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Daniel Focsa: O prietenie de-o viaţă începută în temniţele comuniste: Avocat Gheorghe Gh. Vrânceanu – maior Avram Creţu

Posted in Uncategorized by saccsiv on iulie 24, 2014

Iata comentariul cititorului Daniel Focsa postat la articolul Marturia Parintelui Justin Parvu despre Parintele Ilie Lacatusu: MINUNEA CU TAIATUL STUFULUI. A fost LEGIONAR, deci NU VA FI CANONIZAT cel putin cat timp Patriarh va fi exagerat de fericitul Daniel:

Daca se poate semnala si acest articol al meu, despre doi patrioti romani, cu 11, respectiv 16 ani de inchisoare politica ! Bunicul meu avocat Gh Vranceanu, si colegul sau de celula si bun prieten, maior al Amatei Regale Romane Avram Cretu !

O prietenie de-o viaţă începută în temniţele comuniste: Avocat Gheorghe Gh. Vrânceanu – maior Avram Creţu 

Mi-l amintesc pe Avram Creţu, a venit o dată într-o vizită la Constanţa la bunicul meu Gheorghe Vranceanu, vechiul şi bunul său prieten şi camarad de închisoare, camarad de celulă la Aiud. Cred că era în 1990. Eu aveam 14 ani şi bunicul meu mă socotea prea mic pentru a îmi povesti ceva din închisorile prin care trecuse. Domnul Creţu era atunci preşedinte al filialei Olt a Asociaţiei Foştilor Deţinuţi politici din România, locuia în Slatina, dacă nu mă înşel împreună cu fiica sa. Era un bătrân distins, purta mustaţă, era prietenos şi l-am simpatizat imediat. A stat câteva zile la bunicul meu, vorbind mult şi povestind împreună, îmi amintesc şi de o plimbare făcută pe malul mării, de noi trei, avansând pe dig, spre port. Cum subiectele legate de închisoare nu se discutau atunci în prezenţa mea, îmi amintesc totuşi de nişte amintiri ale domnului Creţu legate de anii liceului, studiase la liceul „Şincai” (presupun că cel din Bucureşti). Şi de impresiile sale legate de vizitarea Casei Poporului, la scurt timp după revoluţie, la plecare fuseseră rugaţi să scrie impresii într-un registru. Replica bunicului meu: „Asta miroase a NKVD”. Nu ştiam atunci că amabilul domn, musafirul nostru, fusese un brav ofiţer superior al Armatei Regale Române, implicat activ în rezistenţa armată anticomunistă din Oltenia, ulterior cu grele condamnări politice – pe scurt, un erou. Conform fişelor matricole penale ( Avram Creţu era născut pe 24 ianuarie 1912 în comuna Tâlpani (Stâlpeni ?), raionul Piteşti, judeţul Argeş, ca fiu al unui muncitor CFR. Avusese ca naş de botez pe boierul Bălăceanu, tatăl lui Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici. Avea gradul de maior, în armata veche, contingentul 1934. În fişele matricole penale este trecut ca având apartenenţă politică legionară (eu, din discuţiile ulterioare cu el şi cu bunicul meu rămăsesem cu impresia că era un ofiţer de carieră apolitic dar ferm anticomunist şi patriot). A făcut parte din grupul de rezistenţă armată anticomunistă „Arnota” din Oltenia de sub munte, care a acţionat în anul 1949 ducând o activitate de sabotaj şi ajungând chiar la confruntări armate cu trupele de Securitate (apud: Puica Buhoci, Noi mărturii despre mişcarea de rezistenţă din Oltenia, în „Arhivele Totalitarismului” an XIX nr 70-71, 1-2/2011). A fost arestat şi condamnat în mai 1949 la 10 ani închisoare pentru uneltire. Trece întâi pe la Canal, în 1950 – 1952 găsindu-se la Valea Neagră, în 1952 este transferat la muncă în mina de la Baia Sprie (Maramureş) apoi în 1954 este adus la penitenciarul Aiud. În iunie 1959, după expirarea pedepsei, eliberat de la Aiud, trece pe la Jilava şi este internat administrativ pentru încă 5 ani (60 de luni, conform scriptelor cinice securiste) în lagăre de muncă, trecând pe la 9 Culme (sau Noua Culme) şi Periprava. Este eliberat pe 8 mai 1964, după 15 ani de detenţie. Parcursul său este deci asemănător cu cel al bunicului meu Vrânceanu Gheorghe, cu care a stat în celulă la Aiud, şi s-au întâlnit foarte probabil şi la Canal şi Periprava. După cum el însuşi mărturiseşte într-o scrisoare adresată bunicii mele imediat după moartea soţului ei: „Cu Ghiţă (soţul dvs.) am trăit clipe grele peste tot. Noi am fost nedespărţiţi” (scrisoare personală trimisă de Avram Creţu bunicii mele Valeria Dădârlat, aprilie 1991). Documentele seci de arhivă reuşesc într-o prea mică măsură să redea dramatismul şi duritatea încercărilor prin care au trecut aceşti oameni. Informaţia, cronologia, sunt desigur importante, esenţiale chiar, însă dincolo de ele, ceea ce mă interesează cel mai mult este viaţa din universul concentraţionar, suferinţa, speranţele, monstruozitatea şi sfinţenia. Am fost norocos: Avram Creţu mi-a povestit într-o scrisoare pe care mi-a adresat-o în 1996, eram deja student în Bucureşti, câteva lucruri despre cotidianul vieţii în celulă la Aiud, împreună cu bunicul meu. Redau aici un fragment: ”Scumpul meu Daniel, Scrisoarea ta m-a impresionat foarte mult. Bunicul tău Gheorghe Vrânceanu mi-a fost ca un frate. Bunul Dumnezeu a făcut ca prin toate închisorile şi lagărele prin care am trecut să fim nedespărţiţi. El şi prof. Rucăreanu, tot dobrogean – poate că ai auzit şi de el. (…) Şi acum să-ţi povestesc din trăirile noastre în celulă la Aiud. Eram în celula 92 celular, latura mică, cu faţa către sud. Camarazi de celulă: preot Glăvan de la Timişoara, eu, bunicul tău şi un ţăran tot ardelean, înlocuit mai târziu cu Mazilu Dumitru, fost comandant al unei şcoli de Ofiţeri de Securitate (…). Noi prin Morse ceream câte o poezie – cele mai multe de Radu Gyr, marele poet al Neamului. Preotul Glăvan le recepţiona, Vrânceanu le scria pe talpa bocancului, iar eu stăteam la vizetă să dau alarma când se auzeau paşi pe coridor. Mâncam poezii şi cântam cântece religioase cu preotul Glăvan (trecut şi el în lumea cealaltă). Până la urmă l-am convins şi pe Mazilu să se asocieze şi el cu noi – şi a acceptat. (…) Sub celula noastră era Petre Ţuţea, de care cred că ai auzit (e plecat şi el). Era grav bolnav” (scrisoare personală trimsă autorului de către Creţu Avram, martie 1996). După eliberare, bunicul meu a pierdut pentru o vreme legătura cu Avram, iar într-o notă informativă din anii ’60 a Securităţii se menţionează că Vrânceanu, întâlnind în Constanţa, vara, nişte sezonişti aflaţi în gazdă la un cunoscut de-al său, şi aflând că aceştia erau din Slatina, i-a întrebat dacă nu cumva cunosc pe un anume Creţu Avram. Nu ştiu când şi cum s-au regăsit exact, poate prin AFDPR. În tot cazul, imediat după revoluţie, ţineau constant legătura prin scrisori, telefon şi s-au şi întâlnit, în 1990, la Constanţa, după cum am povestit mai sus. Acum, amândoi sunt trecuţi la cele veşnice, iar eu mi-am făcut datoria de a evoca, foarte pe scurt, personalitatea acestui erou şi sfânta prietenie care l-a legat de bunicul meu. Dumnezeu să îi odihnească pe amândoi!

