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Si ungurii din Transcarpatia refuza mobilizarea …

Posted in Ucraina by saccsiv on iulie 29, 2014

   Iata ce putem citi la Ungurii şi ucrainenii din Transcarpatia refuză mobilizarea decretată de Kiev. Protestatarii au blocat o autostradă:
Peste 100 de persoane au blocat, marţi, autostrada Kiev-Ciop din sud-vestul Ucrainei, la 30 de kilometri de frontiera cu Ungaria pentru a protesta faţă de mobilizarea care are loc în prezent pentru luptele din estul ţării, relatează AFP.
„Suntem împotriva mobilizării”, „Vreau ca tatăl meu să rămână în viaţă”, „Să meargă la război funcţionarii şi fiii lor!”, se putea citi pe afişele lor.

Circa 100 de camioane care veneau din Europa erau blocate de această mişcare de protest.

Implicat de la jumătatea lui aprilie într-o „operaţiune antiteroristă” împotriva separatiştilor proruşi din estul ţării, Guvernul ucrainean a decretat săptămâna trecută o nouă mobilizare în timp ce luptele se intensifică şi devin din ce în ce mai sângeroase.


„Este un război în est (…) de ce trebuie să moară acolo oameni din Transcarpatia (în celălalt capăt al ţării)?”, s-a indignat Iuri, în vârstă de aproximativ 50 de ani.

„Persoanele refugiate din est se odihnesc în sanatorii în regiunea noastră. De ce nu sunt mobilizaţi ei?”, a declarat la rândul ei Tetiana, în vârstă de 30 de ani, care a refuzat să îşi spună numele de familie.

Regiunea Transcarpatia este locuită de o numeroasă comunitate maghiară, dar şi de etnici ucraineni şi români.

Reacţia MAE

În timp ce membrii minorităţii româneşti din Ucraina s-au alăturat acestei mişcări, blocând mai multe drumuri în sud-vestul ţării,

Ministerul român al Afacerilor Externe s-a declarat, marţi, „îngrijorat de situaţia care a generat aceste proteste”. „Ministerul urmăreşte îndeaproape modul în care se desfăşoară (mobilizarea,, în contextul nemulţumirii exprimate de tinerii de origine română”, arată un comunicat.

Declarând că înţelege motivele pentru care Kievul a decretat această mobilizare, Bucureştiul susţine că se aşteaptă ca „aceste proceduri să nu aibă un caracter selectiv, care să introducă o abordare discriminatorie pe criterii etnice”. Potrivit MAE, autorităţile române au cerut „elemente suplimentare şi clarificări referitoare la procedurile de mobilizare în curs a tinerilor, înţelegând raţiunile fireşti ale oricărui stat privind necesitatea asigurării securităţii şi apărării integrităţii teritoriale şi a fost exprimată, în acest context, aşteptarea părţii române ca aceste proceduri să nu aibă un caracter selectiv, care să introducă o abordare discriminatorie pe criterii etnice”.

Potrivit datelor oficiale, minoritatea românească din Ucraina numără aproximativ 151.000 de persoane (şi ar reprezenta a treia etnie ca pondere din Ucraina, după ucraineni şi ruşi), cele două ţări având o frontieră comună de 650 de kilometri lungime. În regiunea Cernăuţi trăiesc 181.780 de românofoni, iar în regiunea Transcarpatia sunt 32.152 de etnici români.

Locuitorii din ţinutul Herţa s-au adresat preşedintelui Ucrainei, Parlamentului, ministrului Apărării, conducerii regiunii şi altor instituţii din ţară solicitând anularea ordinului de mobilizare a tinerilor. Ei au precizat că românii din regiunea Cernăuţi au fost întotdeauna oameni paşnici şi nu doresc ca în Ucraina să fie vărsare de sânge.
Cititi va rog si:

Articolul zilei (28.07.2014): Are ce invata Romania de la Ungaria? ATENTIE – Kievul trimite romani pe front deoarece prin moartea lor se desavarseste UCRAINIZAREA BUCOVINEI …

GUVERNATORUL DIN CERNAUTI catre ROMANII care refuza mobilizarea: “Daca nu va convine, PLECATI DIN UCRAINA”

