SACCSIV – blog ortodox

Sigla PMP: ELENA UDREA cea buna va ofera MARUL …

Posted in Uncategorized by saccsiv on octombrie 30, 2014

   Fratele Cosmin a facut la articolul Video: OILE “ALEGAND” STAPANUL … o corecta observatie:

Iar in ceea ce priveste sigla PMP, ma distreaza tare: marul, care stim ce reprezinta si evident doamna candidata (Eva) care ni-l ofera 😉

   Comentariu saccsiv:

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De ce mar? Pentru ca-i buna:


Foto: ALEGERI PREZIDENŢIALE 2014. Sloganurile candidaţilor. „Udrea, BUNĂ pentru România”, pentru puştii cu fantezii
   Cititi va rog si:

Madalin Voicu: „ELENA UDREA ESTE DE ETNIE ROMA”. Pana la urma, este macar un roman in guvernarea Basescu?

ELENA UDREA si Marele Maestru al Ordinului Suveran Militar: PARTENERIAT PELERINAJE RELIGIOASE …

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45 răspunsuri

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  1. Gabriel said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 9:23 am

    🙂 tocmai ai aprins carbuni la picioarele lui Radu I.
    Elena Udrea buna pentru educatie sexuala adica…dar probabil nu se incadra in banner 🙂


    • andrei-d said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 10:21 am

      Vine pregatit, stai linistit. Gaseste el argumente! Ori schimba subiectul. Sa asteptam si o sa vedem.


    • radu iacoboaie said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 8:18 pm

      Uite care este treaba. Te rog să nu mai cenzurezi comentariile mele. Nu folosesc un limbaj licențios sau vulgar, nu incit la ură interetnică sau altceva rău…
      Te rog pentru ultima dată să postezi toate comentariile care stau în așteptare… Altfel le voi posta la mine pe blog pe toate și voi scrie un articol edificator numai despre atitudinea ta și a altora precum mircea v. etc, care nu este una onestă… Cred că mă vezi acum aproape ca pe un dușman… Și atunci mă voi apăra ca un creștin, fără ironii și batjocură…


      • saccsiv said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 9:03 pm

        radu iacoboaie

        Asta cu „Altfel …” mi-e cu totul indiferenta. Nu ma va mira nimic, de altfel am scris la finalul articolului despre tine si Udrea ce vei face. Reiau si aici:

        Daca plecam de la premisa ca nu-i intrus, va face in conformitate cu mandria sa.
        Ca daca-i foarte mare, va tine de ideea sa doar pentru ca-i a sa, se va delimita de noi si se vor aciui pe blogul sau tot soiul de omuleti negri dupa o schema ce ne e deja cunoscuta.
        Daca mandria e oleaca mai mica, tot va tine cu dintii de ideea sa, doar ca nu se va incardui cu omuletii negri.
        Daca va fi si mai mica, va recunoaste ca a gresit.

        Deja unul dintre cei ce ne urasc a postat la tine iar tu i-ai repostat pompos comentariul. Si el ne uraste nu din motiv de Udrea, ci deoarece este un ratacit notoriu ce bantuie pe internet.

        Revenind la oful tau, nu ti-am mai permis comentariile deoarece multi cititori m-au rugat sa n-o mai fac. Daca se vor razgandi, le voi permite din nou. Si poate ca e bine sa le permit din nou, caci daca cineva nu rezista la militantismul tau, cum oare va rezista la ceea ce va urma? Adica activismul tau ar fi bun pe post de examen.

        Dar nu eu vreau sa decid, ci CITITORII VOR DECIDE daca sa te mai las sau nu sa comentezi.


      • radu iacoboaie said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 9:54 pm

        AI SCRIS: ,,Asta cu “Altfel …” mi-e cu totul indiferenta. Nu ma va mira nimic, de altfel am scris la finalul articolului despre tine si Udrea ce vei face. Reiau si aici:
        Daca plecam de la premisa ca nu-i intrus, va face in conformitate cu mandria sa.
        Ca daca-i foarte mare, va tine de ideea sa doar pentru ca-i a sa, se va delimita de noi si se vor aciui pe blogul sau tot soiul de omuleti negri dupa o schema ce ne e deja cunoscuta.
        Daca mandria e oleaca mai mica, tot va tine cu dintii de ideea sa, doar ca nu se va incardui cu omuletii negri.
        Daca va fi si mai mica, va recunoaste ca a gresit.
        Deja unul dintre cei ce ne urasc a postat la tine iar tu i-ai repostat pompos comentariul. Si el ne uraste nu din motiv de Udrea, ci deoarece este un ratacit notoriu ce bantuie pe internet.
        Revenind la oful tau, nu ti-am mai permis comentariile deoarece multi cititori m-au rugat sa n-o mai fac. Daca se vor razgandi, le voi permite din nou. Si poate ca e bine sa le permit din nou, caci daca cineva nu rezista la militantismul tau, cum oare va rezista la ceea ce va urma? Adica activismul tau ar fi bun pe post de examen.
        Dar nu eu vreau sa decid, ci CITITORII VOR DECIDE daca sa te mai las sau nu sa comentezi.”

