SACCSIV – blog ortodox

Film ortodox: Prin ce sunt vii oamenii

Posted in filme by saccsiv on iulie 27, 2012

30 răspunsuri

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  1. Alexandru(Fulger) said, on iulie 27, 2012 at 6:12 pm

    Fratilor , dupa parerea mea s-ar putea mai mult ca sigur sa fie un atentat la jocurile olimpice de la Londra. Vizionati aceste 2 videoclipuri:


    • Ioan Pelasgul said, on iulie 27, 2012 at 8:12 pm

      A letter from the first Taiwanese Orthodox missionary Pelagia Yu to the Greek people.

      I am Chinese, born in Taiwan and my Christian name is Pelagia. I was a Protestant Christian, and it took me five years to become Orthodox. I love to read the Holy Bible and have all of its publications in the Chinese language.

      I have visited Greece and discovered that it is a truly unique country. While travelling in your country, even before I arrived, on the plane I saw how different in temperament Greek people were, how cheerfully they conversed with each other, how they laughed and how they applauded the pilot after the landing, something unheard of for us Asians, who are more conservative and do not easily display emotion. I learnt after this experience that the expression of freedom requires passion and liveliness.

      In Greece, I visited many churches, I participated in the Divine Liturgy, and when I received Holy Communion it reduced me to tears even though I did not understand the Greek language, because the Orthodox faith is the same, no matter what the language.

      I would have liked to be born Greek, to have been born Orthodox, to have received Holy Communion and venerated holy icons from my years of infancy right up until my death.

      I cry for me and my compatriots, because instead of Holy Communion, we eat and drink food sacrificed to idols.

      I would have liked to be born Greek, so my ears may be filled with holy hymns.

      I cry for me and my compatriots, whose ears are filled with the noise of sutras and the screeches of those who worship the idols.

      I would have liked to be born Greek, so that I may smell the sweet aroma of incense.

      I cry for me and my compatriots, who are constantly assaulted by the pungent smell of the smoke rising up from the sacrifices offered up to the idols.

      I would have liked to be born Greek, so that my hands could touch the holy icons, the holy relics of the Saints and be filled with the love of Christ.

      I cry for me and my compatriots, whose hands touch the idols and the things sacrificed to them, but who in reality are holding on to nothing.

      I would have liked to be born Greek, so that I may light candles to Christ – not like here, where we burn money as an offering to the spirits.

      I was searching for the Truth, using more than 30 different publications of the Holy Bible, which unfortunately, were all full of errors (translated by non-Orthodox).

      I would have liked to be born Greek, so that I may read the Holy Bible in its original form!

      I cry for me and my compatriots, because, although we have eyes, we are blind.

      I would have liked to be born Greek, so that I may be able to see the grace of God all around me.

      I cry for me and my compatriots, who are surrounded by temples dedicated to false gods.

      Yes, I am Orthodox, but living in Taiwan, I have very limited opportunities to experience the Orthodox Christian way of life.

      I cry for me, because I do not have the ability to show my compatriots the greatness of our faith. The people here want to see signs and miracles.

      I cry for me and my compatriots, because we do not have the gift of hearing of and seeing so many miracles, so many holy words that you have seen and heard over 2000 years in Greece, and which you still see. Taiwan is not an Orthodox country, our feast days and holy days do not look at all like yours.

      I am disappointed that in Greece, although you have so many beautiful mountains, you do not look after them, you burn them down. However, I am amazed that practically every mountain in Greece has at least one monastery. We have mountains filled with Buddhist temples and monasteries.

      I would have liked to be born Greek, so that I may go and pray at an Orthodox monastery easily.

      I cry for me and my compatriots. For the first time, I visited an Orthodox monastery dedicated to St John the Forerunner in Pelion. I travelled to Greece from Taiwan – 16 hours on the plane, a few hours on the train to Larisa and another hour with the monastery car, that was driven by one of the nuns.

      I saw the ancient ruins of the Holy Monastery, I saw so many other places in Greece that have been abandoned and my heart bled. In Taiwan, we do not have such a wealth of archaeological artefacts, holy and beautiful places, but you do not appreciate them.

