SACCSIV – blog ortodox

Biserica Ortodoxa Rusa permite cipuirea benevola?

Posted in Biserica Ortodoxa Rusa, CIPURI by saccsiv on mai 13, 2014

   Iata ce putem citi in articolul Pe 4 februarie 2013. Soborul Arhieresc al BORuse a legiferat implantul microcipurilor şi marcarea cu lazer?:

Pe  4 februarie 2013 Soborul Arhieresc al BORuse a adoptat acest document promasonic cu unele  schimbări. Documentul a primit altă denumire: ’’ Poziția Bisericii față de dezvoltarea tehnologiei evidenței și prelucrării datelor personale.’’

Soborul  Arhieresc al BORuse a reconsiderat şi a schimbat poziţia exprimată de Biserică în Adresarea BORuse către conducătorii Ţărilor CSI şi ai Ţărilor Baltice, întărită de Sfântul Sinod al BORuse în 2005.


În Document este scris că ’’Biserica consideră de nepermis aplicarea sau implantarea FORŢATĂ pe/în corpul uman a oricăror identificatoare văzute sau nevăzute, sau implantarea identificatoarelor  micro şi nano – electronice’’.
Această formulare, lută din punctul de vedere corect (al exprimării), înseamnă că (Biserica) permite implantarea microcipurilor de identificare a populaţiei.
Astfel, Biserica încuviinţează  implantarea microcipurilor, aplicarea semnelor străine (n.n. pe corpul uman) în mod benevol, cu acordul persoanei – adică ( n.n. Biserica Oficială) îşi dă consimţământul la primirea peceţii în mod benevol, cu acordul persoanei,  dar nu cheamă conducerea ţării şi tot poporul să se lepede de sistemul lui antihrist.

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VIDEO: Sa ne amintim ce spuneau preoti rusi despre cipuri

VIDEO: Rusia – UNIVERSAL ELECTRONIC CARD. Cat a progresat implementarea?

24 răspunsuri

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  1. geo said, on mai 13, 2014 at 10:21 am

    A large section of the mighty West Antarctica ice sheet has begun falling apart and its continued melting now appears to be unstoppable, two groups of scientists reported on Monday. If the findings hold up, they suggest that the melting could destabilize neighboring parts of the ice sheet and a rise in sea level of 10 feet or more may be unavoidable in coming centuries.

    Global warming caused by the human-driven release of greenhouse gases has helped to destabilize the ice sheet, though other factors may also be involved, the scientists said.

    The rise of the sea is likely to continue to be relatively slow for the rest of the 21st century, the scientists added, but in the more distant future it may accelerate markedly, potentially throwing society into crisis.

    “This is really happening,” Thomas P. Wagner, who runs NASA’s programs on polar ice and helped oversee some of the research, said in an interview. “There’s nothing to stop it now. But you are still limited by the physics of how fast the ice can flow.”

    A Texas company has been caught using fracking-like blasting methods to drill for oil near the Everglades, raising alarms from state officials and inflaming a long-simmering controversy over energy exploration in the midst of a cherished ecosystem.

    U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson urged federal officials to investigate. The state fined the company and demanded a temporary halt to five new exploratory wells.

    And the fracking-like episode drew widespread attention to an emerging oil rush at the western edge of the Everglades, rousing opposition from environmentalists across the state who worry about the impact on water quality and wildlife.

    „This is our watershed,” said Vickie Machado, of Fort Lauderdale, a Florida organizer for Food & Water Watch. „They are using millions of gallons of clean water, mixing it with chemicals with known carcinogens, and pumping it underground to break up the protected rock formations out there. The potential is pretty scary.”

    State officials last month cited the Dan A. Hughes Co., of Beeville, Texas, for using an „enhanced extraction procedure” in December akin to fracking without a permit in defiance of a cease-and-desist order to stop the practice. The Department of Environmental Protection said the enhanced procedure, which some call fracking, „had not previously been used in Florida.”

