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Caricatura zilei (07.11.2014): INAINTE de VOT si DUPA …

Posted in alegeri, CARICATURI, VOT by saccsiv on noiembrie 7, 2014
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19 răspunsuri

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    • radu iacoboaie said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 8:00 pm





  1. aniush said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 7:38 am

    ha, ha, ha
    Caricatura pare hazlie, realitatea nu e deloc de ras.


  2. geo said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 8:22 am

    Buna dimineata,

    „…premierul Victor Ponta s-a aflat, joi dupa-amiaza, intr-o vizita la Baia Mare. El a afirmat, joi seara, la o intalnire cu reprezentantii Partidului Social Democrat (PSD) si ai Partidului Liberal Reformator (PLR) din judetele Maramures, Satu Mare, Salaj si Bistrita-Nasaud, ca proiectele Uniunii Social Liberale (USL) vor continua prin sustinerea descentralizarii, regionalizarii si modificarii Constitutiei.”


  3. geo said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 8:29 am

    Acorduri fiscale secrete între Luxemburg și 340 de multinaționale, printre care Apple, Amazon, Ikea, Pepsi sau Axa, pentru a-și reduce la minim impozitele, au fost dezvăluite joi de 40 de media internaționale care se bazează pe documente obținute de Consorțiul internațional al jurnaliștilor de investigație (ICIJ), relatează AFP.


  4. scortisoara said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 8:52 am

    Momentul Segarcea este pretext pentru legiferarea educatiei sexuale in scoli ….. aici au vrut sa ajunga . Educatie ortodoxa , nu . Educatie sexuala , da , asa cum o inteleg ei … cu multiple posibilitati .
    Subiectul poate fi abordat din perspectiva ortodoxa si sigur nu ar fii nociv pentru tineri dar nu le serveste scopurilor lor marsave .

    „Scrisoare deschisa domnului Remus PRICOPIE, ministrul Educatiei Nationale si domnului Nicolae BANICIOIU, ministrul Sanatatii

    E nevoie ca intregul oras Segarcea sa intre in panica de teama unei epidemii de HIV, pentru ca in mass media sa se vorbeasca macar putin despre educatia sexuala. In continuare insa, Ministerul Educatiei Nationale si Ministerul Sanatatii nu iau nicio pozitie, ignorand nevoia acuta de educatie sexuala ca materie obligatorie in scolile din Romania.

    In prezent, in tara noastra nu exista educatie sexuala ca materie obligatorie in scoli. In afara eforturilor punctuale ale diferitelor organizatii non-guvernamentale de profil, singura sansa pentru tineri de a obtine astfel de informatii este in cadrul lectiilor de ”Educatie pentru Sanatate”, o materie optionala ce ofera si notiuni de educatie sexuala. Nu sunt publice date despre disponibilitatea reala, pe teren, a acestei materii. Amintim ca in majoritatea tarilor europene, informatii pe teme de educatie sexuala le sunt predate elevilor incepand cu ciclul gimnazial, in unitatile de invatamant public.

    Cazul Segarcea nu s-a intamplat intr-o bula singulara de ignoranta. El nu este rupt de contextul national. In lipsa educatiei sexuale, aceasta bula de ignoranta se intinde peste intreaga Romanie rurala si urbana, tara noastra aflandu-se pe primele zece locuri in Europa la incidenta bolilor cu transmitere sexuala, conform datelor Organizatiei Mondiale a Sanatatii. Aproape doi din zece tineri cred ca o persoana nu este infectata cu boli cu transmitere sexuala, daca nu prezinta niciun simptom vizibil.

    In medie, tinerii romani incep sa faca sex in jurul varstei de 15 ani si jumatate. Intr-o societate sexualizata, tinerii primesc in fiecare moment semnale incorecte si informatii incomplete despre sexualitate prin filme, jocuri video si pornografie. Aceasta este realitatea fata de care trebuie reactionat cu masuri concrete.

    Dubii despre eficienta educatiei sexuale nu-si au locul.

    Dubii despre eficienta educatiei sexuale nu-si au locul. Fara educatie sexuala in scoala, rata de natalitate la adolescentele intre 15 si 19 ani era in 2010 in Romania de 30 la 1000, una dintre cele mai ridicate in Europa. Cu educatie sexuala in scoala, in Olanda rata era de 5 la 1000, in Germania de 9 la 1000, in Danemarca de 6 la 1000, in Franta de 10 la 1000.

    In 2010, peste 60% dintre adolescentele active sexual cu varste intre 15 – 18 ani nu au folosit niciodata metode contraceptive, conform unui studiu la nivel mondial realizat pe un esantion de 1056 tinere din Romania . Nu este de mirare, daca atat fetele, cat si baietii nu au de unde afla cum se pot proteja.

    Mai mult de jumatate dintre romani nu ar lua masa cu o persoana homosexuala . Adolescentii si adolescentele homosexuali, lesbiene, bisexuali, asexuali si transgender sunt, intr-un climat al necunoasterii, foarte vulnerabili si expusi discriminarii si marginalizarii.

    E greu pentru un parinte sa predea matematica si chimie copilului lui? Da. Ne asteptam de la ea sau el sa faca asta? Nu: pentru asta exista educatie publica. In mod similar, este greu pentru familii sa asigure educatia sexuala pentru copiii lor. Si in mod similar, e imperativ ca scoala sa preia aceasta responsabilitate, cu atat mai mult cu cat sexualitatea este un subiect tabu pentru multi dintre parinti, care, la randul lor, nu au avut parte de educatie sexuala in adolescenta.

    Acest cerc vicios trebuie rupt prin introducerea educatiei sexuale ca materie obligatorie in scoli. In Romania isteriei de la Segarcea, ignorarea problemei lipsei de educatie sexuala din sistemul de invatamant este o iresponsabilitate grava din partea autoritatilor competente. Situatia dificila din Romania a atras si atentia Comitetului ONU, care recomanda efectuarea unui studiu asupra problemelor de sanatate ale adolescentilor din tara noastra, institutii similare recomandand introducerea educatiei sexuale in scoli.”

    Detalii aici >
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    • geo said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 11:02 am

      “”Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.”
      – Henry Kissinger in an address to the Bilderberger meeting at Evian, France, May 21, 1992.