      I cry that we do not have beautiful icons. I cry because I feel like Christ is weak and naked here.

      Greeks, you think you are poor due to the economic crisis you are going through, but you do not know how truly rich you are.

      Taiwan is a country with a huge amount of material development and progress, and yet it remains in the darkness of Satan and our spiritual life is empty.

      In Greece, I saw a lot of people, especially on Sundays, drinking and celebrating and not going to church. But here in Taiwan our fellow citizens, mainly young people, even if they wanted to, find it impossible to come to church, because the only Orthodox church in the entire country is a small room on the 4th floor of a huge apartment building on the outskirts of Taipei. Many times, people cannot fit into the church and remain outside for the duration of the services.

      My brothers and sisters in Greece, even though I am spiritually handicapped, I still have my legs active so that I can kneel before you and beg.

      I pray that you consider me like the poor man Lazarus, so that you may throw to me some crumbs from the spiritual treasures you have, of the gifts you give to your churches, of the many little churches you build on all corners of your homeland.

      Our Orthodox flock in Taiwan, as you know, is small – less than 100 people. We are not wealthy. We do not have the means to buy a decent place in the city that will be able to meet our needs for worship, catechism and teaching. Fr. Ionas conducts lessons on a regular basis, targeted mainly at the young people of our city and of course, open to whomever wants to come and meet us in person; those people that up until now have only had the opportunity to see the Orthodox Church in Taiwan through the Internet.

      We do not ask for help to build an Orthodox church building here. It would cost millions. Please help us to buy a bigger place in the city centre, which we will convert into a church, for the sake of our nation, our brothers and sisters, who have never had the opportunity to hear about and know our Christ. We are a country of 23 million people! And yet we have need of your help.

      My brothers and sisters in Christ, if the need arises, I will do whatever is in my power to repay a little of your love. I will do whatever is needed with all my heart and for the duration of my life.

      I thank you. Forgive me.

      Pelagia Yu.

      Source: Translated by P.S.Z. This article was originally published in Greek in the Periodicαl “Agios Kosmas o Aitolos” (Issue 84 – first quarter 2011) and online at (Tuesday 22nd February 2011).


  2. TheSpiritOfCaptain said, on iulie 27, 2012 at 9:32 pm

    Foarte miscator filmul !

    Clasicii rusi au stiut intotdeauna sa-si transpuna credinta in opere lor literare, chiar si in ”Razboi si pace” , printre mii de pagini,in cateva randuri despre credinta a aratat toata evlavia poporului pravoslavnic,la fel ca si Dostoievski,sau Cehov…. Doamne ajuta,slava tuturor pravoslavnicilor !


  3. STOP RFID 666 said, on iulie 27, 2012 at 9:49 pm


    Maria, iti mai amintesti de ,,Este permis dansul decent in biblie”?



    • STOP RFID 666 said, on iulie 27, 2012 at 10:13 pm



      • Stefan said, on iulie 27, 2012 at 10:35 pm

        Nu este „Ioan Cadar” cel care comenta defaimator acum vreo saptamana la adresa tarii si preotilor in general?


      • STOP RFID 666 said, on iulie 27, 2012 at 10:47 pm



  4. G-man said, on iulie 27, 2012 at 10:05 pm

    uitandu-ma la acest film m-am suit pe un nor , si pentru cateva minute am stat deasupra acestei mocirle care se chema politica si care s-a imprastiat pretutindeni. Multumesc.


  5. ioancadar said, on iulie 28, 2012 at 4:46 am

    Stimate saccsiv2,
    Contul de pe youtube nu e al meu.
    Ma jur pe Dumnezeu.
    Vad ca Stop Rfid a uitat cand a postat si pe blogul meu, nu-i nimic.
    Da, sunt CRESTIN ORTODOX, nici sectar si nici eretic.
    Imi cer iertare daca am facut diferentierea dintre preoti si popi, care nu-i acelasi lucru.
    Preotul este acel slujitor al Altarului care este din vocatie preot, nu din alte pricini, materiale.
    Te-as ruga sa-mi stergi blogul de la fluxul RSS, blogul nu mai exista, absolut toata munca mea am deletat-o.
    Am vazut ca am fost jignit cu cel putin un cuvant pe care nu-mi permit sa il reproduc.
    Daca te-am suparat pe tine sau pe cititorii acestui blog, imi cer iertare.


