SACCSIV – blog ortodox


Posted in vaccin, vaccinare, vaccinuri by saccsiv on noiembrie 11, 2014


Un imunolog admite că sunt vaccinaţi copiii doar pentru „a-i instrui pe părinţi”

Susţinătorul vaccinurilor recunoaște că injecţiile din primul an de viață al sugarilor sunt inutile

Un doctor în imunologie și un susţinător al vaccinurilor a recunoscut, în timpul unei conferințe la care participau profesionişti din domeniul sănătatii, că bebeluşii sunt înţepaţi până la vărsta de un an în scopul de a “instrui pe părinți să-şi aducă bebeluşii în sistemul medical și că vaccinurile sunt complet lipsite de utilitate”.

Imunologul, care a refuzat sa fie identificat după ce a făcut aceste comentarii, a răspuns la o întrebare cu privire la rațiunea pentru care copiilor li se administrează vaccinuri în primul an de viață, atunci când acestea nu au niciun efect pozitiv.

Întrebare: Deci, ştiinţa pare destul de clară că, pentru primul an de viață, probabil, imunizarea nu produce genul de răspuns care este de aşteptat să fie produs.

Răspuns: Adevărat.

Întrebare: Deci, care este rațiunea de a continua să se facă asta dacă rezultatul nu este ceea ce se presupune a fi [a face]?

Răspuns: Vaccinurile sunt oferite la vizitele pediatrice de rutină, iar ideea este să se antreneze părintele pentru a aduce copilul la toate vizitele pedriatice de control al sănătăţii, cu toate că doar vizita anuală este de fapt cu adevărat importantă. Dar cei mai mulţi dintre părinţi nu pot fi determinaţi să-şi aducă copilul la vizita anuală dacă nu îl aduc la două luni, patru luni şi şase luni. Aşa că momentan este mai mult o chestie de instruire.

E interesant, am vorbit la telefon cu [?] funcţionarul local de sănătate publică, săptămâna trecută, cu una dintre asistentele specializate în vaccinare. Ea a zis ceva de genul: “Oh, tu vorbești despre vaccinuri? Asigurați-vă că spuneţi părinţilor că trebuie să facă acea injecţie anuală, deoarece primele trei ( de la 2, 4 și 6 luni) nu funcționează. “Am zis: „Da, știu.” [Râsete].

Ideea că bebelusii sunt injectaţi cu vaccinuri în primul an din viata lor, pur și simplu pentru a îndoctrina părinții să-şi introducă copiii în sistemul medical este o premisă extrem de deranjantă.
După cum subliniază Dave Mihalovic, “Copiii în primul lor an de viaţă depind în mare parte de imunitatea generalizată, nespecifică, inclusiv (sperăm) imunoglobuline din laptele matern, pentru a proteja trupurile lor tinere de infecție. Vaccinurile nu sunt doar ineficiente în primul an de viață, dar pot provoca daune prin toxicitate sinergică și o stare de supraîncărcare imunitară. ”
În timp ce există puține dovezi că imunizarea copiilor în primul an de viaţă servește unui scop pozitiv, factorul de risc este bine documentat.
Un studiu şocant publicat într-o revistă medicală de prestigiu, în 2011, a găsit o legătură statistică directă între dozele de vaccin mai mari şi rata mortalității infantile din țările dezvoltate, sugerând că numărul tot mai mare de injecţii făcute asupra copiilor de către autoritățile medicale, în special în Statele Unite, care administrează cel mai mare număr de vaccinuri și are, de asemenea, cel mai mare numar de decese infantile, este de fapt are un impact negativ asupra sănătății.
Studiul, intitulat „Ratele de mortalitate infantilă au regresat față de numărul de doze de vaccin administrate: Există o toxicitate biochimică sau sinergică ?”, a fost realizat de Neil Z. Miller si Gary S. Goldman. Acesta a fost publicat în reputata revistă de Toxicitate Experimentală şi Umană care este indexată de Biblioteca Naţională de Medicină.
“Analiza de regresie liniară a mortalităţii infantile medii neponderate a arătat o corelație statistică semnificativă între creșterea numărului de doze de vaccin și creșterea ratei mortalității infantile”, a constatat studiul, adăugând că rezultatele cer o anchetă “esențială” în legătură cu corelația dintre dozele de vaccin, toxicitatea biochimică sau sinergică şi rata mortalității infantile.
În ciuda faptului că Statele Unite ale Americii administrează cel mai mare număr de doze de vaccin pentru copii din întreaga lume dezvoltată, 26 înainte ca sugarii să ajungă la vârsta de un an, rata mortalității infantile este mai mare decât la alte 33 de națiuni, toate care administrează mai puține vaccinuri.Studiul indică în mod clar faptul că țările dezvoltate care administrează mai puține vaccinuri au rate mai mici de mortalitate infantilă, sugerând o legătură statistică directă între vaccinare, efecte secundare și decese infantile.

De exemplu, cele două țări dezvoltate unde copiii sunt imunizați cu cele mai puţine vaccinuri, Japonia și Suedia, sunt de asemenea în topul listei cu cele mai mici rate ale mortalității infantile.
Din primele zece țări dezvoltate cu cele mai mici rate ale mortalității infantile, șapte apar, de asemenea, în top zece al listei de țări care administrează cele mai puține vaccinuri.

Atunci când se compară tabelul ţărilor ordonate după faptul că administrează cele mai puţine vaccinuri maselor cu lista ţărilor ordonate pe baza ratei mortalității infantile constatăm că sunt foarte asemănătoare.
În ciuda faptului că administrează cele mai multe vaccinuri, Statele Unite ale Americii are cea mai mare rata a mortalitatii infantile din toate țările dezvoltate, cu o medie de 6.22 decese la 1000 de nou-născuți-vii. SUA are o rata mult mai mare a mortalității infantile decât ţări cum sunt Cuba sau Slovenia, în ciuda costurilor mult mai mari pentru asistenţă medicală.

Cititi va rog si:

OBLIGATORIU DE CITIT: Un interviu despre VACCINURI si VACCINARE. Cat mai multi trebuie sa-si puna cat mai multe intrebari

STUDIU: Statisticile demonstreaza – MORTALITATEA INFANTILA este mai mare in tarile unde se administreaza mai multe VACCINURI copiilor

19 răspunsuri

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  1. […] IMUNOLOG: Bebelusii sunt VACCINATI la greu doar pentru “A-I INSTRUI PE PARINTI”? STATISTICI ce n… […]


  2. geo said, on noiembrie 11, 2014 at 8:35 pm

    Buna seara,

    Tony Abbott confronts Vladimir Putin over MH17 in tense meeting in China

    Russian President Vladimir Putin in conversation with Australian PM Tony Abbott said he hopes all information about the crash of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 in eastern Ukraine will be made public, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told RIA Novosti.

    MH17 Witnesses Tell BBC They Saw Ukrainian Jet. BBC Deletes Video

    Shortly after the tragedy, a BBC Russian correspondent interviewed numerous eyewitnesses who described seeing a second aircraft in the sky moments before MH17’s fatal crash. The BBC pulled the report. Why?

    MiG-29 multirole fighter jet crashed near the city of Brest on the border with Poland.

    MINSK, November 11 (RIA Novosti) – A MiG-29 multirole fighter jet crashed in southwest Belarus on Tuesday afternoon, a representative from the country’s Investigative Committee told RIA Novosti.

    „The first deputy chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexei Volkov has already departed there [to the crash site],” the representative said.

    The pilot was safely ejected and no casualties were reported, the Defense Ministry said in a statement.

    A potential round of Western sanctions against Russia will most likely be limited to the addition of names to existing travel blacklists.

    MOSCOW, November 11 (RIA Novosti) – Another round of Western sanctions imposed on Russia over Ukraine is unlikely to go beyond adding more names to the travel blacklist, Reuters quoted German Chancellor Angela Merkel as saying Tuesday.

    She also said that she would seek to expand the blacklist for the members of the newly elected authorities of the Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics (DPR and LPR).

    We have been stupefied: How Republicans subvert democracy, and the Democrats’ sorry dereliction
    As the Republicans take the Senate, these four reasons explain why the republic is in serious, serious trouble

    Look what we’ve done to the world’s oceans
    New maps paint „the most comprehensive picture yet” of human-caused ocean acidification

    G20 nations spend $88 billion a year propping up the fossil fuel industry
    A new report calls out the „publicly financed bailout” for oil, gas and coal

    When will Ukrainian people wake up?

    As Fed Pauses Printing, Total World Debt Tops $100 Trillion

    …de fapt se pare ca e mai mare:

    Former German Foreign Minister: „Russia Is a Super State that Guarantees World Stability”

    Former Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher pleads for reset in Western relations with Russia

    BERLIN, November 9 (TASS) – A patriarch of Germany diplomacy, former Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher says the relations between the West and Russia should be re-loaded.