TRASEUL TRADARII: In 1991 Parlamentul Romaniei declara ca TERITORIILE ROMANESTI DIN UCRAINA sunt de drept ale Romaniei. In 1997, la cererea NATO, teritoriile romanesti AU RAMAS ALE UCRAINEI. In 2014 Traian Basescu declara ca NU VA RECUNOASTE UN REFERENDUM al ROMANILOR din UCRAINA …




16 răspunsuri

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  1. aniush said, on iulie 29, 2014 at 7:16 pm

    Foarte bine, sa fie toti uniti…romani, unguri, ucraineni…toti intr-un glas.


    • stef said, on iulie 30, 2014 at 5:51 pm

      MAE o scalda in ape tulburi – Acum ne vom lamuri ce inseamna „politica externa” romaneasca…


      • stef said, on iulie 30, 2014 at 5:53 pm

        A se observa si disparitia din jurnalele tv a stirilor pe acesta tema .


  2. aniush said, on iulie 29, 2014 at 7:22 pm

    Mai stie cineva ce s-a mai intamplat cu Meriam Ibrahim? Nu s-a mai auzit nimic in ultima vreme.

    Apreciat de 1 persoană

  3. Ionut said, on iulie 29, 2014 at 8:30 pm

    Au dreptate.


  4. dante said, on iulie 29, 2014 at 8:44 pm

    Hmm…uite asa incepe dezmembrarea Ucrainei, cu mici proteste. Sa ne bucuram, sa ne intristam!?
    Mi-e teama ca si aceste reactii ale minoritatilor din tara vecina sint cumva orchestrate de catre oculta si cred ca Ukraina nu va ramine in aceste granite in viitorul apropiat.
    Stam pe un butoi cu pulbere ce se incinde usor usor.
    As vrea ca teritoriile romanesti rupte de hoardele bolsevice, sa se reintoarca acasa, dar ramine de vazut cam care ar fi costurile.

    Doamne ajuta!!


  5. Radu said, on iulie 29, 2014 at 9:30 pm

    Reblogged this on radupopescublog.


  6. geo said, on iulie 29, 2014 at 9:50 pm

    Dilema este ca aceasta mobilizare este al treilea val iar cei deja mobilizati in percedentele inca nu au fost trimisi acasa…si asta in timp ce fiii marilor smecheri politici, militari sau afaceristi ucraineni sint scutiti de efectuarea serviciului militar…circula zvonurile ca presedintele Porosenko pregateste un decret prin care rebeliunea din este sa fie lichidata pina la 23 august…si pentru aceasta stapinii lui il obliga inclusiv la mobilizari masive, dublate de primirea fondurilor si a tehnicii si munitiei necesare inlusiv prin repornirea unor capacitati proprii, repararea tehnicii de lupta avariate, introducerea unor modele noi, imbunatatite, etc…


  7. nikodim said, on iulie 29, 2014 at 10:22 pm

    Cam toti vom lupta, cu sau fara voie. Setea de sange a „valorilor democratice” si a „miliardului de aur” e prea mare, asa ca vrem nu vrem, vom fi angrenati sa ne uram de moarte si deci sa ne omoram pentru a satisface aceasta sete.


  8. geo said, on iulie 29, 2014 at 10:30 pm

    Si la Odessa se protesteaza impotriva mobilizarii:

    Protests against mobilization

    Today in the one of districts of city Odessa local people protested against mobilization. Woman keep placard with words: “No war? [Don’t declared war] No mobilization!”
    This is not protest against war, it is protest against mobilization without declaration of war. We have hope that soon people who supported Maidan, begin to protest against war.

    Si la Nikolaev:

    Mobilization in Nikolaev – police vs people:

    Mothers revolution in Ukrajina:

    Тернопол – Ternopil:


    Херсон – Kherson :

    Днепропетровск – Dnipropetrovsk :
    protest for prezident in tv:

    Николаев – Mykolaiv:

    Bukovina region:

    The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has prepared a secret decree that demands that the Ukrainian army completes the last stage of the military activities in Donbass by 23rd of Augist, i.e. the territory of Novorossia has to be defeated at any price despite any casualties among civilians.