Daniel Focşa, istoric

23 răspunsuri

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  1. geo said, on iulie 24, 2014 at 6:32 pm

    Ukraine has asked Russia to admit another wounded Ukrainian soldier to a Russian hospital, spokesman for Russia’s regional Border Guard Service branch Vasily Malayev said on Thursday.

    The Ukrainian serviceman who is presumably in a grave condition will be taken to a hospital in the Rostov Region, which borders on east Ukraine’s Donetsk Region, the spokesman said.

    “The Ukrainian side has again asked for assistance to a wounded serviceman. He is being transported to the Gukovo checkpoint where the transfer procedure will take place,” Malayev said.

    Together with him, a total of five Ukrainian National Guard servicemen wounded in battles with east Ukraine’s self-defense fighters will be staying in Russian hospitals.

    National guard battalion „Donbass” is surrounded in the western outskirts of Donetsk, reported parliament member Oleg Lyashko on his Facebook page. The soldiers were ambushed by Novorossiya militia. „They need reinforcements as quickly as possible,” wrote Lyashko.

    Unknown member of some Kiev junta military brigades, few brigades were surrounded by Novorossia forces near boarded of Russia, recorded a video about their situation. Video was uploaded today, date of recording is unknown maybe during last few days. Person who record video show damaged vehicles of brigade, he told that 50 % of vehicles were destroyed. He told that Kiev junta forgot about them and they haven’t another choice than try to ran out.
    He lying about shelling from side of Russia, really Novorossia fighters shell them from so called neutral zone, it is area alongside state boarded.

    I want to remind that in the June Kiev junta send few brigades (about 5000 soldiers and officers with vehicles and artillery) alongside boarded of Ukraine and Russia. Their goal was cut Lugansk and Donetsk republic from Russia. These brigades shelled board checkpoints with refugees and force them to ran out to Ukraine. They don’t allow Ukrainian people, children and women mostly, to ran to safe places in Russia… Kiev junta had plans to surround all territory of Lugansk and Donetsk republic and made same which making Israel in Gaza. Fascist Kiev junta failed, its best troops were surrounded.
    I want to note, that they feeling themselves good then shelled and shooting civilians in villages and towns. Now, under fire they begin to whine.

    Claims of women from western Ukraine: „Send to East sons of women from another regions, not ours”

    In regional media was published news about local women who trying to stop sending of their men to war. Also there was published letter of that women to Petr Poroshenko, head of Kiev junta. Please read translation of this letter in order to understand psychology of big part of population from western Ukraine:

    Translation of article:


    Discontent with mobilization rising among the people In the town Sniatin (Ivano-fankovsk region) women blocked the road. About a hundred protesters distributed between two areas at the same time – at the ring road and near the stadium. The people are against conscripting of their men. They say that the selection is unfair because no attention is paid to large families or other circumstances.
    The people wrote and sent an address to the President of Ukraine:

    „To the President of Ukraine Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine P. Poroshenko
    To the Minister of Defense of Ukraine V. Geletei
    From mothers, wives and women of Sniatinsky District

    Dear Mr. President! Dear Mr. Minister! We, women of Sniatin district, understand the situation, which exists in our country. As of now a large number of military people from Sniatin district are serving in ATO [Kiev junta called war against population of former East of Ukraine as Anti-Terrorist Operation, ATO] hot spots in the East of Ukraine as well as in the training military units. Dear Sirs, during the warfare our warriors have shown high level of patriotism, responsibility and civil position for protection of our State. As of today these people include wounded and one killed soldier from Illinka – Shkribliak Dmitro Oleksandrovich. Considering the fact that we do not have guarantees that our soldiers are fully equipped, we are strongly against sending our children to ATO zone. And we are requesting that rotation is performed at the expense of the conscripts from Eastern Ukrainian regions neighboring Donetsk and Lugansk regions. We support partial mobilization of our sons, brothers and husbands if they serve on the Ciscarpathian territory and are fully equipped and supported by the government. Considering the fact that human life is the highest value according to the Constitution of Ukraine, we are asking you to understand our demands.

    Pro-fascist „Ukrainian” media (Kyiv Post is actually US-owned in real life) praises Israel’s „counter-insurgency” methods against Palestinian civilians, lauding it as a model for tactics to be used against ‘Russian separatists (who are really anyone in Ukraine who doesn’t want to live under neo- fascist terror). Yes, this is real.


  2. aniush said, on iulie 24, 2014 at 6:52 pm

    Daca vorbim de temnite comuniste, va mai recomand o carte.
    Se numeste „Strigat-am catre Tine Doamne”, autor Aspazia Otel Petrescu. Pe scurt, scriitoarea descrie cu lux de amanunte ce a trait in inchisorile comuniste timp de 14 ani (cat a fost arestata).
    Ca sa spun asa, in cateva cuvinte, daca incepeti s-o cititi n-o mai lasati din mana.


  3. geo said, on iulie 24, 2014 at 7:19 pm

    If parliamentary elections took place at the end of June, Oleg Lyashk’s Radical party could win, having collected nearly a quarter of votes.

    Data of a rating of parties testify to it, which обнраодовал the Kiev International Institute of Sociology (KIIS).

    Mariela Castro, niece of Fidel Castro, was on board AH5017 which crashed in Mali

    UK PM Cameron thinks it’s fine for Israel to use White phosphorus in Gaza just like UK in Iraq

    Mobilizare generala:

    According to reports, the leadership of Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIS) has ordered all families around Iraq’s northern city of Mosul to circumcise their women.

    The order was reportedly given by leader of the e self-declared Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the United Nations warned Thursday.

    UN resident and humanitarian coordinator in Iraq Jacqueline Badcock told reporters in Geneva through a video from Irbil that the fatwa would potentially affect four million women and girls.

    Yulia Timoshenko – We will nuke 8.000.000 Russians in Ukraine

    Batalionul Donbass e pe cale sa devina istorie:

    Turkey approves EIA Report for South Stream’s offshore section

    Drepturile omului:

    1) The so-called „interview” with Alexander Khodakovskii (not Mikhail Khodorkovskii) is a fake made by Reuters in which different parts of the real interview were re-mixed together in order to make it sound as if Khodakovskii was saying that the Resistance had a BukM1. Video and audio proof of that fact that this was a fake was shown on Russian TV today.

    2) The „new, democratic and free Ukraine associated to the EU” has just banned the Communist Party from the Parliament. Welcome to the „civilizational choice” of Europe.

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Senior U.S. intelligence officials said Tuesday that Russia was responsible for „creating the conditions” that led to the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, but they offered no evidence of direct Russian government involvement.

    The intelligence officials were cautious in their assessment, noting that while the Russians have been arming separatists in eastern Ukraine, the U.S. had no direct evidence that the missile used to shoot down the passenger jet came from Russia.

    The officials briefed reporters Tuesday under ground rules that their names not be used in discussing intelligence related to last week’s air disaster, which killed 298 people.

    The plane was likely shot down by an SA-11 surface-to-air missile fired by Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine, the intelligence officials said, citing intercepts, satellite photos and social media postings by separatists, some of which have been authenticated by U.S. experts.

    But the officials said they did not know who fired the missile or whether any Russian operatives were present at the missile launch. They were not certain that the missile crew was trained in Russia, although they described a stepped-up campaign in recent weeks by Russia to arm and train the rebels, which they say has continued even after the downing of the commercial jetliner.