        ADICĂ EU SUNT MÂNDRU… MAI MULT SAU MAI PUȚIN… NU POT COMENTA această JUDECATĂ A TA… Știam însă că frații adevărați sau monahii ortodocși nu se atacă unii pe alții, din smerenie și dreaptă socoteală…
        TE URĂSC EU DIN CAUZA SUSȚINERII PUBLICE A DOAMNEI ELENA UDREA? (,,Si el ne uraste nu din motiv de Udrea…”, referindu-te la cel care s-a semnat pe blogul meu ,,un om care iubește dreptatea”. Cred că asta te-a înfuriat, faptul că i-am acceptat câteva comentarii pertinente… Spui că este un rătăcit notoriu ce bântuie pe internet… E O FUMIGENĂ? PENTRU CĂ NE BAGI PE TOȚI ÎN CEAȚĂ CU ASTA. LA CE TE REFERI? CARE ESTE IDENTITATEA LUI ȘI DE CE FEREȘTI S-O DEZVĂLUI?

        Din moment ce tu decizi pe blogul tău, cum poți afirma că lași acum pe cititori să decidă? Vrei să arăți ostentativ că blogul este unul democratic sau te folosești de ucenicii tăi pentru a impune ,,voința majorității”? Credeam că numai un actor devine apreciat de public și se supune voinței acestuia…


      • andrei-d said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 10:11 pm

        frate Radu,
        Nu e o atitudine demna de un crestin modul in care te ‘barfim’, practic este una din impresia lasata, dar nu te poti abtine cand un frate o ia pe aratura(se intoarce la 180 de grade si vine cu vesnicele polemici din politica), dar noi nu te atacam, ci ne aparam, nu noi venim pe blogul tau ortodox de ‘ATITUDINE’, ci tu ne spionezi si ne bagi prostii in cap. Unii se plictisesc de militanismul tau si de propagandă, ce-i drept te-ai simtit inlaturat de multi frati tocmai din cauza schimbarii tale radicale, din care tu faci armasar. Ai venit cu ‘revelatia’ ta. In fine, uite care cred ca e solutia, tu nu mai veni cu idei de-ale tale, deochiate, si noi nu mai ripostam, e simplu! Iertare daca te-am stârnit, dar te agiti degeaba, esti departe de leul care te crezi.


      • mircea.v said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 10:27 pm

        Radu Iacoboaie,

        crestinul mai are si bun simt si simt al masurii si mai si observa cand trebuie sa paraseasca casa in care deranjeaza… Doar diavolul are o insistenta infinita in ale lui. Cand se depaseste o anumita limita, atunci trebuie intervenit ca nu se mai poate. E spre binele tau. SI dupa cum ai sesizat sant multi care au sesizat ca limita a fost depasita.

        examenul a trecut, ce era de lamurit s-a lamurit, ce era de invatat s-a invatat (ca din orice se invata) acum nu mai este nimic interesant. Totul este foarte util dar pana se lamureste problema…. Insa acum, omul doar irita si sant si asa destule probleme in viata crestinului.
        Si ar fi bine si pentru R. I. sa ia o pauza, ca altfel se afunda si mai mult in mocirla.
        Eu zic sa-i lasi comentariile la articolul cu pricina si atat. Nu voi mai comenta nimic la acel articol. E parerea mea, tu faci cum crezi. Nu e ceva important si vital. Pe mine nu ma deranjeaza daca il mai lasi sa posteze, ca m-am lamurit.
        Restul sant cum le-ai zis tu inca de la inceput si le-ai reamintit si acum.


      • andrei-d said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 10:29 pm

        Radu Iacoboaie,
        nu băga strâmbe. Saccsiv nu are timp sa-ti dea explicatii, ce cred e ca esti platit sa-l distragi si sa-l tii ocupat, acum cand a pus problema cu cipurile, plus ca pe tine de mult nu te-am mai auzit sa vorbesti impotriva lor.