    Nu stiu daca a vorbit cu Oliver Stone…

    Top German General: Western Evidence of Russian Invasion is Baloney

    This guy, Harald Kujat, is a big deal in the German military. He was Chief of Staff of the German Armed Forces. He doesn’t believe Western and Ukrainian evidence of a Russian invasion.

    This comes from a recent episode of one of the most popular political talk shows in Germany, Maybrit Illner.


  3. geo said, on noiembrie 11, 2014 at 8:54 pm

    A new study from Princeton spells bad news for American democracy—namely, that it no longer exists.

    Asking „[w]ho really rules?” researchers Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page argue that over the past few decades America’s political system has slowly transformed from a democracy into an oligarchy, where wealthy elites wield most power.

    Using data drawn from over 1,800 different policy initiatives from 1981 to 2002, the two conclude that rich, well-connected individuals on the political scene now steer the direction of the country, regardless of or even against the will of the majority of voters.

    „The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy,” they write, „while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence.”

    Canada’s Quiet Coup: How a CIA Off-shoot Helped Install Stephen Harper as Canada’s Prime Minister

    Whatsupic – The biggest threat to Canada’s national security is internal. It is the offshoot of an extraordinarily successful – because it remains largely undetected – coup that imposed itself on the country with the federal election of the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) in 2006, and solidified its impacts with the election of a Conservative majority in 2011.

    Author, poet, academic, and former Canadian diplomat Prof. Peter Dale Scott recently disclosed a wikileaks cable indicating that the International Republican Institute (IRI), an off-shoot of the CIA, and a subsidiary of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) helped install Stephen Harper as Canada’s Prime Minister. This was the coup.

    Point 12 of the cable explains that “In addition to the campaign schools, IRI will be bringing in consultants who specialize in party renovation to discuss case studies of political parties in Germany, Spain, and Canada which successfully carried out the process”.

    The “party renovation” referenced in the cable is the “renovation” of Canada’s indigenous Progressive Conservative Party into a Republican-inspired Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) that is largely subservient to the U.S Empire south of the border.

    New global rules to prevent banks that are „too big to fail” from being bailed out by taxpayers have been proposed.

    The rules, created by the Financial Stability Board (FSB), a global monitoring body, would require big banks to hold much more money against losses.

    Mark Carney, FSB chairman and governor of the Bank of England, said the plans were a „watershed” moment.

    He said it had been „totally unfair” for taxpayers to bail out banks after the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009.

    „The banks and their shareholders and their creditors got the benefit when things went well,” he told the BBC.

    „But when they went wrong the British public and subsequent generations picked up the bill – and that’s going to end”.

    The march of global de-dollarization continues. In the last few days, China has signed direct currency agreements with Canada becoming North America’s first offshore RMB hub, which CBC reports analysts suggest „could double maybe even triple the level of Canadian trade between Canada and China,” impacting the need for Dollars.But that is not the week’s biggest Petrodollar precariousness news, as The Examiner reports, a new chink in the petrodollar system was forged as China signed an agreement with Qatar to begin direct currency swaps between the two nations using the Yuan, and establishing the foundation for new direct trade with the OPEC nation in the very heart of the petrodollar system. As Simon Black warns, „It’s happening… with increasing speed and frequency.”

    As CBC reports,

    Authorized by China’s central bank, the deal will allow direct business between the Canadian dollar and the Chinese yuan, cutting out the middle man — in most cases, the U.S. dollar.

    Canadian exporters forced to use the American currency to do business in China are faced with higher currency exchange costs and longer waits to close deals.

    „It’s something the prime minister has been talking about. He wants Canadian companies, particularly small- and medium-sized businesses, doing more and more work in China, selling goods and services there,” said CBC’s Catherine Cullen, reporting from Beijing.

    The responsibility for starting and ending wars, the way wars are fought and the losses we suffer all rest with our elected civilian leadership.

    What have we learned from 24 years of war? Since the First Gulf War in early 1991, the U.S. has had continuous combat operations in one theater or another. After the first war, combat air patrols enforced the No-Fly Zones over Iraq for years, until 9/11 triggered the first phase of the Afghanistan War and President Bush led the nation into the Second Iraqi War in March 2003.

    Though this war officially ended with U.S. troop withdrawals in December 2011, the war continues to burn through lives and treasure in Iraq and it continues on in the memories, wounds and lives of veterans and their families.

    What have we learned from 24 years of continual warfare? There may be two sets of answers: one set for policy-makers, those we have elected to make the consequential decisions of war and withdrawal, and another set for the citizenry who provide the volunteers who actually fight the wars and the treasure to pay for the wars and their long aftermath.

    President Barack Obama is again pushing international leaders to finalize the trans-Pacific trade deal between 12 countries that would eradicate tariffs and regulations, but critics say the secretive negotiations have been a boon only to corporations.

    Leaders of the countries negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal at this week’s Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meetings have not set a timetable for settling the pact, but the Obama administration is optimistic that by end of his eight-day visit to Asia a deal can be reached.

    If finalized, it would eliminate tariffs on goods and services and change regulations for labor, government procurement, state-owned enterprises, intellectual property and environmental protections. The deal would also enhance the United States’ presence in Asia, something the White House has wanted to do ever since President Obama was first inaugurated.

    “This has the potential for being an historic agreement,” Obama said as he opened the trade talks being held on the sidelines of the broader Asia-Pacific conference in Beijing, according to The Associated Press. Notably, China is not a party to the pact.

    Moments ago, according to local press, the simmering east Ukraine conflict just escalated substantially following what are reports of a massive explosion off the Ukraine coast near heavily contested Mariupol – the key city which stands in Russia’s way to make a land bridge from Russian territory to the recently „Russianized” Crimea.

    While no US Federal Agency sees fit to monitor ocean radioactivity in coastal waters, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) has taken on the task of keeping the information flowing in a world of ‘promises’ that everything will be ok. As WHOI reports this week, scientists have detected the presence of small amounts of radioactivity from the 2011 Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident 100 miles (150 km) due west of Eureka, California.

    The much discussed tumble in the Russian ruble (or as Japan would call it „mission accomplished” if its was the Yen instead of the Ruble) may have stabilized somewhat, and judging by the Russian central bank’s response to no longer intervene in the FX corridor-setting market on a daily basis, Russia is hardly too concerned by the impact to the economy as a result of the beating its currency has taken, but where Putin may have brushed off the „speculative” attack on its currency for the time being, things for Russia’s western adversary, the Ukraine – the country whose economy is in a state of near terminal collapse and which unlike Russia doesn’t have massive raw materials to fall back on – are just starting to go bump in the night.

    As has been the case for nearly a year, the Ukraine has been on life support by its „western allies” ever since the Victoria Nuland/US State Department/CIA catalyzed coup early in the year. The problem is that those same „allies” now look like they have had enough of their „alliance” and are about to pull the „blank check” rug.

    According to Reuters, nearly a year on from the first „EuroMaidan” protests that would topple the pro-Moscow president who had spurned an EU trade deal, some in Brussels are disillusioned by the experience of helping Ukraine. EU generosity in waiving import duties and funding gas supplies from Russia may be being abused, they say.


    • PG said, on noiembrie 12, 2014 at 7:54 am

      Geo ,
      tu ai citit toate articolele sau faci copy-paste ?
      Poti sa pui ideile principale caci nu cred sa-ti urmareasca cineva discursul .


      • geo said, on noiembrie 12, 2014 at 8:29 am

        „tu ai citit toate articolele …?”

        Inainte sa le postez.

        „…nu cred sa-ti urmareasca cineva discursul”

        Eu cred ca da…daca nu e pacat…nu atit de efortul meu cit de informatiile expuse acolo…


  4. energein7 said, on noiembrie 11, 2014 at 9:00 pm

    Reblogged this on energein7's Blog.


  5. dd(2d) said, on noiembrie 11, 2014 at 9:01 pm

    In alte cuvinte se promoveaza sa iti tii banii pe cip in mana. Incet incet acolo ajungem.


  6. geo said, on noiembrie 11, 2014 at 9:23 pm

    Blasfemie! Astia in fiecare zi cauta sa dovedeasca ceva…ce? Daca asa ceva s-ar fi scris despre Profetul Mahomed toata lumea lua foc…

    Russia: At the time of the Bolshevik Revolution, 1917, there were 50,000 Orthodox parishes, 1,000 monasteries and 60 Theological colleges

    Human trafficking a $7bn business

    Are You a Debt Slave – This is How The Elite Structure Works

    The Gates of Hell’s Silent War, Against The 7 Billion People on Planet Earth!

    Shocker! Pope Calls Jesus A Liar! Pope Calls Bible A Lie!