    In terms of who fired the missile, „we don’t know a name, we don’t know a rank and we’re not even 100 percent sure of a nationality,” one official said, adding at another point, „There is not going to be a Perry Mason moment here.”

    White House deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes said the U.S. was still working to determine whether the missile launch had a „direct link” to Russia, including whether there were Russians on the ground during the attack and the degree to which Russians may have trained the separatists to launch such a strike.

    „We do think President Putin and the Russian government bears responsibility for the support they provided to these separatists, the arms they provided to these separatists, the training they provided as well and the general unstable environment in eastern Ukraine,” Rhodes said in an interview with CNN.

    He added that heavy weaponry continues to flow into Ukraine from Russia following the downing of the plane.

    The intelligence officials said the most likely explanation for the downing was that the rebels made a mistake. Separatists previously had shot down 12 Ukrainian military airplanes, the officials said.

    The officials made clear they were relying in part on social media postings and videos made public in recent days by the Ukrainian government, even though they have not been able to authenticate all of it. For example, they cited a video of a missile launcher said to have been crossing the Russian border after the launch, appearing to be missing a missile.

    But later, under questioning, the officials acknowledged they had not yet verified that the video was exactly what it purported to be.

    Despite the fuzziness of some details, however, the intelligence officials said the case that the separatists were responsible for shooting down the plane was solid. Other scenarios — such as that the Ukrainian military shot down the plane — are implausible, they said. No Ukrainian surface-to-air missile system was in range.

    From satellites, sensors and other intelligence gathering, officials said, they know where the missile originated — in separatist-held territory — and what its flight path was. But if they possess satellite or other imagery of the missile being fired, they did not release it Tuesday. A graphic they made public depicts their estimation of the missile’s flight path with a green line. The jet’s flight path was available from air traffic control data.

    In the weeks before the plane was shot down, Russia had stepped up its arming and training of the separatists after the Ukrainian government won a string of battlefield victories. The working theory is that the SA-11 missile came from Russia, although the U.S. doesn’t have proof of that, the officials said.

    U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power said last week that „because of the technical complexity of the SA-11, it is unlikely that the separatists could effectively operate the system without assistance from knowledgeable personnel. Thus, we cannot rule out technical assistance from Russian personnel in operating the systems,” she said.

    Asked about evidence, one of the senior U.S. intelligence officials said it was conceivable that Russian paramilitary troops are operating in eastern Ukraine, but that there was no direct link from them to the missile launch.

    Asked why civilian airline companies were not warned about a possible threat, the officials said they did not know the rebels possessed SA-11 missiles until after the Malaysian airliner was shot down.


  4. Viorel said, on iulie 24, 2014 at 8:09 pm

    Am vorbit zilele acestea cu o fosta angajata a unu centru de plasament din Aricesti Rahtivani jud. prahova pai precis Condordia care aduna copii de pe strazi si de la famili cu probleme, propietari acestu centru sunt austrieci adica sunt de religie catolica.
    Ce mi se pare stigator la cer este ca copii din centru cat si angajati sunt pusi sa se roage intr-un lacas de cult Catolic zilnic (spunandu-le angajtilor superiori ca doar de acolo vine finantarea si traiesc si ei de pe urma propietarilor catolici deci toata lumea trebuie sa fie catolica) ce nu e normal intr-o tara majoritar Crestin Ortodoxa sa vina alti sa oblige copii sa se roage in lacas de cult catolic.
    Este destul de grav si ar trebuie ceva facut pentru saraci copii daca Biserica Noastra nu ia nicio atitudine


  5. ORTODOXIE said, on iulie 24, 2014 at 8:10 pm

    Reblogged this on CREDINŢĂ DREAPTĂ ORTODOXĂ!!!.


  6. lorena said, on iulie 24, 2014 at 9:23 pm

    Povestea completa despre razboiul din Palestina/Ierusalim si cum a pornit:


  7. Iones said, on iulie 24, 2014 at 9:26 pm

    Rusia şi China, unite într-un proiect FĂRĂ PRECEDENT. Vladimir Putin vrea să schimbe ORDINEA MONDIALĂ


  8. Radu said, on iulie 24, 2014 at 9:28 pm

    Reblogged this on radupopescublog.


  9. Daniel Focsa said, on iulie 24, 2014 at 10:06 pm

    Multumesc pentru semnalarea acestui articol.
    Domnul Dumnezeu va va rasplati si pentru acest mic dar foarte frumnos gest al promovarii acestui text.
    Asa cum va da ce li se cuvine si tuturor celor care mi-au pus bete in roate de-a lungul vremii pentru faptul ca nu sunt un istoric vandut, ci un om care a crezut si crede in niste valori morale, asa cum m-a educat bunicul meu, puscariasul legionar, cel mai minunat profesor pe care l-am avut vreodata si poate omul cel mai frumos in preajma caruia am avut sansa sa stau in viata.


  10. geo said, on iulie 24, 2014 at 11:25 pm

    Arseny Yatsenyuk declared his resignation and resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers

    Arseny Yatsenyuk, Prime Minister Kiev junta resigned and announced the resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers. He announced it in Parliament during the discussion of changes to the state budget. He accused of sabotaging the party „Svoboda” and „Udar”. „Svoboda” is a fascist party of Ukraine, head Tyahnibok. „Udar” is a party of Vitali Klitschko.
    Before this was announced disintegration of coalition of the parties that participated in the fascist coup in Ukraine, the name of the coalition „European choice”.
    Disintegration of the coalition and the resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers may be the first step to the dissolution of Parliament and early elections. In these elections interested Petr Poroshenko, who wants to lead his people to the Parliament.

    Ukraine Coalition Government Collapses as 2 Parties Quit. The rada is dissolved !

    Mass desertion is observed withing the Ukrainian Junta army. The index went up by 47% with over 3400 deserters registered. Do they think any kind of mass mobilization could help in such conditions?

    Punitive battalion „Donbass” was surrounded by people’s army on the outskirts of Donetsk. It was reported on the page of the famous Ukrainian Deputy, the fighter for the rights of sexual minorities, – Oleg Lyashko. Let’s remind, the leader of the Ukrainian ultranationalist organization „Pravyi Sector” Dmitry Yarosh is one of the members of the punitive battalion „Donbass”.

    Official Kiev refuses to transfer to the experts the records of negotiations with „Boeing”. The records of negotiations of Dnepropetrovsk flying controllers with the crew of the crashed „Boeing” are still in the USS (Ukranian Security Service). According to one version the urgently arrived U.S. experts are working on them. Simultaneously, the US has made a sensational statement that the military aircrafts and air defence systems of Ukraine are not able to shoot down even the civil aircraft. It was stated by the Deputy of State Department spokesman Marie Harf. We remind that the investigation of the circumstances of the tragedy was taken over by Holland.

    Today the law of the third stage of partial mobilization came into force in Ukraine. We remind that it is the third partial mobilization, which holds the official Kiev. Taking into account that according to the official data of managers of punitive operations in Donbas the losses of pro-Kiev forces are minimum, so where the previous 2 waves of mobilization and units of the regular army involved in the fighting with the people’s army of Novorossia are, it’s unknown.

    From 1st August Kiev junta can’t to paid to the military, who fight against own people.

    „To continue the anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine is necessary to amend the state budget and to find additional sources of its content.” – this was stated by Finance Minister Oleksandr Shlapak, speaking in Parliament.

    „We do not have to money to pay at least a cash security to our military in the area ATO since August” – said Shlapak.

    According to the minister, previously provided by the state budget funding for these purposes has been calculated for the period prior to 1 July and continued operation requires additional resources amounting to about 9 billion UAH (about 1 billion $).