    Fracking, short for hydraulic fracturing, blasts open rock formations through high-pressure injections of chemicals and water while filling fissures with sand to hold them open, drawing out trapped oil or natural gas. Environmentalists scorn the practice and some communities are considering banning it, largely because it produces large amounts of toxic wastewater.


  2. Pitt said, on mai 13, 2014 at 10:36 am

    Sa nu ne pripim in comentarii aiurea.


  3. ORTODOXIE said, on mai 13, 2014 at 12:06 pm

    Reblogged this on CREDINŢĂ DREAPTĂ ORTODOXĂ!!!.


  4. om said, on mai 13, 2014 at 12:09 pm

    Testul Bisericii Ruse tradus cu Google Translate:

    The draft document „On the Church’s position in relation to the emergence and development prospects of the new technologies of identification”

    Print version
    May 30, 2012 16:43
    This draft is sent to the Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church for review is published with a view to the discussion on the official website Inter-Council Presence on the portal in the official blog Inter-Council Presence. Ability to leave comments is available to everyone.

    An initial draft of this document was compiled Commission Inter-Council Presence on the interaction of the Church, the state and society, and was later reworked drafting committee under the chairmanship of the Inter-Council Presence Patriarch.

    1. Introduction. During recent years, many people, including children of the Russian Orthodox Church, have expressed concern about the introduction of new electronic technologies used in the interaction of citizens with government agencies and commercial organizations. So, thousands of people have reported being forced to use electronic methods of accounting and electronic documents.

    This concerns first arose in connection with the introduction of a private matter taxpayer identification number and considered VII Plenum Synodal Theological Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church from 19-20 February 2001. As new technologies and integrate them into different spheres of social life, it took a substantial improvement of the church position, which is reflected, in particular, in the epistles of the Council of Bishops in 2004 to the Presidents of Russia and Ukraine, the Holy Synod on October 6, 2005, the definition of Council of Bishops in 2008 „On the issues of the inner life and external activities of the Russian Orthodox Church,” based on the teachings of the Russian Orthodox Church on Human Dignity, Freedom and Rights, handling Patriarch Kirill to the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation of July 28, 2009, the definition of Bishops Cathedral 2011 „On the issues of the inner life and external activities of the Russian Orthodox Church.” Activities of any priest or layman should not contradict these documents.

    In the framework of national projects to develop „electronic government” in different countries modifitsiruetsyaetsya legislation introduced new terms and concepts, and the result is radically changing lives. Often this makes it more convenient process of interaction between man and the various structures. One of the main arguments of the state with the introduction of „electronic government” is the fight against corruption. Digitization of various documents and formation of databases allows you to make transparent and controllable flow of documents in various fields, whether economic life, the judicial system or work with citizens.

    Despite these positive aspects, the problems associated with electronic authentication, continue to accumulate and thicken. Today, new approaches to civil, moral and spiritual and theological evaluation of these problems.

    2. Identification codes and databases as part of building a global electronic control system. International instruments (in particular, the Okinawa Charter on Global Information Society, adopted the „Big Eight” in 2000), opened the way for the creation of „e-government” through „e- government „built on common international standards on a single organizational, technical and software platform. Governments are integrated into a single global system. Thus the laws of cybernetic systems sometimes transferred to the human society, and the system creates the danger of total control and management of the citizen and society.

    Any network element (node, device file) is always designated (identified) for its location – a unique numeric code. Therefore, the major technological principle of global information society is to assign each person a unique identifier ID (code), and the constant use of him as a man in all cases of interaction with the public infrastructure – legal, administrative, financial, transportation, shopping, medical, educational and other. This identifier – a designation managed object cybernetic information management system, and at the same time the key to access its e-file file in the database with the same number. The adoption of this identity means actual consent person (voluntary or forced, conscious or unconscious) with the rules of the system. Thus there is a technical possibility that every step can be checked, serve as a test of loyalty to the system, to consent to prevailing worldview and its ideological attitudes that may be incompatible with Christianity. Such a development increases the risk of prejudice to a person on the basis of his religious, political or other opinion, up to discrimination on ideological grounds.

