SACCSIV – blog ortodox

VIDEO: De abia nascut, nu vrea sa fie luat de langa mamica sa …

Posted in Uncategorized by saccsiv on octombrie 24, 2014
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26 răspunsuri

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  1. andrei-d said, on octombrie 24, 2014 at 3:47 pm

    Cat de deosebita este femeia, pentru ea s-au dus razboaie de-a lungul veacurilor, din ea s-au nascut popoare, cat de tandra si totusi inspira atata siguranta si incredere. Si iarasi…oricat de mult ma va ajuta bunul Dumnezeu pe mine sau pe fiecare in parte, si mama este una dintre ele, cata gingasie mi-a daruit dar si cat de protectoare si aspra cu cei ce ma ocarau era. O adevarata eroina, in ea gasim darul cel purtator de viata…si sa nu uitam, ca imediat dupa Preasfanta Treime este o Femeie, dar care nu se cuvine sa o comparam cu oamenii, este insasi Preasfanta Nascatoare de Dumnezeu, cea mai inalta decat Cerurile si Arhistratega Cetelor celor de sus…Ea a fost singura care L-a incaput pe Cel Neincaput. Femeia, o taina ascunsa si izvor de viata! Doamne ajuta!


  2. aniush said, on octombrie 24, 2014 at 3:55 pm

    In sfarsit vedem si ceva frumos si educativ in acelasi timp. Cum am mai spus undeva viata este un miracol.


    • numaiortodoxia said, on octombrie 24, 2014 at 9:59 pm

      *Un mesaj scurt, dar de importanţă maximă! De citit şi de transmis la cât mai multe persoane!*

      În această perioadă se desfăşoară o campanie asiduă de băgare pe gâtul populaţiei a nesuferitelor carduri de sănătate. Această acţiune de amploare la nivel naţional aminteşte de colectivizarea forţată a agriculturii şi de alte practici asemănătoare acesteia din trecutul nu prea îndepărtat, incompatibile cu o societate avansată de oameni liberi. Există o seamă de aspecte care transformă acest demers oficial într-un nou atentat la libertatea umană, prin modul în care este regizată această operaţie de distribuire, care a fost îndelung pregătită prin legislaţia adoptată imediat după intrarea în uniunea europeană până astăzi:

      Cardul de sănătate nu este obligatoriu! Nicio lege românească, europeană sau internaţională nu prevede aşa ceva! Este un obiect 100% opţional!

      A refuza cardul de sănătate este perfect legal! Cine refuza, nu primeşte, sau nu ridică de la poştă cardul de sănătate emis pe numele său nu este pedepsit în niciun mod!

      Toate persoanele asigurate din sistemul de sănătate beneficiază de aceleaşi servicii medicale gratuite, indiferent dacă fac sau nu proba calităţii de asigurat prin intermediul unui card de sănătate! Singura condiţie este de a avea achitată la zi contribuţia la fondul naţional al asigurărilor de sănătate, sau de a face parte din categoriile scutite de aceste contribuţii!

      Contribuţia fiecărui angajat la fondul asigurărilor de sănătate este obligatorie prin lege, indiferent dacă poseda sau nu un card de sănătate! Este evident că ar fi absurd ca un asigurat să contribuie obligatoriu, dar să beneficieze condiţionat de servicii medicale gratuite!

      Cardul de sănătate nu este produs în România! De asemenea, cipul (microprocesorul) pe care îl conţine nu este produs în România! Producerea materialului suport al cardului, precum şi a microprocesorului, este asigurată de către firme private din străinătate şi procesul de producţie nu este transparent sau cunoscut opiniei publice! Și chiar de-ar fi produse în România, nu putem avea încredere!

      Autorităţile şi oficialităţile româneşti, asemenea celor europene şi internaţionale, nu cunosc şi nu pot aduce vreo precizare sau garanţie potenţialilor deţinători de card de sănătate cu privire la conţinutul microstructurii interne a materialului din care este confecţionat cardul şi microprocesorul încorporat în acesta, nici cu privire la informaţia stocată fizic, electronic sau digital în aceste structuri, alta decât informaţia referitoare la titular înmagazinată şi citită de către corpul medical!

      Aparatele de citit sau inscripţionat datele din card, comercializate pentru medicii de familie, sunt rudimentare din punct de vedere tehnologic şi nu pot fi utilizate decât în acest scop, fără să ofere vreo informaţie cu privire la tehnologia încorporată în card şi fără să garanteze securitatea de-a lungul timpului a datelor medicale personale care au fost inscripţionate de către personalul medical autorizat!

      Întrebaţi orice deţinător de card şi în procent de 100% vă va răspunde că habar nu are ce conţine obiectul suspect denumit pompos card de sănătate pe care îl deţine!

      Întrebaţi orice deţinător de card şi în procent de 100% vă va răspunde că habar nu are ce avantaj prezintă faptul că deţine un astfel de card, fata de dvs care nu deţineţi aşa ceva!

      Întrebaţi orice deţinător de card şi în procent de 100% vă va răspunde că exact în acelaşi procent de 100% starea sa de sănătate nu s-a îmbunătăţit de când a devenit posesorul unui card de aşa-zisa sănătate!

      Legislaţia actuală are scopul de a încuraja într-un mod inacceptabil dependenţa totală de stat a populaţiei prin intermediul cardului de sănătate, dar cine optează pentru independenţă nu este sancţionat în niciun mod! Alegerea non-dependenței faţă de un stat atât de “grijuliu” faţă de supuşii săi nu comportă în niciun caz un risc mai mare decât riscul de a fi posesorul unui obiect străin şi necunoscut titularului în proporţie de aproximativ 99,99%!

      Absolut toţi oamenii care au avut un comportament responsabil faţă de umanitate în general şi faţă de poporul român în special, ne-au învăţat de-a lungul timpului să nu acceptăm aceste instrumente electronice ale dictaturii globale! Nu am găsit nicăieri vreun motiv rezonabil şi pertinent pentru a nu-i asculta şi a proceda altfel!