      • blue said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 11:43 pm

        Eu cred că nu mai e mult de aşteptat. S-a intrat în linie dreaptă cu privire la alegerile prezidenţiale, deci e foarte posibil ca misiunea ta să ia sfârşit., Ce vei mai face peste două sâptămâni când susţinuta ta va deveni istorie, ba chiar prima femeie din politică pasibilă de puşcărie? ( nu vreau să folosesc termenul „puşcăriabil” inventat de idolul pe care-l venerezi).
        O să fac şi eu un pronostic, dacă-mi e permis…. peste două săptămâni blogul raduiacoboaie ori se va şterge singur şi va dispărea în negura netului, ori se va întoarce la ce era prima dată, ca şi cum nimic nu s-ar fi întâmplat. Înclin spre prima variantă.


      • blue said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 11:53 pm

        Radu Iacoboaie, am avut curiozitatea să-ţi studiez limbajul, atitudinea şi ideile pe care le induci, sunt exact aceleaşi cu ale Elenei Udrea din intervenţia în faţa presei. Mă întreb dacă nu cumva eşti propria ei admiratoare…. :)) Altfel e de plâns. Dacă nu eşti plătit să scrii ceea ce scrii, devine chiar înspăimântător. Dumnezeu să-ţi lumineze mintea şi să treacă alegerile astea mai repede.


      • Alexandru(Fulger) said, on noiembrie 1, 2014 at 4:42 pm

        Radu Iacoboaie

        Frate , te rog mult deschide ochi si vezi ce se intampla in lumea asta , o sa iasa cine vor ei , eu unul nu am ce cauta in sistemul asta satanist si nu imi voi lasa amprenta in dejectia lor.


  2. mircea.v said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 9:30 am

    Marul nu reprezinta nimic. La Facere se spune: „rodul pomului”.


    • saccsiv said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 9:43 am


      Frate, oamenii asa stiu, de mar.


      • mircea.v said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 12:43 pm

        Stiu, asa stiam si eu, pana am fost mai curios. Nu-i asta o problema…


      • Liberatorul said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 4:33 pm

        Fructul oprit nu a fost marul ci smochinul; cel putin asa zic cantartile din cartile sfinte si Sfintii parinti


      • saccsiv said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 6:02 pm


        Frate, dar nu asta-i subiectul propozitiei.


    • Mălin said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 10:59 am

      Din tradiţie toata lumea stie de măr…


  3. Gabriel said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 9:55 am

    eee…nu e intamplator ales marul, de ce nu a ales de exemplu…o banana? 🙂


    • Klauss said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 1:11 pm

      Asa este, Elenei Udrea i se potriveste mai bine…banana decat marul.


  4. Sită Deasă said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 9:57 am

    exista o vorba inteleapta care spune asa: un mar putred strica o gramada de mere frumoase.
    pmp-ul asta este marul stricat al politicii romanesti ca multe alte fructe stricate din societatea romaneasca.
    chiar si sigla sugereaza asta: marul lor nu este tot verde sau integral rosu sau intreg galben… este verde deschis cu albastru navy…. vorba aceea „orice pasare pe limba ei piere”…. iar „pasarea” (ca sa nu folosesc diminutivul pentru acest cuvant) din fruntea acetei structuri mafiote numai frumoasa, cinstita si curata nu este.

    eu nu merg la vot!


  5. aniush said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 9:59 am

    PMP=Partidul Marionetelor Populare?


  6. RomeoB said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 10:00 am

    off topic:
    CREȘTINISMUL – cea mai PERSECUTATĂ religie din lume –


  7. Gabriel said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 10:05 am

    uite, ar fi aratat mai bine cu banana…


  8. mihai said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 10:28 am

    Da, tanti nuti cea zbanghie, aceasta a fost bagata la inaintare pe post de momeala, ca multi prosti sa puna botul la hardelile ei


  9. Ioannis said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 11:36 am

    La coada vacii, acolo as trimite aceasta panarama sinistra. Si nu numai pe ea, si pe sustinatorii ei!


  10. ORTODOXIE said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 12:56 pm


    Marul este un simbol adeseori folosit de masoni deoarece se face aluzie la marul din care a muscat Eva si
    Adam fiind inselati de satana.
    Oare doamna Udrea nu are lagatura cu masonii pe care dumneavoastra ii condamnati domnule Iacoboaie???


  11. cristian said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 12:57 pm

    Elena Udrea si marul.Ma face sa ma gandesc la Geneza din Sfanta Scriptura unde Eva a fost pacalita de diavol sa manance din pomul cunoasteri binelui si raului din care Dumnezeu ii poruncise sa nu elena udrea este un fel de Eva al zilelor noastre.