      (in an address to the Bilderberger organization meeting at Evian, France, on May 21, 1991. As transcribed from a tape recording made by one of the Swiss delegates. )”


  5. John of România said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 8:53 am

    Cum a mijlocit Klaus Iohannis disparitia definitiva a trei copii orfani


  6. scortisoara said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 8:53 am

    completare ….

    Prin urmare, solicitam Ministerului Educatiei Nationale si Ministerului Sanatatii sa faca demersurile necesare pentru modificarea curriculei scolare, in asa fel incat materia „Educatie pentru Sanatate”, ce contine atat capitole de educatie sexuala cat si alte capitole cu informatii utile pentru sanatatea tinerilor, sa fie inclusa in trunchiul comun, alaturi de celelalte discipline scolare obligatorii.


    Asociatia SEXUL vs BARZA

    Coalitia pentru Egalitate de Gen prin membrii sai : Societatea de Analize Feministe ANA, Asociatia FRONT, Asociatia A.L.E.G., Centrul Parteneriat pentru Egalitate, Asociatia E-Romnja
    Societatea de Educatie Contraceptiva si Sexuala (SECS)
    Asociatia Mame pentru Mame
    Centrul FILIA
    Centrul pentru Democratia Participativa PLENUM
    Militia Spirituala
    Programul National Biblionet
    Grupul Roman pentru Apararea Drepturilor Omului – GRADO
    Asociatia de Planificare Familiala din Romania (APFR)
    Fundatia pentru o Societate Deschisa
    Asociatia ACCEPT
    Asociatia Secular-Umanista din Romania (ASUR)
    Asociatia SENS POZITIV
    Uniunea Nationala a Organizatiilor Persoanelor Afectate de HIV-SIDA (UNOPA) formata din organizatiile: Fundatia Andreea, Asociatia Viata si Speranta, Asociatia Tereza, Asociatia Speranta in Viior, Asociatia Speranta Copiilor 2000, Asociatia Speranta Baniei, Asociatia Red Ribbon, Asociatia Pro Karma, Asociatia Persoanelor Afectate, Asociatia O Raza de Lumina, Asociatia Noua Speranta, Asociatia Noi si Ceilalti Prahova, Asociatia Noi si Ceilalti Constanta, Asociatia Noi si Ceilalti Bucuresti, Asociatia Noi si Ceilalti Arad, Asociatia Lizua, Asociatia Licurici, Asociatia Iris, Asociatia Inocenta si Speranta,Asociatia Benone, Asociatia Persoanelor Afectate Braila.


  7. scortisoara said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 9:09 am

    Despre cei care „sustin” financiar partidele … numitii ” tehnici” : foarte necesari si la o adica astia sunt de sacrificiu . „Nucleul” are grija sa-si „confectioneze” altii … au pepiniera . Situatia e generala .

    Studiu de caz .*articleID_30852-articles_details.html

    Tot mai doriti sa votati ?


  8. scortisoara said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 9:28 am

    Sa ne mai venim in fire ….

    Apreciat de 1 persoană

  9. Pavel said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 9:29 am

    Iata unde ne-a adus votul de pina acum! La card si act de identitate electronice. Donare de organe implicita, riscand sa fim transati cand ajungem in stare critica la spital,aberatii morale ridicate la rang de normalitate, resurse nationale vandute pe 2 lei etc
    Cardurile vor putea fi folosite de către asigurați și vor deveni obligatorii DOAR DUPĂ CE se finalizează distribuirea acestora și după ce vor fi achiziționate cititoarele de carduri de către furnizorii de servicii medicale.

    Prin urmare, dacă nu se finalizează distribuirea, nu pot deveni obligatorii. Sau, altfel spus, refuzul lor de către cetăţeni este echivalent cu imposibilitatea obligativităţii lor. Cei ce îl primesc, și îl păstrează chiar fără a-l activa, de fapt consimt şi ajută la impunerea lor în mod obligatoriu pentru toţi.


    • scortisoara said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 9:48 am

      Da . Este asa cum am intuit si eu gandindu-ma la spusele avocatei mele : acceptarea tacita a unei situatii este considerata LEGALA ! Nereturnand cardurile acceptam tacit o situatie , legalizam ceva …. nici nu ne dam seama .


  10. Cosmin S. said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 9:37 am


    Raw: „Industria de petrol si gaze prin fracturare trebuie sa foloseasca FRICA, LACOMIA, Mânia, URA, SANTAJUL si Informatiile Personale Jenante fara nici un fel de rusine impotriva tuturor activistilor anti-fracking,” spune Richard Berman, lobby-ist american.

    Asteptati-va ca aceleasi formule odioase de manipulare sa fie folosite si in Romania.
    Aici, articolul tradus de noi. In engleza, link la final.
    În cazul în care industria de petrol și gaze dorește să împiedice adversarii săi de la încetinirea eforturile sale de a fora în cat mai multe locuri, aceasta trebuie să fie pregătita să angajeze tactici murdare precum dezvaluiri private jenante despre ecologiști și celebritățile liberale care ii sustin, a spus un veteran consultant politic de la Washington unei camere plină de directori din industrie într-un discurs care a fost înregistrat în secret.

    Consultantul Richard Berman, fondatorul și directorul executiv al Berman & Company firma de consultanta cu sediul la Washington, a solicitat 3 milioane dolari de la directori de petrol și industria de gaze naturale pentru a finanța o campanie de publicitate și relații publice numita „Big Green Radicals.”

    Directorii companiei, domnul Berman a spus în discursul său, trebuie să fie dispuși să fructifice emotii, cum ar fi frica, lacomia si mânia și să le întoarcă împotriva grupurilor de mediu. Iar marile corporații care finanteaza in secret o astfel de campanie nu trebuie să isi faca griji despre ofensarea publicului larg, deoarece „puteți să câștigam urât sau sa pierdem dragut,” a spus el.

    „Endless War”, și alte puncte de raliuri
    Aceasta transcriere a discursului tinut de Richard Berman, în iunie, 2014, în Colorado Springs in fata unui grup de directori de energie, precum și transcrierea altor documente aditionale, oferă o perspectivă alarmanta asupra tacticilor de lobby folosite de domnul Berman.