    Recently in society extends legitimate concern over the fact that the use of digital identification may be imposed as a condition of the people in their physical existence. A person can be compelled to present throughout this code instead of a name in collaboration with government and commercial entities to exercise their civil rights, receipt of goods and services. Using identifier coupled with modern technical facilities allow for total control over the person without his consent – to track his movements, purchases, payments, passing medical procedures, social assistance, other civil actions and even meaningful personal life.

    Already alarming actions on collection and processing of personal data of children enrolled in public institutions, as often being uncontrolled data collection, clearly redundant for educational process.

    All the collected information can not only be stored, but are automatically analyzed in order to make control decisions in relation to a particular person. The introduction of the through personality identifier allows you to create a single database, where real-time can be collected, stored and automatically analyzed data from different spheres of human life.

    Serious criticism among many believers raises the specter of compulsory identification code and turning it into irremovable, and posthumous lifetime attribute compulsion to use it as the primary identifier for a man in his relations with the state, social and commercial institutions.

    3. Mobile. Become familiar to many mobile phones is one of the simplest and most convenient means of identification of a person, determine its location, listening to his conversations. The growing computational power phones and turning them into full-fledged computers can store them in significant amounts of personal data. The threat of unauthorized access to this data increases with the growth of the networks and data transmission rate.

    4. Problem of universal electronic card. Technical means constantly accompanies man in his daily life in the near future may become Universal Electronic Card (UEC). We are talking about a single microprocessor unit of the global standard that identifies a person. This card, as well as a digital ID, not only greatly facilitates the creation of a system of total tracking all civil importance of human actions and his personal life, but allows you to control every citizen and society as a whole.

    Many believers have expressed concerns about plans mandatory assignment maps and insisted on voluntariness of this procedure, which in most cases at the moment succeeded.

    5. Threats to the security of citizens and society. Managing global information networks now available to those most international community, which created their architecture, element base and basic software, which can be secretly laid any mechanisms to at any time to intercept the real power. This development using information technology and computer technology global distribution fraught unacceptably high dependence on external suppliers of equipment and software, and in the future and the possibility of loss of national sovereignty.

    Development of information technology has given rise to a new type of crime, when attackers use for their own purposes and computer networks and technologies. Today you can rob a bank, not breaking doors and safes, while at the other end of the world. It is easy enough to steal money and a separate person, determining the identification number of his credit card. And ordinary citizens had no real opportunity to protect yourself from computer banditry.

    „Digital signature” and laws to protect the personal information can not stop the growth of cybercrime. Experts in the field of information technology suggest that even the most advanced computer system can not guarantee the protection of information against accidental errors, crashes, viruses, unauthorized access, misuse, distortion or deletion. Of practice is also known that the unauthorized dissemination of data on personal life makes it defenseless against ill-wishers and criminals.

    At the same time it is impossible not to recognize the usefulness of voluntary registration and use data on the health of people suffering from certain chronic diseases. Without it often becomes impossible to maintain their health and life in dangerous situations.

    6. Biometrics. In identifying new technologies are increasingly used biometrics – data on individual physical, physiological, psychological and behavioral characteristics of man, made ​​in the unique characteristics of his body. Such characteristics can be fingerprints, drawing blood vessels of the retina, iris structure, face shape of the hand, palm, finger, ear, face portrait of heat, vein pattern on the hand, voice, gait, signature dynamics, lip movements, genetic code (DNA), and others.

    Comparison person’s biometric data with the data that have been previously scanned, digitized, recorded in the database and stored in a personal vehicle, called authentication or verification. In this case human interaction is not required as long as a person would recognize the car.