    • andrei-d said, on octombrie 31, 2014 at 12:18 am

      Adam şi Eva sunt sfinţi! Iertare daca te-am contrazis, însă nu mi se pare corect sa spui ‘ca Eva’, ea e mama noastra, a tuturor popoarelor, inclusiv a ta si a mea. O cantare spune asa: „pe Dătătorul de viaţă născându-L, Fecioară, DE PĂCAT pe Adam L-AI MÂNTUIT, şi bucurie Evei….”, iar in Prohod spune că „până la iad Te-ai coborât pe Adam sa-l mântui!”, deci e de luat in seama DOAR PACATUL, adică NEASCULTAREA, si nu Eva sau Adam! După cum poţi observa, si tu cazi foarte usor in ispita si greseli, asta nu inseamna ca e vina protoparintilor, ci a noastra! Adam si Eva s-au pocait aproape 1000 de ani pe pamant plus 4500 in iad ca sa vada lumina! Noi oare suntem in stare măcar de o seara de pocainţă? Trebuie sa ne asumam răspunderea, elena udrea e om ca si noi, pacatos, Eva este sfântă! Doamne ajuta!


  12. abc Marin said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 1:44 pm

    ,, curat murdar Nene Iancule ,, după lupte seculare care au durat mii de ani Românica noastră a fost invadată de lăcuste …………


  13. geo said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 1:49 pm

    I never got around to posting a video by a Ukrainian commentator and political activist with English subtitles. This is Margarita Montyan. „Dalpe” posted this link in a thread here before the elections, saying that she is sharp as a whip, and that’s for sure. She also ran in the elections.

    There are two videos on this page, the top one I found fascinating for its inside view of the oligarchs, the Kiev scene and the overall political power structure. It’s a 15 minute interview. I could use a lot more of her. She is very smart.

    Margarita Montyan – The Oligarchs should have killed Yanukovich, and they destroyed Ukraine

    What’s key is her view that the utterly criminal oligarchs took the directives and resources from the West as a way to send their nation’s most idealistic young men to die in war – because who needs honest people around? – and to steal all the money that was earmarked for the ATO. It never has been about anything else, from the local oligarch point of view.

    When you’re honest yourself, you don’t much think about such simple motivations as a cause for action. But this very closely matches what comments here have alluded to in these discussions between NAF and Ukraine commanders.

    I hope others can make more of this. And thank you Dalpe for the original link – I was too short of time to say it earlier.

    It might illuminate some things perhaps. They were translated by Anti-Maidan by the way. Also anyone else here of course if you can shed clarity anywhere on all this. I’m out of my depth on internal Ukraine society. The videos are hugely entertaining by the way, she is a forceful speaker and pulls no punches.

    Many readers may have thought the U.S. is “like a police state” – – think of the security dress down of everyone boarding a flight within the U.S. sphere of control. Political scientist Andrew Kolin goes far beyond hasty analogue. He argues with rich factual substantiation that the U.S is a police state all the way down – not only since the stolen elections and war state of George Bush Jr., but before and since in a cumulative throughline of bureaucratized despotism across borders.

    Documented examples are reported in detail from 1950 on to disclose a record that is as systematic in suppressing public dissent as its client dictatorships elsewhere – albeit far more successfully kept out of public and scholarly attention. Since the electoral contests of, by and for the rich in America are proclaimed as “the leader of the Free World” in the ad-vehicle media many still watch and read, an example helps to clarify the reality not reported. When three nuns protested before the war-criminal bombing of Iraq in 2002 where no war crime was left undone, “they were arrested, handcuffed, left on the ground for three hours and then jailed for seven months before trial – – [for] sabotage and obstruction of justice” (p. 153).

    Stephen Harper is the most deeply reviled Prime Minister in Canada’s history. On the world stage, he is the servant of Big Oil boiling oil out of tar-sands to destroy major river systems and pollute the planet with dirty oil, while his attack dog John Baird leads the warmongering and bullying of nations like Iran and Syria targeted by the US-Israeli axis.

    He is the most despotic and toxic first minister in the life of our country. His administration defunds every social program and life protective system it can. It strips the country of its public information infrastructures at every level – including now the gagging of non-profit NGO’s by eliminating their charitable status if they question any policy of his regime.

    Just as his friend George Bush Jr., Harper holds government by big-money backing, continual lies, attack ads, and life-blind policies to enrich the already rich. Canada’s neo-con political class may have its head on backwards, but Harper is very cunning in skirting, subverting and perverting the law to abuse power at every level. He is the poster boy of the global corporate agenda of wrecking society and its common life support systems.


  14. aniush said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 3:15 pm

    Nuti are mere, in loc de Ana are mere.


  15. geo said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 3:46 pm

    Ce bine se inteleg cu turcii:

    Israeli Minister for Military Affairs Moshe Ya’alon says the borders of many Middle Eastern countries are bound to change in the future as a result of recent developments in the region.

