SACCSIV – blog ortodox


Posted in catolici, IEZUITI by saccsiv on ianuarie 4, 2012

   Iata ce fotografii gasim la NOI FOTOGRAFII CU “PREOTUL” IEZUIT CARE DANSEAZĂ DANSURI HINDUSE ÎN BISERICI CATOLICE (PHOTO) – Νέες φωτογραφίες του Ιησουίτη «ιερέα» που χορεύει Ινδικούς χορούς σε Παπικούς ναούς.:

   Comentariu saccsiv:

   Detalii despre personaj gasiti la:

Father Saju George Moolamthuvuthil

   Vizionati va rog si:

Iertare, dar parca-l vad pe Dan Puric …

Dar Dan Puric cel putin nu e preot:

Analiza interviului dat de Dan Puric revistei Yoga Magazin

Cititi va rog si:

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VIDEO: PADRE JONY – Preotul catolic HEAVY METAL. Rock in catedrala …

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33 răspunsuri

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  1. mishuleu said, on ianuarie 4, 2012 at 11:16 am

    Arata ca un poponar.


  2. saccsiv said, on ianuarie 4, 2012 at 11:17 am

    Pentru o mai facila parcurgere a acestui blog, cititi va rog si “CUPRINS”:


    • CODRIN_74 said, on ianuarie 5, 2012 at 1:09 am

      Doamne Ajuta!
      Felicitari pentru blog…este de mare folos majoritatea lucrarii din acest colt de spiritualitate .
      Totusi , vreau sa iti cer parerea in legatura cu atitudinea pe care ar trebui sa o avem -in mod concret-fata de ratacirile din ce in ce mai grave ale ierarhilor BOR .
      Cred ca multi ortodocsi sunt ingrijorati din punctul asta de vedere…unii s-au indreptat spre ortodocsii de stil vechi, unde antiecumenismul este fatis predicat.
      Cum ramane cu unitatea Bisericii in cazul acesta?
      In acelasi timp, nu inteleg cum se impaca opiniile contra Patriarhiei BOR ,manifestate dur de multi duhovnici, cu faptul ca raman in continuare in turma IPF DANIEL, fara sa ia masuri practice de a-l inlatura pe el si cei ca el. Am senzatia ca ne plangem fara sa facem nimic clar in a rezolva problema.

      Stiu ca este o problema sensibila , dar trebuie tratata ferm pentru ca sminteste pe multi.
      Credinta fara fapte este moarta, nu?
      Sa fie doar rugaciunea solutia?
      Sigur ca ne rugam pentru toti oamenii sa se indrepte ,dar cum ramane cu canoanele care spun sa ne ferim de comuniunea cu ereticii?
      Multumesc si sper in primirea unui raspuns .
      PS: Este incredibil cat de penibil si josnic este spectacolul oferit de inselatul din articolul de mai sus…
      As spune ca este chiar un caz clinic…sa cheme cineva salvarea!!!!


      • CODRIN_74 said, on ianuarie 5, 2012 at 2:01 am

        corectie pentru primul comentariu: …. ” fara sa ia masuri practice de a-i inlatura pe el si pe cei ca el de la conducere”


      • saccsiv said, on ianuarie 5, 2012 at 2:53 pm


        Plecarea la stilisti nu este o solutie.


  3. Larissa said, on ianuarie 4, 2012 at 12:02 pm

    Father Saju George Moolamthuvuthil
    Bharatanatyam dancer

    Father Saju George Moolamthuvuthil is a Jesuit priest. He is also a classical dancer. Based at Satya Nilayam in Thiruvanmiuyur, Fr. Saju is now pursuing his research in ‘Philosophy and Religion of Indian Performing Arts (Dance)’ at the University of Madras, guided by Dr. A. Amaladass. He did his postgraduate course in dance at Rabindra Bharathi University, Kolkatta.

    Earlier this month, he gave his first dance performance in the city, at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mylapore.

    He spoke to KutcheriBuzz on his vocation, his passion for dance and his plans for the future.

    How did you get interested in dance?
    I used to take part in school performances back home near Kottayam in Kerala. My sister used to learn dance and when she practised at home, I watched her. I also performed in college festivals. Dance fascinated me.

