SACCSIV – blog ortodox

De ce sunt atat de multi INTRUSI in Romania? Unul din raspunsuri: avem mai multi AGENTI SECRETI decat Franţa şi Germania la un loc. Numărul acestora e depăşit doar de cel al FBI. Dar DE CE AVEM ATAT DE MULTI agenti?

Posted in Uncategorized by saccsiv on octombrie 3, 2014

De ce sunt atat de multi INTRUSI in Romania?

Si pentru ca avem vreo 7 servicii secrete.

Si pentru ca dintre toate tarile europene avem cel mai mare numar de agenti raportat la numarul de locuitori.

Si pentru ca se aloca sume colosale acestor servicii.



Am ales aceasta caricatura nu pentru ca Melescanu ar fi vreun intrus. El e pe fata un om al SISTEMULUI.

Am ales-o pentru idee. Ca asa cum ne-am trezit cu el candidat la prezidentiale, tot astfel ne trezim cu tot soiul de personaje initiatoare a tot soiul de partide si miscari prezentate maselor a fi anti sistem.

Dar intrusii nu activeaza doar in politica, ci ii gasim peste tot, super activi in organizatii, asociatii, bloguri.

Puzderie …

Iata ce putem citi la Câţi AGENŢI SECREŢI are România. Numărul acestora e depăşit doar de cel al FBI:

România are un număr disproporţionat de “agenţi secreţi”, dar până acum acest număr a fost pus într-un context destul de sumar: “mai mult decât Franţa şi Germania la un loc”. Dar câţi sunt ei exact?

După o analiză realizată de, comparând exclusiv serviciile de informaţii interne, cu atribuţii similare (contraspionaj, prevenirea terorismului şi crimei organizate, ameninţările la adresa siguranţei naţionale), din cele mai mari 10 ţări NATO, rezultatele sunt surprinzătoare.

Datele au fost culese din surse publice: rapoarte publice, bugete sau articole de presă.

Cele 10 ţări au o populaţie de 800 de milioane de locuitori şi un total de aproximativ 56000 de agenţi (mai mult sau mai puţin) secreţi în serviciile respective. România se evidenţiază prin:

  1. Numărul absolut: Personalul de 12.000 de agenţi secreţi e depăşit doar de cel al FBI. În total, cu o 2,5% din populaţia grupului de ţări, România are mai mult de 15% din agenţi.
  2. Proporţia faţă de populaţie: Există 60 de angajaţi în serviciile interne la suta de mii de locuitori. Urnătorul clasat, Polonia, are 13 de angajaţi. Media este de 7 iar ultimul clasat este Italia, cu 2,7.
  3. Bugetul SRI are cea mai mare pondere în cheltuielile publice: jumătate de procent, de cinci ori mai mult decât media celor 10 state este de o zecime de procent. FBI se descurcă cu doar o şeptime de procent din cheltuielile publice totale ale SUA. Şi în termeni absoluţi, SRI reuşeşte să cheltuiască mai mult decât serviciile omoloage din Germania, Franţa, Italia sau Polonia. Totuşi, bugetul raportat oficial de serviciul francez DGRI, de doar 41 de milioane de euro, pare subevaluat în raport cu necesarul.
  4. SRI este singurul serviciu care ţine numărul de angajaţi la secret. Turcia, Polonia şi Italia furnizează către presă măcar cifre aproximative, în timp ce restul sunt publice. Pe de altă parte, bugetul instituţiei este public, lucru care nu se întâmplă în Marea Britanie şi Italia unde cifrele furnizate sunt globale pentru toate serviciile de informaţii, sau în Franţa, unde cifra de 41 de milioane de euro prezentată oficial este mult subevaluată faţă de realitate.
  5. SRI este singurul serviciu militarizat, cu excepţia Turciei, care a început demilitarizarea acum 20 de ani şi mai are acum sub 5% personal cu grade. De asemenea, este aparent singurul unde întreaga activitate este considerată “informaţie clasificată” din oficiu, nu doar de la caz la caz.

Comentariu saccsiv:

   Deci e indubitabil ca acesta este unul dintre raspunsurile la intrebarea din titlu.