    MP’s blamed Ministry of Defense and army staff in corruption and looting of money, they claimed to hear report of Minister of Defense in the Parliament.


    Lisichansk City Council
    To: President of Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin
    Federal Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel

    From May 22, 2014 to the present, the city of Lisichansk of Lugansk oblast of Ukraine, is in the zone of military operation. A high number of infrastructure facilities are destroyed, because of disruptions in logistics, there is a shortage of medical supplies and essential food products.

    A new level of confrontation, even more devastating, then previously, began on July 18, 2014. From positions of Ukrainian army there is a systematic shelling of industrial facilities, suburban residential areas, and downtown. We have irrefutable evidence of Ukrainian army using multiple launch rocket systems on civilian targets. The city is on a verge of a humanitarian catastrophe.

    In the name of our friendship going back centuries, our cultural and economic ties, basic human principles, the executive comitee of Lisichansk City Council, is asking you for help to provide urgent and real aid in organization and execution of a negotiating process towards a ceasefire, as well as to discuss forms of future political structure of Donbass region, taking into account its ethnic, cultural and economic realities.

    Best Regards,
    Secretary of City Council,
    Tatiana Vinnik

    Lugansk and its surrounding area under bombardment. White phosphorus attack.
    Video evidence, taken in several locations of Lugansk People’s Republic of Novorossia on July 20-21, 2014:
    4. (at the moment of the shelling, people felt an acrid smell)


  11. Alin said, on iulie 25, 2014 at 12:29 am

    se introduc reprezentantii new age , se vor introduce treptat si in scoli? vor fi treptat introduse aceste date „exacte” si in scolile primare ? initiere fortata? nu ca astept, dar e de asteptat sa se ajunga si acolo–misterul-mumiei-exraterestre_159809.html

    vor ajunge asa jos oamenii si invatatorii lor? urmeaza suferinte treptate intinse pe decenii? nu e lasat noua sa stim ce va fi, doar sa ne intarim ni s-a lasat cale


  12. Romeo2110 said, on iulie 25, 2014 at 8:30 am

    off topic Declaratia lui Arthur Greenwood din 1940 este autentica ?

    Prin declaratia Greenwood, ministrul in cabinetul de razboi al Marii Britanii in cel de-al doilea razboi mondial, Arthur Greenwood, le promitea evreilor, in 1940, o Noua Ordine Mondiala, prin care evreii vor deveni stapanii de facto ai Europei, arendasi si administratori in slujba imperiului anglo-saxon, dupa terminarea acestui razboi. ( Se intampla la 6 octombrie 1940, cu 4 ani inainte de Yalta.


    24-07-2014 at 17:58

    Probabil ca unii romani au auzit de declaratia Balfour, dar in mod sigur nu au auzit de declaratia Greenwood

    Declarația Balfour din 2 noiembrie 1917 a fost o declarație oficială de politică extenă a guvernului Regatului Unit prin care se afirma că:

    „Guvernul Majestății Sale privește favorabil stabilirea în Palestina a unui Cămin național pentru poporul evreu și își va folosi bunele oficii pentru a facilita atingerea acestui obiectiv; este de înțeles că nu se va face nimic ce ar putea prejudicia drepturile civile și religioase ale comunităților neevreiești existente în Palestina, sau drepturile și statutul politic obținut de evrei în alte țări.” (ttp://

    Prin declaratia Greenwood, ministrul in cabinetul de razboi al Marii Britanii in cel de-al doilea razboi mondial, Arthur Greenwood, le promitea evreilor, in 1940, o Noua Ordine Mondiala, prin care evreii vor deveni stapanii de facto ai Europei, arendasi si administratori in slujba imperiului anglo-saxon, dupa terminarea acestui razboi. (ttp:// Se intampla la 6 octombrie 1940, cu 4 ani inainte de Yalta.

    Se stie ca Iuliu Maniu a fost toata viata lui agent MI-6, serviciul de spionaj extern al Marii Britanii. In Rusia, intelectualitatea fie a emigrat dupa revolutia din 1917, fie a fost lichidata fizic. Rusia Sovietica nu ar fi fost capabila sa-si impuna stapanirea in Europa de Est, datorita incapacitatii intelectuale si nu numai. Komisarii evrei nu se descurcau prea bine cu stapanirea URSS-ului, asa ca nu putea fi vorba sa se descurce si in Europa de Est. Si atunci a venit un ajutor salvator, li s-a netezit calea, in fiecare tara din Europa de Est. Tamadau este doar un episod al acestui proces istoric prin care Romania a fost predata la cheie.


  13. geo said, on iulie 25, 2014 at 9:07 am


    Fara guvern, fara parlament, fara fonduri, fara oameni dornici sa lupte (pentru ce sau pentru cine???), fara gaze, cu economia la pamint, Ucraina se indreapta rapid spre colaps…poate rezista doar daca americanii ii sprijina, asa cum declara ambasadorul acela…o alta teorie era ca americanii ii vor sprijini la momentul potrivit – cind valoarea hrivnei si a actiunilor se va prabusi iar pretul va fi foarte, foarte redus…


  14. geo said, on iulie 25, 2014 at 9:53 am

    Stop supporting the United States government in their geopolitical war in Ukraine and put an end to the punitive „anti-terrorist” operation in South-eastern Ukraine that is murdering civilians.

    PRIVATE (July 19, 2014)
    From: Head of Ukrainian Security Service, Valentin Nalivaichenko
    To: President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko

    In the period from July 14 to July 19, 2014, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of deserters from the armed forces and the National Guard, 3,473 (by 47%) compared with those of last week – 1,847 (25%).

    In addition, during this period the number of missing increased by 1,344 (or 47%), last week – 344 people (10%).

    This phenomenon is due to the increased activity of the enemy in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions and an increase in the number of losses on the part of the security forces. This fact affects the combat effectiveness of troops and makes a further continuation of the ATO impossible. If the negative dynamics will remain at the same level, then after 4-5 days 2/3 of combat-ready units engaged in ATO, will cease to exist.

    In order to maintain the combat potential of the power structures we propose to pool back units at Dobropole and Smolyaninovo accordingly. After the ammunition resupply, regroup and rotation of 60% of troops, the offensive can continue.

    Signed by:
    V. Nalivaichenko (Head of SBU)
    V. Gritsak (Head of Anti-Terrorist Center at SBU)

    „Continue until victory!” (Signed by P. Poroshenko July 20)


    Dnr-news – According to the Governor of Zaporozhye region, Valery Baranov, men of military age who had moved from the territory of Donbass to Zaporozhye region, are subject to mobilization, he stated on Facebook. He explained that among 5,726 refugees, who were given shelter on the territory of Zaporozhye region, there is a large number of men of military age. He instructed his military chief, David Moin, to to look at the possibility of registering the men for the subsequent passage of the Medical Commission and the formation of the battalion.

    It should be noted that many of his Facebook followers welcomed his statement. Almost with one voice they called the Governor’s decision was „the right thing”, noting that „it cannot be otherwise.” One user even said that these men shall redeem those separatist rallies and the referendum, which took place on the territory of Donbass, with their blood, and another one of the users, also approved the decision by Baranov, stating, that this is correct – these people should not hide behind other people’s backs. The user has the correct solution Baranova, stating that the Zaporozhye residents support him in this endeavour.

    Meanwhile, there is also some doubt „trustworthiness” of these people. One follower, who left a comment under the Governor’s statement, said: these people deserve now trust, and it would be better to send them to work, while paying them a soldier’s salary. Another user, commenting on the decision of the Governor, suggests that such a move might just be a soft way to steer the refugees away the region.