    What made you choose a religious vocation?
    The thought of becoming a priest was in me when I was very young. I read a lot about the work of Mother Teresa in Kolkata. So, after finishing my undergrad course, I went to Kolkata, and joined the Society of Jesus, the congregation of Jesuits, in 1985. There, I studied Kuchipudi dance at Rabindra Bharathi. Derric Munro was my guru and under him, I got to also appreciate the spiritual side of dance, from the Hindu as well as the Christian angle. After that I learnt under Kuchipudi guru Vempati Chinnasatyam and later, studied Bharatanatyam under people like Leela Samson. Now, C. V. Chandrasekar and his wife are my gurus.

    Have the Jesuits encouraged people like you who take to the arts?
    Historically, the Jesuits have been involved deeply in dance, literature, and the arts. Even in India, the Jesuits have been in the lead in the enculturation process in the Indian Church. That is, using local arts and customs in the practices of the Church. Those who are keen to pursue any form of excellence, are encouraged by the congregation.

    You seem to have had a rich exposure to the classical arts in Kolkata . . .
    While attending my course in MA (Dance) at Rabindra Bharathi, I was exposed to all the dance forms – Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi and Odissi, and to music. We had the freedom to drop in at any of the classes and watch the training. Later, when I was doing my regency (internship) at the Jesuit-run Chitrabani media centre in Kolkata, I began to choreograph on Christian themes.

    You have now chosen to specialise in Bharatanatyam. Do you intend to become a professional dancer?
    Very much. Firstly, I am and will remain a priest. But I am also a dancer and I intend to perform, choreograph and teach. The Jesuits encourage us to expand intellectually. And I pursue this, after doing my basic duties as a priest. Unlike the priests who serve at local churches who also have to take care of the needs of their parish, we can pursue our profession – as teachers, dancers, artists, trainers, scholars . . .

    How do other priests look at your profession? How do Christians look at what you are doing?
    The older generation of priests don’t think much of what I do. There were many religious and lay people who came for my recital in Mylapore the other evening. Many were sceptical. But after the show, they said it was a prayer experience. Their perspective had changed (after they saw me do a few pieces on Christian themes).

    So do you believe that through dance, your first duty is to spread God’s word?
    I have been called by God to be his priest. He has also given me the talent to dance. So I would like to do both as best I can. To communicate His word through this form. It takes a lot of time to research, choreograph and perform on new themes. Last year, when I went home to Kerala, I was invited to perform at our local church. There were over 1000 people. Just curious people. But after my recital, they were overwhelmed. Maybe, through dance I can help people to pray better.

    But you also dance to Hindu themes . . .
    I love many of them. Like the ones from the Gita Govindam. In preparing for such items, it helps me to go beyond just the literal sense. I say to myself „If can I touch a few hearts in the audience when I perform these items . . . If this can create an experience in you, or help you get closer to God, then I may have accomplished something.”

    You can contact Fr. Saju George at Satya Nilayam. Phs.: 2492 8503, 2492 8314, email:


  4. STOP RFID 666 said, on ianuarie 4, 2012 at 12:03 pm



  5. Maria said, on ianuarie 4, 2012 at 12:56 pm

    Ii mai lipsesc coarnele si coada !


  6. nea Anderthal said, on ianuarie 4, 2012 at 3:00 pm

    ..asta-i „gheu” !


  7. STOP RFID 666 said, on ianuarie 4, 2012 at 3:14 pm



  8. STOP RFID 666 said, on ianuarie 4, 2012 at 3:20 pm



  9. STOP RFID 666 said, on ianuarie 4, 2012 at 3:25 pm



  10. costel said, on ianuarie 4, 2012 at 7:18 pm

    La o prima privire si eu am crezut ca e vorba de un „dosnic”… E clar ca astia-s placuti sistemului si vor fi incurajati si mediatizati! Va fi prezentat drept „crestin” care se impaca excelent si cu hinduismul sau cu cine stie ce alta „religie” orientala!


  11. Alexandru(Fulger) said, on ianuarie 4, 2012 at 8:28 pm

    Cam asa se promoveaza New Age.


  12. mishuleu said, on ianuarie 4, 2012 at 11:14 pm

    Ai o atitudine necorespunzatoare unui crestin care te arati a fi. Dupa intrebarile pe care le-ai pus si ceea ce sustii arata faptul ca traiesti intr-un paradox spiritual.


  13. COSTY said, on ianuarie 5, 2012 at 11:39 am

    vreti sa-l vedeti pe diavol?e asta care danseaza.


    • Maria said, on ianuarie 5, 2012 at 4:45 pm

      Prea mult s-a vorbit de acest incornorat care danseaza .Nu merita ,pt ca el se bucura ca-i luat in seama .Pe acesta nu-l mai aduce nimeni pe drumul cel bun .




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