    This decree has failed to be a very secret one for Antifascist’s source in the presidential administration, because of constant heavy drinking (basically drinking bouts) by the head of the state. In particular the decree notes that at this stage Ukrainian army will obtain enormous help from the allies.

    “The allies clearly include the USA represented by the President Obama. Poroshenko emphasized that the Ukrainian army will not have any shortage in any supplies, it will be provided absolutely with anything it needs,” – the source pointed out. According to him military complex factories are being launched to work at full capacity to repair and modernize tanks and multiple launch rocket systems.

    “On the 24th of August Petro Poroshenko is planning to hold the independent Ukraine victory parades in Kiev and Odessa. Why in Odessa? Odessa is now a sort of a “terminal”. Cargoes arriving from the USA to Ukraine are unloaded there.” – the source told us.

    Un articol care surprinde esenta protestelor:

    For a couple of days now, I have posted various items showing the large number of casualties amongst the Ukie forces fighting against Novorussia, and I have observed with some amusement how many of you have expressed doubts about the veracity of these figures. Today Nora drew my attention to a short video of a Ukie army recruiting officer being confronted by a crowd of civilians, mostly women, mostly mothers. The video is a few days old, but this version is subtitled in English, so please watch it now:

    Now, there are a couple of thing I would like to share with you after this video.

    First, believe me, these women are aware of the terrifying rumours which speak of casualty figures way higher then those mentioned officially. Keep in mind that a lot of Ukie soldiers simply disappear either torn into unrecoverable small pieces of meat and bones, or hastily buried into mass graves by their own officers to cover up their deaths, either quietly killed and secretly buried by the civilians of Novorussia (I have seen a video of Ukie recruits who say that they are terrified of the local civilians who smile at them and then kill them as soon as they get an opportunity).

    Second, and this what a lot of you are missing, the Ukie and Novorussian militaries are dramatically different. Let me explain:

    Ukrainian military:

    The Ukrainian military has been completely neglected by all the governments in power since 1991. Do you remember the condition of the Russian military during the First Chechen war? Now imagine taking that military, and instead of turning it around, you let it further degrade for another 20 years. That would be more or less what the Ukie military is today. Add to this that most officers and soldiers do not want to fight. Besides fighting a war they personally don’t want (again, not all Ukrainians are Right Sector Nazi fanatics!), they are also literally hungry (they eat snakes now) and totally under equipped. The command and control system of the Ukie military is more or less dead. The ONLY advantage of the Ukies is the sheer number of aircraft, tanks and artillery, and that really is a purely quantitative advantage.

    Novorussian military:

    It is composed solely of volunteers. Even the partial mobilization decreed recently in Donetsk is a moral obligation: you are told you have to show up, but if you do not, nobody will get you. Second, there are a lot of very experienced soldiers and officers on the Novorussian side. As as a direct result of that the following is true:

    1 Ukie Grad MLRS is not equal to 1 Novorussian Grad MLRS

    That is literally true. Even if it is exactly the same Grad MLRS. In fact, many, possibly most Grads used by the Novorussians are trophies taken away from the Ukies. But whereas the Uky artillery almost exclusively shoots in more or less random way in the general direction of the other side, hitting only civilians, the Novorussians use each Grad with devastating effectiveness choosing the correct munition, landing it with surgical accuracy right on top of the Ukie positions.

    Then look at the footage of Novorussian fighters: a lot of them are 30+ to 40+ years old group. These are folks who have already spent a lot of time in the military, often with experience of war, and who know their job very very well. Yes, it is true that the Novorussians still need many more of such experiences „wolves of war” as they are called in Russian, but they already have a lot of them. So on one hand you have clueless but young guys, and on the other, older, but experienced pros who know how to survive.

    Furthermore, you can look at any video shot on the Novorussian side, and it is clear that their morale is extremely high. Most of you have probalby seen the footage made a few days ago of the Vostok Battalion on Saur Mogila where the local commander, Samurai, was preparing his men to go into battle to attack the Ukies in the southern cauldron and then the footage shows them jumping on their vehicles and going into battle. Sure, the guys were tired and serious, but also extremely motivated and impatient to resume the fight. The contrast with footage taken on the Ukie side could not have been stronger.