    (TSI – this will also solve a problem with finding resources for housing, medical services, keep the number of refugees lower, and help meet mobilization targets!)

    nformation about Vladimir Groisman, new Premier-Minister of Kiev junta. (he in photo below) Vladmir Groisman was born in 1978 in the city of Vinnitsa, western Ukraine. Boris Isaacovich Groisman, his father, in August 1994 (Vladimir Groisman was 16 years old, still a minor) appointed him director of the private commercial company „OKO”.
    Since November 1994 he worked as the commercial director of a private company „Yunost”. Since March 26, 2006 Vladimir Groisman became mayor of Vinnitsa. He was corrupt, like most mayors of Ukraine. When unknowns began to spread satirical poems about lying and stealing by Vladimir Groisman, he gave orders to find and punish the authors
    . This order was served by deputy chief of the Criminal Investigation of Vinnitsa region. Using false charges they captured a journalist and a 19 year old girl, his assistant. They were interrogated separately, under threat of death and imprisonment, They „confessed” to the distribution of the satirical poems. Characteristically, the girl was threatened by a word to her about carrying her into the forest, cutting off her head and hiding the body parts.

    The Vinnytsia region is the base region for agricultural companies of Roshen, owned by Ukrainian oligarch Petr Poroshenko, who is president of Ukraine now. Editor in Chief of Ukrainian online media „Left Bank” Sonya Koshkina relates Vladimir Groisman to „Team Poroshenko.”
    Vladimir Groisman’s estate is estimated at $ 2.3 million.

    On February 27, 2014 Vladimir Groisman became Vice Prime Minister – Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine. Moreover, this position in the Government did not exist until now. This post was created especially for Vladimir Groisman.
    On July 24, 2014, after the resignation of Arseny Yatsenyuk, Vladmir Groisman became acting Prime Minister.
    Vladimir Groisman is Jewish and Zionist by his nature.


    Prominent fascist who took part in Odessa massacre, at 2nd May 2014, in building of Trade Union caught in Russia. He was between other soldiers and officers who run out to the Russia. He lied that he is from boarder guards, but he was recognize by people, who watched news.
    In video, you can to see his deeds in the Odessa, at 2nd May. His face or body encircled by red line in the video.

    This information appear at 21th July first, but wasn’t confirmed before, now this information confirmed.

    We don’t hear about official interrogation, confirmation that in Russia well known fascist from Ukraine came from activists.

    History repeat itself: photo of fascists with their victim.
    Another evidence about torturers and beating made by fascists.

    Members of „Dnepr”, or „Dnipro” by Ukrainian, battalion of fascists financed by Igor Kolomoisky citizen of Israel, took photo with their victim. This happened somewhere in Donetsk republic, at 23th July, at least this photo was published in that day. Fascists forced him to confess in crimes which he couldn’t commit, this „confession” you can to read by link below. I want to note that big part of fascists are from western regions of Ukraine, they are strangers here. For them all locals are „Russian terrorists” or „members of separatists gangs”. If local refuse it, he tortured until confession. Please note their victim have civilian clothes, he haven’t military uniform which wear fighters of Novorossia. Also, fascists were taught don’t damage face of victim, if you going to use him for „public confession”, or for photo like this. Fascists severely beat legs, hands, corpse, but try to leave face without serious damage. About this told their victims in time of Maidan, so body of this fascists victim suffered more than face. His „confession” was translated, you can read it here. I want to note again, he is civilian, who was forced to confess in crimes, which never commit. Fascists from western Ukraine ready to torture anyone until necessary confession.

    Source of this story is member of battalion „Dnepr”

    Read comments here, followers and friends of fascist suggest „to bury alive victim”, „to castrate”, „to shot in this pit”…etc.

    This in democratic free Ukraine and „people with dignity”, who made „revolution”.

    Ukraine Rebels in June: “They Want the Militia to Shoot a Passenger Plane… There Would Be a Global Catastrophe.”

    Indian sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik is pictured with his sand sculpture honouring victims of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 which appears to have been shot down over eastern Ukraine, at Puri beach, some 65 kilometers away from Bhubaneswar on July 18, 2014

    THE Washington Post reports that „various NATO countries” want to send „POLICE AND MILITARY” units to the crash site to protect it. Before Novorossiya permits NATO military of ANY kind on its territory, it should require diplomatic recognition by the respective countries, and a written, published agreement to leave the country when the site is cleaned up, and demand that Kiev create a 100 km cease fire zone for the entire time of the investigation.

    How Israel Uses Twitter, Facebook & Tinder to Legitimize Murder

    Abby Martin cuts through the media narratives on the Israeli Palestinian conflict, going over the different ways Israel targets international audiences with ‘Hasbara’, a narrative that gives legitimacy to policies that have killed and displaced millions of Palestinian Arabs.

    i screenshot this brief post on one of Western media’s facebook pages and thought i should share. It gave me a little more hope in humanity…

    Israel just shelled the United Nations.


    A United Nations Relief and Works Agency school filled with Palestinian refugees was shelled by Israeli tanks, according to initial reports.

    Many of the victims were women and children.

    Why is the United States providing billions of dollars in foreign aid to Israel? Are we going to veto the U.N. resolutions yet again, which will almost surely be coming for Israel’s war of aggression? (1. No wars of aggression)

    How much longer will Israel be allowed to continue their invasion of Gaza? Does the world really want to wait for a terrorist organization such as ISIS to get involved?

    Read more:

    Here are 20 facts about Israel and Gaza the mainstream media will never show you on TV. Spread the knowledge.

    If you don’t have the courage to look at the children being murdered by Israel in Gaza, yet you’re going to defend their bombardment and invasion of Gaza, then your opinion on the matter is worthless.

    The Secret Government Rulebook For Labeling You a Terrorist

    The Obama administration has quietly approved a substantial expansion of the terrorist watchlist system, authorizing a secret process that requires neither “concrete facts” nor “irrefutable evidence” to designate an American or foreigner as a terrorist, according to a key government document obtained by The Intercept.

    Be Good, Or They Won’t

    It is time for the United States government to take a long, hard look at itself in the mirror and decide what it’s legacy will be.

    One of humanity, innovation and freedom or just an overgrowing list of dead innocents who’s blood is on our hands.

    10 Questions For You Straight From A Gaza Resident

    Written by Hala Abdelwahed from Gaza on July 21st, 2014

    You can’t just watch the news for a few days, read a couple headlines here and there, and think that you know what is really going on, why it’s happening, and what should be done about it. You cannot take one incident and examine it completely out of context and then use that as an argument.

    Most people think this all started because of the three kidnapped Israelis in the West Bank, and that that is a legitimate justification for Israel’s attacks on Gaza.

    Here are 10 questions for them…

    Ukraine Compares MH17 to 9/11, Black Boxes Handed Over to Malaysia, Bodies Sent to Netherlands

    Do we really want to manifest a military confrontation with Russia and China over Ukraine? This is not Ukraine’s 9/11. This should insult Americans.

    Pay attention to who is escalating the situation, and who is trying to keep things calm. Try to remain calm yourself.

    Pay attention to who tries to prevent civilian deaths, and who is causing them. We don’t have to sit by and just let this happen.

    Israeli Violations of International Law – (11) ETHNIC CLEANSING: There is considerable evidence in the historic record of Israeli policies and actions (as well as the policies and actions of the Zionist organizations that started the State of Israel) that they intended to drive the non-Jewish Arab people out of the area of Palestine. Such a policy is called Ethnic Cleansing as per the generally accepted defintion.

    NATO’s Europe commander advocates stockpiling a base in Poland with enough weapons, ammunition and other supplies to support a rapid deployment of thousands of troops against Russia, British media reported.

    General Philip Breedlove’s idea would be presented to members of the alliance at the upcoming NATO summit in Wales in September, according to The Times.