    „Gândiți-vă la acest lucru ca la un război fără sfârșit”, a spus Berman mulțimii de CEOs prezenti la evenimentul iunie, în Colorado Springs, sponsorizat de Alianta pentru Energie de Vest, un grup ai cărui membri innumără Devon Energy, Halliburton și Anadarko Petroleum, care se specializează în extracției de petrol și gaze prin fracturarea hidraulică, de asemenea, cunoscut sub numele de fracturare hidraulică. „Și trebuie să bugetezi pentru asta.”
    Ceea ce domnul Berman nu știa – și ceea ce ar putea complica acum sarcina sa de marginalizare a grupurilor de mediu care vor să impună limite asupra fracking – este faptul că unul dintre directorii industriei energetice a inregistrat discursul sau și a fost jignit de el.
    „Faptul ca trebuie să joci murdar pentru a câștiga, a lăsat un gust neplacut in gura mea,” a declarat directorul executiv, care a furnizat o copie a înregistrării și a ordinei de zi la The New York Times, cu condiția ca identitatea sa să nu fie dezvăluita.

    Dl Berman a zburat la Colorado cu Jack Hubbard, vice-presedinte la Berman & Company, pentru a discuta despre noua campanie de relații publice, Big Green Radicals, campanie care a pus deja o serie de reclame controversate in Pennsylvania și Colorado, două state in care dezbaterea asupra fracking este foarte intensă. Berman a plătit, de asemenea, pentru lansarea unei campanii de mass-media pe site-urile care servesc atat publicul național cat și cel din Washington.

    Un purtator de cuvant pentru domnul Berman a confirmat că intradevar Berman a tinut discursul in chestiune, dar a spus că nu are nici un comentariu cu privire la conținutul acestuia.
    Dl Berman este bine cunoscut în Washington pentru tehnica sa de a crea grupuri non-profit, cum ar fi Centrul pentru Libertatea de Consum (Center for Consumer Freedom) care colectează în secret donații corporative pentru a finanța apoi campanii agresive si satirice de mass-media concepute de echipa sa.

    Aceste campanii satirice sunt menite să submineze adversarii săi, cum ar fi sindicatele sau grupurile pentru drepturile animalelor care au încercat să aduca in atentia publicului larg tratamentul animalelor in industria de carne.

    „Da, mă trezesc în fiecare dimineață și încerc să gandesc noi metode de a burdusi sindicatele – da, asta e infracțiunea mea,” a spus domnul Berman, în discursul său pentru Alianța de energie de Vest. „Da, incerc să gasesc noi solutii pentru a reduce oamenii de teapa lor.”

    Dl Berman a oferit mai multe sfaturi similare.
    „Dacă vrei un videoclip care sa devina viral, foloseste copii sau animale,” a spus el, exemplificand acest punct cu un spot pregatit de firma sa in care a folosit elevi si sugerand astfel că sefii de sindicat nu au alegeri reale.

    „Foloseste umorul pentru a minimaliza sau marginaliza oponentii,” a adăugat el.

    „Publicului nu-i place nimic mai mult decat sfasierea celebritatilor si demascarea ipocriziei acestora,” a spus Jack Hubbard, exemplificand cu anunțuri panou planificate pentru Pennsylvania in care era prezentat Robert Redford alaturi de sloganul sau”Cereri de viață verde”, la care Berman & Co. adaugase „Zboară pe avioane private.”

    Domnul Hubbard a dezvaluit, de asemenea, modul în care el a făcut cercetări detaliate cu privire la istoriile personale ale membrilor consiliilor de administrație ale Clubului Sierra și ale ONG-ului Consiliul Pentru Apărarea Resurselor Naturale pentru a găsi informații jenante sau rusinoase care ar putea fi utilizate impotriva lor si a-i determina sa se retraga din cursa impotriva industriei de fracking.

    Discursul dat în iunie la Broadmoor Hotel and Resort, unde Alianța pentru Energie de Vest a tinut întâlnirea anuală pentru 2014, s-ar putea încheia insa cu o nouă rundă de control indreptata impotriva domnului Berman și a vastei sale retele de grupuri non-profit și grupuri de strategie „think-tank” pe care o conduce din biroul lui aflat in buricul orasului Washington.

    Dl Berman s-a lăudat în repetate rânduri cu privire la usurinta cu care el a luat cecuri mari de directorii din industria de petrol și gaze si apoi a ascuns cu iscusinta rolul lor în finanțarea campaniilor sale.
    Berman a spus că a adunat deja contribuții de șase cifre de la unii dintre directorii de la Alianța pentru Energie de Vest.

    „Oamenii imi pun aceeasi intrebare: Cum știu eu că nu voi fi descoperit?”

    Dl Berman a spus mulțimii: „Noi rulam toate contributiile prin intermediul organizațiilor non-profit, care sunt exceptate de la listarea donatorilor. Deci anonimat total. Oamenii nu știu cine ne susține.”

    Ce este neclar este dacă tacticile lui Berman vor fi acceptate in locuri cum ar fi Colorado. Deja, pagina editorială de la Denver Post, un sustinator al industriei de petrol și gaze, a criticat tacticile lui Berman, numind un spot video folosit de Berman „O lovitură ieftina la adresa dușmanilor fracking.” In spot-ul respectiv niste ecologisti fictivi dezbateau dacă luna este confectionata din brânză înainte de a face apel pentru interzicerea fracking.

    In urma dezvaluirilor, una dintre marile companii de petrol și gaze care au avut directori de la eveniment, Anadarko – o companie cu sediul in Texas care opereaza 13.000 de puțuri în regiunea Rocky Mountain – acum spune că nu a fost de acord cu sugestiile pe care domnul Berman le-a oferit cu privire la modul de combatere a criticilor de petrol și gaze si de tehnici de foraj.

    „Anadarko nu a susținut abordarea domnului Berman și nu a să participe la lucrările sale, deoarece nu se alinieze cu valorile noastre,” a declarat John Christiansen, un purtator de cuvant al companiei.

    Domnul Berman, probabil, apreciază critica. După cum a explicat în discursul său, ceea ce contează este creșterea numărului de persoane care văd spoturile sale, care este parte din motivul pentru care încearcă în mod intenționat să ofenseze cetateanul în campaniile sale de presă.