    The Israeli minister said in a recent interview with the US-based National Public Radio (NPR) that the current borders would change in the coming years, as some have “been changed already.”

    The Israeli minister added that the borders of some countries in the region were artificially drawn by the West.

    “Libya was a new creation, a Western creation as a result of World War I. Syria, Iraq, the same — artificial nation-states — and what we see now is a collapse of this Western idea,” he stated.

    However, Ya’alon said the borders of some nations, including the Egyptian border with Israel, would remain unchanged.

    “We have to distinguish between countries like Egypt, with their history. Egypt will stay Egypt,” said Ya’alon.

    The minister did not say whether the borders of Israel, also drawn by Western powers after World War I, would change or not.

    Erdogan said „the artifically-made” borders in the Middle East drawn by the imperial powers right after the end of World War I are the real cause of long-term pain and crisis in the region.

    Saying that „there should be no borders between Middle Eastern countries in the minds and hearts of the people,” Erdogan noted that Turkey should do its own part in fighting with sectarianism, ethnicism and all other divisions in the Middle East.

    „Turkey is the only country that could provide peace in that region. Turkey is the hope of the Middle Eastern people. Turkey can remove the barriers between Middle Eastern people not by changing physical borders, but by instilling hope and trust,” he said.–assad-regime-should-be-target-turkish-president

    Si nu numai cu Turcia:

    Israel Lobby Supports Jabhat Al-Nusra, Insurgents In Aleppo Surrounded

    Israel gives cover and opened a corridor for Jabhat al-Nusra along the Golan height demarcation line to reach south Lebanon and the southern approaches to Damascus.

    There seems to be no concern in Tel Aviv that one day Jabhat al-Nusra could turn against Israel too. That is somewhat astonishing as both Hizbullah and Hamas started with Israeli support as counterweights to the Palestinian Liberation Organization only to later become the most capable foes of the Israeli occupation forces. One might have thought that Israeli strategists had learned from such foolishness.

    The Secret Wars of the Saudi-Israeli Alliance

    defaptcu toate monarhiile din Golf…

    As the US military intensifies its bombing campaign against ISIL in Iraq and Syria, the CIA and intelligence agencies from members of the US-led coalition are lending material support to the terrorist organization, an analyst says.

    “The US in the last week or so began an increased bombing campaign; some of it around the area of the Turkish border, in particular the sites where ISIS (ISIL or Daesh) has been most effective,” Gordon Duff, senior editor at Veterans Today, told Press TV on Saturday.

    “While the US military is openly supporting the Kurds and Iraq as they have promised, other coalition members are still actively behind ISIS,” the journalist said.

    A Canadian reporter has introduced a new phrase, “terrorist truthers”, as the initial stage in creating a new semantic club to use against critics of government ops and of false flag attacks.

    The reporter, Brian Lilley, has used the occasion of the alleged attack on the Canadian Parliament–almost certainly itself an arranged event–to assail those who do not condemn it as “terrorism”.

    While that sounds like typical politics, where right-wingers are eager to politicize such events and left-wingers more cautious and hesitant, a bit more appears to be going on here than that.

    Joshua Blakeney, for example, has observed that this event appears tailor-made to be used as a justification to silence critics of Israel. And it also looks as though the phrase, once introduced, will then gradually be extended in meaning to include 9/11 Truthers and 7/7 Truthers, as David Cameron, the UK PM, recently proposed.

    A massive explosion outside Kobani, the Syrian/Kurdish border town under attack by ISIL/ISIS publicly and to a less public extent, by the Turkish army as well.

    Nuclear physicist, Jeff Smith, former IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) investigator and Science Editor for Veterans Today has been examining photographic evidence but is calling for more:

    “Someone needs to develop and sell a simple fallout chemical test strip that changes color indicating type of radioactive materials being present in the soil. It would be a big seller. Similar to the chemical weapons test strips.”

    Smith spent years investigating nuclear material smuggling and was part of the team that investigated 9/11; helping prepare the 2003 Department of Energy Report on 9/11 leaked by Edward Snowden thus summer.

    To see the recent mainstream media headlines, one who ponders a little deeply might rightly think we are on the precipice of something strange. More Ebola funny business, shootings, a rocket explosion, and the Department of Homeland Security’s recent raising of security levels at all federal buildings within the United States.

    The United Nations’ Convention on Biological Diversity recently announced a decision on the part of 194 countries to regulate synthetic biology technology.

    Jim Thomas of the ETC Group stated that, “Not only do countries now have to set up the means to regulate synthetic biology, but those regulations need to be based on precaution and not harming the environment.”