      Cardul de sănătate presupune un risc foarte mare şi nejustificat, prezentat cu lux de amănunte în mass-media şi în literatura de specialitate românească şi internaţională! În opoziţie cu această stare de fapt, deşi la nivel oficial nu se recunoaşte sau mediatizează aceasta, realitatea este că a refuza cardul nu presupune niciun risc şi nu reprezintă nicio pierdere pentru persoana respectivă!

      *Cardurile se împart cu miile pe zi în această perioadă, de aceea este important ca acest mesaj să fie trimis la cât mai multe persoane până nu este prea târziu!*

      ( )


  3. alexandru said, on octombrie 24, 2014 at 4:06 pm

    Oare cum ar raspunde unul din acesti distrugatori ai vietii daca ar fi intrebati..
    Nu ati vrea sa incepeti a pune in vigoare aceste legi in primul rand copiilor vostri? Oare cum ar reactiona? Offf Doamne, cum ii putem iubi si pe cei ce duc lumea asta in aceste directii?? Cum pot iubi eu un om care vrea sa mi omoare copilul.cum??


    • andrei-d said, on octombrie 24, 2014 at 4:26 pm

      Adevarat alexandru, dar prin asta ne putem da seama de neputinta firii omenesti, tocmai de aceea nu vom intelege cum Dumnezeu-Tatal a dat pe unicul Sau Fiu pret de rascumparare. Ce frumos spune Hristos: „Căci Dumnezeu aşa a iubit lumea, încât pe Fiul Său Cel Unul-Născut L-a dat …” Cata dragoste din partea Tatalui, oare El cum s-a simtit? Stie cineva?


  4. andu said, on octombrie 24, 2014 at 6:00 pm

    Ce clip minunat!


  5. ZHM said, on octombrie 24, 2014 at 7:32 pm

    Foarte frumos clipul!Din pacate,pe cei impietriti mai mult i-ar scarbi un astfel de videoclip,decat sa-i bucure.Este realitatea trista a zilelor noastre.
    Intre timp,am dat peste niste pliante electorale ale Udrei.Evident,clasicul electoral:o sa fac aia,si aia,si aia,si aia.Neinteresant pana aici.Ce este insa interesant este modul in care Elena vede politica externa,citez:
    „Cum vad politica externa a Romaniei
    Sustin unirea Romaniei cu Basarabia in cadrul UE(nota mea:ca sa ne fure mai bine).
    Sustin parteneriatul strategic cu SUA(nota mea:in care se specifica ca vom fi carne de tun pentru razboi?) si o mai buna integrare in UE(nota mea:tot ca sa ne fure mai bine).Sustin,totodata,ideea Statelor Unite ale Europei(nota mea:Hopaaa!)
    Voi demonstra prudenta in raport cu China si Rusia(nota mea:cum a facut Basescu?Si cu SUA ce vei demonstra,cumva slugarnicie?)”
    Deci,si-a cam dat arama pe fata si,cum am mai spus,am citat de pe un pliant electoral.Am scris in special pentru eventualii sustinatori infocati ai Udrei,ca sa nu cumva sa aiba impresia ca va face mare lucru.Sa sustii ideea statelor unite ale Europei e ceva ce numai un sclav ar papusarilor poate face.


  6. STOP RFID said, on octombrie 24, 2014 at 8:46 pm

    Blogul lui Radu Iacoboaie a ajuns o groapa de gunoi. Cei mai vechi stiu ca pe aici era cineva care se numea Pr. Vasile si dupa ce sa angajat la o multinationala gen secta comerciala, si-a umplut blogul cu carti motivationale de mai mare jena.


  7. Otilia said, on octombrie 24, 2014 at 9:44 pm

    Ma iertati. Intervin cu o postare rupta din registrul discutiilor de fata.
    Iata cum isi traiesc viata unii dintre tinerii generatiei mele: dansand drogati la festivaluri, hipnotizati de ritmul muzicii. Imagini destul de greu de privit si de acceptat. Fara nici o urma de judecata, ci cu un ton de compasiune si compatimire, nu pot sa nu ma gandesc la ce s-ar intampla in caz de conflict sau conflagratie mondiala. Cine s-ar mobiliza sa lupte? Cui sa ceri vlaga, cui sa ceri spiritualitate, cui?
    Iata societatea care se consolideaza zilnic, iata manifestarile incurajate de sistem, care paralizeaza capacitatea de reactie a tinerilor.
    Ba chiar indraznesc sa zic – Iata cui predam viitorul :


    • saccsiv said, on octombrie 25, 2014 at 4:55 am


      Doamne ajuta!

      Poti te rog traduce?

      New European guidelines on sexuality education: experts say sexuality education should start from birth


      • Otilia said, on octombrie 25, 2014 at 11:05 am

        Doamne ajuta!


      • Otilia said, on octombrie 26, 2014 at 6:32 pm

        Noi directive europene privind educația sexuală: experții sunt de parere ca educația sexuala ar trebui sa inceapa inca de la nastere