    Fanatics sink to a new low: Shocking photograph shows ISIS supporter getting a BABY to kick the severed head of a Syrian soldier

    WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Toddler encouraged to kick severed head
    ISIS fanatic seen smiling as child pushes the rotting head of Syrian soldier
    A photo of a crucified and beheaded Syrian rebel member has also emerged
    He is believed to be a relative of Zahran Alloush, the leader of Jaysh al-Islam
    Islamic Front leader delivered a speech with Hello Kitty notebook on his desk

    …astia sint rebelii moderati care lupta impotriva dictatorului Assad…si sunt sprijiniti de sua si aliatii lor…

    Population Reduction through Vaccine Poisons

    Attitudes toward medical ailments and treatment vary widely, usually based upon the degree of trust in the type of health care practice that a patient believes to be the best healing method. The AMA is an advocacy association that promotes the validity of medical therapy heavily based upon manufactured designer drugs. The establishment corporatist scientists have a tendency to claim a corner on proof. However, they often expound on their accepted view using selective memory. Facts can stand in the way of implementing the master plan when the “so called” humanitarian benefits remain elusive or worse, detrimental.

    Primum non nocere as stated in The Hippocratic Oath is the original casualty in the practice of NWO health care.

    The high priestess of orthodox medicine, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention publishes on their site, Possible Side-effects from Vaccines, and provides the obligatory disclaimer.

    “Remember, vaccines are continually monitored for safety, and like any medication, vaccines can cause side effects. However, a decision not to immunize a child also involves risk and could put the child and others who come into contact with him or her at risk of contracting a potentially deadly disease.”

    A far more factual viewpoint is presented on Weigh the Risks of Vaccination.

    False Flag warning NYC: Full-scale ‘Ebola’ pandemic drill to go live Nov. 13, FEMA, crisis actors, role players involved

    Obama Admin and media to hype ‘Ebola outbreak’ simultaneously as a full-scale FEMA pandemic exercise is carried out Nov. 13 in NYC, NJ — Crisis actors, role players to be used

    False Flag warning NYC Full-scale ‘Ebola’ pandemic drill to go live Nov

    Update: The editor of Intellihub News, Shepard Ambellas, made his way inside an actual FEMA conference call today for 10 minutes before officials discovered he was connected to the call. This call was regarding the upcoming FEMA pandemic drill taking place in NYC and other areas of FEMA Region II.

    During the call Shepard was able to capture some chatter as follows:

    “University of Vermont is an option”


    They were talking about “cross border objectives”.

    “Atlantic City”

    “Jersey South Shore to Cape May”

    They talked about doing this in a place “where we won’t get sued”.

    After this info was logged FEMA ended the transmission with Shepard and a new pin # was created for the call to remain secret.

    Human Farming: The story of your enslavement

    Human Farming: The Story of Your Enslavement This is the story of your enslavement; how it came to be and how you can finally be free.

    Like all animals, human beings want to dominate and exploit the resources around them. At first, we mostly hunted and fished and ate off the land – but then something magical and terrible happened to our minds.

    Human Farming The story of your enslavement

    We became, alone among the animals, afraid of death, and of future loss. And this was the start of a great tragedy, and an even greater possibility…

    You see, when we became afraid of death, of injury and imprisonment, we became controllable — and so valuable — in a way that no other resource could ever be.

    The greatest resource for any human being to control is not natural resources, or tools, or animals or land — but other human beings.

    You can frighten an animal, because animals are afraid of pain in the moment, but you cannot frighten an animal with a loss of liberty, or with torture or imprisonment in the future, because animals have very little sense of tomorrow.

    Watch out: genetically engineered Ebola vaccine

    The first thing you need to know is: pharmaceutical companies would develop and sell a vaccine to combat flying turtles if they could make money from it.

    And shockingly, that point is relevant to the Ebola vaccine, because as yet I have seen no evidence that Ebola virus has ever been properly identified in any human being.

    Watch out genetically engineered Ebola vaccine

    Therefore, there is no evidence anyone needs protection from the virus.

    As I reported several days ago, chemist David Rasnick, PhD, has examined published literature on Ebola, and has concluded:

    I have examined in detail the literature on isolation and EMs [EM: electron microscope pictures] of both Ebola and Marburg viruses. I have not found any convincing evidence that Ebola virus (and for that matter Marburg) has been isolated from humans. There is certainly no confirmatory evidence of human isolation.”

    Ron Paul: Gun control and interventionism leads to less safety

    Retired congressman Ron Paul says that recent terrorist attacks and school shootings in North America are guaranteed to give lawmakers the ammunition to pursue new gun control legislation.

    Paul, the 79-year-old former House of Representatives member who unsuccessfully ran three times for president of the United States, warns in an audio message made available this week through his telephone hotline that the gruesome attacks out of Washington state and Ottawa, Canada recently are “certain to lead to new calls for gun control,” the likes of which will be led by “media-generated fear[s]” concerning lone wolf attacks and the smearing of firearm enthusiasts as “pro-terrorist.”

    “As with most infringements on liberty, gun control will not only make us less free, it will make us less safe,” Paul says in the four-minute long message posted to his hotline on Monday. “Respecting the right of the people to keep and bear arms is the original and best homeland security policy. Restricting the right of people to arm themselves leaves them with no effective defense against violent criminals or a tyrannical government.”

    Chomsky to RT: US and its NATO intervention force may spark nuclear war

    ​How dangerous is the current confrontation between Russia and the West? Noam Chomsky believes that NATO expansion and US quest for hegemony has put the world in a situation so unstable where any accidental interaction could result in a nuclear war.

    Chomsky to RT US and its NATO intervention force may spark nuclear war

    ‘New NATO aims to control the world’

    The “new NATO” that emerged after the Soviet Union collapsed is basically a US-run intervention force, with a completely different mission as compared to the original, Chomsky tells RT’s Sophie&Co.

    “In fact, one might ask why NATO even continued to exist,” he said. “The official justification for NATO was that its purpose was to defend Western Europe from Russian hordes who might attack Western Europe.”

    With no more “Russian threat”, the natural conclusion in the 90s would be to disband the alliance, but instead the opposite happened – against all agreements NATO expanded all the way towards the Russian borders.

    “Its mission changed. The official mission of NATO became to control the international, the global energy system, pipelines. That means, to control the world.”

    US encirclement of Russia setting stage for nuclear war: Analyst

    Political activist Don DeBar believes “the stakes are extremely” high for a nuclear war between Washington and Moscow due to US policy of military encirclement of Russia.

    US encirclement of Russia setting stage for nuclear war Analyst

    “The United States has been advancing towards Russia physically in terms of placement of military resources, they are now parked at the borders of Russia from the Baltics up in the Baltic Sea in the very northwest corner of Russia down to the middle of Ukraine at this point in the southwest part of Russia,” he told Press TV on Saturday.

    “The United States has been committing some very hostile acts towards Russia, attempting to tank its currency, attempting to isolate it economically in general, and Russia has, in turn, been looking elsewhere to find partners for the development that it seeks for its own population,” the activist added.

    These hostile moves, DeBar said, have come at the same time that the Obama administration is pursuing its “pivot” to Asia which is aimed at containing China and giving rise to Japan as a military power.

    DeBar made the comments after American philosopher Noam Chomsky said that the escalating tensions between the United States and Russia could spark a nuclear war.

    Americans have been conditioned to lose the war for freedom through a set of psychological techniques designed to brainwash an entire nation and promote the belief that there could never be any such thing as a conspiracy theory. This all starts with controlling the mechanisms that dispense the “truth” about today’s world.

    The Corporate Controlled Media

    Six, count them six corporations control 98% of the media. They virtually control everything you read, see and hear. These six corporations are intertwined with controlling forces of big oil, the military industrial complex, the Federal Reserve and Wall Street. They control who gets elected through campaign donations and more importantly, they have brainwashed an entire nation to accept serfdom at the hands of their corporate masters.

    The corporate controlled media uses specific psychological techniques to control. This article is a brief example of how the nation is brainwashed to question the abject criminality coming out of Washington DC.

    Israel wants to confiscate over 3,000 acres in West Bank ‘for military purposes’ – report

    Israel has plans to take 3,176 acres of Palestinian land around a West Bank village near central Jerusalem, according to residents of the village who were handed orders signed by the head of IDF Central Command, Ma’an news agency reports.

    Israel wants to confiscate over 3,000 acres in West Bank ‘for military purposes’ – report

    Beit Iksa residents told Ma’an that the orders, signed by the Israeli military commander in the West Bank, Nitzan Alon, were distributed Saturday morning by the soldiers. They gave residents of the village until 2017 to evacuate the land.
    Ma’an also published maps of the areas to be expropriated.

    Soldiers who are deployed at the military checkpoint at the entrance to the village have also told the residents that a liaison officer would be arriving in the village on Monday to clarify the order.

    Soldiers said that the decision had been made in 2012 to seize land for “security needs in this village adjacent to the green line,” Palestinian news agency WAFA reported. They said the new order was intended to reinforce a previously taken decision.

    The IDF spokesman’s office refused to comment on the report to the Times of Israel.

    …ce mai conteaza citeva hectare dupa ce le-au laut toata Tara…

    US police established no-fly zone over Ferguson

    Leaked audio recordings have revealed that the US government allowed police to establish a no-fly zone over Ferguson, Missouri, following the August killing of an unarmed African-American teenager by police.

