SACCSIV – blog ortodox

VIDEO: What is that?

Posted in copii, familia traditionala by saccsiv on ianuarie 29, 2010

   Va invit sa vizionati sau sa revizionati (caci circula deja de ceva vreme pe internet) un filmulet remarcabil. O fac deoarece de cateva zile am tot postat articole in care arat cat de razna o iau copii nostri si cum se distruge conceptul de familie sub atenta indrumare a SISTEMULUI …

46 răspunsuri

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  1. saccsiv said, on ianuarie 29, 2010 at 7:07 pm

    Pentru o mai facila parcurgere a acestui blog, cititi va rog si “CUPRINS”:


    • Arcasul lui Stefan said, on ianuarie 31, 2010 at 2:19 am

      Daca ti-a placut filmuletul, poate iti place si asta:

      iti recomand daca ai timp sa mergi sa vezi Oceans!!! este minunat!!!


  2. Veaceslav said, on ianuarie 29, 2010 at 7:14 pm

    Extraordinar, multumim mult saccsiv 🙂


  3. john said, on ianuarie 29, 2010 at 7:43 pm

    O mica observatie: inGrecia spre deosebire de Romania batrinii sunt mult mai respectati de tineri. Nu am vazut sau auzit niciodata pe strada sau in mijloacele de transport bastrini bruscati, injurati,etc, ca la noi. De altfel tendinta copiilor este de a sta cu parintii. De aici fenomenul οικογενειακη πολυκατοικια,adica un bloculet cu un etaj sau doua unde, de obicei, la parter stau parintii la etaj copii cu familia. Mai rar am vazut batrini singuri, parasiti.


    • gabi m. said, on ianuarie 30, 2010 at 5:05 pm

      Grecii n-au trecut prin cca.50 de ani de scarba comunistoida,nici prin alti mai mult de 20 de ani de asa zisa democratie de merdè,cand li s-a „inoculat” ateismul,egoismul,lipsa de omenie si de bunsimt,pornografia televiziva,etc…Nu vreau sa-i scuz pe romani,dar dupa cei 50 de ani de teroare comunista,ar fi urmat aceasta perioada de 20 de ani NORMALI si nu bataia de joc care a fost si este in Romania,acestia ar fi ajuns foarte departe! Romanul este inteligent si creativ,este inca „viu”,nu pe jumatate mort, cum sunt cetatenii tarilor asa chemate „democratice”…In Romania o ruda,un prieten,un cunoscut,mai stie sa iti stranga mana,sa te imbratiseze,sa se bucure atunci cand te vede,simti ca esti ACASA!Esti considerat o persoana,existi…Unde in alta tara se intampla acelasi lucru?!?


      • Dor said, on aprilie 3, 2010 at 8:01 pm

        Asta e o prejudecata a romanilor care n-au trait afara.
        E o legenda care nu are legatura cu realitatea.


  4. elena said, on ianuarie 29, 2010 at 8:25 pm

    Daca ai timp si rabdare sa te uiti la acest clip. Individul justifica cu citate din scrieri de ce America trebuie falimentata (pentru ca se va intoarce impotriva israelului), de ce Iranul trebuie atacat, despre razboiul final cu crestinii, despre evenimentele legate de „mesia” al lor si de reconstruirea templului lui solomon , plus multe altele.


    • john said, on ianuarie 29, 2010 at 11:48 pm


      desi n-am vrut, filmul trimis de tine, de o ora si jumate, m-a captivat total. Si cred ca este o dovada capitala in favoarea a ceea ce sustin cei ca Saccsiv.

      Rezumat al principalelor puncte pe care acest individ le expune, oarecum in ordinea in care le prezinta:
      1. Toti cei care de-a lungul anilor s-au ridicat impotriva poporului evreu vor fi pedepsiti. Acestia sint: Crestinii si Musulmanii. Prin statele crestine el intelege Europa, dar, si SUA (surprise, surprise!!) vezi min.32:03-32:10 . Zice el: chiar daca acum SUA sint aliatul infocat al Israelului, ea se vor intoarce impotriva acestuia (de la min38-40). Specifica insa ca China Taiwan si alte state asiatice care nu au actionat impotriva evreilor de-a lungul anilor nu vor fi pedepsiti.

      2. Pedeapsa dusmanilor Israelului va veni astfel: se va declansa, curind un al 3-lea razboi mondial, al carui centru de disputa va fi Ierusalimul. Musulmanii si Crestinii vor cere evreilor sa paraseasca orasul sfint, dar vor incepe sa se certe intre ei si asa va izbucni razboiul 3. (de razboi vorbeste si insista mai ales in prima jumatate de ora a filmului)

      3. In razboi dusmanii evreilor, adica musulmanii si crestinii vor fi ucisi prin folosirea bombei cu neutroni (rabi-ul detaliaza:”carnea lor va putrezi in viata fiind”, ” nu este o bomba atomica obisnuita”).

      4.Dupa acest razboi, toata lumea va dori, o „Noua Ordine Mondiala” (este exact denumirea care apare in traducere la momentul 1:11:20-29; 1:12:04).Noua ordine mondiala a fost pregatita de fenomenul globalizarii, prin care granitele dintre natiuni au inceput sa dispara si sa se amestece (lucru considerat foarte bun de vorbitor 1:10); al doilea fapt important este tehnologia avansata care va permite vizionarea Salvatorului din toate colturile lumii. Mai spune ca UE este un precursor al acestei Noi Ordini MOndiale (1:15:03)

      5. Antihistul (Salvatorul evreilor). Cine este el? El va fi o fiinta umana. Se trage din linia lui David. Va fi cel mai inteligent om din istorie cu profunde cunostinte religioase dar si stiintifice. Va fi regele evreilor intr-o prima faza (Israelul va deveni din democratie- moniarhie). Va fi incoronat in Templu si va fi uns de Sf. Ilie insusi care va cobori din cer special pentru acest eveniment (probabil ca asta trebuie sa fie antemergatorul, profetul, care se va erija in postura Sfintului). Apoi va fi proclamat de pe rind de toate celelalte state ca unicul lor conducator DUPA O REVOLUTIE!

      6.Invierea mortilor. Va fi o re-inviere datorata inginerii genetice care va face posibila sa se extraga din trupul mortilor tesuturi care sa duca la crearea de clone!! (aprox. 1:38:50). nu vor re-invia toti evident!. Centrul resurectiei este localizat in Templu (probabil o banca de gene si un laborator asisderea- strict parearea mea!).

      7. Final apoteotica, cu Ierusalimul centrul lumii, goymii (care-or mai fi supravituit), intorcindu-se la legea lui Dumnezeu si venind in Ierusalim sa fie scoliti in ale religiei, etc,etc.

      De ce mi se pare important acest material
      a. este vorba de un Rabbi (din pacate nu i-am gasit numele) care, dupa audienta din sala pare sa fie foarte cunoscut. Faima, sau recunoasterea cuiva, a unui rabbi mai ales intr-o societate ca cea evreiasca nu inseamna decit un singur lucru: ca persoana respectiva are acceptul si este aproape de cercurile de putere/decizie. Ori aceste cercuri au o puternica caracteristica religioasa rabinica. Deci ceea ce spune el, nu este doar o opinie personala, ci este o parere impartasita de cercurile de putere al caror apropiat este.
      b. este poate cel mai clar si limpede discurs al „partii celeilalte” in care se trec in revista marile puncte , ale, ceea ce multi numesc in batjocura, „Teoriei conspiratiei”- se vorbeste foarte clar de Noua Ordine Mondiala, de globalizare care fiind dorita pentru venirea acestui „salvator”, de Uniunea europeana ca fiind un exemplu la scara mica, de necesitatea unui al 3-lea razboi monidal, etc,etc.


      • john said, on ianuarie 30, 2010 at 12:12 am

        Am uitat sa mai spun ca toate aceste informatii (razboiul 3, gloablizarea, Antihristul, etc) sint de fapt citate din citiva Rabbi, considerati profeti, si care au trait destul de recent.Majoritatea „profetiilor” de acest fel erau puse pe seama unui oarecare rabbi Malbin. De fapt religia post-cristica a evreilor se bazeaza pe o serie de acumulari de „profetii”, sfaturi si interpretari ale Vechiului Testament emise de acesti Rabbi, care pretind a fi fost inspirati de Dumnezeu. Malbin este unul din ei si omul a trait in secolul 18 (cam acum 150 de ani ne informeaza vorbitorul). Cel care vorbeste sustine valoarea de „profetie” a spuselor acestor rabi, prin faptul ca ele s-au implinit (desi in mare parte ele se bazeaza pe profetiile reale din Vechiul Testament pe care ei, insa le-au dat o interpretare proprie).

        Ar mai fi de remarcat si alte lucruri ciudate de care vorbeste acesta: anume ca depinde de poporul evreu ca venirea lui Antihrist sa fie grabita. El spune ca spiritul lui Antihrist se poate oricind „incarna” intr-o fiinta umana dar daca poporul evreu nu este pregatit sa-l primeasca atunci acest moment se poate prelungi, si ca depinde numai de acest popor ca sa „make things happen” (sa faca lucrurile sa se intimple).

        Mie materialul asta mi se pare o incursiune foarte interesanta in mentalul acestui popor satanizat in cea mai mare parte. Pe linga, ideile de auto-marire, de „popor ales”, de auto-victimizare, de faptul ca dusmanii chiar de acum 5000 de ani vor mai fi pedepsiti odata (gen Nabucodonosor), ei imbina in mod unic doua lucruri: „profetia” cu actiunea. Adica ei nu stau si asteapta sa se implineasca o profetie asa cum fac toate popoarele. Ei isi sufleca minecile si trec la indeplinirea ei! Grabirea ei, eventual. Mai cu tehnica, mai cu razboiul… depinde

        Ni se da de asemenea si sursa „profetiilor”academice ale unui Samuel Huntinghton sau Zbigniew Bzrezinski despre „clas of civlization”, lupta dintre Crestinism si Musulmani. Ea a fost „destinata” sa se intimple inca de acum doua secole, si gindita de un oarecare rabbi Malbin. De fapt mie imi este foarte clar ca tot ceea ce se vintura in domeniul stiintelor politice, toate marile „teorii” venite din spatiul academic american domiant de evrei este de fapt de inspiratie rabinica. Ovreiasii ca alde Huntington sau Kissinger sint numai forta laica care duce la indeplinire directivele rabinice.

        Ps- scuze pentru nenumaratele greseli de ortografie dar am fost foarte obosit cind am scris lucrurile astea. Mie mi se pare insa un text foarte revelant pentru ca vine din tabara cealalta si nu mai este invaluit in retorici pompoase care incearca sa dea o fata umana…. rabbi-ul asta vorbeste pe sleau pentru ca o face in fata alor sai- o audienta exclusiv evreiasca.


  5. Antonescu said, on ianuarie 29, 2010 at 8:31 pm

    Daca s-ar putea ocupa cineva de subtitrari la clipurile astea ar fi de mare ajutor…
    Si la cel postat de saccsiv si la cel pus de elena.


  6. elena said, on ianuarie 29, 2010 at 8:41 pm

    Si asta e interesant


  7. Didi said, on ianuarie 29, 2010 at 8:42 pm

    Se poate vedea faptul ca si cu bani putini se pot face filme excelente.
    Incercati link-ul de mai jos al aceluiasi regizor grec :

    sau : Small Pleasures (Μικρές Χαρές) 2008


  8. Didi said, on ianuarie 29, 2010 at 8:46 pm

    Antonescu , sunt subtitrate in engleza : mai mult decat suficient 🙂


    • gabi m. said, on ianuarie 30, 2010 at 5:21 pm

      Scuza-ma,dar ce vrei sa spui cu asta, ca TU,DIDI,nu ai nevoie de subtitrare?!? Uite,ca nu toti suntem atat de intelighenti ca tine…poate ca ceva engleza mai stiu si altii,dar poate ca nu indeajuns,incat sa inteleaga foarte bine toate nuantele…Iar noi,acum,avem MARE NEVOIE SA INTELEGEM!


  9. Didi said, on ianuarie 29, 2010 at 9:09 pm

    Ati vazut ce filme se lanseaza anul asta ? Nu doarme „holiudul”!
    E suficient sa vezi titulurile si nu-ti mai trebuie nimic . No comment !!!
    Predators,The Twilight Saga: Eclipse,Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps,Edge of Darkness,The Book of Eli , I, Lucifer , Legion,The Penthouse,Sex and the City 2,Conan,The Wolfman,Robocop,Spider man 4,Terminator 4 , Ironman 2 si multe alte nebunii scumpe si nule din toate punctele de vedere. Iertati-mi indrazneala de a le insirui.


  10. Roxana said, on ianuarie 29, 2010 at 10:06 pm

    Se leaga intr-un fel de ceea ce a spus atat de bine Arcasul lui Stefan : My/I/Me.
    In acest filmulet, totusi, fiul isi vine in fire …


  11. Antonescu said, on ianuarie 30, 2010 at 7:26 am

    CBS din America se gandeste daca sa difuzeze sau nu o reclama la un site pentru gay la SuperBowl!

    Reclama a aparut deja pe net si ar putea fi o premiera la SuperBowl, evenimentul care inregistreaza in fiecare sezon CELE MAI MARI AUDIENTE DIN AN si unde cateva secunde de publicitate costa o avere!


  12. Tomis Junior said, on ianuarie 30, 2010 at 8:27 am

    saccsiv, stii cum spun marxistii? ca clasa conducatoare exploateaza oamenii prin promovarea unei culturi mincinoase, fosindu-se de ignoranta lor. Ideologia clasei conducatoare este deci principalul mijloc prin care poporul este tinut in frau. Marxistii spun ca oamenii trebuie sa constientizeze faptul ca sunt manipulati si sa se revolte impotriva clasei conducatoare = elite= burghezie. Pentru asta se cer doua lucruri: in primul rand oamenilor sa li se spuna ca ceea ce ei considera cultura, politica, economie, biserica, nu sunt decat minciuni promovate de clasa conducatoare pentru ca sa-i reduca la tacere. In al doilea rand se cere ca oamenii sa poate avea acces la cunoasterea adevarata, care, dupa marxisti ar fi cunoasterea stiintifica.

    Mie mi se pare ca articolele publicate aici nu fac decat sa confirme tezele marxiste, cu exceptia idee ca adevarata cunoastere este cunoasterea stiintifica (care este inlocuita de ideea ca adevarata cunoastere este invatatura crestin ortodoxa).

    Cred ca nu este in intentia ta sa faci apologia marxismului. Atunci cum faci sa eviti identificarea cu marxismul? Aveau marxistii dreptate cand vorbeau de clase conducatoare exploatatoare, de manipulare, de cultura burgheza care este o falsa cultura?


    • dan said, on februarie 1, 2010 at 1:17 pm

      Imi cer scuze ca intervin, dar nu poti sa acuzi de marxism ce se inatmpla aici asta pentru simplu motiv ca aici se prezinta fapte nu lucruri distorsionate. Ce vedem aici de fapt sunt lucruri care ar trebui sa ne faca sa ne orientam catre ortodoxie nimic mai mult, catre post si rugaciune. Daca nu ar fi cineva ca sacciv sa ne mai arate cate ceva din ce se intampla in lume am trai in ingnoranta si am avea ochii inchisi, am dormi linistiti, ori din ceea ce se intampla nu reiese ca trebuie sa dormim, ba din contra. Si inca ceva, articolel de aici nu te indeamna sa pui mana pe arme sau sa incepi o revolutie ci sa ne pregatim sufleteste pentru ce va urma.



  13. kosk said, on ianuarie 30, 2010 at 9:21 am

    …un exemplu de sofism al falsei dileme.@Tomis Junior, poti mai mult de atat.