        Primele directive europene detaliate, care sa ajute factorii de decizie din domeniul sănătății publice in stabilirea unui curriculum adecvat referitor la educatia sexuala, tocmai au fost emise.
        Biroul Regional pentru Europa al OMS a emis astăzi în cadrul unei reuniuni a OMS, principalele linii directoare privind provocările europene pentru îmbunătățirea sănătății sexuale, toate care are loc în Madrid, Spania, sub auspiciile Ministerului Sănătății și Politicii Sociale. Aceste directive au fost elaborate de către un grup de 20 de experți din nouă țări europene, sub îndrumarea Centrului Federal pentru Educație pentru Sănătate (BZgA) în Köln, Germania și Biroul Regional pentru Europa al OMS. Acestea oferă instrucțiuni pas cu pas și o matrice detaliată pentru a sprijini profesioniștii din domeniul sănătății și al educației în eforturile lor de a le livra copiilor informații exacte cu privire la sexualitate.
        Dr Gunta Lazdāne, consilier regional privind sanatatea sexuala si reproductiva la Biroul Regional, care a coordonat dezvoltarea documentului, spune: ”Caracteristica speciala a noilor directive, dincolo de granitele subiectului, este că acestea subliniază faptul că educația sexuală ar trebui să înceapă inca de la nașterea unui copil. Ele indică, de asemenea, competențe si atitudini specifice pe care care copiii si tinerii ar trebui să le dobandeasca, și care atitudini ar trebui promovate la intervalele potrivite de vârstă.”
        In genere, programele actuale de educație sexuală pun mare accent pe aspecte biologice. „Acest lucru nu este de ajuns. Avem nevoie de o nouă abordare cu privire la educatia sexuala. Aici intervin noile noastre directive. Acestea plaseaza faptele în contextul mai larg al valorilor, cunoștințelor și abilităților de viață și așa mai departe, astfel incat aspectele legate de sănătate sa poata fi înțelese în termeni mai largi „, adaugă dr Lazdāne.
        Noile reglementări se bazează pe o interpretare pozitiva a sexualitatii, ca parte a sănătății fizice și mentale. Subiecte precum ca HIV / SIDA, sarcini nedorite și violența sexuală sunt inglobate in atotcuprinzătoarea educație care se concentrează pe autodeterminarea individului și responsabilizarea oamenilor atat pentru ei înșiși, cat si pentru alții.
        Orientarea unilaterală și calitatea slabă a educației sexualitatea sunt deseori blamate pentru provocari tot mai mari în materie de sănătate si educatie sexuală, cum si cresterea numarului sarcinilor în rândul adolescenților, risc crescut de boli cu transmitere sexuala si violenta sexuala. Imbunătățirea sănătății sexuale în general este un obiectiv major al noilor directive.
        Aceste masuri sunt, de asemenea, concepute ca o reacție in fatra multiplelor provocări generate de diferențele mari dintre țările europene cu privire la calitatea educației sexuale în școli. În prezent, o treime din țările din Regiunea Europeană a OMS nu au nici un curriculum de educație sexuală în școală. În unele țări, educația sexuală începe abia pe la 14-18 de ani.
        O remarca importantă din partea autorilor este că aceste directive doar stabilesc obiective pentru ceea ce trebuie făcut, iar acesta este doar un prim pas al procesului. „Urmatorul pas este cel al dezvoltarii metodologiei”, afirma dr Lazdāne.


      • saccsiv said, on octombrie 26, 2014 at 6:42 pm


        Multumesc mult.


  8. Gabriel said, on octombrie 24, 2014 at 10:09 pm

    Sarea pamantului 2 – Schiarhimandrit Hristofor din Tula

    Despre vremurile din urma
    ”atunci cand ne vor propune: crucea sau painea, noi sa alegem crucea” – cuvinte ce trebuie intelese duhovniceste. In realitate nimeni nu ne va propune aceste lucruri, caci altfel isi va pierde sensul atentionarea parintelui Hristofor si a altor stareti ca sa nu acceptam nimic, nici un fel de acte. Daca pecetea inca nu reprezinta stampila cu laser ci doar o hartie, atunci de ce sa le refuzam? Dar tocmai in aceasta consta si viclenia, ca odata cu fiecare dintre aceste acte ni se propun in chip invizibil ”crucea si painea”, Hristos sau lumea, rastignirea sau lepadarea”
    Parintele spunea: ”Daca veti accepta mai intai asigurarea, apoi in al doilea rand codul numeric personal, in al treilea rand pasaportul, nu veti mai avea cale de intoarcere, veti fi ca niste zombi, vi se va lua mintea, nu veti mai discerne si atunci veti pasi in continuare si le veti accepta pe toate celelalte. Iar intr-un sfarsit veti intinde linistiti mana si fruntea si vi se vor aplica cipuri cu laserul, si va asteapta iadul cel mai de jos”
    ”Fii mei, nu acceptati nimic satanic”


    • crestinul said, on octombrie 24, 2014 at 11:29 pm

      Sa ne rugam sa avem curajul marturisirii cand va fi nevoie si sa ne rugam si la Sfintii Inchisorilor sa mijloceasca pentru noi. Parintele Arsenie Boca a adus ploaie pe timp de seceta in secolul trecut ca si Sfantul Ilie, prin rugaciune si are multa indrazneala inaintea lui Dumnezeu. Parintele Iustin Parvu a marturisit pentru intreaga tara. Sa ii cinstim cum putem, si poate Dumnezeu ne ajuta mai mult, aceasta impreuna cu marturisirea. Maica Domnului are stapanire nemasurata, iar Corneliu Zelea Codreanu citea Acatist sau Paraclis catre Preasfanta Nascatoare de Dumnezeu. Doamne miluieste!


  9. geo said, on octombrie 24, 2014 at 10:10 pm

    Buna seara,

    Poate si pentru ei se lupta si Ucraina, si in Siria, si in Irak…sa poata sa creasca, sa se dezvolte, sa devina ceea ce isi doresc si sa ajute umanitatea sa devina mai altfel decit este acum…

    Igor Bezler, one of the principal field commanders, was interviewed by journalist from Kiev. Some interesting moments to be noted.

    At 3:35 she is asking him about his vision of the building of a state that he is participating in, about the future country that he and his comrade-in-arms want to build.

    “I want to have a rich country where retirees are not destitute but live a decent life. But the main point our country is to be free of the fascism. The fascism that you could see in Ukraine now”.

    “Which ideological issues do you want to use in this process?”

    “I said it already. A rich, prospering country. No fascism. No forcing to skip around on Maidan squares with slogans “who is not skiping is a moscal”, “Moscal’s must be hanged!” (a ‘moskal’ is a jargon word for a ‘Russian man’).

    5:00 “We know your mother is a Ukrainian, your father is a German. So who are you?”


    That simple answer is an illustration of Russian self-identification: to be Russian is not a question of real nationality and ‘blood’. It’s a definite cultural choice and wish. To be Russian you are to belong to Russian culture to wide extent (speaking Russian in the restricted sense) and you wish to call yourself Russian. That’s all that it is on some principal level.