    The recordings show the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) restricted the airspace above the city to stop media helicopters from recording news footage during the protests in August.

    “They finally admitted it really was to keep the media out,” said one FAA manager about the St. Louis County Police in a series of recorded telephone conversations obtained by The Associated Press. “But they were a little concerned of, obviously, anything else that could be going on.

    The latest revelation has raised serious concerns about the violation of journalists’ constitutional rights in the United States.

    The recordings contradict claims by the St. Louis County police department, which was criticized for its forceful response to demonstrations.

    Authorities said they requested a no-fly-zone in response to shots fired at a police helicopter.

    Western News-Suppression about the Downing of MH-17 Malaysian Jet

    The cause of the shooting-down of the Malaysian passenger plane MH-17 on July 17th (while that plane was flying over the conflict-zone during Ukraine’s civil war) is becoming clearer and clearer, despite the rigorous continuing attempts by Western ‘news’ media to cover it up and to hide from the public the evidence that clearly shows what brought down this airliner.

    In the months since I headlined on August 24th the news, “MH-17 ‘Investigation’: Secret August 8th Agreement Seeps Out: Perpetrator of the Downing in Ukraine, of the Malaysian Airliner, Will Stay Hidden,” explaining why the leaders of Western nations want these black-box and other basic data to remain hidden, additional evidence has nonetheless become public, and all of it confirms and adds yet further details to the explanation that was first put forth by the retired German Lufthansa pilot Peter Haisenko, whose independent investigation had concluded that Ukrainian Government fighter-jets intentionally shot down this civilian plane.

    Precisely how they did it is gradually becoming clearer, despite this continuation of Western secrecy regarding the contents of the black boxes, and of the U.S. satellite images, and of the Ukrainian air-traffic-control radar recordings, and of other evidence-sources that are held by the West and not made available to their ‘news’ media nor to anyone outside a tight official circle of those Western nations’ intelligence agencies.

    ICC cites Israeli war crime guilt but ‘too busy’ to prosecute

    Today, the ICC decided that though Israel is “most likely guilty of war crimes” in their attack on an unarmed aid convoy in 2010, the International Criminal Court refuses to move forward.

    An examination of the ICC and its new Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda brings another point to light. The ICC itself continues to be fully complicit in the crimes it was set up to prevent.

    In a move, outlandish, outrageous and certainly a precedent for disenfranchisement for the International Criminal Court, the ICC has decided not to prosecute Israel.

    This time it is for the execution of 9 journalists and activists on the Mavi Marmara, part of the Gaza Flotilla carrying medical supplies to that encircled bastion.

    It isn’t that the ICC doesn’t recognize this as a war crime, in fact quite the opposite. The ICC was very clear, there was no question of Israel’s guilt in an action that was not only a war crime but violation of maritime rules as well, an act of piracy only a few miles away from the same area where Israel attacked the USS Liberty, killing or wounding 201 American naval personnel in 1967.

    From CNN: The International Criminal Court will not prosecute Israel for a May 2010 raid on a Gaza-bound aid ship that left eight Turks and an American dead, even though there’s reason to believe war crimes were committed, a prosecutor with the Netherlands-based court said Thursday.

    While conceding that war crimes may have been committed in the botched raid, the potential cases “would not be of ‘sufficient gravity’ to justify further action by the ICC,” prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said.

    “In the final analysis, I have, therefore, concluded that the legal requirements under the Rome Statute to open an investigation have not been met and I am announcing that the preliminary examination has been closed,” Bensouda said.

    US Intel: Osama Bin Laden Died in 2001 – We Can Prove It!

    The ridiculous lies being told about Osama Bin Laden lately. I’m also including an older interview where Gordon talks about Bin Laden as well as one of the latest episodes of Veterans Today Radio with Gordon Duff. If your alternative media choice doesn’t republish Veterans Today articles or interviews then they are “controlled opposition” period. Veterans Today doesn’t censor anything so why are you continuing to support those censoring Veterans Today which is the largest private intelligence network on the planet and the only ones that received and put out the real Snowden leaks on 9/11? We can’t win as long as you support the bad guys who are censoring our veterans and patriots at US Intelligence putting their life on the line and doing it all for free.

    Toxic Vaccine Adjuvants: The Top 10

    Shockingly, there are numerous toxic vaccine adjuvants. Can we fairly call vaccines “good medicine” when they routinely consist of such poisonous additives, known carcinogens and potentially life-changing, DNA-altering additives?

    Toxic Vaccine Adjuvants are not emphasized enough in the debate over the safety of vaccines. The medical establishment, which has essentially been wed to Big Pharma ever since its inception by the Rockefellers, routinely downplays the idea that these adjuvants are quite harmful. In reality, many are known carcinogens. Western medicine also tends to makes the excuse that it is a case of “benefit vs. risk”, and that the benefit outweighs the risk – but does it really, given the ton of natural alternative remedies and the fact that these adjuvants can get stuck in your body forever? I have listed 1o of the most common toxic vaccine adjuvants below, and after reading about each one, please consider whether you think we can accurately call vaccines “good medicine”, given that these 10 adjuvants are being injected directly into the bloodstream (thus bypassing the digestive filters) of every vaccine patient who receives them.

    You can confirm that these adjuvants are indeed being added to vaccines by looking the official lists of the CDC (Center for Disease Control) as well as other websites like this.

    Vaccines Cause Cancer, Autism and Other Deadly Diseases. Be Wary of an Ebola Vaccine

    „I have no hesitation in stating that in my judgment the most frequent disposing condition for cancerous development is infused into the blood by vaccination and re-vaccination.”
    Dennis Turnbull, MD, cancer researcher.

    „Vaccines have to be considered the bargain basement technology for the 20th Century.”
    Dr Maurice Hilleman, Leading Vaccine Developer

    „The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used.”
    James R. Shannon of the National Institutes of Health

    The US healthcare industry is run by a Medical Cartel encompassing Federal regulators and giant Pharmaceutical companies posting sales in excess of half a trillion dollars. Vaccines comprise a major portion of this cash flow as does Cancer Therapy. Both are vital to the gross profitability and expansion of the Cartel regardless of how many people are actually cured.

    Recent warnings about the resurgence of Ebola in West Africa suggest it may become a worldwide pandemic, possibly leading to mandatory vaccinations. Already, new vaccines are being rushed into production to deal with this new strain. Although Ebola has been studied since its origin in the Congo in 1976, it appears this new strain is more virulent and deadly. Already, quarantines are planned in the US despite only one death reported so far. And the media is amping up the fear factor with accounts of massive orders for Bio-hazard suits and body bags.

    Healthy skepticism is required here: Why did the CDC patent this virus? Could Ebola be a Bioweapon engineered by the NIH and CDC (see video on Weaponized Ebola)? If an Ebola epidemic strikes the US, what are the personal risks in taking an Ebola vaccine? Will FEMA camps be used to quarantine large numbers of Ebola victims? Will an Ebola epidemic be a pretext for martial law?

    U.S. government tried to cover up pandemic that killed 50 million

    (NaturalNews) Have you noticed that, in the past few weeks, the mainstream media has stopped reporting on suspected cases of Ebola in the United States? That’s because they’ve been asked not to do so – at least until those suspected of having the virus test positive for it with a lab test. The implication is that the mainstream media – The Associated Press in particular – was asked to refrain from reporting on the suspected cases by the Obama Administration.

    If so, that is far from the only example of federal government duplicity in dealing with pandemics and potential pandemics. As Washington’s Blog notes, citing a National Institutes of Health (NIH) report from 2005 called, „The Threat of Pandemic Influenza: Are We Ready?,” the 1918 Spanish Flu outbreak that killed 50 million people worldwide was mishandled badly by our government, and governments around the world.

    The context of the outbreak is very noteworthy. The year, 1918, was the final year of World War I, a near-global conflict concentrated largely in Europe and the Near East which decimated entire populations and after which 37 million were dead, wounded or missing (not including civilian deaths). Entire cities laid in ruin; local and national economies were in a shambles.

    ‘The first casualty is truth’

    According to the NIH report:

    In the United States, national and local government and public health authorities badly mishandled the [1918 Spanish Flu] epidemic [which killed up to 50 million people worldwide], offering a useful case study. …

    Every country engaged in World War I tried to control public perception. To avoid hurting morale, even in the nonlethal first wave the press in countries fighting in the war did not mention the outbreak. (But Spain was not at war and its press wrote about it, so the pandemic became known as the Spanish flu).

    The United States was no different. In 1917, California Senator Hiram Johnson, an isolationist Progressive-Party-member-turned-Republican, stated: „The first casualty when war comes is truth.” At the time, Congress passed a measure, signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson, that made it punishable by up to 20 years in prison to „utter, print, write or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the government of the United States” – a blatant violation of the First Amendment’s free speech protections.

