SACCSIV – blog ortodox


Posted in Uncategorized by saccsiv on octombrie 31, 2014

Iata un trailer:

Filmul e regizat de Robert Stromberg dupa un scenariu de Linda Woolverton.

Iata si povestea pe scurt, cu poze:

Erau doua regate vecine, unul al oamenilor si alalaltul al zanelor, personajul principal fiind un soi de zana cu aripi uriase si coarne. La inceput adolescenta:



Si traia ea fericita in acest taram de basm pazit de creaturi cu nume de draci:



Apoi un pui de om e prins la furat de pietre pretioase, dar sa vezi ce chestie ca cu timpul frumoasa si buna adolescenta cu coarne se indragosteste de el:



El ii jura iubire dar dupa o vreme dispare in ceata. Si uite asa trec anii, ea ramanand cu gandul la baiat dar devenind si sefa pe tarlaua cu aratari:



Oamenii n-au de lucru si ii ataca domeniul, dar iau o mare bataie:



Pe patul de moarte fiind, regele om zice ca va lasa coroana aceluia ce-o va omora pe Maleficent si astfel reapare pe scena Stefan, fostul adolescent iubaret, acum adult si un soi de sluga prin palat. Asta se duce la femeia cu coarne si aripi, o prosteste din nou cu dragostea, trece vremea iar la momentul oportun ii da sa bea ceva ce o adoarme si ii taie aripile:



Duce aripile la batranul rege, care-i preda astfel coroana cu tot cu fiica-sa:



Mai trece vremea si tanara regina naste o fetita. Moment in care apare Maleficent si-o blesteama pe micuta ca la 16 ani sa se intepe in acul unui fus si sa tot doarma pana o va saruta cineva ce-o iubeste cu adevarat. Ideea era ca nu exista iubire adevarata, asa ca va dormi pe veci.



Si iar trec anii, bebelusa ajungand o frumoasa adolescenta:



Dar pe parcursul cresterii sale, femeia cu coarne o tot studia si tot prin preajma ei se invartea, ajungand uneori chiar s-o pazeasca de mai mici sau mai mari accidente. Si astfel cum necum prinde drag de fata si devin prietene:



Intre timp oamenii mai ataca regatul, mai una alta, dar fara nici un folos.

Vremea implinirii blestemului insa se tot apropia, asa ca Maleficent hotarasete ca fata sa ramana alaturi de ea pe taramul zanelor. Doar ca se mai petrec niste chestii in film si adolescenta ajunge de fapt la palat unde direct de un fus da si evident intepandu-se, adoarme. E insa timp ca in drumul ei sa se intalneasca cu un tanar ce pare ca s-a indragostit de ea.

Femeia cu coarne gandeste ca il poate folosi totusi pe asta ca s-o trezeasca, asa ca-l duce dormind si plutind pana la patul tinerei. Acolo o saruta, dar … nimic. Caci, nu-i asa, dragoste adevarata nu exista.

Si asa plangand si suspinand de pareri de rau c-a blestemat-o in trecut, o saruta si ea:



Si sa vezi chestie, fata se trezeste. Deci intelegeti voi unde era de fapt adevarata iubire.

Apoi mai urmeaza la palat o lupta finala intre Stefan si ai lui cu Maleficent, asta avand-o de aliat tocmai pe fata, care-i recupereaza aripile ce erau inchise in ceva si bla bla bla, Stefan moare.

Iar marele final: Aurora, ca asa o chema pe fatuca, primeste de la femeia cu coarne coroana si cum deja avea si coroana regatului oamenilor se face asa o uniune intre tinuturi si totul devine o mare iubire.

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68 răspunsuri

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  1. anonim said, on octombrie 31, 2014 at 9:57 pm

    regizat de un ..alt >”berg”bine ca nu e „man”!!spielberg..stromberg..ce de fac filme cu.. monstri..

    Apreciat de 1 persoană

  2. aurelanghel said, on octombrie 31, 2014 at 9:59 pm

    Dracul este drac orice fața ar avea. Oameni buni si oameni rai da, exista si ii vedem zilnic in jurul nostru.
    Dar ei sarmanii sunt amagiti. Inca si noi suntem amagiti, oricare dintre noi – si asta pana in clipa mortii si in ceea ce moartea ne va gasi in aceea vom fi judecati. Insa draci buni si draci rai in veac nu ai sa auzi.
    Ei da, Ingeri buni si ingeri rai. Dar aceea este cu totul altceva.

    Apreciat de 1 persoană

  3. aurelanghel said, on octombrie 31, 2014 at 10:01 pm

    Iarasi ma repet… Este si aceasta o cale care se va vrea sa amageasca pe oameni cum ca ar fi draci buni si draci rai. Insa sa nu cadem in capcana ei totusi…


  4. Iani said, on octombrie 31, 2014 at 10:11 pm

    Nu mergeti la asemenea filme.

    Apreciat de 1 persoană

  5. geo said, on octombrie 31, 2014 at 10:23 pm

    Buna seara,

    Ukraine’s President Says All Ukrainians Who Reject His Government Should Die

    Ukraine Violates Ceasefire Agreement w. Russia and OSCE, Re-Invades Its East

    Heroizing UPA: Polish Government against Its Own People

    Ukraine’s Thieves and Nazis: From ‘Russian Propaganda’ to Parliament

    Ieri am postat o stire din Germania referitoare la un individ care a salutat cu mina intinsa – salutul lui Hitler – si pentru asta i s-a deschis dosar penal pentru fascism…

    Ukrainian interior minister admits foreign mercenaries fight in eastern Ukraine Some of the foreign mercenaries fighting on government forces’ side are seeking to obtain Ukrainian citizenship

    Asa se explica de ce pina acum toti cei pe care ii capturau rebelii erau cetateni ucraineni…am mai scris despre astfel de lucruri inca de la inceputul conflictului…


  6. geo said, on octombrie 31, 2014 at 10:41 pm

    The Danish Defence Intelligence Service has released its new long-term risk assessment which reveals that Russia carried out a „a more offensive” military exercise aimed at a heavily-populated target.

    Russia carried out a simulated attack on the Danish island of Bornholm over the summer at the precise time that the island was occupied by countless politicians and journalists for the annual political meeting Folkemødet.

    The revelation was made by the Danish Defence Intelligence Service (Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste – DDIS) in its national risk assessment released on Thursday.

    Toata lumea a uitat de ISIS…noua amenintare este Rusia si normal trebuie marite bugetele serviciilor, armatei…

    Human Rights Watch’s Revolving Door

    Human Rights Watch’s edicts and positions have often been suspiciously in line with US policy.

    HRW is a bunch of CIA paid russophobe shills And here is why

    Who is behind Human Rights Watch? (2004) Under President Clinton, Human Rights Watch was the most influential pro-intervention lobby: its ‘anti-atrocity crusade’ helped drive the wars in ex-Yugoslavia. Under George W. Bush it lost influence to the neoconservatives, who have their own crusades. But the ‘two interventionisms’ are not so different anyway: Human Rights Watch is founded on belief in the superiority of American values. It has close links to the US foreign policy elite, and to other interventionist and expansionist lobbies.

    The Nazis Next Door: Eric Lichtblau on How the CIA & FBI Secretly Sheltered Nazi War Criminals

    Ukraine asks for a loan for the construction of a gas pipeline in Poland

    Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert fico said: Ukrainians in vain waiting that somebody will pay the bills instead. Nevertheless, the EU promises to give credit to Kiev.


  7. geo said, on octombrie 31, 2014 at 10:47 pm


    Bodies of 286 Women Discovered, 400 Listed Missing in East Ukraine: Donetsk Official

    Ukraine: Review Operations in Southeast

    Human Rights Watch Misidentified Cluster Bomb

    HRW Continues False Cluster Bomb Accusations

    Omidyar-funded candidate takes seat in new Ukraine parliament

    Why Jews Push Gay Marriage

    Conversation Between Noam Chomsky, Paul Craig Roberts and Rob Kall: The future of capitalism, climate change and suicidal Russia policy


  8. mircea.v said, on octombrie 31, 2014 at 11:39 pm

    Complicat cu filmul asta … La inceput e invers fata de „Luceafarul”, iar la sfarsit e invers fata de normal 🙂


  9. anonim said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 12:21 am

    Un lucru interesant pe care l-au observat multe persoane, poate si voi cei ce va mai uitati la filme si la desene animate, este ca personajul negativ intr-un final este defapt bun iar personajul pozitiv rau. Personajul negativ arata urat, este neinteles, nu se intelege cu nimeni, nu are reusite in viata, a avut traume in copilarie, vrea sa schimbe lumea este puternic si face tot ce poate etc. Pe de alta parte personajul pozitiv este norocos, frumos, nu are traume, este slab la inceput si pare ca nu are sanse dar in cele din urma razbeste si invinge. Iar personajul negativ moare tragic.
    Uitati o serie foarte interesanta a unui documentar, se numeste „Secretul din spatele măștii-dumnezeii ÎNLOCUITORI” este foarte interesanta si merita vazuta.