    So Russian-ness for us in fact goes beyond both citizenship and ‘blood / race community’.

    Being Russian on that principal level at the same time you could be Ukrainian/Buryat/Chechen/German ‘locally’.

    Post-Maidan Ukraine tries to fully monopolize Ukrainian-ness in a Nazi form. So we have a dual ideological aim: completely destroying Ukrainian Nazism and saving cultural Ukrainian treasures.

    Being challenged by the journalist, Igor Bezler quoted from memory Shevchenko’s poem (since 5:35)

    Novosvetlovka village, Luhansk Republic.

    There were very intense fighting in the summer. Aug 13th the UAF had occupied the village with a tank attact. In this way, they tried to prevent moving of the 1st Russian humanitation convoy to Luhansk. If you remember, it had been stayed on the border for couple days waiting for a secure way. The NAF had been fighting against the tank grouping. In August 29th the road became secure enough.

    A result of the intense fighting for the village:

    „Today in Ukraine, according to our records, more then 2 thousand people have been arrested for disagreeing with authorities. Several thousand more are simply missing. Many people have been watched, then while travelling to a different town they go missing. SBU can arrest literally for liking a militia page in social networks, and for possession of newspaper ‘Novorossia’.”

    „Ukraine today is without a doubt a world leader in political prisoners, and a country where everything has been turned upside down. A person, who criticises the government – is a terrorist, and an armed robber and murderer – is an ‘activist’ and a ‘hero’ ” – said Vladimir Rogov, co-director of Committee for State Building of Novorossia, to Rossijskaya Gazeta.

    Similarities between today’s Ukraine with Nazi Germany, and SBU with the secret police of the Reich are well illustrated in the following example. Dergachi District Court of Kharkov region sentenced a local retiree to a five-year parol sentence suspended for three years, for possession of a leaflet ‘Russian East’. The old man was reported by the neighbors to the SBU ‘hot line’. Whistle blowing is encouraged by the Ukrainian State, which even distributes instructions to citizens on the topic: „How to find a separatist”.

    Note that the claim by Vladimir Rogov that you can get behind bars for one activity online, is no exaggeration. The head of SBU, Nalivaichenko, complained that security services cannot disable Russian social networks ‘Vkontakte’ and ‘Odnoklassniki’ – the hot beds of ‘separatism’.

    But the administrators of such foreign resources [Facebok?], according to him, willingly cooperate with the Ukrainian Intelligence Agency.

    George Soros Calls for War with Russia Extolls fascist Maidan and cites it as example for rest of Europe

    The billionaire globalist George Soros has taken to the pages of The New York Review of Books to call for war with Russia.

    The master manipulator, who admitted orchestrating the fascist coup in Ukraine, writes that Europe faces an existential threat from Russia. He says a Europe enfeebled by the 2008 Eurozone crisis is unable to counter the Russian threat “that poses a fundamental challenge to the values and principles on which the European Union was originally founded.”

    For Soros and the EU elite, however, Russia presents a more ominous threat to Europe than a cabal of Nazis and their heirs. The Fourth Reich and the United States – itself a refuge for Nazis under Operation Paperclip – are “determined to avoid any direct military confrontation with Russia,” Soros argues, and this reluctance has emboldened Putin and the Russians to negate treaties, annex Crimea and establish separatist enclaves in eastern Ukraine. Soros characterizes war crimes committed “under the aegis of Ukrainian law enforcement agencies, by the leaders and members of the Aidar battalion,” according to Amnesty International, and the use of cluster bombs against civilians as “low-level war.” In Donetsk, Gorlovka, Luhansk and other areas invaded by the Kiev regime, Soros’ “low-level war” has resulted in the death of hundreds of civilians.

    Soros criticizes the U.S. for not providing lethal military assistance to the Kiev regime. The Ukrainian military, however, has used its existing artillery, mortar, and rockets to lethal effect in the Donbas. “Since May, Ukrainian armed forces have attempted to retake the city from pro-Russian insurgents. Residents told Human Rights Watch that many residents have not had electricity, gas, and running water for weeks, food and fuel are running low, and it is difficult to communicate because neither cellphones nor landlines work. Human Rights Watch observed long lines at morning water and bread distribution points,” the organization reported in September.

    Soros believes “preserving the independence of Ukraine,” in other words, upholding its coup government, supersedes the supposed threat of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. He urges Obama to not cooperate with Russia on a deal to fight the Saudi financed and Pentagon trained terrorist army. Not suporting Ukraine “would be a tragic mistake, with far-reaching geopolitical consequences,” he writes.

    Soros then argues Europe is at war with Russia and he criticizes the EU for not accepting this. “It is high time for the members of the European Union to wake up and behave as countries indirectly at war. They are better off helping Ukraine to defend itself than having to fight for themselves.”

    Considering the Maidan’s vanguard – Pravy Sektor, Svoboda, Patriots of Ukraine, Ukrainian National Assembly – Ukrainian National Self Defense, and Trizub, all fascist in character – the call by Soros to “recapture the original spirit that led to the creation of the European Union,” decided at the at the Maison Rouge Hotel in Strasbourg at the end of the Second World War by Nazis and German industrialists, makes perfect sense.

    George Soros’ call for a return to the original spirit of the EU is in keeping with his past history as a Nazi collaborator. As a teenager in Hungary he worked with the Judenrat, the administrative body during the war that Germans required Jews to form in occupied territory. Soros and his father, Theodore, confiscated property from other Jews and facilitated their extermination at Auschwitz and other death camps. “There was no sense that I shouldn’t be there. If I wasn’t doing it, somebody else would be taking it away anyhow. Whether I was there or not. So I had no sense of guilt,” Soros told Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes.

    On Wednesday, a jury of eight women and four men in a federal district court in Washington, DC convicted four Blackwater mercenaries for their role in the 2007 Nisour Square massacre. The jurors found one of the contractors guilty of murder and another three guilty of manslaughter for firing hundreds of rounds of ammunition and grenades at Iraqi civilians in Baghdad in a brutal operation that left 17 dead and another 20 wounded.