    „Ne-au caracterizează într-o campanie ca fiind baietii cu elicopterele negre,” a explicat el. „Și într-o oarecare măsură, e adevărat. Facem lucruri pentru a diminua capacitatea celorlalte părți să funcționeze.”

    Traducere Raw

    Sursa in engleza:


  11. Cosmin S. said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 9:39 am

    Vladimir Putin: Nu a fost nimic rău în Pactul Molotov-Ribbentrop

    06.11.2014 19:08 de: Nelly Sambriş (autor)

    Preşedintele Rusiei, Vladimir Putin, consideră că nu au existat probleme în Pactul de neagresiune Molotov-Ribbentrop, semnat de URSS cu Germania nazistă în 1939, acord care a condus la al II-lea Război Mondial, generând efecte teritoriale inclusiv pentru România, scrie

    Istoricii occidentali încearcă „să păstreze tăcerea” în legătură cu Acordul de la Munchen, semnat în anul 1938, care a permis Germaniei naziste să anexeze regiunea Sudeţilor, aparţinând Cehoslovaciei, a afirmat Vladimir Putin în cursul unei întâlniri cu tineri istorici desfăşurată miercuri la Moscova. Premierul britanic Neville „Chamberlain a venit, a fluturat o foaie de hârtie şi a spus: «V-am adus pacea», la revenirea în Londra după negocieri”, a declarat Putin, conform unei stenograme publicate de Kremlin.

    „După care Churchill, cred, a spus unui grup restrâns de oameni: «Acum, războiul este inevitabil». Pentru că orice compromis cu un agresor precum Germania hitleristă conducea în mod clar la un viitor conflict militar de mare amploare, iar unii au înţeles acest lucru”, a adăugat preşedintele Rusiei.

    Pe de altă parte, preşedintele rus crede că Tratatul de neagresiune între Germania nazistă şi URSS, cunoscut ca Pactul Molotov-Ribbentrop, nu a reprezentat o problemă. „Este necesară o cercetare serioasă pentru a se stabili care erau metodele de politică externă în acea perioadă. Uniunea Sovietică a semnat un acord de neagresiune cu Germania. Oamenii spun: «Ah, este ceva rău». Dar ce este rău în faptul că Uniunea Sovietică nu voia să lupte, ce este rău în asta?”, a afirmat Putin, conform publicaţiei The Telegraph.

    Un protocol secret al Pactului Molotov-Ribbentrop, semnat pe 23 august 1939, prevedea că Germania nazistă şi URSS erau de acord să împartă Finlanda, Estonia, Lituania, Letonia, România şi Polonia în sfere de influenţă, notează publicaţia britanică. Kremlinul a admis existenţa protocolului secret în anul 1989.

    „Oamenii continuă polemicile pe tema Pactului Molotov-Ribbentrop şi acuză Uniunea Sovietică de divizarea Poloniei”, a adăugat Putin.

    În anul 2009, Vladimir Putin cataloga drept „imoral” Pactul din anul 1939, care, potrivit istoricilor, a avut ca efect începerea celui de-al II-lea Război Mondial, divizarea Poloniei şi anexarea Basarabiei şi nordului Bucovinei de către URSS.

    Vladimir Putin a făcut aceste declaraţii în contextul în care Rusia a anexat regiunea ucraineană Crimeea la începutul acestui an, iar Moscova este acuzată de susţinerea insurgenţilor separatişti din estul Ucrainei.


  12. geo said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 9:53 am

    NEW YORK – The Home Depot Inc. said Thursday that hackers stole 53 million email addresses in the U.S. and Canada in addition to payment card data.

    It said the hackers accessed its network with a vendor’s username and password.

    The Atlanta-based home repair retailer in September disclosed a massive data breach that involved 56 million debit and credit cards between April and September.

    The Unsafe World of 21st Century Banking

    Harvard University has revealed that it secretly photographed some 2,000 students in 10 lecture halls last spring as part of a study of classroom attendance, an admission that prompted criticism from faculty and students who said the research was an invasion of privacy.

    The clandestine experiment, disclosed publicly for the first time at a faculty meeting Tuesday night, came to light about a year-and-a-half after revelations that administrators had secretly searched thousands of Harvard e-mail accounts. That led the university to implement new privacy policies on electronic communication this spring, but another round of controversy followed the latest disclosure.

    South Korea’s human rightswatchdog on Friday said it would launch an investigation into allegations that a pro baseball club secretly spied on its players.

    It emerged earlier this week that team officials had monitored players via closed-circuit TV cameras installed at hotels where they stayed for away games, prompting the resignation of team president Choi Ha-Jin and two other top club officials.

    „Because of the serious repercussions, we decided to launch an investigation today,” a spokeswoman of the National Human Rights Commission of Korea told AFP.

    Suspicion First, Innocence Later… Maybe

    The No Fly List is only the best known of the government’s web of terrorism watchlists. Many more exist, derived from the same master list. Currently, there are more than one million names in the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment, a database maintained by the National Counterterrorism Center. This classified source feeds the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB), operated by the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center. The TSDB is an unclassified but still secret list known as the “master watchlist.” containing what the government describes as “known or suspected terrorists,” or KSTs.

    According to documents recently leaked to the Intercept, as of August 2013 that master watchlist contained 680,000 people, including 5,000 U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents. The government can add people’s names to it according to a shaky “reasonable suspicion” standard. There is, however, growing evidence that what’s “reasonable” to the government may only remotely resemble what that word means in everyday usage. Information from a single source, even an uncorroborated Facebook post, can allow a government agent to watchlist an individual with virtually no outside scrutiny. Perhaps that’s why 40% of those on the master watchlist have “no recognized terrorist group affiliation,” according to the government’s own records.

    Nothing encapsulates the post-9/11, Alice-in-Wonderland inversion of American notions of due process more strikingly than this “blacklist first, innocence later… maybe” mindset.

    Violent clashes broke out in Belgium as more than 100,000 protesters marched in Brussels against the government’s austerity measures. Police deployed water cannon as dockworkers, metalworkers and students took to the streets.

    The violence flared up at the end of an otherwise peaceful protest, with tear gas deployed as some radical demonstrators hurled objects at riot police and launched attacks with the barriers against the officials. Some set off colored smoke flares.