    The general told a briefing in Naples this week that NATO needed “pre-positioned supplies, pre-positioned capabilities and a basing area ready to rapidly accept follow-on forces.”

    Senior U.S. officials now admit that the Malaysian airlines passenger plane was likely accidentally shot down.

    The Russian government claims Ukrainian fighter jets were flying very close to Malaysian Flight 17 when it was shot down. Others claim that Ukrainian fighter jets were escorting the Malaysian plane through Ukrainian airspace.

    However, a Youtube video made a month before Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down alleges that Ukranian fighter jets were hiding behind passenger planes, pulling away temporarily, dropping bombs on Ukrainian separatists, and then hiding again behind the plane (minor corrections of spelling and punctuation):

    Terrible things are happening. For example, an incident that happened recently:passenger plane was flying by, and Ukrainian attack aircraft hid behind it. Then he lowered his altitude a bit and dropped bombs on residential sector of Semenovka town. Then he regained the altitude and hid behind the passenger plane again. Then he left.

    They wanted to provoke the militia to shoot at the passenger plane. There would be a global catastrophe. Civilians would have died.

    Then they would say that terrorists here did it. There are no terrorists here. There are regular people here that came out in defense of their own city.

    The Air Force is about to put a new advanced satellite into space to spy on other countries’ satellites.

    On Wednesday, a Delta IV rocket will launch from Cape Canaveral Air Station, Fla., and place two Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program satellites into orbit. They will be the first GSSAP satellites ever launched.

    “This neighborhood watch twosome … will be on the lookout for nefarious capability other nations might try to place in that critical orbital regime,” Gen. William Shelton, the head of Air Force Space Command, told reporters at the Pentagon.
    Because of its enhanced maneuvering capabilities, the GSSAP satellite can get the best possible vantage point for collecting images of other satellites, according to Shelton.

    He said the imagery capabilities on the new satellites are “a big leap forward” compared with the ones the U.S. has been using to monitor objects circling the earth.

    Yesterday, Matt Breuning pointed out the insanity of a Wall Street Journal op/ed trying to justify Israel’s killing of civilians in Gaza:

    In the Wall Street Journal, Thane Rosenbaum [from NYU school of law] opines on the civilian status of the killed Gazans:

    The asymmetry is complicated even further by the status of these civilians. Under such maddening circumstances, are the adults, in a legal and moral sense, actual civilians? To qualify as a civilian one has to do more than simply look the part. How you came to find yourself in such a vulnerable state matters. After all, when everyone is wearing casual street clothing, civilian status is shared widely.

    The people of Gaza overwhelmingly elected Hamas, a terrorist outfit dedicated to the destruction of Israel, as their designated representatives. Almost instantly Hamas began stockpiling weapons and using them against a more powerful foe with a solid track record of retaliation.

    What did Gazans think was going to happen? Surely they must have understood on election night that their lives would now be suspended in a state of utter chaos. Life expectancy would be miserably low; children would be without a future. Staying alive would be a challenge, if staying alive even mattered anymore.

    The argument is this: Are Gazan civilians really innocent in all of this? After all, they voted for Hamas, didn’t they? Aren’t they therefore responsible for the actions of that government? Do they really have a rightful claim to innocence and the usual civilian immunity from military attack?

    I’ve read this argument before. Osama bin Laden himself made this argument in response to those who said that 9/11 was an unjust attack because it targeted civilians:

    (3) You may then dispute that all the above does not justify aggression against civilians, for crimes they did not commit and offenses in which they did not partake:

    (a) This argument contradicts your continuous repetition that America is the land of freedom, and its leaders in this world. Therefore, the American people are the ones who choose their government by way of their own free will; a choice which stems from their agreement to its policies. Thus the American people have chosen, consented to, and affirmed their support for the Israeli oppression of the Palestinians, the occupation and usurpation of their land, and its continuous killing, torture, punishment and expulsion of the Palestinians. The American people have the ability and choice to refuse the policies of their Government and even to change it if they want.


    Why hasn’t Washington joined Russian President Putin in calling for an objective, non-politicized international investigation by experts of the case of the Malaysian jetliner?

    The Russian government continues to release facts, including satellite photos showing the presence of Ukrainian Buk anti-aircraft missiles in locations from which the airliner could have been brought down by the missile system and documentation that a Ukrainian SU-25 fighter jet rapidly approached the Malaysian airliner prior to its downing. The head of the Operations Directorate of Russian military headquarters said at a Moscow press conference today (July 21) that the presence of the Ukrainian military jet is confirmed by the Rostov monitoring center.

    The Russian Defense Ministry pointed out that at the moment of destruction of MH-17 an American satellite was flying over the area. The Russian government urges Washington to make available the photos and data captured by the satellite.

    President Putin has repeatedly stressed that the investigation of MH-17 requires “a fully representative group of experts to be working at the site under the guidance of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).” Putin’s call for an independent expert examination by ICAO does not sound like a person with anything to hide.
    Turning to Washington Putin stated: “In the meantime, no one [not even the “exceptional nation”] has the right to use this tragedy to achieve their narrowly selfish political goals.”

    Putin reminded Washington: “We repeatedly called upon all conflicting sides to stop the bloodshed immediately and to sit down at the negotiating table. I can say with confidence that if military operations were not resumed [by Kiev] on June 28 in eastern Ukraine, this tragedy wouldn’t have happened.”

    What is the American response?

    Lies and insinuations.

    Apple has been accused of intentionally installing security backdoors in some 600 million iOS devices that offer surveillance-level access to data including photos, browsing history and GPS locations.

    The vulnerabilities were uncovered by security expert Jonathan Zdziarski, who presented an academic paper on the subject at a hacker conference in New York last Friday.

    Apple has issued a statement in response to the allegations saying that the company’s “diagnostic functions do not compromise user privacy and security,” but Zdziarski has responded by noting that these services “dish out data” regardless of whether the user has agreed to diagnostics.

    “There is no way to disable these mechanisms,” Zdziarski writes on his personal blog. “This makes it much harder to believe that Apple is actually telling the truth here.”
    The backdoors reportedly cover a range of hidden tools and protocols that activate with “paired” computers – machines connected to an iPhone or iPad via USB that the user has granted security access to.

    Apple says that this allows individuals and businesses to manage their devices, but Zdziarski has pointed out that the system offers unecrypted access to users’ online log-ins, contacts and web history and could be compromised by anyone with access to the same Wi-Fi network.

    The CIA ran a secret jail on Polish soil, the European Court of Human Rights ruled on Thursday, piling pressure on Poland, one of Washington’s closest allies, to break its long silence about the global programme for detaining al Qaeda suspects.

    The court said it had been established that the CIA used a facility in a northern Polish forest, code named “Quartz”, as a hub in its network for interrogating suspected al Qaeda operatives rounded up after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

    Poland has always denied that the CIA had a jail on its territory, even as leaks from former U.S. intelligence officials, and a Senate investigation, brought more and more details of the programme into the open.

    Thursday’s ruling was the first time that a court in Europe had said that the CIA operated one of the secret jails – often referred to as “black sites” -on the continent.

    The U.S. government is rapidly expanding the number of names it accepts for inclusion on its terrorist watch list, with more than 1.5 million added in the last five years, according to numbers divulged by the government in a civil lawsuit.

    About 99 percent of the names submitted are accepted, leading to criticism that the government is “wildly loose” in its use of the list.

    Is Israel really just defending itself, or is the Zionist state’s bombardment of Gaza a pre-meditated war crime?

    Israel has killed over ten times more Palestinians in the past week alone than Hamas rockets have killed Israelis in the last 13 years.