    Apreciat de 1 persoană

    • mircea.v said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 8:07 pm

      Eu am vazut ca de fapt nici unul nu e bun, doar ca unul din cei 2 rai este mai simpatic sau mai cu umor, sau pare mai „drept” si mai cu „principii” decat celalat, in nemernicia lui. Si asta e prezentat ca fiind ala bun.


  10. Cosmin said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 12:51 am


  11. Iani said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 1:34 am

    A mai murit un bancher – avocatul Deutsche Bank la New York, gasit mort, sinucidere se pare.


  12. aniush said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 8:32 am

    Pai si daca cineva ar merge ce ar invata dintr-un film ca asta? Nimic. Ar pierde timpul degeaba. Mai bine ar folosi acest timp sa citeasca o carte buna. I-ar fi mult mai folositor.


  13. Spaceman said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 10:07 am

    Mai bine comentez în imagini, deoarece vorbim aici despre o producție Disney :
    Si încă trei exemple interesante cu 666 ascuns:


  14. Nimbus said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 10:17 am

    Si altul

    Horns – Coarne daca si ateii il declara film satanist ce ar mai fi de comentat


    • Iani said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 4:07 pm

      Asta e individul care a jucat in Harry Potter.

      Offtopic: inca un copil rus luat de stat in Norvegia:


    • clement said, on noiembrie 2, 2014 at 12:58 am

      Tipul tine mortis sa ramana un actor mediocru prizonierul unui public neevoluat. Il paste in mor cert o depresie sau si mai rau, un titlu nobiliar acordat de majestatea sa.


    • clement said, on noiembrie 2, 2014 at 1:27 am

      Si cum ramane cu moroii, varcolacii, strigoii si mai ales cu obiceiul de care nu s-au lepadat conationalii nostri (din Oltenia) de a strapunge pieptul decedatilor cu tepuse ?
      Occidentalii fac filme idioate cu zombii, iar orientalii crestini perpetueaza obiceiuri demne de animistii africani.
      Am foarte mari lacune in materie de obiceiuri crestine asa incat am rugamintea sa imi explice si mie o persoana competenta, care este sensul tamaierilor repetate la mormantul unei persoane inmormantate cu preot si slujba?
      Cred ca moda despre care vorbim a fost adoptata la noi nu doar prin mimetism ci si pentru ca avem un „fond traditional”, cum ar spune doamna Sabina Ispas, ce ne predispune la asimilarea unor astfel de aiureli.


      • Liliana said, on noiembrie 2, 2014 at 3:19 pm

        Doamne ajuta,Clement!
        Psalmul 140 incepe astfel:
        ,,Doamne,strigat-am catre Tine,auzi-ma;ia aminte la glasul rugaciunii mele,cind strig catre Tine.
        2.Sa se indrepteze rugaciunea mea ca tamiia inaintea Ta;ridicarea miinilor mele,jertfa de seara.”etc-o frumusete de zicere a Duhului Sfint prin sufletul si gura Sfintului Prooroc David!
        Deci,rugaciunea,ca fumul si mireasma de tamiie…Sint persoane care fumeaza sau care au alte metehne pe placul strainului,dusmanului omului,si carora li se face rau de la mirosul de tamiie din timpul Sfintelor Slujbe,chiar zic ca de aceea nu vin la biserica-ca nu suporta mirosul ,fumul de tamiie.Dar de tigara,pot,il asorb cu sete.
        Cind preotul trece tamiind prin biserica,el este ca un inger al Domnului taiind la Sfintul Jerfelnic ceresc.Tamia si tamiierea sint pomenite in toata Sfinta Scriptura.


      • andrei-d said, on noiembrie 3, 2014 at 9:28 pm

        Rolul tămaiei este acela de a induce acea stare speciala, cereasca, duhovniceasca din timpul unei Slujbe de asemeni Cereşti!
        -Cand cei 3 magi au venit la Nasterea Domnului au adus: aur, smirna si TAMAIE!
        -În timpul Sf Liturghii, la taina Euharistii, preotul spune: „ale Tale dintru ale Tale, Ţie-ţi aducem de toate şi pentru toate!” deci ce e mai frumos mirositor si mai placut decat fumul de tamaie sau smirna? sunt nu numai frumos mirositoare cat si sanatoase pentru gat, plamani si alte boli legate de respiratie, tamaia imbunatatind-o!
        -Cat si despre candelă! In pentateut, cred ca in Levitic, Dumneezeu ii spune lui Moise sa puna pe fratele sau Aaron sa aprinda acel mic jertfelnic(candela) ca e bineplacut inaintea lui Dumnezeu! Si intradevar, smirna, tamaia cat si candelele din Sfanta Biserica nu pot fi excluse, ele, prin efectul miresmei puternice si placute te duce cu gandul doar la cele ceresti, cat si candela reprezinta atentia pe care o dam sau cinstea cu care slujim lui Dumnezeu, e un sacrificiu mic din partea noastra dar care inaintea lui Dumnezeu inseamna foarte mult!


      • andrei-d said, on noiembrie 3, 2014 at 9:32 pm

        Cate patimi are omul ataţia draci are! Patima fumatului – dracul fumatului.
        Patima betiei – dracul betiei
        Patima curviei – dracul curviei
        Patima minciunii -… etc, in concluzie nu omul e cel care nu suporta mirosul, ci dracul care-l înrobeşte!


    • Ionut said, on noiembrie 2, 2014 at 10:47 pm

      Eu as prefera „cornuri” (cu ciocolata). Bine, si coarnele sunt bune, dar numai cele culese din arbustii de corn 🙂
      In ceea ce ii priveste pe cei care apreciaza podoabele capilare ale ierbivorelor, pot obtine ceva asemanator (dar de dimensiuni mult mai mici) daca sa dau cu capul de pereti. Poate le vine si mintea la cap cu ocazia asta.


  15. geo said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 10:48 am

    Buna dimineata,

    Slavery Is Now Being Put into Practice by the Ukrainian Government Results from Ukraine’s New Law for Government-Imposed Slavery (And How Western ‘News’ Media Have Hidden All of This from You)

    On September 26th, I headlined “Ukraine Government Officially Introduces Slavery, with Vague Terms,” and I wondered when and where the reports of the consequences of this new law (by a newly installed U.S.-ally government, no less) would be published. An answer to that question is finally starting to appear.

    On October 30th was published at

    “The Right Sector Reign of Terror over Ukrainian Villages.”

    The motto of this site, Fort Russ, is, “Read What Russians Read.”

    My original news-report, the one about the new law, was based on a press release from the Ukrainian Ministry of Social Policy (about which that Russian article regarding what are actually the consequences of this new law says nothing, not even mentioning the law).

    The Fort Russ article claims to be based on interviews with family members and friends of people who have been yanked from the general Ukrainian population and been forced to become victims of this new law (though, again, that law isn’t mentioned in their article, which deals solely with accounts from the bewildered and uncomprehending victims of this law) — forced to become slaves working for the Ukrainian Government, exactly in the way which was described in that cryptic press announcement, from an obscure agency in this nazi (or racist-fascist) regime, which the Obama Administration imposed upon Ukraine in a coup by the CIA on 22 February 2014. That newly installed regime promptly made clear that it wanted the residents in the areas of Ukraine that had voted overwhelmingly for the man whom Obama had overthrown, to either die or flee, so that the Ukrainian Government could keep their land while getting rid of its anti-fascist residents, and so continue ruling Ukraine, even those cleared-out areas of it, in future nationwide Ukrainian elections. In other words: so that Obama’s regime wouldn’t be able to be thrown out by Ukraine’s electorate. Thus, the political orientation of that Government is already clear from the record of what they have been doing since they came into power. The enslavement law is part of that process, because the Ukrainian Government is bankrupt and near collapse even with the tens of billions of dollars that it has received in loans from the West after the coup (and which will now clearly never be paid back but will instead devolve upon Western taxpayers after Western arms-makers, and Ukraine’s oligarchs, will have already taken their profits and salted those in tax havens).

    The process of land-clearing in their southeast has been far costlier than they or their Western sponsors had assumed it would be. (When Ukrainian President, the oligarch Petro Poroshenko, first came into office, he said that the war against the ‘terrorists’ would take “days, not months”; and he said it five months — and many billions of dollars – ago, and now has only more debts and corpses and destroyed tanks and warplanes to show for the huge and now doubled-down investment by Western taxpayers.) Slaves are one obvious way to deal with this problem; so, that’s why slavery is being introduced as official Ukrainian policy.

    I had submitted the September 26th news-report to all U.S. and UK major ‘news’ media and to almost all of both countries’ ‘alternative’ news-media, including all of the well-known ones, and including both liberal and conservative news-sites. (I do that with each of my news-reports.) The only ones that published it were the usual few that publish my news-reports about U.S. policy regarding Ukraine, and about the English-language press-coverage of Ukraine, these being the following seven general news-sites:,_with_Vague_Terms/38196/0/38/38/Y/M.html

    Someone submitted that September 26th piece at reddit, but an administrator there removed it.