    British spies have been granted the authority to secretly eavesdrop on legally privileged attorney-client communications, according to newly released documents.

    On Thursday, a series of previously classified policies confirmed for the first time that the U.K.’s top surveillance agency Government Communications Headquarters (pictured above) has advised its employees: “You may in principle target the communications of lawyers.”

    The U.K.’s other major security and intelligence agencies—MI5 and MI6—have adopted similar policies, the documents show. The guidelines also appear to permit surveillance of journalists and others deemed to work in “sensitive professions” handling confidential information.

    Privacy and technology groups are sounding the alarm on an obscure government rule with major implications for law enforcement hacking.

    Hiding behind the nondescript title “Proposed Amendment to Rule 41″ of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure is a dangerous increase in authority for federal investigators to use invasive hacking techniques to spy on computers and access data, according to testimony submitted by the American Civil Liberties Union, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Electronic Privacy Information Center and others to a regulatory panel in Washington, D.C., yesterday.

    The rule change would allow law enforcement agents to get warrants to search and seize electronic materials from any jurisdiction, “if the district where the media or information is located has been concealed through technological means” or in the case where a network of infected computers spreads across multiple districts.

    When Alaska voters go to the polls tomorrow to help decide whether the U.S. Senate will remain in Democratic control, thousands will do so electronically, using Alaska’s first-in-the-nation internet voting system. And according to internet security experts, including the former top cybersecurity official for the Department of Homeland Security, that system is a security nightmare that threatens to put control of the U.S. Congress in the hands of foreign or domestic hackers.

    Any registered Alaska voter can obtain an electronic ballot, mark it on their computers using a web-based interface, save the ballot as a PDF, and return it to their county elections department through what the state calls “a dedicated secure data center behind a layer of redundant firewalls under constant physical and application monitoring to ensure the security of the system, voter privacy, and election integrity.”

    To get a full scope of American violence in the world, it is worth asking a broader question: how many countries in the Islamic world has the U.S. bombed or occupied since 1980? That answer was provided in a recent Washington Post op-ed by the military historian and former U.S. Army Col. Andrew Bacevich:

    As America’s efforts to “degrade and ultimately destroy” Islamic State militants extent into Syria, Iraq War III has seamlessly morphed into Greater Middle East Battlefield XIV. That is, Syria has become at least the 14th country in the Islamic world that U.S. forces have invaded or occupied or bombed, and in which American soldiers have killed or been killed. And that’s just since 1980.

    Let’s tick them off: Iran (1980, 1987-1988), Libya (1981, 1986, 1989, 2011), Lebanon (1983), Kuwait (1991), Iraq (1991-2011, 2014-), Somalia (1992-1993, 2007-), Bosnia (1995), Saudi Arabia (1991, 1996), Afghanistan (1998, 2001-), Sudan (1998), Kosovo (1999), Yemen (2000, 2002-), Pakistan (2004-) and now Syria. Whew.

    Libya’s elected parliamentThursday rejected a supreme court ruling nullifying it, saying the decision had been taken „under the threat of arms”, deepening a power struggle in the violence-wracked nation.

    „The House of Representatives rejects the verdict under these conditions and says it is still functioning, as is the government,” lawmaker Adam Abu Sakhra said, reading from a prepared statement.

    The internationally recognised legislature said it was elected on June 25 by the people in „free and credible” polls and therefore would not disband, Abu Sakhra said on Libya Awalan television.

    It charged that the ruling announced earlier on Thursday by the Tripoli-based supreme court was taken „under the threat of arms” because the capital is „ruled by outlawed militias”.

    By 2005, thanks to the recommendations of international organizations for combating economic crime, Transparency International and the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF), as well as the UN, the OECD, and the European Union adopted the relevant directives, allowing to freeze bank accounts of the so called “politically exposed people” (PEP). The main task was to combat tax evasion and other financial frauds.

    Since accounts of PEPs are usually registered in the name of nominees in offshore jurisdictions, sometimes it is very difficult to track the real beneficiaries officially (i.e., true owner of the accounts).

    The UK was the first to address this problem in 2012-2013, by ordering its banks to disclose all real beneficiaries in their corporate registries. Britain has always been a favourite place for concealing illegally acquired funds of foreign PEPs. Soon, other EU countries followed its example.

    Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Wikipedia are among the world’s most popular websites – and all of them are based on user-generated content. While some platforms of this kind are primarily used to share individually produced content, others are based on a more direct interaction between users in the production of content.

    Wikipedia is the leading example of this type of joint production. The online encyclopaedia contains almost 4.4 million individual articles in the English-language version alone, which have been edited by more than 20 million users since its inception in 2001. Wikipedia has largely displaced the former market leader, Encyclopaedia Britannica, which is based on a more traditional process of content production (Devereux and Greenstein 2009).

    Wikipedia (and open-source production more generally) constitutes a marked departure from traditional modes of production within organisations. Rather than using a fixed set of procedures to arrive at a pre-specified output goal, open source is characterised by commons-based peer production, a process that is “decentralized, collaborative, and non-proprietary; based on sharing resources and outputs among widely distributed, loosely connected individuals” (Benkler 2006).

    Nu ar fi acceptat unchiul sam in ruptul capului ca chinezii sa intre in gradina din spate…insa mai au o problema de rezolvat: canalul nicaraguan…

    Mexico abruptly withdrew amulti-billion-dollar deal Thursday with a Chinese-led consortium to build the country’s first bullet train after concerns were raised about the bidding process.

    The government had awarded the $3.75 billion contract to the China Railway Construction Corp. and four Mexican partners on Monday after the group had been the only one to submit a bid.

    But President Enrique Pena Nieto scrapped the deal to avoid „any doubts about the legitimacy and transparency” of the bidding process, said Transport Minister Gerardo Ruiz Esparza.

    Ruiz Esparza told the Televisa network that Pena Nieto had taken the decision „moments ago” and that the bidding would start over.

    The Art and Science of State Terrorism

    US Army Europe’s commander Lt. Gen. Frederick “Ben” Hodges has described Russia as a very real threat, saying his country is ready to defend its allies in Europe.

    “So we are going to work very hard to make sure that all of our allies are confident that the rest of the alliance will be there if ever needed,” he told reporters on Wednesday. “That’s going to continue,” Hodges added.