    ​‘Saddest photo yet’: Astronaut Photographs Gaza Offensive from Space
    „From #ISS we can actually see explosions and rockets flying over #Gaza & #Israel..”

    The big question now is what will the IMF do about the remaining tranches of its loans?

    It’s Time For The BRICS To Act To Counter US Destabilization Efforts

    Special Report: Pilots, Air Traffic Controllers Want The Truth Behind MH17

    Is Israel’s Operation Protective Edge Really About Natural Gas?


  15. geo said, on iulie 25, 2014 at 10:09 am

    MĂRTURII VIDEO Tragica epopee a lui Toma Arnăuţoiu, eroul din munţi

    Nacuta in grota partizanilor:

    Curtea Europeană a Drepturilor Omului a condamnat Polonia pentru că a găzduit închisori secrete ale CIA – anunţă marile agenţii internaţionale de presă.

    În total, 54 de ţări sunt bănuite că au colaborat cu CIA la programul său de detenţii secrete şi de torturare a suspecţilor de terorism, după atentatele de la 11 septembrie, afirma, în februarie 2013, organizaţia Open Society Justice Initiative.

    Judecătorul CEDO a spus că Polonia a cooperat în timpul transferurilor ilegale din 2002 – 2003, permiţând ca doi suspecţi să fie interogaţi pe teritoriul său – informează BBC. Aceştia sunt palestinianul Abu Zubaydah, arestat în Pakistan, şi sauditul Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, arestat în Dubai. În prezent, cei doi sunt încarceraţi la închisoarea Guantanamo, din Cuba.

    CEDO a stabilit că suspecţii au fost supuşi torturii, după cum ei înşişi au susţinut, în faţa instanţei, şi că Polonia este responsabilă pentru încălcarea drepturilor umane, pe teritoriul său. Permiţându-i CIA să transfere suspecţii în alte centre de detenţie aflate sub autoritatea sa, autorităţile poloneze i-au supus unor riscuri ridicate privind sănătatea şi condiţiile de detenţie, a adăugat Curtea.

    Domnule ministru, recent aţi declarat că sunteţi de acord cu poziţia domnului Traian Băsescu, preşedintele României, în legătură cu declaraţia domniei sale privind catastrofa aviatică în care au murit 298 de oameni nevinovaţi. În calitate de fost şef al diplomaţiei române, m-aţi surprins. Neplăcut.

    Din proprie iniţiativă, sau nu, şeful statului român a fost extrem de dur, folosind cuvinte deosebit de grele la adresa Federaţiei Ruse („care a devenit partenerul teroriştilor”), dar şi a preşedintelui acesteia, Vladimir Putin. În faţa comunităţii internaţionale, Rusia este vinovată din nenumărate motive. În mod grosolan, nu le recunoaşte. Nici acum nu o face. În ce ne priveşte, să nu uităm de tezaur, de Transnistria, dar şi de alte mari dureri ale românilor. Totuşi, în opinia mea, într-un astfel de context, nu România trebuie să arate cu degetul, ci marile puteri, apoi noi, dar nu în mod jignitor, nici emoţional. Observaţi că o fac şi alte state, dar într-un mod mai cenzurat, cu întârzâieri şi ocolişuri uşor de explicat. Dacă preşedintele român a făcut-o din proprie iniţiativă, s-a pripit, a exagerat. Mă îndoiesc că a fost în prealabil vreo consultare cu instituţiile de specialitate româneşti. Dacă a făcut-o la îndemnul unei puteri străine, fie ea şi strălucitoarea Americă, de care ne leagă un Parteneriat important, s-a exagerat din nou. Aţi observat discursul preşedintelui Obama? A criticat Federaţia Rusă, dar a folosit cuvinte bine şi atent cântărite. Acuzaţiile sale la adresa Rusiei şi a preşedintelui ei erau făcute cu reţinere, cu ton scăzut, departe de a fi patetice. Spre deosebire de primul om al lumii, noi, prin cuvântul preşedintelui român, suntem patetici, dar nu numai atât: îi categorisim pe ruşi drept „terorişti”. Putem dovedi? Când consultăm DEX-ul, observăm că „terorism”-ul este altceva, că nu poate fi folosit ca termen în acest caz. O acuzaţie, chiar la adresa duşmanului tău, trebuie să fie corectă, bine fundamentată. Exclud ideea de a apăra Federaţia Rusă, dar dacă a fost o eroare, adică un avion civil fiind confundat cu unul militar, într-un război mascat care se desfăşoară acolo? Acesta poate fi terorism? Nu ar fi fost mai bine să aşteptăm concluziile experţilor internaţionali, apoi să ne pronunţăm? Dar dacă cei doi militari pro-ruşi, cu rachetele aflate la dispoziţia muşchilor lor, băuseră prea multă vodcă rusească, şi nu mai ştiau prea bine ce fac? Din dialogul lor incoerent, înregistrat înaintea apăsării pe butonul ucigaş, cam asta reieşea… Tot terorism ar fi? Cuvântul e prea greu, domnule ministru, şi nu se va uita niciodată de către vecinii noştri, buni, sau răi, cum sunt. N-au spus-o ei despre noi, ci invers. Cu ce costuri, pentru o relaţie de bună vecinătate, atât cât este aceasta posibilă?

    Nu-ţi trebuie prea multe cunoştinţe de Istorie pentru a-ţi da seama că Adevărul despre cele întîmplate în cazul Tragediei aviatice din 17 iulie 2014 nu poate fi stabilit cît ai bate din palme. Ba chiar, dacă ne gîndim că în timpurile moderne grupările rebele, paramilitare, marginale au fost folosite de serviciile secrete, prin infiltrare sau manipulare, pentru a-şi rezolva interese proprii, deseori murdare, Adevărul despre Tragedie s-ar putea să nu-l aflăm niciodată.

    Nici măcar atunci cînd un Serviciu secret precum CIA își va deschide arhivele despre acest moment, sub flamura unei pretinse democratizări.

    Ce putem spune cu siguranţă se referă la impactul acestei tragedii în bătălia pe cale de a deveni Război dintre SUA şi Federaţia Rusă pentru sferele de influență. Federaţia Rusă, ştiută ca susţinătoare a rebelilor din Estul Ucrainei, a primit o cumplită lovitură de imagine. Prin asta, o lovitură au primit şi ţările mari ale Uniunii Europene, mult mai dependente decît SUA de relaţiile economice cu Federaţia Rusă. În ultimul timp, stînjenite de presiunile americane în direcţia unui război economic total cu Moscova, ţări precum Geermania, Franţa, aşezate pe continentul care găzduieşte şi Rusia, începuseră să-şi asume o mai mare prudenţă în dispozitivul antirusesc meșterit pe planetă de SUA. În bătălia geopolitică angajată cu Federaţia Rusă, moștenitoarea importanței planetare a Uniunii Sovietice, America s-a folosit și se folosește pe post de băț prin gard de actuala conducere de la Kiev, parvenită la şefie ca urmare a Loviturii de stat de la începutul lui 2014.

    Ca de obicei în Istorie, Adevărul îl stabilesc Stăpînii din acest moment al lumii.

    Cînd vor fi rușii sau arabii, mă rog, îl vor stabili ei!

    Convins de această teză, am tresărit sîmbătă, 17 iulie 2014, cînd Traian Băsescu a anunțat femeile PMP-iste de la Sinaia:

    „Sigur, asupra acestui lucru mă voi pronunţa cu multă claritate de la Cotroceni, pentru că informaţiile acumulate şi prezentate deja de diverşi lideri ai lumii sînt informaţii pe care le deţinem şi noi, dar cu certitudine, am de nuanţat unele poziţii şi o voi face din poziţia oficială de preşedinte la Cotroceni. Nu aş intra în detalii acum. Vreau să-mi termin propria analiză, bazată pe datele pe care le am, şi repet, România nu a aflat nimic din declaraţiile liderilor politici, însă cred că trebuie pus şi degetul pe rană şi o voi face de la Cotroceni“.

