii, scaderea permanenta a nivelului de ordine si disciplina datorita legilor proaste care de cele mai multe ori incurajeaza faradelegea, protejeaza infractorul Lipsa totala a resurselor de materii prime
    Nationalismul care uneori actioneaza ca o frana de mana
    Punctele slabe ale Chinei: O relativa ramanere in urma din punct de vedere economic Dependenta de resurse minerale externe
    China este azi in topul dezvoltarii tehnologiei resurselor de energie regenerabila, a rezolvat problema materiilor prime luand in stapanire aproape in intregime Africa, au toata economia americana la picioare prin datoria imensa pe care statul american o are fata de statul chinez.
    Din punct de vedere tehnologic, China este un miracol… adesea orice inventie de pe lumea asta ajunge sa fie pusa in aplicare mai repede in China decat reuseste insusi inventatorul.
    Chinezii copiaza, fura, reproduc mai repede decat reuseste inventatorul sa gandeasca… Fara sa inventeze nimic, ei au acces la toate marile descoperiri tehnologice ale lumii. Si furtul poate fi o arta, iar ei sint cei mai mari artisti in acest domeniu !
    O alta calitate fantastica a acestui popor este ambitia de a fi primul.
    Fiecare chinez in parte vrea sa fie in mod particular primul – oriunde l-ai pune pe chinez, el vrea sa ia locul intai, sa fie cel mai apreciat, sa-i ia locul colegului, sa castige cel mai mult, sa fie „number one”. Si pentru a-si atinge scopul, nu are scrupule ! Asta e educatia pe care o primeste, asta e traditia pe care o mosteneste.
    Conducerea centralizata a tarii este un factor foarte important… puterea e concentrata in mainile catorva oameni, deciziile se iau repede, fara ezitari, fara tergiversari.
    Ordinea si disciplina sint cuvinte de ordine – pedeapsa cu moartea se aplica, omul corect si cinstit e protejat de lege, infractorul, nemernicul, ticalosul nu are niciun drept, spre deosebire de Europa unde infractorul e protejat, iar pagubitul, omul cinstit e discriminat si intimidat.
    Europa… lumea in care infractorii au mai multe drepturi decat oamenii cinstiti. Europa… societatea in care pagubitul face puscarie pentru ca a incercat sa-si apere bunurile, casa sau familia, iar infractorul e despagubit pentru prejudiciile suferite.
    Europa… lumea in care multi aleg sa devina infractori pentru ca pot sa traiasca mai bine in puscarie decit in libertate.
    E imoral, anormal si nedrept, dar asta se intampla intr-o societate in care legile sint facute de infractori si de catre interpusii lor. Asta se intimpla intr-o societate bolnava din cauza unui sistem corupt si murdar pana in maduva oaselor.
    Asta se intimpla din cauza unui sistem politic retrograd, invechit, neadaptat la realitatile secolului 21.
    GLOBALIZAREA este prost inteleasa astazi. Azi globalizarea inseamna HAOS… amestecarea raselor, libera circulatie, emigratie si haos economic, politic si social. Globalizarea trebuie sa insemne legi unitare la nivelul planetei, ordine, respect fata de valorile umane, protejarea oamenilor buni, corecti, cinstiti si eliminarea ticalosilor.
    Globalizarea ar trebui sa insemne armonie legislativa pe toata planeta,
    cooperare strinsa si eficienta intre popoare pentru rezolvarea marilor probleme globale, rezolvarea problemelor emigratiei clandestine, eradicarea saraciei, reducerea poluarii si protectia mediului. Asta trebuie sa fie globalizarea – drumul catre o lume mai buna, mai echilibrata.


    • Maria said, on august 10, 2014 at 2:35 pm

      si Ceausescu a facut la fel cu exploatarea fortei de munca interne in folosul tarii noastre si ajunsesem sa ne platim datoriile externe!!!! ….si a deranjat pe altii.


  10. Maria said, on august 7, 2014 at 4:21 pm

    Buna ziua, Saccsiv te rog da-mi adresa de mail al lui ,,cca70″. Multumesc.

    [Maria said, on august 6, 2014 at 2:45 pm

    Buna ziua,
    Cine are pe acasa fire textile( ghem, bobina, scul, etc) ce pot fi folosite la tricotat-crosetat, daca nu le mai folositi va rog sa mi le dati mie. Incerc sa ma descurs si eu cum pot sa imi cresc copilasul deoarece nu am serviciu. Daca este cineva care ma poate ajutat cu asa ceva va rog spuneti-mi.



    cca70 said, on august 6, 2014 at 8:42 pm

    buna ziua

    va rog sa ii cereti lui saccsiv adresa mea de mail ca sa putem discuta cazul dvs mai in detaliu










  14. […] zilele lui Weishaupt, Karl Marx, Trotki, Bela Kuhn, Rosa Luxemburg si Ema Goldman, conspiratia acestei lumi a luat amploare. Aceasta conspiratie a […]




  16. […] zilele lui Weishaupt, Karl Marx, Trotki, Bela Kuhn, Rosa Luxemburg si Ema Goldman, conspiratia acestei lumi a luat amploare. Aceasta conspiratie a […]






  19. […] zilele lui Weishaupt, Karl Marx, Trotki, Bela Kuhn, Rosa Luxemburg si Ema Goldman, conspiratia acestei lumi a luat amploare. Aceasta conspiratie a […]


  20. […] zilele lui Spartacus-Weishaupt până la cele ale lui Karl Marx și până la Trotki (Rusia), Bela Kuhn (Ungaria), Rosa Luxemburg (Germania) și Emma Goldman (Statele Unite)… această […]


  21. […] zilele lui Spartacus-Weishaupt până la cele ale lui Karl Marx și până la Trotki (Rusia), Bela Kuhn (Ungaria), Rosa Luxemburg (Germania) și Emma Goldman (Statele Unite)… această […]


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