    And then, let’s be honest about it, by now there are a lot of very experienced fighters from Russia in the Novorussian military. Again, these are older men, often with brand new gear, who appear to be either NCOs or officers and who are clearly very highly motivated.

    Finally, the Ukies are lead by corrupt and incompetent generals, imagine Pavel Grachev, but even worse. The reports that the fighting Ukies absolutely hate and despise their commanders (not the direct commander, but the top brass, the generals) are all over the social media. On the other hand, you have folks like Strelov, Samurai, Motorola, Kedr, Khodakovskii and others of clearly are both very experienced and very talented. And, again, this is my personal opinion, but there is no doubt in my mind that these local commanders not only have all sorts of, shall way say, „advisers” from the Russia, but that the Russian military supports the Novorussians with intelligence and expertise (who do you guess was the first to detect the envelopment manover attempted by the Ukies along the Russian border?).

    So this is in no way the fault of the Ukrainian foot solider who is, by all accounts, courageous, extremely strong willed and who will execute his mission in the toughest conditions. Just look at how long the poor Ukrainian soldiers in the Southern Cauldron have been resisting under absolutely nightmarish conditions! But in these circumstances the Ukies don’t stand a chance, and even though they do have an advantage in the open field by the sheer number of artillery, tanks and aircraft, as soon as they get into closer combat the Novorussians make minced meat out of them.

    The true figures are hidden by the junta

    Remember this: if Novorussia has something like 6,5 million people, the entire Ukraine has somewhere 40 million people. So what does the junta do? They spread out the casualties. The Ukies are now conducting their THIRD partial mobilization (penalty for refusing to serve: 5 years in jail). They are taking young men as cannon fodder form all over the Ukraine, from Lvov to Vinnitsa to Chernigov and they send them to Novorussia to get butchered by an army and population which fights with the energy of despair and which fights on its own land.

    This might shock you and I will get a lot of nasty comments for saying this, but I personally think that the Ukie casualty figures are grossly UNDER-estimated and that when this horrible civil war comes to and end and this issue is professionally investigated we will find that the real figures of killed Ukrainians will be way higher than even the highest figures quoted today.

    I think that as it typically the case in a dictatorship, the fact that the 5 state owned TV stations say exactly the same nonsense does not prevent the other information from seeping in in all sorts of creative manners: the Internet, of course, but also relatives abroad, the Russian media, leaks from the government structures, etc. And then you have the number of neighbours who are being told that they son „died like a hero for his country” (and, typically, that his body was not recovered) who then talk to you in the evenings, around a kitchen table, when nobody is around. So for all the Ukie official propaganda the poor women on the video above are absolutely terrified that if they military is allowed to run a conscription locally their sons and husbands will also „died a hero’s death”. Hence their desperate rage.

    Us and them?

    This is a truism, but I will say this again here: the vast majority of the soldiers fighting against Novorussians are Russian themselves, in the sense that they speak Russian, they are not Nazis at all and they are not the crazy Euromaidanites who started all this shit – they are simple country or small town folks who watched it all on the TV. Sure, they probably hated Yanukovich, but no more than they hated Timoshenko or Yushchenko, and while they feel Ukrainian that does not mean that they have this satanic russophobia so typical of the real Ukie Nazis. Not even most of the National Guard are hardened „Ukie Interahamwe”. That scum is mostly found in the deathsquads of Kolomoiskii and Liashko. In those units you truly have the scum of the earth, pathologically evil sickos who will crucify babies and strangle pregnant women with a telephone cord. This is not a typical Ukrainian thing, by the way, you will find a minority of such sociopaths in any country and society. The difference is that in a civilized and normal society you typically find these types in jail, whereas in the current Ukraine turned Banderastan they are in positions of power. But I am absolutely sure that you could find the proportion of maniacal thugs amongst Russians, Belgians, Peruvians or even Eskimos. That is just a sad part of the human nature. The scary thing is that in Banderastan they get to rule the rest of society.