    Are Russian Bombers Flying Nuclear Drills Near Europe—Or Just Testing NATO’s Defenses? Nuclear-capable Russian bombers are flying over the North Sea and the Atlantic. And U.S. Air Force officers are very concerned at what could be a rehearsal of a deadly mission.

    Iraq’s most senior Shia cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, has called on Baghdad to rush to the aid of the country’s Sunni tribes in their fight against the ISIL Takfiris.

    In a statement read out by an aide to Ayatollah Sistani in the holy city of Karbala after Friday prayers, the cleric pointed to the recent massacre of the Sunni Albu Nimr tribesmen in Anbar Province, saying, “What is required from the Iraqi government … is to offer quick support to the sons of this tribe and other tribes that are fighting Daesh (ISIL) terrorists.”

    „This will offer the opportunity to the other tribes to join the fighters against Daesh (ISIL),” he said.

    On Thursday the bodies of at least 220 men from the Albu Nimr tribe, who had been seized by the ISIL days earlier, were found in two mass graves.


  16. geo said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 11:02 am

    Protocol on Winter Package Gas Deliveries Not Legally Binding: Russian Energy Minister

    Controversial cartoon depicts Netanyahu as 9/11 pilot

    ​EU: No guarantees for Russia if Ukraine fails to settle gas debt

    Still On: Russian Minister Says France Still Selling Them New Warships

    Israel busca incendiar todo Oriente Medio: cierra la Mezquita de Al-Aqsa en Jerusalem, el tercer lugar sagrado del Islam

    More remains found at MH17 crash site in Ukraine They were not identified by Dutch authorities.

    Sovereign man part 1

    John Anderson, an American tourist from San Clemente, California, was driving down a poorly-maintained highway when he saw flashing lights in his rearview mirror.
    After a brief exchange with the local police officer, Anderson was shocked when the cop started searching his vehicle.
    Anderson had $25,180 in US dollar cash in the car, which by the way was not a crime according to the local laws.
    When the cop saw it, he told Anderson that we would take it and threatened him with arrest if he protested.
    Anderson couldn’t believe it. This is the sort of stuff you always hear about in these third world countries—corrupt cops and state robbery.
    Ultimately Anderson gave in; the cop let him go and did not charge him with a crime, but took every last penny in the vehicle.
    And for the last two years, Anderson has been trying to unsuccessfully fight it in the country’s Kangaroo court system.
    Clearly we should all avoid going to such dangerously corrupt third world countries.
    Except in this case, Anderson was in the United States of America. And he is far from being the only victim of this highway robbery known as Civil Asset Forfeiture.
    Since 9/11, police forces in the Land of the Free made over 62,000 seizures without charging anyone with any crime, stealing $2.5 billion in cash alone.
    The cost of taking legal action against the government is so high, that only about 17% of the victims actually challenged the seizures.
    And even then, only 41% of those that challenged have been able to get their money back.
    This means that the government has a better than 93% success rate in outright theft.
    This is worse than mafia—it’s blatant theft with impunity from the people that are sworn to protect and serve. It’s the kind of thing that is thought to only occur in heinously corrupt countries.
    Here’s the good news: many people are waking up to the reality that they’re not living in a free country.
    They are starting to understand what I call ‘the criminalization of existence.’
    Every last detail of our lives is regulated—what we can/cannot put in our bodies, whether we can collect rainwater or unplug from the grid, how we are allowed to educate our own children, etc.
    Driving this point home, a Tennessee woman was actually thrown in jail earlier this month for ignoring a city citation to trim some overgrown bushes in her yard.
    This is worse than mafia—it’s blatant theft with impunity from the people that are sworn to protect and serve. It’s the kind of thing that is thought to only occur in heinously corrupt countries.
    Here’s the good news: many people are waking up to the reality that they’re not living in a free country.
    They are starting to understand what I call ‘the criminalization of existence.’
    Every last detail of our lives is regulated—what we can/cannot put in our bodies, whether we can collect rainwater or unplug from the grid, how we are allowed to educate our own children, etc.
    Driving this point home, a Tennessee woman was actually thrown in jail earlier this month for ignoring a city citation to trim some overgrown bushes in her yard.
    This isn’t freedom.
    The irony is that, even though many people are starting to realize this, they’re looking to the very institution that has enslaved them to solve the problem.
    It is their own government that has created this system.
    It is the government that passed US Code section 983 (Rules for Civil Forfeiture), allowing the police to commit highway robbery.
    It is the government that continues to arrogantly, brazenly spy on every citizen despite overwhelming public outcry.
    It is the government that continues to bring forth new regulation at an absolutely astounding rate.
    Just today (this is 100% true), the US federal government published an eye-popping 490 pages of new rules, proposals, and regulatory notices.


    To give you a little taste, today’s regulations include:
    • Stringent requirements for properly handling spearmint oil;
    • New tolerance specifications for a-alkyl-w-hydroxypoly sulfate
    • Additional powers awarded to the Department of Education to decide “whether certain postsecondary educational programs prepare students for gainful employment.”
    • A decision to centrally manage the 2014 ‘total allowable catch of Pacific Cod’ in the Bering Sea.
    There’s even a new rule upholding fines for unauthorized playing of digital recordings.
    You can’t make this stuff up—they are regulating nearly everything.
    It’s government that does this. They are the problem, not the solution.
    Looking to government to solve the problem that they themselves created is completely irrational. They are incapable of righting themselves.
    The solution – the power – is with the individual.
    All the tools and all the resources to distance yourself from this system already exist.
    On one hand, there’s always the possibility of leaving. The American Dream is still alive and well… it’s just no longer in the United States. Not to mention all the financial, business, investment, and lifestyle opportunities for the taking.
    But even if you stay, there are dozens of ways to take back your freedom.
    For example, why hold 100% of your savings and assets in that jurisdiction when they could easily confiscate everything?
    There are so many great, safe jurisdictions in the world to bank, to invest, to own property, and to store assets. And you can set all of this up without leaving town.
    The solutions are out there. It’s time to consider them before becoming a statistic.
    P.S. Here’s more proof that the official inflation numbers are completely phony… yet another market that has reached an all time high.

    Have a great weekend,
    Simon Black
    Senior Editor,

    German TV Shows Nazi Symbols on Helmets of Ukraine Soldiers

    Ukraine soldiers to government: we’re coming for you next

    Right Sector wants to form a faction in Ukrainian Parliament

    Monsters in Kiev bully a young boy refugee from the Eastern „ATO”. Fucking creeps.

    Former CIA Analyst Ray McGovern Arrested While Trying to Attend David Petraeus Event in New York

    A Century of US Demonization Propaganda

    Freedom House is a so-called NGO (non-governmental organisation). Here is how these people, who have ab-so-lu-te-ly nothing to do with any government whatsoever (otherwise it would not be a NGO, you silly), view the world:


  17. nikodim said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 11:15 am

    Pana la urma intr-un fel e adevarat titlul materialului. In realitatea noastra sunt oameni care ii intrec pe draci in rafinamentul perfidiei si al rautatii. Chiar este spus intr-o talcuire a Sf.Ioan Gura de Aur ca in timpurile de pe urma unele femei (sefe de draci vazuti si mai ales nevazuti ca Angeline Jolie si cele deopotriva cu ele) il vor intrece pe satan in a face rautati. Si cum in zilele noastre de progres si civilizatie la apogeu, sexul deja se confunda, mai exista si creaturi exceptioAnale de barbati (ca amintitul intreprinzator Apple, „norocosul” Tim Cook) care se considera a fi si femei. Ghiveciul este gata! Copii, treceti la masa de halloween! Ce sa mai spunem de rautatile facute de sefele de draci gen Angelina Jolie, cand mamele si bunicile copiilor nostri ii indoapa cu satanisme concentrate gen halloween, de ajung copiii sa cocheteze cu idei ca le-ar sta bine in viata sa fie ca spiritele rele atotputernice, sau vrajitoare ca sa le faca rau la cei nesuferiti lor, sau scheleti sau zombi ca sa-i sperie pe altii. Si fenomenul acesta la poporul roman dreptcredincios are dezvoltare , nu gluma. Bun, sistemul impune „sarbatoarea dracilor” in gradinite si scoli( ca doar trebuie sa fim in comuniune deplina si in acelasi duh cu cea mai democratica democratie a lumii, nu) dar educatoarele, invatatorii, profesorii fiind parinti si ei, dintre noi, de ce nu iau atitudine, sau macar de ce nu saboteaza cumva tacit acest fenomen malefic? Dar parintii, mamele, care oftand nu se hotarasc ce costum mai dracesc sa cumpere odraslei ca nu cumva alta odrasla sa arate mai draceste decat a ei, prin supermarketurile care le vand cu „discount de halloween”?
    Ca si concluzie:
    Unde mergem, mergem cu buna stiinta. Dupa cate se vede, intradevar ca ne fac altii felul dar si noua ne place sa fim facuti. Altfel nu se explica aceasta realitate din ce in ce mai sumbra.