  14. agerstress said, on ianuarie 30, 2010 at 11:43 am

    Desi filmuletul este sugestiv d.p.d.v. simbolic, nu este foarte realist d.p.d.v. al comportamentului uman. Fata de un copil poti fi mult mai rabdator neavand de la el aceleasi pretentii pe care le poti avea de la un adult. Atunci cand un adult are un comportament bizar (exemplul din filmulet se incadreaza in aceasta zona) ar trebui sa te gandesti ca e ceva in neregula cu el. Cum reactionam in asemenea situatii? Foarte diferit, dar reactia tanarului este nerealist de violenta la un moment dat. Filmuletul este foarte sugestiv, dupa cum spuneam, dar cred ca se putea gasi un scenariu mult mai realist pentru a reflecta ideea de disproportionalitate dintre atentia si rabdarea acordata de unul celuilalt la momente de timp diferite.
    Concluzie la „ce se intampla”:
    Rabdarea acordata aproapelui, ca sa generalizez, reflecta in mare masura iubirea pe care i-o porti, daca aceasta rabdare nu este alterata de alte forte sau de un mod de viata in care profesia si evenimentele lumii in care traim ocupa in mod invaziv tot spatiu si timpul intim al fiecarui individ (oare tanarul din film citea un ziar de divertisment intr-un moment care trebuia sa fi fost de relaxare?… sau unul de stiri, crime, violuri, tradari politice…). In lumea in care traim omul nu mai poate avea pacea sufleteasca atat de necesara echilibrului sufletesc. Lumea, „MATRIX-ul” nu ne permite sa ne deconectam pentru a avea cu adevarat cateva clipe de liniste. Trebuie sa facem adevarate revolte individuale pentru a n-e fura pentru cateva momente propria viata din ghiarele sistemului. Atat de departe s-a ajuns in numele „profesionalismului’, al „performantei”, al „integrarii” al „globalizarii” etc, etc, etc, vorbe goale, sterile, iesite din aceeasi fabrica de slogane.
    Trebuie sa recunoastem ca este si o problema majora de educatie, problema pe care nu o putem rezolva decat daca eliberam sistemul educational din ghearele politicului pe de o parte si daca punem un mai mare accent pe viata de familie. Parintii trebuie sa se implice mai mult in educatia copiilor lor, trebuie sa redescopere o traditie care s-a pierdut undeva in negura timpului.
    Biserica unde este oare? In aceeasi negura, ratacita pe undeva. Multi dintre noi nu mai avem puterea de a o cauta iar ea nu maii are vointa de a ne gasi prin cei ce-o slujesc (daca putem spune „slujesc”) cu doar cateva exceptii, cum este Parintele Iustin.

    Filmuletele pe care le-ai indicat, desi nu au legatura cu subiectul, sunt terifiante. Auzisem cate ceva despre practicile evreilor dar mintea mea refuza pur si simplu sa accepte asa ceva (mai ales in legatura cu uciderea copiilor).
    Pe tema aceasta ar trebui sa se deschida un „topic” anume (daca nu ma-nsel, saccsiv avea ceva de genul acesta „dialoguri despre evrei” parca..).


    • john said, on ianuarie 30, 2010 at 1:32 pm

      Cred ca daca Saccsiv ar deschide acest subiect- al practicilor satanice evreisti, s-ar putea sa-si vada site-ul acuzat de anti-semitism si eventual inchis. Una este ce vorbim noi, astia de pe site unde ne exprimam in nume propriu si alta este sa aiba saccsiv o astfel de intiativa. Si asa i-a pomenit pe evrei mult prea mult ca nu fi fost luat deja la ochi (vezi-i pe alde pitipata, Pafnutie si altii pe care-i intilnesti pe la „dialoguri cu evrei”.

      Dar da, ar fi foarte relevant sa se deschida un astfel de subiect, apropo de cine mai are indoieli cu privire la satanizarea acestui popor si a conducatorilor lor. Problema este ca noua, nu stiu cit ne-ar folosi la mintuire…sa aflam in amanuntime de ritualurile lor satanice. E suficient sa stim ca le practica la scara mare, frecvent si in cel mai ingrozitor chip.


      • elena said, on ianuarie 30, 2010 at 5:20 pm

        De acord cu pericolul de a fi cenzurati (saccsiv sau oricare altii) pe motivul pomenit. Desi daca google gazduieste acest film nu vad de ce wordpress s-ar ataca pentru un link catre acest film. Dar pentru orice eventualitate aceste informatii trebuie salvate, traduse si facute sa circule altfel, pe email sau pe alte site-uri, daca exista pericolul cenzurii.

        Daca acuza de „antisemitism” reuseste sa ne inchida gura ca sa nu dezvaluim niste crime oribile ar fi extrem de trist.

        Daca e sa o luam altfel subiectul prezinta inclusiv interes gazetaresc: la minutul 55:00 (mai dau o data linkul vorbeste de cazul unor copii din Romania care in 1995 au fost rapiti si dusi in Israel de catre fostul secretar al lui Izhak Rabin si a fost arestat pentru asta. Copii, spune filmul, se pare ca erau folositi in ritualuri oculte.

        Aveti idee cam cati copii din Romania din orfelinate sau de aiurea au disparut, au fost adoptati, vanduti sau livrati fie de catre terte persoane fie de catre stat si politicieni retelelor satanice si de pedofilie, sub masca unor adoptii? Eu cred ca depasesc cu mult cei 14000 de prunci ucisi in vremea lui Iisus.
        Cautati scandalurile legate de adoptii, copii disparuti fara urma, in toate regimurile politice de pana in 2004, si cautati si presiunile externe de liberalizare a adoptiilor dupa ce acestea au fost stopate la presiunea baronesei Nicholson. Inclusiv Boc a incercat sa deschida din nou robinetul adoptiilor cu cateva zile inainte de alegerile prezidentiale.


      • saccsiv said, on ianuarie 30, 2010 at 5:44 pm


        Pentru cei ce apreciaza filmul despre care discutati:

        Stabiliti intre voi cati sunteti dispusi sa se apuce de un transcript in romana. Apoi fiecare traduce un fragment: primul de la min x la min y, al doilea de la min y la z, etc. In prima faza in word si il voi publica ca text.


      • john said, on ianuarie 30, 2010 at 6:20 pm

        OK Saccsiv eu sind dispus sa traduc primele 45 de minute. Filmul mi se pare cu adevarat important.


      • saccsiv said, on ianuarie 30, 2010 at 6:22 pm


        Super. Deci tu faci pana min. 45. Cine se mai ofera?