    • saccsiv2 said, on iulie 28, 2012 at 9:24 am

      Iarta-ma si pe mine ca trebuia sa pun capat atacurilor la adresa ta
      Dar nu stiu ce se intampla cu patima asta a denigrarii si intre ortodocsi
      Cred ca sunt multi intrusi care vor sa distruga aceasta comunitate
      NU o sa mai tolerez atacurile la persoana! Oricine le-ar face!


    • G-man said, on iulie 28, 2012 at 12:31 pm

      frate ioan , fratele vasile te apreciaza eu la fel , de ce te superi sa iti stergi blogul , ca au fost 5 frati impotriva ta si ai fost jicnit ?. Trebuia sa intrii si sa explici ce-i cu acele video , iar la articolele tale in care apar intrebari sa le discutam. E omeneste sa gresim si tu si ceilalti frati , aici in virtual e si mai greu ca sunt multi intrusi ..doar stii bine .
      Dar e crestineste sa ne cerem iertare cand gresim.
      Pai ce ce faceai daca faceai armata ? crezi ca aveai doar 5 oameni impotriva ta ? si aia virtual ..
      hai sa iti povestesc ceva
      in armata aveam in compania noastra 75 de suflete , ca in orice loc cu oameni adunati la intamplare din tara asta, manelele sunt majoritare.. (sau tiganeasca /populara ca nu mai stiu daca se numeau inca manele ).. si au inceput baietii sa asculte seara pana la 12 muzica aia infecta .. Le-am zis odata , le-am zis de doua ori .. mi s-a replicat ca sa imi vad de treaba … si mi-am vazut .. in felul urmator ..i-am trezit si eu la ora 5 dimineata cu muzica rock din aia urlatoare , la maxim ,de nu mai stiau care e usa si care e geamu cand au sarit din pat. Si fiindca am folosit acelasi casetofon (nu era decat unu in unitate ) , acesta a fost si spart de unu care nu mai stia cum sa il opreasca . SI asa s-a facut liniste nu mai trebuia sa ascult pana al 12 noaptea manele. Iti dai seama ca mi-am pus in cap 80 la suta din unitate …si ce? cateodata mai trebuie sa fii si tare pe pozitii , ca sa nu te inghita valul.(bine am fost catalogat drept nebun modul prietenesc de cativa amici .)

      concluzia e ca daca ai binecuvantare de la duhovnic sa faci acel blog , fa-l . iar daca e ceva de discutat discuta. Atata timp cat intetiile tale sunt bune , ortodoxe, eu sunt de partea ta , si stiu ca esti intelegator si acolo unde ti se atrage atentia te corectezi . SI daca sunt de partea ta , stai linistit ca ma cert eu cu ei , daca te jicnesc inutil , tu doar explica ce e de explicat, si necesar.
      Si nu trebuie sa juri , intre crestini exista cuvant . E mare pacat ca ai jurat.


    • G-man said, on iulie 28, 2012 at 1:21 pm

      frate ioancadar , inca ceva cand lucrezi cu texte din Sfanta Scriptura , intrii in lupta cu diavolii arhiconi , care au pus la pamant oamenii mari si teologi renumiti . MARE ATENTIE !
      Sa ai neaparat acasa cat poti cumpara din colectia PSB. Acum exista si online , dar e bine sa le poti avea in casa , sa citesti si daca nu ai net sau curent 🙂 .Macar cartea OMILII LA MATE A SFANTULUI IOAN GURA DE AUR. sa o ai.


    • Stefan said, on iulie 28, 2012 at 8:30 pm

      Sa ma ierti Ioan dar am crezut ca ai luat-o si tu aiurea (citind comentariul respectiv).
      Sa nu ne miram de cei ce cad, ci de cei ce raman in picioare.


    • Alexandru(Fulger) said, on iulie 31, 2012 at 1:17 pm

      Iertare frate , dupa comentariul fratelui Rfid am crezut ca esti intrus , il loc sa imi vad de pacatele mele stau si critic , inca o data iertare.


