SACCSIV – blog ortodox

Documentare celebre: „They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll” (partea 1) – SI-AU VANDUT SUFLETUL PENTRU ROCK

Posted in rock by saccsiv on septembrie 3, 2009

   Din Epistola a doua către Timotei a Sfântului Apostol Pavel, capitolul 3:

   „Şi aceasta să ştii că, în zilele din urmă, vor veni vremuri grele; 

Că vor fi oameni iubitori de sine, iubitori de arginţi, lăudăroşi, trufaşi, hulitori, neascultători de părinţi, nemulţumitori, fără cucernicie, 

Lipsiţi de dragoste, neînduplecaţi, clevetitori, neînfrânaţi, cruzi, neiubitori de bine, 

Trădători, necuviincioşi, îngâmfaţi, iubitori de desfătări mai mult decât iubitori de Dumnezeu

   Acestea le vedem in zilele noastre intr-o proportie din ce in ce mai mare si la varste din ce in ce mai mici. Iar principala modalitate de promovare a acestor „valori” este … muzica. Va propun sa urmariti 

   They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll Part 1

   Dupa minutul 4 il auzim pe presedintele Recording Academy ca muzica nu poate fi o cauza a violentei … Si totusi unii din cei ce deschideau focul in masa in liceele americane erau influentati de melodii precum:

   KMFDM – Son Of A Gun

   Iata si versurile:



   Rammstein – Weisses Fleisch

   Dupa min 13 aflam ca unii din tinerii impuscati erau intrebati daca sunt crestini …

   Dupa min 22 aflam cum liderii satanisti folosesc muzica in promovarea mesajului lor. Acestia declara pe fata ca prin muzica pregatesc eficient mentalului spectatorilor pentru asteptarea antihristului. 

   Iar muzicieni recunosc ca scopul lor este de a-i „invata” pe tineri „noile valori” si a-i indeparta de parinti.

   Dupa min 29 aflam cum Beatles si mai apoi multi alti „artisti” si-au adus o contributie enorma la raspandirea new age.

   My Sweet Lord

My sweet lord
Hm, my lord
Hm, my lord

I really want to see you
Really want to be with you
Really want to see you lord
But it takes so long, my lord

My sweet lord
Hm, my lord
Hm, my lord

I really want to know you
Really want to go with you
Really want to show you lord
That it won’t take long, my lord (hallelujah)

My sweet lord (hallelujah)
Hm, my lord (hallelujah)
My sweet lord (hallelujah)

I really want to see you
Really want to see you
Really want to see you, lord
Really want to see you, lord
But it takes so long, my lord (hallelujah)

My sweet lord (hallelujah)
Hm, my lord (hallelujah)
My, my, my lord (hallelujah)

I really want to know you (hallelujah)
Really want to go with you (hallelujah)
Really want to show you lord (aaah)
That it won’t take long, my lord (hallelujah)

Hmm (hallelujah)
My sweet lord (hallelujah)
My, my, lord (hallelujah)

Hm, my lord (hare krishna)
My, my, my lord (hare krishna)
Oh hm, my sweet lord (krishna, krishna)
Oh-uuh-uh (hare hare)

Now, I really want to see you (hare rama)
Really want to be with you (hare rama)
Really want to see you lord (aaah)
But it takes so long, my lord (hallelujah)

Hm, my lord (hallelujah)
My, my, my lord (hare krishna)
My sweet lord (hare krishna)
My sweet lord (krishna krishna)
My lord (hare hare)
Hm, hm (Gurur Brahma)
Hm, hm (Gurur Vishnu)
Hm, hm (Gurur Devo)
Hm, hm (Maheshwara)
My sweet lord (Gurur Sakshaat)
My sweet lord (Parabrahma)
My, my, my lord (Tasmayi Shree)
My, my, my, my lord (Guruve Namah)
My sweet lord (Hare Rama)


(hare krishna)
My sweet lord (hare krishna)
My sweet lord (krishna krishna)
My lord (hare hare)

   Dupa min 50 aflam ca dupa ce doi fani ai formatiei Slayer au ucis o fata de 15 ani, unul din ei a recunoscut ca a fost influentat de:

   Altar of sacrifice

Waiting the hour destined to die
Here on the table of hell
A figure in white unknown by man
Approaching the altar of death
High priest awaiting dagger in hand
Spilling the pure virgin blood
Satan’s slaughter, ceremonial death
Answer his every command

Death will come easy just close your eyes –
Dream of the friends you’ll see
Heavenly failure losing again
Move on to a new form of life

Altar of sacrifice, curse of the damned
Confronting the evil you dread
Coalesce into one your shadow and soul
Soon you will meet the undead

[Altar of sacrifice, curse of the damned
Confronting the evil you dread
Coalesce into one your shadow and soul
Soon you will meet the undead]

Enter to the realm of Satan!