    Apreciat de 1 persoană

    • Liliana said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 2:40 pm

      Doamne ajuta!
      Cadrele didactice si parintii nu sint obligati sa accepte si sa puna in practica nimic din toate aceste dracisme.Le accepta din ignoranta ,sau snobism ,sau lipsa de buna si sanatoasa educatie sau din lasitate.,,Acolo le-a fost frica unde nu era frica.”Sintem responsabili.


      • aha said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 10:30 pm

        le accepta din cauza patimilor:pentru ca vor sa se distreze ei mai intai! considera ca au viata „gaunoasa” adica geva gen „munca -casa-munca” pentru ca banii nu ajung daca merg si in cluburi, si astfel accepta sarbatori de astea (care sunt intru-catva gratis, pe banii parintilor, care si ei la randul lor merg pe premisa: pai eu nu am avut parte de asa ceva, macar copilul meu sa se distreze!!) si mai reactioneaza si dur cand le spui de fapt ce fac! aproape ca eu nu mai inteleg nimic din lumea asta! nu pricep cum pot parintii sa indemne copii sa participe la asa ceva! am, de multe ori, senzatia ca sunt un paria pentru ca de cate ori deschid subiecte pe teme de genul asta (subiecte ortodoxe) sunt luat de nebun! nu glumesc si nici nu ma laud….pur si simplu imi vine sa tac sa faca fiecare ceea ce vrea ca simt ca nu am niciun spor!


      • Liliana said, on noiembrie 2, 2014 at 3:33 pm

        Doamne ajuta,aha!
        Nu esti singurul ,,paria”-uite, aici,fratii tai ortodocsi-noi toti-,,paria”,afirmind mereu Adevarul,netacind,marturisind spre mintuirea altora si,din mila Domnului,si a noasta.Nu trebuie sa tacem.Poate ca alta virtute nici nu mai avem…Poate ca asta asteapta Hristos acum de la noi.Noi am mai prins parintii duhovnicesti ,i-am ascultat,am primit binecuvintarile lor.Ei s-au cam dus la Domnul sau s-au sihastrit.Avem cuvintele lor.Dar tinerii si copiii care vin acum -cum vor mai afla?Noi avem responsabilitatea sa le spunem,sa ne ingrijim de ei.
        Sa ai bucuria duhovniceasca a marturisirii!
        De mintuit,sigur,Domnul Nostru Iisus Hristos ne mintuieste-daca si oamenii o vor…Cu de-a sila,Dragoste nu exista.


      • clement said, on noiembrie 3, 2014 at 7:54 pm

        Multumesc pentru explicatie.
        Inteleg rostul tamaierii in general. Cazul punctual la care m-am referit, presupune existenta reala a unor entitati de genul celor despre care discutam. Eu credeam ca faptul in sine de a fi crestin practicant reprezinta un scut impotriva eventualelor manifestari malefice.


  18. geo said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 11:49 am


  19. aurelanghel said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 12:21 pm

    Mda… Pai, Cuvantul Mantuitorului este mai actual ca oricand: Privegheati si va rugati ca sa nu cadeti in ispita.
    Iar acum suntem in ispita pentru ca nu am luat seama. Nu am privegheat, nici ne-am rugat…

    Ei lucreaza cu satana si de aceea toate le-a mers ca pe roate. Aici este razboiul diavolilor fratilor.
    Altfel nu le reusea. Dar pe noi ne-a amagit cu dulcele ideal american, mancare, bauturica, desfrauri si toate cele… iar pe noi ne-a lucrat pe la spate.
    Intr-un cuvant: ne-au lucrat mizerabil. Aidoma ca pe Samson oarecand.
    Ehehe, are clasa dracul… Atatia mii de oameni cu care sa luptat…

    Iar acum ce ne ramane?
    Oricine va mărturisi pentru Mine înaintea oamenilor, mărturisi-voi şi Eu pentru el înaintea Tatălui Meu, Care este în ceruri.
    Iar de cel ce se va lepăda de Mine înaintea oamenilor şi Eu Mă voi lepăda de el înaintea Tatălui Meu, Care este în ceruri.


  20. Niky said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 2:17 pm

    Calugarii de la manastirea Esphigmenou din Muntele Athos au suferit un raid al politiei grecesti. Site-ul manastirii de asemenea a fost atacat.


  21. Eugen Serea said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 3:34 pm

    Dacă oamenii nu ar fi atat de flamanzi si de însetaţi de astfel de producţii cinematografice, nici ele nu ar fi atât de multe şi de agresive… Sistemul funcţioneaza doar pe baza poftei nesăţioase a omului de senzaţional, de ieşit din comun, de paranormal. Adică tot un fel de „pâine şi circ” pentru plebe…
    Este drept ca si gustul publicului a fost „educat” in timp ca sa-si doreasca si apoi sa poata inghiti orice i se serveste…

    Apreciat de 1 persoană

  22. Alexandru(Fulger) said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 5:30 pm

    Un alt film homosexual..Apropo numele corbului pe care la transformat maleficient in om se numea Diaval.


  23. geo said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 6:51 pm

    Buna seara,

    Principles of war propaganda after Lord Ponsonby

    Moda aruncatului oamenilor in cosuri de gunoi se transforma in boala:


  24. geo said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 6:54 pm

    Western Media Get Ukraine Elections Wrong. There’s Big Trouble Ahead Western media says they are legitimizing, stabilizing, and a vote for a turn towards the EU. This is simply not the case The country is still badly split, East vs. West Turnout was low, especially in the critical East The East is dis-enfranchised Neo-Nazi street violence still a real political factor Popular support for Poroshenko is low Support for the war is low The government, and popular opinion, are deeply fractured Poroshenko failed to consolidate himself as the country’s leader

    Planned provocation in Donbas?


  25. geo said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 7:51 pm

    Pe linga ca eram spionati acum ne mai intra si in ginduri:

    Eleven countries studied, one inescapable conclusion – the drug laws don’t work Eight month study shows legalisation policies do not result in wider use, and the US should be watched with interest

    TALKING to yourself used to be a strictly private pastime. That’s no longer the case – researchers have eavesdropped on our internal monologue for the first time. The achievement is a step towards helping people who cannot physically speak communicate with the outside world.

    Google’s Secretive DeepMind Startup Unveils a „Neural Turing Machine” DeepMind has built a neural network that can access an external memory like a conventional Turing machine. The result is a computer that mimics the short-term memory of the human brain.

    The Philip Morris plant in Concord, North Carolina used to manufacture a billion cigarettes a year. But Americans are smoking less, and in the tobacco giant shuttered the factory’s doors years ago and announced plans to sell the 2,100 acre, the 3.5 million square foot facility. In a sure sign that the U.S. economy is changing for the better, the empty space is not being turned in an outlet mall or water park but into a giant manufacturing site for utility-scale batteries that will store wind and solar electricity. Alevo, the Swiss maker of the battery technology, plans to open the plant Tuesday, and says that within three years they will create 2,500 high paying jobs.

    Post Carbon Institute has published a report and multiple related resources calling into question the production statistics touted by promoters of hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”).

    By calculating the production numbers on a well-by-well basis for shale gas and tight oil fields throughout the U.S., Post Carbon concludes that the future of fracking is not nearly as bright as industry cheerleaders suggest. The report, “Drilling Deeper: A Reality Check on U.S. Government Forecasts for a Lasting Tight Oil & Shale Gas Boom,” authored by Post Carbon fellow J. David Hughes, updates an earlier report he authored for Post Carbon in 2012.

    Hughes analyzed the production stats for seven tight oil basins and seven gas basins, which account for 88-percent and 89-percent of current shale gas production.

    his is a guest post by Tara Lohan that originally appeared on Faces Of Fracking, a project of the CEL Climate Lab in partnership with Grist that was launched to capture the stories of concerned residents who live on the front lines of fracking.

    Of all the things that could threaten Paul Hain’s livelihood, squirrels are near the top of the list. And then there are the oil companies.

    Last year, squirrels gorged themselves on 14 of Paul’s 20 acres of walnut trees. And oil companies have been eyeing his bucolic corner of California recently with a project in the works that may result in hundreds of new wells that use energy- and water-intensive production methods to coax viscous petroleum to the surface.

    I visited Paul’s farm, Hain Ranch Organics, in the small hamlet of Tres Pinos five miles south of Hollister in San Benito County on a September morning during the walnut harvest. A worker drove a sweeper (which looks a lot like a riding mower) through the lines of trees to wind row the nuts so they’re easier to harvest.

    Over the hum of the machine, Paul told me that much of this orchard was here when he was born 60 years ago. At the time the place belonged to his grandparents. It was first built around 1905 by his great-grandfather Schuyler Hain, his first relative to arrive in the area in the late 1800s.

    The Gas „Deal”: Ukraine Says It Can Pay. Can it Really? Ukraine claims it has promises of financial help from the EU and IMF but there is nothing in writing

    Looking for An Original Ski Vacation? How About Chechnya? Chechnya is completely serious about creating ski resorts able to compete with Europe.