      • elena said, on ianuarie 30, 2010 at 8:00 pm
        John .. uite cred ca te ajuta daca ai subtitrarea originala .. cu ajutorul cuiva am aflat cum se extrage de aici „Hello and good evening to you all. ” „Our topic today is one of the most intriguing and cryptic ” „issues that we encounter in the biblical text. ” „Many fascinating, intriguing components can be found in the Torah, including its ” „wealth of scientific knowledge, which scientists today are just discovering, ” „as well as the enigmatic bible code, the prophecies found in the bible, etc. ” „Within the many prophecies housed in the bible, however, ” „the most intriguing and unique visions deal with what we have termed the ” „"End of Days" , or, conversely the Apocalypse. ” „This is a topic that is worth discussing and mulling over, especially in ” „our day and age, seeing as all of the different signs and ” „indicators of this "end of days" or apocalyptic period ” „are manifesting themselves in our day and time, one after the other. ” „These are events that no one could have possibly predicted in hindsight. ” „However, G-d who watches and observes throughout all generations ” „until the very end of time, and who created the world entire, has the power ” „to reveal future events to us and tell us what will transpire. ” „We, mere mortals, mere flesh and blood, can not even predict what ” „will occur in a week's time, a month's times, two years down the road…. ” „Forecasting what will occur centuries or millennia down the road, ” „therefore, is well and truly beyond our scope and abilities. ” „The creator of our universe, however, can readily and easily ” „reveal to us what the future holds in store. ” „We are all intrigued by the prospect of foreseeing the future. ” „All of us want to know where our lives are heading, and what lies in store for us. ” „Questions about the future arise and proliferate especially ” „when we find ourselves in a rather strange and perplexing period of time, ” „as is currently the case. ” „What is the battle of Gog and Magog? ” „Why does this dooms day scenario even have to take place? ” „Which countries will do battle during this time period? ” „How does this battle affect the Jewish people? ” „What and who is the Messiah? What is his purpose or function? ” „Is the Messiah an angel? Is he a human being? ” „What will transpire during this end of days time period? ” „Does end of days imply that our world would come to an end? ” „Does it means that everything will just cease to be? ” „There is also one major question that people harbor about ” „this entire scenario: The idea of the Messiah is all good and well, but when ” „will he ultimately arrive? People want to know when he will appear. ” „Can we indicate the exact, precise date on which the Messiah will come? ” „We will examine all of these issue, G-d willing, tonight, with ” „a marked focus on the Israeli Palestinian connection, or rather lack thereof. ” „We will note that the politicians who strive to resolve this conflict through ” „different means are making a big and grave mistake. ” „These politicians view the Arab-Israeli conflict as similar to many other ” „conflicts and struggles that have occurred throughout the course of history between ” „European nations, lets say, or other nations else where around the world. ” „They assume that this conflict, like many others, can be resolved through compromise. ” „Each side yields just a little bit, and both can come to a ” „mutual agreement and understanding. ” „These politicians don't understand how they can surrender so much, yield so ” „much, give so very much and yet all of this amounts to nothing. ” „On the contrary, every concession made by Israel is interpreted by the Arab ” „side as weakness and surrender rather than a gesture of peace. ” „The Arab side utilizes this perceived weakness to ask for more, to fight us ” „more, to struggle more, to hurt more. ” „We have to carefully examine what is at the heart of this Israeli-Arab ” „conflict as indicated by the Torah and revealed to us by Hashem our G-d. ” „This can also allow us to take the proper course of action to create a more ” „peaceful, happy, tranquil life for us in Israel. ” „The end of days prophecies in the Torah are, in part, ” „very harsh and very ominous predictions indeed. ” „But before we delve into these prophecies, it is vital to mention one ” „important principle in respect to these and other biblical prophecies. ” „This is a very important point that ought to be stressed. ” „Our sages have taught us a very important lesson regarding prophecies. ” „A "good" promising prophecy is bound to come true. ” „A prophecy of doom, however, need not necessarily materialize. ” „No father enjoys striking or hitting his own children. ” „So when we look in the Torah and read harsh predictions about ” „what will transpire at the end of days, we must keep this in mind. ” „The book of Zechariah, for instance tells us that only one ” „third of the world's population will remain alive. ” „We are not sure if this refers to the Jewish population or ” „the population of the world in general, but this is grim irrespective. ” „Even the one third that survives, tells us Zechariah, G-d will ” „"refine them as one does silver and try them as one does gold." ” „Must these harsh biblical prophecies come to pass? ” „As a general rule, the unequivocal answer is no. ” „Even though this is a prophecy, does not mean it must come to pass! ” „If a father tells his son that he has been a good boy, and promises ” „him a present or reward of sorts, he will undoubtedly deliver on this promise. ” „However, if that same father assures his son that he will be punished ” „because he has been misbehaving, will he positively deliver on his word? ” „This is unequivocally not the case! As it stands at the moment, the child ” „will be punished by his father. ” „However, if the child improves his behavior and changes his ” „ways, the father will be reluctant to deliver on his promise. ” „The father would have no reason to punish his child for his past misdeeds ” „if he changes his ways and alters his behavior. ” „Therefore we can clearly see instances in the bible where prophecies ” „did not transpire or come to pass. ” „For instance in the book of Jonah, G-d tells Jonah to go to the city of ” „Ninve and tell its inhabitants that the city will be utterly demolished ” „in 40 days time. Nothing will be left of this city. ” „This is what G-d had done to the cities of Sodom and ” „Gomorrah, wiping them out of existence. ” „In the case of Ninve, however, this divine decree was overturned. ” „Ultimately, did this prophecy come to pass? Was Ninve destroyed? ” „The answer is an unequivocal no. ” „All of Ninve's inhabitants were spared this grisly fate. ” „Yes, a prophecy was made in this instance regarding the city. ” „However, such a prophecy of doom and gloom need not transpire. ” „Jonah came to the city and warned its inhabitants of their fate. ” „This, after the long tale whereby Jonah tried to reach the city ” „and was famously swallowed by the whale…. ” „After the inhabitants of Ninve heard Jonah's warning, they all mended ” „their ways even though they were not Jewish. ” „However, we must keep in mind that G-d also demands of non Jews ” „to do his will and act as he instructs them. ” „at this juncture, an important principle bears mention. ” „When we compare the Jewish people to the other nations on earth, ” „people often make the grim mistake of assuming that according ” „to the Torah all of the non-Jewish people must die or perish. ” „Thinking along these lines is a grim and grave mistake. ” „It's as if we are assuming that it is in the Jews best interest ” „for all of the other nations on earth to be eradicated! ” „G-d forbid this should ever occur. ” „Our sages, in this Mishna or Pirkei Avot, tell us that: ” ” human beings are all to be loved, because they are all made in the image of God . ” „G-d, after all created all of humanity in his very own image. ” „As the Egyptians were drowning in the Red Sea during the Exodus, and the ” „angels wanted to sing a hymn of praise to G-d, the midrash tells ” „us that G-d silenced these angels. ” „G-d asked his angels how they could possibly sing a song of thanksgiving ” „when his very own creations were drowning and dying! ” „G-d calls the Egyptians the fruit of his labor, his creations! ” „This, even though they butchered the Jewish people, G-d's children, ” „and caused them so much sorrow and grief by enslaving them. ” „The bottom line is, however, that the Egyptians are human beings as well. ” „when G-d's creations are dying and drowning in the sea one should not ” „sing or give praise and glory to G-d. ” „Therefore the Jewish perspective is that all of humanity are G-d's ” „creations, and thus are all of value and are worthy of love and dignity. ” „The fact that we occasionally fight against other nations is only due ” „to the need to defend ourselves. If one comes to slay you, arise and slay him first If ” „We do not have an intrinsic hatred toward non-Jews, we simply need ” „to defend ourselves and are obligated to fight in order to do so. ” „While the temple was still in existence, every year during the ” „holiday of Sukkoth 70 bulls were sacrificed for each of the seventy ” „nations of our world. ” „Through this act of sacrifice and of worship, Kabala tells ” „us, bounty and goodness was bestowed upon all of the various nations. ” „In other words, Jewish thought wants only the best for all nations on earth. ” „G-d, likewise, is the king of the universe, and like any ruler of any ” „country, all of the world's "citizens" are precious to him. ” „All of the nations of the world are thus valuable and important to G-d. ” „What, therefore, is the difference between the Jewish people ” „and all of the other nations on earth? ” „Our sages tell us that all kings have a royal entourage or court. ” „This is akin to the royal family if you will. ” „G-d tells us, the Jewish people that we are G-d's chosen ” „people, a nation especially precious in the eyes of G-d. ” „The Jews are to be "a kingdom of priests and a holy nation." ” „Why were Jews thus chosen to the be G-d's royal court if you will? ” „This is because when all of humanity worshipped idols, without exception, ” „and when no one believed in G-d or worshipped him, ” „that is when every one betrayed G-d and worshipped idols, one ” „man by the name of Abraham was willing to burn and die in God's name. ” „This was, of course, Abraham our forefather, originator of the Jewish nation. ” „G-d told Avraham that since Nimrod threatened him and cast him into the ” „fire, and he was willing to die in G-d's name, because after all, Avraham had no ” „way of knowing that he would be saved miraculously by G-d, ” „he was sure that he would burn in the fire though G-d rescued him. ” „Since you were willing to die in my name, G-d tells Avraham, you and ” „your children will be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. ” „G-d thus took the Jewish people and made them his royal court. ” „The Jewish people, who were blessed to be the descendants of ” „Avraham, are thus G-d's special and chosen nation. ” „Every non Jew who wants to join the Jewish nation and makes his covenant ” „with G-d through the Brit Mila, can thus become one of Avraham's descendants ” „as well, through this circumcision or through immersion in a Mikva, as well ” „as well as by under taking all of the various Mitzvoth. ” „Thus this person makes his covenant with G-d and becomes part of the Jewish family. ” „This is the main difference between the Jewish nation and all of ” „the other nations of the world. ” „The nations of the world are the citizens of G-d's kingdom. ” „The Jewish people, on the other hand, are G-d's royal court or entourage. ” „That is why non Jews only have to keep seven basic mitzvoth, so that they ” „live well and function adequately in the world, while the Jewish people are ” „commanded by G-d to keep 613 Mitzvoth; 613 facets of royal protocol. ” „The seven Mitzvoth given to non-Jews represent the seven ” „parts of the human body: the head, arms, legs, torso, and the area ” „of the Brit Mila are the seven components of the human body. ” „The Jewish people, on the other hand, have 248 positive commandments, ” „representing the 248 organs of the human body, and 365 negative commandments ” „representing the 365 tendons in the human body. ” „G-d thus wants the Jewish people, his royal court, to follow royal protocol! ” „This, is essence, is what G-d demands and asks of the Jewish people. ” „This was a very important preface to the whole topic of end of days. ” „Why do we need this all encompassing final battle? ” „Why can the world go on as it has throughout much of the course of human history? ” „A few wars took place every once in a while, but all in all people went ” „on and resumed their lives. ” „Kabbalists tell us that G-d's basic divine plan is to ” „create human beings in order to lavish them with goodness. ” „G-d, however wanted his creations to work for ” „and earn all of that goodness and bounty first. ” „The reason behind this is a topic in and of itself. ” „G-d wanted us, his creations, to struggle and work in order to ” „merit all of his goodness and blessings in return. ” „That is why G-d created the real essence of human beings as soul ” „or spirit, an immortal spiritual soul that never dies, and then placed this ” „spiritual core or essence in a physical body which is merely cloak or clothing. ” „This body or vessel is utilized by us for a limited period of time, ” „we are tested and tried in this world due to our physical desires, ” „and then, if we overcome these trials, we earn our rewards in ” „the world to come by right and not by charity. ” „There is a time to work and struggle, therefore, and a time ” „to reap our just rewards in the world to come. ” „We were given a set and limited amount of time to be tried and tested ” „in this world; that is a limited time in which to work and struggle. ” „When our time on earth is done, so are our labors, and it is then ” „time to reap our rewards in the world to come. ” „It is this time that we refer to as the end of days or the time of the ” „coming of the Messiah. ” „Before the coming of the Messiah, how ever, this all encompassing ” „battle of Gog and Magog must take place. ” „This is in actuality a world war between Christianity and Islam, ” „and we will soon see evidence for this in the Psukim that we examine, and the Malbin's words ” „This war must transpire before the coming of the Messiah. ” „It is interesting to note that all of those nations that ” „never had any dealings with the Jewish people, the ” „Chinese for instance, which are a great and plentiful nations, as well ” „as the Thai people and the Japanese, are no where to be found on this list ” „of nations that will participate in this all-encompassing war. ” „We will later see this list of nations that will participate in this war. ” „It is the Christian and Muslim nations, then, that will rise up ” „against the nation of Israel and demand ownership of Jerusalem. ” „This is specifically stated in several psukim that note that before the ” „arrival of the Messiah, Jerusalem will be in Jewish hands and the Jewish people ” „will both live and thrive in the land of Israel. ” „Thus wrote the Malbin who compiled these psukim 150 years ago. ” „This was a time when the land of Israel lay desolate and abandoned. ” „The Malbin then said that people are mistaken if they think that the Jewish ” „nation is in exile. The Messiah will soon come and we will all be in the ” „land of Israel. Until such time, the land of Israel will be desolate. ” „The Malbin thus predicted a period of Jewish sovereignty over the land of Israel. ” „Jerusalem will likewise be in Jewish hands during this period of time. ” „This Jewish reign, also noted the Malbin, will govern the land contrary ” „to the Torah and to Halacha law. ” „The Gemara, in Masechet Sota, notes that prior to the arrival of the Messiah ” „impudence, rudeness and disrespect will rise and peak in our society. ” „We can clearly see this if we compare how young people today treat ” „their parents as opposed to fifty years ago. ” „There is a remarkable drop in standards and morals among youngsters today. ” „We have not witnessed such moral decay and decline in hundreds and ” „maybe thousands of years. ” „This decline in behavior was foreseen by the Malbin. Before the Messiah's arrival, ” „he noted, boldness and impudence will be on the rise in our society. ” „There are also other indicators heralding the arrival of the Messiah, ” „which we will note and examine later on. ” „Amongst other things the Gemara notes that "It's reign will be profane". ” „In other words, there will be Jewish sovereignty over the land of Israel, ” „this thus not mean there will be a king or monarch involved, ” „but rather alludes to Jewish control and reign over the land of Israel. ” „The Zohar likewise when it speak of the sovereign of Persia refers to its leader and ” „not necessarily to an actual king or monarch. ” „This reign, this regime is furthermore described as being profane. ” „In other words this Jewish government will be one of heathens or ” „non-believers who do not rule in accordance with Torah law. ” „Furthermore, during this time, states the Malbin, Jerusalem will be in Jewish hands. ” „and "all nations will gather against Jerusalem to battle" ” „Several other Psukim also seem to indicate that Jerusalem will be the cause ” „of the battle of Gog and Magog. ” „As the book of Zechariah states: "All nations will converge to do battle ” „over the city of Jerusalem." ” „The trigger for the battle of Gog and Magog, for this final battle, will ” „be the city of Jerusalem. ” „We will soon see exactly why it is Jerusalem that will ” „bring about this epic battle. ” „When nations will rise up against Israel and the Jewish people, and ” „maintain that the city of Jerusalem is not rightfully ours, then ” „these very nations will begin to battle amongst themselves over the rights ” „to this very city. As the Pasuk states: "One man's sword shall strike its fellow." ” „After this epic final battle the world will move on towards ” „better times referred to as the time of the Messiah. ” „Reaching this period of time is, in essence, the sole purpose of all ” „of human history, it's be all and end all. ” „That is why I always tell everyone that out of all the lectures that I give, ” „on a whole host of different topics, tonight's lecture is the most important. ” „This is because everything, in essence, revolves around this ” „particular period of time. ” „The whole notion of the end of days and the time of the messiah ” „is at the heart of and the very purpose of our lives and existence. ” „What is the reason why G-d created our entire world? ” „What lies at the heart of the Arab Israeli conflict? ” „What is central and essential to our lives and what can we ignore ” „as trivial and unimportant? ” „We will move on and explore these notions step by step. ” „When people come up to me and ask when the Messiah will finally arrive, ” „the answer that I give them is this: Open up the book of ” „Daniel, and at the end are all the dates, numbers and figures that you need. ” „If you do the math carefully, you might be able to find the exact date. ” „Rabbi Shmuel Bar Nachmani, however, taught us that: ” „"People who make idle calculation should perish." ” „If a person wants to make all of these computations for his ” „own benefit, that is fine. But he ought not to publicize these results. ” „Why is this the case? ” „Think about what would occur if a person discovers a particular date ” „for the arrival of the Messiah, and he publicizes this information. ” „This is a man with a great white beard, and he puts this information out there. ” „The Messiah will arrive at such and such a time, he announces. ” „Everyone waits anxiously for that particular date, but ” „lets say that the year in question comes and goes, yet nothing happens. ” „Everyone will begin to assume that this implies that the Messiah ” „will never arrive since the assigned date has passed. ” „The person in question thus makes everyone around him heretics and heathens. ” „That is what the Pasuk implies when it seeks the destruction ” „of all those who make false and idle calculations. ” „This Pasuk appears in the Talmud in Masechet Sanhedrin. ” „Our sages seldom curse anyone, but this instance is the exception. ” „In this care our sages used particularly harsh language wishing ” „death on all those who make idle calculations. ” „However, looking at the omens surrounding this period of time is an ” „entirely different matter and is not only permissible, but ” „even a Mitzvah to consider and to ponder. ” „Throughout the entire course of human history, furthermore, the Jewish ” „people have contemplated where exactly in history we find ourselves relative to the ” „days of the Messiah. ” „1,500 years ago, at the time of Mishna scholars, the Jewish ” „people sought to discover just when the times of the Messiah ” „will ultimately arrive and where we are at in relation to this time. ” „300 years later, at the time of the Geonim, again people sought to ” „determine where we are at historically in relation to the Messianic days. ” „The same exact determinations were made during the time of the Rishonim. ” „During such times the Jewish people sought to determine at which historical ” „point, at which station they found themselves relative to the Messiah's arrival. ” „Roughly two years ago I was approached by the news editor for ” „the channel two news broadcast in Israel. ” „This individual wanted to produce a film about the end of days. ” „He asked me first and foremost why so many people are speaking ” „about the Messiah and about salvation in our day and age. ” „The bible, after all, was written a great many years ago! ” „I told him that it is not only in our day and time that ” „people speak of the arrival of the Messiah. ” „The Jewish people have always waited and longed for the Messiah's arrival. ” „However, there is undoubtedly a unique aspect to the time period we are currently living in. ” „Furthermore, I told the producer that we could review the various signs ” „and omens that are indicative of the Messianic era, and then he could see ” „for himself that all of these harbingers have either come to pass, or ” „are in the process of coming into fruition. ” „Together we will now examine dozens of indicators of the arrival of the Messianic era, so that we ” „can analyze them on our own, without further commentary or interpretations. ” „After that we can determine on our own whether we indeed find ” „ourselves in a unique period of time pending the arrival of the Messiah, or ” „whether this is merely an ordinary historical era like many others before it. ” „The time period prior to the Messiah's arrival has been described in many ” „grand and lofty terms. Let us now read about it as described in the Zohar. ” „The Zohar tells us the following: ” „"Rabbi Shimon began by saying…". Who is Rabbi Shimon? ” „The Rabbi Shimon mentioned here is Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. ” „"And I remembered my covenant with Jacob." ” „This is a pasuk that typically refers to the Messianic era. ” „G-d is telling us, in this Pasuk, that he remembers his covenant ” „with Jacob, as well as his covenant with Isaac, etc…. ” „Rabbi Shimon raised a question regarding this Pasuk, and the reason why ” „Yaakov s name is spelled with the Hebrew letter "vav" in this instance. ” „Typically, the name Yaakov is spelled with out a "vav', so why was ” „this letter included in this instance? ” „Why is this "vav" added into Yaakov s name in this Pasuk that ” „speaks of the Messianic time of salvation when G-d would recall his covenant with Jacob? ” „After all the Zohar is a book of the clandestine secrets of the Kabala. ” „Kabala reveals to us all of the hidden meanings that underlie things. ” „Each letter in the torah, after all, hold a myriad of different secrets. ” „Rabbi Shimon answers this quandary as follows: ” „This Torah verse refers to the time when the Jewish people would be in exile. This ” „because pending this era of exile, the Jewish people will be redeemed through ” „the clandestine powers found in the letter "vav". This will transpire, Rabbi ” „Shimon goes on to say, during the sixth millennia. ” „The "vav" found in the Pasuk "and I will recall my covenant with Yaakov," ” „Rabbi Shimon tells us, hints that the Messianic era of redemption will occur ” „during the sixth millennia. ” „During most of the course of Jewish history our struggle was not against ” „the Ishmaelite, but rather against the nation of Edom. ” „The Crusades, the Inquisition, the Programs… Most of our woes came from ” „Christian countries and nations of all sorts. ” „During the last few decades, however, ever since the birth of the state ” „of Israel, this situation has changed. ” „Where as we now get along fairly well with Christian nations, ” ” most of our problems lie with the Ishmaelites or the Muslim nations. ” „This turn of events was foreseen by the Torah. ” „It is important to keep one thing in mind at this juncture. ” „Edom, Christianity and Esau are all in one distinct category. ” „In some parts of the Bible Edom is referred to by the color black, as ” „we can see in the "vision of four chariots". This is one category of nations. ” „Ishmael and the Muslim nations are an entirely different class of people. ” „There are, therefore, three distinct groups of people: The Jewish people, the Christian ” „nations, and the Muslim people. ” „The Christian nations are descendants of Esau, also known as Edom. They are represented ” „and symbolized by the city of Rome in Italy. Rome, to this day is the center of ” „the Christian faith, and the descendants bearing its name destroyed the Second Temple. ” „The Crusades, likewise, also originated from Rome. ” „Ishmael, conversely, refers to the Arab or the Muslim nations. ” „Rabbi Shimon tells us that during the sixth millennium the Messiah ” „will arrive and we will all be redeemed. ” „He goes on to say other astonishing things that bring us ever so closer ” „to the exact date and to accurate numbers. ” „"On the 66th," Rabbi Shimon goes on to say.. It is interesting to note that ” „the "vav" in Yaakov is doubled in this instance to give us two "sixes" or 66. ” „"On the 66th battles will arise in the world stemming from the north." ” „On the 66th Rabbi Shimon tells us, and he does not tell us if this is 5766, or 5566, or ” „anything of that nature, but only mentions the final two numbers which are 66. ” „At that time, Rabbi Shimon tells us, battles will arise in the world stemming from the north, ” „This is indicated by the Pasuk: "All persons belonging to Jacob who came to Egypt, were 66 in all." ” „Rabbi Shimon goes on to note that pending that time there will a few more ” „years holding important developments, he even mentions decades of turmoil, ” „whereby the "sons of Ishmael will bring all of the nations of the world into a ” „fierce battle over the city of Jerusalem, as indicated by the Pasuk : ” „"And I will draw all of the nations into battle over the city of Jerusalem". ” „"Earthly kings and Dukes will gather against Hashem and his anointed one" ” „"But Hashem who dwells in the heavens shall make mockery of them" ” „In other words, the Zohar predicted that during a 66th year in the ” „sixth millennium, fierce battles will transpire in a northern region. ” „There are other interesting developments that the Zohar mentions, I ” „have not read them all, but the Zohar also mentions other scenarios ” „that are sure to occur during this period in time. ” „The interesting point in all of this is that the Jewish struggle against ” „the Ishmaelite or Muslims is mentioned in a myriad of different ” „places throughout the Zohar. ” „The Zohar tells us that because Ishmael was circumcised, but his ” „circumcision was not perfect or complete, the Muslims will merit to ” „reign over the land of Israel for a limited period of time only. ” „The Muslims will reign over the land, the Zohar tells us, when it is empty ” „and void of all its inhabitants, seeing as their circumcision is also ” „incomplete and void of all true meaning. ” „It is interesting to note that when the Zohar was written, ” „around 2,00 years ago, no one could have possibly predicted this scenario. ” „No one could have possibly known that when the Jews return to Israel, ” „they would find Arab inhabitants in the land. ” „Israel, after all had seen the crusades occurring at that particular time, ” „and the land was over-run with Christian crusaders trying to conquer it. ” „The Byzantine Empire, among others, also tried to conquer the land of Israel. ” „Ultimately, however, it was the Arab Muslims who gained hold of the land of Israel. ” „The Talmud, in masechet Baba Batra, also mentions a few rather incredible things. ” „For instance a parable appears in this particular Masechet, that was given ” „an amazing interpretation by the Gaon of Liza. The parable goes as follows: ” „Rabba Bar Bar Hanna told this parable, as if it were about himself. ” „All of these parables, which he relays as if they actually occurred, are meant ” „to teach us all a valuable moral lesson and tell us what is to ” „transpire in future generations. ” „The actual parable is rather odd, as parables usually are, but contains ” „a vast amount of hidden wisdom if we are able to determine its true meaning. ” „Rabbi Bar Bar Chana thus tells us the following; One time, he tells us, we ” „went sailing on a boat at the heart of the ocean, and saw a place that we ” „believed to be an island of sorts. ” „We therefore left the boat, lit a fire, cooked, and set up camp, ” „all the while not realizing that we had actually landed on top ” „of a giant fish of sorts, and were sitting on its back. ” „When the fish felt too hot because of our fire, he flipped ” „over, and we all tumbled right into the water. ” „If the boat was not nearby, says Rabbi Chana, we would have all ” „surely died right then and there. ” „What is this fable all about? Why did the Rabbi tell this story? ” „The Gaon of Liza offers this interpretation in his book Tuvcha Ya'abiu, page ” „number 112. Here are the words of the Gaon of Liza, who lived 200 years ago: ” „Bar Bar Hanna, the Gaon said, foresaw through prophetic insight that the nation of Israel ” „would, in the