    Cind ai baze militare in toata lumea e normal sa tipi ca Rusia este agresoarea…

    General Petraeus Accused of Founding ISIS/ISIL Western special services might be behind ISIS terrorists – Intel veteran

    Ebola is solved. Oil price drops are „unequivocally good news”. The US election is positive. Draghi promised to do whatever it takes again. And Ukraine is in ceasefire.So why is it that Donetsk’s Deputy Prime Minister Andriy Purgin claims Ukrainian security officials have started full-scale fighting, clashing 26 times today according to Ukraine military.y. With tanks advancing, Purgin exclaims, „now there is a full-scale war… attacking us, we are defending.”


    Mid-term elections are over, and the anticipated trouncing of Democrats in Congress took place without a hitch, even if the media selfishly played the uncertainty card. The sad reality: the United States is a nation divided alongside economic lines of haves and have-nots, and not ideology… with the leadership of both parties finding common ground in a solitary, non-domestic issue: the maintenance and perpetuation of the empire. And, that’s the only political preserver this drowning, unpopular president, Barack Obama, can hang on to for what is sure to be a political legacy which cultivated mediocrity, totally lacking backbone and leadership.
    Even if Obama is personally anti-war, he is likely to yield to warmongering voices which now will have an even greater echo in Congress: the voices of John McCain, Lindsey Graham and other bellicosarians in the Senate who don’t seem to mind, and actually insist, in bringing America to the portals of a nuclear war.

    With Election Out of the Way, Obama Turns to Congress for War Authorization

    Following midterm disaster for his party, Obama says he’s ready to talk with Congress about getting official approval for „long-term” war in Middle East

    With this year’s election now over and lawmakers relieved of the pressure that coincides with daily interaction with constituents, President Obama on Wednesday announced that he would finally ask Congress to give him the approval he needs to continue, and possibly expand, his new multi-front war against the militant group known as ISIS.

    Big splash in the news today following the Wall Street Journal report Obama Wrote Secret Letter to Iran’s Khamenei About Fighting Islamic State.

    Obama’s exact letter has not been published (yet), but the subject matter includes shared interests in combating ISIS coupled with hope of progress on nuclear talks.

    The Journal reports „cooperation on Islamic State was largely contingent on Iran reaching a comprehensive agreement with global powers on the future of Tehran’s nuclear program by a Nov. 24 diplomatic deadline” according to correspondents briefed on the letter.

    As with Russia more recently, the sanctions against Iran did not work, and will never work. Sanctions in general don’t work, period.

    The Republican response is as one might expect. Worse yet, Senators Mark Kirk (R., Ill.) and Robert Menendez (D., N.J.) introduced bipartisan legislation to intensify sanctions.

    “The best way to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon is to quickly pass the bipartisan Menendez-Kirk legislation—not to give the Iranians more time to build a bomb,” Mr. Kirk said Wednesday.

    Economist: Financial Collapse Will Cause Civil Unrest to Erupt in America by 2016 Rampant corruption combined with economic woes to spark „revolution”

    Obama Caught Ordering Press to Cover Up Ebola Pharmacologist reveals how press has bowed to government demand to keep Americans in the dark

    Obama: Dictatorship Is Democracy But America was founded as a republic

    Former CBS investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson alleges in her new book, “Stonewalled,” that both her personal and work computers were hacked over a lengthy period of time by someone in the government.

    On “The O’Reilly Factor” tonight, Attkisson said that she received inside information from government-connected sources that she had been hacked.

    She contacted a computer forensics expert, who concluded that sophisticated intrusions had taken place, and the proprietary software on her computers was a type used by either the FBI, CIA, DIA or NSA, four government agencies.

    From the New York Times to Reuters and the Washington Post, all of the major publications agree: the general public is in full support of GMO labeling initiatives. Quite simply, they want to know what they’re giving to both themselves and their family. Time and time again, we see poll results demonstrating that more than 90% of the US population is in favor of GMO labeling. Yet time and time again, we see GMO labeling initiatives shot down across the country.

    Ex NSA Lawyer Is Skeptical Of Full Data Encryption For Smartphones Intelligence Agency claims consumers don’t want encryption

    Washington (AFP) – A newly discovered family of malware has the capacity to infect iPhones via Apple computers, posing a security threat to devices that have been largely resistant to cybercriminals, researchers said.

    The researchers at Palo Alto Networks, a cybersecurity firm, said the malware shows „characteristics unseen in any previously documented threats targeting Apple platforms.”

    It represents „a potential threat to businesses, governments and Apple customers worldwide,” they said.

    The National Academy of Sciences has published a shocking report which envisages a Chinese-style global one child policy as the only means of reversing climate change and reducing global population to a “sustainable” number of 1-2 billion people.

    Faced with the well-documented implosion of its theories and a public that increasingly sees through the climate alarmism, the United Nations and its widely ridiculed global-warming panel are upping the ante yet again. With the release of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s “Synthesis Report” approved by governments and PR gurus, the global outfit is now simply spreading easily debunked falsehoods in its half-baked effort to build some semblance of support for a planetary regime to control humanity by rationing and taxing emissions of what scientists call the “gas of life.” However, as the mid-term elections showed clearly, in the United States in particular, the public is not buying the deception.

    The ECB has just launched – effective 4 November 2014 – a new watchdog to control and regulate the European banking system. It is called the Single Supervisory Mechanism – SSM. It is supposed to monitor and reign in European banks that do not ‘behave’ in terms of overstretching their investment and risk lending as compared to their capital base.

    In fact, the SSM is one pillar of the three pillar ‘security’ system put in place by the ECB and the European Commission – EC.

    The Single Resolution Mechanism – SRM – is ECB’s strong arm to save or liquidate ‘troubled’ banks. In other words, it will administer ‘bail-ins’ to ‘too-big-to-fail’ banks in distress; meaning – over-indebted banks will rescue themselves from depositors’ money, or from shareholders. This practice was tested in Cyprus in 2013. As reported by Reuters on 30 July 2013 – According to Cyprus’s central bank, “47.5 percent of deposits exceeding 100,000 euros in Bank of Cyprus would be converted into equity to recapitalize the troubled lender as part of an international financial bailout for the island”.