    As more synthetically engineered products are being developed, many see a potentially dangerous impact on the environment and human health from the expanding technology.

    The Texas Department of Public Safety might as well be called the Texas Department of Public Invasiveness.

    They’ve launched a plan to fingerprint every single person of driving age in the state, after which they will add the person’s prints to the criminal database.

    Is it just me or is that a rather Dystopian plan?

    In Liberia, a Good or Very Bad Sign: Empty Hospital Beds

    Déjà vu – Global Gulag – Israel-First NeoCons = anti-American Turncoats

    PUTIN just brought the ROTHSCHILD WORLD SYSTEM to their knees

    Russia is presenting an alternative that poses a fundamental challenge to the values and principles on which the European Union was originally founded. It is based on the use of force that manifests itself in repression at home and aggression abroad, as opposed to the rule of law.

    Who does this sound like? George Bush? Donald Rumsfeld?

    Or how about this quote?

    The collapse of Ukraine would be a tremendous loss for NATO, the European Union, and the United States. A victorious Russia would become much more influential within the EU and pose a potent threat to the Baltic states with their large ethnic Russian populations. Instead of supporting Ukraine, NATO would have to defend itself on its own soil. This would expose both the EU and the US to the danger they have been so eager to avoid: a direct military confrontation with Russia.

    This sounds a whole lot like Bush’s fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here rhetoric.

    This is coming from a man who said, “the removal of George Bush from office is a matter of life and death. By declaring a ‘war on terror’ after September 11, we set the wrong agenda for the world. … when you wage war, you inevitably create innocent victims.” These words are coming from the new book by George Soros entitled Wake Up Europe!

    With President Barack Obama further tarnishing his Nobel Peace Prize by starting yet another Middle Eastern war, exuberant Neoconservatives claim their moment has arrived. And it has, though not in the way they believe. The spectacle of Washington using the military in Iraq to destroy equipment provided by Washington in its last Iraq war illustrates the absurdity of the Neocons’ claim that war-mongering and nation-building serve America’s interests.

    In 2001 President George W. Bush initiated what was supposed to be The Neocon Moment, projecting a swaggering global presence in which the U.S. would bomb, invade, occupy, and otherwise intervene whenever and for whatever reason it chose. Autocrats would flee, candies would be tossed, enemies would be defeated, flowers would bloom, allies would comply, cakewalks would be held, democrats would flourish, and the lion would lie down with the lamb.

    As voters in Oregon, California, Hawaii and Colorado prepare to weigh in on whether genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, should be banned or regulated in their states or communities, grassroots campaigns are being overwhelmed by millions that agrochemical and food industry titans are pouring in to defeat such measures.

    Monsanto alone spent roughly $14 million in various local races this election year.

    Terrorism, Terrorism, Terrorism: The Word That Fuels Endless War

    Concerned About ISIS, But Also About Endless War? Back Limits on the Use of Force

    Insider: A Secret Government Controls the Obama Administration

    Secret Project Created Weaponized Ebola in South Africa in the 1980s

    The Revolution That Wasn’t: Why the Fracking Phenomenon Will Leave Us High and Dry

    Indigenous Communities Take Chevron to Global Court for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

    TPIP: The Most Important Thing You‘ve Never Heard Of

    2 Billion May Suffer from Mobile Cancer by 2020

    55 Serious Reasons Why You Should Homeschool Plus: What is Homeschooling & How to Home School

    WIFI IS KILLING CHILDREN “My daughter has just died. I am holding her hand. She just had her 11th birthday and she was number 11 to die since the transmitter for Wi-fi was put near her desk…..”

    There is NO OPTION on this. You must boycott ALL cellular and wireless technology, including phones and laptops.

    Who Discovered America? – It’s not what you think Chinese Discovered America 40,000 Years Before Columbus

    Your Bank Accounts May Be Stolen From You

    The Ebola story doesn’t smell right

    Why the Feds won’t confiscate your retirement plan… but they will do this

    More than 11 million Americans have IRAs. The average balance, according to a recent study by Fidelity Investments, is about $89,000. That amounts to about $1 trillion in money parked away for retirement.

    Even more popular than IRAs are 401(k) plans. About 52 million Americans have them, with an average balance of around $86,000. That amounts to about $4.4 trillion.

    Could President Obama sign an executive order tomorrow demanding that every dollar in these plans be sent to the US Treasury to pay down the US government’s $18 trillion debt?

    Yes, he could. There are all kinds of laws and precedents he could invoke to justify an outright confiscation.

    But it’s extremely unlikely that he will. The 63 million Americans with assets in these plans obviously would be outraged by an outright confiscation of their assets. And there’s absolutely no doubt they’d make their displeasure known in the streets and the halls of Congress. Simply put, if Obama or any other president tried this gambit, he’d be impeached in a matter of days or weeks.