    Coming seven years after the crimes were committed, the verdict is a welcome development. The jury’s decision—which went against the expectations of the media and the political establishment—no doubt expressed the jurors’ revulsion over the barbaric actions that were described in detail in the courtroom, including through the testimony of dozens of Iraqi eyewitnesses and victims. They were allowed to see for themselves the brutal reality of a war that was largely hidden from the American public.

    This verdict is a reflection of a broader popular opposition in the United States to the crimes perpetrated by the American military and the legions of private mercenaries that have been hired to reinforce its operations all over the world.

    Countless atrocities have been committed as part of these wars, some of which have come to light, while many more remain hidden: The systematic leveling of Fallujah in 2004 by US Marines, initiated in response to the killing of several Blackwater mercenaries and resulting in the deaths of well over 1,000 Iraqis; the Haditha massacre, in which a group of US Marines killed 24 unarmed Iraqis in November 2005, for which only one soldier was convicted of dereliction of duty; the incineration of a religious school in Pakistan by CIA drones in October 2006, killing at least 68 children; the massacre of 47 people attending a wedding party in Nangahar province, Afghanistan in July 2008, and a similar mass killing in Kandahar province that killed 63 only four months later…

    The perpetrators of these crimes remain at large. They include top officials in the Bush administration (President Bush himself, former Vice President Dick Cheney, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, former Secretary of State Colin Powell and many others), who planned and launched a war on the basis of outright lies. They include top military and CIA officials, who carried out a war of terror against the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan, employing torture and mass killings as an instrument of policy. They include the leaders of the Republican and Democratic Parties, who sanctioned wars that have led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. And they include leading personnel in the mass media, who worked to sell these wars to the American people.

    According to a report yesterday in the WSWS, the torture photos “are said to be more disturbing than those released in 2004 showing the abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib…They include soldiers pointing guns at the heads of detainees who are hooded and bound, soldiers beating detainees with their fists or objects, soldiers posing with groups of bound and restrained prisoners, soldiers posing with corpses, and, in at least one case, a female soldier pointing a broomstick at the rectum of a hooded detainee.”

    The maneuvers of the Obama administration in the courtroom come at the same time as the White House continues its attempts to prevent the release of a Senate investigation into “medieval” torture, including “holding [detainees] under water until the point of death,” carried out by the CIA. Earlier this year, the CIA was caught spying on Senate staffers preparing the report, and the Obama administration has since worked with the spy agency to ensure that if anything is released, it will be heavily redacted.

    Torture, drone assassinations, massacres, extra-judicial killings—such are the methods of the American ruling class in asserting its interests all over the world. The Obama administration has continued and deepened the policies of its predecessor. It is currently escalating another war in the Middle East, while preparing new and even bloodier crimes. In Ukraine, it has worked with mercenaries embedded with right-wing and fascistic organizations as part of operations to assert US dominance in Eastern Europe. A recent document released by the US Army outlines a strategy of preventive war in every region of the world, singling out China and Russia as particular potential targets.

    The Nissour Square massacre is not the exception, but the rule, not the product of a few “bad apples,” but the organic outcome of the criminality of American imperialism. Justice will not be served until those directing this policy at the highest levels of the military-state apparatus find themselves in a position similar to the convicted Blackwater mercenaries.


  10. geo said, on octombrie 24, 2014 at 10:49 pm

    The beginning of peaceful protests against #Assad #dictatorship in #SYRIA,and those who become #FSA „moderate” army

    Says Soros that #Europe needs to take close look at „new #Ukraine” & support it. This „new”?

    How The Free Syrian Army Became A Largely Criminal Enterprise

    The FSA, a collection of tenuously coordinated, moderately Islamic, rebel groups was long the focus of the West’s hopes for ousting President Bashar al-Assad.

    But in northern Syria, the FSA has now become a largely criminal enterprise, with commanders more concerned about profits from corruption, kidnapping and theft than fighting the regime, according to a series of interviews with The Sunday Telegraph.

    “There are many leaders in the revolution that don’t want to make the regime fall because they are loving the conflict,” said Ahmad al-Knaitry, commander of the moderate Omar Mokhtar brigade in the Jebel az-Zawiya area, south-west of Idlib city. “They have become princes of war; they spend millions of dollars, live in castles and have fancy cars.”

    At the beginning of the Syrian war, cafés in Antakya, the dusty Turkish town on the border with Syria, was alive with talk of revolution.

    Jihadist Al-Nusra Front Siezes Chemical Factory Near Allepo

    Syria warned the United Nations on Saturday that rebels may use chemical weapons after they gained control of a factory producing toxic chlorine east of Aleppo city.

    “Terrorist groups may resort to using chemical weapons against the Syrian people… after having gained control of a toxic chlorine factory,” the Foreign Ministry said, adding that Syria would never use chemical weapons.

    The statement may be referring to the Syrian-Saudi Chemicals Company (SYSACCO) factory near the town of Safira, which was taken over earlier this week by rebel fighters from the jihadist Al-Nusra Front.

    This factory, which produces sodium hydroxide and hydrogen chloride, is in an agricultural area and has been the subject of numerous complaints from farmers for polluting the local water supply

    Once in a while the news are filled about a group of radical, extremist Muslims who slaughter people and commit the most unthinkable crimes under the name of Islam. ISIS is a recent example. If you ask such people that why they are committing such obvious wrong deeds and still consider it the command of the God, they would answer that they are trusting a Muslim scholar and that they receive the commands of the God through him. Based on this trust they consider the scholar’s commands equivalent to the God’s commands and blindly follow the scholar’s instructions to make the God happy. But does not this method sound too similar to shirk, the exact opposite of Islam’s primary message, which is not following anybody except the God? How did this happen? How did that origin with the most clear message came to this obvious contradictory point?

    Hummers? America says there not involved in this war! How can the Oekraïnians drive those expensive Hummers? Did they bought them? Where it gifts? Questions, questions questions….

    Adio euro???