    I take immense solace in the fact that Russians clearly understand that, even the Novorussians do. I just watched a video about 40+ Ukrainian border guards who were terribly shot up by the Novorussians and who offered to surrender in exchnage for a safe passage to Russia. Not only did the Novorussians accept that, but they also fed them, treated their wounds (often terrible ones), then brought them across the border where the Russian military treated them again and then let them chose between staying in Russia or returning home (and risk being investigated by the Nazis for „desertion”). Those who wanted to return did so on Russian military aircraft.

    A few commentators said that this was stupid on the Russian part. I categorically disagree. If these guys had been Kolomoiskii’s thugs, then yes, it would have been stupid. But these were basically decent guys, used as canon fodder, in other words, victims. And I am proud that the Russians also understood that and acted with kindness and compassion towards them.

    To those of you who believe that the Ukie Nazis might get such a sweet deal, I can reassure you – forget it. Russia is Russia and war is war. In Chechnia for example, when caught the Wahabis were given a 10-15 min one on one „interview” with a a few Paratrooper or Spetsaz NCOs which rapidly established their values as prisoners in an extremely unpleasant dialog for the Wahabi and then, unless the Russians thought they had a high value prisoner, they would be summarily executed and buried. I have no doubt whatsoever of what the Novorussians do when the catch a member of a Ukie death squad and I can assure you that they will not treat his wounds or allow him to survive longer than 30min max. But, again and again, the vast majority of the Ukies butchered today are not members of death squads and even though they are clearly fighting on the wrong side, they have very little choice and they are therefore also first and foremost victims who deserve our compassion.

    The Ukrainian tragedy

    The Russian word безобразие (bezobrazie) is often translated into English as ugliness, of deformity or even scandal or chaos. But that is not a very good rendering of its meaning. Bezobrazie is composed of the prefix „bez” which means „without” and then the word „obraz” which means „image” or „type” or even „character”. What bez-obraz-ie means the „absence of a coherent image” or, literally, the „loss of your own identity”. This is what happened to the Ukrainian people, they lost their own real identity and they let it be replaced by a ugly, xenophobic, murderous and hate-filled „mask” of sorts, which is not at all what the real Ukrainian culture used to be. This is immensely sad, and I want to hope that this horror can be healed. But in the meantime, Russians need to make sure that they do now allow themselves to be changed by this war, they need to make sure that the Russian people retain their own spiritual and cultural „obraz” in the sense of „identity”. This is also one crucially important reason why they should continue to treat the Ukie soldiers with compassion and kindness: Russian compassion can be a powerful weapon against Ukie hatred and maybe even an impulse for the Ukrainian people to recover their true identity.

    The difference between Americas and Russians, an interview with Putin, about the difference in philosophy of life.

    – Text translation with yandex –

    28.07.2014 – 2:43
    A video about more than 40 Ukrainian servicemen, who went to Russia from the war

    TV channel RTR showed the plot of the Department of Ukrainian soldiers, most likely from the 93rd mechanized brigade, voluntarily left their positions and missed by militia on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    Great video about civil liberties in Russia. I guess such noble concepts of human rights are always easier to support in other peoples countries than your own. It demonstrates how righteous Putin’s crusade against the Usian imperialists and their nazi scum in Ukraine is. Putin is a paragon of virtue without peer. Russia should persist in supporting The cause of Novorossiya no matter how ugly and destructive this war gets. Because freedom to disobey your government is worth every pint of blood shed on ukieland.

    maybe try to get Kiev-based sociologist Volodymyr Ishchenko to contribute.

    the voice we are not hearing from is civil society in opposittion to the nazi junta in kiev.

    the reason for this is because you will be pressured and persecuted by nazi thugs if you speak out.

    this is what Ishchenko basically points to as the environment in terms of opposition in thought and/or action in kiev now.

    he might be open to speaking his mind more because in the new left review interview above,

    there is a very subtle tension going on with the interviewer very slightly trying to pidgin-hole him into making some sort of anti-russian anti-putin agitprop statement, which he does not.


    In the run-up to the Donetsk and Luhansk separatist referendums that were held in mid-May,

    it seemed as if Putin

    was seriously contemplating an intervention

    in eastern Ukraine—and the separatists were evidently hoping the Donbass would follow Crimea in joining the Russian Federation.

    How likely was this scenario in the first place?