    „One could go to jail for cursing or criticizing the government, even if what one said was true,” the NIH report said, noting that even a U.S. congressman was eventually put in jail for violating the law.

    At the same time, the federal government launched a huge propaganda effort, which prompted one of the architects of it to remark, „Truth and falsehood are arbitrary terms…. There is nothing in experience to tell us that one is always preferable to the other…. The force of an idea lies in its inspirational value. It matters very little if it is true or false.”

    As reported by Washington’s Blog, the NIH report further stated:

    The combination of rigid control and disregard for truth had dangerous consequences. Focusing on the shortest term, local officials almost universally told half-truths or outright lies to avoid damaging morale and the war effort. They were assisted–not challenged–by the press, which although not censored in a technical sense cooperated fully with the government’s propaganda machine.

    (Much like the press does today.)


  7. Iones said, on noiembrie 11, 2014 at 9:27 pm

    Olivia Steer: „Vaccinurile sunt un mit, nu te protejează, te îmbolnăvesc”


  8. remy71 said, on noiembrie 11, 2014 at 10:05 pm

    Azi la scoala fetitei mele (clasa 0 pregatitoare) sa facut vaccinul antipolio. Am fost 4 (din 32) parinti care am refuzat vaccinul. Fiica mea a venit acasa bosunflata si am intreba-to ce are?Raspuns: „colegii mei care au facut vaccinul s-au jucat pe tablete si au primit dulciuri”. Cat de nenorocit poti sa fi ca sa ademenesti niste fiinte nevinovate si apoi sa le otravesti?


  9. geo said, on noiembrie 12, 2014 at 9:31 am

    Comisia Europeană, DATĂ în judecată din cauza TTIP. Ce este TTIP şi cum te AFECTEAZĂ pe tine

    Coaliția Stop TTIP( Parteneriatul Transatlantic pentru Comerț și Investiții), formată din peste 300 de organizații ale societății civile din întreaga Europă, a deschis ieri, 10 noiembrie o acțiune juridică la Curtea Europeană de Justiție din Luxemburg împotriva Comisiei Europene, se arată într-un comunicat de presă primit la redacţie.

    Procesul contestă decizia Comisiei de a bloca Inițiativa cetățenească europeană ce dorea stoparea negocierilor pentru Acordul comercial UE-SUA, cunoscut sub numele TTIP și a unui acord similar cu Canada (CETA).
    Aproximativ 100 de persoane au participat la o demonstrație în fața Curții Europene de Justiție împotriva ambelor acorduri comerciale și a respingrii ECI de către Comisie.

    În cazul în care Inițiativa Cetățenească Europeană ar fi fost un succes Comisia ar fi fost obligată să revizuiască politica privind acordurile de liber schimb și să organizeze o audiere în Parlamentul European.

    Michael Efler, reprezentant al comitetului cetățenesc care a depus inițiativa, a declarat: ”Noi nu contestăm doar de dragul acestei inițiative, ci și pentru viitoarele inițiative cetățenești europene. Când vine vorba de negocierea tratatelor internaționale, Comisia Europeană dorește să excludă cetățenii. În timp ce acestea sunt în curs de negociere, oamenilor li se spune să nu intervină, iar când contractele finale sunt puse pe masă, e prea târziu. Prin poziția juridică a Comisiei efectiv se previne inițierea unor viitoare ECI care să vizeze acordurile internaționale.”

    Pr. Calciu: „Biserica trebuie sa faca politica”

    Parintele Gheorghe Calciu se raporteaza, în toate demersurile sale de angajament public, cu precadere la tineri. Mesajul sau crestin este indisolubil legat de mesajul national, în duhul cel mai pur al traditiei ortodoxe.

    Am încercat sa obtinem de la Parintele Gheorghe Calciu un diagnostic duhovnicesc la criza societatii românesti de azi. În acest sens, am identificat cîteva dintre posibilele cauze ale crizei pe baza carora am formulat mai multe întrebari. A rezultat un interviu atipic.

    Biserica putea sa sustina politicieni crestini

    – Dupa opinia Sfintiei Voastre, tinerii trebuie sau nu sa se implice în politica? Dar preotii? Si daca o fac, în ce fel sa o faca?

    – Aceasta este o mare si dureroasa preocupare pentru mine. În primul rând, ceea ce se întâmpla în America, Europa si în România, nu este politica, ci politicianism, ceea ce este cu totul altceva. Politica este implicarea cetateanului în treburile cetatii. O datorie nobila. Politicianismul este implicarea cetateanului în jefuirea cetatii si a locuitorilor ei. Când Hristos ajuta pe cel sarac, alunga pe speculanti din templu, îl numea pe Irod vulpe si pe farisei morminte spoite, facea politica nobila. Politicianismul vine cu o serie nesfârsita de institutii demonice dupa el, viata sociala este murdarita pâna în cele mai intime fibre.

    Desigur, Biserica face politica si trebuie sa faca, dar politica Mântuitorului nostru Iisus Hristos. Cetatea se mântuieste prin Biserica. Daca Biserica sta în afara cetatii, înseamna ca a dezertat de la datoria ei: ea nu mai mustra pe conducatorul ticalos, nu mai apara pe cel sarac, nu mai propoveduieste cuvântul în societate, în închisori, în scoli, în lumea tinerilor pierduti, în casele bogatilor îndemnându-i la milostenie, restituind astfel macar o parte din bunurile furate de la cetatean, nu se mai ridica împotriva coruptiei.

    În preajma ultimelor alegeri, am discutat cu tineri, cu preoti si chiar cu ierarhi posibilitatea ca Biserica sa vindece ranile tarii, sa moralizeze viata publica si, mai ales, lumea politica, prin implicarea preotilor în politica. Nu în sensul formarii unui partid crestin cu preoti si ierarhi în el, ceea ce ar fi constituit o abatere de la linia trasata de Hristos si o coborîre în arena politicianista, unde fiarele salbatice i-ar fi sfâsiat, ci prin promovarea unor persoane civile în viata politica. Asta însemna ca Biserica, în fiecare sat si oras, sa-si dedice o parte din timpul sau cetatii, în sens politic nobil, sa vada care sunt cetatenii buni, cei mai buni si necorupti pentru a fi promovati în alegeri. Acestia trebuiau sa fie oameni de credinta, cu fapte bune, cu duhovnic care sa depuna buna garantie pentru ei, promovând astfel o elita politica pe baze morale si nu pe o propaganda desantata sau pe bogatia acumulata prin jaf. Astfel, baza propagandei candidatilor nu s-ar mai fi facut cu cheltuieli enorme din furtul organizat, ci prin cuvântul Bisericii. Parea o utopie si era, atâta vreme cât ierarhia Bisericeasca, de la vladica si pâna la ultimul credincios – poporul lui Dumnezeu – nu întelegea misiunea politica a Bisericii, asa cum am aratat mai înainte.

    Îmi aduc aminte ca un preot, la o conferinta în Timisoara pe aceasta tema, mi-a spus public: „Parinte, Preacuviosia Voastra ne spuneta aici niste lucruri pe care noua ne este frica si sa le gândim”. Era exprimarea unei stari de fapt, întretinute cu voie sau cu ne-voie în lumea româneasca. Daca s-ar fi facut asa, fara zdruncinare si fara acuzatii teatrale din timpul propagandei electorale, nu ar mai fi fost nevoie de presedintele Basescu – o tranzitie la o lunga perioada de tranzitie – si nici de implicarea României în razboaie nedrepte din spatiul orientului, sau în adapostirea unor închisori secrete în care tortura este tratamentul prizonierului de razboi, asa cum pare a se fi întâmplat. Nici o institutie din România nu ar putea face aceasta revolutie în spirit. Numai Biserica. Singura Ortodoxia.

    În perspectiva planului meu, oamenii politici buni nici nu ar fi avut nevoie sa faca o propaganda religioasa (eu sunt însa pentru aceasta) pentru ca oamenii i-ar fi recunoscut din faptele lor: Dupa roadele lor îi veti cunoaste (Mat. 7 : 20).

    19 ani de la moartea lui Corneliu Coposu


  10. geo said, on noiembrie 12, 2014 at 11:20 am

    Ukrainian Nationalism is a disease. A psychological problem.

    Kiev junta going to limit the civil rights of the citizens of Ukraine, opposed to the junta, or even deprive them of rights.

    Odessa massacre perpetrators still not prosecuted WHY?

    Failed Government in Kiev:

    Kolomoisky right hand Boris Filatov, famous for his FB post about Donbass: „Promise them anything, we will hang them later” made headlines once again.

    This time accusing Poroshenko camp of manipulating election results to push the team of Dnepropetrovsk oligarch against the people representing the former Party of Regions (now rebranded Opposition Block, but still referred to as ‘Regionals’) out of fear of sponsored by Kolomoisky punitive battalions.

    Advisor to the President of Ukraine, a prominent activist, leader of the volunteer movement for helping the army „Wings of the Phoenix”, Yuri Biryukov, announced that he had lost the will to fight.