    Such methods are very effective in solving crimes, preventing unauthorized access to certain areas and in some other cases. However, universal, and even more forced collection of biometrics for person placing them into electronic devices and databases for identification and authentication violates the dignity of the individual. At the same time, and violated basic norms of human morality, which has always included the notion that it is possible to know the person and what should not. According to experts, any BioCode always carries much more information than is necessary for a routine check of the individual. Possible abuse are obvious – from discrimination in employment to direct blackmail.

    7. Implantable electronic identification devices. Next stage of development of identification technologies may become widespread introduction of miniature devices to track all civil rights and meaningful action to determine its location. Already there are technical developments such devices administered under the skin of a person or special marks to be applied to his body. There are concrete plans to implement such technologies. Recorded in the microchip identification number will serve as an „electronic wallet” and a means for determining the location of a person in real time using global positioning satellite systems. This will make it possible to track contacts and circle of friends each person, and in the future – almost complete control over the life of society.

    It is alarming that already adopted legislative acts providing widespread embedded nanoelectronic devices for wireless contact the human brain with the surrounding objects, vehicles and others.

    8. Cases of discrimination and human rights violations. Hundreds of thousands of citizens, including Orthodox Christians, who do not wish for one reason or another to enter into a new identification system, use the documents with electronic identifiers personality (personal code, bar coding of personal information, identification numbers) and questionable symbolism report violations of their constitutional rights, which sometimes occurs due to lack of appropriate legal safeguards. Often these people are deprived of medical care, old-age pensions and other benefits, disability and design of various benefits. Sometimes they can not make deals with property, to enter the school or work, conduct business, pay utility bills, purchase travel documents. Only a small part discriminated citizens appeal to the court. For the most part people humble themselves and prefer to endure. As a result, a layer of people released from all spheres of social, public and political life. Most people who suffer discrimination – are elderly, sick people in need of treatment and social protection.

    9. Church to protect the God-given freedom. Orthodox Church does not deny the necessity of citizens of the state. Since ancient times, the authorities conducted a census subjects, issue identity documents. These measures are necessary to protect public order and public security, economic and social performance of functions. Church, participating in the discussion of accounting policies, does not excuse those who shirk their civil duties or has criminal objectives, but protects the right of citizens to live in a society in accordance with their beliefs and principles.

    Russian Orthodox Church believes that people have the right not to accept any new technology, and symbols, which, in turn, should not be forced and uncontested. Must retain the ability to use traditional, already enshrined in existing legal instruments, the accounting system (surname, first name and patronymic, date and place of birth, place of residence), as well as traditional identity documents. Imperative is to introduce a legislative ban on forcing citizens to make use of automated tools for collecting, processing and recording of personal data and privacy of sensitive information, including the prohibition of forced adoption and use of any means of automatic identification of a person. Observe the constitutional rights of citizens to renounce the use of electronic records and personal identification. This is only possible with a clear and unambiguous legislative consolidation undoubted right of citizens to use traditional instruments and methods of accounting. Implementation of such legislation is necessary to provide financial, technical and organizational, otherwise warranty may remain a mere formality.

    Church urges state to heed the proposal to prohibit by law applying to the human body no visible or invisible identification tags, implanted identification of micro-and nanoelectronic devices in the body and the human brain, and the creation of microarray biocomputers from human cells.

    Due to the fact that the possession of personal information makes it possible to monitor and control a person through the various spheres of life (finances, health care, family welfare, property, etc.), creates a real possibility of intervention not only in daily life, but also in its the spiritual world. Church shares the concerns of citizens and considers unacceptable restriction of constitutional rights in the event of failure of a person to consent to the processing of personal data.

    Consent of the citizens on the use of electronic record keeping should be knowledgeable with the obligatory explanation of all the consequences of a decision. Citizens who wish to use these tools, you need to ensure awareness of the content of electronic records, as well as the ability to change the content of such records or delete them in cases where otherwise provided by statutory requirements of public safety. Documents issued by the state, must not contain information, the nature and purpose of which are not clear or are hiding from the owner, as well as characters wearing blasphemous or morally questionable or offensive to the feelings of believers.