    ANSWER Ishchenko:

    I’m now not sure he was ever going to invade eastern Ukraine.

    The Russian army regiments massed on the border were probably put there to dissuade Kiev from any attempt to take Crimea back militarily,

    and above all to keep the pressure up and destabilize the situation.

    What Putin really needs is a loyal government in Kiev, or at least one that will not join nato or make any other anti-Russian moves.

    He has no interest in absorbing the Donbass into Russia—for one

    thing, these areas depend on state subsidies for the mining (which is why kiev is bombing the mines, and hence the workers are volunteering against kiev! duh!)

    industries, and for another, there are now these armed groups and

    a popular mobilization with huge expectations of the Russian state(what Ishchenko might not admit as a sort of realist academic is that putin is a deeply spiritual man and so are russians and will not calluously leave people to wither)

    Often people used to speak of exporting revolution, but here there’s a danger of importing it(Ishkenko doesnt get why russian muslim chechens would volunteer to fight for country and countrymen against nazis)

    Putin’s in a tricky position domestically too: people in Russia were expecting him to intervene, so now he is under pressure from public opinion there.

    He may seem to be playing his hand unevenly or inconsistently, but it really reflects the complexity of his position….”

    Born in 1982 into a Soviet technical intelligentsia family,

    Ishchenko came of age politically at the turn of the new century, in the tent camps and rallies of the ‘Ukraine Without Kuchma’ movement of 2000—one of the precursors of the 2013 Maidan.

    He became part of Ukraine’s Marxist milieu while studying at the National University of Kyiv–Mohyla Academy, where,

    despite the institution’s pro-Western orient­ation,

    a small leftist subculture emerged in the later 2000s; this included the journal Spilne (Commons),

    of which he is one of the founding editors. Within an intellectual scene dominated by nationalist themes,

    Spilne sought to redirect attention to socio-economic questions from an explicitly internationalist, and anti-capitalist, perspective.

    Such concerns have been still further marginalized

    as the pressures of the country’s ongoing emergency have borne down on its political culture,

    diminishing the space for independent critical thinking.

    in this forum he would be given a free hand and speak openly.

    Surrendered soldiers Mat can join the militia or become refugees in Russia – the order Strelkova

    Defense Minister DND Igor Strelkov has issued the order on the introduction of measures applied to voluntarily surrendered to the soldiers of the armed forces.

    Being aware of what is happening in the Ukrainian army, forced mobilization, increasing aversion to Kiev junta, the growing chaos and infirmity of Ukrainian command, sending people to the slaughter like animals at the slaughterhouse, guided by considerations of humanity, military command DND issued a Decree on the introduction of measures applied to voluntarily surrendered to the servicemen of the Ukrainian armed forces.

    The text of the Order is attached.


    The commander of the militia of the Donetsk national Republic

    27.07.2014 gg Donetsk

    On the introduction of measures applied to
    who surrendered voluntarily to servicemen
    Ukrainian armed forces

    Recently in the armed forces of Ukraine there has been a sharp increase in the number of servicemen, unwilling to continue the fratricidal war against its own people and refuses to execute criminal orders of their commanders. Such servicemen undergoing different sorts of punishment, by their commanders, and violent suppression of the Nazis, up to extra-judicial executions, however, do not surrender to the forces of militia DND, fearing reprisal from the latter. Guided by considerations of humanity in the name of ending the bloodshed and save lives of Ukrainian soldiers forcibly directed to the zone fratricidal carnage.

    I hereby ORDER:
    (see full article here: )