    The President of the Ukrainian National Paralympic Committee Valeriy Sushkevych took sports wheelchairs from Crimean athletes. This was announced by the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic Elena Romanovskaya.

    The relationship between the authorities and volunteer battalions is gradually deteriorating. Not too long ago the Governor of Donetsk region Kikhtenko talked about „out of control battalions”, and recently Kiev Prosecutor Sergey Yuldashev made some harsh statements. He warned of a threat of armed revolution from armed to the teeth volunteers returning from the zone of the ATO to the capital and major cities.

    „Let’s face it: there are heroes and patriots, and then there are home front marauders in camouflage,” – posted Yuldashev on the website of the Prosecutor’s office. „No one was given carte blanche for chaos. Any person coming back from the zone of the ATO with weapons – is a criminal. We need to stop makhnovshina on the streets of Kiev and create a unified center for the protection of law and order”.

    Russia intends to have its own international inter-bank system up and running by May 2015. The Central of Russia says it needs to speed up preparations for its version of SWIFT in case of possible ”challenges” from the West.

    „Given the challenges, Bank of Russia is creating its own system for transmitting financial messaging… It’s time to hurry up, so in the next few months we will have certain work done. The entire project for transmitting financial messages will be completed in May 2015,” said Ramilya Kanafina, deputy head of the national payment system department at the Central Bank of Russia (CBR).

    Calls not to use the SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) system in Russian banks began to grow as relations between Russia and the West deteriorated over sanctions. So far, SWIFT says despite pressure from some Western countries to join the anti-Russian sanctions, it has no intention of doing so.

    Did we really have to pay for the fast progress of our privatization, which certainly was a good and desirable thing, a price in the form of stolen billions, or rather of tens of billions? If it was inevitable let somebody clearly say it.

    I am convinced that the more clearly and understandably this is explained, the more acceptance can be won among the people for temporary sacrifices that may still be required. In the present situation, marked by a strange, almost cryptic silence, it is quite likely that the next attack on their living standard, be it progressing liberalization of rents or of electricity tariffs, may bring a real social unrest, not just a would-be one, as has been mostly the case until now.

    Zero-hours contracts: no security at work and no security at home Landlords are abandoning people employed on zero-hours contracts. It’s an inevitability that ministers should have predicted

    Germany can deny benefits to jobless EU migrants, court rules David Cameron’s office says European court of justice ruling vindicates his moves to restrict benefits to EU migrants

    Just three years after NATO’s military intervention in Libya ended and was widely heralded by its proponents as a resounding success, that country is in complete collapse. So widespread is violence and anarchy there that “hardly any Libyan can live a normal life,” Brown University’s Stephen Kinzer wrote in The Boston Globe last week. Last month, the Libyan Parliament, with no functioning army to protect it from well-armed militias, was forced to flee Tripoli and take refuge in a Greek car ferry. The New York Times reported in September that “the government of Libya said . . . that it had lost control of its ministries to a coalition of militias that had taken over the capital, Tripoli, in another milestone in the disintegration of the state.”

    In light of Barack Obama’s defiance to institute amnesty to tens of millions of illegal aliens in America, following his public spanking on Tuesday, constitutional sheriffs from across America are planning a massive meeting in Washington to oppose his usurpation of power.

    Bristol County Sheriff Thomas M. Hodgson sent out a letter recently which called on sheriffs to descend on Washington on December 10 to meet with congressmen and encourage them to secure the border and oppose Obama’s executive action regarding amnesty. The meeting will occur just days before the existing government funding bill expires.

    Climate Activists Claim Deep Freeze Due to “Global Warming” Activists previously claimed „climate change” would make the world hotter Climate Activists Claim Deep Freeze Due to „Global Warming”

    Despite spending years claiming “climate change” would make the world hotter, not colder, climate activists are now blaming “global warming” for the arctic front pounding the U.S.

    As 44 states brace for snow in the coming week, multiple “climate change” articles have been published recently which attempt to attribute the record cold – or any change in climate for that matter – to “global warming.”

    An op/ed published last night, for example, suggested the freezing temperatures throughout the U.S. are an “indirect result of the world getting warmer.”

    Top Hacker: Chicago Nuke Attack Planned For 2015 Guccifer says Illuminati run the planet

    Guccifer – the Romanian hacker who accessed private email accounts of numerous top government & military officials as well as the Bush & Rockefeller family – is quoted in the New York Times as predicting a nuclear attack on Chicago sometime in 2015.

    Ferguson Residents Arm Themselves Buying weapons and receiving training ahead of grand jury decision

    Residents in Ferguson, Missouri and neighboring cities are buying firearms to protect themselves against violence expected after a St. Louis County grand jury decides the fate of Darren Wilson, the police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown.

    On Monday, CNN interviewed a number of people in the town who recently purchased weapons and received training at a local shooting range.

    A local gun merchant told CNN customers bought 100 guns over the weekend. In nearby Bridgeton, the manager of a shooting range said gun sales are up 40 to 50% as of last week. Most of the weapons are home defense shotguns.

    Many residents are also receiving firearms training. Customers told the manager they have bought guns and are receiving training in anticipation of violence following a ruling on the Brown shooting.

    The mayor of Ferguson, James Knowles, told CNN he is concerned about the increase in gun sales.

    Knowles said it is a “little frightening” citizens are arming themselves. He has instructed police to be wary of new gun owners who may be “less trained may not have… restraint.”

    Missouri national guard on standby for Ferguson grand jury decisionGovernor announces policing plans for protests

    The Missouri national guard will be on standby to deal with any protests after a grand jury announces its decision on whether to charge the police officer who shot dead an unarmed teenager, Michael Brown, the state governor announced on Tuesday.

    The governor, Jay Nixon, said the national guard had been involved in extensive police planning for any eventuality after the announcement of a decision by jurors considering the potential prosecution of officer Darren Wilson, who killed Brown on 9 August.
    National Guard forces “will continue to be available when we determine it is necessary to support local law enforcement”, Nixon told a press conference. “I’m prepared to make that order,” he said. “At the time operationally that it is necessary to move forward, we will.”

    Ferguson Resident: ‘We are Getting Prepared for War’

    Ferguson is “getting prepared for war” if a grand jury doesn’t indict Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown.

    Missouri State Highway Patrol Capt. Ron Johnson told CBS News he has been meeting with students, gang members and ministers about what might happen following the grand jury decision that is expected to come down this month.

    “There’s a lot of fear. A lot of people are afraid of what could happen,” Johnson explained. “In the end, this is gonna be the community we have to live in.”

    Ronardo Ward, 33, is one of those hoping to maintain peace in Ferguson if Wilson isn’t indicted.

    “We are getting prepared for war,” Ward told CBS News. “And that’s just crazy.”

    Michael Johnson, 42, believes many young people will rail against the “system.”

    “There’s gonna be a lot of angry young people that’s pretty much not gonna listen to the system anymore,” Michael Johnson said. “Why should they?”

    New York doctor cleared of Ebola, which means there are no known Ebola cases in the U.S. Spencer “has been declared free of the virus”

    The doctor who contracted Ebola in West Africa before returning to New York City has been declared free of the virus, hospital officials announced Monday. This news means that 41 days after the first Ebola diagnosis in the United States, there are no known cases of the virus in the country.

    Princeton makes it official — USA Has Become Oligarchy Top 1% reshaped fundamentals of American life, culture and above all politics

    American media is fond of speaking about “Russian Oligarchs” as if Russia were the only nation that allowed accumulation of such unprecedented wealth. The Yeltsin days of dis-order and collapse indeed saw the rapid rise of many fortunes and oligarchs—persons of very much wealth. Some of them have proven patriotic citizens, some like Khodokorvsky or the late unlamented Boris Berezhovsky proved to be loveless gangsters. A new study, however by a Princeton University Professor of the influence of very wealthy or economically powerful persons on American political policies makes clear for the first time that a genuine American Oligarchy has staged a slow coup d’etat over US foreign and domestic policy over the past three decades since the era of Ronald Reagan. This American oligarchy today is the major force for war and dis-order across the planet.

    Spain: No Negotiation on Catalonia IndependenceSpain continues to dismiss secession

    Spain’s regional Catalonia authorities have proposed that the Spanish prime minister establishes a permanent dialogue over Catalan independence.

    This comes after Catalans voted in favor of breaking away from Madrid.

    The Spanish government does not recognise that symbolic vote and has dismissed secession.

    Carnegie Mellon University Working To Decode Brains & Read Your Thoughts
    “For the first time, we can get inside people’s heads the way you’ve never been able to before…”

    It seems like science fiction, or something out of the movies.

    Being able to read someone’s mind is happening for real, right here in Pittsburgh.

    At Carnegie Mellon University, they are decoding brains and reading thoughts.

    “For the first time, we can get inside people’s heads the way you’ve never been able to before,” CMU’s Center for Cognitive Brain Imaging Director Marcel Just said.