    Human Rights and Human Wrongs The stupidity of smart

    Pro-West Snipers Murdered Kiev Demonstrators in False Flag: Canadian Academic Analysis Exhaustive analysis by reputable academic, Canadian Ukraine specialist Challenges narrative of Western media, which alleges the exact opposite Alleges subsequent government cover-up Makes substantial contribution to multiple other media reports alleging the same thesis


  26. geo said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 7:53 pm

    Google Culture Academy Launches Joint Project with the Trinity-Sergius Lavra

    The Google Culture Academy has launched a joint project with the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in the beginning of October, 2014.


  27. geo said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 8:15 pm

    Plans are afoot for a new Nicaraguan canal which that would dwarf the existing Panama Canal to its south, but the only problem is that the project will effectively partition central America’s largest lake.

    Although the deal has been fast-tracked by the Ortega government, the local population do not support it at all, not least of all because the project will decimate Lake Nicaragua – the region’s most valuable natural resource.

    Local residents are threatening nothing short of armed insurrection, if (or when) Chinese bulldozers show up: “There is going to be a massacre because we are not leaving our land, our lives, and we’ll fight for it until death.”

    Cambrian Genomics CEO: We’ll design every human on a computer and make poop smell like bananas

    VIENNA, Austria — Say this for Austen Heinz: His vision for the future will either thrill you or leave you fearing for the future of humanity. There’s not really any room in the middle.

    In a pair of interviews, on and off the stage at the Pioneers Festival in Vienna today, the CEO of San Francisco-based Cambrian Genomics explained the mission of his company, which is often benignly described as “laser-printing DNA.”

    So what does that mean?

    “We want to make everything that is alive on the planet,” he explained. “Everything that is alive is not optimal. It can be made better.”

    The US is considering bombing pipelines in Syria, which it claims is in an attempt to cut off the huge profits being made by ISIS from captured oilfields.

    The Independent quotes Julieta Valls Noyes, the deputy assistant secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs during a visit to London, that ISIS was making $2 million a day off oil sales and that the US would consider airstrikes as well as “kinetic strikes against some pipelines” and “actual physical action to stop the flow”.

    The trouble with this justification for destroying Syria’s oil pipelines, is that ISIS does not have the capability to use the pipelines to transfer oil. ISIS transports the stolen oil on the back of trucks, and sells it on the black market in Turkey.
    This is admitted in the same Independent article that quoted Ms. Noyes.

    Google CEO: Computers Are Going To Take Our Jobs, And ‘There’s No Way Around That’

    The number of disposal wells in Texas has surged along with the number of drilling projects. Texas has more than 3,600 active commercial disposal wells. In 2013, the Railroad Commission approved 668 disposal well permits, twice the number of approvals in 2009. The growing number of disposal wells corresponds with an increase in earthquakes in communities where such seismic activity rarely existed.Officials in Texas have now taken steps to reduce the number of earthquakes caused by wells drilled for the disposal of oilfield waste.

    France Is Slowly Reclaiming Its Old African Empire

    Why We’re Poorer: Inflation and Deflation Are Now Globalized

    We’re being hit with a double-whammy: Wages are under deflationary pressure, and almost everything else is exposed to inflationary pressure.

    As correspondent Mark G. observed in Globalization = Permanent Instability, it’s impossible to understand inflation and deflation now except in a global context.

    During Cold War, CIA And FBI Hired Over 1,000 Nazis As Spies, Limited Investigations Of Those Nazis

    A new book by Eric Lichtblau, The Nazis Next Door: How America Became a Safe Haven for Hitler’s Men, apparently details how the FBI and CIA hired over 1,000 Nazis during the height of the cold war, forgiving them their past sins, so long as they might help spy on the Soviet Union.

    At the height of the Cold War in the 1950s, law enforcement and intelligence leaders like J. Edgar Hoover at the F.B.I. and Allen Dulles at the C.I.A. aggressively recruited onetime Nazis of all ranks as secret, anti-Soviet “assets,” declassified records show. They believed the ex-Nazis’ intelligence value against the Russians outweighed what one official called “moral lapses” in their service to the Third Reich.

    The agency hired one former SS officer as a spy in the 1950s, for instance, even after concluding he was probably guilty of “minor war crimes.”

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – A growing number of schools are using special tracking chips embedded in student ID cards or biometric scanners to track students, and the new technology is making many lawmakers nervous about its privacy implications.

    The relatively new tracking technology allows schools to more accurately follow student attendance, lunch purchases and students who ride buses, but lawmakers in many states have banned specific types of student data collection over privacy concerns, reports.

    (Reuters) – A majority of Scots would back independence if another referendum were held today, according to a poll published on Saturday, just six weeks after Scotland voted against leaving the United Kingdom.

    The YouGov poll for the Times newspaper put support for independence at 52 percent against 48 percent who wanted to stay in the union. By including those who would not vote or do not know, the split was 49 percent in favor of a split and 45 percent against.

    In September’s referendum, 55 percent of Scots voted against independence.


  28. geo said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 9:44 pm

    Russia Says IMF Chief Jailed For Discovering All US Gold Is Gone

    A new report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Federal Security Service (FSB) says that former International Monetary Fund (IMF) Chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn was charged and jailed in the US for sex crimes on May 14th after his discovery that all of the gold held in the United States Bullion Depository located at Fort Knox was ‘missing and/or unaccounted’ for.

    According to this FSB secret report, Strauss-Kahn had become “increasingly concerned” earlier this month after the United States began “stalling” its pledged delivery to the IMF of 191.3 tons of gold agreed to under the Second Amendment of the Articles of Agreement signed by the Executive Board in April 1978 that were to be sold to fund what are called Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) as an alternative to what are called reserve currencies.

    Halloween – From The Illuminati Sex Cult Sacrifices To Mean Pranks

    Creepy vintage Halloween costumes – in pictures

    Utah Police Shut Down Dance Party Because People Were Dancing Without a “Dance Permit”

    “[We were] told by officers we couldn’t have a dance, under threat of being taken to jail with a felony of inciting a riot.”

    A dance party in St. George, Utah was shut down over the weekend because the city will not allow people to dance without permits. However, “Heart of Dixie”, the company who organized the event was actually under the impression that they had all of the permits that they needed.


    The following information comes exclusively from my confidential sources as well as European news agencies. Do not expect to be informed, in detail, by the American media, about the unfolding crisis taking place in Europe. The American media is intent on promoting the Ebola hype as a prelude to installing complete medical martial law. Nothing can be allowed to break the concentration of news reports designed to promote an obsessional fear regarding the spread of Ebola with the goal of placing the U.S. under medical martial law. Martial law, in the U.S., is a prerequisite condition in order to force America to accept the coming world war. Therefore, the preconditions which will plunge the nations of the planet into World War III will go largely under-reported in the United States until the last moment.

    BLM and “Federal land managers” are attempting to steal 3.1 million acres of public land in Southern Nevada.

    Earlier this year we covered in great detail what happened at the Bundy Ranch in Southern Nevada. At the time, we warned this had nothing to do with one man, and was instead a coordinated plan by the federal government to steal Nevada land and restrict its public use for everyone.

    Now that the media frenzy has died down, and the government’s media puppets have managed to smear anyone who supported the Bundys, the federal government is going forward with their plan to seize over 3 million acres of Nevada land – including the Bundy Ranch.

    The Bureau of Land Management has submitted a draft resource management plan for Clark and southern Nye counties in Nevada. The plan, outlined in the Federal Register / Vol. 79, No.197 Notice, designates over 3 million acres of public and private land “Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs).” Under the fairytale story of protecting the environment, the feds plan on locking the people of Nevada out of 3 million acres of their own land.

    Listed below is what Nevada, and the rest of the public, will lose access to once the feds steal this land.

    The north pole moved to the North Pole in a single human lifetime New record shows last flip of Earth’s magnetic poles happened quickly.

    Canada criminalizes criticism of Israel: Analyst

    The pro-Israel Canadian government is modifying the country’s criminal code to ban any criticism of the Zionist regime for atrocities against Palestinians, an analyst says.

    Canada criminalizes criticism of Israel Analyst

    In a column for Press TV website, Brandon Martinez has analyzed the proposed cyber-bullying law (Bill C-13) by the administration of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

    Big Oil, Qataris, Saudis Lick Lips As US ‘Fights ISIS’ By Bombing Syrian Pipelines

    In yet another example of the infantile nature of NATO propaganda regarding the Syrian crisis, it is now being reported in the mainstream media that that the United States must bomb Syrian oil pipelines in order to defeat the ISIS threat that NATO itself created.

    While logically fallacious, the rationale offered to the American public remains that ISIS is making millions of dollars per day via the sale of the oil taken from the fields in its possession on the black market to a number of different states.

    Yet, while the U.S. media does not bother to explain just how ISIS manages to extract, refine, and ship the oil, or how it is able to procure deals, and complete their transactions outside of the knowledge of Western militaries, governments, and intelligence agencies to the tune of $2 million per day, these outlets do provide the solution – bomb the oil pipelines belonging to Bashar al-Assad.

