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VIDEO: discursurile presedintelui Shimon Peres si al papei cu ocazia vizitei acestuia in Israel. La ce sa ne asteptam?

Posted in ISRAEL, PAPA, Shimon Peres by saccsiv on mai 13, 2009

Discursul presedintelui Shimon Peres:

הוד קדושתך האפיפיור בנדיקטוס ה-16,

בשם מדינת ישראל אני מברך אותך ומקדם את פניך בברכת  „שלום”.

[Hebrew: Your Holiness the Pope, Benedict XVI, in the name of the State of Israel I welcome you and offer you a blessing on your arrival: peace]

Ave Benedicte, princeps fidelium qui hodie terram sanctam visitas.

[Latin: Hail Benedictus, first among the faithful, who visits the Holy Land today]

I see your visit here, to the Holy Land, as an important spiritual mission of the highest order: a mission of peace. A mission of planting seeds of tolerance and and uprooting the weeds of fanaticism. I appreciate your stances and your actions to bring down the level of violence and hatred in the world. I am certain that this will be a continuation of the dialogue between Judaism and Christianity in the spirit of the Prophets.

I honor your efforts to feed the hungry and to quench man’s thirst for faith in man and in the Creator of the Universe. In our country, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Bedouins, and Circassians all live together. They live on the same earth. They live under the same sky. They pray to almighty God. Everyone can pray in his own language, according to his own prayerbook, without any outside interference.

Israel safeguards the absolute freedom of religious practice and free access to holy places. We are always happy to receive pilgrims from throughout the world in the Holy Land.

Since the days of Abraham our forefather, we have believed that man should aspire to be a desirable guest and a gracious host.
Abraham’s tent was open to all directions. It was easy for the pure air and wind to enter from north, south, east, and west.

As it is written in the Book of Isaiah:

כִּי בֵיתִי, בֵּית-תְּפִלָּה יִקָּרֵא לְכָל-הָעַמִּים – ישעיהו פרק נ”ו, פסוק ז’

[„My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations”- Isaiah 56:7]

Our country is poor in resources, but rich in faith. Our country is half-desert, but we have built flourishing commerce on the strength of human capital, and a society seeking justice for every child born.

We have made peace with Egypt and Jordan, and we are in negotiations to make peace with the Palestinians, and even to arrive at a comprehensive regional peace.

Your visit here brings a blessed understanding between religions and spreads peace near and far. Historic Israel and the renewed Israel together welcome your arrival as paving the great road to peace from city to city.

Welcome to the Holy Land.
Welcome to Jerusalem.

ברוך הבא בצל קורותינו.

   La President Shimon Peres’s remarks at Ben-Gurion International Airport
upon the arrival of Pope Benedict XVI to Israel
gasiti si inregistrarea video.

   Discursul papei:

“I will give in my house and within my walls a memorial and a name … I will give them an everlasting name which shall not be cut off” (Is 56:5). 

This passage from the Book of the prophet Isaiah furnishes the two simple words which solemnly express the profound significance of this revered place: yad – “memorial”; shem – “name”.  I have come to stand in silence before this monument, erected to honor the memory of the millions of Jews killed in the horrific tragedy of the Shoah. They lost their lives, but they will never lose their names: these are indelibly etched in the hearts of their loved ones, their surviving fellow prisoners, and all those determined never to allow such an atrocity to disgrace mankind again. Most of all, their names are forever fixed in the memory of Almighty God.

One can rob a neighbor of possessions, opportunity or freedom.  One can weave an insidious web of lies to convince others that certain groups are undeserving of respect.  Yet, try as one might, one can never take away the name of a fellow human being. 

Sacred Scripture teaches us the importance of names in conferring upon someone a unique mission or a special gift.  God called Abram “Abraham” because he was to become the “father of many nations” (Gen 17:5).  Jacob was called “Israel” because he had “contended with God and man and prevailed” (Gen 32:29).  The names enshrined in this hallowed monument will forever hold a sacred place among the countless descendants of Abraham.  Like his, their faith was tested.  Like Jacob, they were immersed in the struggle to discern the designs of the Almighty.  May the names of these victims never perish!  May their suffering never be denied, belittled or forgotten!  And may all people of goodwill remain vigilant in rooting out from the heart of man anything that could lead to tragedies such as this!

The Catholic Church, committed to the teachings of Jesus and intent on imitating his love for all people, feels deep compassion for the victims remembered here.  Similarly, she draws close to all those who today are subjected to persecution on account of race, color, condition of life or religion – their sufferings are hers, and hers is their hope for justice.  As Bishop of Rome and Successor of the Apostle Peter, I reaffirm – like my predecessors – that the Church is committed to praying and working tirelessly to ensure that hatred will never reign in the hearts of men again.  The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the God of peace (cf. Ps 85:9).

The Scriptures teach that it is our task to remind the world that this God lives, even though we sometimes find it difficult to grasp his mysterious and inscrutable ways.  He has revealed himself and continues to work in human history.  He alone governs the world with righteousness and judges all peoples with fairness (cf. Ps 9:9).