    He is at the forefront of ground-breaking research.

    Device Prevents Cars From Starting If Loans Aren’t Paid Targeted toward people with no credit history or poor credit scores…

    Erin tried to buy her first car when she was young and had no credit history.

    “I didn’t have anybody to cosign,” she said.

    The interest rate on a car loan for her was going to be astronomical. But a device called Passtime helped her establish credit and buy a car.

    Passtime is affixed to a car and prevents it from starting if the owner doesn’t make loan payments on time. It’s targeted toward people with no credit history or poor credit scores.

    “If you were a consumer with bad credit and you tried to go to buy a car, you’re often going to get turned down,” Chris Macheca of Passtime said.

    End of Organic? Report Says GMO Crop Contamination Cannot Be Stopped Biotech giants’ reckless behavior threatens biosphere

    With each passing year, an increasing number of states are attempting to adopt GMO labeling laws amid the federal government’s resistance to allow you to know what’s in your food. With each victory, or even loss, we get stronger — and closer to making GMO labeling a reality. The sad reality, however, is that many experts say GMO labeling will not suffice in the overall fight against biotech due to the fact that GMO crops can easily contaminate nearby farms.

    A new report finds that the GMO contamination issue is much more serious than previously thought, and the concerned experts couldn’t be more correct.

    How the Elite Control the World All governments are fundamentally oligarchic

    All governments past and present, regardless of their formal organization, involve the rule of the many by the few.

    In other words, all governments are fundamentally oligarchic. The reasons are twofold. First, governments are nonproductive organizations and can only subsist by extracting goods and services from the productive class in their territorial domain. Thus the ruling class must remain a minority of the population if they are to continually extract resources from their subjects or citizens. Genuine “majority rule” on a permanent basis is impossible because it would result in an economic collapse as the tribute or taxes expropriated by the more numerous rulers deprived the minority engaged in peaceful productive activities of the resources needed to sustain and reproduce itself. Majority rule would therefore eventually bring about a violent conflict between factions of the previous ruling class, which would terminate with one group establishing oligarchic rule and economically exploiting its former confederates.

    Can Anarcho-Capitalism Work?
    Society can run itself without central direction by a shadowy elite

    The term “anarcho-capitalism” has, we might say, rather an arresting quality.

    But while the term itself may jolt the newcomer, the ideas it embodies are compelling and attractive, and represent the culmination of a long development of thought.

    If I had to boil it down to a handful of insights, they would be these: (1) each human being, to use John Locke’s formulation, “has a property in his own person”; (2) there ought to be a single moral code binding all people, whether they are employed by the State or not; and (3) society can run itself without central direction.

    From the original property one enjoys in his own person we can derive individual rights, including property rights. When taken to its proper Rothbardian conclusion, this insight actually invalidates the State, since the State functions and survives on the basis of systematic violation of individual rights. Were it not to do so, it would cease to be the State.

    Pentagon wants an airborne aircraft carrier to launch drones DARPA working on aircraft that can launch and recover drones

    In the 2012 movie “The Avengers,” Captain America, the Hulk, Iron Man and the rest of the gang flew on a massive aircraft carrier that carried dozens of planes through the air and disappeared from plain view with the help of a cloaking device.

    The idea that the U.S. military could develop something similar is still seen as far-fetched, but this much is true: a Pentagon agency has just launched a new effort to develop an airship sure to draw comparisons.

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is exploring whether it would be possible to turn an existing plane into a flying fortress capable of launching and recovering numerous drone aircraft. Doing so would extend the range of drones that gather intelligence and perform other missions while saving money and limiting the risks pilots take, DARPA officials said Sunday.

    Operation Depopulation Exposed: Africa Millions of Kenyan girls and women sterilized by anti-tetanus vaccine

    United Nations organizations are accused of sterilizing millions of girls and women under the guise of an anti-tetanus vaccine program sponsored by the Kenyan government.

    Depopulation vaccine in Kenya and beyond
    Kenya’s Catholic bishops are charging two United Nations organizations with sterilizing millions of girls and women

    We have this current claim:

    “Kenya’s Catholic bishops are charging two United Nations organizations with sterilizing millions of girls and women under cover of an anti-tetanus inoculation program sponsored by the Kenyan government.

    “According to a statement released Tuesday by the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, the organization has found an antigen that causes miscarriages in a vaccine being administered to 2.3 million girls and women by the World Health Organization and UNICEF. Priests throughout Kenya reportedly are advising their congregations to refuse the vaccine.

    “We sent six samples from around Kenya to laboratories in South Africa. They tested positive for the HCG antigen,” Dr. Muhame Ngare of the Mercy Medical Centre in Nairobi told LifeSiteNews. “They were all laced with HCG.”

    “Dr. Ngare, spokesman for the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, stated in a bulletin released November 4, “This proved right our worst fears; that this WHO campaign is not about eradicating neonatal tetanus but a well-coordinated forceful population control mass sterilization exercise using a proven fertility regulating vaccine. This evidence was presented to the Ministry of Health before the third round of immunization but was ignored.”

    An Autonomous Weapons Arms Race Is Underway

    On a bright fall day last year off the coast of Southern California, an Air Force B-1 bomber launched an experimental missile that may herald the future of warfare.

    Initially, pilots aboard the plane directed the missile, but halfway to its destination it severed communication with its operators. Alone, without human oversight, the missile decided which of three ships to attack, dropping to just above the sea surface and striking a 260-foot unmanned freighter.

    The test was deemed a military success. But the design of this new missile and other weapons that can pick targets on their own has stirred protests from some analysts and scientists, who fear that an ethical boundary is being crossed.

    Conventional drones are operated by remote pilots, and heat- and radar-seeking missiles are directed by humans. But now Britain, Israel and Norway are deploying missiles and drones that carry out attacks against enemy radar, tanks or ships without direct human control.

    After launch, so-called autonomous weapons rely on artificial intelligence and their own sensors to select targets and to initiate an attack.

    SpaceX Working on Micro-Satellites for Internet Access

    SpaceX is working on a network of micro-satellites that will be used to provide Internet access, according to the company’s founder and CEO Elon Musk.

    “SpaceX is still in the early stages of developing advanced micro-satellites operating in large formations,” Musk wrote in a message on Twitter on Monday. “Announcement in 2 to 3 months.”

    Musk added that the satellites would be “unfettered certainly and at very low cost.” The remark was in response to a Twitter comment about whether the project would be “about free and unfettered Internet access for the masses.”

    Luxury Doomsday Condos All Sold

    Mr. Hall, who lives in a Denver suburb, bought his first missile-silo site in Kansas in 2008 and completed construction in December 2012. A year later, he says, the development had sold out. Work on the second security compound—the one where Mr. Allen bought a unit—is under way, and Mr. Hall says he is considering additional sites in Texas and elsewhere.

    As former nuclear missile sites built under the supervision of the Army Corps of Engineers, the structures were originally designed to withstand a direct hit by a nuclear bomb. At ground level, they can be sealed up by two armored doors weighing 16,000 pounds each. Mr. Hall added sophisticated water and air-treatment facilities, state-of-the-art computer network technology and several alternate power generation capabilities.

    Israel Has Officially Banned Fluoridation of Its Drinking Water

    On Tuesday of this week (Aug. 26), Israel officially stopped adding fluoride to its water supplies. The decision has “been lauded by various rights groups, but criticized by many in the medical and dental communities as a serious mistake,” as the Times of Israel put it.

    The tasteless, colorless chemical is put into water for the purpose of reducing cavities, but critics say that it amounts to mass medication, and forces people to consume the substance whether they want to or not.

    Seven pesticides, including some that are very common, are triggering clinical depression among US farmers, a 20-year study released by the US National Institutes of Health has indicated.

    The study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that farmers who used organochlorines – one of two categories of the seven pesticides – to eradicate insects, weeds, and fungi were up to 90 percent more likely to have been diagnosed with depression. Farmers who employed widely-used fumigants, the other category, were up to 80 percent more likely to suffer from depression. The study was first published last month.

    To investigate any connections between depression and pesticide use, the NIH researchers interviewed about 84,000 farmers and spouses of farmers beginning in the mid-1990s.

    “There had been scattered reports in the literature that pesticides were associated with depression,” Dr. Freya Kamel, the lead researcher for the study, told Modern Farmer. “We wanted to do a new study because we had more detailed data than most people have access to.”

    Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has given a chilling assessment of a new geopolitical situation taking shape amid the Ukrainian crisis, warning of a possible new Cold War and calling the West’s approach to the crisis a „fatal mistake.”

    The 91-year-old diplomat characterized the tense relations as exhibiting the danger of „another Cold War.”

    „This danger does exist and we can’t ignore it,” Kissinger said. He warned that ignoring this danger any further may result in a „tragedy,” he told Germany’s Der Spiegel.