    Sweden Has A Sub That’s So Deadly The US Navy Hired It To Play Bad Guy

    Prepare your children for ‘a lifetime of surveillance’

    According to an article in Model View Culture, investors have poured billions of dollars into new technologies to track students’ movements.

    Designed for the “21st century” classroom, these tools promise to remedy the many, many societal ills facing public education with artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining, and other technological advancements.

    They are also being used to track and record every move students make in the classroom, grooming students for a lifetime of surveillance and turning education into one of the most data-intensive industries on the face of the earth. The NSA has nothing on the monitoring tools that education technologists have developed in to “personalize” and “adapt” learning for students in public school districts across the United States.

    The federal government and the law called FERPA (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, passed in 1974) were supposed to prevent invasions of privacy, but the U.S. Department of Education loosened the FERPA regulations in 2011 to make it easier for vendors to data mine. Make no mistake, this is big business. It will not easily be stopped.

    Brainwashing Techniques Designed to Promote Acceptance of the Coming Genocide

    Free apps used to spy on millions of phones: Flashlight program can be used to secretly record location of phone and content of text messages

    Millions of people are being spied on by free apps they have installed on their mobile phones, security experts have warned. Many flashlight apps which allow a device to be used as a torch also secretly record the most sensitive personal information. This may include the location of the phone, details of its owner and their contacts, and even the content of text messages.

    Flashlight apps downloaded to smart phones may be being used to spy on consumers by market research companies, experts have warned

    The data is then transmitted to market research companies and advertising agencies to track user’s shopping habits, experts claim.

    But it is also suspected that criminal gangs, hackers and identity thieves have developed torch apps of their own to obtain personal data about consumers which could give them access to their bank accounts.

    The most popular flashlight apps for Android smartphones have been downloaded tens of millions of times.

    They include the Super-Bright LED Flashlight, the Brightest Flashlight Free and the Tiny Flashlight+LED.

    But few customers realise that many programs have capabilities far beyond switching on the phone’s light, according to American cyber-security firm SnoopWall, whose founder Gary Miliefsky has advised the US government.

    Disney Has Been Hiding A Secret Right In Front Of Our Faces. If You’ve Never Noticed It, Here’s Proof

    Something has been hiding in countless animated movies that you have watched by Disney and Pixar. You have probably seen it time and time again without ever realizing it: A113.

    This combination of a letter and numbers has been appearing in animated movies for years. Don’t believe it? An online movie enthusiast was scouring through these movies to find examples and came up with plenty from both Pixar and Disney movies. The hidden message is everywhere.

    DHS Funded Report: Sovereign Citizens Greatest Threat To U.S.

    Back in April, 2014, I wrote an article entitled “FBI Visiting Gun Shops To Investigate ‘People Talking About Big Government,” where I reported the fact that FBI Counterterrorism agents were visiting South Carolina gun shops in order to gain information regarding potentially “suspicious” customers. These “suspicious” people were not those suspected of Muslim extremism but Americans who were concerned with big government.

    DHS Funded Report Sovereign Citizens Greatest Threat To U.S.

    The agent who approached the gun shop discussed in my article was actually quoted as saying “If you see some Middle Eastern guy come in. You don’t have to be so worried about that. What we’re really looking for are people talking about being sovereign such as sovereign citizens or people talking about Big Government.”

    At the time, I received a substantial amount of skepticism from those who found the agents words to be too unbelievable to be legitimate.

    More Evidence U.S. Funds al-Qaeda Terrorists in Syria

    Establishment media glosses over hypocrisy of war on terror

    Earlier this year, the United States and the Gulf monarchies initiated a propaganda effort designed to sanitize the image of the mercenaries fighting to topple the Syrian government. According to The Telegraph, mercenary groups “best equipped to take on the extremists” were given millions of dollars to go up against al-Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams (ISIS), which was said to have “hijacked” the foreign effort to overthrow the regime of Bashar al-Assad.

    Agenda 21 Revealing The Next U.S. Land Grab, The Trojan Horse, Heritage Areas Video.

    But there is another driving force behind Heritage Areas – something with which all you may very familiar.

    I mentioned H.R. 4099, a bill now before Congress to “Authorize a National Heritage Area Program, and for other purposes…” The bill describes the need for Heritage Areas this way: “Certain areas of the United States tell nationally significant stories; they illustrate significant aspects of our heritage; possess exceptional natural, cultural, scenic, and historic resources; and represent the diversity of our national character.”

    But there is another driving force behind Heritage Areas – something with which all you may very familiar.

    I mentioned H.R. 4099, a bill now before Congress to “Authorize a National Heritage Area Program, and for other purposes…” The bill describes the need for Heritage Areas this way: “Certain areas of the United States tell nationally significant stories; they illustrate significant aspects of our heritage; possess exceptional natural, cultural, scenic, and historic resources; and represent the diversity of our national character.”

    So, name a section of our nation that doesn’t contain “significant stories.” Or locate a place where people from the past didn’t walk, live or carry out their lives. That definition is simply too broad to be practical – if the real purpose is to honor our heritage.

    But the bill goes on to explain: “In these areas, the interaction of natural processes, geography, history, cultural traditions, and economic and social forces form distinctive landscapes that should be recognized, conserved, enhanced, and interpreted to improve the quality of life in the regions and to provide opportunities for public appreciation, education, enjoyment, and economic sustainability.”

    Where have we heard these very words before – economic and social forces; conserve; improve the quality of life?

    Insect Spy Drone

    Photograph shows an insect spy drone that can take photographs and DNA samples.

    Is this a mosquito?

    No. It’s an insect spy drone for urban areas, already in production, funded by the US Government. It can be remotely controlled and is equipped with a camera and a microphone. It can land on you, and it may have the potential to take a DNA sample or leave RFID tracking nanotechnology on your skin. It can fly through an open window, or it can attach to your clothing until you take it in your home.

    Verified Warnings From Former U.S. Presidents About the “Invisible Government” Running the U.S. With “No Allegiance To the People”

    “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”- George Santayana

    Past presidents of the United States and other high profile political leaders have repeatedly issued warnings over the last 214 years that the U.S. government is under the control of an “invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.”

    According to a half-dozen of our former presidents, one vice-president, and a myriad of other high profile political leaders, an invisible government that is “incredibly evil in intent” has been in control of the U.S. government “ever since the days of Andrew Jackson” (since at least 1836). They “virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties… It operates under cover of a self-created screen [and] seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.”

    Physicist: HAARP Manipulates Time

    A brilliant physicist published a revolutionary paper citing 30 other scientific papers that reveal HAARP has incredible powers far beyond what most investigators of the high frequency energy technology suspect. Dr. Fran De Aquino asserts a fully functional HAARP network, activated globally, can not only affect weather and geophysical events, but influence space and gravity…even time itself! Now the network is almost complete with the activation of the newest HAARP facilities at the bottom of the world: the desolate and alien Antarctic. Will the masters of HAARP become the masters of time too?

    25 Signs That America Is Rapidly Becoming More Like Nazi Germany

    The United States of America is becoming more like Nazi Germany every single day. In fact, the Nazification of America is almost complete. The parallels between Nazi Germany and the United States of today are going to absolutely shock many of you. Most Americans simply have never learned what life was really like back in Nazi Germany. Under Adolf Hitler, Germany was a Big Brother totalitarian police state that ruthlessly repressed freedom and individual liberty. Under Adolf Hitler, Germany adopted socialism, dramatically increased government spending and raised taxes to astronomical levels. Under Adolf Hitler, abortion became legal in Germany, the government took over health care and Christianity was pushed out of the public schools and out of public life. To prove all of these points, I am going to use extensive quotes from two sources. Kitty Werthmann was a child living a peaceful life in Austria when Hitler took over her nation. Her eyewitness accounts about what life was like under Nazi Germany are invaluable. In addition, I will also be quoting extensively from author Bruce Walker. He is the author of a book entitled “The Swastika Against The Cross: The Nazi War On Christianity”, and during his years of research he has uncovered some absolutely jaw dropping stuff. After reading the information in the rest of this article, there should be no doubt that the United States is becoming just like Nazi Germany.

    Politics: Which Rich Liar Will Run Your Life?

    The debtors’ prison is an old, decrepit institution that many thought was abolished in the 19th century, something little more than a relic of the past. This is a problematic view for two reasons. One, debtors’ prisons are rarely explored in the classroom or the larger society. And two, these prisons are making a serious comeback in the United States, which is deeply problematic for the poor and working class.

    The History of Debtors’ Prisons

    The traditional view of debtors’ prisons in the U.S. is one of wretched incarceration where debtors were hung out to dry. While this is true, there is also more to the story.