    This confiscating or stealing of depositors’ funds, also called the ‘haircut’ in the denigrating jargon of the Occident, is better known as a ‘bail-in’ – since it avoids the taxpayer, those who have been bearing the brunt in previous US and European ‘bail-outs’.

    This atrocious predatory and outright criminal imposition by the infamous troika (ECB, EC, IMF), with no legal backing whatsoever, went largely without protests in the rest of Europe, it was shortly thereafter accepted by the EC as the new ‘norm’.

    The self-defense forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic reported the elimination of two enemy’s block posts in the area of Donetsk in the first half of July. According to their Minister of Defense Igor Strelkov, one of them was defended by people in NATO combat fatigue who were foreign passport holders.

    It’s not only the hired personnel of Western private military contractors who do their job by killing for money. There are also people who go to Ukraine to get pleasure and are ready to pay for it.

    Stan Patton, soldier of fortune, Blackwater, shares a quotation in his Twitter saying what the prices are: a shot of howitzers – $ 100 from the tank – $ 200, a shot in the village is priced at U.S. $ 350…

    The Kiev regime converts the battle area into an entertainment place – firing range for blood thirsty foreign tourists, the government is even involved in advertising business. The clients don’t hide their passion for this kind of fun and even show it off. Here are some of the. Mikael Skillt is a Swedish sniper, with seven years’ experience in the Swedish Army and the Swedish National Guard. He is currently fighting with the Azov Battalion, a pro-Ukrainian volunteer armed group in eastern Ukraine. He is known to be dangerous to the rebels: reportedly there is a bounty of nearly $7,000 (£4,090; 5,150 euros) on his head. Don. Francesco Fontana – one of several hundred Western adventurers who flew to Ukraine and said in his video that he always dreamed to have a chance to kill people without responsibility.

    One of the best kept secrets which predicated the inevitable collapse of Soviet communism and the subsequent breakup of the USSR is that it actually occurred in a manner not too unlike a carefully controlled demolition. Only in this case they were bankers and politicians, investment brokers and power-brokers who actually pressed the buttons. All of the plans toward that end were fastidiously laid by these stakeholders, all of whom had the greatest interest in exploiting the vast wealth of the Russian motherland.

    The fall of the Berlin Wall and collapse of the USSR was not the spontaneous series of major events that the Mainstream Media (MSM) would have us believe. Neither was it the result of President Ronald Reagan’s request: “Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall”; although his Hollywood background made for some great (and convincing) political theatre. “Perestroika” and “glasnost” were simply buzzwords bandied about to present the appearance of a fundamentally changed USSR. Yes, Russia did become liberalized especially in contrast to Soviet Communism, but only so it could be neo-liberalized by the banksters.

    In fact, the entire dissolution of the USSR was the product of numerous top secret meetings which took place with very high level (as in highest level) representatives from the USSR, USA, UK and other major AAA nations and WSG controllers. By and large the most important of these meetings concerned the meticulously engineered business and commercial, banking and investment aspects necessary for an orderly breakup of the USSR republics and its eastern European satellites.

    Local residents say Right Sector supporters continue to disappear mysteriously, and that their whereabouts are unknown. Mykola Dotsenko, known as the “Odessa Cossack” in nationalist circles, disappeared recently. Dotsenko was involved in the beating Nestor Shufrich, a Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) deputy from the Party of Regions. Varvara Chernoivanenko, a spokesperson for the Right Sector in Odessa, confirmed reports of his disappearance.

    The Ukrainian army attempted to take over Donetsk suburb with tanks a day after two children were killed in the shelling of a local school, rebels allege. This comes as Dutch inspectors, probing the Flight MH17 crash, arrived in the area.

    The self-defense forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) said that have repelled a tank attack on the outskirts of Donetsk, with Kiev forces losing at least five armored vehicles during the battle in the town of Yasinovataya.

    Jerusalem Post confirms Israel knew USS Liberty was American

    A 2004 transcript of an Israeli military tape published in the Jerusalem Post supports the unanimous position of the survivors and many high-ranking US officers that Israeli forces knew the USS Liberty was an American ship, as they attempted to sink it.
    The Liberty was the only ship of its kind at the time, easily distinguishable for the huge satellite dishes mounted on its deck and the bristling array of antennae which served as the spy ship’s „ears.”
    The survivors, and the audio tape on which the transcript is based, are presented in a new documentary which was broadcast on the Al Jazeera America channel last week. The audio tape has never been heard before by an American audience. The film „The Day Israel Attacked America” is directed and produced by British film maker Richard Belfield.

    Being 2 for 2 in losses this week (The US Election and Time’s „world’s most powerful person), it appears President Obama has fallen back on his regulatory army to take the fight to Vladimir Putin. As WSJ reports, U.S. prosecutors have launched a money-laundering investigation of billionaire Gennady Timchenko – a member of Putin’s inner circle. The allegations are that Timchenko (who was among the first Russian businessmen to be sanctioned by the U.S. following Russia’s intervention in Ukraine’s Crimea region) transferred funds linked to allegedly corrupt deals in Russia through the U.S. financial system. The probe is also examining whether any of Mr. Putin’s personal wealth is connected to allegedly illicit funds.


  13. geo said, on noiembrie 7, 2014 at 10:26 am

    Samsung’s latest breed of plasmas and HDTVs may allow hackers, or even the company itself, to see and hear you and your family, and collect extremely personal data.

    The new models, which are closer than ever to personal computers, offer high-tech features that have previously been unavailable, including a built-in HD camera, microphone set and face and speech recognition software.

    This software allows Samsung to recognise who is viewing the TV and personalises each person’s experience accordingly. The TV also listens and responds to specific voice commands.

    I just bought a new TV. The old one had a good run, but after the volume got stuck on 63, I decided it was time to replace it. I am now the owner of a new “smart” TV, which promises to deliver streaming multimedia content, games, apps, social media and Internet browsing. Oh, and TV too.

    The only problem is that I’m now afraid to use it. You would be too — if you read through the 46-page privacy policy.

    The amount of data this thing collects is staggering. It logs where, when, how and for how long you use the TV. It sets tracking cookies and beacons designed to detect “when you have viewed particular content or a particular email message.” It records “the apps you use, the websites you visit, and how you interact with content.” It ignores “do-not-track” requests as a considered matter of policy.