Dar de ce asa de multi agenti? Poate pentru ca Romania a fost singura tara in care au existat:

  • O Miscare Legionara
  • O rezistenta in munti
  • Mari Duhovnici, fosti legionari, posti puscariasi, ce au trait pana spre 80 – 90 de ani sau chiar peste si care au avut astfel timp sa invete poporul care-i treaba cu Ortodoxia, cu istoria reala a acestui neam, cu SISTEMUL si spre ce ne indreptam.

31 răspunsuri

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  1. Doinita said, on octombrie 3, 2014 at 8:06 am

    Buna ziua. M-ati facut curioasa. Care-i treaba cu istoria reala a acestui neam, cu SISTEMUL si spre ce ne indreptam ?
    Multumesc, o zi buna !


  2. geo said, on octombrie 3, 2014 at 8:37 am

    Buna dimineata,


    • Ionut said, on octombrie 3, 2014 at 10:59 am

      Aceste crime vor iesi la iveala la momentul oportun, dupa incheierea conflictului, cand papusarii vor avea nevoie de „altcineva” la conducerea Ucrainei. Deocamdate, bandele sunt lasate sa-si faca de cap, pentru a genera „dovezile”.


    • Ion said, on octombrie 3, 2014 at 12:42 pm

      Also, Dnepropetrovsk judge hanged herself today, when she found out about the death of her son at the airport, who was on the junta side.

      Cate tragedii individuale! O fi fost adevarat ca acele icoane din Rusia si Ucraina au plans!


      • geo said, on octombrie 3, 2014 at 6:39 pm

        The Personal Tragedy of NAF Commendant of Starobeshevo

        All night I didn’t sleep, praying that nothing would happen to them. In the morning of July 27 I got a phone call saying my son was found on the side of the road, murdered… Only family members were allowed to come see him, since there was nothing to see – no face, no head, no back. Later I found out that he was tied to an armed vehicle, tortured and beaten, an then his heart couldn’t take it, and he died.

        My father was severely beaten, then thrown out near Telmanovo. He ended up in Telmanovo regional hospital. But he got better, got a surgery, he had broken ribs, punctured lung, damaged kidney, hematoma. He spent three weeks in the hospital.

        Two of my personal cars were taken with all the papers, and all personal documents of my father.

        My son was 23 years old.

        Traducerea e de pe facebook…


  3. geo said, on octombrie 3, 2014 at 8:39 am


  4. geo said, on octombrie 3, 2014 at 9:18 am


  5. kosk cristi said, on octombrie 3, 2014 at 9:36 am

    ti-ai dat singur raspunsul, fra’ .nu intamplator numarul intrusilor ‘din servicii’ in statele Ortodoxe gen Serbia, Grecia, Romania, Rusia depaseste media..doar nu crezi ca in tari precum Norvegia sau Suedia numarul securistilor sa depaseasca media pe cap de vita furajata (aia sunt cu creierul facut terci de propaganda in proportie de 100%) statele Ortodoxe sunt mai ‘conservatoare’ si mai ‘rebele’.


  6. geo said, on octombrie 3, 2014 at 9:49 am

    Legat de tema articolului: nu numai agenti secreti avem prea multi…ci si militieni, militieni locali, jandarmi, firme de protectie si paza…si cu toate astea se fura in continuare:

    An de an concurenta la cacademia de militie este foarte mare…la fel la celelalte scoli militare…de ce? pentru ca dupa absolvire au locul de munca asigurat…deja s-a creat o mentalitate…

    In Lacul Morii este o insula…legata de dig prntr-un pod…pod care avea cindva niste parapeti……parapeti care au disparut…de asemenea si bara aceea vopsita rosu-alb…interesant este ca taierea s-a realizat cu flex-ul…cum in zona nu exista curent decit la vreo 100 de metri la case inseamna ca fie au folosit cablu fie un generator electric…

    La fel pe linga dig este un gard…din el au disparut panouri…si nu sint chiar asa usoare…La intrarea Dambovitei in lac este de asemenea un pod peste canal care face legatura cu comuna Rosu…ei bine si de acolo au disparut panouri de la pod…

    In schimb militia locala pazeste hingherii de masini, amendeaza babele venite cu 3 corcoduse, 2 stevii si 5 oua…se face ca ii alearga pe traficantii de tigari si telefoane smecherite…

    Culmea culmilor este asta: militia pazita de…firme de paza –

    Apreciat de 1 persoană

  7. Flavia Lionte said, on octombrie 3, 2014 at 10:02 am

    Buna ziua,
    Ma iertati ca va deranjez,vin cu rugamintea la d-voastra sa publicati un articol umanitar despre copilasi mei.Singura mea speranta sunteti d-voastra.Toate detaliile despre copilul meu le gasiti pe site-ul sau pe blogul special creat pentru copii: Astept din partea d-voastra un raspuns pe adresa de e-mail:
    Va multumesc anticipat!