    Catastrophic Desertions and Losses in the Ukrainian Army – Official Ukrainian Reports, July 19, 2014
    Preamble by Gleb Bazov: It is rare that we report on the workings of the aggressor across the battle lines. This item is different. Before you is a translation, kindly prepared by Valentina Lisitsa, of a report from the head of the Ukrainian Security Service, V.O. Nalyvaichenko, to the President of Ukraine, P.A. Poroshenko. It is an important document, which, we hope, you will distribute widely.
    No further commentary is necessary, other than the following brief quotation. According to V.O. Nalyvaichenko, „2/3 of the active combat military units currently participating in the ATO will simply cease to exist in as little as 4 to 5 days” due to mass desertions and casualties. To provide context for this letter, provided below is another document recently publicized as an internal memorandum from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence, which details recent casualties of the Ukrainian army, equally as catastrophic as its desertion rates
    Report by Head of SBU, V.O. Nalyvaichenko, to the President of Ukraine, P.A. Poroshenko
    Translated by Valentina Lisitsa
    Header Left: 
Security Service of Ukraine. 
16, Malopidvalna St., 
Kiev, 01601
    Tel: 226-25-64, 256-97-32, July 19 2014, 
No. 5/2/2-1331
    Header right: 
Absolutely Confidential (Addendum 1)
    Personally to the President of Ukraine, P.A. Poroshenko
    Handwritten Across the Top:
”To continue until Victory!”
    Signed V.O. Nalyvaichenko 20/7 [July 20]
    I am reporting.
    In the period from July 14th to 19th, 2014 we witness a catastrophic increase (of 3473 people, or 47%) in the number of deserters in the units of the Army and the National Guard – in comparison with last week’s numbers (1847 people, 25%).
Apart from that, during the stated period the number of missing in action had increased as well (1344 people , 47%, last week – 344 people, 10%).
    This phenomenon is connected to increased activity of the enemy in the Donetsk and the Lugansk regions as well as to the increase in the number of casualties in the ranks of the above-mentioned structures. 
This fact [negatively] influences the combat-worthiness of the personnel and makes continuation of the ATO impossible. In the event the negative trend continues at the same level, I estimate that 2/3 of the active combat military units currently participating in the ATO will simply cease to exist in as little as 4 to 5 days.
    With the aim of preserving the combat potential of our military structures, I am proposing that we perform a withdrawal maneuver of our militarily units to the area around Dobropil’ya and Smolyaninove. After replenishment of the ammunition stocks, re-grouping as well as rotation of the personnel by at least 60%, we can continue the offensive.
    The Head of the Ukrainian Security Service of Ukraine,
    V. Nalyvaichenko
    The head of the Antiterrorist Centre of the Security Service,
    B. Hrytsak
    Official Ukrainian Military Report of Losses for July 9-15, 2014(Arsen Avakov, Minister of Interior and V. Gritsak, Head of the ATO)
    Translated by Gleb Bazov
    … We admit the possibility that all the fighters have been purged by the separatists.
    In vide of the concentration of a large number of fighters near the airport, as well as lack of prospects in conducting an evacuation of the members of the National Guard from the Donetsk airport, I propose to withdraw the units of the Ukrainian military to the area of Avdeevka in order to regroup them for a further attack against the forces of the separatists.
    An Accounting of the Losses among Ukrainian Military, the Militants and the Civilians in the Donetsk and the Lugansk regions (for the period from July 9-15, 2014)

    Killed in Action: 1600
    Wounded in Action: 4723
    Tanks: 35
    Armoured Battle Vehicles: 96
    Artillery: 38
    Aircraft: 7
    Helicopters: 2
    Automobiles: 104


    Killed in Action: 48
    Wounded in Action: 64
    Tanks: 2
    Armoured Battle Vehicles: 0
    Artillery: 5
    Automobiles: 8


    Killed: 496
    Wounded: 762

    SIGNED & SUBMITTED BY: Arsen Avakov (Minister of Interior) and V. Gritsak (Head of the ATO)

    The Pentagon said on Friday the transfer of heavy-caliber multiple-launch rocket systems from Russia to Ukrainian separatists appeared to be imminent with the arms close enough to the border they could be handed over „potentially today.”

    „We have indications that the Russians intend to supply heavier and more sophisticated multiple-launch rocket systems in the very near future,” said Army Colonel Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman, adding that the weapons were in the over-200mm range.

    Warren indicated the weapons had been seen getting closer to the border and the Pentagon believed a transfer was imminent and could happen „potentially today.”

    „We believe that they are able to transfer this equipment at any time, at any moment,” he said.