future, rule another nation. Who could have possibly ” „envisioned this way back then? ” „Furthermore, says the Gaon, it would be assumed that this nation could never ” „possibly overtake the Jewish people. ” „The Jewish people, therefore, would subdue and subjugate them further. ” „However this nation, when greatly vexed, would turn on the Jewish people and ” „actively struggle against them. ” „The Gaon of Liza goes on to say that if the Messiah and his salvation ” „were not close at hand, the Jewish people would then nearly drown in ” „a sea of troubles and of woes. ” „When Rabbi Nachum Parsowitch, zatzal, heard the Gaon of Liza's interpretation, ” „he claimed that these words likewise came to him through the prophetic spirit. ” „Who could have possibly foreseen, way back then, that Israel would have dominion ” „over another nation, or that the Jews would rule another people? ” „The Jewish people at the time, after all, were persecuted and ” „subjugated by other nations themselves. ” „Not only, then, would the Jewish people have their own homeland, but ” „they would even rule over another nation? Who would have believed it? ” „When Bar Bar Chana told of disembarking the boat thinking that they had ” „come upon an Island, this represents the return of the Jewish people to Israel. ” „The Jewish people had thought that in the land of Israel they would finally come to rest. ” „They lay hold on the land, set up camp, and began to settle down. ” „But as the heat grew and began to bother and oppress the fish, he ultimately ” „flipped over and tossed them all right into the water. ” „If the ship were not close at hand, that is the Messiah and our redemption, then the Jewish ” „people would drown in troubles and sorrow, and would not be able to weather this difficult time. ” „If we wish to determine when precisely this end days time period will arrive, ” „there are dozens of different omens that herald its approach. ” „Let us quickly go through some of the more important indicators of this Messianic time. ” „The battle of Gog and Magog(Armageddon),and the end of days time period, ” „it is said, will only occur once the Jewish people return to the land of Israel. ” „This is indicated by a few verses from the book of Ezekiel, chapter 38. ” „"And the word of Hashem came to me, saying, son of man, set thy face against Gog, ruler of the land of ” „Magog, and chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him." ” „G-d is asking Ezekiel to prophesy to Gog, which is a man's name. ” „This Gog is to be found in the land of Magog, and his official ” „title is that of President–not King nor Prime Minister. ” „This is thus President Gog of the land of Magog, who would also ” „head an entire coalition of nations. G-d is asking Ezekiel to relay this prophecy to him. ” „"And say, Thus saith the Lord. Behold, I [am] against thee, Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal." ” „"I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaws and bring you out with your whole army" ” „In other words, G-d will foolishly draw out Gog to war, though no ” „one would even understand why he need bother fighting. ” „Gog would, nevertheless, be drawn out to battle by G-d. ” „The rest of the passage lists numerous countries that would fight alongside Gog. ” „"Persia, Cush and Put, also Gomer with all its troops, and Beth Togarmah from the far north." ” „We will shortly see just who these different nations actually are. ” „When will this epic battle of Gog and Magog actually take place? ” „This battle will take place "after many days", that is not for a long while. ” „Ezekiel lived 2,500 years ago, and this battle was to occur long after his time. ” „This battle will occur at the end of days, in other words when recorded time is to end, ” „and before the Messiah arrives and we all receive our just rewards. ” „These Messianic times will be the most fruitful, peaceful days in all of recorded history. ” „"In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war," G-d tells Gog. ” „This is a land that is very battle weary and scarred. ” „This land, furthermore, will be one whose "people were gathered from many nations." ” „This land will be one whose inhabitants have arrived from many different places. ” „Someone once stopped me during one of my lectures and asked me if this might refer ” „to the United States, as its citizens come from a myriad of different countries. ” „I told this individual to hold on, because the Pasuk continues and states that ” „people would gather to "to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate." ” „The Torah thus clearly states that the place in question will be "the mountains ” „of Israel, which have been desolate for a very long while. ” „This means that when everyone gathers there they will no longer be barren. ” „The land of Israel will thus lie barren and empty for a very long time, until ” „the Jewish people return and gather in the land of Israel. ” „They will build up the land and then Gog, this leader, will gather his legions ” „and demand something of the Jewish people and the land of Israel. ” „Ezekiel does not specify what Gog will demand of the Jewish people, however ” „Zechariah, who also speaks of this battle of Gog and Magog, specifies ” „precisely what will ultimately lead up to this last, epic battle. ” „Zechariah maintains that Gog and his armies will demand the city of Jerusalem. ” „They will tell the Jewish people that Jerusalem doesn't belong to them, and demand the ” „rights to this holy city. ” „Who could have possibly envisioned this scenario hundreds of years ago, ” „or could have possibly foreseen that Jerusalem would be the cause of a major World War. ” „If you recall the peace accords with Arafat, Ehud Barak was very close to signing a peace treaty ” „with him, and this peace treaty fell through on one issue alone–Jerusalem. ” „Everything was signed and agreed upon, aside for the matter of Jerusalem. ” „Disagreements over the future of this city led to the failure of this peace accord. ” „There are a multitude of prophecies that indicate that Jerusalem would be the ” „bait that would draw all of the other nations into battle and all out war. ” „Is there a specific year whereby this battle of Gog and Magog is to occur? ” „The answer is that when it comes to the issue of the Messiah and ” „salvation, the Gemara tells us that our redemption will come "in due time". ” „What does "in due time" imply? This indicates that our redemption will come at ” „the precise time designated for it. But the Gemara also tells us subsequently that ” „G-d will "hasten" our salvation and allow the Messiah to arrive quicker than intended. ” „Which rings true, then? Will our salvation transpire at its designated time, that ” „is at the time period prescribed by G-d? ” „G-d had given us a limited time in which to work and toil, 6,000 years ” „which he gave to our earthly world in which we may labor. ” „In the book of letters written by Rabbi Akiva, he notes this time as 6,000 ” „years, plus just a few more years subsequently. ” „Give or take a few years then, our world was given just over 6,000 years in which to exist. ” „This is what is referred to when the redemption is said to come "in due time". ” „If this time arrives and the Jewish people have yet to awaken and mend their ways, ” „the alarm bells will nevertheless ring, and the Messiah will arrive. ” „However, there is also a chance that G-d might hasten our salvation, and ” „allow it to arrive sooner than originally intended. ” „The Jewish people, thus, also have the option of hastening their own redemption. ” „However, there are very specific junctures or pit stops along the path of history at ” „which we can hasten our salvation. These years at which the Messiah could ” „possibly arrive, are known as opportune moments for redemption. ” „These are favorable times for the arrival of the Messiah. ” „This is akin to riding on a highway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. ” „There are certain exits, certain junctures along the way at which cars can get ” „off the highway. There is the Kibbutz Galuyot exit, Derech Hshalom, etc. ” „If you miss your specific exit, then you must patiently wait for the next possible one. ” „The exile, likewise, has a specific end point, like the road which must end. ” „However, there are also a wealth of exits along this road or path to redemption. ” „If the Jewish people take note of these "exits", then they can depart exile that ” „much sooner at one of the designated "opportune moments" for salvation. ” „If not so, they must patiently wait until G-d's own designated time. ” „There are years, therefore, which are primed for redemption. ” „The whole notion of Gog and the Messiah must also be carefully examined. ” „Who will this Gog be, this king that will wage a World War? ” „This World War will be one of Christianity versus Islam, as we shall soon see. ” „Who will be the Messiah, furthermore? ” „Will the Messiah be one individual through out the course of history? ” „The Torah tells us that this is not the case. ” „According to the Torah there is the "soul" of Gog and the ” „spirit of the Messiah. ” „Every now and again, during times that are "primed" for ” „redemption, G-d instills this soul of Gog into a certain person. ” „It is as if G-d "impregnates" a certain person with this soul of Gog. ” „This individual, thus, becomes the designated Gog for that certain time period. ” „If the generation in question is worthy of redemption, than that ” „person indeed becomes Gog, and another individual, a descendant of David, receives ” „the soul of the Messiah. These two individuals then do battle, and then ” „ultimately the Messiah reveals himself and the Temple is rebuilt. This is ” „also the time of the resurrection of the dead, whereby the ” „world enters the phase of the world to come and its just rewards. ” „However, if the generation in question is unworthy, this person ” „with the soul of Gog dies off. We are talking about "impregnating" ” „someone with the soul of Gog, after all. This person thus ” „possesses the soul of Gog until he passes away. After such time, ” „this soul of Gog departs this person and moves into another individual. ” „The same holds true for the spirit or the soul of the Messiah. ” „That is why the Gemara tells us that G-d sought to make ” „Sancheriv Gog, and King Chizkiyahu the Messiah. ” „What does "sought" mean in this respect? We are speaking of ” „an actual living being after all! This means that any living person ” „can be "impregnated" or "imbued" with the soul of the Messiah, ” „and conversely another person may be imbued with the soul of Gog, so that this ” „"End of Days" scenario can then unfold. ” „Ascertaining just who is Gog and who is the Messiah is a completely ” „different and entirely irrelevant point at this juncture. ” „However, when we see such signs and omens…The Malbin ” „tells us, for instance, as indicated by the book of Zechariah, that before the ” „battle of Gog and Magog, the kingdom of Babylon would fall ” „at the hands of a Christian nation. ” „Just who is this kingdom of Babylon? That would be Iraq. ” „Why would Iraq, or Babylon of all nations, be conquered ” „by a Christian nation? The Malbin tells us the following: ” „What is the purpose, the entire reason for the battle of Gog and ” „Magog? Why need this battle even take place? ” „Can't the Messiah arrive without this battle transpiring? ” „Why is this epic World War necessary? ” „There are two main reasons underlying the battle of Gog and Magog. ” „First and foremost, this is G-d's means of punishing all of the enemies of the ” „Jewish people for all of the woes that they have caused us throughout history. ” „This battle heralds the Messianic era, whereby everyone receives their "pay" ” „or just rewards for all that they had done on this earth up until then. ” „So what of those that have troubled the Jewish people all through the years? ” „They must pay for all that they had done to the Jewish people. ” „G-d thus reincarnates all the people and nations that have vexed the Jews, ” „Nebuchadnezzar for instance, among many others, and repays them. ” „Instead of striking down and punishing the Christians separately and the Muslims ” „separately, G-d thus arranges this epic battle between them. ” „We now understand why the Chinese and other Oriental nations are not ” „part of this epic battle, as they had never harmed the Jewish people. ” „The nations that had harassed the Jewish people, however, will ” „all be gathered together by Hashem, and they will all go to ” „battle against Israel for the city of Jerusalem, and thus be collectively punished. ” „These nations will then strike down one another as indicated by the Pasuk ” „"Every man will pick up a sword and fight against his brother." ” „This will be a final, epic, World War. The Torah tells us that this ” „will be the harshest, bloodiest war in the whole of human history. ” „In other words, this will be a full scale religious battle between Christianity ” „and Islam for the right to Jerusalem. ” „It is interesting to note that in Midrash Tehilim, a Midrash that ” „was written nearly 2,000 hundred years ago, in Chapter 109 of this ” „Midrash it is written that the Battle of Gog and Magog will transpire ” „thrice, and strike the Jewish people and the land of Israel three times over. ” „Some people take these three instances to be World War one, ” „the Second World War, and a Third and final World War that has yet to ” „have transpired. These are typically taken to be the three wars that the Midrash notes. ” „The Malbin likewise notes, as pertains to Ezekiel Chapter 32:17, ” „he summarizes this entire notion of the Battle of Gog and Magog. ” „If you read the Malbin's words, it is really and truly incredible to think ” „that these words were written over 150 years ago. ” „The Malbin, Rabbi Meyer Leibush, son of Yechiel and Michal, ” „lived in Europe roughly 150 years ago. ” „He was a sheer genius at interpreting biblical texts, and he ” „tells us by examining Ezekiel 32:17, what will occur at the end of days. ” „The Malbin tells us that at the end of days, when the Jewish ” „people have already returned to the land of Israel…. ” „How could the Malbin possibly know that the Jewish people would return ” „to the land of Israel? ” „After all, at the time when he lived the land of Israel was wholly desolate. ” „The Malbin knew this because the Pasuk explicitly states that many would gather ” „in the land of Israel from many nations far and wide. ” „We have already gone over this, that the battle of Gog and ” „Magog would only occur once the Jewish people return to Israel. ” „The Messiah is yet to have arrived at this point in time. ” „The Malbin goes on to say that many nations would at that point gather ” „in order to wage battle over the city of Jerusalem. ” „Many other nations would rise up against the state of Israel, and ” „claim that Jerusalem is theirs by right, and does not belong to the Jewish people. ” „Again, the Malbin was aware of this as it is indicated in the Psukim ” „that we have examined earlier. ” „Gog, the President of Mesech and Tuval would then rise up from ” „the lands of the north and west, best known as the nation of Edom. ” „The Malbin thus mentions the lands of the north and west. ” „What is the north in biblical terms? This refers to the country ” „of Iraq and the biblical nation of Babylon. ” „"Evil will arise from the North," the Prophet Jeremiah tells us. ” „It was indeed the kingdom of Babylon that destroyed the First Temple. ” „The biblical kingdom of Babylon lies to the north of the biblical ” „kingdom of Israel, and thus north in the bible always refers to Babylon or Iraq. ” „The Malbin thus tells us that Gog, the president of ” „Mesech and Tuval will rise up…We must keep in mind that the ” „names of the various countries have changed with time. ” „Persia, for instance, is also said to be part of the battle of Gog and Magog. ” „However, if we looks at maps and atlases today, we would not be ” „able to find a country named Persia. Just who is this biblical Persia? ” „Today we know Persia by the name Iran. The name has changed. ” „Such is our world, in that countries change their name as time passes. ” „We must carefully note, then, just who these ancient countries are. ” „At any rate Gog is said to be the president of Mesech and Tuval, which ” „are described as countries of the north and west. ” „These countries of the west are referred to today as the "Western Block". ” „In other words, Gog would rule both Iraq as well as the countries of the west. ” „These two countries are collectively to as Edom. ” „Mesech and tuval are the descendants of Yefet who dwell in Europe. ” „Yefet, Noah's son, gave birth to Mesech as well as to Tuval. ” „The Malbin goes on to say that in Ezekiel 38 it is said that, aside ” „from the countries just mentioned, that is Europe, the "North" ” „and the "West", Persia and Cush will also be involved. ” „Who even thought of Persia or Iran until fairly recently? ” „Persia or Iran is said to be a central component of this massive coalition. ” „Persia. Kush and Fut are also said to be part of this array of nations. ” „Beit Togarma is yet another part of this coalition, and all of these ” „nations(Persia, Kush, Fut and Beit Torgama) are said to be Ishmaelites, ” „that is Muslims that are also circumcised. ” „Edom are thus the Christian nations, and along with the ” „Ishmaelite, or Muslims, they will gather to conquer Israel from the Jewish people. ” „In other words, an entire coalition of nations will claim that ” „Jerusalem is theirs by right, and will demand that Israel surrender the city. ” „However, as the nations arrive in the holy land they will fall into chaos and begin ” „to fight and battle one another. ” „Edom and Ishmael, the Christians and Muslims, will thus begin to fight one ” „another, because their faiths are so different and disparate. ” „A religious war will thus break out between Christian and Muslims. ” „President Bush, not long ago, announced in the media that a religious war is waging ” „between Christianity and Islam, between Islam and the west. ” „Up until this point he had always maintained that the war that the ” „US and the west were waging was a battle against terrorism alone. ” „However, he now came to define this war as a war against Islam. ” „Bin Laden had always defined his heinous action as a religious struggle, as ” „a crusade of sorts against the Christian nations. ” „Bin Laden had always maintained that a religious war was waging ” „between Islam and the western nations. ” „If someone would have made this claim a few decades ago, he ” „would have been mocked and ridiculed. ” „If someone would have read the Malbin's words back then, they ” „would have struck him as singularly odd. ” „How can this be? How can the Christians and the Muslims battle ” „one another, one would wonder. After all they are good friends. ” „After the twin towers crumbled, however, and after the terror attacks in ” „Madrid, things had changed. At the time no one understood why ” „the Muslims had even attacked Spain. What did they have against them? ” „Bin Laden approached the media and claimed that the Muslim nations ” „have a long score to settle with the Spanish Inquisition, 500 years prior. ” „It is all about religion. Bin Laden, especially, plays the religious angle. ” „Also fairly recently, many European embassies in Muslim countries were ” „burnt right down to the ground. ” „A few months back there were Muslim riots in France. ” „The French had embraced Muslim immigrants not too long ago, if you recall. ” „They did not even have an inkling that these Muslims would turn on them. ” „There is no doubt that the world is quickly heading towards a world wide religious ” „war between Christianity and Islam. ” „If we examine the world map, we quickly see that, as the Malbin ” „states, the world is approaching a religious war between Christians and Muslims. ” „Why then, we may ask, is it necessary for both Christians as well ” „as Muslims to turn against Israel and the Jewish people? ” „After all, G-d wants to harm these other nations, not the Jewish ” „people, so what does this war accomplish? ” „It is better to simply allow the Christian and Muslim nations to turn against ” „one another. Why involve Israel and Jerusalem as well? ” „Why is it necessary for these nations to turn against Israel and tell the ” „Jewish people that Jerusalem does not belong to them. ” „The Malbin also notes that in the book of Zechariah, ” „in the sixth chapter, in the vision of the four chariots, the ” „prophet maintains that: "He called to me, saying "Look, those going toward the north country ” „have given my Spirit rest in the land of the north." ” „The Malbin states that the black chariot that the prophet mentions ” „is the Roman Empire who would head north ward in order to take ” „control of these northern lands or Iraq, and give G-d great satisfaction. ” „In other words, Edom, the Christian nations, would take control of Babylon or ” „Iraq, the so called "northern" country. ” „The Radak states that that the black chariot would head toward Babylon ” „and destroy it, which pleases him greatly. ” „The Christian countries would thus head to Iraq and destroy it, and the ” „Radak then mentions, in the name of G-d, that this greatly pleases the Lord . ” „This turn of events, notes the Radak, appeased G-d's anger, seeing as the ” „Babylonian kingdom destroyed the first temple, thus vexing G-d. ” „Seeing as they destroyed G-d's temple, the first country to fall into Christian hands ” „before the battle of Gog and Magog would be Babylon or Iraq. ” „The Malbin then notes that this Christian country that seeks dominion over the ” „north, over Iraq, would become a northern kingdom itself. ” „It will control Iraq or Babylon, and thus become a northern kingdom itself. ” „It is from that northern juncture that a wicked ploy to destroy Jerusalem will commence. ” „This final sentence is really and truly astonishing. ” „The Malbin is trying to tell us here that it is the same country that ” „conquers Iraq or Babylon that will head the coalition against Israel, claiming that ” „Jerusalem does not belong to the Jewish people. ” „This means that the more we see the US turning against us, ” „turning against Israel, the more we know that we are heading towards ” „the fulfillment of this particular prophecy. ” „Today, at the date at which I am giving this lecture, the US is ” „a staunch friend and ally of Israel. ” „The US supports, aids, and backs Israel to no end! ” „However, this prophecy maintains that the more the US speaks out against ” „Israel, the more it turns against us, the closer we are to the End Of Days. ” „After all the same country that takes control of Babylon, ” „that is Iraq, this Christian country, is said to become a northern ” „kingdom in itself. It is from this northern kingdom, says the prophecy, ” „that evil against the Jewish people will stem. ” „In other words, it is via its occupation of Babylon that this Christian ” „country will start to speak out against Israel and state that ” „Jerusalem does not belong to the Jewish people. ” „This fits in perfectly with the other scenarios that I had mentioned, like ” „a perfectly forged puzzle, especially if we consider other signs and ” „omens that will precede this Battle of Gog and Magog, and the Messianic age. ” „Let us read from the Talmud in Masechet Sota. Keep in mind that the Talmud ” „was written 1,600 years ago. The Talmud gives us a concise summary ” „of what will transpire during this period prior to the Messianic age, as ” „well as giving us other signs and omens hidden within its verses. ” „For instance the well known Pasuk stating that G-d will ” „assemble or gather the Jewish people in the land of Israel: ” „"Behold, I will bring them from the north country, and gather them from the ends of the earth, among them ” „the blind and lame, the woman with child and the one who labors together; a great throng shall return there." ” „In other words when we arrive in the land of Israel, from far off and ” „distant lands, G-d tells us that we will witness amazing things. ” „When we return to Israel, G-d tells us, among the people returning ” „will be the blind and the lame, pregnant women, as well as women ” „in labor, who will all be traveling together. ” „What do these four categories of people have in common? ” „These are all infirm people that cannot travel long distances. ” „Blind people, people who are handicapped, pregnant women, women that are about ” „to give birth, tells us the Talmud, will also make the long journey to the land of Israel. ” „G-d promises us that he will lead all of these people along a straight ” „and narrow path, and that they will not falter while on this journey. ” „This is a very odd Pasuk indeed. How could there possibly be one straight ” „path from the far corners of the earth the land of Israel? ” „There are always mountains, valleys and rivers along the road. ” „However, today we are all here together in the land of Israel. ” „I can tell just by looking at this audience that we have all come here ” „from many different countries far and wide. ” „People here in this audience came to Israel from Morocco, Yemen, ” „Poland, as well as a myriad of other countries across the world. ” „We are all here, in the land of Israel. Did G-d therefore fulfill this prophecy ” „to bring us to the land of Israel? Indeed this is the case. ” „Planes have landed here in the land of Israel, and when they land it is indeed ” „a straight path. Although we could not previously understand how this could ” „possibly be the case, G-d indeed led us to the land of Israel via a straight ” „path, as a flight is indeed a straight and direct route. ” „No one, indeed, can falter along this straight and simple path. ” „And indeed we have arrived from the very ends of the earth, ” „not just two adjoining cities that are close by! ” „People have arrived in Israel from some very far off places! ” „Planes, however, travel through the air in a straight path! ” „Who departs these planes? Pregnant women, women who ” „are about to give birth, blind people, lame and handicapped people. ” „All of these people can and do board planes and can travel that way. ” „There are women that have given birth while on a plane to Israel. ” „Ethiopian and Yemenite women have gone into labor on route to Israel. ” „At the time, these women most likely did not know that they are, ” „in fact, fulfilling an ancient prophecy. ” „Of this era of our return to Israel it is said: "In the mountains ” „of Judah will be heard sounds of joy and mirth, the cheers of bridegrooms ” „as well as those of brides." ” „In other words the mountains of Judah will be filled with joy, and ” „with brides and bridegrooms celebrating their nuptials. ” „The streets of Jerusalem are said to be filled with children playing and laughing. ” „Elderly men and women are also said to sit in the streets of Jerusalem. ” „If one were to read these words 700 years ago, would be astounded ” „by these claims to say the least. ” „The Ramban was here, in the land of Israel, roughly 700 years ago. ” „This is the Ramban with a "nun": Rabbi Moshe Bar Nachman. ” „He wrote a letter to his family in which he stated: What can I ” „tell you about the city of Jerusalem? Jerusalem was barren ” „and empty at the time. The Ramban sought a minyan for ” „prayer and there was none to be found in the city. ” „All the Ramban could find was one lowly painter and his sons. ” „This was the entire Jewish population of Jerusalem at the time. ” „One painter and his two sons! ” „There wasn't a single bride in the city of Jerusalem, not ” „to mention sounds of joy and happiness! ” „There were no brides in the city during that period of time! ” „Where were the bride and groom? Where were the elderly ” „men and women sitting in the streets? Where were the laughing children? ” „Today we know these famous Psukim, sing the well-known songs, but do ” „not even realize that they are the fulfillment of a prophecy! ” „People who get married in Jerusalem fulfill an ancient prophecy! ” „Also regarding this time period, it is said that Jerusalem will sprawl out ” „across the entire length of the state of Israel! ” „In other words, there will be a vast amount of construction in the ” „city of Jerusalem, so that it extends to meet other cities and even spreads ” „out far beyond them to span the length of the state of Israel! ” „Tel Aviv would thus become a suburb of Jerusalem if you will. ” „Holon would also be yet another suburb of Jerusalem, and the city would stretch on ” „and on to meet Haifa, Beit Shean, Tiberius, and other cities that would become mere ” „suburbs of the city of Jerusalem. ” „At one point this was impossible to even fathom. Jerusalem was tiny and lay ” „surrounded by walls. This was the case up to 100 years ago. ” „Who would have dreamt that within 100 years Jerusalem would ” „house more than 800,000 people? Who would have ” „believed that Jerusalem would grow to such an extent? ” „Prophecy maintains that Jerusalem would rise to unfathomable heights… ” „Sky scrappers. The Gemara asks how buildings that tall could possibly be erected? ” „A pasuk states that these buildings would soar to the heavens like ” „clouds, or like doves that are approaching their roost. ” „This is the pasuk that the Gemara quotes when maintaining that the ” „buildings in the city of Jerusalem would reach the heavens. ” „At the time, similarly no one could have foreseen the advent of aviation. ” „People, it is said, will look at these buildings in awe and marvel at ” „how they soar to the heavens like clouds, or like doves as they approach ” „their chimneys to roost. Perhaps this even refers to elevators shafts! ” „No one know what the Gemara actually means by this Pasuk. ” „Our sages promise us that these buildings will virtually soar to the ” „skies with marked ease and effortlessness. ” „The Gemara sages said these things boldly and fearlessly, even though ” „at the time it must have seemed utterly insane. ” „If this is what prophecy states, they asserted, then this is what will transpire. ” „The Gemara also tells us, in Masechet Sanhedrin, that Rabbi Aba had stated ” „that there is no greater sign of the impending redemption than the one ” ” indicated by the Pasuk: 'But you, O mountains of Israel, you will put forth your branches ApreciazăApreciază
  15. Mihaela C said, on ianuarie 30, 2010 at 2:21 pm