    If the West wants to be „honest,” it should recognize, that it made a „mistake,” he said of the course of action the US and the EU adopted in the Ukrainian conflict. Europe and the US did not understand the”significance of events” that started with the Ukraine-EU economic negotiations that initially brought about the demonstrations in Kiev last year. Those tensions should have served as a starting point to include Russia in the discussion, he believes.

    „At the same time, I do not want to say that the Russian response was proportionate,” the Cold War veteran added, saying that Ukraine has always had a „special significance” for Russia and failure to understand that „was a fatal mistake.”

    North Carolina has begun to do something no other state in the nation has attempted: Pay victims of forced sterilization.

    The state is attempting to right a 20th century wrong when that state and others mandated that tens of thousands of Americans have their reproductive rights stripped from them in the name of public policy.

    California only recently passed a law banning the practice after an investigation showed that female inmates in the state prison system continued to be sterilized. That state accounted for about a third of all U.S. forced sterilizations.

    Thirty-two states participated in forced sterilizations from early in the century until 1974. These controversial programs left at least 65,000 citizens with their tubes tied, uteri removed or vasa deferentia severed.

    These days, students are, for the most part, oblivious to how their colleges and universities are funded.

    I’m not talking about donations from graduates and boosters, or revenue generated from televised football games. I’m talking, for example, about secretive government agencies.

    CIA, NSA, DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency).

    At Wikileaks, Julian Assange posted an overview (10/7/2007), “On the take and loving it—academic recipients of the US intelligence budget.”

    Consider Assange’s stunning conclusion: “Over the last decade, U.S intelligence funding of academic research has taken on cavalier, even brazen qualities. This article reveals over 3,000 National Security Agency and over 100 Defense Intelligence Agency funded papers and draws attention to recent unreported revelations of CIA funding for torture research.”

    Torture research. If people need evidence that the CIA’s MKULTRA is still alive, there it is.

    Today, on November 11, cities and towns all across the country will organize parades to “honor” the men and women who fought for America’s freedom. In addition to the parades, Veterans will be given small perks at corporate chains, patriotic music and motivational themes will be played across television stations, and Americans will thank their veterans “for their service” as they have been instructed to do by their politicians and their television programming for the last several years.

    Yet seldom do Americans ask what “service” they are thanking these veterans for since most Americans simply parrot the latest buzz terms without ever actually questioning them. Of course, there are some for whom no amount of war and slaughter will ever be enough to vicariously make them feel like bigger men or a great nation. Most, however, are simply ignorant.

    On November 6, it was reported by the Wall Street Journal that U.S. President Barack Obama had secretly written a letter to Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei asking and encouraging him to join America’s alleged fight against the Islamic State.

    The Wall Street Journal’s report was based on information provided by “unnamed sources” who indicate that the letter was sent in Mid-October and that it “described a shared interest in fighting Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria … [and] appeared aimed both at buttressing the campaign against Islamic State and nudging Iran’s religious leader closer to a nuclear deal.”

    In addition, the reporting journalists also state that the letter stressed „that any cooperation on Islamic State was largely contingent on Iran reaching a comprehensive agreement with global powers on the future of Tehran’s nuclear program” ahead of the meeting scheduled to take place on November 24, regarding Iran’s nuclear capabilities.

    Although the White House is not officially confirming the letter’s authenticity, the fact is that Barack Obama and the Ayatollah have had communication on the subject of the Islamic State before.

    Those of us who are truth seekers marching through life with an everyday understanding of longstanding government false flag operations, corruption, stated global plans and strategies, live in a much easier and clearer world than our counterpart brainwashed, naive, TV and mainstream media-indoctrinated zombies.

    Yes, at this point in history, given the information age and the broad worldwide awakening to the new world order plans, we can now definitively declare not only the manifestation of our conscious existence but concomitantly we can pinpoint the manifestation of those who are the exact opposite of who we are; that is, those who are asleep in the matrix and believe mainstream media propaganda and the lies that the sheep are told every day.

    There is something special about mainstream media CIA-controlled news that is important to point out. I’ve alluded to this in previous articles but it’s very important to mention again here. The idea of mainstream media acting as a deceptive government mouthpiece is something most if not all of my readers are widely familiar with. However, it is important to underscore that mainstream media news, like the moving spiral of a hypnotic presentation, is always moving. In other words, if mainstream media actually stopped for even one day, it would begin to lose its effect immediately, and the control system knows this. The power of CIA-controlled mainstream media hypnosis comes in the fact that mainstream media news is ongoing. You get hit with one story, then another, then another, and another and so on. The motion of stories never ends. This moving quality of story-delivery is powerful and carries a hypnotic effect.

    When General Motors was the nation’s largest employer in the 1950s, they employed highly educated people such as engineers and scientists. Even their ‘grunt’ and semi-skilled workers were comparatively well compensated for their dedication and hard work. Now fast forward to the 2010s and WalMart, now the nation’s largest employer, has no need of highly educated skills.

    My point here is that, as a nation, we’ve gone from an innovative and producing nation to a country dotted with retail stores and tanning salons. The only jobs left which are realistically obtainable for the masses (that is not in the highly paid niche sectors of Silicon Valley, Wall Street, or the Bakken Oil Fields) are in the service sector.

    The service sector has hourly pay rates which often hover between $8.00 – $14.00 per hour in many parts of the country. In fact, you should even consider yourself fortunate if you happen to be “comfortably” within the top half of that pay scale. The bottom line is that one’s education and life choices has little to do with outsourcing, globalization, and the destruction of living wage jobs in the US.

    The American Debt Bomb

    The Most Powerful Weapon Ever Devised & Deployed, the American Debt Bomb

    Potentially more powerful than any nuclear device that exists.

    So volatile, it could perhaps be ignited by even a small unexpected spark.

    Once ignited it could take much of the World back to the Stone Age, into a new Feudal Age, accompanied by a catastrophic reduction in the World’s population, perhaps up to 90%.

    Could this American Debt Bomb be purposely set off at anytime chosen by those who created it in the first place, or is it like a freight train running out of control that will destruct on its own?

    glostwreck2smCould such a detonation be used to attain their very evil, age old Agenda to radically depopulate the Earth of humans awhile setting up a whole new electronic monetary system which would provide control over every surviving human, control beyond imagination?

    And if this American Debt Bomb is detonated will a new major World Personality rise to the occasion and provide a new Electronic Cashless Monetary and Banking System as a worldwide solution to this world wide catastrophe? And would this new Electronic Cashless Monetary and Banking System be their covert creation, that is, the very same international criminals that created the American Debt Bomb?

    And would there be draconian requirements if anyone was to be allowed to participate in this new Electronic Cashless Monetary and banking System? Would folks be required to pay homage and take an oath to a new world ruler that is evil beyond imagination, a man put in place and is now waiting to take over and manage the World after this monstrous American Debt Bomb detonates?

    Obama’s Mental Health Screening in Schools Will ‘Disarm’ Gun Rights: “Databases to Follow Academic Career and Beyond”

    Under the auspices of helping struggling school children to grapple with complex emotions and mental health issues, students will be screened not for their own benefit, but to further the aims of total gun control.

    The Obama executive orderswritten in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting introduced a number of policy-laws designed to mandate mental health programs and screening, and include ‘gun talk’ as part of the deal.

    Funding for these programs has now followed suit.

    Inside the Mind of an Oligarch – Sheldon Adelson Proclaims “I Don’t Like Journalism”

    If you’ve read any of my articles over the past several years, you will be well aware of my disdain toward a small group of individuals I refer to as oligarchs, and their destructive influence on America and the world at large. When people hear “oligarch” they probably automatically assume I simply mean billionaires and other extraordinarily wealthy people, but as with most things in life, it’s not that simple.


  11. Olivia said, on noiembrie 13, 2014 at 1:25 am

    Si la scoala fetitei mele trebuie sa anuntam maine daca suntem sau nu de acord cu vaccinarea antipolio. Am mai gasit doar o mama informata care respingea ideea de vaccinare.


  12. Rares Potop said, on octombrie 22, 2016 at 1:49 pm

    Inca o viata distrusa de vaccinuri…

    Sa va dea Bunul Dumnezeu sanatate si sa va binecuvanteze pentru ca aparati Ortodoxia, cea mai de pret comoara a acestui popor Roman si a noastra ca oameni!

    Va rog din suflet daca vreti sa il ajutati pe fiul meu in lupta cu boala, dati mai departe site-ul nostru

    Va rog din suflet sa dati mai departe!

    Fiul meu are Autism si Tulburare Psiho-Afectiva.

    Este posibil sa se fi ales cu aceste afectiuni datorita vaccinurilor facute la nastere, i-a fost facut chiar si un vaccin intrauterin cand eram in luna a 9-a (foarte ciudat, nu stiu pentru ce)! Poate faceti un articol despre cazul nostru, inca o dovada cum vaccinurile si industria farmaceutica imbolnaveste copiii cu boli incurabile si le distruge viata atat lor cat si parintilor!

    Dumnezeu sa va aiba in paza Frate Saccsiv! Doamne Ajuta!


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