    Măi să fie! mi-am zis.

    De unde şi pînă unde poate dispune Cotroceniul de alte informaţii, decît cele din presă pentru a trage concluzii ferme, categorice, asupra tragediei din Estul Ucrainei? Că doar n-o să cred că SIE e atît de tare încît a avut infiltraţi ofiţeri români între rebeli pe post de ruşi?

    Ştiind nu numai că Traian Băsescu n-are cum şti mai multe lucruri decît cele date publicităţii, dar şi că ţările lumii au invocat Adevărul lor înainte de a descoperi Adevărul, ca bază pentru luări de poziţii politice, mi-am zis că de la Cotroceni nu mă pot aştepta decît la o luare de poziţie mai nuanţată.

    Premierul Victor Ponta a declarat, joi, în emisiunea ”Adevărul Live”, că Federația Rusă este vinovată, cel puțin moral, pentru doborârea zborului MH17, în urma căruia 298 persoane și-au pierdut viața.

    ”Separatiștii din regiunea de la granița de est a Ucrainei sunt cel puțin sprijiniți logistic și militar de Rusia. Acest tip de rachete sol-aer au fost oferite de către Federația Rusă. Din acest punct de vedere, responsabilitatea Federației Ruse este cel puțin morală”, a declarat Ponta.

    ”Rebelii proruși nu sunt așa niște oameni veniți nu se știe de unde și nesprijiniți de nimeni. Nu avem niște concluzii înaintea celor care cercetează cutiile negre, privind doborârea avionului. Când vom avea o concluzie, va fi prezentată în CSAT”, a arătat primul ministru.

    ”Ceea ce este important e poziția politică. Responsabilitatea Rusiei e acum foarte clară. Noi ne dorim ca Ucraina, Moldova și Georgia să poată să meargă fără alte presiuni pe drumul acesta european”, a mai spus Victor Ponta.

    În contextul acuzaţiilor venite atât din partea SUA, cât şi a statelor baltice, Poloniei sau României, că Uniunea Europeană nu este în stare să acţioneze ca un front unit, cu reacţii puternice în faţa agresiunilor şi încălcărilor de norme internaţionale ale Rusiei, caii de bătaie preferaţi de multă lume sunt Franţa şi Germania, cele două mari puteri care continuă să întreţină relaţii comerciale şi chiar militare cu Rusia, în ciuda sancţiunilor pe care UE le propovăduieşte. O altă mare putere europeană aflată în aceeaşi situaţie, de duplicitate faţă de Rusia, este însă şi Marea Britanie, care în mod paradoxal se află deseori în corul criticilor pe această temă, împotriva Franţei şi Germaniei. Londra a devenit un ultimii ani un paradis fiscal şi investiţional pentru oligarhii Rusiei, iar bunăstarea economiei britanice a ajuns să se bazeze periculos de mult pe investiţiile ruseşti şi pe influxul de capital asigurat de ei. Sancţiunile împotriva capitalului lor ar lovi puternic regimul lui Putin, însă Londra îşi merită pe bună dreptate porecla de “Londongrad” şi refuză să le promoveze.

    Partenerii NATO de peste Ocean, dar şi din centrul şi Estul Europei – balticele, Polonia sau România, au ajuns să critice din ce în ce mai vehement Uniunea Europeană pentru faptul că nu reuşeşte să acţioneze unit şi puternic în faţa agresiunilor Rusiei în Ucraina, prin sancţiuni şi embargouri care să afecteze cu adevărat interesele Moscovei. Mai mult, mari puteri europene precum Franţa şi Germania continuă chiar să aibă relaţii comercial-militare cu Rusia – Franţa nu vrea să renunţe la contractul de 1,2 miliarde de euro prin care livrează Rusiei două nave de război Mistral (prima, Vladivostok, fiind gata şi urmând să fie trimisă în Rusia la toamnă), în timp ce Germania, deşi a suspendat contracte de export de armament către Rusia, a încheiat deja construcţia unei baze militare supermoderne de antrenament lângă Kazan. Ele nu sunt însă singurele puteri europene care practică această duplicitate faţă de Rusia – pe de o parte nevoia de sancţiuni împotriva Moscovei, pe de alta cultivarea relaţiilor comerciale şi militare cu ea. Marea Britanie practică acelaşi joc.

    Acest lucru l-a remarcat miercuri, neiertător, şi ministrul de Externe al Franţei, Laurent Fabius, care a replicat că britanicii ar trebui să îşi vadă de problemele din propria ogradă. Replica şefului diplomaţiei de la Paris a venit după ce premierul britanic David Cameron a spus, referindu-se la contractul Mistral, că vânzarea de nave militare către Rusia, după doborârea cursei de pasageri malaeziene în estul Ucrainei, ar fi “de neconceput”.

    “Englezii, mai ales, au fost foarte plăcuţi, ca să spun aşa, spunând ‘noi nu am face niciodată aşa ceva’. Însă eu le-am spus dragilor mei prieteni britanici, hai să vorbim despre sectorul financiar. Mi se pare că există câţiva oligarhi ruşi în Londra”, a declarat Laurent Fabius, după întâlnirea miniştrilor de Externe de la Bruxelles.

    În ultimii ani, România a devenit patria afacerilor ilegale cu ovule. Conform legii, donarea acestor celule reproducătoare este un act benevol. În realitate însă, româncele își vând ovulele, pe sute de euro, chiar și la mica publicitate. Procurorii DIICOT susțin că în afaceri au fost implicate și unele clinici de fertilizare în vitro.

    Populaţia României ar putea să scadă, până în anul 2060, cu peste 7 milioane de persoane. Sunt date îngrijorătoare, anunțate de către Institutul Naţional de Statistică.

    „Depopularea unei ţări, evident, contribuie la slăbirea ei în toate componentele ei”, afirmă Cristian Pârvan, secretar general Asociaţia Oamenilor de Afaceri din România.

    Din cauza scăderii ratei natalităţii şi a migraţiei, țara noastră ar putea avea una dintre cele mai îmbătrânite populații din Europa, avertizează şi Academia Română.

    „Sistemul de pensii va fi cel mai afectat de acest lucru pentru că sarcina economică, povara pentru asistenţa financiară a persoanelor vârstnice, va fi uriaşă”, explică Vasile Gheţău, directorul Centrului de Cercetări Demografice al Academiei Române.


  16. crestinul ortodox said, on iulie 25, 2014 at 11:25 am

    raspunsul este unul singur …
    statul roman este stat mamona
    dar nu vreti a intelege aceasta …
    Si VA FI Puterea DUMNEZEIASCA pe acest pamint spre starpirea spurcaciunii mari la care cei multi si-au plecat capetele si inchinare au facut la fiara si la antihrist …

    rugati-va la Sfantul Parinte Arsenie Boca si la MAICA DOMNULUI pentru Apararea SFANTA pe acest pamint ca pamintul se va curata de spurcaciunea cea mare pusa de evreii sionisti spre inghitirea celor multi de pe acest pamint care i s-au inchinat
    si asemeni spre starpirea celor spurcati dar slujitorii ai fiarei de peste ape cu nume de nato si din apus cu nume de ue
    ca otrava multa este aruncata asupra acestui pamint spre pierzarea poporului roman
    cine are ochi de a vedea Vede
    si cine are urechi de a auzi Aude


  17. […] Daniel Focsa: O prietenie de-o viaţă începută în temniţele comuniste: Avocat Gheorghe Gh. Vrâ… […]


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