    Dincolo de sisteme,integrare,profesionalism,globalizare,matrix,etc. esti (tu ca om – la general)! Daca poti fii, desigur… Batalia este interioara, intre existenta si fiintare = > doar prin aceasta lupta ne putem desprinde de goalele slogane. Iar lupta nu presupune supunere – fac fiindca asa trebuie, ci traire – fac fiindca stiu bucuria lui a nu minti, a nu fura,etc. Inlocuirea lui „trebuie” cu „vreau”. Referirea mea este in contextul transformarii in bine.
    Imi place acest aforism si cred ca l-am mai spus: orice cuvant poate fi contrazis de alt cuvant, dar fapta cine poate sa o contrazica?


    • agerstress said, on ianuarie 30, 2010 at 10:58 pm

      @Mihaela C,
      Am incercat sa ma pun in pielea celor mai multi si sa vorbesc de acolo despre ceea ce li se-ntampla. Este un procedeu de analiza folosit adesea. Nu am exprimat in acel text o problema proprie. Sigur ca ma lovesc si eu direct sau indirect de toate aceste probleme, ca doar nu traiesc intr-un univers paralel, insa le abordez in mod constient, de pe pozitia OMULUI nu de pe pozitia uneltei humanoide. Din pacate, cei mai multi nici macar nu realizeaza ca sunt transformati in unelte, traind ca-ntr-un vis asupra caruia au pierdut de mult controlul.
      Dar replica ta mi se adreseaza mie nu personajului… (multumesc, oricum). Sper sa fie altora de folos pentru ca ai perfecta dreptate in ceea ce spui.


  16. Ce e aia? | Dan Tănăsescu said, on ianuarie 30, 2010 at 3:47 pm

    […] Ce e aia? By Dan Lee | Comments (0) | Trackbacks (0) url_site=""; Un scurt-metraj emoţionant, în regia lui Constantin Pilavios, despre valorile familiale, astăzi uitate sau batjocorite. Un filmuleţ care merită văzut şi a cărei descoperire este meritul lui Saccsiv. […]


  17. john said, on ianuarie 30, 2010 at 6:54 pm

    dar mai da-mi odata e-mail-ul tau ca sa pot sa-ti trimit documentul.


    • saccsiv said, on ianuarie 30, 2010 at 6:56 pm


      • saccsiv said, on ianuarie 30, 2010 at 6:57 pm


        chiar daca nu se mai ofera nimeni azi sau maine, tu fa ce ai zis, ca multumita bunului Dumnezeu rezolvam si pentru restul