    So Russia „could”, „potentially today” transfer rocket launchers to Ukraine. But wait, wasn’t the same Pentagon reporting hours ago that Russia is now, with the entire world clearly watching, no longer even pretending to be not engaged and is firing at Ukraine forces directly from its own territory? Why would they stop now? And surely with every US spy satellite trained at east Ukraine, the moment this happens it will be blasted to every media outlet. Right?

    United States Crafting Legislation to Incite World War III

    Information based partially on information published by a German source ( and on unidentified correspondence, a Ukrainian pilot reportedly confessed (in exchange for money?) that MH17 was shot down with his plane SU-25 based at the airport in Poltava, No. 10902, using a cannon. The hit was executed in the direction of the plane’s front. The plane was, however, flown during that particular mission by a Polish pilot with a US citizenship. At the airport, he served under the name of „Peter Hiller” [Heller?], age 41. The US contractor/mercenary was supposed to have left Ukraine on July 20 for Poland and then with a new passport (and a name?) for another country.

    MH17 Downing: Background Context & Cause Hypothesis

    MH17 – Sacrificed Airliner

    Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s speech on Al Quds Day 2014 – with English subtitles…

    The BBC is under control of the Zionist Jewish/Israel lobbies in Britain.

    Start with this from I believe 5 years ago:

    Here is a documentary about what I just said:


  9. Copilash said, on iulie 30, 2014 at 12:44 pm

    am fost in Bucovina de Nord din Ucraina in weekend-ul acesta.

    am aflat de „revolutia mamelor” cu putin inainte de a trece granita.

    destinatia noastra era Manastirea Banceni.

    ca sa ajungem la manastire am luat-o pe drumuri secundare.

    Duminica, la Sf. Liturghie – care s-a tinut in biserica mare – dupa citirea evangheliei,
    Parintele Jar a tinut predica (voi incerca mai jos sa sintetizez cele spuse de dansul):

    1) a condamnat actiunile guvernamentale referitoare la incorporarea fortata a tinerilor si maturilor din Bucovina de Nord si restul tarii.
    2) a denuntat minciunile din massmedia: a spus ca sunt zeci de mii de morti pe frontul din estul Ucrainei si nu cateva sute cum se zice in presa;
    3) a condamnat conducrerea Ucrainei (presedinte, guvern, armata, jandarmerie, politie) cei care genereaza fraticidul din tara;
    4) a condamnat pe patriarhul filimon al bisericii ucrainei (care s’a rupt de ortodoxia care tine de moscova) si care a binecuvantat razboiul;
    5) a poruncit poporului sa nu mearga la razboi, sa nu traga cu arma si sa nu omoare alti semeni si a precizat ca nu da binecuvantare pentru asa ceva;
    6) a indemnat poporul la rugaciune si pocainta (la citirea Sf Scripturi, Psaltire si actiste);
    7) a precizat ca ceea ce se intampla sunt semne ale sfarsitului si ca Sfintii Parinti au proorocit aceste lucruri;
    8) a indemnat hotarat oamenii sa nu accepte cipurile pe actele lor si mai ales in trupul lor;
    9) a amintit de Parintele Justin Parvul (l’a numit „Parintele inflacarat al Poporului Roman”) si de profetia acestuia;
    10) a condamnat ecumenismul si ereziile care sunt promovate in randul poporului si a indemnat la pastrarea credintei ortodoxe autentice si la implicarea activa a oamenilor in viata bisericii;
    11) la adunarea de dupa Liturghie a marturisit despre Oastea Domnului si despre rolul acesteiea in devenirea lui duhovniceasca: a spus ca daca nu era Oastea Domnului el ar fi fost acum la eretici, ca aceasta la salvat de la pierzare;
    12) parintele Jar se simtea foarte rau cu sanatatea, se vedea pe chipul sau suferinta fizica si durerea sufleteasca pentru cele ce se intampla;


  10. Sita Deasa said, on iulie 30, 2014 at 12:57 pm

    folositi cu succes TorBrowser pentru navigarea pe web:


  11. […] Iata comentariul cititorului Copilash postat la articolul Si ungurii din Transcarpatia refuza mobilizarea …: […]


  12. Despre Ucraina | SACCSIV - blog ortodox said, on februarie 12, 2022 at 4:16 pm

    […] Si ungurii din Transcarpatia refuza mobilizarea… […]


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