    Man facing jail time for having windmill on his own property, just bucked the system!

    …mda…la fel ca si cu celcare colecta apa de ploaie sau cea carerefuza sa se branseze la sistemul public de alimentare cu apa…

    Islamic State’s Chinese Missiles Poised to Take U.S. Aircraft out of the Skies Over Syria China’s top-notch FN-6 missile possible game changer

    Merck’s Former Doctor Predicts that Gardasil will Become the Greatest Medical Scandal of All Time Debilitating diseases that could be attributed directly to vaccination

    ‘US allies against ISIS are actually ISIS’ main allies’ US should change its allies if it really wants to fight terrorism

    Special Report: Musician Arrested For Playing Protest Song Officer proceeds to harass musician even after reading city code permitting activity out loud to everyone on scene

    The Irish & Scottish Origins of Halloween

    The Exorbitant Annual Tuition And Fees Of A Liberal Arts Education

    In early April 2014, pro-Russia rebels seized the regional administration building and other key institutions in Donetsk, expelling Ukrainian officials and raising their own flag. The rebellion here — and other incidents elsewhere — quickly escalated into a bloody civil war that has left over 2,000 people dead and displaced more than a million.

    As an uneasy ceasefire continues to hold in Eastern Ukraine, VICE News returns to Donetsk with an exclusive film that follows some of the characters involved in setting up the self-proclaimed state of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR). Filmed over six weeks, this documentary follows the chaotic birth of the DPR as it tries to forge a path to independence and closer ties to Russia.

    Unless you are independently wealthy, houses are a financial deathtrap. This is something I think a lot of people routinely overlook. Many young people would rather rent an apartment, or better yet purchase a more readily mobile ‘tiny house‘, than live in a permanently fixated on-the-grid home.

    With a fixated house you have to repair anything that breaks, keep it up to code yourself, do all the yard maintenance and outside maintenance so that it conforms to community standards, and live where the house is, out in the suburbs or rural areas, which can means 30 minutes of driving into town if you need something.

    Thom Hartmann: Libertarian Economics Responsible For ‘Lost Generation’

    The Ebola Virus Was Featured On A Simpsons Episode In 1997

    Our Media Is The Mouthpiece For The Military-Industrial Complex

    The U.S. never demobilized after the Cold War ended. It constructed new missions for its military. It adopted a new post-Cold War strategy but kept its military forces intact.

    Americans received no peace dividend. To the contrary, as the years have passed and America’s wars have proliferated, Americans have expended enormous wealth.

    The war policies of Barack Obama and George W. Bush grew out of defense plans of the George H.W. Bush and Clinton administrations. These plans maintained the Cold War mentality. This involved the U.S. constantly being heavily armed against foes and enemies. The Defense Department planners transmuted “Global threats” of the Cold War into “regional challenges and opportunities.” These plans retained a U.S. military force structure suitable for a wartime situation, rather than the actual peacetime situation.

    In the years following the adoption of the Constitution, before he was Secretary of State under President Thomas Jefferson and then president himself, James Madison, who wrote the Constitution, was a member of the House of Representatives. During that period of his life, he gave illuminating speeches and wrote elegant essays and letters about human freedom.

    In one of his essays, Madison noted that freedom came about in Europe when the people rose up and cast off or intimidated tyrants, who reluctantly granted the people the freedoms they sought. That was, in Madison’s words, “power granting liberty.” The American experience was the opposite, he argued. After we seceded from Great Britain, the free people of the 13 independent states voluntarily came together and through the states delegated discrete amounts of power to a central government. That was, in Madison’s words, “liberty granting power,” especially since the people reserved to themselves the liberties they did not delegate away.

    Texas sent in a SWAT teams without any probable cause looking for anything they could trump up against The Garden of Eden community. The inhabitants had no drugs, weapons, or anything illegal. After handcuffing people, threatening them, all the police could do was arrest one person for a past-due traffic fine. They destroyed crops and generally acted as arbitrary as they possibly could. This is typical. When they are wrong, they often take it out on the people just because.

    Raiding such a community WITHOUT probable cause is totally unconstitutional. This is my point about the Constitution – it is just a worthless scrap of paper with the purpose of providing propaganda and false hope.