    • elena said, on ianuarie 30, 2010 at 8:19 pm
      „Hello and good evening to you all. ” „Our topic today is one of the most intriguing and cryptic ” „issues that we encounter in the biblical text. ” „Many fascinating, intriguing components can be found in the Torah, including its ” „wealth of scientific knowledge, which scientists today are just discovering, ” „as well as the enigmatic bible code, the prophecies found in the bible, etc. ” „Within the many prophecies housed in the bible, however, ” „the most intriguing and unique visions deal with what we have termed the ” „"End of Days" , or, conversely the Apocalypse. ” „This is a topic that is worth discussing and mulling over, especially in ” „our day and age, seeing as all of the different signs and ” „indicators of this "end of days" or apocalyptic period ” „are manifesting themselves in our day and time, one after the other. ” „These are events that no one could have possibly predicted in hindsight. ” „However, G-d who watches and observes throughout all generations ” „until the very end of time, and who created the world entire, has the power ” „to reveal future events to us and tell us what will transpire. ” „We, mere mortals, mere flesh and blood, can not even predict what ” „will occur in a week's time, a month's times, two years down the road…. ” „Forecasting what will occur centuries or millennia down the road, ” „therefore, is well and truly beyond our scope and abilities. ” „The creator of our universe, however, can readily and easily ” „reveal to us what the future holds in store. ” „We are all intrigued by the prospect of foreseeing the future. ” „All of us want to know where our lives are heading, and what lies in store for us. ” „Questions about the future arise and proliferate especially ” „when we find ourselves in a rather strange and perplexing period of time, ” „as is currently the case. ” „What is the battle of Gog and Magog? ” „Why does this dooms day scenario even have to take place? ” „Which countries will do battle during this time period? ” „How does this battle affect the Jewish people? ” „What and who is the Messiah? What is his purpose or function? ” „Is the Messiah an angel? Is he a human being? ” „What will transpire during this end of days time period? ” „Does end of days imply that our world would come to an end? ” „Does it means that everything will just cease to be? ” „There is also one major question that people harbor about ” „this entire scenario: The idea of the Messiah is all good and well, but when ” „will he ultimately arrive? People want to know when he will appear. ” „Can we indicate the exact, precise date on which the Messiah will come? ” „We will examine all of these issue, G-d willing, tonight, with ” „a marked focus on the Israeli Palestinian connection, or rather lack thereof. ” „We will note that the politicians who strive to resolve this conflict through ” „different means are making a big and grave mistake. ” „These politicians view the Arab-Israeli conflict as similar to many other ” „conflicts and struggles that have occurred throughout the course of history between ” „European nations, lets say, or other nations else where around the world. ” „They assume that this conflict, like many others, can be resolved through compromise. ” „Each side yields just a little bit, and both can come to a ” „mutual agreement and understanding. ” „These politicians don't understand how they can surrender so much, yield so ” „much, give so very much and yet all of this amounts to nothing. ” „On the contrary, every concession made by Israel is interpreted by the Arab ” „side as weakness and surrender rather than a gesture of peace. ” „The Arab side utilizes this perceived weakness to ask for more, to fight us ” „more, to struggle more, to hurt more. ” „We have to carefully examine what is at the heart of this Israeli-Arab ” „conflict as indicated by the Torah and revealed to us by Hashem our G-d. ” „This can also allow us to take the proper course of action to create a more ” „peaceful, happy, tranquil life for us in Israel. ” „The end of days prophecies in the Torah are, in part, ” „very harsh and very ominous predictions indeed. ” „But before we delve into these prophecies, it is vital to mention one ” „important principle in respect to these and other biblical prophecies. ” „This is a very important point that ought to be stressed. ” „Our sages have taught us a very important lesson regarding prophecies. ” „A "good" promising prophecy is bound to come true. ” „A prophecy of doom, however, need not necessarily materialize. ” „No father enjoys striking or hitting his own children. ” „So when we look in the Torah and read harsh predictions about ” „what will transpire at the end of days, we must keep this in mind. ” „The book of Zechariah, for instance tells us that only one ” „third of the world's population will remain alive. ” „We are not sure if this refers to the Jewish population or ” „the population of the world in general, but this is grim irrespective. ” „Even the one third that survives, tells us Zechariah, G-d will ” „"refine them as one does silver and try them as one does gold." ” „Must these harsh biblical prophecies come to pass? ” „As a general rule, the unequivocal answer is no. ” „Even though this is a prophecy, does not mean it must come to pass! ” „If a father tells his son that he has been a good boy, and promises ” „him a present or reward of sorts, he will undoubtedly deliver on this promise. ” „However, if that same father assures his son that he will be punished ” „because he has been misbehaving, will he positively deliver on his word? ” „This is unequivocally not the case! As it stands at the moment, the child ” „will be punished by his father. ” „However, if the child improves his behavior and changes his ” „ways, the father will be reluctant to deliver on his promise. ” „The father would have no reason to punish his child for his past misdeeds ” „if he changes his ways and alters his behavior. ” „Therefore we can clearly see instances in the bible where prophecies ” „did not transpire or come to pass. ” „For instance in the book of Jonah, G-d tells Jonah to go to the city of ” „Ninve and tell its inhabitants that the city will be utterly demolished ” „in 40 days time. Nothing will be left of this city. ” „This is what G-d had done to the cities of Sodom and ” „Gomorrah, wiping them out of existence. ” „In the case of Ninve, however, this divine decree was overturned. ” „Ultimately, did this prophecy come to pass? Was Ninve destroyed? ” „The answer is an unequivocal no. ” „All of Ninve's inhabitants were spared this grisly fate. ” „Yes, a prophecy was made in this instance regarding the city. ” „However, such a prophecy of doom and gloom need not transpire. ” „Jonah came to the city and warned its inhabitants of their fate. ” „This, after the long tale whereby Jonah tried to reach the city ” „and was famously swallowed by the whale…. ” „After the inhabitants of Ninve heard Jonah's warning, they all mended ” „their ways even though they were not Jewish. ” „However, we must keep in mind that G-d also demands of non Jews ” „to do his will and act as he instructs them. ” „at this juncture, an important principle bears mention. ” „When we compare the Jewish people to the other nations on earth, ” „people often make the grim mistake of assuming that according ” „to the Torah all of the non-Jewish people must die or perish. ” „Thinking along these lines is a grim and grave mistake. ” „It's as if we are assuming that it is in the Jews best interest ” „for all of the other nations on earth to be eradicated! ” „G-d forbid this should ever occur. ” „Our sages, in this Mishna or Pirkei Avot, tell us that: ” ” human beings are all to be loved, because they are all made in the image of God . ” „G-d, after all created all of humanity in his very own image. ” „As the Egyptians were drowning in the Red Sea during the Exodus, and the ” „angels wanted to sing a hymn of praise to G-d, the midrash tells ” „us that G-d silenced these angels. ” „G-d asked his angels how they could possibly sing a song of thanksgiving ” „when his very own creations were drowning and dying! ” „G-d calls the Egyptians the fruit of his labor, his creations! ” „This, even though they butchered the Jewish people, G-d's children, ” „and caused them so much sorrow and grief by enslaving them. ” „The bottom line is, however, that the Egyptians are human beings as well. ” „when G-d's creations are dying and drowning in the sea one should not ” „sing or give praise and glory to G-d. ” „Therefore the Jewish perspective is that all of humanity are G-d's ” „creations, and thus are all of value and are worthy of love and dignity. ” „The fact that we occasionally fight against other nations is only due ” „to the need to defend ourselves. If one comes to slay you, arise and slay him first If ” „We do not have an intrinsic hatred toward non-Jews, we simply need ” „to defend ourselves and are obligated to fight in order to do so. ” „While the temple was still in existence, every year during the ” „holiday of Sukkoth 70 bulls were sacrificed for each of the seventy ” „nations of our world. ” „Through this act of sacrifice and of worship, Kabala tells ” „us, bounty and goodness was bestowed upon all of the various nations. ” „In other words, Jewish thought wants only the best for all nations on earth. ” „G-d, likewise, is the king of the universe, and like any ruler of any ” „country, all of the world's "citizens" are precious to him. ” „All of the nations of the world are thus valuable and important to G-d. ” „What, therefore, is the difference between the Jewish people ” „and all of the other nations on earth? ” „Our sages tell us that all kings have a royal entourage or court. ” „This is akin to the royal family if you will. ” „G-d tells us, the Jewish people that we are G-d's chosen ” „people, a nation especially precious in the eyes of G-d. ” „The Jews are to be "a kingdom of priests and a holy nation." ” „Why were Jews thus chosen to the be G-d's royal court if you will? ” „This is because when all of humanity worshipped idols, without exception, ” „and when no one believed in G-d or worshipped him, ” „that is when every one betrayed G-d and worshipped idols, one ” „man by the name of Abraham was willing to burn and die in God's name. ” „This was, of course, Abraham our forefather, originator of the Jewish nation. ” „G-d told Avraham that since Nimrod threatened him and cast him into the ” „fire, and he was willing to die in G-d's name, because after all, Avraham had no ” „way of knowing that he would be saved miraculously by G-d, ” „he was sure that he would burn in the fire though G-d rescued him. ” „Since you were willing to die in my name, G-d tells Avraham, you and ” „your children will be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. ” „G-d thus took the Jewish people and made them his royal court. ” „The Jewish people, who were blessed to be the descendants of ” „Avraham, are thus G-d's special and chosen nation. ” „Every non Jew who wants to join the Jewish nation and makes his covenant ” „with G-d through the Brit Mila, can thus become one of Avraham's descendants ” „as well, through this circumcision or through immersion in a Mikva, as well ” „as well as by under taking all of the various Mitzvoth. ” „Thus this person makes his covenant with G-d and becomes part of the Jewish family. ” „This is the main difference between the Jewish nation and all of ” „the other nations of the world. ” „The nations of the world are the citizens of G-d's kingdom. ” „The Jewish people, on the other hand, are G-d's royal court or entourage. ” „That is why non Jews only have to keep seven basic mitzvoth, so that they ” „live well and function adequately in the world, while the Jewish people are ” „commanded by G-d to keep 613 Mitzvoth; 613 facets of royal protocol. ” „The seven Mitzvoth given to non-Jews represent the seven ” „parts of the human body: the head, arms, legs, torso, and the area ” „of the Brit Mila are the seven components of the human body. ” „The Jewish people, on the other hand, have 248 positive commandments, ” „representing the 248 organs of the human body, and 365 negative commandments ” „representing the 365 tendons in the human body. ” „G-d thus wants the Jewish people, his royal court, to follow royal protocol! ” „This, is essence, is what G-d demands and asks of the Jewish people. ” „This was a very important preface to the whole topic of end of days. ” „Why do we need this all encompassing final battle? ” „Why can the world go on as it has throughout much of the course of human history? ” „A few wars took place every once in a while, but all in all people went ” „on and resumed their lives. ” „Kabbalists tell us that G-d's basic divine plan is to ” „create human beings in order to lavish them with goodness. ” „G-d, however wanted his creations to work for ” „and earn all of that goodness and bounty first. ” „The reason behind this is a topic in and of itself. ” „G-d wanted us, his creations, to struggle and work in order to ” „merit all of his goodness and blessings in return. ” „That is why G-d created the real essence of human beings as soul ” „or spirit, an immortal spiritual soul that never dies, and then placed this ” „spiritual core or essence in a physical body which is merely cloak or clothing. ” „This body or vessel is utilized by us for a limited period of time, ” „we are tested and tried in this world due to our physical desires, ” „and then, if we overcome these trials, we earn our rewards in ” „the world to come by right and not by charity. ” „There is a time to work and struggle, therefore, and a time ” „to reap our just rewards in the world to come. ” „We were given a set and limited amount of time to be tried and tested ” „in this world; that is a limited time in which to work and struggle. ” „When our time on earth is done, so are our labors, and it is then ” „time to reap our rewards in the world to come. ” „It is this time that we refer to as the end of days or the time of the ” „coming of the Messiah. ” „Before the coming of the Messiah, how ever, this all encompassing ” „battle of Gog and Magog must take place. ” „This is in actuality a world war between Christianity and Islam, ” „and we will soon see evidence for this in the Psukim that we examine, and the Malbin's words ” „This war must transpire before the coming of the Messiah. ” „It is interesting to note that all of those nations that ” „never had any dealings with the Jewish people, the ” „Chinese for instance, which are a great and plentiful nations, as well ” „as the Thai people and the Japanese, are no where to be found on this list ” „of nations that will participate in this all-encompassing war. ” „We will later see this list of nations that will participate in this war. ” „It is the Christian and Muslim nations, then, that will rise up ” „against the nation of Israel and demand ownership of Jerusalem. ” „This is specifically stated in several psukim that note that before the ” „arrival of the Messiah, Jerusalem will be in Jewish hands and the Jewish people ” „will both live and thrive in the land of Israel. ” „Thus wrote the Malbin who compiled these psukim 150 years ago. ” „This was a time when the land of Israel lay desolate and abandoned. ” „The Malbin then said that people are mistaken if they think that the Jewish ” „nation is in exile. The Messiah will soon come and we will all be in the ” „land of Israel. Until such time, the land of Israel will be desolate. ” „The Malbin thus predicted a period of Jewish sovereignty over the land of Israel. ” „Jerusalem will likewise be in Jewish hands during this period of time. ” „This Jewish reign, also noted the Malbin, will govern the land contrary ” „to the Torah and to Halacha law. ” „The Gemara, in Masechet Sota, notes that prior to the arrival of the Messiah ” „impudence, rudeness and disrespect will rise and peak in our society. ” „We can clearly see this if we compare how young people today treat ” „their parents as opposed to fifty years ago. ” „There is a remarkable drop in standards and morals among youngsters today. ” „We have not witnessed such moral decay and decline in hundreds and ” „maybe thousands of years. ” „This decline in behavior was foreseen by the Malbin. Before the Messiah's arrival, ” „he noted, boldness and impudence will be on the rise in our society. ” „There are also other indicators heralding the arrival of the Messiah, ” „which we will note and examine later on. ” „Amongst other things the Gemara notes that "It's reign will be profane". ” „In other words, there will be Jewish sovereignty over the land of Israel, ” „this thus not mean there will be a king or monarch involved, ” „but rather alludes to Jewish control and reign over the land of Israel. ” „The Zohar likewise when it speak of the sovereign of Persia refers to its leader and ” „not necessarily to an actual king or monarch. ” „This reign, this regime is furthermore described as being profane. ” „In other words this Jewish government will be one of heathens or ” „non-believers who do not rule in accordance with Torah law. ” „Furthermore, during this time, states the Malbin, Jerusalem will be in Jewish hands. ” „and "all nations will gather against Jerusalem to battle" ” „Several other Psukim also seem to indicate that Jerusalem will be the cause ” „of the battle of Gog and Magog. ” „As the book of Zechariah states: "All nations will converge to do battle ” „over the city of Jerusalem." ” „The trigger for the battle of Gog and Magog, for this final battle, will ” „be the city of Jerusalem. ” „We will soon see exactly why it is Jerusalem that will ” „bring about this epic battle. ” „When nations will rise up against Israel and the Jewish people, and ” „maintain that the city of Jerusalem is not rightfully ours, then ” „these very nations will begin to battle amongst themselves over the rights ” „to this very city. As the Pasuk states: "One man's sword shall strike its fellow." ” „After this epic final battle the world will move on towards ” „better times referred to as the time of the Messiah. ” „Reaching this period of time is, in essence, the sole purpose of all ” „of human history, it's be all and end all. ” „That is why I always tell everyone that out of all the lectures that I give, ” „on a whole host of different topics, tonight's lecture is the most important. ” „This is because everything, in essence, revolves around this ” „particular period of time. ” „The whole notion of the end of days and the time of the messiah ” „is at the heart of and the very purpose of our lives and existence. ” „What is the reason why G-d created our entire world? ” „What lies at the heart of the Arab Israeli conflict? ” „What is central and essential to our lives and what can we ignore ” „as trivial and unimportant? ” „We will move on and explore these notions step by step. ” „When people come up to me and ask when the Messiah will finally arrive, ” „the answer that I give them is this: Open up the book of ” „Daniel, and at the end are all the dates, numbers and figures that you need. ” „If you do the math carefully, you might be able to find the exact date. ” „Rabbi Shmuel Bar Nachmani, however, taught us that: ” „"People who make idle calculation should perish." ” „If a person wants to make all of these computations for his ” „own benefit, that is fine. But he ought not to publicize these results. ” „Why is this the case? ” „Think about what would occur if a person discovers a particular date ” „for the arrival of the Messiah, and he publicizes this information. ” „This is a man with a great white beard, and he puts this information out there. ” „The Messiah will arrive at such and such a time, he announces. ” „Everyone waits anxiously for that particular date, but ” „lets say that the year in question comes and goes, yet nothing happens. ” „Everyone will begin to assume that this implies that the Messiah ” „will never arrive since the assigned date has passed. ” „The person in question thus makes everyone around him heretics and heathens. ” „That is what the Pasuk implies when it seeks the destruction ” „of all those who make false and idle calculations. ” „This Pasuk appears in the Talmud in Masechet Sanhedrin. ” „Our sages seldom curse anyone, but this instance is the exception. ” „In this care our sages used particularly harsh language wishing ” „death on all those who make idle calculations. ” „However, looking at the omens surrounding this period of time is an ” „entirely different matter and is not only permissible, but ” „even a Mitzvah to consider and to ponder. ” „Throughout the entire course of human history, furthermore, the Jewish ” „people have contemplated where exactly in history we find ourselves relative to the ” „days of the Messiah. ” „1,500 years ago, at the time of Mishna scholars, the Jewish ” „people sought to discover just when the times of the Messiah ” „will ultimately arrive and where we are at in relation to this time. ” „300 years later, at the time of the Geonim, again people sought to ” „determine where we are at historically in relation to the Messianic days. ” „The same exact determinations were made during the time of the Rishonim. ” „During such times the Jewish people sought to determine at which historical ” „point, at which station they found themselves relative to the Messiah's arrival. ” „Roughly two years ago I was approached by the news editor for ” „the channel two news broadcast in Israel. ” „This individual wanted to produce a film about the end of days. ” „He asked me first and foremost why so many people are speaking ” „about the Messiah and about salvation in our day and age. ” „The bible, after all, was written a great many years ago! ” „I told him that it is not only in our day and time that ” „people speak of the arrival of the Messiah. ” „The Jewish people have always waited and longed for the Messiah's arrival. ” „However, there is undoubtedly a unique aspect to the time period we are currently living in. ” „Furthermore, I told the producer that we could review the various signs ” „and omens that are indicative of the Messianic era, and then he could see ” „for himself that all of these harbingers have either come to pass, or ” „are in the process of coming into fruition. ” „Together we will now examine dozens of indicators of the arrival of the Messianic era, so that we ” „can analyze them on our own, without further commentary or interpretations. ” „After that we can determine on our own whether we indeed find ” „ourselves in a unique period of time pending the arrival of the Messiah, or ” „whether this is merely an ordinary historical era like many others before it. ” „The time period prior to the Messiah's arrival has been described in many ” „grand and lofty terms. Let us now read about it as described in the Zohar. ” „The Zohar tells us the following: ” „"Rabbi Shimon began by saying…". Who is Rabbi Shimon? ” „The Rabbi Shimon mentioned here is Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. ” „"And I remembered my covenant with Jacob." ” „This is a pasuk that typically refers to the Messianic era. ” „G-d is telling us, in this Pasuk, that he remembers his covenant ” „with Jacob, as well as his covenant with Isaac, etc…. ” „Rabbi Shimon raised a question regarding this Pasuk, and the reason why ” „Yaakov s name is spelled with the Hebrew letter "vav" in this instance. ” „Typically, the name Yaakov is spelled with out a "vav', so why was ” „this letter included in this instance? ” „Why is this "vav" added into Yaakov s name in this Pasuk that ” „speaks of the Messianic time of salvation when G-d would recall his covenant with Jacob? ” „After all the Zohar is a book of the clandestine secrets of the Kabala. ” „Kabala reveals to us all of the hidden meanings that underlie things. ” „Each letter in the torah, after all, hold a myriad of different secrets. ” „Rabbi Shimon answers this quandary as follows: ” „This Torah verse refers to the time when the Jewish people would be in exile. This ” „because pending this era of exile, the Jewish people will be redeemed through ” „the clandestine powers found in the letter "vav". This will transpire, Rabbi ” „Shimon goes on to say, during the sixth millennia. ” „The "vav" found in the Pasuk "and I will recall my covenant with Yaakov," ” „Rabbi Shimon tells us, hints that the Messianic era of redemption will occur ” „during the sixth millennia. ” „During most of the course of Jewish history our struggle was not against ” „the Ishmaelite, but rather against the nation of Edom. ” „The Crusades, the Inquisition, the Programs… Most of our woes came from ” „Christian countries and nations of all sorts. ” „During the last few decades, however, ever since the birth of the state ” „of Israel, this situation has changed. ” „Where as we now get along fairly well with Christian nations, ” ” most of our problems lie with the Ishmaelites or the Muslim nations. ” „This turn of events was foreseen by the Torah. ” „It is important to keep one thing in mind at this juncture. ” „Edom, Christianity and Esau are all in one distinct category. ” „In some parts of the Bible Edom is referred to by the color black, as ” „we can see in the "vision of four chariots". This is one category of nations. ” „Ishmael and the Muslim nations are an entirely different class of people. ” „There are, therefore, three distinct groups of people: The Jewish people, the Christian ” „nations, and the Muslim people. ” „The Christian nations are descendants of Esau, also known as Edom. They are represented ” „and symbolized by the city of Rome in Italy. Rome, to this day is the center of ” „the Christian faith, and the descendants bearing its name destroyed the Second Temple. ” „The Crusades, likewise, also originated from Rome. ” „Ishmael, conversely, refers to the Arab or the Muslim nations. ” „Rabbi Shimon tells us that during the sixth millennium the Messiah ” „will arrive and we will all be redeemed. ” „He goes on to say other astonishing things that bring us ever so closer ” „to the exact date and to accurate numbers. ” „"On the 66th," Rabbi Shimon goes on to say.. It is interesting to note that ” „the "vav" in Yaakov is doubled in this instance to give us two "sixes" or 66. ” „"On the 66th battles will arise in the world stemming from the north." ” „On the 66th Rabbi Shimon tells us, and he does not tell us if this is 5766, or 5566, or ” „anything of that nature, but only mentions the final two numbers which are 66. ” „At that time, Rabbi Shimon tells us, battles will arise in the world stemming from the north, ” „This is indicated by the Pasuk: "All persons belonging to Jacob who came to Egypt, were 66 in all." ” „Rabbi Shimon goes on to note that pending that time there will a few more ” „years holding important developments, he even mentions decades of turmoil, ” „whereby the "sons of Ishmael will bring all of the nations of the world into a ” „fierce battle over the city of Jerusalem, as indicated by the Pasuk : ” „"And I will draw all of the nations into battle over the city of Jerusalem". ” „"Earthly kings and Dukes will gather against Hashem and his anointed one" ” „"But Hashem who dwells in the heavens shall make mockery of them" ” „In other words, the Zohar predicted that during a 66th year in the ” „sixth millennium, fierce battles will transpire in a northern region. ” „There are other interesting developments that the Zohar mentions, I ” „have not read them all, but the Zohar also mentions other scenarios ” „that are sure to occur during this period in time. ” „The interesting point in all of this is that the Jewish struggle against ” „the Ishmaelite or Muslims is mentioned in a myriad of different ” „places throughout the Zohar. ” „The Zohar tells us that because Ishmael was circumcised, but his ” „circumcision was not perfect or complete, the Muslims will merit to ” „reign over the land of Israel for a limited period of time only. ” „The Muslims will reign over the land, the Zohar tells us, when it is empty ” „and void of all its inhabitants, seeing as their circumcision is also ” „incomplete and void of all true meaning. ” „It is interesting to note that when the Zohar was written, ” „around 2,00 years ago, no one could have possibly predicted this scenario. ” „No one could have possibly known that when the Jews return to Israel, ” „they would find Arab inhabitants in the land. ” „Israel, after all had seen the crusades occurring at that particular time, ” „and the land was over-run with Christian crusaders trying to conquer it. ” „The Byzantine Empire, among others, also tried to conquer the land of Israel. ” „Ultimately, however, it was the Arab Muslims who gained hold of the land of Israel. ” „The Talmud, in masechet Baba Batra, also mentions a few rather incredible things. ” „For instance a parable appears in this particular Masechet, that was given ” „an amazing interpretation by the Gaon of Liza. The parable goes as follows: ” „Rabba Bar Bar Hanna told this parable, as if it were about himself. ” „All of these parables, which he relays as if they actually occurred, are meant ” „to teach us all a valuable moral lesson and tell us what is to ” „transpire in future generations. ” „The actual parable is rather odd, as parables usually are, but contains ” „a vast amount of hidden wisdom if we are able to determine its true meaning. ” „Rabbi Bar Bar Chana thus tells us the following; One time, he tells us, we ” „went sailing on a boat at the heart of the ocean, and saw a place that we ” „believed to be an island of sorts. ” „We therefore left the boat, lit a fire, cooked, and set up camp, ” „all the while not realizing that we had actually landed on top ” „of a giant fish of sorts, and were sitting on its back. ” „When the fish felt too hot because of our fire, he flipped ” „over, and we all tumbled right into the water. ” „If the boat was not nearby, says Rabbi Chana, we would have all ” „surely died right then and there. ” „What is this fable all about? Why did the Rabbi tell this story? ” „The Gaon of Liza offers this interpretation in his book Tuvcha Ya'abiu, page ” „number 112. Here are the words of the Gaon of Liza, who lived 200 years ago: ” „Bar Bar Hanna, the Gaon said, foresaw through prophetic insight that the nation of Israel ” „would, in the future, rule another nation. Who could have possibly ” „envisioned this way back then? ” „Furthermore, says the Gaon, it would be assumed that this nation