  8. Ionut said, on octombrie 3, 2014 at 10:49 am

    Nu cred ca e o idee buna sa contrapunem serviciile secrete miscarii neolegionare, in primul rand, pentru ca nu cred ca acest lucru corespunde in totalitate realitatii, in al doilea rand pentru ca nu e chiar diplomatic, ca sa zic asa.

    Daca e totusi asa, problema miscarii legionare este una COMPLET FALSA, intrucat nimeni din aceste miscari nu comploteaza impotriva statului, nu submineaza economia nationala si nu pregateste atentate teroriste.

    Pe de alta parte, cred ca numarul de 12.000 de angajati si bugetul aprobat este doar varful aisbergului. Am sentimentul, repet, am sentimentul (pentru ca nu am dovezi concrete) ca exista o stransa colaborare „la varf” intre serviciile secrete, lumea interlopa si mafia politica, intrucat aceste structuri malefice n-ar putea exista fara complicitatea serviciilor secrete.

    Momentan, nu pot acuza serviciile secrete de ostilitate impotriva neolegionarilor (pentru ca nu am dovezi in acest sens), dar pot acuza serviciile secrete de urmatoarele lucruri:
    1) lipsa de inteligenta, ca sa nu zic mai mult (ca exemplu vreau sa dau faptul ca Liviu Maior a sustinut comercializarea cartelelor SIM doar cu buletinul, aducand ca argument atentatele din Bulgaria, desi tot ele spune, in acelasi interviu, ca, la momentul atentatului, Bulgaria avea introdusa reglementarea respectiva, iar teroristii au folosit cartele procurate din alte tari, activate in roaming);
    2) Incompetenta sau/si coruptie, avand in vedere ca, desi au pretentia sa supravegheze cu strictete cetatenii de rand, desi beneficiaza de bugete generoase si o schema de personal supradimensionata, in tot acest timp, Romania a fost privatizata si retrocedata fraudulos bucata cu bucata, devenind un fel de colonie sau, mai bine zis, tara nimanui.


  9. geo said, on octombrie 3, 2014 at 11:27 am

    Un comentariu de pe un alt forum:

    Last month I tried to assemble an overview of how our cultures are being destroyed by the Empire of lies. I got some interesting comments (my thanks to the commentators) and I’ve assembled a new summary. Here it is:

    Our Western governments are now seriously busy with the destruction of our cultures. Here are some major threads:
    1. The destruction of the family structure which is basic to all societies:
    – destruction of the motivation of women (the family is enslavement of women)
    – destruction of the relationship men/women (homos are good, family is bad)
    – destabilization of children (gender theories)
    As the family is the main teaching ground for human relations this results in an spiritually empty, demotivated and hopeless society. An additional demographic consequence is an important drop in the number of our children (~50%)

    2. Cultural destruction (destruction of our values/traditions)
    -destruction of traditional male values: performance, strength, courage/endurance and resistance to violence/adversity replaced by „sensitive“, „non-violent“, wants „to live“ (i.e. to have pleasure) – in one word feminisation.
    – Destruction of the work ethic: well-done work is not a pride/satisfaction/good result for many stakeholders anymore, it’s exploitation – even if the boss is human and well-meaning.
    – Destruction of the respect for the elderly – because they are the main source of human intelligence/common sense
    – Destruction/Elimination of religions – because they are trying to protect traditional values
    – Destruction of local languages/ways of thinking/local values/literary traditions etc by massive and forced immigration of totally incompatible people.

    The endresult is an atomized society (everybody is alone) with no values except money which means that our youth (who needs some hope and some vision) is drifting aimlessly and hopelessly.

