SACCSIV – blog ortodox

Video: PREA MULTE FEMEI GOALE IN PREA MULTE LOCURI – filme, tv, reviste, reclame stradale, moda, internet. O emisiune de Rafael Udriste

Posted in PORNOGRAFIE, Rafael Udrişte, VIRGILIU GHEORGHE by saccsiv on iulie 19, 2013

10 răspunsuri

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  1. Ioan Pelasgul said, on iulie 19, 2013 at 11:01 am

    Ultima nebunie peste ocean.
    Sa-ti lasi prietena insacinata ca sa ii creasca sanii( si evident copilul il avortezi)


    • ioana said, on iulie 19, 2013 at 7:23 pm

      Cand vedem femeile dez baracate si la TV si pe strada, ne dam seama cu tristete ca femeia nu mai are orgoliu si nici o valoare, se expuna asa gratis in fata tuturor, sa faca operatii estetice pentru a sminti si a intrebam cat o sa ne mai rabde Dumnezeu.Mai grav este ca si femeile mai inaintate in varsta ,care se presupune ca ar trebui sa aiba mai multa materie cenusie, fac aceleasi lucruri.Doamne da-ne sa ne intoarcem la credinta sa distingem binele de rau,Amin!


      • pcmouse said, on iulie 19, 2013 at 8:48 pm

        ioana-cum deschizi tv e imposibil sa nu te smintesti..uneori imi vine sa-l sparg


      • tataia said, on iulie 20, 2013 at 12:09 am

        @pcmouse Atunci fa ceea ce fac si eu…nu-l mai porni.


      • Cosmin said, on iulie 20, 2013 at 12:38 am

        @ pcmouse

        nu sparge televizorul, iesi in paguba. Renunta la cablu TV; iesi in castig 😉

        Asta am facut si eu acum vreo 7-8 ani.

        Doamne ajuta!


    • tataia said, on iulie 20, 2013 at 12:12 am

      @ Pelasgul La 13 ani???!!


  2. […] Video: PREA MULTE FEMEI GOALE IN PREA MULTE LOCURI – filme, tv, reviste, reclame stradale, moda, i… […]


  3. Ion Roman Popescu said, on septembrie 1, 2013 at 6:39 pm

    Un subiect de abordat : Erotic Web Cam si CYBERSEX

    Omenii isi vand intimitatea, se acupleaza public online, platitorii dicteaza ce sa faca protagonistii, persoane solo sau cupluri hetero ori gay.

    Nu pot folosi jucarii sexuale, sa si le introduca in cavitatile corpului fara sa admita ca se prostitueaza : isi castiga banii folosindu-si organele genitale. Fete tinere, mame si chiar bunici.

    Nu pot sa cred cat au proliferat aceste practici, sunt la un click distanta. Cele mai vizitate protagoniste web cam solo-porn castiga :

    Aug 16-31 : $11,233 ; Aug 1-15 : $20,612

    Momentan este vid de legislatie pentru acest tip de activitate. In unele tari este interzisa drastic pornografia iar in altele tolerata.

    Este un BOOM al pornografiei domestice online, domestica adica performerii sunt parteneri din viata reala.

    Sunt americani celibatari care cheltuiesc si 1000 usd/luna pe web chat :

    What is Video Chat? Porn? Prostitution? Or not?

    The Admins in Kiev are charged with the „propagation of pornography production” and running an „Internet Bordello” where they recruited top students from prestige universities to be cam-models and service the sexual needs of foreign clients. The American owner of the Kyiv Studio is being apparently pursued in the US on a charge of „Human Trafficking.”

    So we might well ask: „Do these charges make any sense? And if not, Why not?”

    After all, what is a sexual crime in cyber-space? Is a virtual act done on line the same thing as a sex act in real life? Is a video chat hostess or model really involved in „virtual prostitution?” Or isn’t this rather a kind of „adult entertainment?” that’s more about „making illusions,” that is, a form of performance that’s „almost sex work” but not really the same thing? Is doing „fantasy role play” the same thing as producing porn” or more a kind „psychological social work?”

    Actions in Cyber-space pose these meta-physical questions of all sorts, but the Authorities in the United States and the Ukraine are prosecuting people using the anti-pornography and anti-prostitution laws that are already on the books. As a result, the definition of „camming” no longer is just a matter for idle speculation.

    So do these laws apply to „cam work?” Does the „crime” actually fit the proposed punishment? Or do they miss the point?
    And if they do apply, how can we argue that should they be changed and why?

    These issues need to be discussed in terms of cam-models actual experience of the forms of „emotional and sexual labor” they perform daily online, if a case is to be made that this industry ought to be both legalized and brought under some sort of state labor regulation.

    Cybersex is only getting weirder. Most Canadian college students surveyed by a dating Web site say they’ve already had sex through instant messages. By year’s end, more than 100 million people will be playing online games. Fifteen million Webcams are in use; hundreds can be viewed for a fee, and many are pornographic. You can even interact with a „virtual girlfriend” on your cell phone. It’s a creepy world of imaginary meetings and deeds. The only thing creepier, perhaps, is to prosecute them like the real thing.
    A version of this article also appears in the Outlook section of the Sunday Washington Post.

    William Saletan is Slate’s national correspondent and author of Bearing Right: How Conservatives Won the Abortion War.

    Article URL:


  4. Livia said, on iunie 11, 2016 at 8:13 am

    Eu zic mai bine sa nu vreti deloc televizor. Daca totusi vreti ceva folositor de privit puteti gasi si pe internet. Din zecile de posturi daca gasiti 2 utile… Asa aveti ispita in casa. Doamne ajuta!


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