Gazing upon the faces reflected in the pool that lies in stillness within this memorial, one cannot help but recall how each of them bears a name.  I can only imagine the joyful expectation of their parents as they anxiously awaited the birth of their children.  What name shall we give this child?  What is to become of him or her?  Who could have imagined that they would be condemned to such a deplorable fate!

As we stand here in silence, their cry still echoes in our hearts.  It is a cry raised against every act of injustice and violence.  It is a perpetual reproach against the spilling of innocent blood.  It is the cry of Abel rising from the earth to the Almighty.  Professing our steadfast trust in God, we give voice to that cry using words from the Book of Lamentations which are full of significance for both Jews and Christians:

“The favors of the Lord are not exhausted, his mercies are not spent;
They are renewed each morning, so great is his faithfulness.
My portion is the Lord, says my soul; therefore will I hope in him.
Good is the Lord to the one who waits for him, to the soul that seeks him;
It is good to hope in silence for the saving help of the Lord” (Lam 3:22-26).

My dear friends, I am deeply grateful to God and to you for the opportunity to stand here in silence:  a silence to remember, a silence to pray, a silence to hope.

   La Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI at Yad Vashem, Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Memorial – Jerusalem gasiti si inregistrarea video.

   Ma tem cand aud asemenea declaratii. Din cat am studiat eu SISTEMUL, atunci cand oamenii acestuia vorbesc de pace, popoarele trebuie sa se teama cel mai tare de razboi.

   Indemnurile din discursuri sunt limpezi: pace, toleranta, nu anti-semitismului si ce mai gasim pe lista corectitudinii politice, desigur in anumite limite, caci nu va promova papa de exemplu sodomia. Pentru SISTEM sunt necesare astfel de misiuni ale pacii, semnale pentru o unire intru totul, caci un GUVERN MONDIAL nu se poate instaura fara a pregati si terenul acesta.

   Din nefericire, cum istoria a aratat de atatea ori, indemnul la pace nu exclude razboiul. Ei pot fi sinceri in a nu-si dori razboiul, insa nu sunt de capul lor, oricat de puternici ar fi. Exista ELITE care au dirijat mereu in istoria moderna personalitati precum acestia. Direct sau prin manipulare. Nu intru in detalii, caci am scris mult pe blog despre formula acestora: avertizare-criza-solutie. Fie cand a fost vorba despre crearea Federal Reserve, fie despre crearea ONU, BANCA MONDIALA, FMI (ATLANTIC CHARTER), etc.

   Ne inunda mesajele de pace, o pace cum ar dori ei sa fie, un paradis pe pamant, o singura natiune umana. In acelasi timp, pe toate fronturile sunt aratati cu degetul niste personaje periculoase pentru minunata lume: „extremistii”, „fundamentalistii”, cei anti-sistem, „habotnicii”, „homofobii” si toti cei pe care ii gasiti in „dictionarul” deja creat si care ii defineste pe cei rai si pe care il gasiti la:

In ritmul acesta, in cateva luni planeta va deveni o cusca. Iata o noua actiune marca „The Department of Homeland Security”

   Apoi cum-necum va izbucni razboiul, dupa care musai se va instaura pacea lumii noi. Pacea lor. Aceasta este reteta deja clasica. In noua lume nu va mai fi loc pentru cei descrisi in „dictionar”.

   Mesajele din discursuri nu sunt doar ale pacii intre popoare ci intrevede si una a unirii intre religii, pentru ca nu-i asa, va fi nu doar un GUVERN MONDIAL, ci si o religie unica, cat mai apropriata de new age. Aceasta pentru ca antihristul trebuie sa aiba terenul pregatit pentru inscaunare …

7 răspunsuri

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  1. daniel marian said, on mai 13, 2009 at 8:47 pm

    sincer dupa parerea ta….de unde crezi ca v-a veni antihristul ? multumesc


  2. […] Saccsiv: VIDEO: discursurile presedintelui Shimon Peres si al papei cu ocazia vizitei acestuia in Israel. La … […]


  3. Ion de la Chiuiesti said, on mai 14, 2009 at 3:52 am

    Sigur ca vin vremurile cele de pe urma, dar daca vom rezista si vom fi tari in credinta, vom gasi si noi un loc in sanul lui Avraam. Doamne ajuta!


  4. saccsiv said, on mai 14, 2009 at 8:36 am

    daniel marian

    Consider ca antihristul deja s-a nascut si are vreo 30 de ani. Citeste te rog si articolele:

    Profetiile spun ca acesta se naste dintr-o curva evreica dintr-al doisprezecelea neam de preadesfrânaţi.


  5. […] VIDEO: discursurile presedintelui Shimon Peres si al papei cu ocazia vizitei acestuia in Israel. La … no comments yet « IMPORTANT. Nu se mai pot incarca filme pe Google Video? […]


  6. […] Din nefericire, cum istoria a aratat de atatea ori, indemnul la pace nu exclude razboiul. Obama sau papa sau Shimon Peres pot fi sinceri in a nu-si dori razboiul, insa nu sunt de capul lor, oricat de puternici ar fi. […]


  7. […] VIDEO: discursurile presedintelui Shimon Peres si al papei cu ocazia vizitei acestuia in Israel. La … […]


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