Blood turning black, the change has begun
Feeling the hatred of all damned in Hell
Flesh starts to burn, twist and deform
Eyes dripping blood realization of death
Transforming of five toes to two
Learn the sacred words of praise, hail Satan

A gift of powers disposed upon you
Use them when you feel the need
Master the forces and powers of Satan
Controlling the creature’s instinct
Drawn to the castles that float in the sky
Learn to resist the temptation
Watching the angels sift through the heavens
Endlessly search[ing] for salvation

   Iata mai jos si alte melodii si descreierati.
   RAMMSTEIN / TATU – Moscow. Live from Russia

   Marilyn Manson: Antichrist Superstar

   Cititi va rog si articolul:

Aleister Crowley si REVOLUTIA SATANISTA (rock, sexualitate, droguri) – video si completari necesare

   Sa nu credem insa ca doar muzica rock este folosita pentru promovarea desfraului si a „valorilor” noii ere:

VIDEO: Simboluri masonice si ale noii ere la Madonna, Beyonce, Rihana si multi altii

Adolescentii si sexul, o batalie aproape pierduta? Sondaj

Imbecilizarea prin MANELE

11 răspunsuri

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  1. saccsiv said, on septembrie 3, 2009 at 3:49 pm

    Pentru mai facilita parcurgere a acestui blog, cititi va rog si “CUPRINS”:


  2. † marturisitor ortodox said, on septembrie 4, 2009 at 12:47 am

    Saccsiv, la fel se intampla si cu muzica rap,pop,etc. Si muzica psaltica au inceput sa o strice. Am auzit prohodul cu beat de muzica africana. E incredibil cat de repede se strica totul. Am gasit si eu un articol interesant:

    Psihologii de la „Tavistok Institute” au avut drept au avut ca unul din scopuri de a crea o „cultura globala” in cadrul „noii ordini mondiale”. Pe de alta parte interesul de „inginerie sociala” manifestat de „Tavistok Institute” in directia manipularii grupurilor sociale, in sensul unei schimbari sociale. In acest context, „Beatles” si „beatlemania” au constituit acei curenti subversivi prin care „Tavistok Institute”, ulterior si „Stanford Research Institute”, au introdus noi standarde de gandire si comportament tineretului.

    Fenomenul „Beatles” nu a fost spontan, ci unul minutios regizat de psihologi si sociologi straluciti, grupati la „Tavistok Institute”, inspitrati de textele si filosofia lui Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund Adorno ( sociologist, philosopher, musicologist, and composer) fenomen amplificat apoi prin mass-media de Edward Sullivan (american entertainment writer and television host) .

    Formatia „Beatles”, un grup modest din Liverpool, a capatat astfel anvergura si stralucirea cuoscute abia dupa ce formatia a fost adusa in Statele Unite, iar expertii „ingineriei sociale” de la Tavistok si Stanford au transformat-o in „cobaiul” proiectul „Aquarius”. Sistemul muzical al formatiei „The Beatles” nici macar nu le apartinea. Sistemul atonal de 12 note, cu sunete grele si repetitive, fusese descoperit de Adorno in cadrul ceremoniilor cultului zeului Dionisos la greci, si in incantantiile calugarilor din insula Baal, Indonezia.

    Sistemul a fost, ulterior, prelucrat de „Beatles” care, sub influenta lui Adorno si a „Tavistok Institute”, si-au indreptat atentia si spre valorile si practicile, ca si spre muzica si instrumentele budiste, fiind instruiti cateva saptamani in India. Textele compozitiilor „Beatles” au inclus cuvinte si fraze noi, cu un sens deturnat si codificat, cunoscut doar tinerilor „hippie”.