could never ” „possibly overtake the Jewish people. ” „The Jewish people, therefore, would subdue and subjugate them further. ” „However this nation, when greatly vexed, would turn on the Jewish people and ” „actively struggle against them. ” „The Gaon of Liza goes on to say that if the Messiah and his salvation ” „were not close at hand, the Jewish people would then nearly drown in ” „a sea of troubles and of woes. ” „When Rabbi Nachum Parsowitch, zatzal, heard the Gaon of Liza's interpretation, ” „he claimed that these words likewise came to him through the prophetic spirit. ” „Who could have possibly foreseen, way back then, that Israel would have dominion ” „over another nation, or that the Jews would rule another people? ” „The Jewish people at the time, after all, were persecuted and ” „subjugated by other nations themselves. ” „Not only, then, would the Jewish people have their own homeland, but ” „they would even rule over another nation? Who would have believed it? ” „When Bar Bar Chana told of disembarking the boat thinking that they had ” „come upon an Island, this represents the return of the Jewish people to Israel. ” „The Jewish people had thought that in the land of Israel they would finally come to rest. ” „They lay hold on the land, set up camp, and began to settle down. ” „But as the heat grew and began to bother and oppress the fish, he ultimately ” „flipped over and tossed them all right into the water. ” „If the ship were not close at hand, that is the Messiah and our redemption, then the Jewish ” „people would drown in troubles and sorrow, and would not be able to weather this difficult time. ” „If we wish to determine when precisely this end days time period will arrive, ” „there are dozens of different omens that herald its approach. ” „Let us quickly go through some of the more important indicators of this Messianic time. ” „The battle of Gog and Magog(Armageddon),and the end of days time period, ” „it is said, will only occur once the Jewish people return to the land of Israel. ” „This is indicated by a few verses from the book of Ezekiel, chapter 38. ” „"And the word of Hashem came to me, saying, son of man, set thy face against Gog, ruler of the land of ” „Magog, and chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him." ” „G-d is asking Ezekiel to prophesy to Gog, which is a man's name. ” „This Gog is to be found in the land of Magog, and his official ” „title is that of President–not King nor Prime Minister. ” „This is thus President Gog of the land of Magog, who would also ” „head an entire coalition of nations. G-d is asking Ezekiel to relay this prophecy to him. ” „"And say, Thus saith the Lord. Behold, I [am] against thee, Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal." ” „"I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaws and bring you out with your whole army" ” „In other words, G-d will foolishly draw out Gog to war, though no ” „one would even understand why he need bother fighting. ” „Gog would, nevertheless, be drawn out to battle by G-d. ” „The rest of the passage lists numerous countries that would fight alongside Gog. ” „"Persia, Cush and Put, also Gomer with all its troops, and Beth Togarmah from the far north." ” „We will shortly see just who these different nations actually are. ” „When will this epic battle of Gog and Magog actually take place? ” „This battle will take place "after many days", that is not for a long while. ” „Ezekiel lived 2,500 years ago, and this battle was to occur long after his time. ” „This battle will occur at the end of days, in other words when recorded time is to end, ” „and before the Messiah arrives and we all receive our just rewards. ” „These Messianic times will be the most fruitful, peaceful days in all of recorded history. ” „"In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war," G-d tells Gog. ” „This is a land that is very battle weary and scarred. ” „This land, furthermore, will be one whose "people were gathered from many nations." ” „This land will be one whose inhabitants have arrived from many different places. ” „Someone once stopped me during one of my lectures and asked me if this might refer ” „to the United States, as its citizens come from a myriad of different countries. ” „I told this individual to hold on, because the Pasuk continues and states that ” „people would gather to "to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate." ” „The Torah thus clearly states that the place in question will be "the mountains ” „of Israel, which have been desolate for a very long while. ” „This means that when everyone gathers there they will no longer be barren. ” „The land of Israel will thus lie barren and empty for a very long time, until ” „the Jewish people return and gather in the land of Israel. ” „They will build up the land and then Gog, this leader, will gather his legions ” „and demand something of the Jewish people and the land of Israel. ” „Ezekiel does not specify what Gog will demand of the Jewish people, however ” „Zechariah, who also speaks of this battle of Gog and Magog, specifies ” „precisely what will ultimately lead up to this last, epic battle. ” „Zechariah maintains that Gog and his armies will demand the city of Jerusalem. ” „They will tell the Jewish people that Jerusalem doesn't belong to them, and demand the ” „rights to this holy city. ” „Who could have possibly envisioned this scenario hundreds of years ago, ” „or could have possibly foreseen that Jerusalem would be the cause of a major World War. ” „If you recall the peace accords with Arafat, Ehud Barak was very close to signing a peace treaty ” „with him, and this peace treaty fell through on one issue alone–Jerusalem. ” „Everything was signed and agreed upon, aside for the matter of Jerusalem. ” „Disagreements over the future of this city led to the failure of this peace accord. ” „There are a multitude of prophecies that indicate that Jerusalem would be the ” „bait that would draw all of the other nations into battle and all out war. ” „Is there a specific year whereby this battle of Gog and Magog is to occur? ” „The answer is that when it comes to the issue of the Messiah and ” „salvation, the Gemara tells us that our redemption will come "in due time". ” „What does "in due time" imply? This indicates that our redemption will come at ” „the precise time designated for it. But the Gemara also tells us subsequently that ” „G-d will "hasten" our salvation and allow the Messiah to arrive quicker than intended. ” „Which rings true, then? Will our salvation transpire at its designated time, that ” „is at the time period prescribed by G-d? ” „G-d had given us a limited time in which to work and toil, 6,000 years ” „which he gave to our earthly world in which we may labor. ” „In the book of letters written by Rabbi Akiva, he notes this time as 6,000 ” „years, plus just a few more years subsequently. ” „Give or take a few years then, our world was given just over 6,000 years in which to exist. ” „This is what is referred to when the redemption is said to come "in due time". ” „If this time arrives and the Jewish people have yet to awaken and mend their ways, ” „the alarm bells will nevertheless ring, and the Messiah will arrive. ” „However, there is also a chance that G-d might hasten our salvation, and ” „allow it to arrive sooner than originally intended. ” „The Jewish people, thus, also have the option of hastening their own redemption. ” „However, there are very specific junctures or pit stops along the path of history at ” „which we can hasten our salvation. These years at which the Messiah could ” „possibly arrive, are known as opportune moments for redemption. ” „These are favorable times for the arrival of the Messiah. ” „This is akin to riding on a highway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. ” „There are certain exits, certain junctures along the way at which cars can get ” „off the highway. There is the Kibbutz Galuyot exit, Derech Hshalom, etc. ” „If you miss your specific exit, then you must patiently wait for the next possible one. ” „The exile, likewise, has a specific end point, like the road which must end. ” „However, there are also a wealth of exits along this road or path to redemption. ” „If the Jewish people take note of these "exits", then they can depart exile that ” „much sooner at one of the designated "opportune moments" for salvation. ” „If not so, they must patiently wait until G-d's own designated time. ” „There are years, therefore, which are primed for redemption. ” „The whole notion of Gog and the Messiah must also be carefully examined. ” „Who will this Gog be, this king that will wage a World War? ” „This World War will be one of Christianity versus Islam, as we shall soon see. ” „Who will be the Messiah, furthermore? ” „Will the Messiah be one individual through out the course of history? ” „The Torah tells us that this is not the case. ” „According to the Torah there is the "soul" of Gog and the ” „spirit of the Messiah. ” „Every now and again, during times that are "primed" for ” „redemption, G-d instills this soul of Gog into a certain person. ” „It is as if G-d "impregnates" a certain person with this soul of Gog. ” „This individual, thus, becomes the designated Gog for that certain time period. ” „If the generation in question is worthy of redemption, than that ” „person indeed becomes Gog, and another individual, a descendant of David, receives ” „the soul of the Messiah. These two individuals then do battle, and then ” „ultimately the Messiah reveals himself and the Temple is rebuilt. This is ” „also the time of the resurrection of the dead, whereby the ” „world enters the phase of the world to come and its just rewards. ” „However, if the generation in question is unworthy, this person ” „with the soul of Gog dies off. We are talking about "impregnating" ” „someone with the soul of Gog, after all. This person thus ” „possesses the soul of Gog until he passes away. After such time, ” „this soul of Gog departs this person and moves into another individual. ” „The same holds true for the spirit or the soul of the Messiah. ” „That is why the Gemara tells us that G-d sought to make ” „Sancheriv Gog, and King Chizkiyahu the Messiah. ” „What does "sought" mean in this respect? We are speaking of ” „an actual living being after all! This means that any living person ” „can be "impregnated" or "imbued" with the soul of the Messiah, ” „and conversely another person may be imbued with the soul of Gog, so that this ” „"End of Days" scenario can then unfold. ” „Ascertaining just who is Gog and who is the Messiah is a completely ” „different and entirely irrelevant point at this juncture. ” „However, when we see such signs and omens…The Malbin ” „tells us, for instance, as indicated by the book of Zechariah, that before the ” „battle of Gog and Magog, the kingdom of Babylon would fall ” „at the hands of a Christian nation. ” „Just who is this kingdom of Babylon? That would be Iraq. ” „Why would Iraq, or Babylon of all nations, be conquered ” „by a Christian nation? The Malbin tells us the following: ” „What is the purpose, the entire reason for the battle of Gog and ” „Magog? Why need this battle even take place? ” „Can't the Messiah arrive without this battle transpiring? ” „Why is this epic World War necessary? ” „There are two main reasons underlying the battle of Gog and Magog. ” „First and foremost, this is G-d's means of punishing all of the enemies of the ” „Jewish people for all of the woes that they have caused us throughout history. ” „This battle heralds the Messianic era, whereby everyone receives their "pay" ” „or just rewards for all that they had done on this earth up until then. ” „So what of those that have troubled the Jewish people all through the years? ” „They must pay for all that they had done to the Jewish people. ” „G-d thus reincarnates all the people and nations that have vexed the Jews, ” „Nebuchadnezzar for instance, among many others, and repays them. ” „Instead of striking down and punishing the Christians separately and the Muslims ” „separately, G-d thus arranges this epic battle between them. ” „We now understand why the Chinese and other Oriental nations are not ” „part of this epic battle, as they had never harmed the Jewish people. ” „The nations that had harassed the Jewish people, however, will ” „all be gathered together by Hashem, and they will all go to ” „battle against Israel for the city of Jerusalem, and thus be collectively punished. ” „These nations will then strike down one another as indicated by the Pasuk ” „"Every man will pick up a sword and fight against his brother." ” „This will be a final, epic, World War. The Torah tells us that this ” „will be the harshest, bloodiest war in the whole of human history. ” „In other words, this will be a full scale religious battle between Christianity ” „and Islam for the right to Jerusalem. ” „It is interesting to note that in Midrash Tehilim, a Midrash that ” „was written nearly 2,000 hundred years ago, in Chapter 109 of this ” „Midrash it is written that the Battle of Gog and Magog will transpire ” „thrice, and strike the Jewish people and the land of Israel three times over. ” „Some people take these three instances to be World War one, ” „the Second World War, and a Third and final World War that has yet to ” „have transpired. These are typically taken to be the three wars that the Midrash notes. ” „The Malbin likewise notes, as pertains to Ezekiel Chapter 32:17, ” „he summarizes this entire notion of the Battle of Gog and Magog. ” „If you read the Malbin's words, it is really and truly incredible to think ” „that these words were written over 150 years ago. ” „The Malbin, Rabbi Meyer Leibush, son of Yechiel and Michal, ” „lived in Europe roughly 150 years ago. ” „He was a sheer genius at interpreting biblical texts, and he ” „tells us by examining Ezekiel 32:17, what will occur at the end of days. ” „The Malbin tells us that at the end of days, when the Jewish ” „people have already returned to the land of Israel…. ” „How could the Malbin possibly know that the Jewish people would return ” „to the land of Israel? ” „After all, at the time when he lived the land of Israel was wholly desolate. ” „The Malbin knew this because the Pasuk explicitly states that many would gather ” „in the land of Israel from many nations far and wide. ” „We have already gone over this, that the battle of Gog and ” „Magog would only occur once the Jewish people return to Israel. ” „The Messiah is yet to have arrived at this point in time. ” „The Malbin goes on to say that many nations would at that point gather ” „in order to wage battle over the city of Jerusalem. ” „Many other nations would rise up against the state of Israel, and ” „claim that Jerusalem is theirs by right, and does not belong to the Jewish people. ” „Again, the Malbin was aware of this as it is indicated in the Psukim ” „that we have examined earlier. ” „Gog, the President of Mesech and Tuval would then rise up from ” „the lands of the north and west, best known as the nation of Edom. ” „The Malbin thus mentions the lands of the north and west. ” „What is the north in biblical terms? This refers to the country ” „of Iraq and the biblical nation of Babylon. ” „"Evil will arise from the North," the Prophet Jeremiah tells us. ” „It was indeed the kingdom of Babylon that destroyed the First Temple. ” „The biblical kingdom of Babylon lies to the north of the biblical ” „kingdom of Israel, and thus north in the bible always refers to Babylon or Iraq. ” „The Malbin thus tells us that Gog, the president of ” „Mesech and Tuval will rise up…We must keep in mind that the ” „names of the various countries have changed with time. ” „Persia, for instance, is also said to be part of the battle of Gog and Magog. ” „However, if we looks at maps and atlases today, we would not be ” „able to find a country named Persia. Just who is this biblical Persia? ” „Today we know Persia by the name Iran. The name has changed. ” „Such is our world, in that countries change their name as time passes. ” „We must carefully note, then, just who these ancient countries are. ” „At any rate Gog is said to be the president of Mesech and Tuval, which ” „are described as countries of the north and west. ” „These countries of the west are referred to today as the "Western Block". ” „In other words, Gog would rule both Iraq as well as the countries of the west. ” „These two countries are collectively to as Edom. ” „Mesech and tuval are the descendants of Yefet who dwell in Europe. ” „Yefet, Noah's son, gave birth to Mesech as well as to Tuval. ” „The Malbin goes on to say that in Ezekiel 38 it is said that, aside ” „from the countries just mentioned, that is Europe, the "North" ” „and the "West", Persia and Cush will also be involved. ” „Who even thought of Persia or Iran until fairly recently? ” „Persia or Iran is said to be a central component of this massive coalition. ” „Persia. Kush and Fut are also said to be part of this array of nations. ” „Beit Togarma is yet another part of this coalition, and all of these ” „nations(Persia, Kush, Fut and Beit Torgama) are said to be Ishmaelites, ” „that is Muslims that are also circumcised. ” „Edom are thus the Christian nations, and along with the ” „Ishmaelite, or Muslims, they will gather to conquer Israel from the Jewish people. ” „In other words, an entire coalition of nations will claim that ” „Jerusalem is theirs by right, and will demand that Israel surrender the city. ” „However, as the nations arrive in the holy land they will fall into chaos and begin ” „to fight and battle one another. ” „Edom and Ishmael, the Christians and Muslims, will thus begin to fight one ” „another, because their faiths are so different and disparate. ” „A religious war will thus break out between Christian and Muslims. ” „President Bush, not long ago, announced in the media that a religious war is waging ” „between Christianity and Islam, between Islam and the west. ” „Up until this point he had always maintained that the war that the ” „US and the west were waging was a battle against terrorism alone. ” „However, he now came to define this war as a war against Islam. ” „Bin Laden had always defined his heinous action as a religious struggle, as ” „a crusade of sorts against the Christian nations. ” „Bin Laden had always maintained that a religious war was waging ” „between Islam and the western nations. ” „If someone would have made this claim a few decades ago, he ” „would have been mocked and ridiculed. ” „If someone would have read the Malbin's words back then, they ” „would have struck him as singularly odd. ” „How can this be? How can the Christians and the Muslims battle ” „one another, one would wonder. After all they are good friends. ” „After the twin towers crumbled, however, and after the terror attacks in ” „Madrid, things had changed. At the time no one understood why ” „the Muslims had even attacked Spain. What did they have against them? ” „Bin Laden approached the media and claimed that the Muslim nations ” „have a long score to settle with the Spanish Inquisition, 500 years prior. ” „It is all about religion. Bin Laden, especially, plays the religious angle. ” „Also fairly recently, many European embassies in Muslim countries were ” „burnt right down to the ground. ” „A few months back there were Muslim riots in France. ” „The French had embraced Muslim immigrants not too long ago, if you recall. ” „They did not even have an inkling that these Muslims would turn on them. ” „There is no doubt that the world is quickly heading towards a world wide religious ” „war between Christianity and Islam. ” „If we examine the world map, we quickly see that, as the Malbin ” „states, the world is approaching a religious war between Christians and Muslims. ” „Why then, we may ask, is it necessary for both Christians as well ” „as Muslims to turn against Israel and the Jewish people? ” „After all, G-d wants to harm these other nations, not the Jewish ” „people, so what does this war accomplish? ” „It is better to simply allow the Christian and Muslim nations to turn against ” „one another. Why involve Israel and Jerusalem as well? ” „Why is it necessary for these nations to turn against Israel and tell the ” „Jewish people that Jerusalem does not belong to them. ” „The Malbin also notes that in the book of Zechariah, ” „in the sixth chapter, in the vision of the four chariots, the ” „prophet maintains that: "He called to me, saying "Look, those going toward the north country ” „have given my Spirit rest in the land of the north." ” „The Malbin states that the black chariot that the prophet mentions ” „is the Roman Empire who would head north ward in order to take ” „control of these northern lands or Iraq, and give G-d great satisfaction. ” „In other words, Edom, the Christian nations, would take control of Babylon or ” „Iraq, the so called "northern" country. ” „The Radak states that that the black chariot would head toward Babylon ” „and destroy it, which pleases him greatly. ” „The Christian countries would thus head to Iraq and destroy it, and the ” „Radak then mentions, in the name of G-d, that this greatly pleases the Lord . ” „This turn of events, notes the Radak, appeased G-d's anger, seeing as the ” „Babylonian kingdom destroyed the first temple, thus vexing G-d. ” „Seeing as they destroyed G-d's temple, the first country to fall into Christian hands ” „before the battle of Gog and Magog would be Babylon or Iraq. ” „The Malbin then notes that this Christian country that seeks dominion over the ” „north, over Iraq, would become a northern kingdom itself. ” „It will control Iraq or Babylon, and thus become a northern kingdom itself. ” „It is from that northern juncture that a wicked ploy to destroy Jerusalem will commence. ” „This final sentence is really and truly astonishing. ” „The Malbin is trying to tell us here that it is the same country that ” „conquers Iraq or Babylon that will head the coalition against Israel, claiming that ” „Jerusalem does not belong to the Jewish people. ” „This means that the more we see the US turning against us, ” „turning against Israel, the more we know that we are heading towards ” „the fulfillment of this particular prophecy. ” „Today, at the date at which I am giving this lecture, the US is ” „a staunch friend and ally of Israel. ” „The US supports, aids, and backs Israel to no end! ” „However, this prophecy maintains that the more the US speaks out against ” „Israel, the more it turns against us, the closer we are to the End Of Days. ” „After all the same country that takes control of Babylon, ” „that is Iraq, this Christian country, is said to become a northern ” „kingdom in itself. It is from this northern kingdom, says the prophecy, ” „that evil against the Jewish people will stem. ” „In other words, it is via its occupation of Babylon that this Christian ” „country will start to speak out against Israel and state that ” „Jerusalem does not belong to the Jewish people. ” „This fits in perfectly with the other scenarios that I had mentioned, like ” „a perfectly forged puzzle, especially if we consider other signs and ” „omens that will precede this Battle of Gog and Magog, and the Messianic age. ” „Let us read from the Talmud in Masechet Sota. Keep in mind that the Talmud ” „was written 1,600 years ago. The Talmud gives us a concise summary ” „of what will transpire during this period prior to the Messianic age, as ” „well as giving us other signs and omens hidden within its verses. ” „For instance the well known Pasuk stating that G-d will ” „assemble or gather the Jewish people in the land of Israel: ” „"Behold, I will bring them from the north country, and gather them from the ends of the earth, among them ” „the blind and lame, the woman with child and the one who labors together; a great throng shall return there." ” „In other words when we arrive in the land of Israel, from far off and ” „distant lands, G-d tells us that we will witness amazing things. ” „When we return to Israel, G-d tells us, among the people returning ” „will be the blind and the lame, pregnant women, as well as women ” „in labor, who will all be traveling together. ” „What do these four categories of people have in common? ” „These are all infirm people that cannot travel long distances. ” „Blind people, people who are handicapped, pregnant women, women that are about ” „to give birth, tells us the Talmud, will also make the long journey to the land of Israel. ” „G-d promises us that he will lead all of these people along a straight ” „and narrow path, and that they will not falter while on this journey. ” „This is a very odd Pasuk indeed. How could there possibly be one straight ” „path from the far corners of the earth the land of Israel? ” „There are always mountains, valleys and rivers along the road. ” „However, today we are all here together in the land of Israel. ” „I can tell just by looking at this audience that we have all come here ” „from many different countries far and wide. ” „People here in this audience came to Israel from Morocco, Yemen, ” „Poland, as well as a myriad of other countries across the world. ” „We are all here, in the land of Israel. Did G-d therefore fulfill this prophecy ” „to bring us to the land of Israel? Indeed this is the case. ” „Planes have landed here in the land of Israel, and when they land it is indeed ” „a straight path. Although we could not previously understand how this could ” „possibly be the case, G-d indeed led us to the land of Israel via a straight ” „path, as a flight is indeed a straight and direct route. ” „No one, indeed, can falter along this straight and simple path. ” „And indeed we have arrived from the very ends of the earth, ” „not just two adjoining cities that are close by! ” „People have arrived in Israel from some very far off places! ” „Planes, however, travel through the air in a straight path! ” „Who departs these planes? Pregnant women, women who ” „are about to give birth, blind people, lame and handicapped people. ” „All of these people can and do board planes and can travel that way. ” „There are women that have given birth while on a plane to Israel. ” „Ethiopian and Yemenite women have gone into labor on route to Israel. ” „At the time, these women most likely did not know that they are, ” „in fact, fulfilling an ancient prophecy. ” „Of this era of our return to Israel it is said: "In the mountains ” „of Judah will be heard sounds of joy and mirth, the cheers of bridegrooms ” „as well as those of brides." ” „In other words the mountains of Judah will be filled with joy, and ” „with brides and bridegrooms celebrating their nuptials. ” „The streets of Jerusalem are said to be filled with children playing and laughing. ” „Elderly men and women are also said to sit in the streets of Jerusalem. ” „If one were to read these words 700 years ago, would be astounded ” „by these claims to say the least. ” „The Ramban was here, in the land of Israel, roughly 700 years ago. ” „This is the Ramban with a "nun": Rabbi Moshe Bar Nachman. ” „He wrote a letter to his family in which he stated: What can I ” „tell you about the city of Jerusalem? Jerusalem was barren ” „and empty at the time. The Ramban sought a minyan for ” „prayer and there was none to be found in the city. ” „All the Ramban could find was one lowly painter and his sons. ” „This was the entire Jewish population of Jerusalem at the time. ” „One painter and his two sons! ” „There wasn't a single bride in the city of Jerusalem, not ” „to mention sounds of joy and happiness! ” „There were no brides in the city during that period of time! ” „Where were the bride and groom? Where were the elderly ” „men and women sitting in the streets? Where were the laughing children? ” „Today we know these famous Psukim, sing the well-known songs, but do ” „not even realize that they are the fulfillment of a prophecy! ” „People who get married in Jerusalem fulfill an ancient prophecy! ” „Also regarding this time period, it is said that Jerusalem will sprawl out ” „across the entire length of the state of Israel! ” „In other words, there will be a vast amount of construction in the ” „city of Jerusalem, so that it extends to meet other cities and even spreads ” „out far beyond them to span the length of the state of Israel! ” „Tel Aviv would thus become a suburb of Jerusalem if you will. ” „Holon would also be yet another suburb of Jerusalem, and the city would stretch on ” „and on to meet Haifa, Beit Shean, Tiberius, and other cities that would become mere ” „suburbs of the city of Jerusalem. ” „At one point this was impossible to even fathom. Jerusalem was tiny and lay ” „surrounded by walls. This was the case up to 100 years ago. ” „Who would have dreamt that within 100 years Jerusalem would ” „house more than 800,000 people? Who would have ” „believed that Jerusalem would grow to such an extent? ” „Prophecy maintains that Jerusalem would rise to unfathomable heights… ” „Sky scrappers. The Gemara asks how buildings that tall could possibly be erected? ” „A pasuk states that these buildings would soar to the heavens like ” „clouds, or like doves that are approaching their roost. ” „This is the pasuk that the Gemara quotes when maintaining that the ” „buildings in the city of Jerusalem would reach the heavens. ” „At the time, similarly no one could have foreseen the advent of aviation. ” „People, it is said, will look at these buildings in awe and marvel at ” „how they soar to the heavens like clouds, or like doves as they approach ” „their chimneys to roost. Perhaps this even refers to elevators shafts! ” „No one know what the Gemara actually means by this Pasuk. ” „Our sages promise us that these buildings will virtually soar to the ” „skies with marked ease and effortlessness. ” „The Gemara sages said these things boldly and fearlessly, even though ” „at the time it must have seemed utterly insane. ” „If this is what prophecy states, they asserted, then this is what will transpire. ” „The Gemara also tells us, in Masechet Sanhedrin, that Rabbi Aba had stated ” „that there is no greater sign of the impending redemption than the one ” ” indicated by the Pasuk: 'But you, O mountains of Israel, you will put forth your branches ” „and bear your fruit for My people Israel; for they will soon come." ” „In other words, Rabbi Aba, one of the Zohar sages, indicates that even ” „though there are a myriad of signs that ApreciazăApreciază
  18. marga said, on ianuarie 31, 2010 at 10:02 am