    Church carries out a dialogue on these issues with the authorities in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan and other countries, ensuring accounting and understanding of the position of believers.

    Clergy, religious and all the faithful of the Holy Church are encouraged to show in this complicated issue trezvomyslie Christian, care about freedom of confession of faith and maintaining the Christian life, remembering that God bring good spiritual fruit can only he who abides in Christ and keep the unity of His Church (cf. Jn. 15:6-12).


  5. om said, on mai 13, 2014 at 12:11 pm

    Originalul aici:

    Mie mi se pare ca pozitia Bisericii Ruse e destul de clara:

    „Church urges state to heed the proposal to prohibit by law applying to the human body no visible or invisible identification tags, implanted identification of micro-and nanoelectronic devices in the body and the human brain, and the creation of microarray biocomputers from human cells.

    Due to the fact that the possession of personal information makes it possible to monitor and control a person through the various spheres of life (finances, health care, family welfare, property, etc.), creates a real possibility of intervention not only in daily life, but also in its the spiritual world. Church shares the concerns of citizens and considers unacceptable restriction of constitutional rights in the event of failure of a person to consent to the processing of personal data.”

    Care stiti rusa, va ri sa cititi articolul si sa confirmati daca ceea ce am tradus eu automat e correct.


  6. om said, on mai 13, 2014 at 12:20 pm

    Aici un articol din RM legat de subiect:

    Numele articoului e un pic inselator in sensul ca in articol se spune ca BORusa condamna metodele de identificare biometrica dar nu explica in mod teologic de ce.

    Oricum, macar a lor le condamna, la noi BOR a zis ca ei sunt primii care isi fac paspoarte biometrice si ca nu vad nici o problema.


  7. Muritor said, on mai 13, 2014 at 12:30 pm

    confirm că aşa s-a întîmplat. La Soborul din 2013, de asemenea, a fost dizolvată autonomia Mitropoliei Moldovei din cadrul BORu, ca şi orice altă Biserică autonomă din cadrul Patriarhiei Ruse, astfel că hotărîrile la nivel local nu mai au nici o importanţă dacă ele, dacă ele contravin hotărîrilor Soborului Arhieresc al Patriarhiei.


  8. lastunnegru said, on mai 13, 2014 at 1:00 pm

    Tatuaje electronice din nanotuburi din carbon si grafen pentru: hartie, haine, insecte, plante, oameni.

    “We integrated antennas with our devices,” Park said. „Thus, the wireless transportation of power and sensing signals was possible with no battery.”

    While the researchers initially have just demonstrated that the all-carbon flexible sensors can be used as environmental sensors, they intend to look at how the technology can be adapted for implantable and wearable devices.

    “In this paper, we just demonstrated the detection of the nerve gas using the biocompatible devices,” Park said. „As our future research, we will develop various sensing systems, including diabetes, pollutions and radioactivity, using the wearable electronic devices.”

    „Am integrat antene cu dispozitivele noastre”, a spus Park. ” Astfel, transportul wireless de curent și a semnalelor de detectare a fost posibil cu nici o baterie.”

    In timp ce cercetatorii initial au doar demonstrat că senzorii flexibili tot de dioxid de carbon pot fi folosite ca senzori de mediu, ei intenționează să se uite la modul în care tehnologia poate fi adaptată pentru DISPOZITIVELE IMPLANTABILE și ușor de purtat ( wearable ).

    „În această lucrare, am demonstrat doar detectarea gazului folosind dispozitive biocompatibile,”, a spus Park. „Ca cercetarile noastre de viitor, vom dezvolta mai multe sisteme de detectare, inclusiv diabetul zaharat, poluare și radioactivitate, cu ajutorul dispozitivelor electronice ușor de purtat.”