    In early colonial America, English law had an influence on colonial law – and laws regarding debt. In 16th century England, creditors had the legal power via the Law of Merchant to regain their money from insolvent debtors. They had this same power in Pennsylvania where, in 1682, the law stated that anyone who was in debt and had been arrested would be kept in prison, or “the debtor [could] satisfy the debt by servitude as the county court shall order, if the creditor desires.” While debt servitude was problematic, it provided a way for a debtor to obtain eventual release.

    At present, the EU and the US are negotiating a free trade agreement referred to as Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

    The negotiation process is secret and the treaty could have major negative consequences for humans and the environment in Europe.

    Few parties in the European election campaign clearly understand TTIP and it will be pushed through as law without any feedback from the people or their representatives.

    Indeed, they will scarcely know what it contains until it is enforced. This is not how democracy is supposed to work.

    Industrial-strength scare-propaganda: mind control

    From time to time, I reprint my interview with Dr. Barbara Starfield. Each time I try to write a new introduction.

    In this case, I’ll highlight the arbitrary nature of scare-propaganda. And by arbitrary, I mean “has a covert agenda.”

    For instance, suppose you learned that a single source in the US, every year, like clockwork, kills 225,000 people. That would be 2.25 million killings per decade.

    Wouldn’t you think we’d hear about it? Wouldn’t public health agencies make a big deal about it? Wouldn’t they call it an epidemic?

    After all, we supposedly have a handful of “Ebola cases” in the US, and the media are hyping this “fact” to the skies.

    Suppose they had far, far bigger numbers to work with? Suppose they had 225,000 deaths, not just once, but every year, as the raw material for their stories?

    Suppose they could say, “We now have 225,000 deaths in the US as a result of Ebola, and the authorities are quite sure that next year, and the year after that, and every year we’re going to have 225,000 more.”

    Social Media Surveillance Expands as IBM Taps Twitter

    Public outrage about the global spy network continues to be ignored as corporations and governments announce open partnerships in harvesting all of our data. Social media is one particular playground for data brokers who feast upon the information we „willingly” provide.

    I reported recently about Twitter’s ChatterGrabber program that is „used to monitor tickborne diseases, such as Lyme disease, public sentiment involving vaccines, and gun violence and terrorism, serving as an early warning system for public health officials through suspicious tweets or conversations.” That story was followed shortly after by the announcement that Twitter would open up its entire database to MIT beginning with its very first Tweet in 2006. We know that Facebook has used their algorithms to go beyond surveillance and actually manipulate the emotions of users as a type of psychology experiment. The “Truthy” study, funded by the National Science Foundation, directly targets political speech: One focus is the spread of “political smears, astroturfing, misinformation, and other social pollution.” Even a Republican member of the FCC said that it was a program right out of a George Orwell novel.

    No matter – now tech behemoth IBM has its sights set on Twitter.

    More Media Foreshadowing of Massive False Flag Attack in U.S.

    To see the recent mainstream media headlines, one who ponders a little deeply might rightly think we are on the precipice of something strange. More Ebola funny business, shootings, a rocket explosion, and the Department of Homeland Security‘s recent raising of security levels at all federal buildings within the United States.

    More Media Foreshadowing of Massive False Flag Attack in U.S.

    Just like the months leading up to 9/11, the American public is being assaulted with an onslaught of reports suggesting the possibility of another major terror attack inside the United States. Are we being invited into a terror theater? A little predictive programming perhaps? A couple news pieces should offer some pause, if nothing else.

    In this Fox News report about the DHS raising security levels, favored mouthpiece and former New York mayor, Rudolph Giuliani, speaks about expecting attacks. Certainly, his words were meant to unsettle the public, rather than reassure. According to him, we have to assume a major attack is imminent. His words really need no introduction, but deserve some analysis, which can be left up to the readers

    Ebola: Windfall for Military-Industrial Complex Contract represents militarization of Ebola vaccine development

    Dysfunctional America US government is unaccountable, released from constitutional and legal constraints

    Congress Still Has No Idea How Much the NSA Spies on Americans Congress is alarmingly ignorant about NSA spying

    U.S. spent $136 billion on spying in two years CIA blew through $68 billion

    Facebook conducts secret voting tests on users Company’s actions can affect the voting behavior of its users

    All Your Fingerprints Are Belong to Us: iPhone Users Forfeit Fifth Amendment Court deals major blow to Americans’ privacy


  29. geo said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 10:11 pm

    History Of Secret Societies: Knights Templar, Illuminati, Assassins, Freemasons

    The dark forces of secret societies have permeated our history since the beginning of time. Each branch of evil, having its own purpose and utilizing all of the talent, money, and power they achieve. The main areas of these conquests are the economy, religion, education, and politics. These societies usually practice odd rituals and sometimes overly perverted ones, all to sanctify their commitment to the society.They run our financial institutions, our churches, our schools. It seems their reach is never ending, when you’ve been marked an enemy and we’ve seen many who have tried expose these forces lose their lives, in the process.

    1943 Movie Exposes Illuminati Secrets! Director Killed Over it!

    32 Facts Exposing the USA Deception

    These 13 Families Rule the World: The Shadow Forces Behind the NWO

    Who Runs the World? Conspiracies, Hidden Agendas & the Plan for One World Government

    Scientists: Organic Food is More Nutritionally Rich Than Conventional & GMO

    CDC Whistleblower Exposes Ebola Vaccinations Containing RFID Chips

    Security Risk Alert: Ebola Outbreak, Global Financial Collapse and World War 3

    LOS ANGELES — Amanda Bynes’ claim that a microchip implanted in her brain made her tweet bad things about her father could be key evidence in keeping the actress in a mental facility, according to experts.

    Bynes, 28, was admitted to a Pasadena, California, facility on an involuntary emergency psychiatric hold Friday, but a probable cause hearing must be held this week if her doctors want to keep her there.

    Her admission to Las Encinas Hospital came hours after Bynes posted a series of tweets alleging her father verbally, physically and sexually abused her.

    However, she disavowed responsibility for the accusations in a tweet a short time later: “My dad never did any of those things The microchip in my brain made me say those things but he’s the one that ordered them to microchip me.”

    One Look at This Map and You’ll Probably Figure Out What It Shows. A Second Look Will Reveal Powerful Facts About the World.

    6 Staggering Videos of the US Using Chemical Agents Against Its Citizens And Others

    The Amazing God Scientists proved existence of God – Full Documentary

    Scientists prove Almighty God’s existence through ScienceGod never makes mistake. He is the best architecture.


  30. geo said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 10:23 pm

    What Darwin Never Knew

    The Dynasty of Rothschild | The Only Trillionaires in the World – Full Documentary


  31. Stefan said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 10:48 pm

    Domnule Geo,

    Cu tot respectul pentru munca pe care o depui pentru a ne ține la curent cu situația din Ucraina și nu numai, dar modul de prezentare este unul foarte greoi pentru cititori. Pentru a nu aglomera rubricile de comentarii și a fragmenta anumite discuții între comentatori, nu crezi că ar fi mai comod să postezi doar link-urile. Aceste postări ale tale sunt de fapt adevărate articole. Sau poate vorbești cu fratele Vasile să-ți acorde o rubrică separată unde ai putea posta articole pe tema situației ucrainene.

    Apreciat de 1 persoană

  32. geo said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 11:35 pm

    Human Head Transplant Now Theoretically Possible

    9 Scienctific Facts Prove the „Theory of Evolution” is False

    Who Invented the Oreo? The Unsung Heroes of Cookie Design

    Australian surgeons perform first successful ‘dead heart’ transplants

    Top 5: Phones with highest radiation

    Who Are the Illuminati? Renegades of the Mystery Schools

    Dark Vatican Secret Exposed…. Stunning Video!

    Pepsi’s lawyers say Mountain Dew can dissolve a mouse

    Funeral For Islamic Terrorist Gets A Surprise Ending From Funeral Director Error

    Obama Orders Feared “Jericho Weapon” To Kill Christians

    A stunning new report by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) circulating in the Kremlin today states that the Obama regime was behind the horrific 12 September attack that utilized the much feared “Jericho Weapon” on The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Lagos, Nigeria (SCOAN) that left over 40 Christian men, women and children dead.

    According to this report, Nigerian authorities have become “greatly alarmed” over the unprecedented rise of the Ebola virus in West African and have “strongly advised” all Christian churches to stop their communion rites over fears this practice will spread the disease.

    The Network of Global Secret Societies

    Dark Winter: Tom Clancy’s Pandemic Warning!

    The video below from deceased author Tom Clancy’s “The Division” game is suddenly getting a lot of attention and for good reason; it warns us of what’s happening in our world right now, and what may soon happen in our collective futures. Directly from the video.:

    Muslim Brotherhood- Illuminati Tools


  33. geo said, on noiembrie 2, 2014 at 12:07 am

    The EU will pay the full consequences of their reckless policies.

    After the recent Milan rendezvous, when Russian President Vladimir Putin clearly and unambiguously signaled ringleader junta Poroshenko that any concessions Banderostanu in the gas issue and will not be a single cubic meter of gas in the debt (ie, free) is from „Gazprom” will not get in the EU seems to have begun to realize what crap they blundered. But then there will be more!