    De pilda, cuvintele „teenagers”, in sensul de adolescenti iubitori de muzica rock-pop, si consumatori de drog („junkies”), nu insemnau mare lucru in Statele Unite inainte de declansarea „beatlemaniei”, care le-a impus fulgerator, cu sensul deturnat expus mai sus. Alti termeni, frecvent utilizati de „Beatles”, apoi si de alte grupuri pop – ca, de pilda, „cool” (pentru a semnifica starile provocate de droguri) ori „discovered” (semnifica visele colorate, compensatorii, ale tinerilor „junkies”), au fost „fabricati” de „Tavistok Institute” si „Stanford Center”. Ca si altele: „beatnik”, „hippies”, „flower children”, care au intrat aproape instantaneu in vocabularul Americii, marcand un nou tip de limbaj si un nou tip de subcultura, opusa violent celei traditionale, a „establishmentului”. Revolutia tinerilor – numita si „revolutia hippie” – a fost conceputa si pusa in scena de cele doua institutii de tendinta globalista, prin intermediul muzicii atonale a grupului „Beatles”, cu texte pline de cuvinte si fraze codificate ori deturnate de la sensul lor.


  3. † marturisitor ortodox said, on septembrie 4, 2009 at 2:23 am

    @ Saccsiv

    Ceva interesant ce merita citit:

    Evreul Alan Ginsberg- agentul sionistilor si LSD-ul:

    Noul „stil de viata” indus tineretului de „Tavistock Institute” si „Stanford Center” prin intermediul muzicii „beat” si a drogurilor a creat rapid un adevarat cult printre tinerii americani si, ulterior, cei europeni. Un personaj-cheie, din acest punct de vedere, a fost Alan Ginsberg, omul care a mediatizat intens practica drogurilor – in primul rand a LSD-ului – prin clipuri publicitare care, in mod normal, ar fi costat milioane de dolari, dar care pe Ginsberg nu l-au costat nici macar un cent. Si aceasta pentru ca „nota de plata” a publicitatii facute de Alan Ginsberg LSD-ului era platita de catre altii: „Tavistock Institute” si Rockefeller. Pretins „poet”, Alan Ginsberg a avut rolul, trasat de „Tavistock Institute”, sa popularizeze „noua subcultura pop” si sa forteze acceptarea ei, prin muzica „beat” si LSD, de o masa cat mai mare de „teenagers” americani. In acest sens, Ginsberg a colaborat cu romancierul Norman Mailer, despre care se stie ca si-a petrecut o buna parte a vietii in diverse spitale psihiatrice, mare favorit al „Hollywoodului comunist”, individ dispus oricand sa stea la taclale nopti intregi, la televiziune, in talk-show-uri, cu Alan Ginsberg pe teme ca sexul, drogurile, revolutia etc. Sub presiunea elitelor sioniste, multi dintre „mogulii” canalelor americane TV au acordat, gratuit, spatii imense de program muzicii „beat” si formatiilor de acest gen, in timp ce Alan Ginsberg si Norman Mailer scriau articole kilometrice despre „noua cultura pop”, despre droguri ori despre „revolutie”. Nu se cunoaste in istoria publicitatii din mass-media americana un caz de campanie pentru promovare de o asemenea amploare, care sa fie asigurata gratuit, cel putin pentru Ginsberg si Mailer.

    Am gasit si o coversatie interesanta(putem observa cu cata grija si precizie vorbesc) dintre Kissinger si Ginsberg (care era homo si putin wacko):

    Nestled in recently declassified transcripts of former Nixon Secretary of State Henry Kissinger’s telephone conversations is an exchange between him and counter-culture icon, peace activist and poet Allen Ginsberg on how to end the Vietnam war.

    One joking suggestion from Ginsberg: The duo appear nude on television.

    Iata si conversatia:

    G: I am calling at the request partly of Senator McCarthy. Senator McCarthy told me to, call you. My idea is to arrange a conversation between yourself, [CIA Director Richard] Helms, McCarthy and maybe even Nixon with Rennie Davis, Dillinger and Abernathy. It can be done at any time. They were willing to show their peaceableness and perhaps you don’t know how to get out of the war and who by private meeting –

    K: I have been meeting with many members representing peace groups but what I find is that they have always then rushed right out and given the contents of the meeting to the press. But I like to do this, not just for the enlightment of the people I talk to but to at least give me a feel of what concerned people think. I would be prepared to meet in principle on a private basis.

    G: That’s true but it is a question of personal delicacy. In dealing with human conscienceness, it is difficult to set limits.

    K: You can’t set limits to human conscienceness but –

    G: We can try to come to some kind of understanding.

    K: You can set limits to what you say publicly.

    G: It would be even more funny to do it on television.

    K: What?

    G: It would be even more useful if we could do it naked on television.

    K: (Laughter )

    G: It might be too ______ but under some kind of circumstances. What shall I tell them that would be encouraging?

    K: That I would think about it very seriously.

    G: Good deal.