    The President of Russia has sharply criticized the anti-Russian policy of the West and the U.S. desire to establish a new world order

    The President of Romania suggested that Ukraine should stop to ask for money from other countries

    Putin: Europe’s transition to American shale gas will be suicidal for EU economies


  11. pisii said, on octombrie 24, 2014 at 11:16 pm

    Vai sunteti toti emotionati!! Femeia cat de deosebita e!! Eu sunt de parere ca femeia e cea mai putin castigata , ea se chinuie sa nasca in timp ce barbatul n are niciun stres, ea se face cat casa poporului atunci cand naste…barbatu’ e de meserie privitor de femei, o femeie poate sa fie fidela si cu gandul in schimb barbatul nu! Barbatii sunt asa de prostanaci, aici ma refer ca imediat cad prada ispitelor in comparatie cu femeia. Nasti copil si te chinui 9 luni d zile , p mn ma enerveaza la maxim ca barbatu’ nu a fost facut ca sa nasca, e usor pt ei sa conceapa un copil insa greul e la femei.daca as fi doctor i as pune pe ei la treaba, sa nasca ei!!!


  12. geo said, on octombrie 25, 2014 at 12:32 am

    Președintele rus Vladimir Putin a cerut public vineri Statelor Unite și Uniunii Europene să ajute Ucraina să obțină fonduri, inclusiv de la organismele financiare internaționale, pentru ca guvernul de la Kiev să poată plăti Rusiei datoria acumulată pentru livrările de gaze, avertizând totodată asupra escaladării crizei gazelor, transmite agenția Reuters.

    Premierul britanic David Cameron a declarat vineri că nu va plăti suma de două miliarde de euro solicitată Marii Britanii de Uniunea Europeană pentru acoperirea unor cheltuieli scadente până la finele anului în curs, transmit agențiile internaționale de presă.

    UE a cerut statelor membre să aloce până pe 1 decembrie noi fonduri pentru suplimentarea bugetului comunitar pe anul 2014, întrucât cheltuielile au depășit estimările din momentul adoptării bugetului.

    A key fact should not be overlooked. As soon as the PYD was more or less “recognized” by Washington, PYD head Saleh Muslim went to meet the wily Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) leader Masoud Barzani. That’s when the PYD promised a “power sharing” with Barzani’s peshmergas on running Rojava.

    Syrian Kurds who were forced to abandon Kobani and exile themselves in Turkey, and who support the PYD, cannot return to Syria; but Iraqi Kurds can go back and forth. This dodgy deal was brokered by the KRG’s intel chief, Lahur Talabani. The KRG, crucially, gets along very well with Ankara.

    That sheds further light on Erdogan’s game; he wants the peshmerga – who are fierce enemies of the PKK – to become the vanguard against ISIS/ISIL/Daesh and thus undermine the PYD/PKK alliance. Once again, Turkey is pitting Kurds against Kurds.

    Washington for its part is manipulating Kobani to completely legitimize – on a “humanitarian”, R2P vein – its crusade against ISIS/ISIL/Daesh. It’s never enough to remember this whole thing started with a barrage of Washington spin about the bogus, ghostly Khorasan group preparing a new 9-11. Khorasan, predictably, entirely vanished from the news cycle.

    In the long run, the American power play is a serious threat to the direct democracy experiment in Rojava, which Washington cannot but interpret as – God forbid! – a return of communism.

    So Kobani is now a crucial pawn in a pitiless game manipulated by Washington, Ankara and Irbil. None of these actors want the direct democracy experiment in Kobani and Rojava to bloom, expand and start to be noticed all across the Global South. The women of Kobani are in mortal danger of being, if not enslaved, bitterly betrayed.

    And it gets even more ominous when the ISIS/ISIL/Daesh play on Kobani is seen essentially for what it is; a diversionary tactic, a trap for the Obama administration. What The Caliph’s goons are really aiming at is Anbar province in Iraq – which they already largely control – and the crucial Baghdad belt. The barbarians are at the gates – not only Kobani’s but also Baghdad’s.

    …what can only be called a declaration of war on Russia by one of the top figures of the AngloZionist international capital, George Soros who has declared that „Russia is an existential threat to Europe”. First, Khodorkovsky, now Soros – it is pretty clear who is gunning for Russia and how, and it is equally clear that what these financiers are really admitting by their bellicose statements is that Putin is an existential threat to them. In the latter statement, they are actually 100% correct (proving one more time that those who say that Putin is an oligarchic puppet are just useful and manipulated idiots).

    Nuland, Soros, Khodorkovsky, Hillary, Friedman and the list goes on and on and on. The entire Neocon cabal is out for war and they are putting tremendous pressure on the rest of the planet to join.

    The Europeans are, typically, showing less spine than a microwaved jellyfish: even though they fully know and understand that Uncle Sam is propping up a Nazi regime in Kiev and that the US policies are hurting them, they will do whatever the US tells them. There is no European foreign policy to speak of. All the Europeans can produce is a submissive „yessir! anything you say sir!”. One of the most pitiful expressions of this European submission to any order from the US, no matter how stupid, is this fairytale about a Russian submarine lurking inside the Swedish waters.

    Not only is that a bad replay of the Swedish Cold War era paranoia following the Whiskey on the Rocks incident, in which a navigational error resulted in a Soviet Whiskey-class sub being beached on the rocks near Karlskrona. While the Swedes of the Cold War could be excused for seeing Soviet subs as often as Scots see the Loch Ness Monster, to come up with the same nonsense in 2014 is plain embarrassing and shows that the Swedish military will also execute any other, no matter how evidently stupid. This time around, the BBC claims that the first sign of a Russian sub was, I kid you not, a „radio conversation in Russian was reportedly detected on Thursday 16 October between the Stockholm archipelago and the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, where Russia’s Baltic fleet is based”. Apparently, there are people dumb enough to believe this kind of nonsense.

    Seriously, funny as these „Swedish fairytales” are, we should not overlook the fact that the intention behind them is not funny at all: to create fear and possibly a pretext for a confrontation.