    It is quite obvious that the Ukrainian gas default puts the EU in a very vulnerable situation. The junta has reported that under these conditions, it can not guarantee the uninterrupted transit of gas to the West. Translated into Russian, it means being willing to steal intended for the European natural gas from the pipe as needed. A need for this is that Europe little after that perepadet. Moscow, in turn, is at the highest level has warned that by exactly the amount of gas to be stolen, it will reduce the volume of its pumping to the EU.

    Western Media Caught in Web of Lies as Kiev Loses Control of Its Neo-Nazis
    Western media insists any mention of neo-Nazis in Ukraine is Russian propaganda. Now that neo-Nazis have flooded the streets of Kiev, what comes next?

    The mysterious figure of Col. Igor Strelkov, a former Russian special forces officer, has struck a chord of fear in the liberal-nationalist Kiev regime and its Western patrons. A veteran of Bosnia and the First and Second Chechen Wars, this spring and summer Strelkov showed himself a superb tactician and operational commander against numerically superior and more heavily armed Ukrainian armed forces in the battle for the Donbass, a pivotal moment in the fate of reborn Novorussia. The following interview was conducted on October 9th between Strelkov and Orthodox journalist Igor Evsin at the Monastery of St. John the Theologian in Ryazan. Orthodox, monarchist, and patriot, Strelkov is no mercenary, but a centurion of the Third Rome.

    Thanks to their own policies and behavior, relations between Israel and the rest of the civilized world are at an all-time low, so much so, Washington is having to distance themselves from the criminal apartheid state… just a little. We have already covered that.

    Interestingly, a “liberal” Israeli paper recently published a cartoon depicting Netanyahu as the pilot of a airliner targeting one of the Twin Towers with a big smile on his face.

    Incendiary? I would say so. But according to his statement, the artist who drew it didn’t understand how personally we Americans take jokes about 9/11 from pissed off Likudnik Zionists. Especially those of us who remember the Dancing Israelis.

    Thoughts on Prosperity in America

    With equity markets at all-time highs, does this mean that prosperity in the US is also at record levels?

    The 1980s were a great time for many Americans. Jobs were plentiful. The civilian unemployment rate went from almost 11% in November 1982 to around 5% by May 1989. The number of households making more than $75,000 per year (in today’s money) increased by almost seven percentage points from the low in 1982 to the end of the decade. A new sense of optimism pervaded the nation. The hit song “The Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades” rocked the airwaves. After enduring some terrible years in the prior decade, America came roaring back.

    Russia Ready to Offer Kiev $100 Discount on Gas per 1,000 Cubic Meters: Energy Minister

    Russia to Sell Gas to Ukraine at $378 Per 1,000 Cubic Meters in November-December

    EU: No guarantees for Russia if Ukraine fails to settle gas debt

    It was the last deed of Günther Oettinger as EU energy commissioner, when he mediated an agreement between Russia and Ukraine concerning Russian gas deliveries to Ukraine during the coming winter. Deal details:

    Price $378 until 31.12.2014 and $365 afterwards
    Debt servicing: $1,45B before the end of next week and $1.64B before the end of this year. Gazprom chef Miller had demanded $5B.

    Russia had insisted that the EU would guarantee Ukrainian payments after the association agreement between the EU and Ukraine. After all, according to Putin: “in Russia it is customary for the gentleman to pay for the diner when he invites a lady to a restaurant”.

    Pravy Sektor Coup as ISIS Scenario: NATO to Feign a ‘Unilateral’ Alliance With Russia
    The US stages a coup ousting Poroshenko and installs Pravy Sektor in order to build international support for a Human Rights intervention against Pravy Sektor and to restore ‘democracy’ and ‘order’; the real aim being to create a failed state, perpetuate indefinite war on Russia’s door and even World War … and beyond

    A neighbor returned from Khmelnitchina, was at a funeral of old relative. The woman is in shock, but not from the sad ceremony. It turns out, Ukrainian villages live today in a real occupation regime. People are terrorized by the new banderite authorities.

    During the family gathering after the funeral, a military truck „Ural” drove up to the hut. A green van with barred windows. An officer and four soldiers in camouflage uniforms and masks-balaclavas walked into the house. All with guns.

    The officer showed documents of an employee of the enlistment office of Khmelnitsky region. Refused to sit at the table. Instead of „Hello” handed the summons to the head of household.

    Host – local doctor, is visually impaired. The guy has a terrible myopia, glasses like magnifying glass. In wife’s arms – a baby. Two toddlers standing nearby.

    Washington tries to check Hungary’s drift into Kremlin orbit

    Moscow’s Spy Game Why Russia Is Winning the Intelligence War in Ukraine

    Russian Cuts to Gas Supply Worry Serbia Amid reports that Russia was reducing gas supplies to Serbia in a dispute over debts, Serbia’s Prime Minister said the issue with Moscow would soon be resolved.


  34. Raluca said, on noiembrie 2, 2014 at 1:16 am

    Maleficient este Hollywood-ul in intregime.
    Aviz celor care mai sunt inca interesati de filme si seriale americane sub pretextul ca mai sunt si unele interesante, si care „merita”. Totul este gunoi ambalat frumos ca sa nu miroasa. Nu sunt numai pierdere de vreme, dar sunt si vatamatoare de minte si suflet.
    Aviz de asemenea si multor fraieri care s-au lasat sedusi de serialele turcesti in mare voga la „Kanal D”. Aceste seriale facute se pare dupa o reteta de foarte mare succes, prezinta o societate pagana, anticrestina, si care are valori religioase, culturale si sociale care sunt contrare celor dupa care crestinii isi intemeiaza viata. Daca turcii nu ne-au cucerit pe campul de lupta timp de sute de ani, o fac acum cu televizorul …

    Apreciat de 1 persoană

  35. Cosmin said, on noiembrie 2, 2014 at 1:20 am

    Lipsa Cvorumului Necesar Legitimitatii Pune pe Jar Clasa Politica:


  36. scortisoara said, on noiembrie 2, 2014 at 4:32 pm

    Se incearca inocularea ideeii ca dracul nu e atat de negru cum este zugravit de …”unii „( crestinii ) ca , iata , a devenit rau in urma unei traume… Se incearca o reabilitare a raului cum ca n-ar fii atat de rau …. sau ca la baza transformarii in rau a stat o motivatie . Forma clasica de manipulare prin victimizare . Cornuta Maleficent este prezentata ca un personaj pozitiv persecutat desi infatisarea ei contrazice , precum si numele , doar are o semnificatie , nu ? . Daca ea avea un suflet atat de bun de ce sa poarte un asa nume ? Conform mesajului din film noi , oamenii , suntem aia rai si nu lasam cornutii in pace … ai persecutam si ai prigonim…sa ne fie rusine … : ))


  37. geo said, on noiembrie 3, 2014 at 9:58 am

    Foarte interesant:

    Cine vorbeste de integrare…alte baliverne…


  38. geo said, on noiembrie 3, 2014 at 10:00 am

    Zilele trecute am postat o stire cu un german care a salutat cu salutul nazist…pentru asta este pasibil de inchisoare…

    Pentru copiii astia si cei care i-au instigat ce pedeapsa se cuvine?


  39. carla said, on noiembrie 4, 2014 at 1:37 am

    Draci buni sau draci rai? dracii sunt inselatori !
    Ca buna dovada si mesajul subliminal, inselator, al filmului, promovarea homosexualitatii si proiectarea simbolurilor dracesti in personaje romantice.
    Mai nou vad, in mediul online, tendinta de a ambala orice intr-o grafica sufocata de simboluri satanice.
    Orice site deschizi, te ataca o publicitate agresiva, de jocuri cu peisaje intunecate, dragoni, coarne, bioroboti, tigve, draci, ingeri intunecati si multe simboluri oculte.
    Copiii sunt familiarizati prin jocurile online cu acest stil, e o moda, un copil m-a intrebat recent daca eu nu cred in satana, cu cea mai dulce inocenta, proprie copiilor. Cum probabil ca am holbat ochii, uluita, mi-a zis ca doar nu-i cine stie ce, ca la bloc la ei asta-i ultima fiță, mi-a aratat bratarile cu pentagrame si cruci intoarse, pe care le-a primit de la alti copii.
    Filme si alte produse de acest fel au rolul de a atrage tinerii catre un stil.
    Incet-incet acestea vor fi valorile lor. Mare atentie la copii!


  40. […] MALEFICIENT: Un film cu DRACI BUNI si OAMENI RAI. Cu ANGELINA JOLIE in rolul principal […]


  41. […] MALEFICIENT: Un film cu DRACI BUNI si OAMENI RAI. Cu ANGELINA JOLIE in rolul principal […]


  42. […] MALEFICIENT: Un film cu DRACI BUNI si OAMENI RAI. Cu ANGELINA JOLIE in rolul principal […]


  43. […] MALEFICIENT: Un film cu DRACI BUNI si OAMENI RAI. Cu ANGELINA JOLIE in rolul principal […]


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