    K: I will call Senator McCarthy. I am leaving town for a conference that I have had scheduled for some time but I will be back on Monday. When did you intend to do this?

    G: During the May Day Meetings in Washington. They will be lobbying and they could meet with you. May 2 or 3.

    K: May 2nd or 3rd. Damn it! I would like to do it in principle but –

    G: It is a good principle.

    K: Now wait a minute. I don’t know about those dates, I may not be in town. If not, we can do it at some other reasonable date.

    G: I gather you don’t know how to get out of the war.

    K: I thought we did but we are always interested in hearing other views.

    G: If you see [CIA Director Richard] Helms, ask him if he has begun meditating yet.

    K: [About what. ]

    G: . . . . . . . . . . on the opium market . . . . . . Long Chin (spelled phonetically). He promised to meditate one hour a day. I still have to teach him how to hold his back straight.

    K: How do I reach you?

    G: City Lights, San Francisco.

    K: Where are you calling from?

    G: Sacramento, California – I just gave a talk on gay liberation (?) to the students here, and I am going to San Francisco to join the march there. I will be at the following number –

    K: I won’t be able to call you, I am leaving town. How can I reach you after Monday ?

    G: I will be there until June 15th.

    K: You are not coming here?

    G: If I were needed, I could arrange –

    K: No, no – – I will call McCarthy.

    G: Talk to him, I will try to arrange a private meeting. It would be good to talk to the Army too, you know the war people and the anti-war people.

    K: It i s barely conceivable that there are people who like war.

    G: They might have some ideas, they have been to Hanoi.

    K: I will call McCarthy. If we can set it up on a basis of –

    G: You may have to subject yourself to prayer.

    K: That is a private matter that is permissable.

    G: Of course.

    K: Okay, I will call McCarthy.


    Hundreds of hours of the transcripts, maintained by George Washington University, are available to the public at the National Security Archive. The transcripts were made unbeknownst to anyone in the government besides Kissinger, who recorded the calls, and his secretary, who transcribed them. On leaving office in January 1977, Kissinger destroyed tapes of the incoming and outgoing exchanges and took the documents with him, calling them „private papers.”


  4. Crestin Ortodox (Mihaela C) said, on septembrie 4, 2009 at 5:31 pm

    Gand la gand cu bucurie. Am si eu acest documentar, integral, de ceva timp si ma tot gandeam sa-ti propun sa-l pui pe blogul tau. Iata-l… si fara sa-ti zic 🙂
    Eu l-am vizionat impreuna cu fiul meu. A fost nedumerit, a pus intrebari, inclusiv :” de ce ei tot spun de tineri?”. I-am explicat de ce – fiindca tinerii sunt usor de indoctrinat , usor de manipulat. M-a intrebat apoi: „dar ce e rau daca numai ascult melodia , fara sa bag in seama versurile? ” si alte intrebari. I-am raspuns cu rabdare si chiar daca nu a facut o schimbare radicala (100%) astazi este atent la ceea ce asculta. Chiar mi-a spus intr-o zi: ” sunt atent acum la versuri inainte sa ascult o melodie”. E un prim pas. Daca aveti copii adolescenti, puteti urmari documentarul impreuna (doar impreuna).
    Multumesc Saccsiv. Doamne ajuta.


  5. mica said, on septembrie 7, 2009 at 12:15 am

    Si Guns]s Roses? Mie nu-mi place rock-ul in general, dar baladele gun]s Roses imi plac don]t cry si november rain, cred ca plac oricui, asa cum cred ca si muzica lui MICHAEL JACKSON place aproape oricui, tanar sau batran.


    • Dumitru Gheorghita Florian said, on martie 1, 2010 at 8:46 pm

      Orice muzica ne-duhovniceasca te va duce intr-un final pe drumul spre pieirea sufletului tau. Trebuie sa te lepezi de ele. Mai ales de rock, care este foarte malefic. Nu imi pot inchipui cum ar putea permite cineva existenta acestui fel diabolic de muzica, adus drept din strafundurile iadului.

      Doamne ajuta!


  6. […] „They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll” (partea 1) – SI-AU VANDUT SUFLETUL PENTRU ROCK […]


  7. […] Documentare celebre: „They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll” (partea 1) – SI-AU VANDUT SUFLE… […]


  8. […] Documentare celebre: „They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll” (partea 1) – SI-AU VANDUT SUFLE… […]


  9. […] Documentare celebre: „They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll” (partea 1) – SI-AU VANDUT SUFLE… […]


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