    It also has a built-in camera — with facial recognition. The purpose is to provide “gesture control” for the TV and enable you to log in to a personalized account using your face. On the upside, the images are saved on the TV instead of uploaded to a corporate server. On the downside, the Internet connection makes the whole TV vulnerable to hackers who have demonstrated the ability to take complete control of the machine.

    More troubling is the microphone. The TV boasts a “voice recognition” feature that allows viewers to control the screen with voice commands. But the service comes with a rather ominous warning: “Please be aware that if your spoken words include personal or other sensitive information, that information will be among the data captured and transmitted to a third party.” Got that? Don’t say personal or sensitive stuff in front of the TV.

    This is an extremely timely and important essay. It overviews a secret Pentagon psychotronics technology known as Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) that has been fully operational since the early 1990s. I first found out about the use of this technology from Al Bielek in a 1992 video he made with Vladimir Terziski. This technology was used against battle-hardened Iraqi troops fortified in deep underground bunkers in Kuwait and Iraq in the first Gulf War in January of 1991.

    The physical, emotional, and psychological effects of this technology were so severe that hundreds of thousands of Iraqi troops surrended en masse without firing even a single shot against US led coalition forces. The numbers reported in the news were staggering: 75,000 and then annother 125,000 (or more) Iraqi troops would come out of their deep desert bunkers waving white flags and falling to their knees before approaching US troops and literally kiss their captor’s boots or hands if given the opportunity.

    Why would eight year veterans of Middle Eastern warfare (with Iran 1980-1988) behave this way? Simple. They were subjected to a technology that was so extreme and incomprehensible that they were suddenly reduced to the level of compliant children and felt grateful to still be alive in the wake of their mind-wrenching experience.

    This technology is about to be used, albeit in a more subtle fashion, against American citizens in a highly classified and covert operation to mind control and manipulate the entire population into ‘compliance’ with our New World order overlords. The technology will utilize a combination of HAARP transmitters, GWEN towers, microwave cell phone towers, and the soon-to-be-mandatory High Definition Digital TV that will enter your home via: a) cable, b) satellite, c) HD TVs, or d) those oh-so-easy-to-obtain “digital converter boxes” that the government is so anxious to help you obtain and underwrite most of the cost on your behalf.

    To begin with, take 10 minutes and watch this 60 Minutes video

    Leslie Stahl makes some very interesting comments on the morality and ethics of mind-control.

    Here are mine:

    1. The technology called FMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance) is old and archaic actually. Mengele and others were “reading” brain waves via magnetic resonance graphing in the early 70’s. Boston-Logan Airport is already using new light-wave beams to scan and read air traveler’s intentions before they board the planes.

    2. The German individual Stahl interviewed was very hesitant to reveal exactly who had the mind-reading technology today. Again, just look at the U.S. Patents issued in the last decade to realize the height and breadth of the mind-control explosion — and keep in mind that patents are usually applied for after the technology has been proven to be commercially viable via working models.

    3. The FMRI “computer” that “reads the mind” is just one side of the coin. It is much, much easier to produce emotions and impulses into the brain than to actually read the brain via computer programs.

    4. This technology needs much more bandwidth space than is currently provided by analog signals in order to be implemented. Thus, the need to switch to digital signals exclusively.

    5. This technology, in the wrong hands, is a bigger threat to individual freedom than any standing army.

    6. Is Homeland Security the “wrong hands”? Why is this just now beginning to be reported by such news programs as “60 Minutes”?

    Read this patent abstract, and then read my exposé on digital TV once again in the context of Stahl’s report.

    2 Billion May Suffer from Mobile Cancer by 2020:
    Australian Health Research Institute Reports

    The studies and survey conducted by Australian Health Research Institute indicates that due to billions of times more in volume electromagnetic radiation emitted by billions of mobile phones, internet, intranet and wireless communication data transmission will make almost one third of the world population (about 2 billion people) patients of ear, eye and brain cancer beside other major body disorders like heart ailments, impotency, migraine, epilepsy etc.

    According to the reports the tissues of children are tender and are likely to be more effected by use of any wireless gadget and devices and they should not be encouraged to use mobile phone. The fatal and volumetric effects of Electromagnetic Radiation emitted mainly by mobile phones, Mobile phone antenna, tower, Mast, Transmission Tower, Microwave oven, wireless devices, system and equipment. These dangerous effects have been certified and confirmed repeatedly by many leading medical and scientific research institutions of the world including Ministries of health of various governments, W.H.O. and now have been admitted and confirmed by Govt. of India in their recent press releases.

    The attached image shows and proves about the serious ill effects of E.M. radiation released by Radiation Nuclear and Safety Authority of FINLAND as to how E.M. radiation emitted by mobile phones damages the various body cells and causes incurable and fatal diseases.


    “My daughter has just died. I am holding her hand. She just had her 11th birthday and she was number 11 to die since the transmitter for Wi-fi was put near her desk…..”

    There is NO OPTION on this. You must boycott ALL cellular and wireless technology, including phones and laptops.

    WiFi Report – Humanity At The Brink

    With Deference to all Scientists: this Research Report has been written for all students and non-scientists to understand.

    As stated by University Researchers, Government Scientists and International Scientific Advisors; a minimum of 57.7% of schoolgirls exposed to low-level microwave radiation (Wi-fi) are at risk of suffering stillbirth, foetal abnormalities or genetically damaged children, when they give birth. Any genetic damage may pass to successive generations.

    Wifi, a Thalidomide in the Making – ­ Who Cares?

    Professor John R Goldsmith, International / Advisor Consultant for R.F. Communication, Epidemiology and Communications Sciences Advisor to the World Health Organisation, Military and University Advisor, Researcher; wrote concerning the low level exposure of microwave irradiation (below thermal level) incident upon women:

    “Of the microwave-exposed women, 47.7% had miscarriages prior to the 7th week of pregnancy….”(1)

    The level of irradiation incident upon the women was stated, as from, five microwatts per centimetre squared. This level of irradiation may seem meaningless to a non-scientist; however, when I say that it is below what most schoolgirls will receive in a classroom of wi-fi transmitters, from the age of approximately five years upwards, this level becomes more meaningful.


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