    O ipoteza senzationala:

    Din Ucraina:

    The Ukraine is a creation of the German General Staff during WW1. The aim of this German colonial project was to disintegrate and loot Russia. It’s the old „divide et impera” principle.

    German ambassador Dietmar Stuedemann and advisor of Yushchenko promotes Ukrainian nationalism in 2006:
    „It is not so important in my view to answer the question whether you share the same roots with Russia from Kyivan Rus. It is more important that you have something distinctive in your traditions, customs, in the variety of your regions and in something modern, for example, when people went into the streets to fight for their prospects [during the 2004 Orange Revolution].”

    The German nazis also used this strategy to divide and conquer Eastern Europe:
    Heinrich Himmler on the handling of the foreign people in the East

    When handling foreign people in the East we will have to take care as much as possible to recognize different kinds of people and to promote them

    I would like to add that we not only have major interest not to unite these people from the East, but on the contrary, to split them into as many as possible small pieces and splints.”

    Hong Kong’s „Occupy Central” is US-backed Sedition

    US Now Admits it is Funding „Occupy Central”

    Does Obama’s ‘Pivot to Asia’ Include Regime Change For China?

    And of course, the giveaway is how the Western and Anglo-controlled free press are media-pimping these protestors with glee–just like they did with Ukraine and other „Color Revolution” targets.

    Western Media Coverage of Hong Kong Events Biased Like Kiev Maidan Coverage

    German Foreign Minister Steinmeier’s UN speech: War propaganda cloaked in pacifist phrases

    Please listen at 1.05 …an assertion that Hebrew being introduced as a 2nd language.

    Igor Berkut ( Leader of the Party „Great Ukraine”) about today’s state of Ukraine

    His words support NATO views: Reduce population of Ukraine by 90%. Democracy in blossoms as during Hitler’s era

    Saydayev Islam, a Chechen political analyst and journalist, was one of those who were called “Russia’s enemies” ten years ago. And he was: ardent separatist at the time when Jokhar Dudayev was the Chechen leader, one of the ideologists of “Ichkeria” (the independent Chechen state), and deputy head of the information center for the rebels. In 1999, he fled to Georgia, where he lived for almost ten years in close contact with the Georgian special services. He witnessed many dirty deeds and even wrote a book on the subject, „Muzzle the witness.” He has radically changed his views since returning to Chechnya, where he works currently in the government, following the amnesty. It is a usual story in modern Chechnya. Former militants who laid down their arms are far more ardent Russian patriots today than, say, the Moscow „Parmesan” liberals. Chechnya has had to pass through two wars, to understand that no country, other than Russia, needs it.
    Saydayev – one of those who were called “Russia’s enemies” ten years ago
    – “De jure and de facto Chechnya was independent five years between the two wars,” says Islam Saydayev. “We thought that after having separated from Russia, we would live as in Dubai. For five years we controlled the oil production and real money, only true patriots and religious leaders were in our government, and in all that time we did not build a single mosque not even mentioning the schools or hospitals. We had everything, even foreign sponsors, but we did not do anything except being at each other’s throats. The open military confrontation began among us. Time has shown that we could not survive as a state outside of Russia.

    – That is, Russia has given you the law?
    – You could say so. Believe me: if Russia leaves now Dagestan, a month later there will be a fierce civil war. And Dagestan or Tatarstan are naive thinking that they will survive without Russia. Leave Russia and seasoned swindlers, ordinary bandits, will come out of the shadows. But we have had enough of that. If the Caucasus could be self-sufficient, states would have appeared here years ago, when Russia was not even close. But only isolated tribes or small principalities unwilling to grow and to build a state lived here. In short, it was a complete lack of integration.

    – Why the Chechens fought against Russia after perestroika?
    – It was the part of a big game. Someone tried to destroy Russia using Chechnya. All these people that appeared here, like Dudayev and Udugov, they were sponsored by such „patriots” from Moscow as Berezovsky. I too once believed in the independent Ichkeria and collaborated with NGOs, funded by the West. But this funding was conditional on the premise: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. They gave you money, but they wanted the results. Nobody said it directly: formally, we worked towards building up a democracy. While it was profitable, they called us patriots and sponsored. And when the game was over and the militants fled to the Pankisi Gorge (Georgia), they declared them terrorists and arrested. But it was a calculated move too.