  6. STOP RFID 666 said, on iulie 28, 2012 at 10:34 am


    Imi cer iertare daca nu e acela canalul lui Ioan Cadar. Atacuri la persoana a facut si Ioan Cadar. Si nu atacurile la persoana conteaza mai mult, ci atacul asupra tarii si a preotilor cu patima. Si nu mi se pare normal ca si-a sters blogul. Devierile de la ortodoxie a lui Ioan Cadar sunt evidente, dar acum nu mai avem dovezi. Vom vedea in timp daca noi avem dreptate sau Ioan Cadar. Oricum, parerea mea e ca Ioan Cadar joaca la mai multe capete.


    • Stefan said, on iulie 28, 2012 at 9:02 pm

      Noi sa ne cerem iertare, sigur in timp lucrurile se vor limpezii.

      Pacat ca cere sa fie sters material de pe blog, nu-i intelept sa fie pusa mandria personala inaintea binelui de obste.


  7. un prieten said, on iulie 28, 2012 at 11:03 am

    acest Carl Sanders este trecut si in cartea : Staretii despre vremurile din urma !! este creatorul cipului..


  8. Florin said, on iulie 28, 2012 at 8:55 pm

    Suberb filmuleț!


  9. Olanu Valcea said, on iulie 29, 2012 at 11:08 pm

    Buna seara.Eu sunt la mine la tara, iar netul meu de la vodafone este destul de slabut si din pacate nu pot viziona filmul…Imi poate spune cineva despre ce este vb in acest filmulet bineinteles pe scurt.


  10. un prieten said, on iulie 30, 2012 at 9:20 am

    olanu valcea daca e vorba de milmuteltzul gasit de mine prtintre altele este o marturie a unui om teribil de destept care a facut cipul si a fost luminat de Dumnezeu ca face semnul lui antihrist,acesta are si traduse pe net multe explicatii in care spune multe lucruri folositoare care expilca vremurile pe care le traim,dar in film mai sant si altele copiaza adresa si l vezi cand poti


  11. crestinul ortodox said, on iulie 31, 2012 at 8:38 am

    stim de asta , sau poate nu stiai ca dupa ce ai vorbit cu un prieten din sua dupa ce ai incheiat convorbirea apare si pe telefonul din Romania calling from 666 -IATA DOVADA , ameicanii sunt ‘inghititi ma refer la cei care se pleaca in fata fiarei prin acest sistem antihristic !
    astfel cei care au luat telefoane in sistemul lor antihristic cu acest numar al fiarei , asemeni cei care au luat dracescul numarul sau blestemul iadului intreg asdupra lor ,prin acte biometrice sau prin stanta pur si simplu la semnarea actelor biometrice !
    ce nu s-aspus anume, viclenie mare, mare atunci cand nu numai ca te pun sa semnezi cu propria ta semnatura ca-ti vinzi identitatea necuratului , sa nu mai ai acea identitatea a ta , ca cica te feresc de tero iti scaneaza irisul si iti pune acest 666 pe retina si astfel , ….pe mana si corp ar fi doar o completare la plecaciunile in fata fiarei sau ”spurcacunii ”

    Olanu Valcea , citeste atent acest videoclip al lui Parintele Paisie Aghioritul Acest Luminator al vremurilor de pe urma !



    • G-man said, on iulie 31, 2012 at 9:09 am

      asta cu ‘calling from 666″ nu o stiam , dar vezi ca dupa ce l-am intrebat pe nea anderthal de biometrie , a zis ca se mai poate fara in sua ..acum eu nu merg acolo nu am de unde sa stiu exact ..


  12. crestinul ortodox said, on iulie 31, 2012 at 8:44 am

    si Lupta impotriva sistemului va fi precum a Gladiatorului in Arena , insa nu cu oamenii sistemului vom lupta care nu mai au a lor identitate , vom lupta cu demonii sau antihristiii cei carora s-au vandut si dat de bunavoie !


  13. Tractari said, on aprilie 17, 2016 at 2:56 pm

    Un subiect important din care avem ce invata. Felicitari 🙂


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