  9. geo said, on mai 13, 2014 at 2:57 pm

    Primul-Ministru grec Antonis Samaras s-a adresat Bisericii Greciei, in aceste zile, si și-a exprimat recunoștința pentru sprijinul acordat de aceasta societății grecești, în timpul crizei economice.

    Vorbind la evenimentul intitulat „Solidaritate, activitatea socială a Bisericii și dimensiunea sociala a politicilor UE”, Primul-Ministru a subliniat că obiectivul este acela de a îmbunătăți viața oamenilor și nu de a tine evidente si de a nota indici. De asemenea, el s-a referit la eforturile reformei economice, destinate prevenirii unei crize noi similare si a felicitat Biserica pentru contribuția sa.

    Exprimandu-si gratitudinea, Samaras a remarcat, conform Ana-MPA: „Acum, că partea cea mai dificilă a luptei a fost depasita, trebuie să subliniez că familia, ca instituție, și Biserica au păstrat societatea pe picioarele sale, în timpul vremurilor grele”.

    În afara măsurilor de salvare în curs de desfășurare, măsurile în sprijinul persoanelor fără adăpost și lucrarea Bisericii, Primul-Ministru a anunțat primirea a 281 milioane de euro si un program de ajutor special, decis de către Parlamentul European și Guvernul Grec pentru 2014-2020, menționând că bugetul său ar putea depăși 350 de milioane de euro, din care jumătate vor fi gestionate de către Biserica Ortodoxă a Greciei.

    „Nu există atei într-un război”, a spus el, adăugând că „trăim un război pentru supraviețuirea țării noastre și semnele arată că el va fi câștigat”. Acesta a spus că au fost facute greșeli în trecut, dar ca acum „ne îndreptăm spre echilibru, privind spre viitor”.

    „Biserica este chivotul iubirii”, a spus el, menționând că contribuția sa ar trebui să continue, „acum că lucrurile iau o intorsatura mai bună”.

    La eveniment au participat si Arhiepiscopul Ieronim al Atenei și al Intregii Grecii – care i-a daruit Primului-Ministru o icoană cu Sfantul Antonie – Mitropolitul Antim al Tesalonicului și Arhiepiscopul Anastasios al Albaniei.


  10. lorena said, on mai 13, 2014 at 5:02 pm

    Eurovisionul Eurovisionul politic își arată roadele: Conchita Wurst/Tomas Neuwirth va fi invitat de Remus Cernea în România pentru parada homosexuală


  11. paul said, on mai 13, 2014 at 5:23 pm


    Jean Sévillia, scriitor francez: S-a spus că nu le poate fi contestat homosexualilor dreptul de a se căsători. Eu cred că poate fi


  12. geo said, on mai 13, 2014 at 5:44 pm

    Duminică, la emisiunea Imparțial, Luca Niculescu vă propune o discuție cu un istoric care nu merge pe drumurile bătătorite. Este incorect politic, spun criticii și câteodată își asumă această incorectitudine. Are opinii interesante și originale asupra unor subiecte dintre cele mai sensibile cum ar fi comunismul, nazismul, primul război mondial sau raportul dintre religie și biserică. Mai multe cărți i-au fost traduse în română la editura Humanitas. Este vorba despre Jean Sévillia, un binecunoscut jurnalist şi scriitor francez, invitatul lui Luca Niculescu, astăzi de la ora 20.10.
    Luca Niculescu: De ce deseori în titlurile cărților dumneavoastră găsim cuvinte precum „corect”, „incorect”, chiar și „terorism intelectual”?

    Jean Sévillia: Astăzi există o tendința dominantă, o expresie care vine din Statele Unite ale Americii, cea a corectitudinii politice. Principiul ei este că unele poziții sunt legitime, iar altele sunt mai puțin legitime. Prin cărțile mele încerc să restabilesc echilibrul între aceste două poziții. Stânga ar fi legitimată ca reprezentant al Binelui, iar dreapta ar trebui să se scuze tot timpul pentru că este de dreapta. Eu refuz acest dezechilibru.