    The Constitution protects nobody. It was supposed to be a self-restraint upon government. It fails in every respect. Government agents can do as they like and it is the BURDEN of the citizen to prove that they violated the Constitution. Even in France, when they enact a law, there is a constitutional review BEFORE it is passed. We lack that check and balance in the United States. Those in government should NOT have any immunity including judges. They there would be some caution before they act. They should have to get clearance from a Constitutional ruling by an independent panel BEFORE acting outrageously. For the police to do what they did in Texas is actually a criminal act (see 18 US §241). They violated the civil; rights of those people. Of course, only the government can press charges – not a citizen. The citizen can complain and ask that they be criminally charged. The odds of the government criminally indicting anyone in government has as much chance of Obama winning reelection. What happen the the right to pursue happiness.

    LONDON—Hydropower, the renewable technology that sets gravity to work and harnesses the energy of rivers, is about to double its output.

    The growth will be mostly in the developing world—but the construction of new dams on rivers in South America, South-east Asia and Africa comes at a cost. Around a fifth of the world’s largest remaining free-flowing rivers will be dammed, which presents yet another threat to the wild things that live in or depend on wild water.

    Apparently the National Security Agency is not the only government organization violating Americans’ privacy rights by collecting massive amounts of data. It turns out law enforcement agencies and the U.S. Postal Service are also looking through our mail. So much for the “sweet land of liberty.”

    The Western nations, since the age of exploration and imperialism, have accustomed themselves to mastery over emergent, backward or broken nations, or primitive or failed empires.

    They exercised over them a rule that ranged from the ruthless and exploitative to the paternalism of the latter-day colonialism of the 1920s to 1950s. They nominated their monarchs, offered them Western education and religion, and held out to them unconsidered and unfulfilled promises that someday they would be like their western masters, possessing an imitation of western ways of life and the prospect of distant graduation into their own version of the civilization practiced by the West.

    Today the tables have been turned in the relations of imperialist victims and imperial rulers, but the nature of the relationship is changing into a new one of terrorization or victimization of the latter by the former.

    This is true even for the United States, which traditionally has proudly held itself a liberator of nations, but held a real Empire from 1898/1901 until 1945, including the Philippines, with Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and scattered Pacific territories its ambiguous present-day reminder and remnant. In present-day America the liberation flag can no longer in conscience be flown.


  16. Iulian said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 4:12 pm

    Mark Twain : „Daca votul nostru chiar ar conta,atunci nu ne-ar lasa ei niciodata sa votam !”


    • geo said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 6:52 pm

      vad ca site-ul a cazut…

      Pe site-ul au aparut mai multe fotografii cu Elena Udrea si Alina Bica, procurorul sef DIICOT. Textul care insoteste aceste imagini sustine ca Udrea si Bica au fost suprinse in februarie 2014, la Paris, intr-o vizita privata. Alaturi de cele doua apare inca o figura prezentata drept Ana Maria Topoliceanu, fosta sefa a Companiei Nationale de Investitii.

      „Fetele s-au distrat foarte bine si au spart cateva zeci de mii de euro. O apropiere intre un om politic controversat, Elena Udrea, o fosta sefa de institutie de stat cu buget dirijat discretionar si o procuroare-sefa pusa politic care ar trebui sa lupte impotriva coruptiei politice si a crimei organizate. Aceste imagini zac in mai multe redactii din Bucuresti. Au fost tinute la sertar in urma unor presiuni de neimaginat”, scrie site-ul joscenzura.

      pozele aici:–173075.html


      • geo said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 6:59 pm

        pozele ca pozele…insa facturile dau de gindit…nu erau confidentiale? inseamna ca cineva puternic i-o coace duduiei…iar atentia lumii e distrasa de la problemele grave din pesede…batista pe tambal?


  17. Veronica said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 6:00 pm

    Pentru D-nu IACOBOAIE
    In legatura cu marul este o vorba la noi. Ca ADAM a ramas cu marul in gat cind a mincat si de aceea barbatii au ,, marul lui Adam ,,.
    In legatura cu votul este CORECT a nu merge la vot noi care ne consideram cu adevarat crestini si nu ar trebui sa na mai punem nici un fel de probleme in legatura cu asta ca stim ca nu va putea candida niciodata un om CRESTIN cu adevarat pentru ca nu il lasa mai marii lumii sa participe daca nu se inregimenteaza in turma lor.


    • ETRN said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 9:19 pm

      Veronica, aproximativ asta am zis și eu la un moment dat…


    • ORTODOXIE said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 11:22 pm

      Veronica ai dreptate! Si eu zic la fel. Sper ca domnul Iacoboaie sa se trezeasca din „betia” electorala, ca a luat-o pe aratura. Gandul imi zice ca nu urmareste decat sa fie in centrul atentiei.


  18. dante said, on octombrie 30, 2014 at 8:33 pm

    Marul este copt, aproape spre putred, asteptam cu emotie iesirea …”viermelui” din acest mar.


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