    George Soros Slams Putin, Warns Of „Existential Threat” From Russia, Demands $20 Billion From IMF In „Russia War Effort”

    Putin Warns Of Risk Of Major Conflict, Says Dollar Losing Reserve Currency Status

    Having met Crown Prince Al Nahyan of Abu Dhabi in Sochi, who confirmed that Moscow “plays a very important role in the Middle East,” and added that he had no doubts that his country and Russia “are bound by a privileged relationship,” it appears Russia is less „isolated” than the West would have many believe.

    I can understand that not everybody has the time or mental capacity to be directly informed or rely on original sources with facts. But how many reporters did really read the Lawrov´s speech at UN general assembly, or at least had a glimpse on the official web page of Russian ministry of foreign affairs?! It should be considered a MUST for professional journalists! But nowadays they just copy and paste the PR from Reuters, or even worse bullshit is to be read in tabloids (rumours and hating comments).

    Ukrainian air defenses have killed more innocent civilian air travelers than Ebola.
    The IDF has killed more women and children this year than ebola has, too, so maybe we will get an IDF czar?
    US Drone strikes have killed more than 3,000 people in Pakistan. Maybe a Pakistan drone czar?
    500 innocent Americans are murdered by police every year (USDOJ). 5,000
    since 9/11, equal to the number of US soldiers lost in Iraq. Maybe a killed by the cops czar?

    The National Liberation Movement in Russia has only one goal that unites everyone regardless of their political views: the restoration of the sovereignty of the country and liberation from its occupiers. The inhabitants of Russia must break free from their chains of slavery and become free citizens in a free (non-occupied) country.

    To achieve these goals, the government should become ours, i.e. we must completely change the nature of the state, including through amending the Constitution. Society is a broader concept, and in fact, it should feel necessary to partake in this goal because the national liberation struggle is a struggle of the society for the restoration of sovereign control over Russia, including control over state institutions. Today, the state in Russia, as in any colony, works for the occupier under the rules established by it, placing it under the rulers’ direct control. This provision is captured in the existing Constitution. Every day the main task of those millions of officials who go to work is to improve living standards and the solve the problems of the American and European peoples. That is their main function today. At the level of daily activity, it is hard to recognize this without desire and sufficient time for the conceptualization of our historical facts and the current state of affairs in the country as a whole. The following are the tasks of the existing mechanisms of the state in Russia today:

    • assist in the permanent migration abroad of healthy and mostly gifted young people, scientists, children, and everyone else of importance in terms of the labour force (in the same manner as Hitler, who exported labour forces from the occupied territory of the USSR);

    • ensure an uninterrupted supply of tribute and free material resources for Europe and U.S.A. (that is what the Central Bank is engaged in);

    • work towards the strategic tasks of eliminating Russia, the Russian nation, and the Russian people. Such a task exists, and it was publicly identified by the leaders of the USA to the Russian state. This task is also performed by migration flows organized in a special way as to create social tensions and polarization between the citizens. Also, this objective is fulfilled through the absence of a clear policy and real actions in the development of weaker regions of the country, such as what we are now seeing in the Trans-Baikal, the Far East, and the Extreme North. Putin struggles against the cultural destruction of the concept of „Russian”, despite American demands to stop such attempts. Nobody is going to obey any orders of the President concerning school education;

    and a common history textbook. Besides that, they publicly say, „We will not do this, we have our own chief in Washington, and he gave us other orders.” And the state apparatus obeys these „other orders” of Washington.

    To realize their fantasies of world domination, the neocons resorted to a triple discourse, as Laurent Guyénot shows in this study, i.e. a cynical political philosophy developed by their mentor Leo Strauss for domestic consumption; a cold analysis of Israeli strategic interests for the benefit of the leaders in Tel Aviv, and a fear-mongering warning against imaginary dangers besetting U.S. public opinion.

    Western Media Coverage of the Ukraine Crisis Is as Distorted as Soviet Propaganda Why is the Western press so invested in expounding the highly unconvincing narrative of the official line?

    Is the CIA Running a Defamation Campaign Against Putin? The latest hot topic in the Russian media. Russian politicians are talking about it. Historical precedent and behavior of Western media suggests that they are.!/0_0

    Full Scale War Could Erupt Any Moment in East Ukraine. Signs Are Ominous. Ukrainians massing troops, Russia rushing supplies to Resistance, ballistic missiles being used by Kiev, Novorussia leaders warn of imminent resumption of full-scale hostilities, Poroshenko needs a war to survive politically. It looks bad.

    Top German Newspapers Whitewash Leading Ukrainian Neo-Nazis The German media story gets stranger and stranger. More evidence of something seriously out of whack in Deutschland.

    The following videos shows how the CIA controls Western media. Even thier lies(invented Russian troops and arms deliveries, fabricated satellite photos) did not change since then.

    „CIA Influence On Mass Media: How Disinformation Campaigns Work”

    „CIA Fundings and Manipulation of the US News Media”

    I found this blog on „Children of the USSR”, Spanish children, most Basques, children of Republicans, who were evacuated during the war. There are some documentaries and very emotional testimonies. As an introduction to the subject I recommend the part „Chronology of exile” where these boys odyssey is told.

    „Canada to give more powers to security agencies after attack on parliament
    The Canadian government will expedite plans to give more powers of detention and surveillance to security agencies in the wake of Wednesday’s attack on parliament, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said on Thursday. “They need to be much strengthened, and… that work which is already under way will be expedited,” Reuters quoted him as saying in the House of Commons.”


  13. geo said, on octombrie 25, 2014 at 1:11 am

    Right now there are 7 billion people on the planet and that number keeps growing. To support that many people, the planet’s natural resources have been stretched to capacity. Now add 3 billion more people to that total and you have a picture of what the future holds. By 2050 there could be a total of 10 billion people on the planet – that’s a lot of people and a massive amount of resources. Keeping 10 billion people alive on the planet could require an astonishing three Earth’s worth of resources to supply enough water, energy and food necessary for survival. So what does the future hold for an overpopulated world? Norwich University explains it all with this fascinating infographic.