    Luca Niculescu: Vorbiți aici despre dezbaterea din Franța, pentru că în România dezbaterile sunt puțin diferite.

    Jean Sévillia: S-a spus că nu le poate fi contestat homosexualilor dreptul de a se căsători. Eu cred că poate fi contestat acest drept. Asta nu înseamnă că îi disprețuiești pe homosexuali sau că le vrei răul. Eu nu cred că un copil crescut de doi bărbați sau de două femei beneficiază de aceleași lucruri ca un copil crescut de un bărbat și o femeie.

    Luca Niculescu: Pe de altă parte există, însă, din ce în ce mai mulți copii crescuți de mame singure sau chiar de tați singuri…

    Jean Sévillia: Jean-Paul Sartre, filozoful nostru național, a spus că ‘un anticomunist este un câine’. Anticomuniștii erau acuzați practic de fascism. În anii ’60, la liceu, ni se spunea că URSS-ul avea să depășească SUA pe plan economic. Era un sistem de minciuni incredibil.


  13. lastunnegru said, on mai 13, 2014 at 6:30 pm

    off topic


    66 babies born alive after abortion in one year in Britain raise questions for parliamentarians.

    66 de bebelusi nascuti vii dupa avortare intr-un an in Marea Britanie ridica intrebari pentru parlamantari.


    Shock Video: “We Will Not Resuscitate” Baby Born Alive After Failed Abortion.

    Videoclip socant: ” Noi nu o sa resuscitam ” bebelusi nascuti vii dupa o avortare nereusita.


    Reteaua supravietuitorilor avortului.

    Priviti cate cazuri de bebelusi care supravietuiesc avortului sant dar multi sant lasati sa moara dupa avort chiar daca sau nascut vii.


    Consiliul Europei, interpelat asupra avorturilor târzii.


  14. Giovanni Onika said, on mai 13, 2014 at 6:30 pm

    Hristos A Inviat ! Vreau sa pun un link unde gasiti un articol foarte bun si cu niste comentarii de exceptie referitor la tot ce se intampla in acest moment in lume, respectiv in Europa :

    Doamne Iisuse Hristoase miluieste-ne pe noi pacatosii !
    Doamne ajuta-ne si ne iarta !


  15. marian said, on mai 13, 2014 at 6:31 pm

    Odesa pe data de 2 mai 2014, o rana pe care DOAR Bunul Dumnezeu o va inchide.
    Minutele 28-33 si 1h:44.

    Prea rai suntem Doamne!


  16. gogu said, on mai 13, 2014 at 6:33 pm

    textul e destul de clar. se forbeste despre implantarea „fortata”, asta nu inseamna ca e de acord cu implantarea nefortata, ci doar arata ca nu poate obliga pe nimeni, biserica sa se implanteze acel cip. raspunsul bisericii ruse este salutar, asteptam si de la noi…


  17. Florin said, on mai 13, 2014 at 6:50 pm

    greseala de tipar „Soborul Arhieresc al BORuse” graba strica treaba


  18. lastunnegru said, on mai 13, 2014 at 8:04 pm

    off topic

    Bratarile Rudraksha = Bratari dracesti.


  19. Elena said, on mai 14, 2014 at 11:41 pm

    Confirm. Traducerea este exacta.


  20. enciu robertina said, on mai 15, 2014 at 10:58 am

    Azi am primit un sms de la un Parinte de la Manastirea Bistrita in care facea un aapel catre oamenii credinciosi sase roage cu ei 3 zile la rand (eventual tinand post- cine poate) pentru pacea tarii noastre. Mai spunea ca si domnitorul nostru Stefan facea acelasi lucru cand tara trecea prin vremuri de restriste ca acum. Daca putem sa facem apel la cat mai multe persoane ca  fie auzita rugaciunea noastra comuna catre Bunul Dumnezeu….



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