    eu voi traduce pana la sfarsit. unde trimit fisierul?


  19. john said, on ianuarie 31, 2010 at 6:34 pm


    ti-am trimis traducerea- vezi e-mail-ul. Este pina la min.41:03


  20. john said, on ianuarie 31, 2010 at 6:37 pm

    vezi e-mail-ul cu traducerea filmului. Este pina la minutul 41:03.


    • saccsiv said, on ianuarie 31, 2010 at 7:35 pm


      Multumesc, dar nu-l pot deschide. Eventual fa un copy paste si pune-l direct, nu la atasament.


      • john said, on februarie 1, 2010 at 9:30 am

        OK! Am facut cum ai zis.


  21. john said, on februarie 1, 2010 at 9:23 am


    nu mi-ai confirmat daca ai primit traducereal si, eventual, daca totul e OK.

    @elena Multumesc pentru text.


  22. john said, on februarie 1, 2010 at 10:15 pm

    Elena a mai trimis un film apropo de sacrificiile umane/de copii pe care le fac rabinii.

    M-am uitat la film din avion, adica pe sarite,ca e lung, dar din intimplare mi-au atras atentia anumite lucruri spuse acolo apropo de scopul acestor sacrificii.

    In citeva locuri se spune ca faceau sacrificii umane pentru a le folosi in ritualuri satanice pentru:
    – reintoarcerea in tara sfinta
    – rasturnarea familiei imperiale rusesti (cazul din 1911)
    SI acum atentie! Pe la sfirsitul filmului unde se prezinta mai detaliat conceptia satanica a sacrificiilor facute de rabi se spune foarte clar ca: multe din sacrificii erau facute pentru venirea lui Antihrist si, atentie, pentru impiedicarea re-venirii Minuitorului, pentru ca, se spune, acesti rabbi stiu ca numai jertfa acestuia impiedica venirea Antihristului!!

    Lucrul asta ar trebui sa fie o dovada beton cum ca Sf. Liturghie Ortodoxa care se practica inca in tarile noastre ortodoxe, este de fapt cea care, literal, concret, ii impiedica pe satanisti sa-l aduca pe lume pe Antihrist („sa-l impregneze’, ca sa citez din primul film). Sfinta Jertfa din fiecare duminica (si foarte probabil rugaciunile credinciosilor) sint bariera care ne desparte de haos-ul sfirsitului lumii. Si rabinii stiu asta! Dar oare noi astia, ortodoxii, inclusiv preotii ortodoxi o realizam? Pentru mine lucrurile sint clare: in momentul in care valul ecumenismului va intra in biserica ortodoxa (pentru ca inca n-a intrat, tainele sint INCA, valide) atunci s-a sfirsit!. Sigur, vor fi destui preoti care nu vor urma curentul asta dar…. citi oare? Probabil prea putini ca sa mai impiedice venirea lu’ salvatoru’.
    Asa ca ma gindesc ca poate reusesti sa scoti ceva si din filmul asta (cu sacrificiile) si combinat cu primul, ai putea sa scoti un articol tare de tot.


  23. […] VIDEO: What is that? […]


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