    “I think the top leadership challenge issue in our world today is how to deal with the continuing, growing population in the world and all the resource demands it places on the world and burgeoning populations in Africa and Asia that lack the resources to have a healthy, happy life,” Klain said.

    “We’ve got to find a way to make the world work for everyone,” Klain said. “Climate change is an issue that impacts [sic] that greatly by making it harder for people to live where they live, by causing disruptions, and lack of resources.”

    The Harper government is considering legislation which would expand the powers of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) to investigate, apprehend, and detain homegrown terrorists. CSIS wants the power to take advantage of the so-called “Five Eyes” spy network to which Canada, the United Kingdom, America, Australia, and New Zealand all belong. CSIS is also asking for more power to track Canadians believed to have been radicalized, and to take more advantage of anonymous sources. Ottawa officials are talking about whether to give CSIS explicit legislative permission to engage in “threat-diminishment” — a power which the intelligence agency’s watchdog recently pointed out that CSIS already uses, but the law does not explicitly permit.

    It’s Not Just Spying – How the NSA Has Turned Into a Giant Profit Center for Corrupt Insiders

    Canada’s domestic terror threat quietly elevated days before attack

    President Obama has taken the reins in signing an executive order to implement the BuySecure Initiative (BSI) to “provide consumers with more tools to secure their financial future by assisting victims of identity theft, improving the Government’s payment security as a customer and a provider, and accelerating the transition to stronger security technologies and the development of next-generation payment security tools.”

    How to start a war and lose an empire

    10 Things About The U.S. News Media That They Do Not Want You To Know

    Russian bases to span entire Arctic border by end of 2014

    Land of the Free – 1 in 3 Americans Are on File with the FBI in the U.S. Police State

    US Government Moves to Dismiss Lawsuit Against ‘Suspicious Activity’ Program Which Keeps Files on Innocent People

    Denmark’s central bank to stop producing money

    Apple’s Mac computers can automatically collect your location information

    Germany’s Merkel Agrees with ‘Angry’ Slovak Leader that Ukraine Bums EU to Pay for Russian Gas

    CIA Warned Obama that Funding Rebels Doesn’t Work … But Obama Decided to Fund Syrian Rebels ANYWAY For Cynical Political Gain

    Vote all you want. The secret government won’t change.

    Who I represent, and who I don’t

    Secret Project Created Weaponized Ebola in South Africa in the 1980s

    Beware the Corporate Takeover of Seed under Many Guises

    McCain and the Caliph? Sells For $200,000, Buyer To Launch ‘Drudge Report For Ebola’

    Putin’s pipeline drives wedge between EU and Balkan hopefuls

    Chinese Smartphones a Security Threat, says IAF

    Pro-Privacy Senator Wyden on Fighting the NSA From Inside the System

    Intel invests in Chinese iris recognition firm

    Interpol facial recognition experts meet to develop global guidelines

    Is the U.S. in Liberia for Ebola or Diamonds?

    Ebola, the African Union and Bioeconomic Warfare

    Japan TV Anchor: I couldn’t tell the truth about Fukushima — Shocking revelations kept secret from public — Nuclear Scientist: I have not trusted the information from beginning… “The worst scenario I predicted has happened” (VIDEO)

    Govt agrees to limit biometric data collection at airports,govt-agrees-to-limit-biometric-data-collection-at-airports.aspx

    Chechen leader says Islamic State on western secret services’ payroll

    Qantas worker files discrimination claim over crucifix ban

    Estonia offers digital e-residency

    Fukushima radiation nearing West Coast

    Spike in Malware Attacks on Aging ATMs

    Officials warn 500 million financial records hacked

    Even Hungary’s PM doesn’t know who were banned to travel to U.S. and why

    Christian school ‘downgraded for failing to invite an imam to lead assembly’ Christian group warns ‘British values’ rules imposed after Trojan Horse scandal leading to schools with a religious ethos being marked down by inspectors for failing to promote ‘tolerance’

    FBI Director Warns Google and Apple „If You Don’t Decrypt Phones, We’ll Do It For You”


  14. aniush said, on octombrie 25, 2014 at 11:06 am

    Nimeni nu o sa-ti omoare copilul fara voia ta. Tu esti cel care da tonul la asta sau nu. Daca te duci sa spui medicului da fa-o, el o va face. Daca ii spui nu o face, el nu o va face. Decizia e a ta. Eu iti spun ca eu trec prin asta si vad cu ochii mei ca medicul nu face nimic fara acordul tau. Ei te informeaza asupra unor lucruri, dar nu actioneaza decat daca tu le spui da. Mie chiar mi-a si spus-o in fata „depinde de decizia pe care si-o ia fiecare”.


  15. lastunnegru said, on octombrie 25, 2014 at 8:46 pm


    Iata un raspuns pentru tine. O mama care a inteles menirea si bucuria nasteri de copii si a ingrijiri lor impreuna cu sotul ei.

    ( foto de pe site-ul )

    Tatăl a 13 copii: „Când s-au înmulţit copiii, ne-am îmbogăţit şi noi!” – interviu cu familia care a primit Ordinul Patriarhal „Sfinţii Martiri Brâncoveni”


    • Irina said, on octombrie 28, 2014 at 6:00 pm

      Dar nu cred ca sunt ortodocsi. Se vede asta dupa numele copiilor, nu prea au nume de sfinti ortodocsi, mai mult din Vechiul Testament au pus nume copiilor. Acest lucru se intalneste la sectari.


  16. lastunnegru said, on octombrie 25, 2014 at 8:57 pm

    Iata ce gandesc dusmanii familiei.

    Familia dăunează grav educaţiei (!?) Cărţile pentru copii care infăţişează familiile tradiţionale ar trebui interzise, conform Comisiei pentru Drepturile Femeii şi Egalitatea de Gen–crile-pentru-copii-care-infieaz-familiile-tradiionale-ar-trebui-interzise-conform-comisiei-pentru-drepturile-femeii-i-egalitatea-de-gen


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