    For example, a gunman sits at Guantanamo, then he is released, and soon he commands a unit in Libya, as a fighter for „democracy” against „tyrant” Gaddafi. All those militants arrested by the Georgian, British and American intelligence agencies sooner or later emerge in Iraq, Syria, Libya, with a new legend, money, and the heroic past. […]


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    Ukrainian Separatists Urge Immediate World Attention to Block a Mass-Execution by Ukraine


    Oil, Empire and Playing the Great Game

    Japan as an American Client State

    Turkey Begins Southward Expansion

    Why the West Wants to Destroy Putin’s Russia

    Russian and Chinese Strategy in one Graph

    Russia Could Ditch US Dollar in 2-3 Years

    After Ukraine, is China Next?

    The Other Regime Change: How Hillary & Co. Smacked Washington’s Japanese Vassal Into Line

    Obama demands capitualtion by Russia

    Putin umor:

    Did The Winter War Just Begin? Russian Gas Supplies To Europe Plunge 15%, Ukraine Transit Slashed 54%


  10. iustina said, on octombrie 4, 2014 at 1:42 pm

    In orice caz Melescanu esre cel mai inteligent informat, si mai putin slugarnic dintre candidatii la presidentie, si cu avantajul probabil de a nu prinde doua mandate datorita varstei. Pacat ca e un vechi comunist si nu prezinta garantie morala. Daca si-ar folosi abilitatile in interesul Romaniei i-ar juca pe americani si pe europeni printre degete.


  11. timisorean1 said, on octombrie 4, 2014 at 5:15 pm

    Pe cap de locuitor devansam si sua cu mult, chiar foarte mult… Ei sunt 35000 la peste 300 milioane de locuitori iar noi avem 12000 agenti la 21 milioane locuitori. S-ar putea sa fim chiar pe primul loc in lume.


  12. Marcel said, on octombrie 5, 2014 at 4:42 am

    Daca pastram Romania asa cum e din 1918,exceptand perioada celui de-al doilea razboi mondial, sunt de acord cu numarul lor.Daca s-ar ajunge la unire cu Basarabia, as fi de acord sa fie si mai multi.Dar sunt sigur ca multi se implica in politica, stiu cine au ucis in decembrie’89, stiu de lovilutie, de mineriade, au participat, nu au facut lumina si nu vor face, au asistat la devalizarea tarii impasibili si o fac in continuare, multi dintre sefii lor fiind noii profitori.Ar trebui sa-si justifice activitatea, mai ales ca sistemul impus la noi seamana mai mult cu sclavagismul, prin exploatarea fortei de munca la maxim si plata insignifianta ceea ce a dus si la emigrarea definitiva a celor tineri.


  13. […] De ce sunt atat de multi INTRUSI in Romania? Unul din raspunsuri: avem mai multi AGENTI SECRETI deca… […]


  14. […] De ce sunt atat de multi INTRUSI in Romania? Unul din raspunsuri: avem mai multi AGENTI SECRETI deca… […]


  15. […] De ce sunt atat de multi INTRUSI in Romania? Unul din raspunsuri: avem mai multi AGENTI SECRETI deca…. […]


  16. octavpelin said, on aprilie 23, 2018 at 10:55 am

    A republicat asta pe Octavpelin's Weblog.


  17. […] De ce sunt atat de multi INTRUSI in Romania? Unul din raspunsuri: avem mai multi AGENTI SECRETI deca… […]


  18. […] in care in Romania sunt cele mai multe tiganci vrajitoare din lume, un numar uriasi de masoni, mai multi agenti secreti decat in Franţa şi Germania la un loc, iar “societatea civila” de tip George Soros a devenit déjà sufocanta. Asadar, nu numai ca nu […]


  19. […] in care in Romania sunt cele mai multe tiganci vrajitoare din lume, un numar uriasi de masoni, mai multi agenti secreti decat in Franţa şi Germania la un loc, iar “societatea civila” de tip George Soros a devenit déjà sufocanta. Asadar, nu numai ca nu […]


  20. […] cititorii mai noi, reposez intr-un singur material cateva fragmente din doua articole mai vechi (2014 si […]


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