SACCSIV – blog ortodox

Orasul Detroit s-a declarat oficial in faliment …

Posted in Detroit, FALIMENT by saccsiv on iulie 19, 2013



Detroit a devenit joi. 18 iulie, cel mai mare oraş american care s-a declarat în faliment, potrivit unor documente judiciare.


În mod progresiv, numeroase servicii publice a fost necesar să fie reduse, spre exemplu, iluminatul fiind asigurat pe timpul nopţii în anumite cartiere doar în unele cartiere. Sufocat, oraşul a anunţat luna trecută un default pentru o parte a datoriei sale totale în valoare de 18,5 miliarde de dolari.

   Cititi mai multe la:

SUA: Orașul Detroit și-a anunțat falimentul 

   Cititi va rog si:

FOTO: DETROIT, un oras in paragina, unde o casa e vanduta cu un dolar …



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32 răspunsuri

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  1. Ioan Pelasgul said, on iulie 19, 2013 at 1:34 pm

    Hiroshima este distrusa de bomba nucleara
    Detroit poreclit Motot City, mandria industriei Americane, orasul uzinelor de automobile Ford, General Motors, oras majoritar alb.
    Evreii incep sa-i convinga pe politicienii corupti din America sa umple orasul cu negri.

    Hiroshima => Metropola moderna
    Detroit => getou lovit de diversitate in care 82% din locuitori sunt negri si sub 10% sunt albi

    Sa inteleg ca mai bine sa te loveasca bomba nucleara decat sa te loveasca diversitatea


  2. Cosmin S. said, on iulie 19, 2013 at 2:00 pm

    Despre Detroit, de la ei de acasa:

    „I have lived in Metro Detroit my entire life. I was born in Pontiac, grew up in Royal Oak and Troy. Went to highschool in Auburn hills while living in Orion Township. Moved to Rochester when I first moved out and now live in Auburn hills where I attend Oakland University (sorry, long introduction, but that is where I am coming from).

    As a lifetime resident of the area, a traveler, and someone who spends a lot of time studying architecture and politics I am going to list what I think are the good and the bad aspects of my home town.
    First the bad…
    -Detroit is called the Murder City because it is true. The rates of violent crime and murder are statistically very high.
    -Many of the beautiful buildings you see downtown are in fact abandoned, although more and more of them are being renovated. A few have decayed to the point of be unsalvageable. The old train station is a prime example of this.
    -Detroit has no money. It is likely the city council and mayor will lose their job to a state appointed city manager. The council and the mayors office is always too busy fighting for power, rather than working together to actually fix problems.
    -After a few women from Birmingham were beaten nearly to death downtown during a festival when I was a child, Mayor Young said that they „deserved it for coming down here.” Basically, it was their fault for being rich and white and having the audacity for walking downtown. Lots of white people I know decided to give up on this city (I am sure this is not universal, just something I have noticed when I talk to people older than me).
    -The downtown is not as big as everyone is saying. New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Miami, L.A., San Fransisco and Boston are all much more impressive. Downtown is not small, but it is certainly is not world class (at least in size).
    -The Ren Cen, although recently improved by fantastic lighting, threw off the balance of downtown and acted as a giant island of suburbia instead of actually improving downtown.
    -The casinos are draining money from people who do not have it, and not bringing nearly as many people into town as we were promised.
    -The infrastructure is falling apart.

    And now the good stuff…
    -Great Art Deco architecture.
    -Ford Field and Comeria Park. Both are fantastic stadiums.
    -The Ren Cen looks great now. Like something from China.
    -Maybe a financial manager could fix it?
    -More young college educated people are moving downtown (mostly hipsters) but hey, their parents have money.
    -Cobo is getting redone, and will be a world class showplace.
    -Beautiful suburbs, with amazing lakes and nice neighborhoods.
    -The UofM is right next door.
    -State too, if you are into that sort of thing…
    -Lake St. Clair.
    -The New Center area is pretty cool. (oh yeah, Detroit is one of the few cities with two major „downtown areas”.
    I am sure I am forgetting things, but this is a pretty good summary of how I think of my home of 26 years. ”


    Mult mai multe despre Detroit, aici:


  3. blue said, on iulie 19, 2013 at 2:03 pm
    Interesante sunt si comentariile, precum si bascalia si dezinteresul pe care il manifesta romanul pentru libertatea lui.
    Dumnezeu sa ne ajute!


  4. Cosmin S. said, on iulie 19, 2013 at 2:06 pm

    Ioan Pelasgul,

    Se pare ca Detroit este un experiment, pentru a vedea cum se distruge un oras infiltrandu-l cu rase negre si stricacioase.
    E clar de ce tiganii sunt tinuti pe palme de UE…


    • saccsiv said, on iulie 19, 2013 at 2:22 pm

      Cosmin S.

      Dar de ce rasele negre sunt stricacioase?


      • saccsiv said, on iulie 19, 2013 at 2:31 pm

        Cosmin S.

        Observ ca postezi cu alta adresa de e-mail decat vechiul comentator Cosmin S. Probabil deoarece nu esti el.


      • Ioan Pelasgul said, on iulie 19, 2013 at 3:17 pm


      • Ioan Pelasgul said, on iulie 19, 2013 at 3:34 pm

        Eu nu cred ca e un experiment ci e chiar parte a procesului insusi.

        Poate pe viitor se va schimba situatia… poate dar pana atunci:

        The Jew Harvard Professor Noel Ignatiev on how terrible white people are


  5. STOP RFID 666 said, on iulie 19, 2013 at 2:43 pm

    Zilele trecute Ghita ne anunta ca vrea sa ,,controleze” cartelele pre-pay. Acum ni-l vara pe gat pe HAISAM.

    Baietii striga………..Haisam, Haisam, Haisam…………..terorism, terorism, terorism!!!



    • adi said, on iulie 19, 2013 at 7:03 pm

      Nici eu nu cred in coincidente.Adica cum de exact acuma l-au gasit?


  6. Cosmin S. said, on iulie 19, 2013 at 2:54 pm


    Nu mai fi suspicios.
    Adresa de mail postata acum de mine nu e valida. N-am mai postat mail-ul meu de cand ai plecat.

    Rasele negre sunt stricacioase. Nu stiu de ce, dar sunt. E o constatare. Cel putin asa cred la momentul acesta.


  7. STOP RFID 666 said, on iulie 19, 2013 at 3:01 pm



  8. Cosmin S. said, on iulie 20, 2013 at 4:34 pm

    Verifici acum?


  9. […] Orasul Detroit s-a declarat oficial in faliment … […]


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